Wizard Wednesday Episode 41 Transcription

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Wizard Wednesday Episode 41


Elf: [00:00:00] It's Wednesday, we're wizards and warriors and a never ending story. It's time again for our weekly cult meeting, wizard Wednesday. This is Elf

Dotta: and Dota and,

Elf: uh, Jitsu.

Dotta: Hey. Hey.

Elf: And we've the one who rings.

Dotta: Wow. We've got someone up here as a speaker today who has never been as a speaker. Uh, and because we have some good news,

Elf: we have some good news,

Dotta: and it is, we have hired the one who rings as an official magic machine employee.

So, uh, what do you have to say? The one who rings.

Elf: All right. A [00:01:00] bold statement.

That's perfect. You know, I actually, I understood every word of that. I, I know exactly how you feel, mag. So

Dotta: I have given, uh, Magnus ze basically like three major responsibilities, which I don't mind sharing with you all now. Um, and so the responsibilities are one, just, uh, professional meme. Lord, you know, one of the things that we love about the one who rings is just like the incredible amount of cult content and hilarity that, uh, they bring to the cult.

And I just always thought it was a shame that they had a different job. I was like, how about you just keep doing what you're already doing, but like, don't have a different job. We'll give you a budget and you can work for us. Uh, and so, uh, job number one is mean, Lord, second job is this answering this question of like, I've joined the cult.

Now what? Right. So, [00:02:00] uh, if I've joined the Cult and I want to kind of, you know, we had someone a couple months ago that joined and they were saying, oh, I'm a screenwriter. I just bought my first wizard. And I wanna like, write lore, explain to me, like, how do I write lore? What do I do? I like want to be creative.

I want, I want to join the cult. And so there are a lot of people working on this, right? Jitsu and lock are working on some things. Oh, working on some things. You know, there's a lot of people helping that. But I, you know, I especially wanted to kind of add, uh, the one who rings because they're just so prolific and, and, and be able to create character sheets and, you know, guidelines and tools and so, so, so, yeah.

So one of their jobs is basically being like, let's say like, I don't know, like lore on border. I don't know. We probably need a better name for it. But, you know, I've joined the cult now. What, answering that question. And then the third job is, you know, I'm sure you've seen they've, uh, developed some like video games and we are doing some, uh, uh, mini games of our own, which you'll hear more about as as the time goes on.

So, uh, you know, they're also actually a talented programmer. [00:03:00] So, so we are just so excited to have the one who rings as one of the official team. You know, it's kind of bad when you like, hire your biggest cheerleaders, cuz now when they like, say good things about us on Twitter, everyone will just think we paint them off, but no, no, no.

So the, uh, you know, so I just couldn't be happier. Couldn't be happier to have him as part of the team. So, yeah, give him a, a congratulations in the discord.

Elf: Yep. I, uh, I couldn't be more excited either. The one who rings has been with us for a very long time. Um, and you know, I just love that we can hire people from the Colt into Magic Machine.

Um, I know that, uh, ever since we brought Jitsu on, um, there's just been so much activity that's been happening at Magic Machine that, that I don't even, I'm not even privy to, I'm not even aware of, but I, I'm glad it's happening cause I don't wanna have to like, oversee and, and, and, uh, like architect everything going on.

Like, [00:04:00] like just last week, or not last week, but a few days ago, um, I'm sure a lot of you saw the first episode of Coffee with Magic Machine, with the Jitsu and Lochness. Um, and, and that was great. Uh, it was, it was really great. Sorry, I, I still am getting over Covid. Duh. Go ahead. Yeah. Yeah. So we've got, yeah.

Dotta: So Jitsu and Locke has started Coffee with Magic Machine. There was a first episode, uh, jitsu. So you, you, maybe you could give us a bit of recap about, uh, what went down at that, uh, uh, at that meeting. Yeah.

Jitcy: First episode, I think, you know, me and Locke had a little bit of nerves, but I think it went well just talking a lot about the cult and other things that are surrounding them, like, you know, NFTs in general.

Um, and anything we kind of wanted to talk about, we, we've said it once, I'll say it again. It's kind of like this conversation piece that will happen with people, part of the cult, but other communities kind of bring them in and just have kinds. Um, so I'm happy to see, or excited to see the evolution of that [00:05:00] conversation in spaces.

And if anybody wants to pop on in next week, please do so and have a conversation with us. It was great. I love ranting, so I'm, I'm all for it.

