Magic: The Arcane Arts
Humanity can express itself in numerous ways, and there is skill craft involved in nearly every one. From the classical arts like painting, sculpture, architecture, and music; to more practical tasks like computer programming, business practices, engineering... anything involving a degree of creativity has the capacity to be an art form. Achieving utmost skill in these forms elevate the practitioner to the esteemed title of Master.
However, to transcend mastery is to elevate one to the rank of Wizard and to wield the ethereal force of Magic. This is the realm of the Arcane Arts. For indeed, above all, magic is an art form. It defies standardization, yields unpredictable results, and is uniquely interpreted by each wizard. To engage with magic is to willingly court a spectrum of chaos, with each variant of magic embodying its own brand of tumult. In the face of such intrinsic disorder, attempting to impose a systematic classification is futile.
Even the generic moniker "wizard" has expanded into a multitude of derivations: Magus, Sorcerer, Druid, Necromancer, Pyromancer, Enchanter, Charmer, Chaos Mage, Ghost Eater, etc. Each of these representing a magical specialty of a given wizard. For much like Wizards themselves, magic defies categorization and its complexity is difficult to parse. Just when one school of the Arcane Arts has codified its magical manifesto, another Wizard or magic movement emerges to completely disrupt and redefine the boundaries of what magic can be.
To add to this complexity, a wizard may choose to layer in other influences- Rune Magic, Color Magic, magical specialties, and so on. By mixing and matching various magical expressions, each wizard is incredibly unique in their approach to the Arcane Arts.
Let's examine each of the above, starting with Rune Magic.
Rune Magic
The wizards of the Runiverse have shown an attachment for more than 20 runes, each with its own unique properties. It is worth noting that this attachment is often not by an act of will or choice, for while runes can enhance magic and be considered an asset, they can also be a burden, or a curse, to which the wizard is eternally bound.
The known runes are divided roughly into four types:
Planetary | |
There are eight runes based on the planets in our solar system | |
Rune | Description |
Rune of Mercury | Based on the speediest planet in the solar system, and the god of communication, trickery, and deceit. This rune can add speed to spells, and aid in communication magic. |
Rune of Venus | A rune of love, beauty, emotion, and aesthetics. The rune can be used to influence relationships and matters of the heart. |
Rune of Mars | Violence! War! Conflict! The rune of aggression and battle. Tempering magic with the Rune of Mars can add extreme levels of power, especially with spells of destruction. |
Rune of Jupiter | From the ruler of the gods himself, Jupiter, a rune of growth, prosperity, and wisdom. The influence of this rune can enhance learning and wealth accumulation. |
Rune of Saturn | With a glyph shaped like a scythe, this rune is favored by farmers for its influence in agriculture and husbandry. This rune instills discipline and structure, and is great for bringing stability to magic. |
Rune of Uranus | A rune of freedom, innovation, and rebellion, Uranus is an excellent amplifier for creative expression. It is a rune that is often found influencing the most genius and original thinkers of every age. |
Rune of Neptune | A rune of dreams, illusions, and intuition. Wizards using this rune find it intensifies psychic abilities and is helpful in penetrating mystical planes of alternate realities. |
Rune of Pluto | A planet located in the extremity of the solar system and the namesake of the god of the underworld, this rune embodies extremities, power, change, death, and rebirth. This rune is often employed in communion with demons, darkness, and the shadow self. |
Elemental | |
There are four runes from the classical elements, which are excellent for enhancing spells and rituals. | |
Rune | Description |
Rune of Earth | Earth is the foundation upon which life is built. This rune confers stability, fertility, physicality, and healing to spells. |
Rune of Water | Water is the element of intuition, emotion, and the subconscious. This rune is invoked in rituals and spells of love and psychic abilities. |
Rune of Air | The element of air represents intellect, communication, and knowledge. It is useful on spells related to mental clarity and wisdom. |
Rune of Fire | Fire is the element of energy, passion, and purification. Spells augmented with this rune are supercharged with the destructive or purifying force of fire. |
Alchemical | |
Often considered the most practical of the runes, the Alchemy Runes offer influence in both the spiritual and physical worlds. The runes represented here offer a path to "Solve et Coagula." | |
Rune | Description |
