Wizard Wednesday Episode 83 Transcription

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Wizard Wednesday Episode April 19th


Elf: [00:00:00] It is Wednesday We're Wizard, and today is a magical day that we call Wizard Wednesday. Channeling in with quantum style through the quantum downs. This is El and

Dotta: Dota.

Bearsnake: What's up? It's bear. What up bear? I'm back, baby.

Elf: I'm back. Welcome

Bearsnake: back, homie. I'm alive. Oh, that was a big trip. Yeah, that was. I can't believe your energy levels.

I, um, you know, I don't know what it is about me, but I I've been referred to as a tank, as a bear tank. Yep. I just keep going, but I think I, I give the reason I. I can, I can just keep going is because I just get so excited about what we're doing. Damn Right. And then when I get in, then when I get into like a room full of people who are in the space, um, [00:01:00] I just get so energized.

Damn Right. I just, I just get so excited. I, I, I never want, I never wanted to stop. Damn. Right.

Elf: That's what I'm talking about. Um, there Yeah. You today in the Discord, you just, you said something like, uh, I'm so freaking excited about what we're building and where we're going. Um, so can you just elaborate on that for a little bit?

I mean,

Bearsnake: yeah. Do you have like five hours? Are we, are we extending the space a bit? No, no.

Elf: Condense it into 30

Bearsnake: seconds. Okay. 30 seconds. Um, okay. Well first off, uh, and I'm not sure if I, I don't think I tweeted it. Um, I think I put it in Magic Machine Discord, but the best thing that, the best, like quote, I got feedback from Wizards, uh, in New York last week was.

I forget who I was talking to, but I was talking to someone, they were like telling me about why they love Wizard, and they're like, you know what, you know, like, you know what, dude? Like Wizards is the only project that I, that I've never heard someone talk shit on. [00:02:00] Yep. And by the way, that's like we should, we should, we should make some kind of sticker about that, because that is a badge of honor that have a project that, um, people just inherently feel good about.

Like through the thick and the thin and the ups and the downs I think is huge. Um, but yeah, like it was again, uh, we had, we had a low key meetup, um, with Wizards and there were some new faces, some old faces, uh, just, you know, just floored at, at the, at the, like the, the quality of, of of person in the cult.

Um, and just meeting, meeting, meeting people who. You know, we're in the cold and not in the cold at all of these sort of events. And I had a just ton of like, meetings. Um, of course I didn't go to the conference cuz who would go to a conference like that? Um, but yeah, just, uh, the people this year, it was, it felt like there was a lot of energy, right?

And a lot of projects were [00:03:00] having events, but it felt like, it almost felt like the way East Denver felt. And I think I, I talked about that. It just, it felt like the people who were there were just really there for the right reasons. Last, like last year, it was about, um, Just showing up and, and I think like even though like the, the crash had started or the bear had started, people were still just sort of there, cause things felt like up into the right, just felt like all the right people were there and, and just so much, so much positivity, uh, around not only the Wizards, but like what everybody else is building.

And it just feels like the concentration of people is, is, uh, you know, is just getting higher and higher, uh, in terms of who's here for the right reasons. But yeah, it was, it was absolutely fantastic. Met with a lot of partners that were already doing stuff with, met with even more people that, um, we hope to be doing some stuff with.

Uh, and of course Jitsi was, was, uh, my wing man the entire week. [00:04:00] I don't think there's a better wing man, um, than Jitsi out in the world. Uh, just, just fantastic to spend time with that guy. So thanks jitsu for, for coming and hanging out. Hell

Elf: yeah. Thanks for the compliment, dude. It was a blast. I had such a good time.

As long as I have a drink in hand and

Bearsnake: a dance floor in front of me, I'm ready to go. Yeah, I mean, I, I will say, uh, a little anecdote. We, we like went to a couple things. I think it was on Wednesday night and then jitsu, um, fell asleep at the bar and I tapped out early and then, and basically got kicked out of the bar.

Not, not because he had drank so much, I think just cuz he was so tired. But we love you jitsu. You're amazing. Uh uh, you're the best. Thanks, bud. Yeah. I just needed

Elf: a nap, you know? Next thing you know, dude's like, you can't be doing that. I'm like, well, we'll just call early tonight then. It's a marathon, not a sprint.

You know? So

Bearsnake: it was, uh, good times in his story. Yeah, that's great. And then, uh, yeah, so that, that, that was the summation. Went to Philly, uh, [00:05:00] to do some stuff, and then went to Miami for some really fun meetings and, and now I'm back and yeah, I'm energized. I'm like all re-upped. I'm ready to go. I, I think we, it's just clear to me, I tweeted that.

I think it's just clear to me now that, um, not that it wasn't before, that we just have such an incredible group of people with Magic Machine, um, and the cult, uh, you know, someone, last thing I'll say, I know I'm ranting. The last thing I'll say is I, I was in Miami with someone who's in the cult, and someone who I have a ton of respect for was like, uh, they're really big into punks.

And, and he was talking about like why he believes in the punks, why he got a punk. Um, and he was like, I don't know what it is, but he's like this, like, he's like, I get the, like the same X factor that the punks have. He's like, I just feel like that's what the Wizards have. And, and I think, you know, a lot of, a lot of really OG people, a lot of the biggest builders in the space are holders in the cult.

And, and you know, [00:06:00] may a lot of, you know, a lot of punks don't talk a lot, right? They're just there, they're sort of voyeurs and we have a lot of that. And so it was, I mean, gosh, to, to be, to be, to have that, um, comparison, uh, just gives me goosebumps and, and I'm here for it.

Elf: Damn right. Well, welcome back Bear.

Um, we've got a big show today. Uh, we're gonna, we've got cult questions. Uh, we're gonna give a little 3D update. Um, I'm gonna talk about the locations on the map. I want to give a Black Sands update, and I want to talk about the large lore model. Um, and I actually, I, I really wanna talk about some cult content cuz we didn't do it last week and there were some really amazing, uh, pieces from last week.

So, uh, who knows, uh, if, if we can get to that, um, Uh, but only time will tell. Uh, but let's, uh, let's jump right into cult questions. Um, so the [00:07:00] first thing is, uh, I wanna make sure everybody knows about, uh, Sharon has told me that her and o are gonna do a world building discussion, um, on April 24th, uh, 10:00 AM Eastern time, 9:00 AM central time.

