Wizard Wednesday Episode 45 Transcription

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Wizard Wednesday Ep. 45, July 6th 2022


Elf: [00:00:00] It is Wednesday. We are wizards. Yes, we are wizards. And it is time for our weekly cult meeting, wizard Wednesday. This is El and Donna

Lachness: and Bear and Lochness

Elf: channeling in from the quantum downs. And today we talk about. The best thing to ever happen to the cult. And by that I mean Wikipedia and the search feature on the book of lore.

Dotta: Ooh, I was worried for a second.

Elf: Oh my God, I was a hard attack. I dunno what you're worried about bear because, uh, truly, and I truly mean it. This is really the best thing to ever happen to the cult, and I'm gonna tell you why. Um, so actually, uh, [00:01:00] Let's talk about the Wikipedia first. This is, uh, something that Doda and, um, Azi are the one who rings have really been working on in the past few weeks.

Um, so Doda, go ahead. Yeah, of course. Yeah. So

Dotta: we've been working on the Wikipedia. Uh, you can find what we have so far@wikipedia.forgottenrooms.com. It's still very, very early. Um, I think, but the point of w Wikipedia really is, uh, this idea of having like an encyclopedia that we have for the universe, sort of like for all of the items in the world and the locations and the people, places and things.

And then also about the community, right? So, um, you know, everything from Calista Citadel to the comics, to the Christmas merch box, uh, to the party, to Wizard nouns, babies, you know, war on Capital. Billy's gonna get you all of these things that are part of our community. Just getting a place where we have, have some organization there.

So, [00:02:00] um, yeah, so we, the styling needs some work, the whole thing. We're still kind of setting up the furniture, but yeah, if you would like to kind of be an editor and help contribute to the Wikipedia, we created a Wikipedia channel and Discord. So, uh, yeah, hop in and we can give you some, give you access, um, you know, One of the questions people will have right outta the gate is like, well, what's service between Wikipedia and the Book of lore?

Right? And, and the idea is that like the book of lore is, Um, you know, it's kind of this like token gated, canonical way to write lore about your wizard, right? If you're gonna write a narrative story that is, uh, written, you know, like endorsed by the owner, written about your token, the book of lore is still the place to put it.

It's put, you know, we keep it on chain. There's an on chain record of that. Wikipedia is a lot more factual, right? So like when you write to Wikipedia, There's always gonna be a gray AR area between like what's lower and what's not. Uh, [00:03:00] but you know, Wikipedia leans a lot more of like encyclopedic. So we wanna say, you know, rather than like telling a story about, uh, you know, something that happens.

Around the quantum shadow, it might be a more factual description of what do we know about the quantum shadow? What, what do people think about it? And then cross the reference to, you know, the different wizard hats and how they think about it. So, yeah, so we're excited to kind of put this together. You can see we've got pages about all the different heads and all the wizard, you know, uh, items and undesirables and all these things.

And so, uh, it's gonna be a lot of fun to, to put it all together. It's, it's incredible the amount of things that we have after just one year.

Elf: Yep. Yeah, the Wikipedia is a vital part of this whole effort in decentralized lore building. Um, you know, like Nota said, the w the Wikipedia is gonna cover more generalized lore.

So, you know, often I see questions in the discord about what is the quantum downs, who are the cobalts, um, You know, what's important about Kelpie [00:04:00] Bay? And, and then I also get questions from like, our comic book writer and the show writer and the game studio, and, you know, they wanna know all these things.

So we want the Wikipedia to sort of answer all these generalized lore questions. Um, and then of course, the, uh, like, not that the book of lore is different because it's, uh, it's token gated, you know, it's, it's. It's um, right only access for the owners of the characters themselves. It's all on chain. Um, it deals more with like individual biographies of every character.

Um, and of course there can be some overlap between the Wikipedia and the Book of Lore, and I think we're just gonna let that happen organically and just see how it goes. Um, yeah. And another that's.

Dotta: Similar to that, we're still figuring out how as a community is. Um, Merlin is also working on, um, uh, uh, like a wiki type product called Tree.

And so definitely check that out. I'll have him drop the link in the Wikipedia channel. Um, and then that can even be a place where maybe some of the stuff that sits in [00:05:00] between, right, like maybe an archive of the cult community art that's like, it's not quite Book of Lord, it's not quite encyclopedic. Um, there's, so that tool.

You know, a tree that he is working on. It's somewhat earlier, but it's a little bit more polished. So definitely take a look at that too. But, yeah, but, but Wikipedia is gonna show. So much about like, you know, we'll fill out like what do we know about all the locations on the map? Yeah. And, um, I know that you're looking forward to talking

Elf: about that health.

Yeah, for sure. Y yeah. Yeah, that is one of the things I can't wait to dive into. We've got the expended map out. Um, I wanna, I want to give like a little blurb on every single place listed on the map. You know, people ask for that a lot. Um, so yeah, this has been a long time coming. Um, You know, our, our lore ecosystem is just getting so rich in information.

Um, the universe just get, gets bigger and bigger every day. I, I, I'm gonna say that our Project Forgotten Ruins has the most [00:06:00] extensive, thorough, comprehensive, and, and just rich lore of any other project out there. Um, and it's only getting bigger. Um, And, uh, you know, the, the, the Book of lore has almost 3000 entries in it now.

