The Brine
In the Runiverse
The Brine is a large body of water in the known Runiverse. It adjoins the Salt at its northern reach, and stretches to the east via Asmodeus' Surf, reaching as far inland as Kelpie's Bay.
A vast expanse of untamed waters that challenge even the most experienced sailors. The air is thick with the salt which hangs heavily in the nostrils and lingers on the tongue. The depths are teeming with life that defy classification and monsters of unimaginable size ply these waters. The dangers the Brine holds impede navigation, and many uncharted islands are sure to exist.
Forgotten Runiverse Game
The Brine is located at (x, y) in the game. To get there, head due west from the origin.
Rumors and Lore
As a large nautical territory inaccessible to most, the Brine is the source of a myriad of rumors, myths, and fantastical stories. The water of Brine is allegedly distinct from that of the Salt, and this is visible where to two meet. However, reports disagree on the exact nature of the distinction, which has led some to believe that both shift based on weather and other conditions.
The Brine is also reportedly the home of various nautical creatures and beasts, uncharted islands, and even icebergs that have strayed from their usual haunts. And no one agrees on what might lie on the other side...
The Lair of King Sline Oberon of the sea fairies

Sline is the current king of the sea fairies from the house of Oberon. He rules this territory in The Brine with fierceness. No one was allowed to enter his part of the sea without his permission. If they do he will tear their ships apart and eat the crew.
Carly of the Surf #9578 understood Sline’s way of controlling with fear and death. One of the things she did as head of the Surf Pirates was make a pact with him. She would stay clear of his area with her fleet of ships and help if he was ever attacked and he would in turn help her control the shipping lanes. These lanes were needed for Carly to capture ships and take their treasures.