Um, so yeah, just wanted to make sure everybody is aware of that right off the bat. Um, Okay. Now for some questions. Uh, let's see. There's so many. Where should I start? Um, cast Amir says when some Elf original Nosferatu art, uh, the, uh, the token itself is an Elf Original number one, but I think you're asking for more than that.

Um, customer. I would love it to make, uh, an another, uh, nosferatu, uh, piece of artwork. Um, again, [00:08:00] I love what you guys are doing with Lil Nas. Uh, so yeah, maybe when I get some time after 3d, I'll make one. Well,

Dotta: I think even the 3D model is, is another one, right? You have the, the heads. I think it even body modeled for nosto already, don't you?

Elf: I sure do. And uh, damn it turned out nice. Um, yeah, yeah. But, but even beyond that, maybe I'll do, um, one even beyond that. Um, okay. Uh, let's see. Uh, bill Gaines is asking, do you know where mega moron mark is on the map? Um, I can't seem to find it. Uh, you know, I, I said in, I said in the Discord, I think, uh, when they bulldozed a Mac was years, they built a mega moron mark over it.

Um, I think it's probably at the base of the Secret Tower. Um, that's sort of the way capitalism works is, uh, They, uh, they don't hesitate to build their obnoxious eyesore franchises right [00:09:00] near historical landmarks. Um, you can see this happening all over the world. So that's where I would guess it is. Um, and then, uh, and then Bill's also asking, what jobs would the founders have at Mega Morron Mart if they needed to work there?

Uh, that's a really good question. Um,

Dotta: when I was a teenager, I worked at Toys R Us and my like favorite part of the job was a, assembling the bikes for people. People would buy bikes and they came in a box. They didn't know how to build it. So I would build the bikes for them, and I think I would do that at Moron Mart two if I got

Elf: to choose.

I, I, I like that. Um, yeah, I think I would work in the back. I don't think I'd wanna work in the front. Um, I, I'm not really good with customers face to face. I think Bear, you'd probably be at the cash register.

Bearsnake: I'm at the, yeah, I'm definitely at the register. Um, I'm probably giving the wait free hot dogs [00:10:00] or whatever we're selling.

Um, and yeah, and probably, and probably, um, buying a lot of, uh, lottery tickets on my own and spending on that money.

Elf: I think I'd rather mop the floors than do that. So I'll, I'll, I'll take floor cleaning duty. Um, okay. Uh, let's see what else. Um, Sharon is asking, did I, asking me if I got my MEChA pony fixed, or I, if I'm still at the starting line?

Uh, yeah. So my pony had had a little bit of a rough start. Um, in the Black Sands race, which I wanna talk about later, but, but no, it's definitely got off the starting line and it's definitely beating Bears Pony. Um, so, well, I I, while

Bearsnake: I'm rolling right now, so let's just be, let's just, let's just calm down a little bit and plus all my, by the way, all my tree boxes are in my ledger on my cold wallet, and I, I haven't had a chance to open that up.

I didn't bring it with me, but I'm gonna open, I'm gonna open, I'm gonna open all of them and I'm going to beat you, [00:11:00] so, okay,

Elf: here we go. Yeah, I, I, I did notice that you only fed your pony two treats, a Popsicle and a watermelon, whereas I fed mine three. Um, but I, I don't think feeding yours an extra treat is really gonna make a difference there.

Mine's just faster. That's all there is to it. If you feed it the

Dotta: treat, do you lose the treat like it's like burned or is it just don't, I don't throw

Bearsnake: all your treats at it. I think you can keep using it unless you can't, because. Two. Drews just said don't think your treats are Regi registering. So maybe it's because I already used them.

I don't

Elf: know. I don't really

Dotta: know the rules of black sands pony racing. Yeah,

Elf: so it doesn't use your treats, but you can only use your treats like once per race, so you get three treats. So yeah, so you get three treats to use. Um, some treats give like actual special bonuses and other treats are just like kind of generic treats.

So they give like a generic tool roll, I think. Um, but yeah, you use them and it doesn't actually like leaf in your wallet or anything. It just kind of like, you can't use it for the rest of the race. And you get [00:12:00] three rolls if you use, if you use three treats in one race, then you have to roll it indigestion roll, cuz you may, may have overdone it and then you may get negative points still.

Oh no. Yeah, Donna, to answer your question like this is partly what I love about Black Sands is just how, uh, I don't wanna use the word complex, what's a better word than complex? Just how layered. Layered. Layered, yes. Great. How layered, uh, all the data that goes into the races is so like, you know, there are various, um, variables that can affect your ponies standing in the race.

One is treats, uh, a lot of it has to do with roles that you do in Discord based around various events. Um, but yeah, it's, it is just a lot of things and, you know, okay. Why don't I just dive into Black Sands right now. Um, I don't know if you guys are aware, but if you haven't seen the Black Sands, uh, website lately, it is.

[00:13:00] Amazing. Um, and probably one of the most amazing features now is they have like a live racetrack that actually shows you, um, the ponies on the track and like their position. Uh, and, and right now, um, our good friend Oz is winning and it looks like he is winning by quite a lot. Um, so yeah, but just, just the live, like, like the visual track, uh, feed is just so freaking cool.


Dotta: yeah, it's like the mini map when you're playing, uh, like Mario

Elf: card or something. Yeah, yeah, exactly. Um, but yeah, and, and then like, you know, as you can see, like the ponies are racing, like on the actual univer map, uh, their first stop is Red Wizard Capital. Um, and so yeah, I mean I just, I just love it so much.

Like my dream is to someday like have actual 3D ponies that we can watch racing on the map. Um, but you know, just. Black Sims has been great. [00:14:00] Um, hey, commander

Dotta: just posted a tweet from the Black Sand that has, has the rules. So if anybody wants to, uh, get involved here, I just pinned it up here. So, uh, yeah, you can, you can roll daily commands the mega ponies.

Ooh, mega ponies have a robo charge command and then weekly they're treats, trains. Well, you can look at the tweet. Yeah. It also

Elf: integrates the, the ruins trading card game into it as well. Cuz if you play ruins trading card game, um, and you can actually accrue like, um, extra roles, extra points, and, uh, During the match.

So it, it's integrating interoperably with other,

Dotta: uh,

Elf: projects. That's really cool. That's fun. Oh, so you get like a train? Right. Train

Dotta: roles happen if you play, if you play one rooms match, you get one dice. If you play two matches, you get three. Right.

