Wizard Wednesday Episode 53 Transcription

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Wizard Wednesday Ep. 53, August 31st 2022


Dotta: [00:00:00] Well, hello, it is Wednesday and we are wizards and welcome to this week's Wizard Wednesday, channeling in through the quantum downs. This is Doda and Bear and we've also got Cosmo with us up here today. Cosmo, say hello. Hello, hello, hello. Yeah, if you want to come up, uh uh, please, please raise your hand.

Happy to have more folks on stage today because, uh, elf is among the lions and the hyenas and well, hopefully they don't have goat for dinner. So yeah, we've got so much, so much to talk about today. Uh, yeah. Here, come on up Andy. Come on up. L Hello? Um, Well, we've had a couple of super interesting, uh, derivative, well, I don't know what you wanna call it, called content mints.

This week, [00:01:00] the Cucu Lab Mint is still going on. Barrage you mint yours? I minted four beauties. Okay. I should actually share the secret tower. Yeah. I was like, I couldn't wait to get the reveal and now I have them. Yeah, I have, I don't know how many I got, five or seven. I'm not sure exactly. They were all, uh, you know, horrific Exactly as intended.

And yeah, just love seeing those. Um, I also wonder if the Barron Court wants to come up and talk, uh, a little bit about the Desert Beast area. Um, I thought that those were so interesting. I love, you know, it's no secret that we love the Familiars and I think that like, uh, this idea that you can kind of like create a collection that's just familiars that you add onto your warrior.

I really, really love that.

The, one of the things that I think is that one of the things that that showed to me too, it's, it kind of like revisits this idea of like dynamic NFTs, right? And so, um, [00:02:00] is, this is a question that you and I have been talking a lot about Bear, uh, we've been talking about as a team is like, what, what is the role for dynamic NFTs going into the future?

We have some like really interesting ideas to present on that pretty soon. Um, but I think that like, you know, the Baron Court is a great example, right? That like you want to change out your familiar, um, I think that you have, uh, like the bootleg burns by Wise Sam, for example, are super fun. Um, I'll share some of those tweets here in a little while.

Um, but I think you see it a lot in our community that we already kind of change our pfp, right? Like the doto PFP is a different background, L pf and it's cropped. The L PFP has a different background. The one who rings is like animated and like flipped to the wrong direction for some reason. Some people use their like walk cycle.

So, um, I think this idea of kind of like, uh, figuring out a mechanism whereby people can kind of present their token in a way that they want to is like something [00:03:00] that's worth exploring.

Yeah. I just think it, it plays exactly into what we all love doing in the colon. That is like, you know, you can call it playing dress up. You can, you can call it like, uh, even though they're, each one is, is unique in of itself, like to, to personalize them in a way that still respects like the original, um, N f t I think is is really fun and, and yeah, the conversations around how we're doing is really exciting and it should come to no surprise to everybody that Dota, um, is concocted in some really cool sort of mechanics to enable that.

Yes, so, well, I think that one thing, you know, one, there was a really interesting thread, bill. I don't know if Bill Gaines is here in this, uh, audience or if he's come up on stage before, but Bill, I don't know if you want to come up and talk about. Uh, like your baked bill, mystic, if you don't want to, I can talk about it.

[00:04:00] Um, you know, one of the things I think is for sure a problem is when projects kind of like take the initiative on their own and, um, change art out from underneath people when they like didn't ask for it or like weren't expecting it. Right. And so, um, if you didn't see it, bill, he actually had a thread this week where he talked about, um, he had a axe that he, and that he referred to as baked bill mistake.

And effectively he like, okay, okay, great. Uh, bill says in Discord, he is gonna come up on stage, but, you know, and we'll have him fill in the details. Let's see here. Let's give him a second to come on up. Um, but I think that like, really it's this idea around, um, for, for me, I think a big part of dynamic NFTs needs to be one of like, consent.

Um, and I think that like, what that consent is varies a lot, right? For example, like the, um, the great burning. We went over and above in terms of the messaging to tell you like, Hey, by the way, like you're burning this flame, you're burning this [00:05:00] wizard. You might get an undesirable, like, turn back. There's danger here.

Um, and like if you burn a wizard, you 100% understand like the risks and kind of outcomes. I think that's like completely different from just sort of like updating the yard and not telling anyone.

Agreed. Okay. Bill said he is gonna take a minute. We'll come back to it. I mean, um, I think so one of the things that we can talk about is, uh, the locks, the locks and the sacred flames. So yeah, I know that a lot of people, uh, a lot of people want to know about that. So, The, the basic idea with the locks, uh, in the sacred flames is that you, uh, are going to be able to upgrade your warrior.

So if you have a, uh, if you have a lock and you hold a sacred flame, then you'll be able to burn the two of [00:06:00] them and then select a warrior, and then you will be able to upgrade the weapon of, uh, that warrior. So, uh, that's basically the whole thing. It's gonna be amazing. The art looks fan fantastic. Um, and it will immutably and forever, uh, upgrade your warrior both visually, uh, and in terms of its properties to get an extremely rare weapon.

So there are only 42 locks, um, right now, and well, we won't be issuing more, uh, locks from the, the gate of the seventh realm, though we may issue. A small number of, uh, golden items sometime in the future. Um, the, but what you'll be able to do is you'll be able to use the sacred flame. You will come to our website and you will burn your luck and you will burn your sacred flame and pick a warrior and get a really special, very, very rare weapon.

And [00:07:00] so, um, you know, this question is, this really would probably be kind of our first foray into this, uh, uh, area of dynamic NFTs. Sort of unlike the, uh, burning of wizards. This will change the metadata of your warrior. Um, it'll present differently in terms of this photo. It'll present differently, uh, on open scene in terms of the properties.

