Wizard Wednesday Episode 90 Transcription

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Wizard Wednesday Ep 90 June 7th


Elf: [00:00:00] It is Wednesday, June 7th, 2023. And welcome to our weekly cult meeting, wizard Wednesday, channeling in from the quantum downs. This is your cult leader Elf. And joining me are the other cult leaders. Yo Toda, what's going on? Yo

Bearsnake: animal combo himself. Bear Snake

Dotta: reporting for duty.

Elf: Welcome, guys. Uh, Doda. I thought you were r a minute ago.

You came on and then you left. Is uh, is your internet working today? Uh, you know, as good as ever.

Dotta: Okay. All [00:01:00] right. I actually was like researching how to start your own i s p, uh, you can do that. You, you can basically like petition your town for the registration and like, you know, pay for your own wires.

And I, I think I might have are, are we starting a wizard Internet service? Yeah, exactly. Are we starting a cult magic?

Bearsnake: We have an internet wizard cult. We might as well, we might as well provide internet wizard, uh, service.

Dotta: Yeah, yeah. Uh,

Elf: let, let's go Sovereign guys. Um,

Dotta: the fee is you have to sweep the floor every month.

Elf: Hey, I like clean floors. That's, that's, that's not a bad deal. Uh, we've got a big show today. We've got, we've got actually a bunch of Colt questions with, which might honestly take up half the show. Um, and then I think Bear has a lot to say, um, bear Bear's been making moves lately, but, but, uh, we'll, uh, we'll put that off till after questions.

Um, and [00:02:00] then, uh, and then of course, as everybody knows, uh, I think next week is the 100th Wizard Wednesday. Um, so stay tuned for more information about that as

Bearsnake: well. Can we, can we just talk about, and I know Doda, I know you want to clarify some stuff on, like, you know, what will happen. Um, but can we just take a moment and think about a hundred weeks in a row?

It's insane. Do you know, I, I have a little anecdote if you don't mind me telling a story. Is that okay? Yeah. Go for No, please. Okay. So, um, you know, you guys. Worked on, on you guys created Forgotten Ruins, and then, and then you launched it and minted out, uh, elf that afternoon, text me, I get the, you know the, the famous text from Elf I sold 10,000 NFTs dude.

Um, and, and so we said which, and it was awesome. We talked for a while, whatever. And then like, I think like a couple weeks later, you came over my house Elf and [00:03:00] we did Wizard Wednesday. You did Wizard Wednesday from my house. And I remember, remember that we were like sitting in my room and, and the thing I remember the most is you like, you used to like spin the wheel for peop remember the wheel spin?

I know. What was that about? It was like win prize. Yeah. It was like win a prize. Yeah, I remember that. That's what I remember.

Elf: I don't know. Yeah. No, no, no. It's funny you say that because one of Sharon asked a question today, which is, um, we haven't had a contest in a long time. Any plans to have cult competition to win something fun?

Um, and, and yeah, we used to do contests. We used to do that, that silly ass wheel. Um, even before that, Doda, do you remember when we used to have trivia contests in the discord? I love

Dotta: those. Yeah, it was

Elf: really fun. They were so do that again. They were so fun. Our discord is so big now that I don't know if it would work, but maybe we should try it [00:04:00] anyway.


Dotta: don't know. The craziness, the crazier, the better.

Elf: Yeah, it basically, the way it went is like I would, I would post three like, just trivia questions, um, like about Wizards or Magical history and, and basically the first three people to, uh, to give the three correct answers would win. Um, and, and it was like, it was just like, it was a frenzy after like the questions got posted cuz you know, you'd have a winner in like 30 seconds.

Um, but yeah, it was super fun. Uh, Sharon, to answer your question, uh, we don't have any plans right now, but, but maybe we should. I mean maybe that's, that's actually sounds like a good 100th episode event to do. Oh, that is fun. Um, but yeah. Anyway, before I get to the other cult questions, um, I actually have a question for you guys.

Uh, vision Pro. Can Magic Machine buy me one? [00:05:00] Yeah, sure.

Bearsnake: It's too late. I already bought one for myself. I'm just kidding. It's not that easy to get, I'm having Nalgene look into it, so don't

Dotta: worry. Why are they, why are they almost $4,000? What? In the world? Insane. Like, I feels that hurts. Even like, for me, like if I think about buying that, I'm just like, no, it's too expensive.

I don't have, like, I wouldn't spend enough time on it. I'm

Bearsnake: having P T S D honestly, from my, from like the old VR company I had, right? It's like it's, it's like the same exact thing all over again. Yeah, I have a whole spiel. We can save it for later if you want, but like, it's like this whole concept of, of like ev this hype cycle of this new device.

It's immersive, it's pushing the boundaries of what's possible. And, and, and I do believe in ar and I do, I'm sure I put on this headset. It's amazing. But like all this hype gets worked up. They're really expensive. So the only people who really like use it are the, are the devs [00:06:00] who have the dev kits and they're making all these things like almost for themselves.

So they're not even like, they're not making things that like the mass audience wants. And even if they were not enough, people have money to get it. And so, I don't know, I think it's gonna spur a ton of incredible like development, but then it's gonna like fall on its ass and then like slowly rise back up.

And as the cost of the goggles get less and less and less. Um, I think all that fun development that's about to kick up will like come into play, if that makes sense.

Dotta: It does feel like the final frontier for VR for like the decade, right? It's like, it either works this time around or we get another like VR winter, and I, you know, I, I've heard impressive things about, about it.

People who've worn the vision. Uh, they say that they, that they like it, that it, that it's really good. So, um, you know, the hand tracking is interesting and new and the fact that you can kind of like, you know, see out into your living room and like fade it in, I think is interesting. So, [00:07:00] yeah, I'm, I'm optimistic.

I'm ready for people to try new things. I, somebody says something really interesting, which is around, like a lot of people were disappointed that it still uses the same windows, like kind of ui, right? That there's like a window with all the icons and just looks like iMessages on your phone, but it's now iMessages on your wall and like, You can understand why they would do that, because you do, you don't wanna like learn too much at once.

And so it'll always take, it always takes a bit of time when you have a new device for people to learn like what the new iPad UI pattern should be. Right. Touch was like that with desktop and I just can only imagine VR is gonna be the same.

Elf: I think the best use we've seen for the Vision Pro is, uh, the fun tool that Magis was here built to put the goggles on.

Bearsnake: Yeah. Good

Elf: job wise. It's already the killer app for the Vision Pro.

Bearsnake: I read some, the last thing I'll say about it is, and I thought this was interesting, is, is, uh, that guy Robert Scobel was like, I am going to love this Apple headset and [00:08:00] it, but, and it's never gonna be further than 20 feet from my television screen or my couch.

Dotta: This this is the thing though. Is Robert Scobel loved Google Glass, and in fact, there's a picture of like how he used to like wear it in the shower and it's like ridiculous. So like, that's embarrassing. I think if he tries to wear the Vision Pro in the shower, it'll just get a bit soppy.

Elf: Yeah. Um, yeah. I, God, we could, we could talk for 20 more minutes about VR and Vision Pro, but, um, but let's move on.

