Wizard Wednesday Episode 59 Transcription

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Wizard Wednesday Ep. 59 - October 12th, 2022


Elf: [00:00:00] It is Wednesday, we are wizards and today is Wizard Wednesday channeling in with Quantum Styles through the quantum downs. This is Elf and Doda in there. Uh, and we've got a lot to talk about today. Um, I'm gonna talk a lot today cuz I'm gonna deep dive into some lore that's never really been public, publicly revealed.

Um, so that'll be fun and interesting I hope. But before we get to what's that? You're good? Oh, okay. Uh, before we get to that, let's, uh, do some updates. Um, Magic machine has been busy af working on the Halloween event. Uh, I can feel the, uh, frantic energy just radiating through our team. Discord, uh, Doda. Are we gonna make it in [00:01:00] time?


Dotta: yeah, a hundred percent. But everybody is working, uh, really, really hard and doing tons of work, you know, uh, we put the pro in provenance and the team is really showing their true colors and, and doing an amazing job. So, you know, we've got Bear and Lochness working on community outreach. We've got, uh, the one who rings and haw.

So, uh, for, so one of the things we're doing for the game engine, if you're interested is, uh, for the, like, Online like, uh, UI where we have it almost like a game. We're using this new game engine called Godo. And so yeah, the one who rings and Shaw, our devs have been working on, uh, some of the game development there.

Um, we've got NIS who's working on smart contracts and the API server, and Ive been working on contracts for the collection. Uh, we've even deployed some secret test contracts today. Um, and we've been testing it out. Let's see, and then, uh, well, I know I'm forgetting so many people who are, who are being involved on the day-to-day [00:02:00] basis, but there's just a lot of details.

The Halloween event is actually, I think we're, we're talking about this morning. I think the Halloween event is actually our most complicated event ever. So it's gonna be really fun to have all the attention from other partner communities and it's gonna go off without a hitch. I feel

Bearsnake: like every time we do something, You're always like, this is the most

Dotta: we gotta level up, we gotta level up every time.

Yeah, I was gonna say

Bearsnake: the same thing. I've heard that before.

Elf: Every couple months. Yeah. Like Beasts for

Dotta: example, was super complicated, right? Because you have this like pairing mechanic where you like come together and you unlock a lock, and then once the final lock is unlocked, uh, the gate opens and the beasts come out.

And then the beasts are, uh, you know, run at an auction which handles, you know, millions of dollars. And that went off without a hitch, but it was very sophisticated. But the Halloween event is even more complicated, right? Because we have all these, uh, partner collections. I have to pause and make sure I don't reveal anything.

We have all of the tricks and the treats, uh, so it's really involved. Um, th that said, I think it's actually [00:03:00] not as involved as the, uh, play to earn game we've got in the laboratory. So you'll hear me say this once again, uh, once the Halloween event is over. So

Bearsnake: stay tuned. But we will, but to that, we, we are going to pretty quickly.

Jump into sharing and teasing some stuff right off of the heels of Halloween. So expect, yeah, expect some, expect some nuggets, uh, that

Dotta: yeah, it'll be really fun.

Elf: Um, yeah. And then, uh, we also had an article come out with uh, N F T. Now I hope you all read it cuz I thought it was one of the best articles I've seen written about forgotten ruins.

Dotta: Yeah, that was really fun. Um, we sat down with, um, the author, uh, oh shit, I forget his name. Jacks. Jacks, yeah. We sat down, we talked to him and he, uh yeah. Was asking tons of really good questions and, uh, yeah, we had a nice time with Jax and he really laid out, uh, like a good [00:04:00] introduction in that blog post.

Elf: Yep. Yep. Yeah. I, I, I love when, uh, When the whole Forgotten Rooms project is just explained in a very clear and easy to understand way, and I think that article did it really well. Um, And, uh, I wanna get to some cult questions, but before I do that, I wanna do something that we haven't done in a while. Uh, let's do an update, uh, from the bear cave on the beach.

From the bear cave. Wait, did you guys, did you guys hear the bear roar? I just did.

Bearsnake: Yeah, I heard it. Let me do it one more time.

Elf: Okay. There

Dotta: we need mag Wasier up here with the sound board. Uh, he's not gonna talk. He could at least be,

Elf: yeah. Yeah. Uh, anyway, bear, bear, what do you got? How many doors have you opened lately?

Bearsnake: So many. My hands are so many. My hands are raw from turning doorknobs. Um, although sometimes the doors are just open, you just walk right in. But yeah, [00:05:00] um, no, doors are opening as usual. Uh, we'll keep stepping through them. Uh, I was in New York last week. I was so bummed. I miss Wizard Wednesday, but for some reason, um, Cell phone reception on like the west side of Manhattan was down all weekend anyway, uh, ComicCon was great.

We handed out, uh, almost 25,000 copies of the comic for free. We had the street team. I know, uh, lock, I was like, uh, funneling photos to lock and she was posting some of them. But I gotta tell you, like, like being on the front lines and um, like handing these comics to people along with the street team, it's just like, I, you get such a rush from like, people seeing something like, like physically, like we work in such a digital environment to have these physical comments and hand them to people.

And people love, you know, people when you, when you hand something to someone that's free. Like [00:06:00] default reaction is, is like, it's probably crap and it's almost like a flyer, but then like, when they realize it's, it's, it's this comic and like a well-made comic that, that their eyes kind of like open wide and they start paging through it and they start asking questions.

And so, you know, you, the whole team is gonna have to, I mean, I guess we did in New York, but like I would love for more of the team members to come out at some point, um, and hand these things out. Cause it's really great. Especially it's great to like hand them to kids cuz kids love free stuff. They're not questioning anything.

I mean, kids would probably love just a regular old flyer, but they're getting a comic

Dotta: book.

Bearsnake: So, so that was really cool. It was very busy. Um, meeting with, uh, comic book artists, meeting with comic book distributors. Um, more to come on that, but definitely made some, some sort of big strides, uh, feeling really good about what the comic book represents.

Um, You know, moving forward, I think, I think [00:07:00] everybody's gonna be really happy with what, what happens

Dotta: next.

Elf: Yeah.

Dotta: The work that you do is so important and, um, like unique, you know, I think it was just this week, El El and I said something that we say quite often, which is like, you basically close a deal and we are like, that's amazing.