Dotta: Yes. Can you talk a little bit about the, like, uh, the proposals that you like went over? Because didn't you talk, y'all talk about some of the proposals from the Dow.

Jitcy: Uh, we didn't get around to that this week, but the plan is yeah, to reach out, to have individuals come on there and talk about their proposal.

So if anyone has ideas they're thinking of brainstorming or in the proposal form itself, we will make time for that. Right? Um, yeah. Yeah. Just not last week.

Dotta: Hi, Matt Zuki. Hi. Hi. How's it going? Good.

Elf: Um, yeah, so Coffee with Magic Machine was great. Um, and then jitsu, you and and Mag Waze, um, are also [00:06:00] working on a wiki, which it was something that's long overdue.

Um, do you wanna tell us about that? Yeah,

Jitcy: definitely. Uh, me and Azi and Locke actually got into a conversation and, um, you know, the whole goal was kind of just like, we know that the, um, the Colt's been asking for more official law. We've heard it for a long time. So how can we activate that and make it happen?

And we think it's, we think it's through a wiki, right? Um, we've all seen traditional wikis of some shape or form. It will take. It'll take that type of stance, but the whole goal will be to kind of give Alpha platform at first to put some of this official lore down and then we'll be able to, you know, eventually tag to the game.

But, you know, places like on the maps or heads or lore will come together and then we'll eventually kind of like transition it, opening it up to the cold. We're kind of working through the processes of what it can be and should be because it's a little bit different, right. Um, with the be decentralized world building.

So we're working on it, thinking about it. Uh, Waze is the coder. I am not, so he'll get most of the credit here. I'm just, you know, happy to help and help [00:07:00] set it up, but give us some time and we'll make something happen.

Dotta: Yeah. I'm very, very, very excited about this. Uh, you know, some of the ways to think about it is like the book of lore is very much like narrative driven, right?

It's like the book of the stories of the. Uh, of the wizards and warriors and creatures of the universe and, you know, narratives and songs and pictures and, and the wiki is maybe a bit more like, uh, uh, you know, encyclopedic a bit more, um, expository, right? So we can kind of like keep track as a community of like, what are the magical items that we know about?

What are their histories? What are the locations? What are they like, what are the different factions? The, you know, the different wizard hats, what do they mean? Right? We've talked about this on Wizard Wednesday, uh, but we haven't, you know, really written it all down in this, in this searchable way. And so, um, you know, I'm sure, sure you all have seen, you know, a different, different wikis.

Um, uh,

Jitcy: Terra is a good example, right? It's like

Dotta: inform. Oh yeah, I'll link [00:08:00] that one. That's a really, really good one. So, um, yeah, so, so it's gonna be so fun to be able to have something here. I'm gonna link the Terra Wiki into the secret tower and I think, I think we're imagining something like this where you can basically come in and find an index and be like, you know, look.

Yeah. Look at all the items, all of the heads, all that. So it's, it's gonna be so fun.

Jitcy: Yeah. Well, when the game rolls out, right? Like, I know we talked about on the side of most in the, which you think they have it, they have like informative stats on certain items and everything else. So it will expand to wherever we want it to go and where it should go.

Right. And I think the court will be able to help with that process too, eventually.

Elf: Yeah. I, I wanted to say a few things about the Wiki. Um, cuz you know, one, one question we were debating internally is, um, you know, what's the difference between the, uh, lore that magic machine creates and the lore that the cult creates?

Um, there's, there's a few ways to talk about this. Um, You know, and for, for a while I've been saying like, [00:09:00] like, you know, only create for the Wizard or the Warrior or the character that you own. You know, when you make lore, try not to necessarily, um, make broad prescriptions about the, the universe. Try to just focus on your own character.

Um, and, you know, that's, that's a loose guideline. It's, it's not steadfast. Um, but, but, but, but while you're doing that, then we at Magic Machine will, you know, we release things like the map and, um, we name a lot of the places on the map and we talk about the Met lore and the, the history of the univer and why it exists and the, the different political factions.

Um, just sort of the, the more general overarching storylines. Um, So, you know, for example, um, I, we've got this, this expanded map coming out. It's, it's done. Um, we're just gonna roll it out in various ways, but, you know, anything that I put on the map, it's, it's [00:10:00] something that I have lo about. And so, so that will go into the wiki.