Rune of Lime | The rune of a builder, lime is a key ingredient in concrete, the foundational material upon which cities rise. Its stabilization properties provide the groundwork upon which great beginnings, both physical and spiritual, can be constructed. |
Rune of Steel | The Rune of Steel signifies strength and resilience, fundamental to machinery and industrial manufacturing. Often used to enhance weaponry, this rune imbues its bearer with the endurance to withstand hardship, tragedy, and pain. Spiritually, it fortifies one's strength, making it durable in the face of adversity. |
Rune of Brass | The Rune of Brass brings unity and harmony, specializing in the merging of separate elements. As a primary material for musical instruments, brass facilitates a harmonious blending of diverse components. This rune represents balance and cooperation, fostering a sense of collective harmony. |
Rune of Cinnabar | A rune that enhances aesthetics and facilitates the transcendence of base materials into something noble and elevated. This enhancement applies to both the physical and spiritual realms, symbolizing the alchemical process of elevating the mundane to the sublime. |
Rune of Brimstone | The Rune of Brimstone embodies purification through fire, capable of both cleansing and total destruction in large quantities. This rune is used to eradicate the old, broken, or impure, making way for renewal and new beginnings. |
Miscellaneous | |
Finally, there are many runes which defy categorization, each with unique properties. | |
Rune | Description |
Rune of Up Only | A rune used to increase the power of spells, abilities, and any additive function. |
Rune of Down Only | A rune used to decrease the power of spells, abilities, and any subtractive function. |
Rune of Sigma | This rune is quite mysterious, and its uses are still being discovered. Though difficult to define, it is most often considered a rune of transcendence, with its users often on paths of spiritual independence. |
Rune of Omega | A rune of supreme power and a final state of being. Wizards wielding this rune are often incredibly powerful having pushed their arcane practice to its limits. |
Rune of Infinity | Perhaps the most powerful rune of all, wizards with infinity enhancement seem to have no limits on their magical abilities. |
Color Magic

It is often speculated that Color Magic came into the world during the first moment of the technological singularity event. White Light refracted through a Chroma Crystal, and dispersed across the land. In fact, color magic is quite pervasive in the Runiverse, with entire cities, philosophies, and cultures built upon it. Indeed, various factions have organized around color magic, and wear colored hats to signify their allegiance.
Six primary color factions dominate, Red, Orange (commonly referred to as Brown), Yellow, Green, Blue, and Purple. Beyond these, there exists the elusive and detached White Hats, accompanied by murmurs of an even more secretive eighth faction, the blackened Shadow Hats. Each faction wields its color's magic to shape their art, as outlined below:
Color Magic Spectrum | |
Color | Description |
Red | Red Magic represents a cosmopolitan and elite form of magic, primarily aimed at amassing material wealth, financial prosperity, and political influence. The heart of Red Magic beats in the Red Wizard Capital, the financial nucleus of the Runiverse. While practitioners of Red Magic may sometimes be considered greedy and wealth obsessed, they possess the unique capability to achieve significant acts of virtue and altruism by leveraging their considerable financial might. Red Magic is perhaps the most material and least spiritual of all, and its practicality is only surpassed by Orange Magic. |
Orange | Orange Magic is used by the rugged, provincial Brown Hats in the northern farmlands of the Brown Hat Delta. The most practical form magic of all is often used for farming, hunting, and the domestic tasks of rural life. Unchanged through the ages, Orange Magic is a bastion of reliability and is loved by a community deeply rooted in stability and ancestral customs. |
Yellow | Yellow magic, a formidable arcane art that bends the very fabric of time, is haphazardly wielded by the Yellow Hat Wizards of Chronomancer's Riviera. The manipulation of temporal reality, considered by many in the Runiverse to be a reckless endeavor, carries implications that stir widespread concern. Yet, this apprehension appears to be of little consequence to the magic users of the Riviera. Indifferent to the seeming dangers of distorting time, they harness Yellow Magic for the pursuit of eternal youth and to indulge in endless nocturnal festivities. The Riviera, after all, is renowned as a nexus of pleasure and leisure, where time itself is yet another element to be orchestrated in service of ceaseless jubilation. |