We never, in a hundred years, we couldn't have closed that deal. And so, yep. You know, we'll announce those sort of things as we can. Part of the problem is, is that like, you often are convincing people who, um, well have to go through the proper channels to kind of announce things and so, you know, we'll announce it when we can, whatever.

Uh, but you've, you've done such a good job and I'm excited for everyone to see all the things that you've, uh, uh, the deals you've closed.

Bearsnake: Yeah. Thanks, man. Yeah. It's, uh, Like we've always said, it's, it's just a, it's amazing. You guys are amazing partners to work with, and the whole team is just incredible actually, as you guys, as you were saying, you know, talking about getting ready for Halloween.

I just, you know, I just wanted to put it out there like, you know, [00:08:00] I, I know all of us have been a part of a lot of startups. Um, some are own some part of larger organizations, but it's so fun to see, uh, our team sort of go through like the, the maturation, right? Like when you go from it being, I think lock, I think Lock said this once, you know, we were like, it was very conversational in the beginning, right?

Because you're just, we're just like really discorded in the Magic Machine server. But now, like we're putting processes in place and everybody's like finding their place and you know, it's like sometimes, you know, processes can be a pain in the butt, um, because they do slow things down, so we don't want to get too bogged down.

But anyway, it's just nice to see the company sort of maturing and, and growing.

Elf: It's awesome. Yeah. And that was the update from the Bear Cave on the beach. Uh, I also did an interview with No, you interrupted the bear growl. Oh, sorry. So professional [00:09:00] around here. It sounds more like gas to me for moment years.

Dotta: Just trying to like, ignore it.

Elf: I'm sorry, go ahead. I also did an

Dotta: interview with L Punk, uh, for, uh, the Punk's Post. So yeah, thanks Lor Punk for putting that out there. I know that's such a, um, you know, important community to kind of like, have on our radar and I think, you know, as kind of, uh, the punks being the, the, the grandfather kings of the N F T space, you know, we'd really love to have them be a part of our, uh, Halloween event and, but you know, they get offered quite a lot of things very often, so it's good to kind of bring a little bit more attention there.

So, yeah. Thank you Lord Punk.

Elf: Uh, jitsu. What up guy? What up fam? How we doing? I invited him up. How's, how's things over in Cobalt land? Oh, you know, cobalt, you know, during Bear or Bull are always having a good time, so, you know, I'm day in, day out. Um, I was like on the, just piggybacking off what Bear was saying, it's like super, it's just great.

Um, I get so much excitement working [00:10:00] with the team at this point and being around the community and like, as you were saying, there's just like figuring everything out as we go. Um, and it just like clicks and makes sense and, um, just wanted to express that gratitude, I guess, towards our entire community and everyone here, it's just like super great because, uh, I can't have, I don't have a single complaint.

Best thing I've ever worked on, worked people that I think are super intelligent. So it's super fun. Um, just adding that out there, that extra love. Oh

Dotta: yeah, yeah, right back at you. It's been great to work with you.

Elf: Gentzy is actually a, uh, a really fun person to have on your team because he is just always extremely enthusiastic.

He's always Ming in the discord. He's always very excited at the all hands meetings. So, uh, thanks jt. Thanks for bringing that cobalt energy. Hey man, least second. Um, okay. We, uh, we have some, some, uh, cult questions I want to go over real quick. Uh, some of these we may not actually be able to answer. For example, this [00:11:00] first one, which is a real banger, uh, TV is asking curious how the s e c investigation and the board apes impacts magic machines plans around royalty dis distribution, if at all voting.

Why don't mind talking about

Dotta: that? Yeah, so, well, um, one thing is the, uh, we have the same lawyers as board apes, which is interesting. So, you know, they've tweeted this out before, so it's public that they work with Fenwick, um, who we also work with. Um, and so, yeah, so, uh, yeah, for sure that is a flex, even though I know maybe lawyers aren't household names, um, you know, will talk to.

Quite a lot of people about our plans, and they'll be like, oh, do you have good counsel? And they'll be like, oh, we're talking to, you know, our guy at Fenwick. And they're like, okay, great. Yeah, he's, he's the, he's the guy to do it. And so, yeah, I mean even this even relates to kind of our Dow for example, in so far as like, part of the reason why it's sort of taking us a long time on continually, uh, [00:12:00] is getting all of it like buttoned up legally to be this like Cayman Islands Foundation, though that's, that doesn't have to do with the royalties.

Anyway, all that to say, we have very, very good counsel, the best in the business. Uh, coincidentally also the best, who is representing board apes. I'm not too concerned about board apes, um, s e c investigation overall. Um, but yeah, in terms of our, our, um, plans, basically my, my plan is this, which is, um, we're working on a piece of software which we talked about before, called Binary Star.

Binary star will let, like forgotten ruins holders. Um, and, uh, potentially really any N F t uh, projects holders sort of connect your wallet and then be able to get, uh, you know, you would, would have to KYC through Binary Star, um, but then be able to get paid when someone wants to license your ip. So whether that's kind of like, um, the special purpose vehicle that magic machine will be setting up for the television show or like some other third party [00:13:00] project, right?

You could imagine something like, I don't know, like I, I, I don't have a deal with Jenkins of the ballet, but like, imagine that. Project, right? Where they're licensing, they had to build custom software to license, uh, the rights from Apes. You know, you can imagine binary star being sort of an off the shelf software that you could use for that.

So, and again, really the, like, what's happening there is that, um, People are getting paid for the rights in their ip, not, um, not kind of just being paid just for owning a token. And so I think that there's quite a bit of separation and like meaningful difference in terms of what we're planning, uh, there that isn't affected by the SCC s e C investigation.

That said, I'm, you know, it does make me a little bit nervous. Like I don't want to end up kind of, you know, subpoenaed for like, or like accidentally triggering something for Forgotten Wound specifically. So we are being careful, we have good counsel. It doesn't really change anything. The problem why Binary Star hasn't been shipped yet is not an issue of like regulation, but more just an issue of like bandwidth.

Like, you know, we're working on Halloween, we're working on this other game, working on a million other things. So, um, [00:14:00] it's just mostly just time. Uh, so it doesn't really affect it other than just makes me a bit more nervous, but I don't think it ruins the idea.

Elf: Okay. Uh, also today is NA's birthday, so happy birthday.