Elf: And it's, it's automated too, so it's not like you have to like ping, ping [00:15:00] anybody and say, Hey, I just did some matches.

Um, it's registered in the back end. Um, they, they, the teams work together so that when you do a ruins match, it automatically goes into the, um, the bot so it knows, understands what

Dotta: you have an extra role. That's fine.

Bearsnake: I mean, wh who else is, I mean, where else are you gonna see this kind of thing in a project?


Elf: right. I don't see any other

Bearsnake: projects doing stuff like that. This is un this is Unfuck. Unbelievable leg itus team. You're incredible.

Elf: Love you. No, it really is. And it's, it's, it's interoperable with other things. Uh, other projects that other cult members are building, and I don't know if you guys have looked lately, but the art channel in the Black Sands Discord, new mounts are being, uh, created.

And I looked at some of the recent ones. My God, they're gorgeous. Uh, Marco Fine has made some new ones. Why Sam has made some new ones. They're just mind blowing some of the new mounts that are being created. I just love it so much. Um, [00:16:00] so yeah. And, and I'm meeting Bear, so what more could I ask for?

Bearsnake: Just, just, just fucking relax for a second.

I'm, I'm coming after you. I'm gonna spend all my money to beat you. I may be broke, but I'm gonna, I'm gonna come ahead. We'll

Elf: see. Okay. Oh, there's

Dotta: a chart of which treats how many boosts they give you. Uh, and so that's really good information for, for pulling ahead.

Bearsnake: Yeah, I'm gonna use all, I'm using all the tricks.

Also, I'm, I'm not opposed to just sending eth straight to legist to like, just put me ahead in general.

Elf: So you're a cheater. Great. Thanks for, thanks for admitting it.

Dotta: Uh, bill Gaines is saying that you, you talked about something that's not public. I assume it's like something like maybe mounts

Elf: or maybe I'm not, uh, yeah, I think I wasn't supposed to say that.

Other artists are making mounts. Um, good job. Yep. Yep. Don't, don't let talk about Black Sands anymore. [00:17:00] Next topic. Next topic. Now that I ruined that one. Um, okay, let's see. Uh, da da da, uh, Snoop Doug is asking, did all the ruins get created at the same time? So that's an interesting question. Um, You might be asking if, if, if I created them all at the same time for the collection, which yes, I did.

But you also might be asking, uh, from like a meta-narrative, uh, perspective, like in the universe where they all created at the same time. Um, and to that, I would say probably not. I mean, it's, uh, the, the ruins in the collection are just the accumulation of, of, uh, the entire world's, uh, history and mythology.

Um, so no, I mean there, there these ruins are just like sort of pulled from the collective unconsciousness of, of, uh, human history. Um, so, so the answer is yes and no. Uh, let's see, what else. [00:18:00] Um, I'm just looking through and see if I missed any, uh, Uh, wild Ma. Um, looks like you asked this a long time ago. Uh, there are only red and yellow cleric outfits, outfits among the wizards, but no other colors for other hats.

Um, what are the red and yellow clerics? Um,

okay, but he's basically asking if, if the red and yellow on the cleric outfit, uh, is connected to the hat color orders. Um, I would say no, they are not in, in, uh, in, in regards to the cleric outfits, they are simply a fashion statement. They don't necessarily adhere to the hat color, uh, culture and politics.

Um, okay, I think, I think that's all the cold questions. Oh, no. Sorry. Tanya has one more. Uh, so, so yeah, this is a good one. Uh, back to you bear. Um, so you told us about your NYC experience, but can you elaborate on your Epic [00:19:00] games tweet? Oh, what, what

Bearsnake: tweet? I have no idea what you're talking about. Oh, okay. So I, so I had, I, I figured out how to answer this question in a way that, uh, I'm allowed to talk about.

So, again, I, I, I normally don't like tweet, things like that. I was just excited about a call that we got off of. But the reality is, is, you know, there was a lot of speculation based off of that tweet. And what I'll say is, um, for the Univer game, the most important thing, at least the thing that I'm concentrating on, um, is making sure that as many people know about this game, and play this game as possible, right?

Like th this game is not just built for the people who are already in Web three and own NFTs. It's for everybody. It's this proper video game being developed by a huge team of what, 40 or 50 people at this point. Um, [00:20:00] and the way we win is by onboarding, you know, regular gamers that don't know about blockchain or don't own NFTs don't have crypto wallets.

And so what I would say is like, there's two stores, right? There's basically two main storefronts and video games, one theme and one's epic. Um, and so I'd say it's really just, it's about distribution and getting as many eyeballs, um, as possible. Um, and so hopefully that answers the question. There's gonna be more coming soon, but, uh, you know, it's really just about getting, um, the rest of the world to pay attention to games that, that utilize blockchain.

And that's all I'm gonna say.

Elf: Yep. Yep. Agreed. I mean, I'll elaborate on Epic, but I, you know, I just, you know, we, we talk about all the time about how the interoperability feature of Web three is the thing that is really gonna make it go exponential. Um, and so, As an N F T project. We see [00:21:00] this as a critical, um, path that we must take.

And so this epic handshake was just part

Bearsnake: of that. Yeah. I mean, it's the same thing as a TV show, right? Like the big, what are the biggest billboards in the world? How are the biggest entertainment brands and franchises built? Well, they make games and they make, they make television shows and they make films.

And so as everybody knows on, on the space, like that's really what we're concentrating on. So, huge, huge billboards.

Elf: Yep. Um, I, I wanna go black to back to Black Sands for just a second, Oz. Uh, if you wanna come up, um, and uh, talk about Black Sands for a minute, uh, please put it in a request. Cause I know you've done a lot of work on it.

Um, so yeah, just whenever you're ready. Um, oh, there he is. Uh, great.

Can connecting. And Oz. [00:22:00] Hello. Hey lf. How's it going? Hey, it's good. How you doing? Doing fine. Yeah. Good. Yeah. So yeah, so, uh, yeah, go for it. No, yeah, a lot of work put in into Black Sand and um, I'm here representing Latus cuz he just told me he wouldn't be able to attend. Uh, yeah. So, uh, I don't know. I probably should say thank you to everyone who is involved in Black Sand from the beginning, which is a long list and I don't have everyone here, but, uh, should mention like Bill Gaines pleasures, uh, Pedro em, um, drowning.