Um, and so there, so like I said, there's a new search feature, which has also been a long time coming. Um, Right off the bat, I just want to give a huge thanks to Nissy Yeah. Um, on our team for, for getting this out. Um, cuz it just works so well. It's flawless. And I, I've been using this search feature every day.

Um, donor, do you wanna say anything about NICU's effort on this? Well, I just wanna say

Dotta: I'm glad to be working with Nissy, that's for sure. Cause uh, yeah, we basically just said, Hey Nisty, can you add search? And without much more direction. He's got this set up and it super fast and uh, I love it. [00:07:00] So, you know, I think we still are working on the design for the website and that's a major kind of effort for us this year.

I think, um, you know, we've talked a lot internally about like, How do we best like pitch the what Forgotten ruins is, you know, are we pitching to like crypto collectors or you know, investors or

Elf: like storytellers.

Dotta: Storytellers, yeah. And so like, we're kind of learning how to do that. Um, and so I think, you know, finding the search maybe isn't that straightforward.

I dropped a, uh, link in the. Uh, secret tower and we're working on that design. So, yeah. But that said, I think the functionality in terms of being able to just, you know, search for the empty shake, uh, and then there actually is no law in the book of law about the empty shake.

Elf: Yeah. So get on that somebody.

Um, or maybe that's more of a Wikipedia entry.

Dotta: Oh,

Elf: that's true. Yeah. Um, but, but yeah, I mean, again, I, I love this search [00:08:00] so much. It's, it's so important for many reasons. Um, you know, the obvious one being it helps everybody more easily. You know, you can search for a specific wizard, you can search for a keyword.

So, you know, if you wanna find lo about wizards with bunnies like search bunnies. The other day I was looking for wizards who are known for their drinking habits. So I searched like beer and drunken wizard, and I found so many great entries. Um, you know, and, and so that speaks to like the second reason why this is so, such a great tool is because.

So, so like one of the biggest, um, efforts we have going on behind the scenes is, um, we've got, uh, comic issue number one in production. Um, we've got Derek like working on the show, like the episodes and just overall season. Um, and, and then we've got the game studio who's always asking for lore and like, You know, I'm, I'm always pointing them to the book of lore and the problem before was like, I don't want them to just like start at the front of the book and just [00:09:00] flip through it and look for something that's just really no way to find content.

Um, so this search feature helps the writers and, and the other developers and these other places find stuff that they need. Um, So it, it's, it's huge for that. Um, and it's just so,

Dotta: like, it's, even though the UI is a little rough or whatever, you can just squint and see that we're building the future of storytelling, like as a community, right?

That like, there you. You, you didn't have these tools with like Harry Potter for example, or um, or like Song of Ice and fire to, to be able until like much later, right? You had one centralized creator write these books and then you kind of had people follow on point over and recreating it. And this is actually just the, like other direction.

It's, it's, it's a cohesive system through community of creators and then the tools that we're building for interoperability, then it, um, It makes it so that the stories can work together. And then [00:10:00] also, so people who are creating these, like other media expressions, like the TV show comic or whatever, can like, pick from that.

So it's, I'm just so excited

Elf: for what we're building. Yep. And then, um, and then, yeah, then following off that, so, you know, I, I wanted to talk about this last week, um, but we didn't find time. So I, I want to touch on the comic. Um, the comic is out. Many of you have seen it. The physical or the digital version.

Um, you know, you, you'll be able to get one through the merch and we'll give you an update on that later. Um, but I wanna talk about just like the, the content in the comic itself for a second and how it just speaks to this larger thing we're doing. Um, so, you know, for those of you who have seen the comic, um, it's got two, uh, community owned wizards in it.

Um, it's got os Wizard, uh, adapt Hadrian of the Rock, and then it's also got Chuck Kay's Wizard, uh, mystic Willow of the Brambles. Um, And so, you know, these, this, you know, this speaks to what we always talk [00:11:00] about internally, which is how do we put, uh, community owned characters into the show, into the comic, into these larger media expressions?

Um, you know, essentially what is the balance of community owned wizards and wizards that Magic Machine owns? Because one of the tricks is like, We don't, we, we wanna be careful not to play kingmaker. Um, meaning we don't like, necessarily want to just pluck out a cult member's wizard and like make it the main character of the show.

Um, there's, it's just problematic. And so, but at the same time, we wanna showcase as many. Cult members and warriors, uh, cult, cult, wizards, and warriors as possible. Um, you know, I, I can maybe even foresee a future where at the very least we give every wizard, it's proverbial 15 minutes of fame, uh, if not more than that.

Um, and, and so we talk about how this, this world building [00:12:00] effort is gonna be just this really nice. Ebb and flow between Magic Machine and the Cult. Um, trying to find that balance. And so we're working currently with, uh, Derek and Joe, the writers of the show and comic, uh, to strike this balance in the best way possible.

Um, and so, you know, 1, 1, 1 way it's going is like, for the most part I don't tell Derek or Joe, which wizards to use. Um, Because these guys are professionals, I want them to choose characters based on the stories that they want to tell. I want them to choose based on the lore that they find most compelling.

