The Yellow Hats

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Youthful, exuberant, energetic, and full of life, the Yellow Hat lifestyle is pure hedonic joy. Chronomancer’s Riviera, the Yellow Hat hotbed, is a paradise where time itself seems to have no influence. Dancing, carousing, and borderline debauchery are in perpetual motion all day and night, without end, as the hot and sexy Yellow Hat Wizards manipulate time itself to achieve these never ending festivities. Bliss on the beach and lounging by Atlanta's Pool, the Riviera offers a popular vacation spot for the people of the Runiverse, truly a place to forget the stress of daily life. The "pursuit of happiness" is a decree that has taken spiritual significance, and nearly all magic here is used to achieve this joyous liberation. They have not a care in the world, even as the Quantum Shadow itself looms on their borders. Lucky for them, Battlemage Mountains seem an impenetrable protection as for their debaucherous partying.

The Yellow Hats welcome everyone to the Riviera, but the Red Hats in particular are fond of coming here to expend finances on all the excessive luxuries of the Riviera.

Strengths: Vitality, stamina, energetic, carefree, happy and joyful.

Weaknesses: Shallow, unfocused, debaucherous, and unwise.