Green | The magic of the natural world, Green Magic is used to speak to animals, to grow trees and flowers, and to harmonize with the earth itself. It is perhaps the oldest magic in the Runiverse and represents a symbiotic relationship between the mystical and natural world. This Arcane Art is cultivated by the Green Hats of the equatorial jungles, and is revered for its capacity to rejuvenate the forests, protect its creatures, and sustain a natural, harmonious order. Not only are Green Magic users great stewards of the natural world, but have achieved a spiritual understanding in the interconnectedness of all living beings, an enlightened status not seen in other colors of magic. |
Blue | Blue Magic is the beacon of knowledge, intellect, and scholarly pursuit, honed by the sagacious wizards of the Blue Bastion. With vast libraries filled with esoteric documentation, Blue Magic is arguably the most documented of the arcane arts. With this rigorous approach, Blue Magic is more closely aligned with science, technology, and alchemy than any other color. The unorthodox task of imbuing machines with magic is common practice of the Blue Hats, though it is not always met with success. Ever finding new ways to add predictability and empiricism to magic, the ultimate goal of the Blue Hats is the discovery of a grand magic/science unification theory. |
Purple | An enigmatic, boundless, and chaotic form of magic, Purple is the most uncontrollable and unpredictable color known. The Purple Hat adepts wrestle a maelstrom of cosmic energies with tenuous grip. They summon raw, unbridled forces of creation and annihilation, weave spells warping the fabric of reality, and invoke entities from dimensions beyond comprehension. The practice of Purple Magic is notorious for its psychological toll, often blurring the line between genius and madness. This has perpetuated the archetype of the eccentric Purple Hat wizard, a figure both feared and revered for their intimate dance with insanity. In the realm of Purple Magic, the boundary between controller and controlled is broken; it is a domain where the raw, primordial essence of magic reigns supreme. Practitioners who dedicate themselves to its study find that they are not so much wielding magic, as they are being reshaped by it, becoming conduits for forces that transcend mortal understanding. |
White | White Magic, in its sublime essence, is the zenith of order and clarity within the chromatic spectrum, embodying the serene and unadorned principles of the esoteric aesthete. A harmonious convergence of all hues, distilling their vibrancy into the purity of a blinding white void. Unlike its chromatic counterparts, which manifest through tangible acts and vivid displays, White Magic reveals itself as an ethereal whisper, a silent force that brings order to the cosmos. The White Hats sequester themselves high in the White Tower, meditating in quiet stillness upon a single beam of holy achromatic light. Their magic is the underlying oneness of all things, a reminder that within the heart of complexity lies a simple truth, radiant as pure white light. The adepts of White Magic serve as the silent guardians of this truth, their presence felt not in the clamor of the visible, but in the quiet spaces where all becomes one, and the purity of nothingness speaks louder than words. |
Black | Before the beginning, and after the end, there is only darkness. The black expanse stretches endlessly through the cosmos, and although there are occasional, feeble glimmers of light, they are but brief interruptions in the overwhelming void that consumes all. Blackness sprawls infinitely across the cosmos, and though tiny glimmers of light twinkle feebly here and there, the total void of absolute nothingness swallows all. The dominion of Black Magic is such that no force within the universe can impose true order upon it; all light yields to its cold embrace. The power of Black Magic is so unimaginable that its practice is forbidden. This prohibition is due not so much to the peril of harnessing such great power, but in the total loss of identity by those who seek to control it. It is believed that the Shadow Hats, rumored to dwell within the Quantum Shadow itself, are the elusive custodians of this primordial darkness. |
Magical Specialities
The world of magical practice extends well beyond the influence of runes and color. Within the Runiverse, many wizards elect to delve deeply into specific facets of magic, adopting titles that reflect their chosen specialization. From the elemental mastery of Pyromancers to the shadowy arts of Necromancers, and from the ethereal whispers of Ghost Eaters to the grandeur of Magi and Arch Magi, the spectrum of magical disciplines is rich and varied. This coterie is further adorned with the provocative skills of Charmers and Enchanters, the spiritual depth of Monks, and the deceptive brilliance of Illusionists and Conjurers. Let us explore these diverse practitioners and their unique contributions to the Arcane Arts.