I mean, that's literally how Joe, the comic writer, picked those two wizards for issues. Zero. I didn't tell him he just chose those because they fit the story that he was looking to tell. Um, you know, I always want the quality of the lore to come first. So, Um, and, and I want talented people to use the lore [00:13:00] that they think is great.

Um, and so it'll be the same with Derek. Um, Derek submitted this amazing script, script, uh, last week. Um, and Holy f it's amazing. It's so damn good. Like, I can't believe this would be, Episode one. It's just so fricking exciting. Um, it's, it's, to me, it's got like the same like tone and vibe, uh, as the trailer.

It's, it's just like over the top dramatic. Um, it hits all the high notes. It hits all the low notes. Um, it's, it's like big and intimate at the same time. Uh, but, but anyway, so, so the trick is, is like, again, how do we get more community wizards in this episode? And so, like, you know, the, the best we can do at Magic Machine is just like, put some suggestions on their desk, um, and then just let them choose.

And so, you know, before one of the tools we were using was this big directory that we've been building, uh, of [00:14:00] community Wizards, um, that we've been sharing with the writers. But, but now they even have a better tool at their disposal, just a straight up search feature. So like if Derek needs a wizard that, um, is known for Fire Magic, he can just type in like Fire Magic or pyro and find some great wizards to fit that.

Um, so yeah, I mean, do or bear, what, what did you guys think of that script that, uh, Derek submitted?

Dotta: I love it. So I have like, I have a hard time kind of imagining, um, like pictures in my head, um, more like narrative and conceptual than like visual. And I, I mean, I've talked about this with Derek before, that when I listen to him tell a story, I can actually see it, right when, when he sends over that, you know, script for that first episode.

I felt like I was watching the first episode and getting a vision for what the show could be, and I was just so excited. We, we met with him this week too and was super fun. I always love when we get a.

Elf: Yep. Yep.

Dotta: Some people in the cult are asking, they're saying, uh [00:15:00] oh, how can we lobby Joe to get in the comic?

How can we lobby Derek to be, to be in the, uh, the, the show? And I think that the answer there really is one, you know, make, like if sort of we know your wizard, then we naturally are gonna kind of bubble that up, right? Like lobbying them is really like lobbying. Elf and Mag Wasier and myself and sort of, yep.

Like there are certain wizards that like, like if you, if you told us to sit down and say like, name all of the wizard characters that you can name, you know, I could probably get like, let's say somewhere between 30 to 50 or something. And then it's like, why, why am I even able to name that many? And it's, it's because those people have kind of like, Created art and, um, created lore around their character that is just simply unforgettable.

And so, you know, we'll dig a little bit deeper, more than like the top 30, uh, wizards. But there are some that I think kind of in our mind are just like, well, yes. You know, wizard X, which I won't [00:16:00] reveal, like we just feel like has to be in the show. You know?

Elf: No, this, this is actually an excellent question and it's something that I think about a lot and, and doda, you, you pretty much nailed it, but it's like, yeah, it's, you know, it's, it, it, again, another thing we always talk about, which is like, Stories and archetypes and memes that have lasted through the ages.

The reason they've done that is because they're just compelling stories or they're, they're just like very strong archetypes that stick in the human psyche. And so that same sort of phenomenon is playing out here in the cult, which is like, you know, one way to stick out is, is just to make a lot of like lore and, and, and memes and Twitter posts and, and book of lore posts and, and, Discord posts and just like really embody your wizard, like make them known, make them legendary.

Um, you know, I bet everybody here can like, think of very prominent members that just like stick out in your mind immediately because of what the token owners have done with those wizards. Um, so you know, there's a thousand ways to do [00:17:00] that, but like that's, I guess like the short answer of how you get your wizard into these larger things.

Yeah. It's just around like

Dotta: having. Like having something for us to like hang, hang your hat on is the expression right of like, if there's an idea there that we're like, oh yes, I could see an episode being built around that, or that character, like playing a role in an episode that we have written that's like, of


Elf: we would grab for that.

Yeah, I'll, I'll, I'll give maybe another little tip. Um, this is something I, I just sort of gravitated towards what I was researching in the book of lore. Um, you know, a lot of people like ask about like, you know, how much lore do I need to write? It's, it's, you know, it's not a matter of like word count, it's a matter of just like writing something strong and punchy that sticks out.

Um, and so like, like, like for example, I was, I was looking for like wizards who are known for their drunkenness or drinking beer and. And, and, uh, one wizard, or actually two wizards popped out, um, [00:18:00] auger Milton of the capital, uh, popped out because number one, his book of lore has this awesome illustration by Oz, right in the front.

So the illustration grabbed me. Number two, his lore was just like very quick and simple. He's like, he's the owner of a pub and he even has his menu published in the book of lore. Like, I could understand that, that wizard very quickly, he just sticks out. Um, and then another one is, is, is a clairvoyant Gary from the Abyss.

Um, again, his war, his lore was just really nice and neat. And he even has a little catchphrase, which is Sante. I'm probably mispronouncing that, but like the, the lore that's like, Very, I'm not gonna say short, but just something that's easy to digest in a very quick way so you understand the character like that is something easy for me or Derek or Joe to just quickly grasp and say, oh, I could see that character in a story.