And, uh, we're gonna see how it goes. It's a very small number, right? There's only 42 locks. Um, I think. One of the things that we think about when, when we try to do these experiments is like, some experiments are for the whole cult airdrops for everyone. We're for sure going to do some of those. Um, and this one is gonna be a little bit, a little bit more limited, but I do think if you own a sacred flame, of course this is very interesting to you because, uh, you know, it's really our first kind of step saying like, Hey, the sacred flames are not just for burning, uh, wizards into souls.

And so like, what are the consequences for that? As in terms of like, uh, our tokens for our economy, we're, we're gonna learn. [00:08:00] I think it's really interesting. Uh, you know, it's like not, I, I don't even know the number of people that have a lock, end a flame in possession. So it'll be interesting to see what, you know, what people do when you have one or the other.

Um, or if you have none and you're just a crazy DJ and you, you, you know, wanna do it yourself and, and go purchase them. Um, but I'm, I'm so stoked and, you know, uh, Cosmos on, on stage right now. He really led the charge, uh, with Alf on, on these upgrades. And I think y'all are gonna be really excited. I, it adds an element, um, that I don't think we've, and we should keep it like a little bit secret under a hack.

Um, but it adds, it adds a bit of a visual element that we haven't really seen in most of our tokens. So I think, I think, uh, hats off to, uh, hats off to Cause you did a great job. Thanks man. Yeah, it's been,

Cult Member: [00:09:00] it's been a lot of fun

Dotta: and a lot of work.

Cult Member: Yeah. It's the interesting thing,

Dotta: right? Because it's, uh, only 42 locks, but the way the NFTs kind of work, we have to, we have to draw, uh, All of them, every single weapon.

So, and then most of the work will never go seen. Yeah, I think that's part of the magic too, right? Is that there's like, yeah. A lot of this artwork that is going, that is getting created that is just like, uh, in, in interior, in the lab. Ze, you have your hand up. Did you have a question about the golden locks?

Yeah. Okay. So since some of the flames are gonna be like, pushed towards the locks, does that take away from one of ones being minted out from the Souls collection?

Well, I mean, it reduces chances, doesn't it? Yeah. Well, like does it reduce one of ones from the Soul's collection? I think that like, there are a certain [00:10:00] number of, one of ones in the Soul's collection still remaining. Um, if no one ever burns them, they'll never be revealed. But I don't think that like, uh, I'm not gonna give a hard answer on that.

In so far as like, just by the nature of the numbers, I suppose that like there are fewer schools, fewer that will ever exist. Yeah.

Appreciate it. Thank you, Donda. Yeah, of course. Uh, Laura Punk, you have your hand up. Hello.

Sharon: Hi. Yeah. Um, I have kind of a lore question about the use of the locks with the sacred flames. Um, I wanna know, are you burning the locks or are you melting the locks? Because I have got a bunch of alchemy poems queued up and this is relevant to my interests.

Thank you.

Dotta: In this case, in this case, you're melting them. The, uh, locks, [00:11:00] uh, the locks to the gate, to the seventh realm are, uh, extremely, uh, uh, powerful and really you need the sacred flame to, to melt that sort of metal.

Sharon: Cool. I will get my thinking cap on.

Dotta: Yeah. Um, Cosmo, maybe you could tell us a little bit more about like, some of the artwork, I don't know, or about like what the process has been like. Um, yeah, sure. I mean, I think the, the main thing is that, right? Like, so we have, um, I think there

Cult Member: are 128 total weapons in the,

Dotta: in the collection, which, um, is a lot.

It's more than I thought. Um, uh, and as I'm, as we've been, as

Cult Member: we've been

Dotta: drawing all of these, right, these new variants, uh, they're all completely accustomed, uh,

Cult Member: artwork. And there's also

Dotta: some sprinkled surprises in there that I think, uh, we don't wanna talk about yet. But we'll be, [00:12:00] I'm excited

Cult Member: to see, um, what people think about it and, um, Yeah, it's just that thing, right?

Dotta: That to me is kind of magical in a way because like we're,

Cult Member: most of the,

Dotta: most of them will never be seen because we're only doing 42. There's only 42 locks, but

Cult Member: that kind of makes it more, more

Dotta: mystical. Yeah. And I don't mind sharing a little bit of the dynamics, which is just this idea that, um, one of the things that you might remember with the locks is that they also have a spell encoded within them.

Um, and there are also two types of locks. There are both the golden locks and the quantum locks. Um, and so, uh, uh, you know, It's not like us to kind of leave anything like that on the floor. And so the lock that's used and even the spell that we've used to create that lock, um, all go into, uh, creating the golden weapon on the other side.

And so shark Child was asking in discord, I think, uh, saying, does each lock, uh, burn [00:13:00] make a one out of one weapon? Um, and I think the answer there is not necessarily insofar as if you used the same color lock with the same spell and the same weapon, uh, then you would still, they wouldn't be different.

There would be the, you would end up with the same weapon. So, um, you know, I think like, like I like to do the rare, the choices of, uh, your peers affect the rarity of your own token.

Yeah. I dunno. Does anyone else have any other questions? Yeah, I, I honestly, I think it's, I think even if we have a lot of artwork kind of like unseen, I think it's a pretty cool concept for me. It reminds me a lot of, um, I like clicking at like data minds for games and like you get to see a lot of stuff behind the scenes, like artwork that never made into the final game.

And it's like stuff that you, like average player honestly, would never even be able to see if not for data miners digging into there and pulling those graphic datas out and you get to see like, [00:14:00] sometimes the workflow of like, a lot of developers like, um, transitions through different, um, builds of the game and stuff.

