Map of the Known Runiverse, V1

Map V2 — May 2024

- Aldo's Isle
- Allesar's Keep
- Asmodeus's Surf
- Asphodel Meadows
- Atlanta's Pool
- Avalon
- Bamboo Forests
- Baobabs
- BattleMage Mountains
- Black Sand
- Blue Wizard Bastion
- Brown Wizard Delta
- Bubonic Beaches
- Buffkin Plains
- Bugbear Boonies
- Calista's Citadel
- Chroma Crystal Row
- Chronomancer's Riviera
- Cuckoo Land and the Psychic Leap
- Cumberland
- Donut Atoll
- Dread Tower
- Dream Master Lake
- Drok's Crossing
- Drok's Hollow
- Duck Alliance Headquarters
- Elysian Fields
- Elysian Gates
- Forest of the Imps
- Fort Turtle
- Frog Master Marsh
- Fur Gnome Wold
- Ghoulish Boglands
- Goat Grasslands
- Goblin Town
- Great Owl Obelisk
- Green Wizard City
- Halcyon Sanctum
- Hall of Cats
- Hedge Wizard Wood
- Honor Mountain
- House of Spirits // Spirit Villa
- Hue Master's Pass
- Kelpie's Bay
- Kobold's Crossroad
- Lake of Lanterns
- Lenora's Lighthouse
- Manticore Valley
- Mount Titan
- Muscle Mountain
- Obsidian City
- Omega Oxbow
- Potion's Passage
- Purple Wizard Pavilion
- Rabbit Lake
- Raptor Caye
- Red Wizard Capital
- Reilly River
- Skylord Rookery
- The Alchemist's Archipelago
- The Bloodfalls
- The Carnival Pass
- The Cave of the Platonic Shadow
- The Court of Chaos Magic
- The Dark Sentinel
- The Emerald Forest
- The Gate to the Seventh Realm
- The Infinity Veil
- The Nightmare Dominion
- The Quantum Shadow
- The Sacred Pillars
- The Salt
- The Sand
- The Savannah
- The Secret Tower
- The Spike
- The Thorn
- The Toadstools
- The Unicorn Gardens
- The Weird House
- The Wild
- Torment Manor
- Valley of the Void Desciple
- Vampyre Mist
- Vampyre Mist
- White Wizard Tower
- Wolf Dungeon
- Yellow Wizard Haven
- Zaros Oasis