The Emerald Forest

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The Emerald Forest on the Runiverse Map

Location & Inhabitants

The Emerald Forest is an ancient place where reality and illusions are intertwined. Some go to this magical place in search of something, others go to escape.

The Emerald Forest boarders the Brown Hat Delta’s northern eastside. It continues eastward toward the White Wizard Tower. The Emerald Forest is north of Rabbit Lake. The westside of the forest towards the Brown Hat Delta is much lighter than the eastside. The Iota Path runs through the middle of the forest going north and south. This path appears and disappears. The Emerald Forest is filled with magical plants—alive with all manner of personality.

Settlements & Landmarks In The Emerald Forest

The Town of Almanac

What began as a village in The Emerald Forest has now grown into a respectable town. Named after a plant that grows along the eastside of the forest on the banks of the Chunky River. The village of Almanac is at a cross where the roads of Noxi Road and Iota Path intersect. People who travel farther north than The Emerald Forest are called "up north folk".

Almanac was settled 100 years ago by four Brown Hat Wizard families. These Wizards were searching for their family members who had gone missing. A group of 11 Brown Hats who wanted to settle in the area disappeared. What happen to the missing 11 Brown Hats at this intersection remains a mystery. Why only four of the 11 families searched for the missing Wizards is also a mystery.

The four founding Brown Hat settlers of the Village of Almanac were: Horis Beridan, Keres Aducah, Odren Temal, Morana Roanoke.

Almanac Cemetery

The Almanac Cemetery is located behind the Morana Trading Post. In the front of the cemetery are 11 stones dedicated to the 11 missing Brown Hat Wizards who disappeared from the area 100 years ago. These 11 missing Wizards have never been found. There are rumors and that a White Hat Wizard had something to do with their disappearance.

Dark Horse Tavern

The Keres Aducah Brown Hat family started the Dark Horse Tavern. Dark Horse Tavern is located in the village of Almanac. It is located on the northwest corner of the intersection of Noxi Road and Iota Path.

This tavern is where travelers, peddlers, and other wanderers stop for the night get a room, some food, and drinks. There is a backroom in the tavern where secret deals and trades are made. Hanging from the ceiling and walls are handcrafted mugs of all different shapes, colors, and sizes that bear the names of the Wizards and Warriors who frequent the tavern. Each mug has a number and name written on the bottom of it. Many of the names are aliases. When a Wizard or Warrior returns to the tavern, their mug magically levitates to their table of choice.

Keres Aducah was known for her ability to ferment the finest spirits from various plants. Her creativity developed some of the finest liquors used today. There is a wicked drink named after her called Keres Kiss, which is rumored to either cure or kill. Keres started trading and bartering in the backroom of the tavern to secure necessary supplies and ingredients.

Currently the Dark Horse Tavern is being operated by Gorgo Aducah. Gorgo doesn't say much. He answers questions and expresses feelings with his actions. For example, Gorgo might request a patron's departure by opening his shop's door. Patrons of the Dark Horse report that Gorgo demands payment before delivering orders of Keres Kiss and smiles on those who imbibe it.

Horis Mercantile Shop

The Horis Beridian Brown Hat family started Horis Mercantile Shop. The Mercantile Shop is located on the northeastern corner of Noxi Road and Iota Path. Horis Beridian was known for his ability to develop seeds which grow the healthiest produce. His research and development of seeds shaped modern farming. Currently, the shop is being operated by Boris Beridian. Horis had a kind heart and helped those in need, and Boris carries on this philosophy, assisting any traveler who enter his shop.

Morana Trading Post

The Morana Roanoke Brown Hat family started the Morana Trading Post. Currently being operated Morana "Rana" Roanoke, named after the founding family. The trading post's founder was known for her ability to heal people using plants found in the area, and her medical solutions are used in most pharmaceuticals today. Rana has developed some of her own cures to help Wizards and Warriors. She is also a practicing tattoo artist.

The trading post is located on the southwestern corner of Noxi Road and Iota Path. There is a community cemetery located just south of the Morana Trading Post.