Happy birthday, happy birthday. Um, and then they also ask, the Halloween event says, bored apes are included. Does that inv, uh, also include mutant apes? Uh, no it does not. Bored. Apes only? Yeah. Um, uh, Lord Punk is a first. She says, uh, candy, corn, yay or nay. Now, my question is, do you mean like candy corn in real life or is the nightmare IP gonna give out candy, corn?

Uh, I'm gonna say, uh, probably the IP will give out candy corn, but candy corn in real life, um, hell no. Doda bear, what do you guys think? No. Oh, well, I'll

Bearsnake: tell you, I, I, I like hate, I hate ate candy corn for a long time, just cuz it was so plentiful. And if [00:15:00] I am to eat a candy, corn, I eat section by section.


Dotta: the

Elf: well like wait, you mean you eat like the little white part then the little white part, then the little

Bearsnake: Exactly. Just like little baby bites cuz it doesn't taste that good. But

Dotta: I'm still gonna eat it cuz I'm a garbage. Right.

Elf: Cause you need the sugar, right? Yeah. Yeah. That is super weird Bear. Uh, I, it's not that

Dotta: weird.


Cult Member: do that too. I love candy corn. Um, and I eat it the same way that Bear Snake eats it because I The same,

Elf: same, same. It's wonderful.

Cult Member: You can't get it in the UK and people send it to me in the post. And you don't wanna mix

Dotta: the flavors.

Bearsnake: Yeah. There's no candy corn, there's no candy corn in the uk. Well

Cult Member: you can get it, but it's like really expensive.

It's smart. Um, it's imported and it's really expensive from the, so, so, yeah, my friends in America send it to me.

Elf: Very interesting. Um, the second question Margaret or Laura Punk was asking was, do wizard slash warrior [00:16:00] treat warrior traits affect different tricks or treats? Um, I. Yes. Other people were asking similar questions like, are there different treat tiers per collection?

Uh, doda, do you wanna address that? Uh, I think

Dotta: the answer is maybe, which is not being coy, it's literally like, that's something that we're figuring out. But like, I would say maybe not either. So what we've announced is what you can count on, which is that, like for example, wizards have a higher rate of getting a trick, uh, sorry, wizards have a higher rate of getting a treat and a lower rate of getting a trick.

Um, but you know, in terms of like the individual character, you'll just have to wait and see. Um, and the follow up question, which is, does lower presence change in gifting mechanics? It doesn't. We probably will do lower boosted, uh, drops in the future, of course, cuz it's good behavior. We wanna encourage but for trick or treat, doesn't

Elf: matter.

Yeah, we're, we're always trying to like, uh, switch up different mechanics and try different things every time. Um, yes. [00:17:00] So, yeah, I don't think Laura's necessarily gonna play a role in the trick or treat event. Um, okay. Snoop Doug asks a really big question. Uh, let me just try to repose it. He says, what are your thoughts on compo composability with other projects?

Not in terms of utility, but in terms of allowing people to signal, signal for their NFTs cosmetically, uh, as they would in the real world, um, cross group signaling feels like, ah, I'm, I'm butchering his question

Dotta: already. Yeah, yeah. No.

Elf: Um, I see this, yeah, dude, I don't know. Maybe you could word it better, better than I am in a, in a more succinct way.

Dotta: Um, I don't, okay. So I think that like, on this idea of composability for other projects, I, uh, love that idea. Like this idea of permissionless innovation is really important. So Halloween event is a good example, which is, uh, we didn't ask, I mean, we might have asked some, but like ultimately we didn't ask any of the other projects to include their holders in our drop.

Right. And there, I don't mind sharing. [00:18:00] Actually, there was at least one project that was like sort of, um, miffed or something. Like they felt that we should have asked the founder's permission before including them. And then El and I are just like, no, like this is web three. Like, you, like we, we don't have to ask your permission to, to do this because we're inviting you and we're inviting your holders.

And so I think, I really love that idea. Like that's part of what's special about Web three is that it's a protocol that everyone can build on. Um, in terms of this idea around like signaling being part of multiple communities, I don't really know, like, um, uh, I don't really have a good idea there.

Elf: Yeah, I mean, it's definitely a very interesting, um, thought experiment and something that should definitely be explored.

I mean, you know, this is what I love about the NFT space and blockchain in general, is that it, the, the, uh, territory for exploration is just wide open.

Dotta: Um,

Bearsnake: I also think it's, I also think it's something that's being used by a lot of people. I mean, you know, look at, [00:19:00] like, look at 10 ktf, look at all of the, the games, the web three games that are like having other communities come, come and jump in the interoperability.

I think, yeah, it's like, it's built into the DNA of this entire space, so you can call it what you want. I think there's obviously benefits to it, but I think at the end of the day we're doing it because, um, you know, we're, we're like all, all, all tides rise ships, right? And so if we're all working together, that all helps

Elf: everywhere.

Um, okay. Qumar asks another banger. Uh, any thought on tax implications for fully on chain universe, game one and what that could mean for younger players? Man, I, I, I have no idea. Uh, do, do you wanna handle that one as well? Oh, man. Do

Dotta: you have to, do you have to pay taxes If you're a kid, you probably do, right?


Bearsnake: don't know. I don't, I don't think, well, I don't think so. I mean, there, I mean, I guess it depends on like. The setup [00:20:00] of the family? Like are they dependents and if they're dependents, yeah. I

Dotta: don't really know

Elf: how do you like games? Are there

Dotta: other games that have secondary market markets? Like how does Diablo two deal with tax?

They do it all like

Elf: illegally, essentially. Like there's no marketplace. They don't, that's a word it on


Dotta: actual thing. I'm just kidding.

Bearsnake: I mean, wanna charge my kids tax if they make money on anything.

Dotta: I think that it's really just that like, well, like you are obligated for your own taxes and I don't like wherever you live, you need to pay your taxes.

And I don't like, we're not gonna build TurboTax into the universe.

Elf: Pay your taxes, cash and, and your kids' taxes. Uh, Sharon asks, uh, what was your favorite childhood Halloween costume? That's a fun question. Oh, my

Dotta: mom made me a ninja turtle. Costume, like outfit. Nice. I love, yeah, like, like

Bearsnake: this year

Dotta: or when you were a kid?

Yeah, like last year.

Elf: Bear, what about [00:21:00] you?

Bearsnake: Uh, am I dressing up this year? Well,

Elf: Sharon asked no. Childhood Halloween costume. Oh yeah.