I mean, uh, it's a lot of people. And this grantor idea started, um, like it has just messaged me and said like, man, it would be cool if we had, um, a toad mount. And he sent me the, um, the ref of the illustration I did for ruins, uh, the, the, the universe rush. [00:23:00] And I said, yeah, sure, let's do it. And then, uh, he just spoke to mad and everything happened like very fast.

And it's really cool because, uh, it, it went like exponential in one or two weeks and it was everything very smooth. Like, can we do a map? Or maybe we can do like an, uh, a live racetrack and everything just fits into place, you know? So yeah, it's been fun.

It certainly has been fun. Um, I mean, just from my perspective, just watching it see how much bigger it's getting week by week. Um, and then of course I, I, I think the, the, the mount that I did is still out there somewhere, hasn't been minted yet. Um, but what I love is like the mount that I drew is so, um, unimpressive and stupid compared to the ones that everybody else is doing.

And [00:24:00] I, I, I kinda love that. So, well, I, I know that you, you, you've done a bunch of them, haven't you? Oz? Yeah, I, I, I've done, uh, I think three. Yeah. But the cool, the cool thing is that, uh, like mostly everyone who is in that chat can just come up with, with the amount that they just, you know, so Feckless did this crazy amount.

Uh, I cannot say much about it. I don't want to spoil it, but it's like, it's completely absurd and it's freaking, uh, scary. But it's like you, you just do your thing, you know? It's, it's very open. And then that's what, what, what I like about this, uh, this process of doing things, uh, for Black Sand and yeah.

And, uh, and one thing, uh, black Sand is launching today, uh, the Black Sand Editions, which is a collection for, um, uh, celebrated, celebrate, uh, I dunno, [00:25:00] uh, milestones, something like that. So the celebratory, yeah. Yeah, yeah. That's, that's it. Thank you. So the, the first one will be the artwork, the official artwork for the grand tour, which features, uh, me with the visuals and Leif Dojang with, uh, the music.

So I'm not sure if it's up already, but it's gonna be an open edition and there will be some info later on. Fantastic. Awesome. Thank, thanks Oz, and thanks for everything that you do in the call. Yeah, yeah. Come me in.

Dotta: And also

Elf: as a small, as a small note to that, uh, big thanks to la this for, for bringing up the idea cuz it's really cool.

Um, with, along with the. Along with visiting the different areas of the univer. So all the areas that that Oz drew on the map. Um, we are planning on for the univer game, releasing small, um, like snippets of concept R and some in-game assets that are [00:26:00] going to be in those areas as we visit them. So, um, actually just posted on the univer account, um, some red wizard assets.

We have like some constant arts in the city and also some assets of like how some of the in-game, um, buildings and such look like. So you can check on the universe, um, Twitter account for that. And as they go through touring, the touring the different areas, there'll be more, there'll be more, uh, released from the universe game as well.

So big

Dotta: collaborative work between us, correct.

Elf: Man, I was talking the whole time and I was on mute. I thought I got rugged.

Dotta: I was like, yeah, I thought I got rugged.

Elf: Reconnect. I'm like, oh no.

Bearsnake: Yeah. I thought we got, by the way, real fast, I just [00:27:00] wanna do a, a call out to shout out to Belfort who we got to hang um, out with in New York. Fantastic guy. Um, Jitsi, um, I think played as his, his ape and dookie dash.

Anyway, just was a pleasure meeting him and uh, you know, he's a good guy. So be friends with Belfort.

Dotta: You're here.

Elf: All right. Um, okay. Let me, let me move on to this next piece. Uh, locations on the map. Uh, just map, map in general. So, um, over the weekend, uh, I had the most fun that I've had in a long time. I finally had a chance to break away from 3D stuff for a minute and sit down and write descriptions for all the places on the map.

Um, I say all the places, but I really only only have about 90% of them done. So it's [00:28:00] still a work in progress. Uh, but, uh, but yeah, I mean, there, there's a lot of new information in the Wikipedia about locations on the map. Um, and so, you know, it's, it's important because. Uh, the, the intent behind these descriptions, uh, have been there from day, from the day that I put them on the map.

Um, the, the meaning behind all these places on the map is, is actually really critical to the larger picture. Um, like I didn't just make these up on the spot over the weekend. Um, you know, they, they've, they've been there. The intent has been there from day one. Um, they're there to just sort of explore an archetype, uh, to create conflict to seed stories.

Um, and I, I just wanted to be sure that the references to the history of myth and [00:29:00] occult, um, are, are, are, are there, um, there's. A reason why the Blue Wizard Bastion is a bastion. Uh, there's a reason why it's adjacent to all these extremely magical areas. Um, there's a reason the White Wizard Tower is in the Allian Fields.

Fields, um, why Battle Ma Mountains sit between the Quantum shadow and Kron Mans Riviera. Uh, why the donut at Hole is named as such, why the Court of Chaos Magic is upstream from the Purple Wizard Pavilion. Um, this is all designed with purpose and intent, and I'm just, I'm really glad that I finally had a chance to get that all out there.

Um, so yeah, it's still a little bit rough and still could use some cleanup. Um, and, and some of, some of the entries are pretty short and, and they're gonna be expanded upon, but some of 'em are pretty long. Um, [00:30:00] But yeah, I just really wanted to make sure I got all that stuff out there. Cause some of the more canon expressions, like the comic and the show are, are built on these descriptions that I put in there.

Um, so yeah, so I'm, I just, I, I really, really enjoyed doing it. Um, and after 3D is totally done, I'm gonna jump back in and do some more. Um, but that actually is sort of a good segue into some, some AI experiments that Dota has been playing with. Um, Dota, let me just tee you up. You tweeted over the weekend this phrase that I just loved.

Large lore model, and obviously that's a play on large language model. Um, so yeah, I mean, why, why don't you, uh, go ahead and, and just sort of tell us what you've been up to. Yeah,

Dotta: yeah. I, well, I actually call it the large lore machine.

Elf: Oh, that's right, that's right. Even better. Yeah.

Dotta: Um, [00:31:00] and well, so I've been thinking, so the AI and these like, uh, G B T agents, right, where you can basically give them a goal and they iterate towards that goal, I think maybe two or three weeks ago, last couple of weeks was definitely kind of like striking fear into everyone's hearts cause of just sort of the uncertainty that it, um, introduced.