Uh, okay. Cult questions. Um, man, we've got a lot of them, so I'm just going to jump right in. Uh, thread is asking, why don't the wizards take all this smoke and push it somewhere else? I think he's talking about the smoke that's happening in New York right now. Um, yeah, it's from the

Bearsnake: fires in Montreal,

Elf: right?

Yeah, yeah. Um, you know, thread, I, I think, uh, we've got an AI, super intelligence that is practically em [00:09:00] imminent now. We've got aliens buzzing around the planet. The earth is on fire. You know, I don't know what the hell's going on right now, but I know that we need some magic. We need some wizards. We need it more than ever.

And so I, to me, the, the time has never been better to put your ruin on the door. Um, that's my response. Do you guys have a response to fire in aliens and eminent ai? Super intelligences? Oh

Bearsnake: God, don't I know, I

Elf: know. You

Dotta: don't even get me

Bearsnake: started. Don't get me. And Doda started on aliens because we just need to start a new space as for that

Dotta: we're already unhinged starting a call

Elf: to.

Okay. Alright, we'll move on then. Um, okay, we got two 3D questions. Uh, Snoop Doug is asking, um, where are we in the process of 3D wizards, then souls then warriors. Um, is there anything planned for after the Warriors [00:10:00] like 3D objects? Um, and then Mala is asking undesirables. Uh, in 3d, will they be Pi bipedal?

Okay, let me just hit all this at once. Um, so we are actually, we actually just finished modeling all the wizards props, like the staffs and the items. Um, they're all modeled, they're all textured. I don't know if we're gonna launch with them yet. We might, but they're totally made. So, you know, they're, they are imminent.

Um, the souls are still being modeled. Um, and actually the beasts, uh, are actually in the concept phase. And my god, they look amazing. Um, they are in humanoid form.

Dotta: God. Oh, I didn't know you were gonna tell them that.

Elf: Don't tell the beast. I think we've said it before. I mean, they kind, they kind of have to be, cuz I, you know, I want the beast owners to be able to run around in the metaverse.

Um, you know, and, and I, and I think there's gonna be some fun lore as to why the beasts are in humanoid form.

Dotta: [00:11:00] Um, well, since the chimes out of the bag, the, they are gonna look amazing cuz they're one of ones they're like in, I mean, you know, all the wizards are one of one, but like, uh, the beasts are in particular, all of the traits are unique.

And so there's sort of this like absolutely elite premiere, uh, skin. They're gonna be, they look so cool.

Bearsnake: Yes. Yeah. Ab uh, you showed us the art and I was like, this is the most legendary skin of all time. Like, it totally, it totally hits like it looks, so it's, it's like it's consistent with our world and our characters, but they really do stand out.

Oh my god, I'm so

Elf: excited. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Mad props to Molly who is doing, doing the concepts of these, um, She just showed me the Aura Boros yesterday. You guys should see the Aura Boros in humanoid form. It's insane.


Dotta: terms of the props, I think, like I wouldn't, I wouldn't hold your breath to launch with the props.

I mean, I think there's always a lot involved in terms of like QAing, every single combination. And we have enough just to get the bodies [00:12:00] and heads out. So we haven't decided final, final, but like, I would expect we'd, there's, I would say, 80% chance we launch without the props.

Bearsnake: Sure. Yeah. But that's like, but that's like the downloads, like, you know, when we're talking to Nifty Island, they're gonna put some of those props in their game so people will be able to play with them, but maybe not as a separate file for us.

Elf: Right? Yep. Um, and then, and then as far as the undesirables of the souls, so those will not be in humanoid form, they will look pretty much like they do in the pixel art. And, and I think the way we're gonna rig this, this might be very technical in the weeds, but, um, I, I think we're just gonna like, parent it to the root joint.

And so it like the, like the pile of like bones, it'll literally just be a pile of bones, like scooting around. Um, so, you know, it'll be super fun. Or like the coffins, it's just gonna be literally like an upright coffin just moving around. Um, so yeah, I, I, and I, and I think that'll be compatible with [00:13:00] all open world metas.

Um, But, but yeah, I mean as far as the, the collection itself, um, being in production, I mean, like I said, the Wizards are already done. We've been saying that. Um, the website donor, do you wanna speak on the 3D website? Yeah, so we're

Dotta: working on the website. I want it to be like so beautiful. Uh, we all do. Um, and we've got some, uh, yeah, we're basically like just grinding through some of the technical details of like getting the shaders to look right and getting the models up there.

You know, Magis was here, is kind of taking the lead on the development there. Frog Eater has also helped a lot with kind of like the art and we're working on, uh, yeah, we're working on that. And I think, I think really it's actually the website mostly that's the blocker for us right now is just like getting it to just get, we feel like, um, Launching the 3D website is going to be a chance for us to reintroduce forgotten ruins to the rest of the N F T market, right?

There's a lot of people who look at the, at the pixel art and they [00:14:00] maybe, maybe it resonates with them, maybe it doesn't. Um, but when you see the 3D models and what's possible there, there, there are a lot of people who, who. We'll see the project in an entirely new light, and we only kind of get a chance to launch that once.

So yeah, we're really putting a lot of polish on the, on 3D page. It, we won't have it ready by next week. You know, I know there's been some rumors swirling around about how we're gonna announce 3D next week. Um, and, and, and we just simply won't have it done just because, you know, we're just working on it.

Uh, so yeah. So know that, but it's gonna look good.

Bearsnake: Yeah. Can you do, can you talk about sort of next week? Cause I. Let's talk about next week,

Dotta: like in terms of expectations for the 100th episode we are going to do, uh, we'll, we'll let the cat outta the bag. The, the, the, we are going to do a small airdrop. So we are going, we have, um, a set of new Athenian items and we are going to airdrop them to people who come to Wizard Wednesday.

So you'll come to Wizard Wednesday, we'll start a little thread. [00:15:00] Um, for the sort of duration of the episode, you drop your address in the thread in Discord. And then over the next couple of days, we will send you, uh, this item. So that will be the, the memorabilia, the big announcement of the 100th episode.

Um, come to Wizard Wednesday so that way you can give us your address and participate in this. Um, you know, it's just gonna be a fun way that we can get some more storytelling items out into the world. Uh, so, so, and, and then the hundredth episode is gonna be so much fun. You

Bearsnake: know, it's, it, I I love that we're doing it.

You know, I think some people, you know, we're thinking about like the television show update or, or you know, just some of these bigger things. Um, there's so much stuff that's like a, that like is just missing the mark. I wish like the hundredth episode was like in three or four weeks, but it's not so, but anyway, there's gonna be a lot of fun in the next two months.

I think people are gonna be pretty excited about, you know, finally releasing some info and, and some other things.

Elf: Yep. Yeah, so, so yeah, just, you know, [00:16:00] be sure to be there next Wednesday to get the airdrop. Um, invite your friends, you know, everybody who's there, who puts their ETH address in the Discord will get an airdrop.

Um, and it's, it's, it's a, we've got like, I think it's like four or five Athenian items and you'll be, I think, I think the one that you get is just gonna be chosen at random. Is that, is that right?

Dotta: Doda? Yeah. And, and it'll be in the same Athen collection. Oh, and oh, are we? It's holders only.

Elf: Oh, okay. I mean,

Bearsnake: it should be,

Elf: yeah.