So I think it's cool that we have that kind of like hidden things and maybe not immediately, maybe even like, maybe like a year or two down the line, whatever we decide like, hey, know, we'll release some snippets of that artwork never made in, and it could kind of be like a cutting room floor kind of deal where it's like this is stuff that never familiars a collection, but you can kind of like get glimpses of some of this process behind the scenes that happened.

I love it. Uh, and Spz asks Doto, what happens to SOS when flames are used for locks? Um, well, nothing happens to the SOS that exist, but yeah, like we mentioned earlier, uh, it basically just means that there will be fewer soles, fewer potential souls. Um, that said, I think in my mind, you know, part of this process is, um, I mentioned this in sales chat months ago, which is this idea that like, the fact that, um, flames kind of reached [00:15:00] a, uh, let's see, like a fixed point where people were like, ah, no, I'm not gonna burn any more souls anymore.

I take that as like a personal challenge. Um, so I think that it's, it's, there are a lot of people who are just kind of sitting on their flames and, uh, I'm very interested in making it more and more tempting, uh, for folks to, to burn all of the sacred flames. It's my goal for Forgotten ruins that 100% of the flames, uh, get burned.

So, So we'll see. Oh, we, we have that one that's stuck in a contract though, so 99.99. There we go. Yeah, I think it's an upgradeable contract. It might be upgradeable, so maybe we can get it someday. That'll be hilarious. Actually, if you did get it, it would be cool if you actually like a contest or something for it.

If you were able to get it back to you, we should figure that out. The other, the other thing, the other thing I wanted to say was, uh, you know, like some comments here is like, it feels like a pretty like exclusive event and, [00:16:00] and yes, there's only 42 locks and there's only so many flames left. But I think for us it's, you know, all of these things work towards just like building story and world.

And so, and, and I mean, Donna mentioned it at the top, it's like some things will, like when you put something out there like the locks, you, you have to sort of r not wrap up the story, but you have to like commit to, um, Putting, uh, a reason out there. Right. And so, sure, some like the locks event will be for a small number of people, but I think the stories that come out of it go far beyond just the people who touch, um, and upgrade their weapons.

And of course, you know, we have plenty of other collections that are very large, um, that, you know, we, we are serving and plan to serve even more stuff up for. So for us, it's, it's a balance. Um, and no matter what it's all about, just like building out that story. So those stories can play out, you know, in our discord on Twitter and the comic [00:17:00] book and the show and, and the games and all that stuff.

But, but it doesn't, right? Right. But it doesn't go be, it's not beyond us that like, you know, there's only so many people that can participate. Right. Yeah, yeah. You're, you're alluding to the fact that it's just like such a small number of people that actually have the locks. And I think, yeah, just to double down on that, which is one, you know, I do think that it affects all flame holders indirectly, and then even all solds holders indirectly as well, because like more, the fewer flames there are, the better that is for people who own flames.

And the fewer flames there are, the more valuable souls, um, are by kind of like supply and demand. And so I think it, you know, it has a broader effect though, you know, it's more fun to have one. And then secondarily, I think the things that you, that our team has been planning over the next few months include a lot broader drops.

Um, I do think that we wanna try to kind of design drops so that more [00:18:00] people can be involved rather than just like 50 people or whatever, uh, as a, as a rule. But that said, once we drop a token, I think. The commitment is like, it exists. We're going to use it for something. So, uh, there'll be more, there'll be more of that.

Zay, you've got your hand up. All right. Um, I was wondering, are these weapons, are you gonna be able to unwrap them from your warrior? Because I listened to this podcast where we talk about the apex of NFTs and what they potentially could be. And once we reach this level of like gaming and NFTs, like influencers will be like trading weapons back and forth to defeat a final boss, that if he's holding your warrior's like weapon to do that, it could potentially develop lower behind it and possibly gain value.

So yeah, I was just wondering, is it possible to unwrap these weapons from the Warriors to where it's like interoperable and a transferable item? The, so like we are not assigning any sort of stats to these weapons, right? [00:19:00] Like this is, uh, like a rarity and a cosmetic effect on your token. Um, I think that like any game that kind of uses forgotten root's tokens is gonna have to create mechanics that like are in align with, um, you know, what makes their game work.

So like the most obvious one being like the universe game, right? Um, and so, but you know, there will be other games as well that kind of want to use the traits as sort of a starting point for your weapons. So, um, no, these, these weapons aren't like weapons as items said. This idea around, um, let's call them like RPG primitives as like playing a role in our ecosystem is something that I've been just like obsessing over lately.

Um, and so. Um, you know, moon Catts has, uh, a really interesting, uh, system where they basically use this, this standard. So, you know how like ERC 20 is like tokens? ERC 7 21 is NFTs. There's a, there's another standard called ERC [00:20:00] 9 98 where it's around, uh, NFTs owning other NFTs. If you've seen kinda like the Moon Cat store where you can like decorate your moon cat and, and, and, and mint, like, you know, you can mint like a little ball of yarn for your moon cat.

And then like, yeah. Yeah. That seems to like what a lot of projects are doing right now is they're making like accessories for their PFPs and stuff like that.

But yeah, continue. Oh man, my, like, headphones discontinued. My headphones disconnected. Uh, yeah, so I, I think that I would moon cats right now, but I think that, uh, I love that idea.

I, I think I recall earlier on, like months, months ago that we kind of like threw around the idea of like having like an inventory of such for your wizard that this kind of like would coincide with that. Like you had like your wizard bag attached to your wizard and then you would have like certain items in it.

Um, so I think that that may be like a cool [00:21:00] round potentially go through, but I'm not sure how, I'm not sure how up upgradeable that would be, like if, if that can actually just attach to our current tokens would've to migration. I don't think a migration would be a good idea, by the way. Just kind of saying, not sure the mechanic, how that can be implemented.