And I think that like, that sort of singularity is certainly on the future, but I think as we've all kind of been able to like kick the tires a little bit, um, one, I know that like. Getting more of a handle on what it is, what its limitations are, what it can do. Like I think all of our kind of like fears around it, sort of like turning everyone into paper clips are like still gonna happen eventually, but probably not from G PT four.

Right. I think you're even starting to see Sam Altman start to talk about how like just throwing more data at it is probably not the [00:32:00] issue. We probably need to have some, a bit more kind of, um, uh, improvements in the underlying algorithms to to, to grow it to where it needs to be. Um, so all that to say, I feel that the, the more that I kind.

Just try to, to, to, well to ride the Kelly, you guys, you like to say. The more I just try to like take this beast heads on, try to strap us out London and like guide it where we want to go. Um, one of the things that I find is that it's like extremely powerful, but it also still can be tamed and can be used in a way that's like useful to us.

And so, um, you know, I think one of my ideas basically, well, okay, so the core of this project is this idea of being a decentralized world building project that we're going to create, um, this world in IP that rivals these like established 20 year old ips like Harry Potter or 50 year old ips like, you know, Lord of the Rings.

Actually it's probably what, 70 years since then? Now. Um, and, and, and that what we can do is as a group, we [00:33:00] all kind of build this world and we all like own it and develop it to a place that we want, wanna be, that you can build on with freedom. And so I see these tools as really a way for our like, uh, time Band of Wizards to be able to blow it up into a world that's like much bigger than our size.

I think that like what you, what actually happens when you have kind of the, the length, the lore machine helping you, um, well, It will be easier in the future for people to build out these kinds of worlds as these tools become more understood. But we actually have this moment of opportunity where what actually is now the limiting factor is this issue of like attention, right?

And so you have something with Harry, Harry Potter where they have the attention. You have something with the Lord of the Rings, where they have the attention, but it, it's actually the creativity is stifled by these like restrictive ips of like these stakeholders, right? The sort of the anchor of our project.

And we basically have this kind of like little flame of [00:34:00] attention with our crew and uh, with the lore that we're building out, um, where so we can actually capture that and we have an advantage versus projects that are gonna just like do gt generated lore in so far as we have real human generated, curated anchors of, of lore, right?

We have the map, we have the world, we have the book of lore. Um, and so really what we've been able to do, what I've been playing with, uh, in particular the last. Uh, you know, couple of weeks on the side, we still have goin town is, uh, going full steam ahead. But, um, apart from that, these, these language tools, one of the things that we've been doing is figuring out how to help us like, um, describe more locations in the map, right?

We, we, we kind of like, um, front load the language machine with the book of lore with Wikipedia and we say, here are things that we know about what's happening. Um, you know, Uh, at, at the obsidian city, here are things that we know about what's happening in [00:35:00] Aldo's aisle, and it'll actually find, um, entries in the book of law where people talk about, you know, a pirate that lives at Aldo's I aisle.

And then I'll say, okay, well explain to me, like, given what, you know, given everything we said, could you give me a description of like, what the flora is like in eldes aisle? Can you talk about the fauna, the sounds, the smells, the items? Tell me about the inhabitants. Are there any legendary locations? Just describe the common objects that are lying around.

So I've been posting some screenshots of these kinds of things and, um, you know, it's not perfect, but one of the things I find is that it's, it's very, very good that it's, it's, it's this. It's, it's a tool that we can use to kind of build out the world, um, faster than anyone thought possible. And, and also the key thing is in like a believable, charming way, because it's anchored in kind of the, uh, well, the lore that we've already ridden, which of course is concordant with the archetypes that are eternal.

So, um,

Elf: well, I'll stop there for a second. Yeah, [00:36:00] yeah. No, there's a thousand things I could say about this. Um, you know, you hit on this idea that how these legacy companies own ips, um, and they're, you know, the, the, the structure is just totally different and sort of restrictive in many ways. And, you know, what's beautiful about what we are doing, uh, is like everybody in our community is con contributing to this large lore machine.

Um, and it's, it's, it's just yet another powerful way to contribute to the collaborative legendary. You've got these web two companies that have built billion dollar franchises. On data. Data is gold. But unlike web two companies where they use data that you created and sell it back to you in the form of advertising, we are web three.

So the data that you own and that you're contributing, it's, it's leveling up characters that you own and building out a very rich and very deep world that, that we're all, that we all sort [00:37:00] of share ownership in. Um, and, and so that's just, that's number one just very exciting to me. Um, a another thing that I sort of found myself in over the weekend, like as I was writing these location descriptions and then I was passing them to you and you were plugging them into the lore machine, um, it's, you know, it's, it's just this, this beautiful dance that we always talk about between the magic and the machine.

Um, and it's, you know, it's, it's. It's, it's the balance that's important. Um, yeah. It's, it's been a, it's been a sort of a guiding principle from day one. Um, because we saw this in our generator, uh, most N F T projects, they, they would create all the art elements and then they would run them through the generator to mash him up for 10,000 combinations and they'd be done.

And they would say, don't our tokens look good? And, and I would say no. Um, and, and that's not how we did it. We, [00:38:00] we, we made all of the art. And then we didn't, and then we didn't just stop there and run into the generator. We tagged all the art with, with affinities and like human art direction. Okay. And then we fed it to the art, to the generator with, with, with like human guidance.

And that's, that's why so many of our characters have more like color harmony and consistent themes. And, you know, we dubbed that affinity. Um, we, we put the human magic into our machine. And so, so now we're, we're doing this dance with the ai. Um, you know, it's like, it's like Dota is just not like letting the lore machine create descriptions for all of our locations.

Like, like I'm coming in with, with like a heavy, uh, human centered, uh, description before it goes through the machine. Um, because, you know, again, it's the balance between the two. If, if, if you lean too hard into magic and just. Just pure creation. It feels a [00:39:00] little chaotic and unwieldy and esoteric and inaccessible to a large audience.

But, but if it's too much machine, it becomes boring and predictable and heartless and artless and cold and rigid. And so, you know, it's all about the balance. When you, when you find that perfect balance, you, you find something that's just limitless. Um, so yeah, I mean, you know, I could go on and on, but it's just like, you know, yeah.

Go, go ahead. Doda. For, for me,

Dotta: I feel like, um, I have good taste, but I have a hard time. Um, I have like a poor memory and so I have a hard time kind of like sitting down to a blank page and describing, you know, the lake of lanterns, just like from my mind. And if I was going to, you know, I might do a lot of research on other sources and my favorite books and I would like make this big document and then like I would kind of distill down what I want from there.