Bearsnake: Well, my best costume was I had this massive shark stuffy, like it was two times the size of me and I refused to give it up and I would like drag it around the house. And one year my mom got so pissed that I was like, all it was, she was always having like drag it up to, uh, my room that she basically just gutted it and turned it into, could throw out after Halloween.

Elf: That's amazing. That's great. What about you?

Bearsnake: Sorry, what's up

Elf: one more time?

Dotta: What was your favorite childhood? Halloween costume? Yeah. Oh my


Elf: On the spot for that one, huh? I think mine was

Bearsnake: actually

Elf: the

Cult Member: cat in the hat from Dr. Seuss, if I remember

Elf: correctly. Nice. Yeah. Yeah. I always love that. Nice. Um, I was the Super Mario for [00:22:00] Halloween.

I I love that. Uh, Emma asks, uh, again, Emma's asking about i r l parties. Um, so we don't have one planned, but bear, I don't know if we're supposed to say this. You and I might go to an I R L event soon. Do you wanna talk about that a little bit? Uh, yeah,

Bearsnake: I think, you know, there's a bunch of stuff happening in Miami, of all places, uh, at the beginning, like right after Thanksgiving into the beginning of December.

And so I think El and I are gonna go down there, uh, and. You know, I wouldn't say, you know, never say never there. I have some friends down there who have places and maybe we do a bit of a get together, but there's no like large scale, uh, events. Like we had N F T NYC in like the near

Elf: dear future. Yep. But if you guys are gonna be in Miami for this event, uh, say hi.

You might see Bear and or I, um, but [00:23:00] not me. Cuz I hate conferences.

Bearsnake: Hates I even in, even in chat, I was like, hey, uh, I think, uh, like I got EL on a panel. And do was like, I don't know. And I'm just like, no, you just don't wanna go.

Elf: It it, it was hard getting donor to just go to the party in nyc so. Yeah. But you

Dotta: enjoyed yourself, did you not?

I loved the party. That was really fun.

Elf: Yeah. Yeah. Yep. Um, okay. I think that's all the questions I'm seeing in the Discord. Um, I wanna address one other funny thing though, that happened like right after Wizard Wednesday last week, uh, everybody started talking about Cucu Dogs again, and they were asking if there was gonna be a Cucu dog treat given away from the Nightmare.

And, and you know, it, it's, it's, it's just, it's an interesting topic and honestly I don't know the right answer. It's more of just like something to, to just talk about. Um, I just, I feel like the Q com thing, Cucu dog thing is such like a cult original. [00:24:00] I. And it, and it just feels weird for Magic Machine to make Cucu dog NFTs, especially considering like the foe antagonism that we were expressing towards the Cucu dogs during that one Wizard Wednesday.

But I don't know, I could be wrong. What do you guys think? Uh, if you have opinions, we

Dotta: already have the Cucu dogs. You can't escape 'em anymore. So

Bearsnake: also I think, realize, realize stated that he's leaving the cult if you,

Elf: if

Bearsnake: you do Cucu dog, uh, right. Treats. And we, we do love us in realize I

Elf: I'll say that.

Yeah. Yeah. No, but do, I'm saying like, like I love that the cult made cucu dog stuff and they minted Cucu dog stuff, but I don't think magic machines should do any cucu dog mints of any kind. Right. You know, you know what I'm saying? I, I don't know, maybe I'm wrong. Like, You know, this is the collaborative legendary, but does that mean magic machine [00:25:00] mint?

Cult idea, cult original ideas. I don't know. It's just such a weird thing for me. Mm-hmm. It's, uh, I know we don't have to go too. I feel like people would

Dotta: be, I feel like people would be disappointed if they don't get a, uh, if there's not, you know, at least a few cucu dog treats. See,

Elf: there, there you go.

That's, that is. Uh, counter to my beliefs in this, but, um, yeah.

Dotta: Anyway, so here's one of the fun things that will happen between El and I is we'll get into these discussions where, like, we already have like, I don't know, over 150 treats, right? We like build this entire world and we build this entire system and, and all the, the code and we like work so well together.

Um, and then till we hit, we like trip over like the smallest rock, which is like, should we include a Cucu dog

Elf: in the treat? And it like, does

Dotta: not matter left or right, uh, but in our younger days, We would get into a knockout drag out fight because we both get very passionate about our, uh, respective perspectives.

But I think we're doing better. I think that, [00:26:00] I think that bear actually helps mediate. It'd be kind of the, uh,

Bearsnake: seriously, I'm the middle child. I'm

Elf: middle.

Bearsnake: It happens all too often. Let me tell you folks.

Elf: Yeah.

Um, okay. Well, yeah, I've got a lot to say and reveal about universe Melore. If there's, uh, no more on Cucu docs or anything else, please. Yeah, no, I'm good. Okay, cool. Uh, so this might be a, a long, uh, soliloquy by me, but, um, I think, I think it's been a long time coming. Uh, so yeah, I, I, I, I wanna dive deep into some universe lore that I've been sitting on for a while now.

Um, honestly, since the beginning. Uh, cause I get a ton of dms from the cult. Um, just asking very core questions about the universe. And with a lot of it, I've been a little [00:27:00] evasive answering directly because with a lot of it, my position has been that I want to save certain things for some big fun reveal in the show or the comic.

Um, but I, I don't know, I, I'm, I'm shifting on this, I'm, I'm coming to realize that there's just a lot of key things that need to be revealed sooner than later. Um, because you all are just building and creating at an ever increasing rate. Uh, the universe creation is, is going parabolic. Um, and so, you know, keep that in mind that your, your creation rate is parabolic cuz it'll have meaning later.

Um, so, you know, but, but we just, we just have to go over some of these core ideas and, um, I don't wanna sit on them any longer. Um, so. Well, and, and then just also, I just, I, I think I wanna do this actually more regularly in Wizard Wednesday. I wanna talk about more met lore more often. Um, in fact, after Halloween, I really [00:28:00] want to take some time to just dive deep into the Wikipedia and just fill out a lot of missing information.

Uh, so look forward to that after Halloween. Um, so, but today I, I wanna talk specifically about the creation of the universe itself and about the timelines within it. Um, and I wanna talk about the univer map and like the land formation, and I wanna talk about where the wizards came from and where they are going.

