Cumberland is a small village nestled in the Brown Wizard Delta, celebrated for its picturesque landscapes and prosperous agricultural legacy. This tranquil farming hamlet was once a beacon of community spirit and high-quality produce. However, a corporate invasion by a branch of Hexxon Global drastically altered the town's character and lifestyle.
Founding and Early Years
Cumberland was founded by Arthur C. Cumber in 3###AD as a self-sufficient commune/homestead for himself and a few close friends but quickly blossomed into a much more complete town, with roads and farmland stretching out from the original settlement for dozens of miles in each direction. The impeccably fertile soil and temperate climate provided the perfect conditions for diverse crops and livestock, the abundance of which fueled a thriving local economy with the town's superior meat products and fresh vegetables in high demand across neighboring regions.
Corporate Invasion
In 3###AD, Cumberland was bought out by Hexxon Dairy. The introduction of a large amount of capital and installation of ruthless middle managers armed with a runiversal distribution network morphed the hamlet into an epicenter of industrial agriculture. The serene farming village was soon overshadowed by imposing factories and processing plants, producing mediocre meat products and frozen vegetables and shipping them everywhere from the Buffkin Plains to Fort Turtle. This drastic shift from Cumberland's traditional farming ethos greatly angered the locals, but allowed the brand of Cumberland to spread far and wide, soon becoming a household name.
The Great Rebellion
In retaliation to the corporate invasion, a group of citizens made up of members of the former HomeOwners Association united to reclaim the town's former glory and eradicate Hexxon’s influence. It was clear that they had no chance at taking back the town on their own, so they invoked the formidable and fearsome Cthulhucumber to aid them in their pursuit.
With Cthulhucumber's assistance, the townsfolk conducted a ritual that bestowed life and purpose upon the mediocre meat and vegetable products manufactured in the factories. These reanimated products, deemed the Heroes of Cumberland, were imbued with a militant purpose and began waging war on their creators. This event, known as the Great Rebellion, marked a pivotal moment in Cumberland's history.
The rebellion was a tumultuous and chaotic conflict, with the reanimated products demonstrating an unforeseen level of tenacity and resolve. The plant managers and factory workers hired by Hexxon were unprepared for the uprising, and many packed up and left what had quickly become a dangerous work environment. A few notable managers held their posts and battled to retain control of their factories and shipping depots, most of them holed up in their offices withstanding prolonged siege.
The rebellion was effectively squashed when a marketing manager at Hexxon offered the then-leader of the rebellion a spot as the spokesperson for Cumberland Foods along with a hefty salary, which he immediately accepted, leading to a few other heroes to do the same. This spiraled out of control as the rank and file troops lost morale and lieutenants fought amongst themselves to decide who would be next in line for a brand mascot position.
Descent into Anarchy
Following the short-lived rebellion, Cumberland descended into a state of anarchy. The Heroes of Cumberland, now known as the "Foodfolk," formed tribes and began quarreling amongst themselves over the best foodie idol and the dangers and benefits of GMOs. Production in the Hexxon factories resumed as normal after minimal repairs and rehiring.