Right? And it's this like very long, [00:40:00] laborious process. And with, with the lore machine, I'm able to actually say like, Here's the idea of what I'm getting at. Here are the principles of what I want you to say, and then here's everything that we know from the book of law already. And then can you gimme some suggestions?

Right. And now it might gimme a suggestion where I'm like, you know, it says, oh, Cobalt's crossroad is this like lush, you know, jungle area. And I'm like, no, you're wrong. Like, that's fine. I can just reject that. And then, and then, but I tell it how it's wrong. And it's almost like I have like a writer's room.

You know, you've been talking about this with, with um, uh, mid journey and stable diffusion, that it's almost you, you actually are like CEO of like, everything, right? Like, I'm not like the writer necessarily, but I am like in charge of this writer's room. And you talk about this with the stable diffusion is that you're acting like an art director and you have this artist kind of under you, and it's really about how you can

Elf: articulate to them.

Yep, yep. Exactly. Yeah. It's, it's really just about using it in, in a, in a way that optimizes for the best, most [00:41:00] magical result. Um, Yeah. You know, something that also is occurring to me about AI is, uh, there's, there's this, this, uh, concept from the Swiss psychologist, Carl Young. It's about the collective unconscious, and it's just this idea that every human being is born with an implicit understanding of universal archetypes.

Um, we, we all share a connection to the each other based on these patterns of human experience. It's, it's just something, it's that we're born with. We don't, we don't learn it from our, from our own regionalized culture. We're just, it's, it's like in encoded into our d n A and these, these large language models, I feel like they're sort of, they're looking at that they're, they're looking at these archetypes and these patterns of human experience.

Um, you know, it's not like they're just. Creating things out of their own ingenuity. They're they're learning from us. Yeah. Um, and, and they're [00:42:00] like feeding our own information back to us. Um, you know, it's, it's like, uh, the, the machine is analyzing our magic, like, like a, uh, a good blue wizard wood, uh, and it, and it's merging it into this powerful entity.

Um, and I'm, you know, this might be a side point, but I'm, I'm hesitating to call it a tool. Like right now it is a tool, but I suspect it's gonna transcend its tool status at some point. Um, but I don't know that that's sort of a side thing. Um, yeah. Well, the

Dotta: one,

Bearsnake: just, just, just to, but in, I think something that I, that I talked to the team about all the time is like, God, I wish I could.

Wish you could press pause on, on time and just put Elf in a cabin so he can write like the five novels that we need to be able to sort of work off of and give to people. And so this is what's just so exciting is it [00:43:00] allows us this, this tool, the way you're building it, Dota, the way you're training it, allows us to scale to that point.

That gives us that, that sort of basis for, for not only us to work off of, not only sort of Derrick to work off of for the television show scripts. Yeah. You know, for the game, for the comic books. It allows, it's like, it, it just, it just pushes us forward and I feel like the, it's just like such a godsend, our project was built to be able to leverage this large, lower machine in a way that I, I, I, it's just like, it's just so cohesive and speaks to exactly what we needed and let us scale in a way that I don't think we could, unless I really did have.

Uh, a pause button on life. And one of

Dotta: the things about these, these LLMs is like, people say that they're just kind of like, one of the memes that's going around is that they just like predict the next token, right? You give them a sentence and they're just predicting the next token. And like, that is like kind of true.

But one of the important things to know is that [00:44:00] they really do learn this kind of like deep down, um, meaning between words and, and groups of words. And that's part of the reason where the reason, that's where the reasoning comes from is like understanding not just like, um, like the likelihood of of words and sentences, but actually, um, establishing like relationships of meaning.

And so what that, what that means is we can actually teach it simply by using our words. And that's what you and everyone here can do is that, you know, we are not planning on, um, Having AI mass generate a bunch of spam on the map or in the book of lo No, no, no. Like I think that we like protect the book of lore with something that, like someone has, um, at least approved as like a, you know, cryptographically approved as like a token holder.

Um, and when you want to teach the, um, large lore machine, something, you literally just like write it down in the book of lore. And if you're like, well, it doesn't apply to my wizard, it applies to something that I think about the [00:45:00] universe, then you can write that in Wikipedia. Um, you know, maybe eventually we get a book of maps and you, as you can add things there, but that would be a bit, a bit farther ground.

But what I'm getting at is essentially is that like you don't have to like teach it facts in terms of like writing code. You literally just write down, um, facts about what, how you see a certain place of the universe is. And then, uh, that is now known that that's like knowledge that's preserved for all generations.

Like both like children's, like, uh, in like a genealogy, but also like generations through ai. Doda. Have you

Bearsnake: fed it? Um, the comic book scripts yet? No, I

Dotta: haven't. But you bring up a, basically a good point. I mean, I think that like, really when I look at this, my plan is like step one, train AI on everything about the universe, and then step two, we use it to create like books, comic books, graphic novels, um, merch concepts anyway, and eventually videos, right?

We're probably a year, uh, or at most two away from being able to generate [00:46:00] like 3D objects with text. And so like all of these, um, descriptions and stories that we have, right? It's a very short jump to turn these into screenplays and into movies and into like basically like works of media that people can enjoy.

Because I think when you reach the kind of like age of infinite media, now again, the issue is this kind of attention because there's like a Dunbar number, so to speak, of like of the number of projects you can pay attention to, the characters s storylines that you can follow. Um, and, and, and we'll basically have a franchise that can kind of capitalize that as a group.

Elf: Yep. That's awesome. Yep. This, this age of infinite media is coming upon us whether we want it or not. And I just think it's so beautiful that everything our community is creating and putting into the book of lore is contributing to this large lore machine. Um, in, in, in a way that sort of is, is is leveraging a first mover advantage.

Like, uh, you know, [00:47:00] I I think we've got the jump on it before, like, not even just N F T projects, but just all media in general. Yeah. Um, this is the direction the world is heading and it's just like when, when any of you write in the book of lore, you, you're contributing to something massive. Yeah. Um, and, and, and there's just like another just very curious, amazing wrinkle in all of this, which is, Our project is based on the monomyth, it's, it's based on like the original large lore machine.

You know, we didn't, I didn't create these archetypes just from scratch out of whole cloth. It's, they're pulled from a law history, like human history of mythology and, and religions and spiritualism and mysticism and just literature and story and narratives. That is the original large lore MA machine.