I. Um, you know, but I don't wanna, I don't wanna also like preclude anyone from writing a huge, like, beautiful epic either [00:19:00] on their wizard. That's not what I'm saying at all. Um, you know, cuz there's other ways to make your wizard to pop out and long stories are a great way to do that as well. Um, but yeah, it's, uh, you know, I think next week I'm gonna give another talk about like, Canon and how continuity is not necessarily important.

It's really more important to establish like the core essence of who your wizard is. But that's a whole other long talk. Um, but yeah, it, yeah, just, uh, like, just very strong lore entries that define your, your wizard's character. I, I think are a great way, um, to put a book of Lori entry in there. Um, yeah. Uh, bear did you have anything to say about Derek?

Bearsnake: Well, I don't wanna like just repeat what you guys are saying, but I think, you know, when, you know, I had a job, uh, a long time ago and it's, it's been, I had a job long time ago where my, where like, I basically, I bought, [00:20:00] I brought my boss sandwiches. And I had to like read scripts all day long. So that was my entire thing was like feeding this guy and reading scripts and like basically giving, like having to like summarize these scripts.

Um, and I can't tell you how bad some of them were, but some of them were amazing and the amazing ones really. Um, and you kind of nailed it, Doda, like when you read a script that's good. Um, it comes alive in your head as a visual. Especially cuz the way like a script is formatted, it's not like a block of text, um, like pages in, in a novel.

It's, it's very spaced out and you know what characters talking when. Formatted, but what Derek like, it opens on a scene that is really loud and exciting and huge mm-hmm. And action heavy. And, and so there's like, there's an [00:21:00] art form to sort of grabbing someone's attention and leading them into a world.

And so the way he dissected this first episode and laid it out, I think it just, it shows in such like an eloquent way that's not expositional and boring, that there is an entire world here and, and I think like whether you're in the cult, um, and your wizard or Warrior or pony or beast is in the episode or the show at that moment, or you don't even know what forgotten NFT project is itself.

Is sort of unveiling the world and it's quiet, it's loud, it's, it's just one of those things where you're like, this feels. Like when you read something that's really good and you and I actually, you know, people are interested in, in like learning how to write more, especially in script form. Those like the most famous screenplays are available for free online [00:22:00] anyway.

You can like go find the script for Godfather or Goodfellas or, or or any movie, right? And so like, I'm kind of blabbing, but like, it's, it's, um, it's just special. He, he, there's a clear world there and you just want to watch more. You want to read more. And I think that's, that's the key. Yeah.

Elf: Um, yeah,

Dotta: I, exactly.

And what I love is that like, you know, when we have this show made that people will enjoy it regardless of like whether they have, uh, a token or not. And you know, I feel like. I feel like one of the problems that NFTs as a media expression are gonna run into is almost this, like, I don't, it's almost like a, like a jealousy or something.

What I mean is that like nobody watches kind of Harry Potter and feels jealous that there's like. Someone who owns all the IP of like Harry Potter or that [00:23:00] there's this like massive business of like executives behind the whole like, you know, Harry Potter machine. Right. It's just so big and so separated that you don't think about it.

Yep. I wonder with NFTs if people are gonna be like, Because you kind of like see that there's one character owned by one person. If they'll be like, um, turned off via like jealousy almost that they like don't own that character.

Elf: Not if we do our jobs. Right. Well, exactly. Not if

Dotta: we do our jobs right. And I think.

A lot of the N F T animations that I've seen kind of feel like the reunion episode of like a, has been TV show where they're just like, oh, hey Jeff, whatever. And you know, like they're trying to like bring up all these characters for no particular reason, whereas like, What we're already starting to see, being creative with what we're trying to do.

Like you said, if we do our jobs right, is you know, this is a story with characters that you're gonna love and you don't think about the fact that it's like, you know that it has like leopard print scan or whatever. Yeah.

Bearsnake: And [00:24:00] no one's ever done it before. Right. Like no one's ever built. That's

Dotta: true. Yeah.

Bearsnake: No one's ever like figured out how to weave 25,000 characters.

Dotta: Who are owned by other

Bearsnake: people into a main thread, right? So I think like the process in which we, we figure this out, we're, we're right here next to you guys, right? We're like, we're learning and we're trying to figure out the best process to do that.

And it'll be iterative, you know, it'll, it's, it's just like with anything, you trip forward and you figure it out and you get better, and you get better and you get better. But that's why. We have the secret tower. That's why we have Wizard Wednesdays. So we can, you know, be in communication and if people are feeling a certain way, we're

Elf: listening.

And that's why we have the wop pedia, and the book of L search. I mean, again, I can't tell you how much those things have helped me. Um, you know, I, I also want to add just one other thing onto this, which is, You know, the show and the comic and everything that Magic Machine does Yes. Is like, is like a vital part of, of the [00:25:00] whole forgotten rooms thing.

But I, I honestly believe, I truly believe that these other like cult initiatives, like, like, like the comic book that r y F is making, that thing looks fricking amazing. And I would almost like. Like, if I was a cult member, I'd almost be more excited to see my wizard pop up in that than the one that magic machine is making.

I mean, I feel like it's gonna be just as good if not better, um, than, than our comic. It just looks so freaking good. Um, and you know, and that's, you know, that's part of why the Dow exists, like fund these things. If you wanna do a comic book, like submit a proposal to the Dow, if you wanna do a, a game or, or whatever, submit to the Dow and.

