The Death Cloud
Described briefly in the end of Magus Devon of the Quantum Downs (6001)'s lore lore entry "Welcome To ACE Town" as an all destroying glitchy void, advancing forward and destroying all in its path behind
Channel 1 Poltergeist Horace of the Death Cloud (3805).
Enigmatic in nature, but incomprehensibly destructive.
I didn’t even know what that meant, there was no way that thought actually manifested on my own volition. I regained control of my body and mind, but had no clue what happened. I glanced around this now malformed town, that only just barely resembled what it used to, and in the distance I noticed looked to be a Total Void of Absolute Nothingness approaching slowly. Well, it moved forward as if it was a cloud, but it seemingly engulfed everything into it like a black hole. In the center of that darkness, there were two figures. Two fully cohesive and well defined figures in a world of malformed mashups of various objects. One seemed to be the shape of a man, but his entire body was as white as an eggshell. In his hand, an empty mug which he could not hold steady. His large hollowed eyes and wide agape mouth made it seem as if he was petrified, and yet he moved forward slowly at a steady pace, silently. Beside him, the skeleton of a canine, still walking forward with him as if it was alive. Come to think of it, I'm not even sure if the man himself was alive either. It didn't take long for me to understand what he was. After all, his arrival was already announced to me just moments ago. It’s Horace, and behind him must be the Death Cloud.You’ve encountered
Channel 1 Poltergeist Horace of the Death Cloud (3805).