So, you know, this is some pretty core stuff. Um, so the first thing to know, of course, is that, you know, like I always say univer, the rno verse is a reflection of the I R L physical world. That this, this is big. This is, this is almost everything. Um, You know, but it, it's, it's not just a mirror reflection.

The universe is a real place that exists right now. It exists in our collective [00:29:00] brains, and it exists in the annex of our brains, the internet, a k a cyberspace, a aka the metaverse. And there will come a day when the veil between the metaverse and the meat verse is erased, literally. Um, there is a futurist by the name of Ray Kurzwell, some of you may know him, and he talks about this event that will occur in the year 2045.

Not that long, not that far away. In 24 45, there is an event called the Technolo Technological Singularity. This is a real thing. Um, if you don't know what this is, it's an event where, Uh, all technological progress will increase at such a rapid rate that it will go parabolic and will eventually be a vertical line, just like, [00:30:00] just like the pattern that the universe is seeing right now.

Um, and so it's, it's basically saying that all technological discovery and development will occur in a single instance, a singularity. Um, and Kurzwell argues that the te the technologies that will allow this will be, uh, AI and quantum computing. Um, you know, right now we are seeing, uh, ai, uh, reach new levels of creation that were not possible even like two months ago.

So, you know, AI is going parabolic. Um, quantum computing, I'm imagining is right on the horizon. Um, and there will probably be other technologies like robotics and genetics and nano nanotech and, uh, lots of other things. But, but anyway, Kurzwell says that this singularity event, when it occurs in the year 2045, the only way for humanity [00:31:00] to survive is to merge our biological intelligence with artificial intelligence.

Because at that time, AI will be so advanced that it will have the same CI that we do, uh, plus all of the advantages of a supercomputer. So, so yeah, this is a real event. Um, this will happen. Uh, I think that we can speculate on if it will actually occur by 2045. Um, we can speculate, uh, about the technologies that will make this happen, but to me it seems that some version of this is inevitable at some point in our history.

So how does this relate to the universe? Um, well, if the universe exists now, uh, in our heads and we are expressing it, uh, through our N f T characters in the book of lore, in iterations of the metaverse, [00:32:00] then at the, at the, um, at the time of the singularity, uh, this, when the internet realm, the, the internet realm will mer merge with our physical realm, uh, literally the boundary between these two, uh, will be erased.

And then the phrase, I am my wizard, and my wizard is me, will become a tangible reality. No longer will our PFPs be the face of our digital presence. It will be our physical face. Our flesh costumes will be hung in the closet to gather dust of the earth. And we will ascend the secret tower in our immortal and immutable digital skins.

This is the melore of the universe and it is the lore of the future physical world. So now I wanna talk about time. [00:33:00] Um, time is a quantum or a boro. It's a wheel. It's a circle, it's not a line. Um, so when we look at depictions of the universe, say in the trailer or in the game, or in the comic, or any other depictions, uh, one thing we notice is that, is that there's this really curious mix of old and new technologies.

Um, the element of time does not seem to be working in a linear fashion here. Uh, you know, is it any wonder that we have time ages in the universe? Um, Kronner Mans Riviera is a hotbed of time manipulation. Uh, and as the yellow hats know, time flies when you're having fun and partying. Um, it is my speculation that the universe is actually planet Earth one to 2000 years in the future.

[00:34:00] Um, which means, uh, the universe denizens are looking at us from the blockchain through the currently impenetrable veil of cyberspace. They are literal avatars, a conne, a connection with us to another plane of existence. They look at our technology with curiosity. Um, you know, in in our world we, we look at past super advanced civilizations like Atlantis and we wonder if they even existed.

We look at things like the Library of Ex Alexandria, and we wonder what was lost. We wonder if the Egyptians had electricity or if aliens built the pyramids or the Mayan temples. And it's a shame that these lost civilizations did not have some form of immutable mark making because [00:35:00] there's always speculation about these ancient worlds and what they knew.

Um, and, and I suspect this is how the wizards in the universe look at us. Um, in fact, if you look at the land on the universe, map, the layout matches almost perfectly with the land mass on planet Earth. When Earth was a singular supercontinent called pangea, perhaps you might find our technological monuments buried under the sands of and the earth of the universe.

And perhaps the wizards sit perched in the desert like a crow, looking upon these primitive engines and wonder when the furnaces will be rekindled and their sonnets will wa once again. And so I think I'm gonna stop there today be, um, but, but there's honestly so much more that we need to talk about. [00:36:00] Um, there's a lot more to say about the singularity, um, and how ruins themselves are singularities.

Uh, there's a lot to talk about quantum style. I want to talk about dragons, I want to talk about the color hat factions. Um, cause I noticed a lot of, uh, chatter and the discord about those. Um, but I wanna save all that stuff for Future Wizard Wednesdays. Um, but that's all I wanna talk about now. Just like, you know, the, the river versus relation to our world.

How time works, um, and who the wizards actually are. Uh, Lord Punk, you've got your hand up. Uh,

Cult Member: the hairs are. Rising up on the back of my neck hearing you talk about this. Um, I am deeply moved. Um, and I'm vindicated in, in my understanding that, you know, this project is my home project, not punks because there's something special about it.

And that the belief in what you're [00:37:00] talking about, um, is just so important. Uh, I've been involved in, you know, aware of the singularity and stuff since I was about 15 years old. And all of my strident politics are to get us. To the ships and to the upload. Yep. Um, that's why, that's why I have those politics and, and why I'm so terrified at what's going on in the world and why I believe the Metaverse is much more than other side or web three, uh, whatever.

It's the conversations that we have in our discord. It's the Laura rewrite. It's this space. It's the conversations that you guys have as you're creating this project. Um, and. It's incredibly brave to, to come out and say what you just said, and I could hear the energy and emotion in your voice, uh, when you were talking about it.

Um, so I'm just really excited, uh, about taking what you've been talking about, which, you know, is concepts I know very [00:38:00] well and working it into some of the lore, some of the poetry and music that I write. Um, and, and I just cannot be prouder. To be a wizard, to be a member of this cult. Um, uh, after hearing what, what you've just said, and I think you understand how important it is, if anybody wants to learn about these concepts, I am really happy to run some reading groups, um, you know, to help people get some understanding, um, whether it's just for your lore or if you think it's something that might be useful, uh, in your own life.