Odren Livery & Stables

The Odren Temal Brown Hat family started the Odren Livery and Stables. Oden Livery and Stables is located on the southeast corner of Noxi road and Iota Path. Odren Temal was known for his equestrian abilities and was rumored to communicate with the horses and Ponies telepathically. His practices were sought by people from around the Runiverse, and his practices are still in use today. Currently, Quincy Termal operates the livery and stables. Quincy also seems to have Odren's gift to communicate with animals.

Chunky River

The Chunky River runs from south to north through The Emerald Forest. The Iota Path follows this river and also runs south to north. The origin of the river's name is due to the increasing collapsed Blue River Rat nests that widen its breadth.

Iota Path

The Iota Path runs south to north through The Emerald Forest and appears and disappears as it meanders along the west bank of the Chunky River. It was named by settlers who often said they didn't care "one iota" about the fate of other travelers along the path. Today, only the name remains as the Town of Almanac always welcomes travelers back to its hearth.

Noxi Road

The Noxi Road runs west to east along the southern border of The Emerald Forest. The road's name serves as a memorial to the settling 11 Brown Hats that disappeared on its path and remain missing. Noxi means “number 11”.

Warrior Kathleen's Home

Warrior Kathleen has made her home in a huddle tree's central canopy. Entrance can only be gained by climbing through the huddle's branches. While several well-worn paths may fool invaders, only one secret path leads to Kathleen's home. The false paths lead back down to the forest floor or spiked snake vines.

At the top of the tree a correct sequence of pulled branches will reveal a hut—Warrior Kathleen's home.



Blue River Rat

Nesting along the Chunky River, the Blue River Rats eventually abandon their homes, which collapse into the river and widen its breadth.

The Blue River Rats appear as small capybaras with long white whiskers. There is a widely spread myth that Blue River Rats received their color as the result of a spell cast by the Dark Sister, Enchanter Sonja of the Astral Plane, upon her aloof Familiar, Blitz, which harness the blue light of the moon to aid her in locating the disobedient rat. According to myth, all Blue River Rats are descendants of Blitz.

The Blue River Rat's skin has a foul taste, and as such, they do not fall prey to many other creatures of The Emerald Forest, such as the Onyx Owl. The population stays in balance due to flooding that occurs on the river each spring as snow melts on the mountains in the south and flows towards The Emerald Forest during their mating season.

Fire Fox

The rarest animal on the planet is the Fire Fox. First discovered in Newfoundland, Canada more than 1,000 years ago. Purple Hat Wizard, Alchemist Zane, is the only person who these foxes visit with regularity. Sometimes they sit by the campfire with him. He doesn’t say much and leaves them alone. It is difficult to find Wizard Zane and near impossible to find a Fire Fox.

Legendary folklore says that they were created by the Swamp Witch Keziah from her Rune of Fire. She tried to kill a pair of Cross Foxes by blasting them with fireballs, but they were hit at the same second they landed into the swamp. Instead of dying, parts of their singed fur turned orange and other parts dark black. Today, all Fire Foxes have this same fur. Those who come in contact with Fire Foxes should take caution, as their yellow eyes may burn the retinas of those who hold their gaze for too long.

Giant Sloth

The Giant Sloth's dark brown fur blends in with the shredded hickory trees and serves as camouflage. The Giant Sloths are about two times the size of a normal man, though they can occasionally grow up to three times as large. They are curious creatures that may grab and hold unsuspecting travelers for days with a smiling gaze while their captive attempts escape or perishes. When cold, the Woodland Fairies from the Family of Hickory will keep the Giant Sloths warm by inhabiting their fur.


Chameleon Snake

These snakes are difficult to see due to their chameleon-like camouflage. They are not poisonous, but the Chameleon Snake likes to collect things and will steal shiny objects from any person traveling by. Those lucky enough to find their nests will also find their hoards of treasures.

