Wizard Wednesday Recap, 2024-08-21

Introductions & Donuts

The team channels in from the Quantum Downs and Elf immediately launches into conversation about the new Donut reward system. Elf asks Dotta if he has squashed all of the bugs yet, to which Dotta says, "Not hardly."
Dotta says there are "still a bunch left," noting one thing that has been bugging him, stating that the referral link thumbnail was supposed to look "a lot cooler." He also says there were some issues with the referral program in the first couple of hours, however, these Donuts have now been distributed. Dotta says that he's otherwise happy with the response that the team has had with the new Donut campaign.
"I actually expected more people to complain about the amount of Donuts they got, but so far, so good."

What Is This Donut Thing All About?
Then, before diving further in, Elf asks Dotta "what this Donut thing is all about?"
Dotta says:
"Complete Quests, Earn Donuts! It's a little way for us to reward people for holding tokens and playing the game."
He says this isn't the end of Donuts, and that it's actually the beginning, noting plans for integration of "some things here into everything that we really do." Dotta says he would like to dive into how Donuts can be earned, but suggests giving more people time to show up.
Credits to the Team
Bearsnake says that he feels that the experience is more than people are used to receiving, noting the heavy programming lift from Dotta, Niski, and Wazir. Dotta notes all of the art and marketing that have also gone into the campaign, saying:
"It's really been a whole-team effort."
Bearsnake and Elf mention that the Donut rewards will be an "ongoing, daily thing" that anyone can participate in. Bear says he feels like this is a big first step for the project. Tadmajor says that the experience was awesome and fun. Elf says he thinks that the Bugbear room is really fun, though it won't be used until the Forgotten Runiverse game returns.
Bearsnake says this room connects thematically with the trailer, which he asks Elf to speak about. Elf says they have been working with a team called "Atrium" to create these promotional videos, mentioning they created the Gate video a while back. He also says the Atrium team is working on another new video for "another surprise yet to be revealed in a few month."
Cult Questions
Keeping Notes
Elf then jumps into some Cult Questions, the first about his note-keeping or organizational systems for creating Characters, writing, lore, etc. He responds that he has a "big, chaotic collection of Google Docs" that he keeps all of his creative notes in. He says he used to keep them in pen and paper, but those get "lost, disorganized, and destroyed."
Multiple Twitter Accounts & Donuts
Dotta then fields a question about connecting multiple Twitter accounts to Forgotten Runes logins, saying that only one Twitter account will be allowed.
"Just make a new account."
Ranking Lore

Dotta also answers another question about the Lore Ranker tool, and whether or not high-ranking lore is shown more frequently. He says there are tests that show up with some frequency when first starting to rank, and that it's not unlikely that a person will not come across their own Lore due to 4000-5000 entries in the Book. He says he thinks there is still a lot that can be done with the Lore Ranker tool, and better ways to present ranks of Lore that's already out there.
Elf says Magic Machine often talks about incentivizes for Quality Lore, because what often happens (as in the case of the Donut drop) is that the Book of Lore gets spammed in order to capitalize on airdrops.
Lore Quality
Then, Elf is asked to touch on Lore quality in regard to the Donut drop, and Dotta suggests that they just speak to how the drop was structured in general. Dotta says that the, "Lore drop that you have right now" is only "part of the Lore drop."
He says there should be a balance of quality and quantity, noting that quality should be "higher," but is harder to measure.
"No qualitative airdrop has been given out yet."
How to Get Donuts

Dotta then lists the "big ways" participants can receive Donuts:
- Holding the assets
- Historic Participation (a "Love Letter to the Cult")
- Completing Quests by playing the game
He says other easy ways to get Donuts are:
- With referrals
- Daily Donut (random in quantity and quality)
Donut Rarity
At the mention of Donut quality/rarity, Dotta notes that this is one of the big reasons there is no Donut leaderboard: some Donuts have different rarity, so total number "isn't telling you everything you want to know about Donuts." Elf says these rarity metrics will "have meaning later."
Donut Allocation Boosts
Dotta also mentions in terms of weight, that Wizards and Souls receive a Donut boost over other assets within the Forgotten Runes ecosystem. He says that Sacred Flame holders don't get a boost, as he does not want to encourage holding of Flames, but that boost is rolled into the Souls allocation, stating that "Souls are more valuable—in terms of Donuts—than Wizards."