Dotta: Okay. And it'll be like one per account and, but we'll include holders of like other stuff. Right. Like warriors, wizards. That's all fine. Right. Yeah. Um, so yeah, Matto is already, uh, hooking into ways to make it easier. Uh, so he's saying we'll do it with Dino. It can verify ownership, all of that stuff. So yeah, I think that'll be

Elf: good.

Sweet. [00:17:00] Um, should we do a two hour wizard Wednesday next week?

Dotta: Ooh, we, yeah, I think it'll run long. I think

Elf: it'll run long. It'll run long, let's put it that way. Yeah. Because I do feel bad for people who are on the other side of the world and they might not be able to attend. Um, it's fine.

Dotta: Like people, if people hear about it and they wanna like have their friend or like, do something ahead of time, we'll work with people.

Right. It's fine. Whatever. Okay.

Elf: Cool. All right. Uh, let's see. Uh, Pedro, um, Pedro Kuna is asking, uh, from a lore perspective, what is the most powerful entity in the universe? Um, and as a follow up, what's the most magical place in the universe? Um, yeah, this is a fun question. Uh,

Bearsnake: you know, I I'm the most powerful being in the universe, right?

Elf: What's that, Barry? Aren't I the most powerful being in the universe? No, you're far from it, my dear. Oh,[00:18:00]

unless we're talking about opening doors, then, then you're pretty damn powerful. Oh, true.

Bearsnake: Yeah. Okay. Well, I'll just, um, I'm gonna go on mute for a couple minutes.

Elf: No, it, it's an impossible question to answer number one, because I don't know, I don't know everything about the universe. Number two, how do, how do you even judge like the most powerful, um, you know, when, when I think about magical systems, it's not really a matter of like, Like super powerful magic at the top and then bear magic at the bottom.

It's more of like a paper rock, scissors game where, um, where, you know, there, it's, it's just, uh, it, it's that sort of dynamic. I don't know how else to describe it. Um, you know it, but, but like who, who are, who are among like the, the, the most powerful elite? I mean, obviously the Oro Boros is extremely powerful.

Um, obviously all the legendary beasts are extremely powerful. Then we've got like standouts, like Merlin and the Key [00:19:00] Master. I mean, they're pretty legendary. Um, but you know, it's like, It, it really depends on like how compelling your lore is. I mean, Matsui, like Mattos Wizard isn't necessarily rare, but it's legendary.

Like everybody knows Mattos magic and, and Matto has like developed his wizard into just like a legendary being. Um, so I would say that like translates to some pretty awesome power. Um, and I

Dotta: think that like part of the, um, like antagonism in the universe is this tradeoff between the strengths and weaknesses between magic and technology.

And so you, you would have these different areas where one is, is stronger than the other. And, and then even with within magic, I think we'll be building out more of the affinity system. Then affinities will have certain strengths against and, and certain weaknesses against other affinities as well. So that doesn't really answer like what is the most powerful force in the [00:20:00] universe, but I think that gives you some of the power dynamics.

Elf: Yeah, that's true. Um, you know, I, I thi I think that somebody asked the Oracle this very question, and the Oracle basically just said, magic is the most powerful entity in the universe. Um, which, you know, that, that's also a really good answer. Um, you know, I, I, I always talk about how the universe is just a reflection of the real world.

Um, and if, if I could like draw a, we a real world analogy, um, You know, magic takes many forms in this world as well. I mean, art and, and, and, uh, and the magic of creation is certainly very powerful. Um, but technology itself is like seen as a, as a form of magic in this world. I mean, how many times has Steve Jobs compared his tech to magic?

Even in that Apple presentation yesterday, the, the, the term magic was used very often to, to describe the, the new products that Apple was releasing. Um, [00:21:00] it it, you know, technology also gives like society all over the world, a degree of anxiety and a degree of, uh, sort of humble helplessness that, that, that it's, that's almost esoteric and, and, and not totally understandable.

Um, and this was even before AI started, uh, coming to us and, and now with ai, it almost seems like a magical entity. Um, so. You know, I, I think if you want to think about what magic is in the universe, you just think about what technology is, is the, the effect that it's having on our, uh, sort of civilization.

Um, okay. Uh, v mark is asking, I was wondering if there are stories slash legends in the universe inspired by large scale events, uh, similar to how some kind of flood most likely happened, inspired Noah's Ark, uh, but one that originates in our present's future. Um, you know, you, you mentioned the flood in Noah's Ark.

That's, that's a really fun example [00:22:00] because you find these flood myths, uh, in all sort of, uh, religions and, and, and mythologies all throughout the past, all. In all cultures all over the world, the flood myth is repeated over and over. Um, and you see similar events repeated over and over in, in all different cultures and stories.

Um, and so I, I think V mark, the answer is yes. Um, there are events like that in the RNO verse because the rno verse is just simply a perpetuation of the collective unconscious. Um, you know, that said, one major event, obviously, that we all witnessed, uh, was the summoning of the wizards themselves. The, uh, and, and, and, uh, June 30th, 2021, um, that was a major event in the universe that connected all of us, uh, with our wizard avatars.

I mean, that, that may be one of the most historical events in, in all of the, all of the universe. Um, [00:23:00] another event, of course, is the singularity. Um, and then, uh, the Great Burning was a huge event. Um, But yeah, I, I think there's probably many more. Ask the Oracle. Uh, okay. Here's a question for you, Doda, uh, from Zuki, uh, goblin Town updates, what can you tell us

Dotta: still in the works?

Um, this week we were

Bearsnake: working on, wait, Doda, I don't wanna cut you off, but there's a lot of people in here who I don't think know what Goblin Town is. So will you just like, describe the game first and then give the update?

Dotta: What's up, new people? Hello. Welcome to Wizard Wednesday. Okay, so Goblin Town is a, uh, fully ish unchain game that started out as a sort of settlers of Catan and has kind of, um, shaped itself more into something along the lines of like risk or maybe even, uh, some of the early Warcraft games where it's basically [00:24:00] this real time game where you build structures to earn resources and then use those resources to build your armies in battle, uh, the, the, the armies around you.

So, uh, it's looking incredible. We're working with, uh, the Pixel shop in sums to create this artwork and it looks so amazing. We're working with, we've got, um, a, a handful of devs here. Sp Z is one of them myself, Nissy. Um, and we're working on this game. Uh, it is something that when we started this project, I thought that it would take about three months that I thought that we would have it done in December.

It is now June. And we, uh, still do not have it done. So it has been quite, quite a bit more of an effort than we, uh, intended. But all that to say, yeah, it's still in progress. Uh, you know, we'll let you know. I think one of the things about it is, um, the, the dr the drop, right? Like one of the things about this game is making sure that we kind of like release it in an environment, uh, [00:25:00] where the drop does really well, because the more people that play, the more fun the game will be.

And of course, like the more sort of like success that we have for Magic Machine to sort of complete our goals. Um, and so I, I don't think that I'm like particularly motivated that even if we sort of had it done today, I don't really know that today would even be the day to, to drop it because of just, you know, there hasn't been very many, uh, drops that have really even done the, the, the level of, of success that we would sort of need for it to make sense.