Insects & Arachnids

Dragonhead Caterpillar

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Gossip Beetle

The Gossip Beetles is a black-and-white striped beetle that crawls along roads and paths. They listen to what Wizards and Warriors have to say and then get together and gossip about them. The Gossip Beetles are famous for spreading lies about folk in the Runiverse. Sometimes, they know Wizard and Warrior secrets, but the beetles themselves are largely ignored by the Wizards and Warriors alike.

Midnight Spider

These spiders are dark brown, but at night, the light of the moon and stars make them glow. Many have thought there were only a few spiders by them until late at night when thousands are glowing and crawling around. The Midnight Spider is venomous. Its venom will stiffen muscles, and if bitten by several, it usually means death.


Golden Spoonbill

The Golden Spoonbill lives along the river banks of the Chunky River in The Emerald Forest. These birds wade in the shallow weeds along the river, eating the golden minnows which give them their golden color. They are know to eat frogs, crayfish, and aquatic insects. An adult Golden Spoonbill can grow up to 40 inches tall (101 cm) with a wing span of 50 inches (127 cm). These birds nest in the cypress trees along the Chunky River. They are endangered, and Warrior Kathleen works hard to make sure they are not stolen to be sold on the open markets. The Woodland Fairies of the Cypress Family also help protect them.

There are approximately 20 known Golden Spoonbills still alive in The Emerald Forest.

Onyx Owl

This black-and-grey owl lives on the west side of the Chunky River along it banks. It is nocturnal and sleeps inside cavities of trees or in abandoned nests. The Onyx Owl eats the dangerous animals and insects that try to cross the Chunky River from the east side to enter the west side of The Emerald Forest. It feeds primarily on Midnight Spiders, Dragonhead Caterpillars, and Chameleon Snakes. Onyx Owls mate for life and often share in the responsibility of taking care of their owlets.

Peek-A-Boo Finch

The dark green birds are found on the west side of The Emerald Forest. They hide behind leaves and trees and watch, but will play peek-a-boo with those who they deem safe. It doesn't take long for several other Peek-A-Boos to join the fun. These beautiful, fun birds are often stolen from The Emerald Forest. Warrior Kathleen protects them from poachers. If caught and sold, they don't live long because they are social creatures who need their families to be happy. They need open spaces and freedom.

Fairy Folk & Mythical Creatures


The Rockies are living creatures that look like rocks. They often like to sit on top of each other and form pillars. At night when the moon and the stars come out, they hum a soft, deep murmur. The Rockies can be found mostly on the east side of The Emerald Forest, but occasionally one can find a pillar formation on the west side. Poachers take the Rockies and sell them at open markets as pets. Rockies that live alone often die because they are social creatures and need the company of others to survive.

Woodland Fairies

The Woodland Fairies live in The Emerald Forest. It is believed they came a couple centuries ago from Hedge Wizard Wood, but there is little proof. They are distantly related to other Fairies across the Runiverse but have lived in The Emerald Forest for so long that they have evolved into a separate culture. They do not know how to make shoes, and most of them don’t wear shoes. They are emotional and their behavior is unpredictable. It is difficult to know if they are a helpful variety or malicious tricksters.

The Woodland Fairies have a deep connection to The Emerald Forest Elves. They both speak an ancient secret language. They defend each other against their enemies like evil Wizards, rogue Warriors, or Kobolds lost in the forest.

Most of the Woodland Fairies live on both sides of the Chunky River with the exception of the healers, who only live on the west side but will visit the east side in order to aid with their Magic.

Fairy Families

The 15 Woodland Fairy families are the keepers and experts for their type of tree. Each family also has a major role in Fairy culture. The families don’t always get along, and sometimes there are power struggles between them. This is why they created a position of “The Ever” who is the leader of them all. When she dies, the families come together and will elect a new leader for life.

The Ever Fairy is the judge of Woodland Fairy society. The current Ever, Kusha, is of the Birch family. She lives in a tall, silver maple tree by the Chunky River—not too far from the town of Almanac.

The Healer Woodland Fairies

The Healer Woodland Fairies are a special group consisting of at least one Fairy from each family. The Woodland Fairies have learned over time that the expertise of all families is needed for true healing. These Fairies cannot be found by Warriors or Wizards. They expect an exchange of favors from those who they heal.