Uh, yeah. That's really interesting that Yes. I, I think that like, too, this idea that sort of your, um, I don't feel like the UIs for assigning inventory to your token are very good. Like how do you Right. I feel that so like, And so it's almost easier to just own the token in your, like, regular account, like as your, with your regular e account than to like assign ownership

uhoh, I think. I think you got that out there, but yeah. Yeah. I, I [00:22:00] agree with that too. I think it's not very intuitive right now. It's kind of a complicated, so, um, I agree that it's probably better to have it, like something more in your comp. It's a cool idea to have, I guess for, um, maybe down the line if there's like another token that comes out and like if the, if the, if the user experience kind of like expands so that way it's a bit easier to, to manage that kind of stuff, then that may be cool.

Yeah, we're definitely still early. There definitely be more standards in the future. Mm-hmm. 100, 100%. I see, uh, that, uh, Mr. Bill has his hand up.

Hello everyone. Hey, just a thought on the whole character inventory type situation. What if they

Cult Member #2: were soul bound tokens? Yeah, I was considering

Dotta: that too. You could totally

Cult Member #2: do it that way.

Dotta: A hundred percent. Yeah. I think, yeah. Yeah, because then you could implement like a soul bound token that has like whatever sort of [00:23:00] inventory, uh, like protocol implemented that you need.

Sorry, Matt, you were gonna say something? Did I interrupt you? Oh, no, you're pretty much exact. You said exact what? I was gonna say that you can just have like the, like a pouch, so bound pouch that would be attached to your, with it. And that would be what your inventory would be able to utilize. I won't call it pouch, but El told me he didn't like that name.

He thought it sounded too much like Sack. Well, we did have in the, the Treasure Tve, we had Giro would give the Okay. For the, the Chad Sack. Yeah, exactly. I thought Pouch was a good name back holding.

So Bill, tell us about your, uh, tell us about, um, uh, baked Bill, your Mystic Axe. Maybe give us some context cuz I actually don't play it. [00:24:00] So,

Cult Member #2: uh, a Mystic

Dotta: Xi was one of these things that you would roll for cuz they, they basically, they sold the first, uh, like 4,400 axes and when you would roll for it, there was a certain chance that it would get a mystic trait.

And so those are the, those are it, like they're, those traits will never be introduced to the, the ecosystem again. And they were supposed to be like the, like really special. Basically there's only like 1100 of them. Um, and there's like, now there's like 12 million axes or

Cult Member #2: something. So, uh, basically

Dotta: in the Axe world, like the number of axes is always going to inflate.

And the collector's axes are basically like, that's, if you wanna put money into collecting something, the only thing of value is either tokens in that ecosystem [00:25:00] or collectors axes. Um, and so I had bought this one cause I, I had made a bunch of money off of Axe and I really wanted to like, invest in back into the ecosystem.

Uh, and so I bought this one and he had these like stoned eyes. And these wings, and it looked like it was sitting on a little cloud. And uh, like that was the original artwork. But they, they recently released a new game and they updated all of the artwork with the game. And so unfortunately, my, my axe kinda looks scuffed now.

Cult Member #2: Uh,

Dotta: and it's just really interesting. Like I, I needed some liquidity for something and my first thought was to spell that because I just didn't care about

Cult Member #2: it

Dotta: anymore, which is like, not, uh, something that I would [00:26:00] expect cuz I, I had bought that with the intention of holding it for, uh, several years. Uh, and it costs a lot of money too.

It costs

Cult Member #2: like 26 Ether

Dotta: and it's not an small chunk of change. Uh, so anyway, they changed the art and it looks. Kind of bad in, in my

Cult Member #2: opinion,

Dotta: and it, it might be more of a warning to other, um, other project creators and, and other people who wanna experiment with these kind of dynamic NFTs, cuz you don't want the person to be able to change it too much in the sense that they don't have what they initially, um,

Cult Member #2: purchased

Dotta: for their own collection

Cult Member #2: and enjoyment.



Dotta: I think it was interesting about that is that you, you showed off that you actually commissioned a lot of [00:27:00] artwork for that axe. So like you obviously were like attached to, it's not like it's just something you just bought for the sense of like, you know, you wanted to have a cool axe, you, you resonated with it and it's, for me, I felt like it was heartbreaking to see that they changed art of it so much that I didn't even really resemble what was.

Well, the art, all the wonderful artwork that you commissioned for it anymore really? Yeah. It, it, it kind of looks pretty, it looks pretty janky. The, uh, the artist for did tell me that they, um, they will be updating the art to like an animated,

Cult Member #2: uh, like graphic.

Dotta: And so the mystic part that got kind of like janky is, is gonna get upgraded.

So I, I don't know. That might look kind of cool. We'll see

Cult Member #2: at this point. I don't, I don't really care.

Dotta: It's unfortunate in a way. Do you feel rugged? [00:28:00] Yeah. I mean that's, that, that might be one way of putting it. I definitely like changed the appearance like a lot. Um, but on the other hand, like that's also their terms of service. Like Axia is very like Web 2.5. Like I think they, they really try to make a stepping stone in, into what Web three gaming can be, but they wouldn't have been able to grow to, to such a large user base and, and to be so successful without being kind of, uh, you know, overarching on, on everything, including their

Cult Member #2: ip.

So it is,

Dotta: it is what it is. You know, there's not, there's not anything that I can do about it other than just be like, Hey, when is this gonna get updated? Cause it doesn't look nearly [00:29:00] as cool as these other like, new collectors act that you're releasing. Right, right, right. Um, yeah. Interesting. I think, like you said, that's a cautionary tale for like being for creators up in the artwork.