Magical Specialities | |
Speciality | Description |
Magimancers | Any wizard with the suffix "mancer" in their title denotes a specialization in a magical element, realm, or concept. Pyromancers command fire, drawing upon its destructive and purifying qualities; Geomancers commune with the earth, shaping its form and essence to their will; Necromancers invoke the powers of death, straddling the delicate line between the living and the spectral. Each "-mancer" harnesses a unique aspect of the Arcane Arts, channeling their deep connection and profound understanding into powerful magical expressions that define their identity within the arcane community. |
Magus/Magi/Sorcerers | These titles encompass wizards who engage in a broad spectrum of magical disciplines, rather than confining themselves to a singular domain. While individuals may harbor preferences or strengths in certain areas of magic, they remain open to the diverse expanse of arcane arts. The decision to adopt the title of Magus, Magi, or Sorcerer is deeply influenced by cultural background and personal taste. |
Charmers and Enchanters | Specialists in manipulation and deception, Charmers and Enchanters use their magic to influence minds, hearts, and perceptions. Charmers sway emotions and wills, while Enchanters manipulate the mind with wild ideas. |
Summoners | Summoners possess the unique ability to call forth entities from other planes of existence, binding them to serve or assist in magical endeavors. Their magic revolves around contracts, summoning circles, and deep knowledge of the entities they invoke. |
Oracles/Prophets/Augurers | Gifted with foresight, Oracles and Prophets use their magic to glimpse possible futures or divine hidden truths. Their powers may stem from divine sources or intense meditative practices that open their minds to time's flow. |
Battle Mages | Battle Mages are trained for combat, combining martial prowess with potent magic. They are experts in using spells to enhance their physical abilities, protect allies, or devastate enemies on the battlefield. |
Diabolists | Diabolists engage in the forbidden arts of demonology, seeking to control or bargain with infernal beings. Their magic is dangerous, drawing on dark pacts and the chaotic energies of the lower planes. |
Mystics | Mystics seek unity with the universe, channeling magic through deep spiritual connection and inner peace. Their magic is often subtle, focusing on healing, protection, and enlightenment. |
Druids | Druids are guardians of nature, drawing their power from the natural world. They can shape-shift, control elemental forces, and communicate with plants and animals, striving to maintain the balance between civilization and wilderness. |
Shamans | Shamans act as intermediaries between the physical world and the spirit realm. They harness the spirits' power to heal, protect, and guide their community, often using totems, spirit guides, and sacred rituals. |
Scryers | Scryers possess the ability to see distant places, people, or events through magical means. They use crystal balls, reflective surfaces, or pools of water to gain visions and gather information. |
Evokers | Evokers channel raw magical energy into powerful offensive spells. They specialize in destructive magic, summoning elemental forces like fireballs, lightning strikes, and icy blasts to overwhelm their foes. |
Transmuters | Transmuters focus on changing the properties of matter, altering the physical world around them. Their magic can transform substances, alter physical forms, and manipulate the laws of physics. |
Witches | Witches practice a more earthy and ritualistic form of magic, often working with natural elements, spirits, and the cycles of the moon. Their magic is deeply rooted in ancient traditions and is often passed down through generations. |
Wild Mages | Wild Mages tap into the unpredictable nature of wild magic, where spells can have unexpected effects. Their magic is potent but chaotic, reflecting the untamed energy of the magical world itself. |
Artificers | Artificers are magical engineers who infuse objects with arcane energy, creating enchanted items, magical weapons, and constructs. Their craft blends magic with science, resulting in innovative and powerful magical technology. |
Alchemists | Merging magic and science, Alchemists aim to transform base materials into noble substances, such as turning lead into gold, and to discover the elixir of life. They delve into the mysteries of the physical world, seeking not only material transformation but also spiritual enlightenment. Through their study of alchemy, they attempt to unlock the secrets of the universe, bridging the gap between the earthly and the divine. The study of Alchemy has been quite widespread in the Runiverse, for its blending with science makes it an extremely useful form of magic. |
Magic as a meta-concept
The conceptualization of the overarching Forgotten Runes collection began with the idea of magic, a magic that crosses the chasm between real and imagined, between our experienced lives and virtual lives, and one that bridges the past to the future. The concept of magic is explored in one of the first Wizard Wednesdays, the cult's weekly meeting, where co-creator Elf details the idea that generated the original project:
What does the Forgotten Runes actually mean? Who forgot them? What are the Runes about? To that I would say, it is not the Wizards who forgot, it's actually the rest of the world and it is the Wizard's job to remind them about the Runes.
And so then, what is the Runes? To me, it is a broader concept. It represents some sort of esoteric information that sits in the ether. The Runes are about taking large indescribable concepts and presenting them to the world in a new way. For example, I tell Dotta that he himself is a Wizard, because what is he doing? He is using strange, abstract, coded characters to create something; he didn't write a smart contract, he basically wrote a spellbook. He wrote a spellbook that literally summons wizards.
I think that artists are also Wizards themselves; they're alchemists. They take really base materials like paint and paper and pixels and they transform it into something that is beautiful and valuable. The same can be said for poets and writers. They're actually bards and spellsingers. They use words to transcend the banality of common speech.
And that's what these Wizards are. They are the conduits to the Wizard inside you.
You summoned Wizards, and now these Wizards are going to summon you. Because this is what a Wizard does. He puts his mark on the world, he puts his Rune on the door.