The Musician Woodland Fairies

The Musician Woodland Fairies use their songs to calm or give joy to many. On the east side, they sing the Giant Sloths to sleep. They calm the Chameleon Snakes. The Midnight Spiders use their music as a celebration when their eggs have hatched. These tiny spiders take flight to the beat of the music.

On the west side of The Emerald Forest the Woodland Musicians' songs promote the Crystal Moss' crystals to sway. On the first day of each month, these Fairies have a special song to celebrate the new color and scent of the Almanac plant. This group of Fairies consists of at least one Fairy from each of the families. The Musician Fairies use their music to heal the soul, but as soon as the music stops, listeners' woes will return. Their music cannot be remembered even, by those who sing along with them until the last note is played.

The Musician Fairies are called upon often by different animal species to play at their celebrations. They like to practice their music at the tops of trees along the Chunky River. Many travelers have enjoyed their music. Some have even tried to find them, but it is impossible.

When a Woodland Fairy dies, the oldest living tree in The Emerald Forest also dies.

The Families of The Woodland in The Emerald Forest
The Family of Ash

The Family of Ash is known for the ability to heal the mind and promote positive thinking. They hold meditation sessions each day. They are the keepers of the Fire Ring. This circle is located in the middle of The Emerald Forest. Woodland Fairies go to the Fire Ring to collect a heated rock if they need to have a fire. The Family of Ash guard the Ring to ward against forest fires. This family can often be found communing with the Cypress family.

The Family of Aspen

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The Family of Beech

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The Family of Birch

The Birch Family is known for making books and are the scribes of the forest. They are historians. The Family of Birch are introverts and don’t like to have conversations, mostly keeping to themselves.

The Family of Cottonwood

The Cottonwood Family is known for making magical Fairy cloth. They also make the clothes for each Woodland Fairy family out of the leaves from the tree they watch over. This family is very outgoing and will talk non-stop about anything, but they mostly like to design clothes and explain how they made them, showing off their latest designs. The other Woodland Fairies often call them the “fashionistas”. The Cottonwoods are not insulted by this but rather see it as a badge of honor. This family likes to commune with the Sassafras family where they can wear their latest designs at their parties.

The Family of Elder

The Elder Family is known for making musical instruments. They also instruct younger Fairies on playing technique. Members of the Elder family and the Pine family can often be found together.

The Family of Fir

The Fir Family is known for making friendships with other animals, birds, and reptiles in the forest. They are also the teachers of the young Woodland Fairies.

The Family of Hemlock

The Family of Hemlock is known for its cooking and baking skills. They constantly need the Cottonwood family to make them new clothes, because they get their clothes burned while cooking. The families of Ash and Cypress keep a constant watch over the Hemlocks so they don’t start a forest fire.

The Family of Hickory

The Family of Hickory is known for gathering wood and other supplies for the Spruce Family to use in building of Woodland Fairy homes. They live on the edge of the east side of The Emerald Forest. They are friends with the Giant Sloths. They use the fur of the Giant Sloths when they get cold for their shelter.

The Family of Huddle

The Huddle Family is known for their sport. They also take care of Warrior Kathleen’s home. They like to surprise her with gifts and tidy her place while she is out protecting The Emerald Forest.

The Family of Maple

The Family of Maple is known for its peacekeeping and mediating abilities for Woodland Fairy society. They also care for the current Ever Fairy.

The Family of Oak

The Oak Family are expert horticulturists. They not only grow food for the Fairies but help with the healthy growth and survival of all the trees in The Emerald Forest.

The Family of Pine

The Family of Pine are known for their bards and storytellers. Sometimes they can be annoying, as they will break out in song at any given moment. They also live the longest. Members of the Pine Family and the Elder Family can often be found together.

The Family of Sassafras

The Family of Sassafras is known for making root beer and other fun drinks. This family likes to hold parties, and they don’t take life too seriously. They are also known for creating potions that can either intoxicate or nauseate.