So I think, uh, if you choose to upgrade your warrior by burning a lock in a flame, uh, it is gonna upgrade the art of your warrior. And that art was created by Cosmo. So if you hate it, you have to track down Cosmo. Wow. Put it on the firing line. Geez.

Cosmo dare show up at the next, uh, I r L event.

Uh, somebody asked, what happens if your warrior doesn't have a weapon? And the answer is you can't upgrade their weapons because that's just, you have to have a warrior with a weapon. [00:30:00] Sure. There's no secret. Like if you put, like, if like when you put a, a familiar lift, um, wizard through the flame, nothing magically appears.

Uh, no, not, not at this time. Cool. That's actually a good confirmation. I I could see somebody trying

Cult Member: to do that. Yeah. I think we don't even let them, right? Yeah. We

Dotta: won't let you. Yeah, yeah, yeah. We won't let you Now when, when playing with the sacred flame, there's this aspect of chaos magic to it, and that's how we ended up with d Desirables in the first burn.

Now, is there any kind of mechanic where there'll be undesirables or strange things happening with this go around? I don't know if you guys, not in this case. Okay. No, not in this case. There's no, yeah, there's no luck aspect to this. I mean, there's so few of them. That makes sense.

Um, another thing on this idea of. [00:31:00] Um, well, like creators changing things out from under their holders also happens with IP rights, right? So jump in crazy. You're not doing it. Uh, here, we gotta mute. Gotta mute you today. So then, uh, one of the super interesting things that was released today was a 16 Z Crypto released their, um, N F T licenses, which are, they're like, they call 'em like their can't be evil, uh, IP rights.

Um, I've had some time to read through them today. They're super interesting. One of the the cool things about it is they talk about the idea of, um, creators basically in, uh, where it's not CR Creative Commons, where the creators sort of abdicate their rights to the ip, um, but rather they provide kind of a protection for collectors, which says like, we can't kind of take away the right that we've given you.

And I think that's super interesting. Definitely worth like looking into more carefully because I think that like, [00:32:00] um, you know, that's been actually a conversation that I've had with many people this week, um, including our very own R y F, uh, who is up here on stage. Hello? Hi.

Cult Member #2: Hello. How's everyone doing today?

Dotta: Oh, better once I talk to you.

Cult Member #2: I appreciate that. Uh, what's going on?

Dotta: So you have been, oh, you've been sharing just some incredible art. Well, before we even get to that, you shared a really good, uh, thread this week. That first off opened with the house of R Y F, which looked like a really fun, uh, place to be.

Uh, if you haven't seen it, I shared the thread of in the, uh, Twitter space and, and, and you give this analogy, um, of the like liquidity black hole thesis and then bring it over to like a creative, uh, black hole thesis. Maybe you could talk to us a little bit for like the people who are not as initiated around defi.

Could you explain a little bit [00:33:00] about like the liquidity black hole thesis? Um,

Cult Member #2: Yeah, um, definitely. So, um, you know, throughout the various defi seasons, um, there've been a lot of fans of various protocols describing them as black holes for liquidity. Um, and what they usually mean by that is, um, the protocols are designed in such a way, um, whether it depends on, you know, the underlying protocol or, um, incentives with liquidity mining.

But, um, the idea is that these pieces often work together to create a, um, like a feedback loop and a, a virtuous cycle where, um, you know, more people using the platform create more fees and, uh, more fees create deeper liquidity, which [00:34:00] makes more people want to. Use these platforms, for example, um, this is the design behind like Thor chain, the cross chain decentralized exchange.

And the idea is then as it becomes deeper, more people want to use it, which creates more fees, and then the pool keeps getting deeper and deeper because more people deposit liquidity in it. So it creates this, uh, at least in theory, this virtuous cycle. Um, and so, you know, similarly, um, as more and more people, you know, start creating stories and other endeavors, uh, with their forgotten ruins, wizards, um, both because it inspires some creative people, um, it makes more competitive folks want to kind of remain at the forefront as far as, uh, what they're building.

And then as, uh, [00:35:00] As, uh, the one who rings pointed out afterwards. Um, when other people, when when people make their own, uh, stories around their characters, it makes them more valuable, which then, uh, incentivizes magic machine or whoever else is, uh, building in the ecosystem to plug those stories into their own, uh, experiences, which then brings in, uh, larger audiences and, uh, you know, brings in, brings in capital and, uh, more value to those stories.

And so, um, I believe that this can similarly create, um, positive feedback loops and, uh, this create, this creativity can compound. Um, and so it, it, it hopefully won't grow linearly, but, uh, you know, the, the rate of creativity will hopefully accelerate in what eventually becomes. Uh, you [00:36:00] know, an ex, an exponential growth curve.

That's, that's the thesis in a nutshell.

Dotta: I love that. Like I was just talking to Bear this morning, bear and I were talking about it, and it's, um, and I was just repeating this idea that, um, that I've said before, which is like, I want to commission like every artist on Twitter to create a piece of artwork for forgotten ruins.

And like, really what I want is that like every artist in the world, um, like creates a piece for Forgotten Ruins. And I think it's this idea that like, um, it's this idea that kind of. Um, the more people who sort of have these characters in this world planted in their mind, like the stronger we all become, and from like the lowest to the highest too.

Like my daughter, she's nine and she, um, she's entered the summer kids contest and she posted this picture this morning, which, uh, I posted for her of this picture of, you know, a wizard. Why Sam? [00:37:00] And like the cucu dog and the secret tower. And um, and she just sat. And one of the things I love about this community is that they're like so encouraging where like she posts something and then, you know, uh, Sammy Kitty and Tanya and Emma all like, made these really specific comments about like, pieces that they loved about, they're like, oh, I love the skull.