Um, the, uh, you know, the political factions, all that, that information will go into the Wiki. Um, and, and I think that's, that's where we're gonna start, at least. And it, you know, that's sort of the, uh, the scaffolding, uh, upon which you can create your character lore if you want to. Um, but you know, I, I, I say that that's where we're gonna start.

That doesn't necessarily mean that that's how it's going to be forever. Um, because. You know, just, just like in, uh, human history in the, in the way that, that, uh, folk lore and legends and myth have rolled out throughout the ages. Um, these things are subject to change. Um, you know, if, if, if the cult wants to change like a core piece of lore, anything that Magic machine has created, um, if that lore is compelling enough, then it can become, quote unquote [00:11:00] cannon.

Um, So, you know, I, I, again, I always say that, you know, the lore, creation of the universe is, is, is a, it's a back and forth. It's a give and take between Magic Machine and the cult. Um, and so, you know, the Wiki will be ever-growing, ever-changing. Um, it'll be, it'll run in parallel with the Book of Lore. I'm sure there's gonna be overlap between these two.

But, you know, what I like about the Wiki is this is, um, a wiki is like a, uh, it's a, it's a familiar tool or a familiar platform for just about anyone on the internet. And so, You know, for maybe outsiders and newcomers to the cult, maybe the book of lore is not necessarily, uh, user-friendly or obvious to them.

They, they can go to a wiki and they'll be able to understand and read that and it'll, it'll be a good entry point into the reverse. Um, so anyway, I, I, I'm really excited about the wiki. It's, it's, it's gonna be great. The

Jitcy: interesting [00:12:00] topic too, right, is like, how can we get more people involved that aren't as comfortable?

And I think you're exactly right, which a wiki does that. So looking for more and more products and tools like that to help with storytelling and bring audiences in. So, yeah, so a hundred percent agree.

Elf: Yep. Yep. Awesome. Um, okay. And then, uh, okay, so a few other things I, I just wanna talk about, I wanna talk about B zero today.

Um, I wanna talk about, uh, we have a few party things. Um, I wanna talk about, uh, the poster contest, um, the Warrior's Airdrop. Yes. Yeah, that was a huge thing. Warrior dropped a bunch of Warriors, actually. Doda, do you wanna talk about that? Yeah, I

Dotta: was asking Ms. Doda this morning, I was like, how long ago was the Warrior's Airdrop?

Like, have we had a Wizard Wednesday? Uh, since then, she's like, that was just four days ago. She's like, everything is moving so fast. So, yeah, so the Warriors Airdrop, so, you know, the, the Mint had been open for a [00:13:00] while and it kind of slowed down and we were just like all thinking, you know, we were all talking over the weekend and um, uh, you know, the.

One of the things that I felt like, so we, we talked about this before we had these options. Do we lower the price? Do we close the mint, uh, or do we, you know, airdrop, all the rest? And, uh, you know, we wanted to kind of leave the, leave the, leave the mint open for a bit of time just to kind of like watch the market and see if the market sort of changed.

And I definitely do feel like we've started to see a little bit of relief, at least in NFTs, if not in like the broader market. Like, I don't know that the, the bear market's over, but I'm just saying like, you definitely saw some other projects popping off, of course this weekend and, um, you know, to, to kind of like just close the mint.

Yeah, we asked around and just. One of the things that was really interesting is like people's main concern was not like, they weren't like, oh, I want there to be fewer tokens in the world so that way my tokens are worth more. Everyone kind of shared our feeling, which [00:14:00] is like, it would be a bummer to not see those other characters.

Right. You'll be a bummer to burn all of those other warriors and then just have it be like over, um, everyone really wanted to see these new warriors come into the universe, and we did too. And I think that, that, like, really on the day of the mint, right? Even though we could see that the market was just the worst it had been in years for us, like not moving forward felt a little bit like taking our ball and going home and just being like, well, the market's not good enough for us, so we're gonna withhold it.

You know? And I feel like it was the same thing with regards to closing the min, which is like, what are we gonna do? We're gonna say like, no, no one gets to enjoy these characters because like, we didn't make enough money or something. No. That, that, that isn't what any of us wanted. And so, um, so yeah, so we were just like, you know what?