So we're still working on it, but I think. It's not that it's backburnered on development, but I think that the, the launch date is certainly undefined, uh, because it's important to us that sort of the market is ready for it. So, uh, yeah, working on it. Um,

Elf: so you're saying Goblin Town is late, uh, so you're saying super late that, that, that we have fallen victim to the same thing that literally every game Studio falls victim to.

Dotta: Golly. Yeah. Never build a game. It's the worst thing ever. And you like hate it [00:26:00] by the end and it's not good enough and you hate your life. So, and

Elf: it's absolutely impossible to gauge when you'll finish it.

Dotta: One of the things that's really interesting about, um, the, you know, about a game too, is there's sort of this like minimum required complexity.

Um, like you can't launch half a game, you have to launch the full game. And particularly in crypto, it has to be completely done and also have no bugs or else you get hacked and it blows up. And so, um, so we've got a few contractors helping us, um, which then has, uh, freed me up to sort of work on things such as the Oracle, um, and a few other things that we have in our top secret laboratory.

Um, that, that, that can kind of be shipped at a bit more of a regular cadence. Um, uh, we've talked about those, but all that to say Goblin Town is still in the works. Uh, but I like, there's no sort of like deadline for what we're gonna launch it anymore. We're just leaving that undefined.

Elf: We're all excited Toree.

Dotta: I [00:27:00] basically just want to see the N f T market, like having buyers, right? Like the, the charts need to look better than they look right now before we drop something of that size. I

Bearsnake: agree with that. Yes, the weather needs to be better, but I will say like just looking at the development of the game and the art, I think there's a chance that it can create a bit of a meta on its own.

Elf: Yeah. Yeah. I, I was actually gonna say something similar bear and like, dude, I agree. We don't wanna release in a bad market. Um, but. You know, the, the, the current state of the market. I mean the, the whole obsession with meme coins and maybe that meta is over, but, but what, but what I learned from that meta is people are bored and they just want to do some, they want something stupid to keep their, their attention.

And what better to give to board people than, than a, than a DJing game with yield farming? Um, so I don't know. [00:28:00]

Dotta: Well, this is the problem though, with that, like, where I, where that breaks down is that the meta is like send your eth to someone who promises nothing in return explicitly. Yeah. And so like,

Bearsnake: let's just do that.

Let's do that. Yeah. Let's just do

Dotta: that instead.

Bearsnake: Easier. That's easier than making a game. Geez. Everybody on this space is send us e Yeah. Go to

Dotta: dot, eat. No LJ troll dot. Yeah,

Elf: exactly. I'll send you even more nothing in return.

Dotta: And, and so Goblin Town is actually a lot more complicated than that because you look at it and you're like, oh shoot, there's a hexagon grid and I have to like, strategize about whether or not I like, you know, build an army or build a settlement. And so I'm not quite sure that that crowd is like, ready for it.

Um, whatever. I hear you. They'll come back around. They'll come back around.

Elf: I hear you. I hear you. Fair enough. Um, [00:29:00] bloop says

Dotta: this is the perfect market to drop, do Goblin Town in and Chatta. Bob says, de DJ's gonna degen. So, um,

Bearsnake: yes. So just finish the goddamn game.

Dotta: Code instead of

Elf: looking at ordinals, just, just ask chat GP to finish it. Damn, dude. I know I have tried

Dotta: and that's one of the things that make me not so scared about chat gpt is still can't finish call in town. So,

Elf: yeah. Um, okay. One final question from, uh, the infamous slee and, and sle. This will actually, um, I think set up the next things we wanna talk about.

Uh, Leigh is asking what's the, uh, what's the next thing that's closest to be ready to be pushed out by Magic Machine? I'm not gonna tell you. Yeah, we've got tell. We, we've got another secret project that we're not gonna mention just yet. Um, but, but, uh, bear and I did a space last night and, and I don't [00:30:00] know about you bear, but like, as we were telling Keegan about all the stuff that Magic Machine has built and is built in, I felt like, man, this guy must think we're lying because we're just too good.

We just ship too much,

Bearsnake: you know? When was this? I meant to, I was so tired after that. I literally collapsed after that space. Um, but I meant to message you. Um, yeah, I got off that space. I'm like, we just talked for an hour about, and like, we didn't even cover anything. Like, I felt bad bringing up like, oh, like yeah, the TV show.

Oh, can we also bring up the comic? Oh, there's also like this video game and this video game. And, and he was like, what? Yeah, it sounds like total bullshit. I know.

Elf: No, we, we talked like, we spent a good like, I don't know, 20 minutes on the AI and the Oracle. Then we talked about 3D models, then we talked about the comic, the trailer, the TV show, the two fricking video games that we're building.

And we didn't even mention Trick or Treat or Sacred [00:31:00] Flames or ponies or, or everything that the community is building. Um, and so, yeah. Um, so Doda, we can't, we can't mention yet the, the, the other thing that we're working on.

Dotta: Nah, it's day zero. I love that we did all those things, but I think that two year mark is like a good point to like stop and reflect and be like, okay, what have we done?

To move forward tokens, like what have we done to kind of move forward this, you know, to, to really ship? And so I'm like, I, I'm, I like, I, I'm super impressed with everything our team has done, but then I'm also like trying to think like, okay, what's the next meta, what's the next mechanic? What's the next like content then we can put out to just like, take it to the next level?

Cuz now we have, we like clearly have something that people love. Um, and so how do we get, how do we, you know, what got you here won't get you there. Um, and so that's something I think about a lot.

Elf: Yep. I, I guess all I would say is, uh, just keep writing in the book of Lord. Just keep building, just keep creating.

[00:32:00] Yes.

Dotta: Everything that we do, everything that we're working on. I mean, not Goblin Town, but besides Goblin Town. It is, um, based on the book of lore, right? The Oracle makes everything so accessible. And like there, these handful of other projects that we're working on, they all draw on the book of lore because we, I basically see the future of this project as like proving out the idea that you can create a decentralized IP where the creators can benefit from it economically.

Um, that, that they have this decentralized IP where everybody who participates in the system can also participate in the value accrual. And I think that, like, how that works out, just like, you know, in terms of like everyone's incentives, everyone's mechanics, the law is still something that like, we're all navigating.

But the, the core idea is that like, you know, this project is built out of looking at, um, you know, Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings and, and, and, [00:33:00] and, and, and Game of Thrones and how there's so many creators. Who build value into those franchises only to be sort of like, captured by the creators. Right.

You can't, it's, it's funny, you, you don't even think about the fact that you might be able to like, contribute Harry Potter art and make money on it because that's so against anything that, like the IP machine, um, typically lets you do that, that people aren't, artists don't even think that that's a possibility.

Right? It doesn't even cross your mind. And so I wanna build this like flagship example of an IP where creators can come and then monetize their creations in a way that's like self-reinforcing, that network effect where when I create something, it makes what you created more valuable. Um, that's never really been, it's never been tried before.

Um, and so, well those are the things that we're trying to focus on for this next, uh, this next year.

Elf: Yeah. Yeah. I mean this, this, we, we said it last night in that space, but. You know, you look at these other media franchises and they are built [00:34:00] on like one genesis piece of creative content. So like George Lucas and the entire Star Wars franchise that is built on the, the three films.

