Obsidian Marsh

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Life in the Obsidian Marshes was far from easy.

Towns & Villages

Their homes, built on stilts to avoid the rising waters, were connected by narrow, winding boardwalks.

Peoples of the Marshes

The community, though self-sufficient, faced constant challenges. Their clothing was woven from tough, fibrous plants, and their diet consisted mainly of fish, amphibians, and hardy marsh plants. Daily life was filled with both wonder and peril. Children, including Zephyrus, learned to navigate the swamp under the watchful eyes of their elders, who taught them to recognize the many magical plants and creatures that inhabited their world.

Location in the Runiverse

The Obsidian Marshes are located on the edges of the Frog Master Marsh. There isn't a clear line where the one marsh ends and the others begin.... they kind of blur together...

Mines & Resources

It's said that the counts of the Vampyre Mist used to send their undead thralls into the marshes to mine the Obsidian for the clay of the marsh bed. Exactly what the vampires do with the Obsidian is yet to be learned...