Really, like, let's not get, let's not get hung up on what we think should have been. Let's give these tokens to everyone. And so it was like, as soon as we just kind of like decided that it, it was just [00:15:00] so obviously the right choice. And so we decided that I think at like, um, three o'clock on Sunday and we'd air dropped everything out by, uh, you know, by about 11 o'clock that night.

And, um, you know, I'm just so excited to see all the characters out there. I have a feeling of like, you know, even though I feel that like we maybe missed a window of opportunity, um, just because of the market, um, you know, I could talk about that for a long time, which is that like, I don't necessarily think that I learned, uh, very many lessons with how the drop went because it was just like hard to know what the right lesson was in terms of like our own, you know, performance.

Right. For us it felt like this idea of like the lead up of having Christian Na and, and then, you know, dialectic and Alexis Sohan and, uh, you know, uh, having Derek. Joined, help write the show. Like all these things that we lined up, um, I feel like it really was just like the market fell out from, right. We had 50,000 pre-med people and then like when the day came, people just didn't buy cuz no one was in a buying mood.

Right. And so [00:16:00] I think that like, it was easy for me to maybe get hung up on what I thought should have been, but at the same time we have just so many ideas. I have like such an abundance mentality around like what I want to create and what Ellp wants to create. And our whole team now that we have coming around us together and.

And I just felt like the Warriors mint hanging open was like hanging over all of us, right? Everything was just kind of grinding down and it just felt like insurmountable and, and so yeah. So there's so many things that we want to work on. So, you know, I even allude to the fact that, um, you know, the one who rings has joined us to help us work on some like, uh, like play to earn mini games, which you'll probably be hearing more about in the next few weeks.

And so, uh, there's, there's, there's an infinite amount of things that we are, uh, excited to build, to add into the root reverse. And so, yeah, I was just so excited to airdrop these tokens this weekend and, and, and see everyone kind of like already start writing lore, start telling stories about them. So

Elf: for, for me, it was really [00:17:00] crucial.

To not just burn these warriors because I wanted to maintain the, uh, the Wizard to Warrior, uh, ratio, um, meaning more warriors than wizards and, and that exact ratio. Um, secondly, it's, uh, y you know, we've talked about this before, like these core characters are crucial to world building and, and they are the foundation to world building.

And, um, you know, we, we've gotta get 'em out there is, is is the thing. They, they, you know, now that they're out there now, now I feel like we can start building and we, you know, we couldn't really build a world without enough characters in it. So yeah, we had, we had to get 'em out. We didn't wanna burn them.

Um, and so we were very happy to airdrop 'em. And, uh, you know, now, yeah, now the building can begin. I mean, yeah, I, I agree with the, uh, the [00:18:00] take on abundance mentality. Um, you know, it's, it's cliche to say, but, but, uh, this is just the beginning.

Um, so, yeah. Um, well, how about, how about I, I do a little bit on Beast Zero, which, uh, we released today. Speaking of characters, um, I think you guys saw the, uh, sorry. The tweet about it and, um, so yeah. Uh, beast Zero. Um, first of all, it's, it's gonna be up for auction at a Christie's, um, benefit for, uh, this thing called maps, which stands for Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies.

Studies. Um, How perfect is that for a Wizard Cult? Um, there's already a lot of psychedelics in the [00:19:00] collection. Um, and so when we were invited to participate, um, I thought, uh, long, I thought long and hard about what from the universe would be appropriate, appropriate for this. Um, and, and by the way, thanks to Ryan Zer of dialectic for inviting us into this.

Um, and so, you know, first I'm, I'm just gonna say, say I, I don't know how many of you have taken psychedelics, but um, I highly recommend it if you're interested. Uh, And without going on a huge tangent about all this, I'll, I'll just say that in my experience, um, there's really great power in experimenting with these substances, um, because they're, they're like keys, uh, capable of unlocking gates to other realms.

And, um, in the Colt, uh, we have unlocked the gate to the seventh realm. Um, And [00:20:00] so, uh, we saw these, uh, fantastic beasts issue forth from it. And so I thought that a beast, um, could really speak a, a beast that spoke to these other realms would be perfect for this. Um, and of course, the primary candidate is, uh, the Quantum Oro Boros Beast Number zero.

It is, uh, it's Beast zero because it is outside of space and time. In fact, beast Zero may not even have come to us from the gate of the seventh realm. It is zero because zero looks like a circle, and it is a gift because a gif loops forever. Um, the, uh, the Oral Bo Oral Boros is perhaps the most significant beast as it pertains not only to what Forgotten Ruins is about, but what humanity or human history is about.