Um, and so while we don't have like three films or we don't have like a novel series, what we do have is 4,000 pages in a book of lore that that's, that's ever growing. And that is the creative content upon which the entire franchise empire is built. And, and

Bearsnake: the tools. And the tools. Now we can synthesize all of that into like a, a collective consciousness, cuz that's a, it's like a different thing when you're like manually looking through 4,000 stories.

It's different when you package it into something like the Oracle and you have this, like, this, you know, L L L M

Elf: to synthesize. Yeah, the, the, the l l m is just part of something that's built on top of that creative data that create that lore. Um, but, you know, your, your lore, it, it influences the show and the [00:35:00] comic and, uh, the lo and the l l m and, and just everything, everything.

Um, and, and you will be appropriately, uh, credited for it. Um, and, uh, I, I guess paid for it if, um, if, if, if I can put it that way. Um, okay. Bear, uh, you can, yeah, yeah, yeah. We're, we're still working on that whole infrastructure, but, but yes. Um, And, and we'll have more information about that later. Um, bear, you have been working on a fun side project, uh, which you debuted, I think, uh, what was it, Tuesday morning or,

Bearsnake: oh, game Changers.

I thought you were talking about the comic. I'm like, okay, sure. The comic's just a little side project. That's

Elf: cool. Well, actually, do you wanna talk about the comic or game changers? Whichever

Bearsnake: one you want. Uh, well let's just talk, I'll, let's talk about the comic real fast and, and, and we don't have

Dotta: to.

Sure. Can you add us as hosts? Can you add us as co-hosts?

Elf: Oh yeah. [00:36:00] Oh yeah. Sorry. You guys rugged again. What the hell?

Anyway, bear, tell us what you got. Okay. So,

Bearsnake: um, you know, as you guys know, we have this, um, 10 issue comic book series coming out. We have a great publisher and, um, it'll be in stores all around the world. And, you know, we finally have, um, This really, um, interesting, interesting track into the regular world of Normies and, you know, people who don't know anything about Web three.

And so the whole, the whole idea for us, um, the whole idea for us is that like, this is like, there's a version of like expanding your IP and like talking to the wrong people. That just doesn't work. Right. But this concept of people who would inherently. Enjoy the world and the creativity of forgotten ruins.

Like of this fantasy ip like having, like talking to comic book people, people who [00:37:00] collect comics, who read comics. Like those are our people. So I think it's this like, it's this really strong, um, swing into like a non N f t non web three community, um, that I think will have strong ties. And so the way we're looking at the book, um, and, and we'll, we'll like have more details soon, um, but it's like how, like by the time, the way I think about, it's like by the time you read this comic.

Which is just amazing on its own right? And you get to the back cover, I want to present, um, you know, uh, three to five ways to bring that reader further into our world, right? And so this, you know, we're gonna, it looks like we're gonna be putting like codes to, um, the universe game in there. We're also having some interesting conversations, um, around, uh, the, the, the Fortnite editor and that new Epic tool.

Um, I love this idea of like, uh, read comic, play comic. Um, and so, you know, and then there's, [00:38:00] you know, we'll have other things in there. But my, my point is, is like this, I I, I just get excited because it's so hard for web three projects to break out of this, like of this Moed Island we all live on. I just see this comic as, as such like, it's such an olive branch that's like perfectly been pruned to bring in people that don't necessarily care about web three but care about the brand.

And I'm just really excited and I think, you know, I'm learning a lot about the ins and the outs of the comic book industry and what moves the needles and you know, how many, how many, of course my brain goes to like, okay, well how many comics do we have to sell to be like the number one comic? Cuz I'm a sociopath and I don't like to sleep.

Um, but like, I, I, I'm very, I feel really, really good about all the things we're gonna like, build into this comic cuz it's our first chance to, to sort of speak to the outside world. Anyway, that's my rant.

Elf: No, dude, I agree. It, there's, there's, there's tons. It's, it's a bridge to the, uh, [00:39:00] the non NFT audience.

Um, With comics in particular, like you said, there's a lot of overlap between people who love comics and people who love the fantasy genre. I mean, almost every comic bookstore I go into, there's like a, a table in the side of kids playing magic, the gathering. So, you know, it's, it's definitely an audience that, that would naturally, uh, sort of love forgotten ruins.

Um, and then in, in, in, in, in addition to all that, it's like I always say what I love about the comic is it's, it's sort of a proof of concept for the idea that, um, we can use, uh, stories from the book of Lord that the community created in these larger media expressions. Um, I think some people from the legacy media industry, they hear about what we're doing and they're like, no, that sounds too hard.

You can't do it. And now I can say, yes, we can. Here's a physical comic where we just did it. So this is the proof of concept. Um, so yeah, the comic is so exciting. I, I, I, I can't wait. Yeah.

Dotta: One of the things that I would also really love to do is to have [00:40:00] a, have some way to kind of like transition folks from the physical into digital.

And so we're exploring a lot of different ways that, like, what's the best option? Right? You know, it might not be the best thing to require someone, you know, create a meta mask and then like pay gas on et l one that's just like impossible, right? And so what are some of the ways that we might be able to sort of like, lower that barrier to entry and then have something in the comic that, that, that, that lets people experience their first digital asset.

Um, so yeah, we're, we're working through some of those, those details as well.

Elf: Yep. Um, and then Barrett, tell us about, uh, your side project with board

Bearsnake: Elon. Oh, yes. So quick plug on our, I mean, it is a matching machine show. Um, we're, we just launched the first episode. We hosted the first episode of Game Changers.

It's, uh, a web three gaming show. Uh, board Elon is hosting with me and, and the Forgotten Rooms account. Um, and it's exciting. I think it, it's, it's a really great way [00:41:00] to facilitate conversations between builders. I think a lot of spaces are set up in a way that, you know, you have like the repeatable hosts of the show and they like bring on one founder and they talk about what they're doing.

And, and I, there's nothing wrong with that, but I think our approach to this is, um, yeah, let's bring a bunch of projects. Like this first episode, let's bring a, bring a bunch of projects who are like building on chain tcgs, right? And let's have, like, let's facilitate conversation between those people. Um, and yeah, I think it's a different take and exciting, you know, obviously it, it helps create even more awareness, uh, for Forgotten Ruins.

And, and what's nice is it's also a platform to take community projects outside of the games that we're building. Um, and on a pedestal. So, We had, um, give hoot from Ros t c g up, uh, with, uh, parallel and final form. And, and so yeah, we'll, we'll be doing it for the next, like eight or nine weeks. We'll see how it goes.

And, you know, if, if everybody's liking it [00:42:00] and, and we want to keep doing it, uh, we'll, we'll just keep rolling with it. But, uh, you know, definitely like booking some, some really, really amazing guests. We're trying to keep, um, a pretty high bar for who comes on. So, uh, uh, keep a, keep a lookout for it.

Elf: I, I loved that, uh, you had, uh, give a hoot and, and the Ros t CG up there right next to the parallel cards, um, I, I mean's TCG is just, just fantastic.

It's one of my, it's one of my favorite cult projects. Yeah. Um, and, and yeah, it, it's funny Bear cuz like in the Discord, I, I'm often like inadvertently tagged in, into all these other guests that you're trying to corral for the, for the next episodes. And, and, and as I'm watching you do it, it's like, it's like really I'm realizing like, God damn forgotten.

