The Gate to the Seventh Realm
For information about the Smart Contract, see The Gate to the Seventh Realm.
To view a map of the Runic Supercontinent, see The Map.

On the eastern edge of the Valley of the Gnostics stands the Gate to the Seventh Realm. Wrought by the ancients, the Gate is curiously unweathered, and serves as a portal to a world of mystery. Impenetrable and barred with golden Locks, the door can only be opened with the cooperation of 42 Wizards with Keys and Magic.
The presence of the Beasts within the world is catastrophic to devastating. While the Beasts' Masters exert a modicum of control over them from the material world, the seven Beasts wreak havoc in the Runiverse.
The Gate to the Seventh Realm is a towering isolated structure designed as an arched gateway with gilded detailing in the shape of half-circles on either side of the central stile. There are twenty one golden Locks on the faces bordering the gateway. The symbol of the Illuminatus sits atop the structure in a trio: a larger purple pyramid flanked on either side by two smaller ones.
Participating Wizards
The following list of Wizards participated in the unlocking of the Gate:
On the Map

The Gate to the Seventh Realm is located in the central region of the Runiverse. It is bordered on the west by the Sacred Pillars, the southeast by Blue Wizard Bastion, and the south by Dream Master Lake.
A group of zealots called The Sevenths occupy and revere the Gate.
Settlements & Landmarks
Flora & Fauna
Forgotten Runiverse Game
The Gate to the Seventh Realm is located at (x,y) in the Forgotten Runiverse Game.