The Weird House

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In the Runiverse

The Weird House is located in the west coast in the central region of the known Runiverse. The Weird House lies just north of the The Secret Tower and bordered on the west by The Salt.

A strange house with a bizarre, dizzying feeling pervades the area which some describe as apprehension, while others describe whimsy. On crescent moon nights in the summer and winter, there are reports that a cadre of Weird and Wicked Wizards gather in this house, but their activities are unknown... On other nights, the house appears totally abandoned, replete with cobwebs, a thick layer of dust, and not a single piece of furniture inside.

The Weird House
The Weird House

Forgotten Runiverse Game

The Weird House is located at (x, y) in the game. To get there, head due west from the origin.


Although the general location of the Weird House is known, some Wizards argue that the exact location tends to change, day-to-day, suggesting that the Weird House has some means of locomotion. However, no accounts of the Weird House in motion have been verified.

Some Wizards allege that the interior dimensions of the house do not follow conventional physics.