Ros is collaborating with a ton of other teams. Um, like for example, like the Worldwide Web Three Guys, nifty Island, um, by Sonic, of course for the Universe [00:43:00] game, um, a few others, but it's just like we're, we're just, we're just rapidly spreading, you know, the, the whole, the whole Metaverse strategy is just a real exponential strategy.

Um, so I'm, I'm glad that Game Changers is a place where all of that can be talked about.

Dotta: Same.

Elf: Um, bear, did we, did we lose you? No,

Bearsnake: no, no. I just, I had nothing to add. I, I, I'm happy. I'm happy we're doing it. And board a fantastic host and, you know, he's, He's been in the gaming industry a really long time. So it's nice to have, uh, someone who has, you know, who has that experience and, you know, it's just, it's just good conversation.

You know, I think it's important to, um, to be producing this kind of content that like elevates the audience and like forces, you know, I'm all for spaces where people are screaming and like throwing stones. It's fun, it's entertaining in its own right. But like, I also think it's, it's, [00:44:00] it, it's on the shoulders of builders and, and also, and also like these content creators or influencers, whatever you wanna call them, it's up to them.

Like a lot of people complain about what's going on? Well, like, okay, maybe don't complain. Why don't you just create stuff that's, that like forces people to elevate, you know, what they're interested in listening to and, and educating. So I think this is our, this is like one attempt at doing that.

Elf: I also love that Jitsu was a main voice on that show.

Cause I don't think we hear enough from, from jitsu. Yeah,

Bearsnake: I agree. I'm gonna have one of his mortal enemies on the show on purpose, just to see if I can start, uh, just so I I I, I can see if he can even like, uh, contain himself.

Elf: I already love it. Who, who is? Yeah. Give us a taste. Um, I'm not,

Bearsnake: there's no way I'm saying

Elf: it right loud.

Why? Cuz it's a surprise or Yeah, it's a surprise. Or cuz you don't wanna start shit immediately. I

Bearsnake: don't wanna start shit immediately and it's a surprise,

Elf: dude. [00:45:00] Uh, okay. Yeah, Dr. Dramatic spaces are the best. Uh, just ask Josh. Um, okay. Uh, uh, there's another fun thing going on called, uh, what rds? Is that what it's called? Data. S Squadals.

Dotta: Okay. So yeah, so S Squadals was made by, uh, Brennan e who is a wizard and very, very talented. It's, uh, let's call it a, a sort of like inspired by, uh, Chromi squiggles project that is Ordinals, uh, on Ordinals.

Uh, I saw he basically posted in the Wizards Alpha Chat. Uh, I don't know, a while back. Uh, I don't know exactly, and I know that a lot of wizards were able to kinda get in through that. I was lame and I didn't, uh, I actually had to ask them to get in like this morning through like another door. But, um, so yeah, so I, I actually minted one this morning, but the s squadals are, are really cool.

Uh, they're probably my favorite. Uh, ordinals Project of the day. Uh, [00:46:00] the, the idea basically is that you're able to pick a hash, um, which then is used as sort of the seed to generate the, the different squiggles. So, uh, well, it's really fun, so check it out. I don't if you can get, if you can get in on the mint list, you should try.

I think how you do it is you like, join their discord. I don't know. I'm not trying to show it necessarily, but I just love that people who are wizards are creating really, really cool things. Um, you know, I can talk a little bit more about orals. Um, I think like just the state of orals, if right now if you haven't been paying attention, um, they're still pretty, like, pretty active.

So, um, one of the things that's a little bit confusing when you look at the ordinals. Uh, marketplaces is that they're, they invented a new set of BRC 20 tokens, which are basically these like text files that describe the tokens. Have you seen that? We've, I've heard about it, but I don't know what it's, yeah, so BRC 20 s are like BRC twenties, right?

They're like a token, but they're implemented in like the dumbest [00:47:00] way you've ever heard of, which is like you upload a text file to Bitcoin just being like, I made up, you know, Dota coin and there's 10,000 of them. And then, and then I add, and then if I wanna send some to you, I upload a new text file that says like, oh, I sent bear a thousand of these coins.

Um, and it, and you know, as often happens in software, like the dumbest thing that could work actually does work because it's very easy to understand. And so it's totally inefficient, totally slow, kind of ridiculous in how it's implemented and people love them. So, uh, the, the, the BRC twenties, so when you look at Ordinals, one of the things you know is that people, um, kind of, they, they talk about the inscription number a lot, which is how early you were.

And, um, I think that there are, uh, 10 or maybe 11 million inscriptions at the moment. Um, So for, for context, you know the shadow hats that you and I made, um, those were in the, under the first 1000. So, so very, very early by, by these [00:48:00] standards. But actually o of these, um, ordinals, about 10 million of them are probably BRC 20 s and, uh, or like BRC 20, like related transactions.

And then there's only about, I'm gonna say like 850,000, 900,000. Like, I don't, I don't think there's actually like a million images of ordinals that have been inscribed quite yet. And so, but what you're actually seeing is that the marketplaces are actually moving. I mean, there was a day last week, I think where the volume on Ordinals was actually like about equivalent to the volume on like open sea.

Wow. Um, so the, the main marketplace for Ordinals is, is Magic Eden. Um, and you know, they had like a hundred Bitcoin where the volume yesterday, like in the last 24 hours, which is like crazy, crazy. Um, so. Well, I think what's interesting is that you're seeing is that it's not just like some of the early narratives was just like, oh, how early is your inscription number?

How early is it sub one K? Sub 10 K? Or whatever. Which like, uh, I hold a [00:49:00] lot of sub 10 K, so I love that and I'm biased, whatever. But one of the things you're finding is, um, some newer projects are coming out where people don't really care that much about the inscription numbers. So, um, for example, Mulan, um, did one called, uh, abstract Ordinals, or Abstract Ordinals?

I don't have any. I wish I did. Um, and they're these like really beautiful sort of like pick abstract pixel art, um, uh, inscriptions. And people really like them. Like they're going for, you know, 0.3, 0.5 of a Bitcoin, um, on secondary right now. Part of that is because they're inscribed on like so-called rare SATs, but whatever the, that's the main reason is because people like the art, people like the project and they're not that concerned.

The fact that they, they were like inscribed around like 9 million or whatever. So all that to say, I basically think that what you're seeing is a bit of a ma maturation of the, of the ordinals market. I think it's still worth paying attention. I have no idea if like number goes up in the near term. Um, but it's like definitely something that is like, you know, it was, it, it was, it was really hot on Twitter back in like, let's say [00:50:00] February and then it kind of like eased up and then people were curious like, oh, or, or Ordinals over.

And I think what you're starting to see is it is sort of like find a bit of stability. So yeah, I, I'm still super interested in them, uh, and they're worth looking at.

Elf: I have some, I have a tech question about Ordinals, and maybe it's two in the weeds, but I'm gonna ask it anyway. Um, so basically an ordinal, uh, or let's just say a Bitcoin, N f t, is when you attach a, a picture to a satoshi, that's basically it, right?

