Wizard Wednesday Recap, 2023-02-22
The show kicks off, and Elf teases a "Resurrection" that occurred during the week, but Dotta prefers to speak on the topic later in the meeting.
Elf then segues into discussion around new updates on the Forgotten Runes website.
Changes to the Forgotten Runes Website

Along with the current refresh of the page's general look, the team plans for additional changes. Elf says it is an ongoing effort. On the horizon for the website is a better Character Page as well as a "major facelift" of the Book of Lore to interact with Questing.
Meetup in L.A.
Bearsnake joins in, and Elf asks about a get-together he is planning in Los Angeles next month.
"The vibes will be high... We will definitely have a place to all hang out and enjoy each others' !magic"
Tentative date March 20-24. More details to come.
Cult Questions

Weaponless, Shieldless Warriors
The team then dives into Cult Questions, the first concerning Warriors with no weapon and no shield. Elf riffs on this momentarily and concludes that:
"They are badasses who don't need a weapon or shield. They use their bare hands."
Dotta also confirms these Warriors cannot be used at the Forge. Nothing will happen. "No golden hands."
3D Models

The team then talks about the 3D models after a question comes up about the release date for the rest of the collection. Elf says middle to late March sounds doable, though early March may be possible. He also thanks all of the alpha testers again for the content they have made with the original batch of rigs. V2 of the rigs are in production now.
"It's literally going to add a whole new dimension to the project."
Elf speaks to his interest in the topic of interoperability of the space and brings up the Nifty Island metaverse. Dotta mentions that Magic Machine wants to have its own "3D playground" eventually for games and experiences
Dotta continues:
"I want us to focus on the characters and the world and the story, and we'll let other people build metaverses around it."
Elf notes that 3D Souls will follow the finished collection of 3D Wizards and shouldn't take as long, as the collection is smaller.
Importance of Forgotten Souls
Elf then discusses the importance of Souls within Forgotten Runes, as he has heard that some community members feel Magic Machine doesn't give Souls enough attention.
Among other things, he notes that Souls have a prominent role in the upcoming TV show script.
Dotta adds:
"To me they're the same...The Souls are the Souls of Wizards. The Warriors are something else."
Battle for Goblin Town Scree List
A question about the Battle for Goblin Town Scree List comes up. The team keeps it brief. Dotta says enough people are trying to get on the Scree List and not to worry if you're a Forgotten Runes holder.
Comic Book Issue #1

A question is asked about the release of the first issue of the Forgotten Runes comic. Dotta fills in for Bear and talks about the current search for a publisher and all of the trappings the come along with it. He says the team is working on frontloading content so that they will be able to release issues with a regular monthly cadence, when they come to a finalized publishing agreement. Until then, it may be Fall '23 before the next comic issue.
Bear returns and continues concerning the comic and the potential publisher, noting their history with many major IPs as well as a history publishing for popular video game IP.
"I think we're set up for a lot of success."
Runiverse Land Sale Market
The next question is about the Runiverse game land sale and how the market might look around it. Dotta speaks to the uniqueness of the plots in that they are not squares on a grid, but rather hand-painted to reflect the canonical map of the Runiverse. While he mentions that there will be different resources available from different plots, it seems that the actual location of the plot and even its neighboring locations will possibly play into desirability for certain pieces of land.
Bear talks about the balance that must be struck between onboarding web2 gamers while still providing value to players who are crypto-native. He says this has yet to have been done successfully. This is all an experiment within an experiment.
Elf says his dream scenario is that every web2 gamer that plays the Forgotten Runiverse game converts to web3 once they understand that their efforts can be realized and traded on the open market.
Why RYF?
Next, Retired Yield Farmer asks, "Who is your favorite Cult member and why is it RYF?" Elf recounts some of RYF's successes and also gives a shout out to RYF's game currently in development with Loxley's Oracle.
Hall of Cats
Dotta is asked about his brief stay in the Hall of Cats. He confirms he arrived only by accident and that he has no problem with Qeshmar.
Nifty League
Bolodave.eth from Nifty League joins in as a special guest to talk about a collaboration with Forgotten Runes for their game, Nifty Smashers. When Bolodave.eth steps down, Elf once again asks about the Resurrection that took place this week.
The Resurrection of Summoner Oberon of the Tundra

Technical Aspect
Dotta reveals an exploit found in the Wizard's minting contract that enabled a burned Wizard to be summoned again due to interaction with decrementing Wizard IDs after burning. The exploiter apparently used this tactic on multiple other projects before attempting with Forgotten Runes. They were only able to resurrect a single Wizard before Dotta was alerted. This will not be able to occur again. Minting from the contract has been fully stopped.
Lore Aspect
After explaining the technical details, Dotta asks about the lore implications. The Soul and the Wizard now exist simultaneously.
Elf is tempted to blame this on the Quantum Shadow "because that is indeed what caused this" and compares it to an MLB card manufacturer error.
Lore Shoutouts and "Stay Magic"

The team wraps up the meeting with Lore Shoutouts (aka Cult Content) and invites Tania Del Rio up to review some cult content from this week's Cult Content Chronicle. Dotta reminds the Cult to "Stay Magic".