You can make stuff that's just as good as what Magic Machine is doing, perhaps better. Um, so there, there's so many avenues for your characters to, to appear. Well, and that's

Dotta: really how like Forgotten Ruins is going to work, right? Like that's the only way, that's [00:26:00] the only way for us to operate, right? Is that like everyone is creating.

And whatever their ability level is. Sorry, go ahead, bear. No, I

Bearsnake: just, I got off. It's, it's funny, I got off a call with like this big license or who like, represents pieces of ip. Um, they actually did, uh, teenage manager Turtles. They like turned teenage manager turtles into. What they are today, starting in the eighties.

And, and they were like, well, how does, like, how do the rights work? And we, and I like walked them and I walked them through it and they're like, well, what is to like stop you? What does to stop like one of your cult members to, um, Like create a competing like game or comic book or show. I go, there's, there's nothing.

It's not a

Elf: competition, bro. I, I got, I go, it's

Bearsnake: not a competition. And like, in fact, like we want to try to help get it made and, yeah. Yep. And these are the, these are the conversations we're having, right? Like this is like, The [00:27:00] antithesis of how the media, franchises, or even the small shows, like people fight over things that don't, don't even have value yet.

Right. Just like on like term sheets. Yeah. And so like every day we're like chipping away trying to like unwind people's brain from how things have worked to how they're going work. Interesting.

Elf: We're, um, I want to, I wanna pivot to the, the merch, um, cuz that's another big thing that's happening. Um, there's maybe been a little confusion, but Lochness do you wanna talk about the whole merch thing?

Lachness: For sure. Excuse me. Yeah. Um, thank you everyone for being super patient with us as we sort of sort this out the, let's start from the beginning. We initially were giving away a lot of merch at N F T N Y C, and of course there were a large group of wizards who couldn't make it. So what we did is we [00:28:00] created a digital merch pass so that we could sort of check the temperature on what the demand was for digital merchandise and try to get a store up as soon as possible, um, with this store because, Folks who signed up for a digital merch pass were, had been waiting for a while.

I sent them an email via MailChimp this morning, afternoon-ish, uh, so that they would have access to redeem merch as I know that they would, had been waiting for a while. Their demand had been pretty high. But the problem with that platform is that like if you had signed up after N F T nyc, I didn't have access to the backend in order to see.

Um, all the emails that you guys entered and add you guys to that, so, Yeah, of course a ton of people dmd me and were taken care of. But in uh, light of all of that, in about [00:29:00] a hour or so, the merch will be live for everyone. We will automatically apply discount that gives you two free items. In order for this discount to work, you'll have to add at least one item to your cart.

So then you'll have a total of three items in your cart when you check out, and the discount for two free items will be automatically applied. We're donating 30% of all of our revenue to the House of Wizards, Dow, and of course, including a comic and a sticker, and every single order. So if you have any questions regarding your order or um, access to the store.

Ping me on Discord again. It'll be live in about an hour or so. I'll be creating a portal on. Discord for verified wizards and [00:30:00] warriors titled the Magic Merch Portal.

Elf: Perfect. Yeah,

Lachness: and there's limited quality, uh, quantity of every style. So I just ask that you guys be mindful of that and. We wanna make sure that we get the merchant as many people's hands as possible.

So if you have a duplicate order, um, it's been canceled and, uh, the additional items that you've added to that order have been added to your original order. Um, just to f y i. And then if you've placed an order and you made a mistake, if we have, uh, supplies available, just DM me. Um, your order number and of course all of these instructions will be on the announcement once this, the store is live, but DM me your order number so that we can make the changes before we get them shipped.

Dotta: Thank

Elf: you, Locke. Yeah. Yeah. Lock this is, it sounds incredibly difficult, [00:31:00] um, what you're doing. Thank you. But, but bottom line is, correct me if I'm wrong, but every token holder gets free merch. Bottom line, right? Bottom line.

Lachness: Every token holder gets two free pieces of their choosing. You get to choose your pieces.

If that's not clear.

Bearsnake: Yeah. Yeah. And I think, and, and, and also if we run out, because there's some things that you know, are gonna sell out first, I think that, I think the hats are already gone. We are definitely going to do like remakes of, of like reprints of these lines. So if you don't get it this time, we'll definitely print more.

Um, we think we, we sort of see this, this sort of line of, of shirts and, and sweatshirts as like an ongoing thing and it'll iterate and we'll have new designs, but like, we wanna kind try to not have to like, design a whole new line every three months. So, um, anyway, there'll be, there'll be more to come. And also like just to what lock's doing?

I know it feels like overly complicated. Maybe like from a [00:32:00] consumer standpoint trying to buy, but like, there's just not, there's not great tools yet to help make this happen. So, you know, it'll, it'll improve every time.

Elf: Bear with us as we stumble through the tools.

Lachness: Mm-hmm. Yeah. I wanted to make sure that it actually got into the hands of the cold as well.

Um, if anyone knows about like limited drops and lotteries, especially in, um, street wear, there's spots that'll like, sort of scrub the internet and find your site and just clean you out. So, um, I wanted to avoid that at all costs, cuz that would've been a bigger, bigger mess.