The Family of Spruce

The Family of Spruce is known for its architecture and the construction of Woodland Fairy homes. They are always deep in thought as they are constantly working on a project. They built Warrior Kathleen’s home in the middle of a Huddle Tree.

The Family of Willow

The Willow Family is known for its meteorological expertise. These Fairies are constantly checking the wind direction and explaining upcoming weather pattern predictions. It is difficult to talk to them about anything else, as they switch the conversation constantly.


Almanac Plant

Almanac Plants change color and scent according to the time of year.

Almanac Plants
Month Color Scent
January Pink Peppermint
February Red Shortbread Cookies
March Orange Baking Bread
April Yellow Doughnuts
May Green Cut Grass
June Blue Pine Trees
July Violet Lavender
August Indigo Cedar
September Brown Dark Chocolate
October Black Coffee
November Silver Apple Sauce
December White Vanilla

The Almanac Plant has medicinal properties known only to Alchemist Zane of the Plains.

Black Oak Trees

These rare trees usually grow on the westside of The Emerald Forest. Black mold grows over the tan bark until the trunk and branches are covered. Black Oak Trees have gnarled roots that grow across the forest floor. Many animals like to make their burrows under these roots. The Crystal Moss plants can be found around the roots of the Black Oak Tree. Sometimes the Spiked Snake Vines grow up this tree, which are camouflaged against the trees' black trunks.

Crystal Moss

Crystal Mosss grows only under the rare Black Oak Trees. The moss grows tiny, colorful crystals. Autumn Crystal hunters, Alchemists, and others search The Emerald Forest looking to scavenge these rare and valuable crystals. The crystals are difficult to find, because they appear for only a couple of weeks each year in October.

Fascination Plant

The Fascination Plant is an air plant that grows on the sides of pine trees on the west side of The Emerald Forest. Its leaves are brown and have a special chemical inside that makes them follow heat sources, and as such, they will turn toward passing travelers and animals, earning its name.

Huddle Trees

Deep in The Emerald Forest are trees growing in circles with one large tree in the middle, known as "Huddle Trees". The canopy of each huddle are intertwined so tightly that they appear to almost choke one another. Each huddle's central tree is much older than the surrounding huddle, and their roots resurface—creating an illusion that the entire huddle originates from the center tree's roots.

The huddle trees grow in clusters of five to seven trees in a circle. Huddle Trees mostly grow on the eastside of the Chunky River, though there are a few huddles on the west side. They are also home to the Woodland Fairy Family of Huddle. The Woodland Fairies track the health of the Huddle Trees. This tree is related to the banyan tree, symbolizing eternal life. The Huddle Tree is known to symbolize faith and hope.

Shredding Hickory Trees

Shredding Hickory Trees grow on the west side of the Chunky River and along the Iota Path. These giant trees have dense clusters of leaves that are in groups of five. The dark brown bark peels off in thick pieces. Shredding Hickory Tree trunks can grow up to 50 ft in circumference, with some elder trees rumored to grow even larger.

Giant Sloths make their homes in the Shredded Hickories, and the trees are also home to the Woodland Fairy Family of Hickory. The Woodland Hickory Fairies keep watch over the health of the Shredding Hickory Trees.

Spiked Snake Vines

The Spiked Snake Vine can quickly wrap around their victims with a fatal, spiked squeeze. This plant hangs out on the east side of The Emerald Forest.

Notable Wizard Inhabitants

The Emerald Forest is where Warrior Kathleen of the Woodlands lives with her group of females called the Jadeites. It is the place where Kathleen had her legendary battle with the Nightmare Imp Beast.

Soul Shaded Spectre Lucinda of the Spike (#1847) can be summoned in The Emerald Forest by singing “Lu Lu Lucinda” in order to ask her for a favor. She requires a sacrifice to win a prize or wish.

Enchanter Daphne of the Forest lives on the eastside of the forest and she is the keeper of the ancient book of magical spells. Daphne can only be found if her great horned owl, Lily, permits.

The forest is also home to Alchemist Zane of the Plains. Wizard Zane is known for his potions, despite his hermetic nature.