But, but again, just bravo applause. Thank you for putting your cards on the table. I can't wait to see what the community does with this new

Elf: revelation. Yeah, it's, I'm, I'm, I'm really thank you for saying that, Margaret. It's, uh, it's just. You know, th this, this idea that the universe is our world just works on so many different levels.

I mean, [00:39:00] you know, on, on one hand, this is how we get continuity into the stories we tell, because we just are reflecting our real lives. It's, it's one reason why all these, uh, mythological and historical archetypes are worked into these collections because again, these are just reflections of the real world in real human history and human culture.

And, and at the end of the day, what are archetypes, but just reflections of our own psychology. Um, you know, every archetype is just an, a component of, of what it means to be


Elf: Um, So, you know, I, I, I think Forgotten Ruins is, is just a, a, uh, a continuation of this, this grand tradition that

Dotta: has been with humanity since the beginning.

Elf: Um, and it's, you know, it's up to us to like, see it on through the technical age and into the future. Um, you know, there, there's always been, uh, a question of like, does, [00:40:00] does art imitate life? Or does Light Imit does or does life imitate art? And, um, you know, th that, that's a question that's not meant to be answered, like one way or another.

It's just meant to cast a, uh, a truth on, on how we perceive reality and how we represent reality. Um, so yeah, I, I hope everybody can have fun, like digging into this, these, these core tenets of the universe. Um, because really, you know, it's, it's like, Like, it might sound like a big reveal, but it's actually just like a return to, uh, the norm.

It's a, it's a mean reversion into, um, what art and literature and, and lore has always been. Um, so, so, yeah. But yeah, there's, there's so much more to say. You know, I could go on and on about the quantum shadow and um, uh, so many other things, but, but yeah, I just wanted to get that out there. [00:41:00] I'm so happy you shared

Bearsnake: that because I've been wanting you to share it for so long.

It's said like this idea that, um, the universe is the same place that we live today. I think it's just such a powerful, it's such a powerful concept.

Elf: Yep. Yep. Um, Matto? Yeah. Oh, sorry. Go ahead. Doda. Oh,

Dotta: I was just gonna say Matto came up. I don't know if you wanted to make any comments. Oh, Matto. Hey. Oh, I, no, no

Elf: comments.

Just, uh, I've, I had to rejoin on my phone because my laptop is messing up on it. Ok, cool. I mean, I love, I love the, I love the drop in the Lord drop in everything. I don't have any particular comments about it though, other than just, you know, I, it's, it's great to, I actually am surprised I didn't realize it was panga before the, the layout of the universe currently, but I think that was, that was actually pretty cool to look into.

Awesome, awesome. Yeah. Yeah. It's funny cuz uh, the, the Pangea map got leaked, [00:42:00] uh, a few months ago and I, I just feel like some of this stuff is gonna get leaked anyway, so I, I, you know, I just wanna get it out there. Um, but yeah, you know, speaking of, uh, the universe, uh, going parabolic, there's been some really great cult content this week.

Um, you know, I mean, let's talk about the forgotten punk drop. How awesome was that? So awesome.

Bearsnake: So good.

Elf: So, yeah, so much fun that I think that really just like, took us all by storm. Um, just, I, I don't, I don't know. I mean, I loved it. I, and I know that like once it dropped, uh, the Discord and Magic machine was just going crazy.

Dota, I think you like made a huge forgotten punk sweep. Yeah. I mean,

Dotta: I wouldn't call it huge, but yes I did. And yeah,

Elf: I think what's interesting

Dotta: about punks too is like, You know, nouns minted out. It was like a free mint. [00:43:00] Well, I don't even think it minted out. Right? Just like sat there for like a week before everyone minted it out.

And then, um, well, I guess Baby Wizards sold out. And then Cucu Dogs I think is still open, which is a great project. And then I think, uh, Baron Court also has some inventory available. So I think that a lot of us just sort of felt like, oh, forgotten punks, like super cool, love the art. And you know, we'll have some time, like we'll have some time to go back and, and mint.

Uh, and then, you know, uh, I stepped away from my desk for like a minute to get a bowl of ice cream, and then I come back and they were like completely minted out. It was amazing. Like, I loved it. Like I, you know, and it's not like the floor price is so high, right? Everyone who wants one can still get one, but, uh, It was so fun.

Like the, and I think just the art is so good and like everyone likes punks, and it was really, really fun. So yeah, kudos to the team who they put that together.

Elf: Yeah. Yeah. I, I, I'm starting to have serious fomo on all the, uh, [00:44:00] quote unquote derivative collections, like forgotten punks and, um, the babies and the, the, um, heroes of Cumberland, um, and the, the nouns wizards.

Like, I just, I want to collect all of them. Um mm-hmm. So, yeah. Yeah. I'm looking forward to future derivative collections. Oh, the, the, the, the Baron, what is it? The Baron Court? Baron? Yeah. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. I would say in the last

Dotta: month, I bought, in the last month I got, A noun wizard, which are not, like, they're not super cheap.

Like there's not that many in the market. There's only like 15. I got some punks, of course, got some. I actually bought a few more baby wizards to get some friends. Um, and I got like some Baron court familiars. So like, yeah, it's really fun. I, I love, I love seeing 'em. And like, one of the things I think was kind of questionable upfront was like, are people okay?

So here's, here's the thing about this. [00:45:00] The, the, let's like, I'm gonna use the word derivative collections, but I think like, everyone listening kind of understands my, our view, which is like cult content is like ours over official, right? Yeah. Like, it's not really derivative in the sense that it's like we're all creating forgotten ruin together, but, but whatever.

That's the term, that's the common term. Yep. And, and that, like, originally a, a lot of these kind of, um, derivative c uh, projects are almost like, Uh, just low effort projects, right? There's like doodle punks and then there's like, whatever, you know, punk apes and what there's just like, people are just trying to do something for, to make money for cheap.

And one of the things I love about the, the, the wizard derivatives is that everybody who lo everybody wants one that kind of matches their wizard because we already have built in this idea that like, you are your wizard. Like I'm a wizard and my wizard is me, and I want it in all forms, right? That's why we have walk cycles.

That's not the original N F T, that's why we have the 3D models. That's not the original N F T, and that's why you want the [00:46:00] punk version. That's why you want the noun version, right? When you have these other kind of interpretations of the same character, you want one that looks like, uh, like who you are.

