The Secret Tower

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The beginnings of the Secret Tower.
The Secret Tower
The Secret Tower

In the Runiverse

The Secret Tower is one of the most enigmatic places in all of the Runiverse. Located in a cluster of crags known as the Star Bridge, the Secret Tower is a stronghold built at the apex, where the atmosphere is thin and the climate is curiously mild relative to the snowy peaks of the region. Palm trees, flowers, and furtive animals, whose presence seems out of place, occupy this mountain top sanctuary. Among them lives a hermit, Bartleby, who dawdles about the enclave, up keeping the lawn and maintaining the tower. A venerable curmudgeon, he is quite rude to the few travelers who make it to the top and at the bequest of no one, has installed himself as groundskeeper and warden of the Secret Tower.

Deep in the heart of the Secret Tower lies a tome imbued with the collective hopes, dreams, and aspirations of the Forgotten Runes Wizard's Cult. Known as The Book of Lore, this revered manuscript represents the bond between the Runiverse's wizards and their pre-singularity earthly avatars. The tower itself, a sanctum of secrets, serves as the holy link uniting the mirrored realities of our worlds and the dual identities that inhabit them.

Beyond housing the Book of Lore, the tower is distinguished by a luminous beacon, periodically erupting to underscore its role as an interdimensional nexus. It was upon this radiant shaft of light that the momentous "Great Summoning" unfolded on Earth in Midsomer 2021, heralding the onset of humanity's transcendence towards wizardry.

It was during this event that peculiar group of humans, through the technological conduits of the internet, first contacted the Forgotten Runes Wizards, who displayed themselves as rudimentary pictograms. This introductory meeting, in its primitive low fidelity, represents the beginning of a journey which will only grow in resolution over time.

Although this event resides in your past, reader, pinpointing when the wizards and other inhabitants of the Runiverse will encounter it remains unclear. Our connection to their realm is forged solely through the fluid and boundless fabric of our imagination, a force capable of traversing all directions in time with ease. By writing your wizards story, you are defining the spacetime structures of the Runiverse itself.

For example, back on the streets of Calista's Citadel, the Wild Mage Lumos rambles about this “Great Summoning," the prophesied moment when the Wizards of the Runiverse will intersect with their avatars from Earth, enabling them to put their marks on history and truly understand their forgotten past.

The Secret Tower
The Secret Tower

Forgotten Runiverse Game

The Secret Tower is located at (x, y) in the game.


Within the Runiverse and outside of it, Secret Tower is the birthplace of the Cult. Known affectionately as #the-secret-tower, it is the first and oldest channel of the discord where Magic Machine raised the Forgotten Runes Cult. It is the place where cult members congregate to chat, discuss and debate matters pertaining to the cult's well-being and interests, and for sharing joys and sorrows. Cult members share memorable moments (both in real life and on-chain) here such as welcoming the birth of children, celebrating holidays, and other momentous occasions.

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