Wizard Wednesday Recap, 2022-09-21

An Interview with Dan Sickles (Documentary Film-maker)
This week we had a special guest: Dan Sickles. Dan is a filmmaker who is creating “NEW HERE”, a documentary about NFTs that includes an interview with Elf. Dan talked about his journey into making a film about this topic.
In the past, he has often created films about concepts that are scary and/or foreign to mainstream audiences. Over the past 6 months, he conducted over 90 interviews to collect an oral history of how this space was built, and where it’s headed. He discussed the concepts he wants to get across with Elf, Dotta, and Bearsnake. Recommended listening if you want a preview of the topics and themes the film will cover.

The film is currently independent during its creation to avoid influence by outside parties, and there will be an allowlist signup available for its own NFT collection in the #alpha channel of the Discord. The NFT collection features traits taken from the collections of the artists who participated, including Elf.
3D Models Update
FrogEater, who was hired to work on the models, was a guest this week. Frogeater was found during the Cal Arts portfolio day. He said he has been interested in digital art, Web3, and their possibilities. When Elf gave a talk at Cal Arts, he followed up.
Elf: If you would like a rig of your 3D Wizard, DM me (need knowledge of 3D software tools like Blender or Maya); this is for early adopters, but eventually you won’t need these skills to use your Wizard’s 3D models. Magic Machine is extremely excited for 3D Cult Content.

Forgotten Runes Derivatives News
Bill Gains had a couple pieces of news. Cultcontent.wtf will be a repository for a lot of the Forgotten Runes derivative projects that have been released. It was created by Bill Gains and partners. It also has tools for creators/artists to set up their own mints. There are future plans to further develop the Atheneum (place to write lore for Babies/Cucumdogs). Also, the Forgotten Punk derivative collection will launch on this platform.
“Forgotten Babies' adventure to the farm” will also launch very soon. Finally, anyone who wants to collaborate on a community-made Halloween costume asset pack, reach out to Bill.
Other Magic Machine News:
- The Rings of Power / House of the Dragon discussion was pushed to the following week to make time for the interview with Dan. But it is still planned.
- Dotta and Elf appeared on the Bad Crypto Podcast this past week.
- Dotta also appeared on Hard Fork Gaming's podcast. Hard Fork Gaming had done an “introduction to Forgotten Runes” video previously.
- News around specific Fall token events will be communicated in further publicity spots. The FRWC team expects to be on “We Do A Little Pod” with DeeZe sometime in the future, where some hints may be dropped.
- Comic book update: Issue #1 is still being drawn, and Issue #2 has been scripted. Bearsnake is rumored to have a prominent comic book publisher lined up for further distribution, but deal is not finalized, so the name cannot be revealed yet.
Q&A Time
- Details of Halloween event? Elf: Cannot give details yet; it will be unique and original. Dotta: The event will be on our website, on Halloween Day. Everyone will have a fair chance to participate, as long as you hold a token, but Souls will have a privileged position.
- Will there be a "Big Bad" revealed in the next comic? Elf: Issue #1 has a villain, not sure if they are a “Big Bad.”
- Wen Forgotten Runes NES cartridge? Bearsnake: In time, who knows what could be possible? Elf: I want to do it, but it’s not a top priority.
Cult Content Shoutouts
- Elf cookies were baked by EverydayRunes.
- Tania del Rio shares a process video for drawing her honorary warrior.
- Tad worked with Tania, coloring some of her previously created comic book pages!
- Ozzz came out with another painting - it gave Elf "Manet vibes."
- Cosmic Birds of Ornithia made a lettuce swamp witch that was then eaten by a rabbit.
- Wise Sam with some creative drawings.
- Cosmic Mage Adrienne, with another Joan Danger commission.
- TheOneWhoRings (Magus Wazir): Started McWazir’s (twitter thread) this week. Also established the concept of Runeball, a Forgotten Rune sport.
- Emma made a Legend of Zelda derivative (“it’s dangerous to go alone”)
- Magus Ixar of the Hills commissioned Daniela Ilustra for a great illustration.