And, and so it's not hard to imagine. Um, You know, forgotten ruins in 10 years from now. The people that still love these wizards, uh, also wanting these derivative collections because they are like, sign of limited supply. Right. So, super, super fun. I really love, uh, everyone who makes these. So every time

Elf: Yep.

It's still of my favorite cult content. Um, speaking of excellent cult content, uh, I gotta hand it to Tony Del Rio. A true Oh yeah. Legendary wizard. This has been the best ink Tober feed I've ever seen. Uh, it, it's, you know, it's like I, I could call out individual illustrations that she's done so far, but every single one of them is amazing.

Dotta: Um, I'm gonna share them in the

Elf: space. Yeah. Tanya, [00:47:00] you're so freaking good. It's just, uh, I love it. I freaking love it. Um, so yeah, it's, it's really been making my October, um, Another really great piece of cult content was, uh, from the legendary Why Sam, uh, that little, um, the needle felted wizard that Oh, yeah.

He made, ah, I love it. Um, I just, you know, we talk about, uh, alternate, um, mediums and I, I'm not sure that I've seen any needle felted, uh, uh, cult content. This might be the first one I've seen, but it's just, it's so good. It's so

Dotta: good. I love needle felt, um, like it's one, like so many crafts where. You know, you just take these piles of fluff and needle and then just like from these very fundamental pieces, you like turn it into life, right?

You [00:48:00] create a rabbit, you create a horse, whatever. You create these characters. And so I think needle felt is really, really, um, satisfying. Just take these fundamental parts, right? The, the fur is like pixels where you just take these like really simple things and then, and then bring life into them. So,

Elf: yep.

Yep. Yeah. I, I would love to learn how to do this. It's, it's, it's so cool. Um, okay. And then another great piece. Um, I'm always talking about how much I love these little gif films. Uh, and Soer Hadrian of the Quantum Shadow made this hilarious gift film of, uh, a Goblin warrior asking a Wizard Warrior. Or sorry, a wizard, um, a wizard.

Familiar like directions and like, it turns out the, the rabbit familiar is the wor the, the Wizard and their places got switched. Um, I'm totally butchering the story, but watch the gift film. It's, it's really great, really great. Um, and, and then speaking of amazing films, one of my favorite pieces from the [00:49:00] last week was, uh, from Night Al Bur, uh, Birdman, um, with, uh, pimp Th Pony, um, so many great univer memes and in jokes and references in this little video, uh, including, uh, the song that, that Margaret made, um, with, uh, with SP Z I believe it was.

Um, did you see that one Dota and Bear Donut and Bear? Uh, no. No,

Dotta: every time I watch Night Owl, bird man's stuff, I get mooned. And so I haven't watched as much, but I got, I gotta watch this one.

Elf: Yeah, no, it's, it's great. It's incredible. It's just so creative. Like, like every two seconds there's just a really fun, creative idea being expressed.

Um, so yeah, well done Night Al. Always love your work. Uh, and then a really great, um, soul commission, uh, that Vitruvian [00:50:00] posted, um, uh, his, uh, his wizard being burned. And what I really like about it is, uh, this skeleton monkey. That, um, you know, because that's one of the fun things about the whole burn event was not only did the wizards, uh, get transmuted, their famili Familiars did as well.

And so in this image, there's a, uh, like a skeleton monkey just like leaping from the pyre. Uh, and it's, it's just so dramatic and beautiful. I love this piece. Um, and then, uh, uh, Lin Wa did a really nice piece of, uh, three wizards, um, uh, in the, in the, in the Thorn. Um, it looks like they're, uh, crafting some spell in a cauldron.

Really nice piece. Um, sorcerer, the quantum Shadow also did this really great, uh, uh, it's, it's like a, uh, it's a missing dog poster, except it's not a dog, it's a cock [00:51:00] trees. Um, I would love to print this out and hang it up in the real world, uh, like on the streets. Super good stuff. Um, and then Oz did a really great, uh, illustration of the, of a soul.

Um, Oz, I love these like full body high res pixel illustrations you do of these, of the characters. They're so good, so dramatic. Um, just beautiful. Um, and then, uh, noodle alarms of, uh, of more on global I. There there looks to be, uh, really fun like Denny's meme happening right now, um, that I think Magis was, is involved in somehow.

Um, it, it's, it's got, it's got the, this particular one has, uh, Edward Hopper's famous painting, Nighthawks, except, um, it's got a bunch of wizards and warriors sitting on the inside of the cafe. And then the one who rings is on the outside crying. Um, um, I'm [00:52:00] not sure what's going on here, but I love it. I think it's that he doesn't like Denny's.

Oh, okay. Fair enough. Yeah. Well, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm outside with you, Woz.

Dotta: Oh, yeah. So I think that they are basically saying that, Uh, he's being too picky so he can be outside while they all have fun inside.

Elf: That's great. That's great. Well, you know, I, I don't know about you, but I, I'd rather, I'd rather eat it Mac Wasier than, uh, than Denny's.

So I love Mac Wasier,

Bearsnake: by the way. I don't mind. I like Denny's. There's, there's something, there's something cooking, pun intended with Mazi. You know, we may have made some Mick Wasier visors. Um, and so we're gonna have a fun little thing going on in the next couple weeks. Keep an eye out if you wanna, um, if you want have your own Mik, Wasier.

Uh, Mick was, here's advisor. Um, they exist and there's going to be a bit of a challenge. Um, Uh, [00:53:00] taking place. So keep

Elf: fun. I actually, not sure if I knew about that. I know you mentioned it, but, um, I feel like there's more than what I know. Oh,

Bearsnake: there's definitely, uh, I was on, uh, a call with Lock and Jitsu this morning on lots of fun stuff.

Lots of just, just, just just know that there are, um, how do I put this? There are opportunities to help craft what kind of food is served at mc. So, um, I'll tell you a little bit more about it. Our discord,

Elf: um, you know, speaking of fun merch, we also have a kickass t-shirt coming out. Um, it might be one of the best ones we've done

Bearsnake: is, is

Dotta: Locke in here?

Lock in here?

Elf: Yeah. I, I was gonna have her mention it, but I, I can't find her. Um,

Bearsnake: oh, I see her typing in the sticker tower. No, she's ordering[00:54:00]

Well, I'll, I'll, I'll speak on her behalf. Yes. Yeah, go for it. Yes. There is a T-shirt. Yes, it is. So metal, I can't even tell you. Yeah. Um, there's also some other items in there that are fall themed. Um, we're making, oh God, dude, Denny's, uh, um, we're, there's, it's a bit of like a capsule drop, if you will. So, um, it's all themed and, uh, you'll find out about it and be able to order.