Yep. Yeah. Okay. And, and you once made an analogy where you said, okay, like one Bitcoin is fungible to another Bitcoin. Uh, one, like a paper dollar is fungible to a paper dollar, but if you draw a picture on that paper dollar, now it's actually kind of different, right? That's right. Yeah. Um, and so like, like if Andy Warhol drew a picture on a dollar and then some random dude on the street drew a picture of the dollar on a dollar, the, the [00:51:00] one that Andy Drew, Andy Warhol drew on, is actually now suddenly worth a lot of dollars.

Right? Um, okay, so here's my question. Um, I, is it possible that somebody could like accidentally spend a satoshi that has an image attached to it just in the same way that somebody could accidentally spend a dollar with an Andy Warhol drawing on it?

Dotta: 100%. Interesting. And so you have to be really careful.

That's why you have to use these like special ordinals wallets. That's why you have to use Hero or X verse or the, or the ordinal command line tools because of that exact issue, which is like a regular Bitcoin wallet. Like, um, you know, let's say Sparrow, if you're not paying attention, um, will actually just like spend your SATs like any other sat and then it's like just including your Andy Warhol dollar in the change drawer at the gas station.

Elf: So like, theoretically you, it, it could happen that someone buys Bitcoin [00:52:00] from Coinbase and they accidentally buy a really valuable ordinal. Would, could that theoretically happen? Uh, so

Dotta: yeah, sort of there's like technical details in terms of like the splitting and joining that happens where that's like very unlikely, but yes.

Um, another thing that people are doing is sort of like, uh, your, your, your dollar bill actually has a serial number on it. And because it's all on chain, we actually know the serial numbers of the Bitcoin that Satoshi himself, uh, passed around. Right? Right. And so, uh, people are kind of valuing saying like, oh, you know, Hal Finny like sent this satoshi to somebody in like, you know, 2009 and, and so like, you know, they think that's very valuable to me.

I have a hard time getting excited about it, but like, whatever, if you like that, go

Elf: for it. I think it's pretty exciting actually. Not, not that I would collect it cuz it's probably outta my price range, but I, I think it is interesting. [00:53:00]

Dotta: Yeah. Um,

Elf: and then I, I guess just one more question, like, you know, you talked about the, the ordinal market heating up, but I, I wouldn't say it's like reached a fever pitch by any stretch.

Um, my explanation for this is just the marketplaces to trade ordinals, um, are still a little, uh, I guess not user-friendly. Um, is, do you see that shifting anytime soon? Or, or maybe Magic Eden is like already an answer to that. Yeah, magic

Dotta: Eden's pretty good, and if you use like hero or X versus the experience is like not that different from meta mask.

So like, it's doable, it's slow. Bitcoin is really slow and that's very annoying. Yeah, but it's also a bit like beautiful too because, for example, I think I talked about this before, one of the things that you see with BRC twenties, okay. So one of the things you see with Errc twenties is that like, you know, someone launches a shit coin and then like dumps it super fast.

Or like a whale has, um, like a huge amount of the supply [00:54:00] and then they just like start to dump it. Well, in Ordinals one, because of the fact the blocks are 10 minutes long, uh, Like it act. So, so if you have a large enough position, sometimes it'll take like weeks to unwind. Just literally that's like how long it takes for you to sell all the ordinals that you have and, and that you don't really have this same sort of like instant minute, uh, like second by second like price view that you, you know, like for example, on e theory, on the prices are changing let's say every 15 seconds for every block.

Um, whereas in, in Bitcoin you actually can't see the prices changing, but every 10 minutes. And so that is a completely different, uh, like market psychology in terms of like, it's much slower to move up. It's much slower to move down. Uh, you see the similar thing with sort of like collections, you know, uh, the liquidity is obviously quite thin, and so the, the volatility is a lot lower.

Elf: Interesting. Yeah. Okay. Bear, do you have any oral questions?

Bearsnake: I, [00:55:00] well, I do, but I'm have to, uh, sidebar with do about it cuz it's helping me personally how to figure something out. But the other, the other, the other question, um, I'd love to ask your opinion on Doda is, you know, there's this whole concept of like a low inscription number and, and, and whether or not there's value in just sort of being under a thousand, being under 5,000, being under 10,000.

The fact that it's scaled already so, so quickly. Like how do you, how do, how do you feel about people who, you know, value? Just the inscription number

Dotta: for me though, it always matters. I, I missed out on a lot of sort of like, um, I don't know. Let's call it like Machiavellian money early on by not minting the like blatant ripoffs and low effort projects, right?

Like there are people who value a low inscription a lot more than I do. Um, and so I skipped a lot of projects that, that I didn't like [00:56:00] for that reason. Um, I think that like good art on sub one k, sub 10 K are like totally grails, right? Like, um, Yeah, so I value them quite a lot and I have a few, and I like them.

Um, but that said, one of the things I love, and I would say that probably my attitude maybe changed around this week, which is like, we're far enough away from that in terms of inscription, numbers and inscription number doesn't matter anymore. And now it's just really like, is the art good? Is it fun? Like, it's not totally against the, like, I would say that maybe, um, in like, let's say April or whatever, if you, if we'd said, oh, should we do a forgotten ruin, like Wardens collection or whatever, I would've said like, no, it's kind of lame now.

I don't wanna do it now. I feel like it could be fun. Right? Like it's, it's, it's like not really diluted. It's a new audience. This isn't Alpha, we're not planning anything, but like I can teach doing an ordinance collection right now. Um, there's like, uh, you know, a lot of teams that are releasing new projects that are super cool and it's a whole new market.

It's a different vibe. So, um, [00:57:00] I don't know, like a good project is a good

Elf: project. My, my final ordinance question is actually for the Colt. Do you hate when we talk about Ordinals? Some of them do.

Dotta: I don't

Bearsnake: think, I don't think it should have hate. I think it's like part of the evolution of the larger space.


Elf: hate I agree, bear, but some, Hey, ordinals piss a lot of people off, not just in the cult, but general. Like everywhere.

Bearsnake: I get angry all the time that I didn't get like a Bitcoin punk or whatever. Make a ton of money. I'm pissed.

Dotta: Yeah.

Elf: All right. Uh, only two people answered. Snoop Dogg is interested and then Urin basically doesn't care, so, all right.

All right. Oh, and Oz likes it. All right, sweet. Um, I think, uh, I just think that like, one

Dotta: of the things about Ordinals that's interesting is, This idea that it's slower, [00:58:00] this idea that it's on Bitcoin and something to do with your funds there, especially if you're a Bitcoin believer. And, and also this idea that typically the projects don't really have roadmaps, that it sort of feels like this return to sort of, uh, you know, there's no, there I, as far as I know, there's really no like royalties, maybe magic Edens sports royalties, but in general, the expectation is that you're basically creating an art, like a painting that you collect for its own sort of inherent value.

And so I really, really like that it feels similar. Like you can't do as much as you can on Ethe. So that has its own sort of, its own sort of role, I suppose. And so, um, you know, I think that like some deeper reasons for Bitcoin over Ethereum would be something like, As we start to see governments take more of an offense towards cryptocurrency, I think that Bitcoin is probably better positioned than even Ethereum to kind of like withstand that sort of [00:59:00] assault.

Um, like my hope is that they both are able to, but I think Bitcoin is, is more. And so, um, you know, that provides its own kind of like provenance, the fact that all the art is on chain instead of Ethereum, where it's mostly off chain. So there's a lot of interesting ideas there. Yeah,

Bearsnake: our stuff's on chain though.