Elf: Yeah. So thank you all. Cool. Um, well with that, uh, we are going to end this wizard Wednesday.

Channeling out from the quantum downs. This is El and Doda,

Lachness: and Lochness

Elf: and Ditzy, G [00:33:00] and everybody.

Channeling in from the Cucu Downs. It's the Nightmare Extravaganza Cucu Dog Wednesday. This is El Cumber dog ta and Hot Bear Snake.

Welcome to the Cucu Dog Wednesday, everybody. My first question is, who do we blame for this monstrosity? I'm pointing my finger at you Chta. Bob, I'm pointing my finger at you. Why Sam? Tanya, you're not getting away from this. I saw that Easter egg, Emma. Damn you for playing into this whole nightmare [00:34:00] Gaines Guild pleasures.

You're the one who gave me that damn P f P. The one who rings. I saw that awful game you made. Tabitha of the marsh. I saw that. Stop motion phlegm. I see your high jinx Maxwell ez. I see that P F P. Right now, everybody who has a P F P cucumber is going to be ex-communicated. Ex

Dotta: cucumber maiden made ex.

Elf: Damn, all of you for sabering to this madness. That was epic. I'm just gonna say put on record. That was awesome. We, we already talked about the best thing to happen to the cult. Now let's talk about the worst thing to ever happen.

You guys thought we were gonna go the whole [00:35:00] wizard Wednesday without mentioning it? Oh no. We've got punishments to deal out. Um, so, you know, first of all, if anyone wants to come up here and explain themselves, by all means, please do so. Um, I'm seeing a lot of you cucumbers in the chat right now. Um, so please, oh, the floodgates have been opened.

Yes, the gates of hell have been opened. Uh, Matrixx, do you have any comments on this cucumber madness? Um, I sure do. I actually requested earlier, just first to say that there definitely is empty shake lore. Um, yes.

Lachness: Uh,

Elf: In the book of, in the Forgotten lds, but I wasn't prepared to talk about, um, Cucu dogs.

I've been resisting them. I will slice them with. No. My, your slicer. Yeah. [00:36:00] Find it li listen. Na, I I'm sorry. There's no room for for Wizard Talk right now. This is strictly Cucumber talk. A Cucu dog is never just a Cucu dog. I will just say that. Che Chatta. Bob, what do you have to say for yourself? Are you're the one who started this whole thing?

Am I wrong? You're right. I mean, he's like, yeah, I did it. Oh, I. It

Dotta: was just a regular Wednesday. Sales chat

Elf: turned into sales. Food chat. Blanco was talking about meals with cucumbers. So what do I do? I go to Google. I don't know what was going through my head. I typed in cucumber, hotdogs, first picture that popped

Dotta: up

Elf: and from, and the rest history ever since

Dotta: then, just took off. A month ago, there was like, oh, dodo, we gotta do a book. I'm gonna get a deal with this book [00:37:00] publisher. They wanna do like a physical book of lore and they wanna do a cookbook. And I'm like, what kinda cookbook are we gonna do for?

Elf: Oh no. Now we have our answer.

Oh no. Oh no. Don't sleep on. Don't encourage you, Chad. Tony means it looked really good actually. What's that? Yes, Tonya like, made an item that like our, uh, a cucumber hotdog that actually looks really good with

Bearsnake: that. Like

Elf: it was awesome. Yeah. Yeah. Has, has anybody actually eaten one of these things?

Dotta: Yeah.

Elf: Yeah, I think so. Za made a video of him actually eating one, preparing it, eating it within like a 32nd video. Uh, that's excellent. That's, oh, Tabitha. Okay. Tabitha, explain. I saw your, your little rat blimpy, um, eating one of these things.

Hello, Tabitha.

Dotta: Well while Tabitha's coming up here, I also wanna mention Tanya's [00:38:00] comic was just incredible when you were mentioning people making things that are, you know, at the level of what we create or better. I immediately thought of Tanya's comic pages, Tanya. I had no idea. I knew you were an artist, but I didn't know you did comic pages like that.

And I was just like delighted and floored for like the whole day smiling. It was amazing. Thank

Elf: you so much. Yeah. Actually my background is in comics. That's where I started out. Professionally so amazing. It lot, it was a lot of fun. Tony, I I got a second that it's, it's one of my favorite things I've seen come out of the cult this week.

I, I, I just love that style. It's got like that really old, cool old school, like manga style. Um, like that, that artist who drew Astroboy, I can't remember, uh, yeah, I can't remember his name. Uh, Teka. Um, it kind of feels like that. Um, and, and then I even read the panels. The story is great. Um, it's, it's so much fun.

Thank you. That means so much. Especially. Yeah, it's, that's a huge inspiration for me. Astroboy and all those classic, [00:39:00] um, manga from the eighties, like, I love all that stuff. So good. Um, Tabitha, what do you have to say for yourself? Yeah. And for your red, I gotta say exactly. It's, it was not actually my rat that ate the, the, the cucu dog.

It was me. Uh, to be

Bearsnake: honest,

Elf: it was not all that awful, uh, to, to the truth to be told. Um, okay. Especially if you put myON on it. As, as you know, the Dutch people, I'm Dutch, they, they, they put myON on everything. And with myON, you can eat almost everything. Okay. Okay. But true. And I did, I didn't, I didn't heat up the sausage. And I think that was the good part because that mixing up warm sausage and you made cold, cold then maybe a little bit.