Oh, I love, you know, the Cucu dog or whatever. And she was just beaming seeing those like comments. And I think that's something that I love about this community is that like, when you create a piece of art, you're not creating it in isolation, but you're creating, there's like a built in community that like, loves to see what you built.

Cuz we're like all doing it together. So, um, yeah, I agree with your thesis and I love it. So, okay. So, you know, tell us if you want to tell us more about kind of this beautiful artwork that you've been sharing.

Cult Member #2: Yeah, for sure. Um, well first of all, unfortunately I can't give away anything quite, uh, too revealing yet, but a little bit [00:38:00] more information about that.

Um, You know that, that art is from one of my business partners. Um, if you guys have seen some of the graphic novel, um, teasers I've shared, that's just the tip of the iceberg of what we're working on. Um, the, the whole project was conceptualized going back almost a year. Um, and ground broke on the larger, um, more ambitious component of it back in March.

So we've been working on that for, uh, about six months now. Um, be besides him. Um, that other element also has a very good, uh, artist working on it, among others who've been very successful in their fields, um, and at the, at the forefront of other paradigm shifts in the entertainment space. Um, The [00:39:00] project has, this probably isn't anything new.

Dotta: This is, this is, I've never heard someone walk on eggshells so softly.

Cult Member #2: Well, um, it, I, I'd love to say more. Um, as you know, I hate to keep people guessing, but, uh, now's, now's not the ti not the right time. But I hope to have something tangible out in the next couple months and, um, there will be more, more reveals in the coming weeks.

That's, that's as much as I can say, but I think people will be, uh, pretty happy. And other wizard holders who wanna be part of the journey, uh, will have every opportunity to join us and, uh, be a part of it.

Dotta: Well, still also, well, I, I absolutely love everything you've been sharing and, you know, um, both from the artwork and the threads.

And so, yeah, I know you're not ready to spill all the [00:40:00] beans yet, but I, I appreciate you coming up here and sharing what you, what you have already.

Cult Member #2: Yeah, I, I appreciate you, uh, you know, calling, calling on me to drop a few more breadcrumbs. Uh, before I go, I just wanted to announce that the second window for the Ministry of Art is opening tomorrow.

Um, the window will be from the 1st of September to the 30th. Um, it'll have the same rules as the first window, 10 eth in total, two eth cap per applicant. And going forward, we'll probably have the ministry windows open and close at the beginning and end of uh, months just for simplicity. So, uh, get, get those applications in in the next four weeks.

Dotta: Thanks all. Incredible. Thank you. Where do people go to put in the application?

Cult Member #2: Um, we have a [00:41:00] link to the Google form, um, on the Ministry of Arts Notion page. We'd like to, um, move to something else like type form that won't require Gmail accounts in the future, um, which will hopefully be on the agenda once you know, the legal priorities are squared away for the council.

Dotta: All right. And just for, just iterate everybody, this is for, um, for if you, if you have pieces that you wanna commission. So going back to like what Dota said about having more artists who like work for, for Ghana ruins, um, we are, you know, incentivizing. If you have any art, any artists that you wanna make pieces for you, um, put in a request for us and like, know as long as it reaches that, as long as you keep your, um, your requests under that cap, um, you know, we'll look through it and we'll, we'll see, um, what we can grant and hopefully get more artwork.

This is all just meant to, to have more art made for the universe.[00:42:00]


Cult Member: Hey, hey, maple dead here. If I can dive in please. We've got, um, the, the, I wanna say the last, um, Project call out that the House of Wizards did. Encouraging writers to come, uh, non-community members to write something in the universe was super, super fun. And what a great initiative that was. We talk about bringing new people in, oh my God, what an amazing tool to bring people in is l literally pay them to participate and have a referral program where community members are incentivized to go get artists and encourage them to participate.

So I had two, two of my referrals, one, which is pretty exciting. So it was really exciting to see them, um, Them them win that. So awesome incentive project. Love that one. Let's do more. Um, while we're talking about physical objects being created and building stuff, I'll [00:43:00] give a quick treasure trove update.

We've been doing this fundraiser for a week. Uh, it's been really exciting. It closes in about six hours at midnight tonight, Eastern Standard Times when six hours, uh, that fundraiser will. Close that's up on the sushi page. I'll post the links in the Discord, or you can find it on the Maple Dad eth mirror page or the Twitter and all that as well.

Um, we've had a bunch of fun, exciting stuff get unlocked because we had so many really powerful commitments from larger community members that it did this funny thing where even though we haven't reached our fundraising goal just yet, the size and the, the, the magnitude of some of these donations have unlocked some of the, uh, items that I thought were only gonna be able to be unlocked if we hit these crazy stretch goals.

So we've now unlocked the Sammy Kitty Baron, uh, secret merch item, which I will not spill the [00:44:00] beans on just yet. Oh,

Dotta: I'm glad you told me a secret. I almost mentioned it. Ooh, I'm glad you didn't.

Cult Member: Ah, yes, they're, yeah, they're cooking up all kinds of fire. Um, we've unlocked the Giro, the Gigis, Chad, um, the Gigis Chad Dice bag, the the Chad Sack.

Um, For, for everyone who needs somewhere to carry their dice around in. And, and the Polyhedral dice sets. So unlocked a bunch of stuff and we've been able, because of the way economies of scale works, every single contributor now gets a double box. Uh, so everyone gets literally twice as much stuff. Yeah.

One for you and one to gift. Um, so definitely, uh, you're, you're literally getting twice as much, which is, which is really cool. Um, because the whole point of this box is that it is this Trojan Horse tool that you can use to bring non-community members in into the community. All these [00:45:00] games, all these activities, they're all fun.

