The Gate to the Seventh Realm

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Revision as of 18:38, 30 June 2022 by Dotta (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Tomorrow, April 12th, is the day the Gate of the Seventh Realm may be opened, releasing Beasts into the Runiverse. Here’s how this is going to work. There are three separate phases: 🔐 Phase 1 Unlocking the Gate: There are 21 Locks on the Gate. Each lock requires the power of a Wizard with a Key and a Wizard with a Spell. The first Wizard will visit The Gate and sign a message (gas free) and be given a URL. The first Wizard should send that URL to a trusted partn...")
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Tomorrow, April 12th, is the day the Gate of the Seventh Realm may be opened, releasing Beasts into the Runiverse. Here’s how this is going to work.

There are three separate phases:

🔐 Phase 1 Unlocking the Gate:

There are 21 Locks on the Gate. Each lock requires the power of a Wizard with a Key and a Wizard with a Spell. The first Wizard will visit The Gate and sign a message (gas free) and be given a URL. The first Wizard should send that URL to a trusted partner.

The partner Wizard will submit the transaction (costs gas) and both Wizards will receive a special NFT as a reward.

Keep in mind: only interact with people you trust, check that the URL is, offer to help your partner pay for gas, and remember your partnership will be written in the Book of Lore.

Unlocking the Gate happens only once. 21 Locks mean 21 pairs of Wizards perform this task (and collectively receive a set 42 total NFTs).

When the last lock is unlocked, the first Beast will emerge from the Gate and kickoff the first auction.

🦁 Phase 2 Beast Auctions:

There are 7 total Beasts. Each Beast will be up for auction for 24 hours, thus 7 days of Beast auctions.

ANYONE can bid on a Beast (you don’t have to have a spell or key or even any Runes NFTs.)

The auction for each Beast will run for 24 hours. If a bid is made in the last 15 minutes, the auction will be extended. A bid must increase the previous bid by at least 5%.

The funds for Beasts Season 1 are split 50/50 between Magic Machine and the House of Wizards multisig.

When one auction ends and the Beast is claimed, the next auction will begin and this will continue until all 7 Beasts of Season 1 are complete.

🐣 Phase 3 Beast Spawn:

After any Beast auction is complete, it becomes possible to spawn the Beast (this means the first Beast Spawn is expected on Wednesday evening).

Every day at midnight UTC, a random set of Wizard/Soul IDs are eligible to mint a Spawn NFT. There are a maximum of 42 Spawn per Beast. Each Wizard/Soul can mint only one Spawn per Beast. You must claim your Spawn within the time period, otherwise your slot will be allocated to someone else at the next rotation.

You can unlock the Gate, bid on Beasts, and/or claim your Spawn on which will be live tomorrow.

On the 7th day, the Gate will close, and 7 Legendary Beasts will now roam the Runiverse.

The Unlocking Ceremony begins at block 14572777