And so now we're applying like the technological large lore [00:48:00] machine on top of the original large lore machine. It's like forgotten ruins almost didn't create itself. It's, it's been there all along. Um, so it's just sort of like Yeah. The MetaMedia project of all time.

Bearsnake: It, yeah. I mean like to have this tool come out at this point in time while we're building this to like help sit, I mean, there's never been something like this to synthesize.

Lore like this. I mean, it, it's just so perfect. It's so perfect. And, and Doda Doda you were, you were on it really quick and we saw you tinkering and posting in dev chat, but it's just, I can't, the, the, the quantum synchronicity is just, it's just absolutely off the charts

Elf: here. Truly uncanny. Um, we've got 10 minutes left.

I know we could all talk about this for an hour, but I really wanna go over some cold content, like speaking of lower creation. There has been some amazing pieces in the last two weeks. Um, so I'm gonna try to go through it [00:49:00] quickly, but, but my, my speed is, is not an indication of, um, uh, quality necessarily.

Like each of these pieces are just so great. Um, so anyway, we talked about Black Sands. Uh, the, the grand Tour is happening now. I mean, that alone deserves an entire Wizard Wednesday, but I'm just gonna acknowledge it quickly right now. Um, and, and, and Julian Tri Hard is doing this really, uh, great video log, um, of the, his Black Sands observations.

So, uh, yeah, I think Julian Tri Hard might, might be a new cult member. So welcome Julian. Um, Uh, Emma, uh, made a really cute, uh, uh, Fortnite, uh, wizards parody, I think based on your handshake tweet bear.

Dotta: Um,

Bearsnake: uh, I love those posters so much. I love, I love your posters, Emma. Yeah. I speak, I speak, I speak in movies except for me, it's, it's just

Elf: perfection.

Super cool. Um, and then Emma also did a really [00:50:00] fun Snapchat, uh, I guess. Filter thing, uh, with the, the 3D head. Um, tad Major has been doing some really cool stuff with like running the pixel art through the, some AI generator. I'm not, I'm not, not exactly sure his technique, but it's being, it's giving some like really cool like semi ized results.

Um, and I, and I saw Tad made a really cool, uh, I guess film, short film with that today. Um, but yeah, I mean the, the really cool experiments that Tad's been doing with that, um, color Master posted just a beautiful piece. It looks, it sort of reminded me of, uh, like the golden era of Disney films. This like castle under a Rainbow.

Um, color Master has probably one of the most envious collections in all forgotten rooms. Uh, as far as I'm concerned. I love the, uh, the Rainbow Wizards, um, Delta mouth, one of the top lore builders in all of our community [00:51:00] has been doing some really cool, uh, image and lore combos lately. Um, I'm talking video and still images with just really deep written lore.

Um, Chemical imbalance. Uh, did a really nice piece with Daniella Ra of his Shroom wizard. Uh, this latest piece I'm particularly fond of because it looks like, uh, I am in this piece as well as a cute little goat doll. Um, Barron Sands, another master world builder, master lore builder, uh, did this really cool piece.

It looks like a, sort of a, like a zombie Pharaoh walk cycle. Uh, just a really beautiful character. Uh, speaking of master builders, why Sam? Uh, with two really great pieces. Bear, I can hear your keyboard clicking.

Bearsnake: That's not me. That's someone else.

Elf: Is it Nalgene? No, it's me. [00:52:00] Sorry. I'll, I'll go on mute. Okay, cool.

Uh, why Sam? Yeah, just really two really great pieces, um, this week. One of 'em is a, is a fun cowboy bebop meme. Um, and then speaking of more master world builders, uh, ROS TCG card game, which is just like a world, a whole world unto itself. Uh, and it looks like they are having, let me make sure I get this, this correct.

Um, a core card set art raffle, um, beginning on four, uh, April 27th at 8:00 PM uh, Eastern. Uh, so, so go to Theros tcg, um, Twitter page to find out more about that. Um, and then, uh, I just wanna give another shout out to Chemical Imbalance again for these really beautiful rugs that he's been making. Some of my favorite pieces of cold content that I've seen in a while.

Um, you know, not to go down this rabbit hole, but I think like in the age of infinite digital [00:53:00] media, um, handcrafted boutique items, I think are gonna start becoming extremely valuable because it's one thing that the AI can't make is these just beautiful handcrafted objects. Um, I think we're still at least 10 years away from that.

Uh, so yeah, I love the rugs that that chemical imbalance has been making. I. Um, yeah, I

Dotta: love the rugs too, by the way. I would think. I think rugs are like my number one favorite N f T merch. Um, and I, I, chemical Balance sent me a rug that they'd made a few weeks ago and I was like, that is amazing. Who did you order that from?

And they were like, I just watched a YouTube video and I bought all the supplies cuz I wanted to do it. And I, I just love that. That's 100% something that I would do, um, that I love, that kind of thing. And, and then he sent me a tweet today, a message, uh, that there's more rugs on the way getting sent to the Bear Cave as a surprise.

So we'll have to tweet out some pictures of those once I get, once we get there.

Elf: Yeah. [00:54:00] When I first saw the rugs I thought, oh, this is something right up Do's Alley, he's gonna love this. I love it so much. Yep, yep. Super cool. Um, yeah, I actually have a whole thesis on how like, The Sesame Street aesthetic is actually one of like the edgiest um, uh, sort of aesthetics out there.

Uh oh, that's good for me. Yeah, for sure. Um, okay, let me rewind to last week cause there was some really amazing stuff made last week. Um, so I think we talked about, uh, the, the, the awesome video that TV made. I just wanna acknowledge that again. Uh, like, like the Forgotten Room sitcom parody thing. Funny, beautiful.

Um, and then our very own Mag Wazer, uh, did this, he, what he calls the Forgotten Fashion, Balenciaga Cult. Um, and

Bearsnake: oh my God, that melted my face off of my skull there. I'm not sure if there's ever been [00:55:00] anything that I've seen, um, that has hit me. Like I, I watched it and I was like, I had to like watch it again.

I didn't even have a reaction the first time cuz it was so next level, I had to like, rise above just to understand what, what, what Woz was doing. Unreal.

Elf: Yeah. Well I, and I, I think like, one of the best details, I'm not sure if everyone realizes this, but, but all the characters in the video are based on, uh, people at Magic Machine and, and some people in the cults, like, they're, they're all like definite characters, like based on real life characters.