Even if you've never heard of an NFT or never come to a Wizard Wednesday, it's all good. They're all games that are, are just gonna get people interested in what's going on here. So wanna say big thank yous to everybody, including Magic Machine that made some generous contributions So,

Dotta: Can you enumerate for us one more time?

What's inside the box? You know, now that folks are so loud.

Cult Member: Oh, yeah. Amazing. Yes, I would love to. So we have three main items. We have the, the collectible, uh, sorry, four main items. We have the collectible wizard, trading cards that are just fun, cool. Trading cards. This is, uh, this is number one. Uh, and there's gonna be a suit set, number one, and there's gonna be a ton of wizards, warriors, souls, uh, even if you spawn from the collection in there.

And. This means that we're going to, um, have a ton of fun [00:46:00] with cards. We're also having this wizard card deck that I've gotten, that I've designed that Artis has done this gorgeous artwork for, and this is sort of like a spin on the regular traditional deck of 52 cards. This is the wizard deck of 77 cards, has all seven colors, has instead of jacks and queens and kings.

It has wizards and warriors and souls and beasts. And this is sort of a tool that you can use to play traditional card games or make up new card games. I have a few that will have rules included, but it's sort of a tool to sort of get creative and build your own stuff. Then we've got Dr. Pop's board game, the.

Sort of retro board game. Super fun. Um, and that's a super fun little push or luck dice game that has you sort of playing Yi. Uh, it's really fun and simple. And then we've also got give a hoot and his, uh, ruins, t c g online game. [00:47:00] We've got a physical copy of that in there for you to get started with. So you can play Physical Brus, tcg, uh, and that will come with some, some bonuses for the donor wallets.

Uh, we'll get some things unlocked once the the Ruins game actually goes live. You'll get some digital PR copies as well, which is really fun. Um, and then we have a bunch of other fun little knickknacks. Uh, got the, the, the morons bottle opener. We've got, oh man, I can't even remember. There's so much cool stuff.

Lo punk is doing some, some song, uh, sorry, not some songs, some. Uh, poems for the top contributors. Um, it, it, the list goes on and on. I'm gonna post the, uh, cause I don't wanna drown everybody out here, but I'm gonna post in the, uh, discord, just a link to the full page again so people can browse, um, and have fun.

We can't wait. And there will be, I've had a bunch of people ask, if you need a PayPal solution, just DM me on Twitter. Uh, we can [00:48:00] do sort of old fashioned web two money exchanges as well. I've got systems set up for that now that are compliant and easy to use, so we can do a PayPal or whatever also. So thanks so much.

Dotta: All right. Yeah. Thank you. Uh, hey, Laura Punk.

Sharon: Hey, how are you doing?

Dotta: I'm great. How are you?

Sharon: I'm good. Um, I got a song for the end of the night, but I also had a little bit of a Standard Wizard Wednesday update because our song, me and Soer alias of the phase song Chimera, is now up on the forgotten Ros, um, YouTube.

And we've heard back today from Ryan Zu, who is the principal of Dialectic and he absolutely loves the song. So, you know, if people wanna have a look at that, um, I will post that in the, uh, posts on this page just now, and I [00:49:00] was wondering if I could talk about the EP a little bit.

Dotta: I would love it. Sure.

Sharon: So Sorcerer, alias and I also known as SP Z in the Discord have five songs that we want to put together as an ep, which is an extended play.

It's somewhere between a single and an album. And it really ties back to what Retired Year Yield Farmer was saying, um, about making content that appeals to the broader audience and just expanding the wealth for everybody. Um, the amazing work that the comic book is doing, sort of bringing people from comic fandom into forgotten ruins, uh, sorcerer, alias and I want to do with music.

So we have this really cool song that's the first one for the album. It's, uh, chaos Chimera, and it's really mainstream rock music that has some drama to it that has some of the flavor of our community to it. But you know, people who don't even know what an N [00:50:00] F T is, might wanna listen to it. Um, we will be, uh, proposing, uh, uh, a proposal to the, uh, dow once the pause for legal stuff is over and we want to sell the IP of this album to the Dow and the community.

You know, we're looking for match funding from people, even if it's just like a quarter of an ETH or half an ETH or even less. If you wanna be part of it, we'd love to have you. And, and the point is that we have this music as a tool. It could be on television shows, it could be used, you know, for video games.

It can be used for anything. It becomes a resource of the community. Um, and we just a hundred percent are super excited by ideas like what R Y F is saying, and we just want it to be part. The puzzle part of the community. So, so yeah, if you're interested in maybe chucking some match funding in for the Dow proposal, you can talk to me or you can talk to [00:51:00] Tad, uh, in the Discord, who is really kindly, you know, helping us with this.

So yeah. Um, we're really excited and I'm really excited because Forgotten Ruins has opened up to me my music again, which is something I thought was lost to me for many years. Um, and I'm just so grateful to be able to write songs for folks. I've got a new one for tonight, and, and yeah, I'm, I'm happy to answer any questions and thanks for letting me blather on.


Dotta: Uh, we love it. Uh, I love your songs. I think that, um, you know, music, I, I love music so much. I, um, play and I love hearing your songs and I think, you know, there's been like two moments that you brought to the cult where I knew we had something special. One would've been like very, very early on, like probably the week of launch.

I think you replied with a poem to one of our tweets. I, we, it [00:52:00] might've even been before we launched, to be honest. Um, we just, yeah, it was Claire Silver, Claire Silver's Crow, and I remember just going to my wife, to Ms. Doto and I was like, We posted a picture of this wizard and someone wrote a poem about it, and, and it was just this magical moment of like, oh, we have something here.

And then I remember the first time on Wizard Wednesday, I told someone, I said, um, I told them, yeah, we're doing a Twitter space and we're gonna have a poetry reading. And, and they like chuckled because that felt like so novel that someone would, would write a poem. Now, of course, it feels just like, you know, something we do every, every, every week.