Yeah. The German cold, German sausages are cold. You can eat them cold, no problem. Okay. They're, they're, they're tasty. So, um, and

Bearsnake: the rest

Elf: of

Bearsnake: history,

Elf: yeah, I just have to say, I did have a cucu dog that actually was delicious and I would have it again. [00:40:00] Okay, maybe, I mean, I've been hating it this whole time, but maybe I've been wrong.

I'm not sure It's low carb. I'm waiting for somebody throw it on the grill or in the air fryer. Yeah, I, I, yeah. So, you know, you know, from, from, from our point of view, like me and Doda and Bear, it's, we've been simultaneously entertained and horrified. Um, you know, it, it, the, the first thing I thought of is, uh, Victor Vaughn Frankenstein, who with the best intentions, Inadvertently created a horrifying monster.

Um, and, and there's this amazing quote, once the monster was created, he implored his master to make more monsters, and he says, it's true. We shall be monsters. Cut off from the world, but on that account, we shall be more attached to one another. And that is exactly what's happening with these cucumber things.

They are horrifying monsters. But I've never [00:41:00] seen such, um, such a, like rallying cry among the cult. Like it's just really brought. Everyone so much closer together. I mean, I'm waking up in the morning and I'm getting mentioned in tweets. People are thanking me.

Dotta: I

Elf: mean, slim. Slim had a baby last night. Shout out to him and he's half hour later after the baby's born, he's tweeting at me saying, this is the best thing that's ever happened to him after rehab. Baby. Baby just

Dotta: wanted milk before now.

Elf: He, he came into the world during the Great Cucu Pocalypse. Um, yeah.

And, and I don't know, it's just like, you know, it's, it's also just been like a really fascinating study on just, just meme culture. Um, you know, if, if Forgotten Ruins is anything, it's, it's a project about mimetic culture and it's just so fascinating to see that, that like, The [00:42:00] whole life cycle of a meme.

The birth, it's like, it's growth. It's, it's a mania phase, and then it's death. Hopefully soon. Hopefully it's horrifying death.

There's only one way in the sense in all. What, what is that? One way, I don't know Blanco, I'm gonna quote Blanco from the sales chat the other day. He said the only way it ends. Is when we get a beef. Oh. Oh man. Well, I, I saw Oz do a great, uh, rendition of the Cucumber, I think it's called, um,

Dotta: outta the Gate, first time Pronunciation.


Elf: Yeah. No, it's, it's, it's been fun. I, I do love to pretend that I hate it because part of me does hate it. Um, but part of me loves it. So, you know, I'm, I'm torn over this whole thing, but, um, We, uh, we, we really wanted to talk about it. Um, you know, another [00:43:00] funny side effect is like, I. There's been so much great, uh, cult content come out this week and it's just been drowned out by these damn cucumbers.

Um, but I, I wanna, I wanna take a minute to acknowledge some of the, some of the other non cucumber related cult content. Um, So, you know, first of all, uh, maple Dad has been doing these great interviews, um, and in fact he's gotten one with, with me coming out very soon. Um, maple Dad's a great interview. I I loved the questions that he asked.

Um, they were, Just really pertinent, relevant questions. Um, so, you know, I, I love what he's been doing. Um, Jose Re uh, finally finished the, uh, 3D Dota Wizard, and so now the trifecta is complete. Um, Dota that, that piece is amazing. Oh, he

Dotta: did such a great job and he'd been working on it for a long time, and. I just, I love the [00:44:00] details of the hummingbird and the world egg and the glasses and it's just, he's, it's so high detail.

I really would love to like turn these into physicals too, if we ever can. Yes. You know, like desk funko pops or whatever.

Elf: It's just so good. Yep. Yep. Yeah, so good. He's, he's so talented. Um, and then, uh, slick Chick's got a new P F P that's looking really awesome. Um, I can't remember the artist who did that.

I think, uh, R y f commissioned it, but, um, it's really nice. It's Dango.

Dotta: Yeah, Dango. Nft. Oh, okay, great.

Elf: Like, yeah. Yeah. Um, and then, uh, Luca s Bardo, um, did a really great VR sculpt of one of his warriors. Um, artists of the Rock has been doing a bunch of excellent PSP commissions. It's like a whole new style that, that we're seeing spread around the cult.

It's so. There's been a, uh, a lot of Dolly Madness happening. Um, like so much [00:45:00] amazing stuff coming out of the, the Dolly tool. Um, one, the, I saw a great one today of Claire Silver's Wizard. Um, that thing was just amazing. I mean, I could see like that version of Claire Silver Silver's Wizard in like the show.

It's just so cool looking. Um, and then, uh, Sammy Kitty, uh, has been making progress on the little, uh, ceramic horse warrior. Um, it's looking great. Um, Daniela Ra, uh, commissioned by artists, uh, with just an amazing rendition of the Ora Boros. Again, I, I, every time I see something in that style, I just, I just love it.