Um, they'll go quickly. Um, but it looks like on Halloween we'll be announcing that. Um, so

Dotta: very exciting. And I'm not putting a secret N F T in there, so, because we're too busy with the regular Halloween event, so just so you know, there's no secret Pony or whatever. And then, In

Elf: the Halloween drop. Yeah, but Donna, last time you said that, there actually was, so Oh, no, no, I really [00:55:00]

Dotta: actually, you just challenged yourself.

I know. Oh, oh man. You guys,

Elf: um, yeah, no. Um, but yeah, no, I, well, I think we'll say more about that, uh, maybe in a, in a later Wizard Wednesday. Um, but yeah, I don't think I have anything else to talk about. What, what, we've got five minutes left. We have a lore. Do we have, uh, do we have anything else?

Bearsnake: I mean, did we give a shout?

Did we give a shout out to the Universe team for putting out that incredible Oh yeah. Battle the, the blog that sort of laid into all of the stuff. And then do you followed up with one of your Epic

Dotta: tweets? Um, yeah. Shout out. Yeah, shout out to the Universe team. Um, so the Combat in the Universe game is, well, they just released a blog post.

If you haven't had a chance to check it out, you should. Um, so we, they posted tons of new artwork. Um, [00:56:00] basically the game is like parties of four, um, and there's like a cool down bar. For all of the moves that you can make. And so how it basically works is you load up with sort of your abilities, um, before you go into battle.

You wander the overworld and then you engage with enemies, uh, as you want and you can upgrade your stats and, uh, gain xp and get more abilities. So yeah, so there's some really beautiful artwork there of like the enemies, um, and uh, an entrance to a dungeon and what it looks like to join a party. So many, uh, really great things that they've done.

The art there is really, really good. We actually got a, as a team, we actually got a. Uh, alpha preview, a playable alpha preview. So the Magic Machine team has been, yeah, playing, uh, playing the game a little bit this week. You know, it's still very early and so far as like, you know, we play for five minutes and then, uh, see some things that we can improve, but I think overall we're like [00:57:00] super happy with the art direction.

They have done such a good job at like, trying to remain true to the lore of the world and like, um, they're so good about kind of like integrating our feedback. And so yeah, very excited about, uh, the Universe game. I think that they're actually releasing another blog post, um, within the next week or so, Friday.

On Friday. Yeah. You know, I should talk to them about releasing it on Fridays. I feel like Mondays are kind of like, uh mm-hmm. Oh yeah. Meadows here. Uh, I feel like Mondays maybe are, uh, A little bit kind of better for than Friday. Uh, L Punk and Mado, you both. Laura Punk, go ahead.

Cult Member: Um, I'm sure Mado can talk more about this.

All I wanted to do was remind people that the Universe game has got a lo contest going on that's running till the end of October. And you can win Universe merch, and you can also win, uh, the, the fact that your story is drawn by some of their artists. Um, and you all get [00:58:00] AAP if you submit a story. So that's going on in their Discord.

Dotta: One.

Bearsnake: The other thing I wanted to say just about the game is, cause I know whenever there's a blog posted, we get a ton of questions and sometimes, uh, we can't answer that because sometimes we can't answer these questions because it is a work in progress, right? Like, like, like Dota said, we see things, the comment.

So it's still a bit, uh, fluid. Um, and of course we wanna make sure that this game hits as hard as we, as we all want it to hit. So if we ever feel like we're being cagey, it probably just means that we're just still, you know, making sure that, uh, it, it's being built in the right way.

Elf: Meadow, Hey. Hey everyone. Yep. So thank you so much for the, for the, the shout out. Definitely. Um, want to want to confirm that we do have another production blog update coming up this Friday. Um, I'll definitely relay that to the team. I also agree, I think Monday is a better high traffic day [00:59:00] for. Getting the word out.

Um, weekends and Fridays tend to be low in terms of, uh, weekends and, and, um, tends to be low in terms of, um, how much things can, um, can spread on Twitter. So I'm gonna probably send that their way. Um, and thank you again. Thank you so much, Margaret, for giving the, the shout out to the, um, the lower concepts we have going.

Um, like she said, we're gonna, it's, it's going on all month. Um, we're gonna be revealing artists that are working on that. Um, tomorrow I'm gonna reveal the first parters that's gonna be working on that. And as an update, we also, um, by request, um, originally the idea was that, um, your story would get, um, illustrated, but by request.

It doesn't have to be related to your story. Like if you do, like, if you submit a story, you get like a winning story or whatever, and like, let's say you want like a warrior to illustrate that wasn't a part of that story, that's perfectly fine. We'll take, we'll be flexible for whatever request you have as long as you submit, but you like, you know, you submit something that we like.

That'd be great. [01:00:00] And um, so from that, all of your like, pretty much we've been getting a lot of feedback in term, like in the discord. I've been trying, I've been feeding into, um, into the team every now and then when I see, um, some feedback about like, you know, how wizards are integrated. I saw some ideas about.

Um, you know, perhaps maybe, uh, wizards can have, uh, a custom ui, um, that's different from like regular players and that's something that's like, you know, it's a nice, a nice little perk that's not really like, you know, anything game breaking or anything. Particularly if you have like, you know, um, if you have like high affinity or something, maybe like, you know, a water UI or something like that.

If you have a high water, if any, deep wizard. These are all ideas that are kind of like, you know, I, I, they're, they're cool ideas and I, I keep the ideas coming because, um, this is still very early in development. I mentioned that like, you know, if any these has, these ideas get implemented, they may be like down the line after the first release, but just having them like, like in our ballpark is perfectly fine.

Um, so I appreciate any of you, any ideas that you have for, for the game. Cause you know, it may, it may sneak through later on down the line. [01:01:00]

Dotta: Cool. Thank you.

Elf: Right on. Um, I guess, uh, we've reached our time. Anything else guys? No, we're good. Uh, Doda, can you start the outro music I love when dotas in charge of music? Um, this has been Elf Doda, bear Snick, Tonya del Rio Lo Pronk, zuki Jitsu, and all the wizards of the universe putting their ro on the door. Gn everybody.