Elf: Yeah. Do Doda if, uh, Gary Ginsler, um, brings down the hammer, I, I hope you have got the button ready to instantly transfer all wizards to Ordinals. Just, just press the button now. You're gonna make

Bearsnake: people angry. Now

Dotta: gonna get angry. Don't power. I don't have that power.

Elf: I'm kidding. I'm kidding. Yeah.

Dotta: Um, let me arm

Bearsnake: wrestle him.

I'll, I'll let, like if I win the wrestling, I

Dotta: bet I could beat him an arm wrestl match. You know, bear, I actually beat him in an arm wrestling match. Yeah.

Why are you guys laughing?

Elf: I'm only laughing cause bears laughing. [01:00:00]

Bearsnake: I'm laughing because, uh, yeah, actually I'm not gonna answer. That's a trap.

Elf: All right, let's talk about cult content. Um, uh, thanks to, uh, the, uh, legendary Tony del Rio. I believe this is week, uh, maybe week 20. Is, is that what we're at? Uh, Tanya.

For the cult Content Chronicle,

Dotta: how much cult content chronicle there is every single week. Thank you for putting this together. I'm never gonna stop saying that.

Elf: Yeah, no. Tony's the best. Literally the best. Um, and so let's start right off with a really nice piece, uh, from the one and only Chta Bee, uh, Chatta Bee, uh, combined Wizards and Legos and made his, uh, mushroom head wizard.

Um, and this, this Lego piece that looks like a digital, is there like some kind of digital Lego app out there? There's gotta be. No, but there should

Bearsnake: be. Well, maybe there is. I don't know. [01:01:00]

Dotta: This piece.

Elf: Chta made, looks digital. I don't know. Whatever. It's still awesome. Um, uh, okay. Speaking of awesome, uh, I, I think an artist that we have all just grown to love, uh, Marco fine, uh, has two pieces in, there are three pieces in the Cult Chronicle.

Um, one of Tad Major's Warrior. Uh, a wizard, uh, by flesh machine. Um, and then, uh, and then Marco fine shared a really fun, uh, progress video of a pony. Um, and it's just like, damn, these wizards are awesome. I mean, Marco fines style. I, I, I think I've asked before I was, but I'm just like, Marco, fine. Can you please just draw every single head and every single body and then we'll redo the whole collection in this style.

Um, I, I mean the thek,

Dotta: my Marco fine.

Elf: Yeah, there you go. This, this little SPX that Marco drew, I just love [01:02:00] it. Um, so yeah. Awesome, Marco. Fine. Um, and then speaking of more, awesome. Another super prolific artist in the, in the cult, Daniela Elra, um, is, uh, shared, uh, uh, drawing video of a warrior. Um, love Daniella's work.

Um, there's a new, uh, Twitter account called Suggested Lore, and I think, uh, add, add Adapt. Yado made it. Um, and it, it's, it, I, from, from what the, the Twitter account says, it's like sugg. It's, uh, suggested lore for wizards who, who have no lore, um, which is a fun concept. Uh, and so Tania has shared this piece, um, actually for a wizard who do have, who does have Lore.

Mag was here of the Mount. Um, but yeah, uh, v really fun account. Um, the next piece is, uh, by post producer who did some [01:03:00] really fun pixel animation. Um, uh, Maddow is working on a 3D model of, uh, the Wizard Mags Devin. Uh, super fun. Um, We mentioned, uh, W's Vision Pro Wizard Overlay at the top of

Dotta: the hour.

Elf: Doda, have you ever done that yet?

Dotta: I got a custom one. Somebody made one. Somebody made one of Doda for me. Uh, nice. So, yes. So there, have you done it? Yeah. Which thing looks amazing in there? The, the Vision Pro Wizard overlay that I, no, I haven't

Elf: done it. I need to, you need to do it bear. I know I'm slacking. Um, okay. Why? Sam did a really fun, uh, meme.

Uh, you versus the guy she tells you not to worry about. Uh, with Jitsu's, tiny little Baby Cobalt, uh, next to [01:04:00] basically Gigas Chad Cobalt. Um, and then Cast, Amir has done a, uh, Geez, how do I describe this? A profane

Dotta: version of, I don't

Elf: even wanna say the name, but I'm gonna say it anyway. Mommy. Nami Nas. Did I say that right?

Yeah. You know, as, as much as, uh, casters and the whole, um, moron capital, um, treatment of little nas, as much as it, it sometimes I guess makes me uncomfortable. I, I don't think, I don't think any other crew could have done, uh, could have done na the Nosferatu better, let me put it that way.

Dotta: Uh, what comes out of the morons is just art in, in, in every sense.

Yeah. I

Elf: couldn't have said it better myself. I mean, you know, this is the thing about ai. It's like, You know, [01:05:00] ai, I don't think would've had just like this sort of feral creativity that I see coming out of Moron Global. Um, it's just, it's just great. Uh, I

Dotta: think, yeah, and I think it's important that anyone who hears that know that that's a compliment.

Elf: Yes. Did it, did it seem, did it seem not? So

Dotta: I just think if someone doesn't know you as well, like that term feral, it could go either direction. And I just wanted to super explicit that like, no, coming from el that's like a compliment. Yeah. Okay, cool. Yeah. You call

Bearsnake: me Ferreal all the time, like you

Dotta: love animals.

Elf: Okay, but bear, when I say it to you, I don't mean it as a consequence.

Dotta: Yes. This idea that creates this sort of like sterile, uh, like cliche, uh, artwork and then what you have from the morons, right? It's just like so clearly hand in human

Elf: created. Yeah. Yeah. Um, and then finally, uh, Tabitha has been doing [01:06:00] a really a fun series of AI art.

And like, even though I talk shit on ai, I don't, I I'm never, I'm never, uh, I've never suggested to not use it. In fact, if you find that it makes you more creative, then definitely use it. And Tabitha has been putting it to great use lately, um, using it to illustrate scenes all around the universe. Um, uh, but lately Tabitha used it to illustrate, uh, bear your new show game changer.

Bearsnake: Um, I sent it to, uh, I sent it to board and he was so stoked that someone had made it. He was like, oh my gosh, someone made this. It was very cool.

Elf: Yeah. Fantastic. Uh, but I think that's it for the, the Colt Chronicle. Um, which means that maybe it for Wizard Wednesday. Uh, you guys got anything else? I'm good.

Bearsnake: I'm good to go.

Elf: Bear. When, when is the next Game Changers episode?

Bearsnake: Every [01:07:00] Tuesday at 8:30 AM Pacific.

Elf: And then, um, and then finally, uh, yes, next week is the 100th wizard Wednesday. Dammit. You guys have to be there, um, because you're gonna get an airdrop if you do.

Bearsnake: Oh, also, also, yes, come to Wizard Wednesday, but I'm gonna be at three xp, the Web three Gaming Conference, uh, tomorrow and Friday.

So if you're there, I'll just DM

Dotta: you. I'm gonna be my house doing my taxes. So my house,

Elf: I'm gonna be at my house as well. Um, working on other stuff. And with that, this has been Elf Do Bear Snake channeling out. From the quantum down,

Dotta: I

Elf: everybody.[01:08:00]