Dotta: Uh,

Bearsnake: like where, where does someone come up with an idea like that that is like if there was a left field idea, this is like, this is like 50 miles out from left field in. God knows where. I mean, I'm, I'm in awe. I'm just in awe,

Dotta: boss. I love the bear snake, especially how he's clean shaven and then has like the bedazzled bear hood.

That's so funny. I was

Bearsnake: like, I was like, is that [00:56:00] Timothy Chalamet? I was like, I was like, it was so good. I'll never look that young ever, but gosh darn. Thank you wa for, for prompting that so perfectly.

Elf: Yeah. I, I'll tell you where it comes from. Bear comes from, uh, the mind of a dream master d don't even, don't even question it.

It's, uh, you gotta dream

Bearsnake: pretty hard if you're gonna

Elf: see. Yeah. It, it's beyond, it's beyond our comprehension. Um, the hair was bare. Yep. Yep. Um, okay. Uh, and then Osma bro did a really nice piece last week. Um, just this beautiful pixelated landscape, uh, called Muse in the River. Um, just a beautiful piece. Um, one of my favorite pieces actually last week was from Zalo Soul.

He, uh, he did a thread about the Chimera Beast. Um, and it, it's so funny cuz like everything he wrote was, uh, was, was pretty aligned with the way I think about the chimera, especially in terms of like the com, the [00:57:00] cam chimeras body parts having, uh, really powerful alchemical properties. You know, again, it's just like the cult constantly.

Like creates lore and it is often so aligned with the way I think about all the, the elements in the lore. Um, you know, quantum synchronicity is something that we just can't get away from it, even if we tried. Um, and it's probably because it's built on the monomyth. Um, Tabitha of the marsh did a really fun, uh, ar piece of, of his wizard dancing on the beach.

Um, Tabitha, we are gonna give you a brand new model that some of the mistakes that I see are fixed. Um, so I can't wait to get these new models out there. Um, speaking of 3D models, uh, Derek Battle, major of the Grotto has been using, you know, I'm not sure what this software is. It's like some 3D face tracking software with 3D models.

Um, we will, uh, get [00:58:00] you 3D models as well and, uh, you know, I don't know if I should, we should go down this rabbit hole, but we wanna, uh, get the faces rigged as well someday. That's like a stretch goal for 3D

Bearsnake: models. Yeah, we really want to do, Dota is not really interested in doing it, but me on. That is

Dotta: a lie.

That's the opposite of the truth.

I've been asking for face rigs every day, to the point being very annoying.

Bearsnake: Sorry. No, I, I feel like me and Algin have found like three different companies that said they're gonna do it, and every single one has just fallen flat. Like either they don't, they stop replying to us. It's absurd, but we're gonna get, we're gonna get, once they realize

Dotta: they have to do it 120 times, not one time.


Bearsnake: Yeah. I think I, I think I scare them

Elf: away. Yep. Um, okay. And then artist, uh, last week, uh, did an art swap with Wise Sam the Viper, in this really fun vintage rubber host style. I think I said it before, but that's one of my all time favorite art styles is, uh, the old, like [00:59:00] 1930s Fleischer animation style.

Those cartoons are some of the best in, in history. Um, speaking of why Sam, uh, he made this really fun piece. Well, I think it's. A continuation of styles that he's been playing with. Uh, I guess it's, uh, defaced Studio inspired, um, these like little fun cards that he is been making. Um, and then Mag Devin, uh, mag Devin has really been pushing the ai, uh, a lot, just getting a lot of different styles out of the machine.

Um, and so, yeah, there was a really fun piece from last week, um, night Al Birdman, ah, night Owl. I love your videos, bro. Um, a hilarious piece called Zombie Daddy. Like I, I don't know if this is based on a song that's already out there, um, but just Nal Birdman is so freaking funny. Uh, the videos that he makes, um, [01:00:00] it's, it's, uh, It's just freaking funny.

I, I don't know what else to say

Bearsnake: about it. I feel like we need to, I feel like, uh, we need to get NightOwl Burnman, um, their own show on Adult Swim. I think those Yes. That, yes, that, that like pairing together I think would be next level. Cause that's where Burman's at Forman's, I don't even know if that's a thing anymore.

I mean, adult Swim, uh, apparently, uh, some Alpha, apparently HBO Max, which is the streaming service that owns Turner, which means they own Adult Swim, they're like not even. They're like kind of giving up on Adult Swim, which is just so sad. I mean, adult Swim spawns some of like the best animation and creators.

Anyway, I'm going on a tangent, but that's where we're gonna, we're gonna relaunch Adult Swim with, uh, night Al

Dotta: Burnman.

Elf: You, you heard it, you heard it Night. Al Bear said he is gonna do it, so hold him to it. DM me. Yeah. [01:01:00] Um, and, uh, let's see. I, I think maybe, uh, okay, I'm just looking through. Um, oh, cosmic Birds.

Uh, just, I guess last week was Easter, these adorable little painted eggs based on eggs from the Athenaeum, um, that was in the Cult Chronicle last week. Um, I think we talked about Merlin. Merlin

Dotta: teased Season two Forgotten Worlds this time with

Elf: Soul. Oh my

Bearsnake: gosh,

Elf: yes. Yeah. Yep, exactly. Um, and then, uh, cabinet of Curiosities, um, is, uh, going forward with, uh, conjure Atlanta of the brambles.

That story continues. Um, that is a project by V Mark who, uh, is, is an just amazing builder in, in our, in our cult. Um, and I think that is

Dotta: it. Well, and I wanted to especially give a massive shout out to Tanya Del [01:02:00] Rio, the editor, uh, artist of the Cult Chronicle, Tanya. I mean, putting this together every week I know is a labor of love, and I enjoy reading it every week.

We, of course, read it up here on Wizard Wednesday, so thank you so much for doing that.

Elf: Agreed. Agreed. Tanya, number one. Yep. Yep. Um, okay. We are overtime. Uh, so any last words from anybody?

Bearsnake: God, that went so fast. How was it? Already an hour. Yep. Yep. All right. Well, I have no more words except I'm happy to be home at my work station.

Uh, and, uh, yeah, let's everybody stay. Magic.

Elf: Doda. Last words stay. Magic. Magic. This has been Elf Doda, bear, snake, Matsu, JIT Osma, bro, and all the ponies of Black Sands and all the wizards of forgotten [01:03:00] rooms channeling out from the quantum downs. Gian, everybody.