Um, [00:21:00] because we, we see history roll out before us in cycles. These cycles loop eternally. They reverberate like an echo. They repeat patterns of love and war, greed and charity, dreams and despair. Humanity sings the same ballad on the stage 10,000 years ago, the sa as the same as they do today, and the same as they will tomorrow.

And the dragons of the Ora Boros watch this drama through the eye of providence sitting outside of it, agnostic to it all. And so, You'll notice in the oral Boros, these are, these are double holy dragons. And so one of them, one of these dragons counts, the days, the seasons, the tides and the rains, the wildfires, the migration routes of beasts, the physical universe, and all [00:22:00] its activity is etched upon its scales.

And then the other dragon is devouring the first from the metaverse. You've got the physical universe dragon, and you've got the metaverse dragon. And we know that all meta reality, i e, all that our computers show us are the result of A C P U processing data in cycles. And the amount of the data, the amount of data that these cycles process is growing exponentially.

And so Metaverse is devouring the universe and the quantum Mu oral Boros is about this creation and this destruction simultaneously, we know that many of the earth shattering implications of quantum com computing, uh, of of the many, uh, implications of quantum [00:23:00] computing, uh, total annihilation of the blockchain is among them.

Um, which by the way, will be fine for wizards because we all know that Dota encoded forgotten ruins to be quantum proof. So I'm not worried about that. Um, but um, The Quantum or Ora Boros is a commentary on all of this. It is, uh, it's outside of space and time. It is Beast to Zero and, um, I just, I think it's perfect for this charity auction.

Uh, and so that's, that's what Beast To Zero is about. It's not really part of Beast season one or two. It's, it's sort of outside of the seasons and, um, you know, it's, it's function, it's utility, uh, these things, um, will reveal themselves in time. Uh, but yeah, that's what I wanted to say about Beast to Zero.

Dotta: Amazing. Um,[00:24:00]

have you read about quantum entanglement? Okay, so the quantum entanglement. Yes. It's crazy. They're able to like take a particle, right? And someone needs to correct me because I don't know what I'm talking about. Zuki, you know this better than I do. So, so you're able to like, take a part, take particle entangle, entangle two particles together, right?

Then you send, then you can send half the par, the half of the entangled particle, like over, you know, like whatever, over fiber optic line or something, and then change one and the other one changes regardless of distance faster than the speed of light. Like they're actually like entangled together, uh, regardless of distance through some sort of like quantum entanglement, which is like absolutely incredible.

Not Suzuki, correct me if I'm wrong.

Madotsuki: Yeah. You, you got the, the basic gist of it, essentially it's, it's two particles that they are connected in some way that we're not quite sure how it works out. So that's just, we can sort of, [00:25:00] there's tons of stuff we don't quite understand how quantum comic works, but um, you can essentially separate them to like the furthest opposite ends of the universe and.

Things that you would do to one particle would have a reaction in instantly to the other particle. I mean, obviously we haven't been able to test how far that works, but so far it seems like it's, you know, mathematically, since everything works out, that whatever, for whatever reason, you were able to essentially have those two particles, just, they're just permanently, um, connected in this way.

That they seem to have some way to, to relay things between those two points. But we don't know how, and it seems to work, you know, faster than the speed of light, like I said, just instantaneous. Well, so yeah, so you can have, so with these entangled, these entangled particles, they are like, I guess a, a good way of saying is that they're like connected by like soul, you know, they're like spirit particles.

They will [00:26:00] forever be able to, you know, have that,

Dotta: that bond.

Elf: Guys, they're, they're, they're two dragons eating each other's tail. That's how they're entangled, obviously.

Did you not listen to a word I said,

Dotta: yeah, we are gonna need to use this mechanic we're gonna use, yeah, yeah,

Madotsuki: yeah. I utilized it for, in my, in the, in the lore for, um, for major seven that, um, she uses her wound of mercury in order to, um, tap into that quantum entanglement, um, using quantum mushrooms. So, um, while she's, um, you know, uh, she's able to actually, um, communicate with her her familiar spinner using quantum entanglement as, as, um, the properties of quantum entanglement so she can send messages to him wherever he is cause of their travels through different, um, you know, different dimensions and such.

No matter what, she'll always have that line of [00:27:00] communication with him so she can never get lost.