And so I just like really appreciate you bringing your, your creativity both in poetry and then now and song to the cult. It's just always special. So I, you know, I think this is actually all I really have for Wizard Wednesday today, so I would actually love to hear your song now unless Bear or Cosmo you have anything you want to add, meadow?

Um, [00:53:00] not really. I mean, there was, there was one thing I saw someone asking in the secret Tower about, Uh, updates on the television show. Um, oh yeah, let's talk about it. Yeah, TV shows are pretty cool. Um, yeah. Uh, so we are working with Derek, uh, our writer, Derek Holstead, um, on scripts, on breaking stories, uh, looking at characters to bring forward, um, in the foreground, in the background, uh, the general arcs and themes of season one.

Um, and, you know, I know we've crushed about him plenty, uh, on these Twitter spaces, but he's just such a pleasure to work with. What a professional and, and really I think one of the best parts is that he, he really, um, looks to us to make sure, as does, you know, all these cult initiatives. To make sure that he's respecting, um, sort of the [00:54:00] bounds and the rules of the world.

Um, and so it is just been such a great collaborative effort. Um, yeah. And so it's just, you know, that's, that's, that's moving and, and I think there's, hopefully we'll have a couple sort of larger updates, announcements around the show, uh, hopefully in the near future. Um, but until then, you know, just know that, uh, you know, we're crafting, crafting this, uh, this story behind the scenes and just, uh, excitement can't even sort of, uh, describe how, how we're all feeling.

I forget if we mentioned the, the like, um, switching to 30 minutes. I don't know if we've talked about that. Oh, if you could talk about that now, I don't know that we've talked about on Wizard Wednesday. No, I don't think so. You know, originally we, um, you know, we selfishly wanted to do, uh, make as much content as possible.

So like, what is the longest possible. Um, episode we could make. And, and that was like, you know, we budgeted out at, at around [00:55:00] 60, around 60 minutes. You know what's interesting is as we have our conversations with distributors, um, you know, they're anime and, and I mean, I know this cuz I watch it myself. Um, and I'm sure many of you do too, but a lot of the, even the anime shows, the more dramatic, uh, animated shows are half hours, not 60 minutes or like, you know, when I say half hour, I mean like, you know, anywhere from like 22 minutes to 30 minutes.

It's not like a hard minute count. Um, so that is a shift so that now we are making, uh, 30 minute episodes. Um, and there's, you know, there's some advantages to this. Uh, I think it allows us to really, um, It allows us to really concentrate on the larger themes, um, and it allows us to potentially make more episodes also.

So, um, it was, it [00:56:00] was, you know, on one hand I was kind of, I was kind of bummed that we weren't gonna make longer episodes, but on the other hand, it's very important that we are developing a show that fits into sort of the structure or confines, uh, of these distributors and streamers. Um, so you, right, like one of the reasons that we thought about doing, uh, a shorter show was.

That it was cheaper and it was like, well, the bar is a little bit lower in terms of just like paying for all of it. But it's like, but we still wanna do the best show possible. Like, that wasn't the only reason, right? We were just like, well, it doesn't matter if it's cheaper, we want it to be the best. But then as we started talking to kind of like industry people, they're like, no, no, like doing a um, uh, like a, you know, 27 minute show, 30 minute show is actually better.

That's what they're more likely to buy. It fits better in with the, what they're buying. And it also, Even opens up potentially, like they call 'em like terrestrial buyers, which would be like regular TV for example. Um, [00:57:00] and so the, yeah, so when we kind of heard that, we really were like, oh, maybe we should do half hour shows.

And so mm-hmm. I think half hour. And it's, um, we're excited about that because it actually makes like everything just more likely. Right. Half hour show is half as cheap as an hour show, which means a buyer only has to pay half as much. Right. And so we can still do everything we wanna do.

So, yeah. So we'll, we'll have, we'll have more to share about that sooner than later. Cool. All right. Well, uh, oh, Cosmo, did you wanna say something?

Cult Member: Uh, nope. No, I'm all.

Dotta: Yeah. Um, alright, well Lord punk, the floor is yours.

Sharon: Thank you very much. Um, so I thought I wanted to write a song about what it means to be a warrior and I just finished this one today and I thought I would share it with you.[00:58:00]

I prayed to the Lord and one day he gave me a mighty sword and I picked up and how to use till I knew, told me to defend and thrust and blow and never let go to the end. And I learned to fight is to pray. Oh, every single day pick up and exercise your strength and your width in your eyes and learn how to[00:59:00]


goes out. There is the, and never goes out. There is a lie that shines. Never goes out though the leaves. Please bright across the scenes.

Dotta: Whoa,

Sharon: whoa, whoa.

And I wonder why I have never felt this way [01:00:00] before. Woo. Whoa, whoa, whoa.

Wizards cried. Ferra heads all panic, pleading green and blue and red. They call us to march.

Oh, welcome. Sword and horse. Stood in our ranks and ran and tour the course until we are dead.

But recall, sometimes a hero wins it all and no, to the path of honor. [01:01:00] You

goes, there is a lie. The shine never goes out. There is a lie. The shines and never goes out. So the leaves

bright across the sea.

Dotta: Whoa.

Sharon: And I have never felt this way [01:02:00] before.

Whoa, whoa, whoa. Thank you very much.

Dotta: Thank you. Beautiful. Thank you so much. Well, this has been Wizard Wednesday. This has been Doda Bear Snake, Cosmo Lo Punk. Bill Gaines Zuki Za Lasso. Tanya del Rio Baren Von Fancy channeling out from the quantum downs. Good night everybody. Magic. Magic.