Community Collections
He also mentions that an airdrop was given based on holding community collections such as:
- Nouns
- Babies
- Heroes of Cumberland
- Wizard Punks
- The Barren Court
- Mecha Pony Mounts
- Runes TCG
He says that Forgotten Runes is trying to create a Fantasy IP that anyone can build on, so he thinks that rewarding holders of community tokens is important.
Token Recognization

Elf asks how these tokens are recognized by the Donut system, to which Dotta says you have to connect your Wallets, noting that multiple wallets can be connected on ETH, Ronin, and Bitcoin. He says this also uses Delegate Cash.
Max Affinity Donut Boosts
Dotta returns to the Donut allocation saying that there have also been Donut boosts for holders of max Affinity tokens. He also says that a symbolic gesture has been extended to those who previously held Wizards, but no longer do. Dotta says Donuts will also be distributed once weekly for holding tokens, how rare those tokens are, and how "tight" the affinity is.
He mentions that unlisted tokens also receive a boost that effectively doubles the allocation. Elf gives the example that holding a max Affinity token will allot the tokenholder one "Hue Master Donut", and then thereafter, every week that token is held, the holder will receive an "Omega Donut."
"There are a lot of Donuts like that, where you get one for holding, and one ongoing every week."
Dotta does note that there is no ongoing drop for holding community collections—these are strictly for the main collections.
More Ways to Participants Could Have Earned
Dotta says another initial category for the airdrop was "Things You've Done Already"
- Written in the Book of Lore
- Burned a Flame
- Hold the Dotta Burn POAP
- Voted on Snapshot
- OG Minters

Earn While Playing
Elf says that there will also be Donuts that can be earned during Forgotten Runiverse gameplay starting on Monday August 26, 2024. Dotta mentions that an allocation of Donuts has already been sent to Watcher's Ring holders as well as playtesters of Eve of Memory and the New Foundations Closed Beta Test. He says that as players continue playing the game, they will complete Quests to collect Cards, which can then be traded to the Bugbear Chieftain for Donuts.
Tabulating New Donuts
Elf then asks Dotta how the site tabulates new purchases and new distributions of Donuts. Dotta says that historic Donuts will be credited to the account as soon as a Web3 wallet is connected, but new Donuts (from purchases, etc.) will not be included until the weekly Donut allocation every Wednesday around 10 am PST.
Those Who Did Not Receive Event Donuts
The team receives another question about players who did not receive Donuts for playing in the Eve of Memory or Closed Beta Test. Dotta says he doesn't think there are any bugs currently related to that and to make sure that you've connected the same wallet and email that you used to play the Runiverse game in order to receive the Donuts.
Chamber of Glory Recognition

One other question comes from Bill Gains who asks about "Chamber of Glory" recognition, which was a trophy token given to top players in the Nightmare Run 2023 Halloween event. Elf says these trophy tokens are just that: trophies and earn you bragging rights for doing well in the game.
Dotta says:
"There are lots of things still planned."
Why Stack Donuts?
Elf then asks:
"Dotta, why do people want to collect Donuts anyway?"
Dotta says:
"It's fun."
Elf also mentions that he loves the Donut Waterfall Easter Egg that Dotta included in the website, saying that sometimes Dotta adds secret flourishes that he puts on things and he doesn't tell the team about until it's live.
Forgotten Runiverse Open Beta Test

Bearsnake then moves to speak about the upcoming Open Beta Test for the Forgotten Runiverse game, which begins at 10 AM PST on Monday August 26, 2024. He recaps that along with the content of the Closed Beta Test, the Open Beta will also include Dungeons, Interior Decoration of Land Plots, a deeper item system, and Donuts. He estimates "35% more content."
Bear says he thinks this might be the biggest push and moment for the game in 3 years, and he's feeling good about it.
Land Availability
Elf asks Madotsuki if he will be able to buy Land Plots during the Open Beta test. Mado says that land is available to buy at any time and mentions that there will be plots of land available in the test for people to experiment with. He also mentions that inventory will change and have a cap moving forward, and that land in the game can act as an extra space for storage. He notes that landowners with "Treasuries" on their plots will be able to rent storage space to other players.
Madotsuki also notes that the full build of the game will be truly open world, rather than connected points that players warp to.
"There's a lot being built and a lot that we haven't shared yet."
Donut Rarity

Dotta then answers another Donut question about the rarity of the Sprinkle type "Daily Donuts"
- Chocolate = Common
- Pink Sprinkles = Uncommon
- Blueberry Sprinkles = Rare
- Vanilla = Legendary
- Lemon = Mythic
Elf says that his favorite Donut isn't even a Donut at all—it's a Slice of Breadfriend which you can only get by referring a friend.
Breadfriend Plushie DAO Proposal
Feckless then joins briefly to remind the Cult to vote for the open proposal to the DAO for the creation of Breadfriend plushies. He also notes there is a Breadfriend minigame available to play on feckless.toys
Cult Content Chronicle
As the show winds down, the team reviews the Cult Content Chronicle—art from the past week within the Forgotten Runes community—compiled by Tania del Rio.