Elf: One of my favorite things about the whole quantum discussion is, um, it's sort of, th th that word quantum has sort of been appropriated by the new age community. And, um, you've got, uh, these, these so-called spiritual gurus like, uh, Deepak Chopra, who, um, they just sort of pepper their language with that word when, uh, they, they're trying to just like look for a word that serves as filler for, um, ideas that are difficult to express.

You just, you just use the word quantum and then, and it's, it's become sort of a stylistic virtue signal, which is why, um, which is why we talk about quantum style. Um, You know, I, and I'm, I'm not like passing a criticism on that, that way of speaking. I, I, I just think it's really fun. Uh, it's, um, it's just sort of like a word that, that straddles [00:28:00] magic and science at the exact same time, depending on who's using it.

Um, and, and that's, that's what I love about it cuz it's so difficult to, to, uh, to explain properly, um, that you almost have to use art and style to, uh, to talk about it at least, at least from the layperson's, uh, vantage point, right?

Madotsuki: All that a lot of that has to do with, because it's just how. New of a discipline quantum, like the understanding of quantum physics are.

So, it kind of is in a way like modern day science. I'm pretty sure. Like if you go along throughout history, human history, anytime there's like a new scientific discipline, it, there's so much unknown about it and it's so much that we're discovering about it that like the lay person at that time completely just, there's no real way to explain it cuz we don't have the tools yet that are built for really like understanding it.

And so it just seems like magic. Um, as we learn more and as we get more tools to understand what exactly is going on, we'll be able to like slowly chip away at that, you know, quote unquote magic, and then it'll essentially become just like [00:29:00] understood as like general knowledge. But until then, it's just such a mystical, it's, it's so unintuitive to us as humans, cuz we didn't evolve to really understand anything on that kinda scale.

You know, like, like going back to quantum entanglement is like, the way that it works is simply because like time and space are one and the same. So like spatially, when you actually separate those particles, they're not really separated. It's just that we don't quite grasp the concepts. Time and space being the exact same thing, right?

We, we have that distinction of space being separate from time. So like, even though we basically separate them, they're still connected through this, through space time, but we just, we can't really understand that. Right? But that's, you know, That's just like we, we already, we've, we know that's how it works and we build devices based off of that, you know, our GPS satellite system.

So it's like, yeah. Yeah. So it's, it's, it's, it's great stuff. And like you said, like there are people who, they, they, you know, they, they tap into that, that [00:30:00] unknown to try to like, bring out that spirituality and such, which, you know, there's, there's, you know, there's, there's some, some positives to that cuz it does kind of expose people to these kind of ideas.

And a lot of it is kind of philosophical cuz we don't really know the exact implications of how these things can affect our lives, you know, and there's lots of, um, there's plenty of theories about how, I don't know how, how, if we take this further, you know, like where does this, what does that imply for us?

You know, these kind, these concepts. Um, and so I think that there are some, some truths that people come along the lines of when they tap into this stuff. Um, As long as you avoid the charlatans, we're trying to take your money from it.

Elf: Right. Uh, I, I'm just gonna say, I am certain that when quantum physicists finally break this all down, they're just gonna see two dragons eating each other's tail.

And anyway, speaking of, um, we've got a party coming up in [00:31:00] nyc it's gonna be amazing. And, uh, I, I hear rumors that, um, there's, I don't think the quantum morra Boris is gonna be there, but I have heard that the gig is, Chad may show up. Just rumors not confirmed just yet. Um, speaking of beasts, uh, but, uh, you know, I, I think we were gonna have Locke come on today, but I think she's got, um, prior, uh, um, engagements going on, but I, I wanted to say a few words about the, uh, poster contest that, that lock, uh, held for us.

Um, and we, we've announced the winners of that, right? That that's happened. Yep. Yes. Yes, we have. Yep. Okay, cool. So, yeah. Um, we, we had, we chose three people. Um, we chose, uh, Manimal. I, I think it's minimal. Who did the, uh, the tower poster? [00:32:00] Um, and pva? Who did the, uh, the awesome. Um,

Dotta: what's that?

Elf: The 3D render one?

Yes, the 3D render one. Uh, those were the two runners up. And then, uh, Tanya Del Rio, um, with just this adorable little, um, like party scene of a bunch of wizards just partying as, as the winner. Um, and I just wanted to talk about, um, our thinking behind, um, choosing these, uh, posters. Um, So, uh, I'll, I'll start with PVAs poster.