I, I wanna see it in a book. Um, and then of course, r y f just shared some more amazing artwork of, uh, a warrior with a red Jaguar. Um, Such good stuff always from r y F. Um, and then, uh, stoma, um, with another piece of artwork of Battle. Ma [00:46:00] Bullock, I, I've been seeing a lot of really cool artwork of Battle Ma Bullock, there's been some awesome gifts.

There's been some awesome illustrations. Um, that wizard is like really starting to stand out in my mind. It's just like, like a legendary wizard cuz of all the great artwork I'm seeing come from it. Um, and then, uh, and then I want to give a shout out to Knight Al Birdman for his, uh, campaign to get me to enter some goat lore into the book of lore.

Um, Birdman, I have, I have not done it yet. I started, I swear I started, um, But it's not in the book yet. I don't wanna rush it. This is a very important wizard, so, um, I, I can't do it just yet, but I, I, uh, I appreciate the campaign. Um, yeah, those are the ones I have on my list. You know, ev every week I feel like I'm probably missing people's cult content.

Um, if I do, um, I'm ashamed of myself, [00:47:00] but, but yeah, no tag forgotten ruins. If, if you want to, uh, if you wanna get a shout out, um, and, you know, and of course make some awesome artwork. Um, but yeah. Did, did, do you, did you have any data that maybe I missed? No, I've been trying

Dotta: to add them all to the, uh, shared tweets here in the space.

So if you're just listening along on your phone, uh, you should be able to flip through a lot of these tweets that, that we've got shared here and you can see the images.


Elf: I think that always helps. Yep. Um, so Matrix, did you have something else you wanted to say? Non cucumber related. I think Reptar did too as well.

Oh, Reptar. What's up, man? Yeah. Or any of you. Hey,

Dotta: on Matrix? Yeah. Matrix is here. Yeah,

Elf: I've got news from the council. Uh oh. Great. Voting starts right after Wizard Wednesday on the two proposals we have right now a 3D short film by my friends and Oz, and an adult novel by Crypto Matrixx. Voting will be open.

For a week until next visit or Wednesday. So got your votes in. [00:48:00] Oh, okay. That sounds awesome. Tell, just tell me a little bit. So, so Ma Friends and Oz are pitching a 3D film? Yep. They're pitching a 3D short film. Um, hopefully. Hold on, let me open up the proposal.

Dotta: So if you're interested in reading up more on these, you can look in the House of Wizards channel on Discord.

Um, then there's also a, uh, in there you'll be able to find links to the discourse, which is a form that we use to kind of discuss the various proposals, um, ahead of time and then, Then from there we go over to Snapshot and do voting where it basically, you know, records kind of your voting power according to the tokens that you hold.

And then you can place a formal vote. So if you're interested in participating in that, hop over to the House of Wizards Channel and Discord, and you can find all the links that you need from there.

Elf: Reptar, do you have those proposals pulled up? Yeah, so the 3D animation, short [00:49:00] film, it's gonna be a short film about, uh, Sage Sila of the step. Um, there's a short animation they posted on Twitter, which I'll put in the Discord right now. Um, they're gonna aim to do a film over three months, uh, have, uh, be three to five minutes long.

It's, they're working on a script and honestly, it's pretty open towards that. I don't know the storyline yet, but it looks pretty exciting. Uh, involves going to the astral dimension and going on a psychedelic trip, which we all love. Um, that sounds amazing. Matrix is working on an adult novel. Um, gonna be about 90,000 words over the next 10 or 13 months.

Um, this one you're gonna wanna read. Um, just because it's a, uh, I can't, like, in this format that I'm looking at it, it's not easy for me to read it out to you guys. Okay. I don't have the official snapshot up. I just have the, the, the preview on discourse. But, um, I definitely search everyone check it out.[00:50:00]

Awesome. Yes, that's, that sounds great. Uh, yeah, so, so voting is happening now and last till, last till, till when? So next was a Wednesday. Okay. Got it. Sweet. Sounds good. Um, any other questions, comments, uh, petitions to not be excu, uh, excommunicated for, uh, this cucumber nonsense? Why, Sam, are you in the audience?

I know you're the one. I think you're the one who made all these horrifying PFPs.

No, I don't know if you've been paying attention to the chat, but my friends has officially dropped an auction. Oh, for the KA cucumber? Yes.

24 hour auction starts at Vero East. If there are no bids, it gets burned. Oh, I, I think that's, either of those outcomes are acceptable.[00:51:00]

I, I'll just say if it gets more, more bids than, uh, than the Quantum or Boros, um, I, I'm gonna have some words with Oz and, and the, and the buyer of, of that thing.

Dotta: That's funny.

Elf: Oh man.

Dotta: My mom texted, texted me this morning and she was like, Uh, what's with this cucumber dog thing

Elf: and what did you say?

Dotta: Uh, I was just like, mom.

Someone just posted a picture of a cucumber with a hot dog in the middle and you know, hot dog with a cucumber bun and everyone just got attached to it, and that's all they've been talking about for a week. And she just texts back. She's like, there's a game. And, uh, yeah, so she didn't believe me that it was small because, you know, obviously it was something significant in our cult because someone had created an entire video game about it, right?


Elf: yeah. So thanks everyone. This has been El Cumber Dr. [00:52:00] And Hot Burst Snake Channelling out from the Q come down. Gian, everybody.