Um, it's just such a really nice, it's just such a great illustration. Um, it's just beautifully done, nicely composed. Um, there's, there's just this epic feel to it. It just feels big, it feels, um, powerful. Um, and, you know, it, it feels like a real scene in New York City. Um, and then, uh, they, [00:33:00] they put the text Wizards and Warriors awaken the cult.

And, you know, the imagery just really looks like that's what it's trying to say. Just awaken the cult for this like, epic event in New York City. Um, and so we, we really loved that poster. I mean, and, and look, listen, art contests honestly are ridiculous. It's impossible to choose. It's a like, At some point, art is just so good that you can't really rank it.

It's, it's an absurd proposition to like, choose art that's better than other art, you know, because there, there's, there's a million different criteria upon which to, to base your, your decisions. So, you know, I don't wanna sit here and say one piece is better than the other. I'm just gonna tell you why we chose these pieces, um, to win or whatever.

Um, so yeah. And then, uh, uh, Manimal poster, um, it's just, it's just as designed so, well, it's clean, [00:34:00] it's clear. It's from a, just like a pure graphic design perspective. It's, it's, it's, it's practically flawless. It's, um, You know, it, it reads well, um, at a, at a small size. I mean, if this was to be printed as a poster, it would just, you know, you could look across the street at it and know what it is.

Um, it's, it's just beautifully rendered. I love the, uh, like, sort of the staticky texture in it. I love the colors. Um, you know, th this person, I, I, I can tell they like went to graphic design school and, and I mean that as a compliment. They just really look like, just, it's an intelligent approach to graphic design.

Um, but then the, the reason we chose Tania's poster as the winner is because, you know, ultimately what are, what is this piece of art trying to say? It's trying to say, That we're, that there's gonna be a really fun party in New York [00:35:00] and everyone's invited and it's, it's gonna be big and fun and colorful and wild and silly and, and, and, and joyful and happy.

And, you know, all of that is represented in this image. It's just adorable. It, it's, it's just oozing with goodwill and fun, good vibes. You know, you look at the faces of every little character that she drew, and they're just, you just love all of them. Um, you know, you even got somebody doing the empty shake, um, with, with their little, little butt poking out in the air.

I, I just love it. Um, And it just, it just sort of exemplifies everything that the cult is about. Um, and so, yeah, I, you know, I, I, I look at this image and I just smile and I think, yeah, I wanna go to that party. Um, and so the image just worked for what it was trying, what we were trying to say with these, with [00:36:00] these invites.

Um, and so that's why we chose that one as the winner. Um, but there was so many good entries. It was really impossible. So many choose many. Yeah. Yeah. I, I could say stuff about every single entry, but these were the ones that really stood out to me at

Dotta: least. Agreed. They're so fun. And, and there were so many great, like, other, other entries, right?

So Bread had one that was super fun. Yep. Um, Oz did this like really cool pixel art of the Statue of Liberty. Um, there was just like, yeah. I, I can't even name them all. We gotta, we gotta dig 'em up. They were really, really great. Yep. But yeah, the empty shake sealed the deal for time timing when

Elf: and down

Jitcy: there something like 26 entries remember correctly,

Dotta: which is pretty crazy.

Yeah, exactly. Yeah.

Um, let's see. So, oh yeah, so let, let's talk airdrops. Uh, we'll talk about the [00:37:00] comic airdrop, which is coming up this, uh, Friday. Well, the snapshot this Friday will airdrop in this weekend. Um, well, right before that, let's roll back on the Warrior Airdrop. One of the things I forgot to mention earlier was, um, the Warrior Airdrop actually.

So, uh, one of the things that was a consideration with the Warrior's Airdrop was just like, well, how do we do it? Do we, do, you know, do we give it like, Do we get, one of the things that we, uh, think about is that the wizards are rarer than the Warriors, and really, like the wizards are going to kind of be, you know, of course, like, uh, like the wizards are going to be like a prime part of all the collections.

So we were thinking like, oh, maybe we should give, uh, you know, all like drop more warriors to the Wizards first. But then when we thought about like, kind of how the drop went, about the fact that sort of the, the Warriors were on the drop of the, the Warriors Mint. We thought, you know, you know the right thing to do here is to [00:38:00] is to drop an extra warrior to everyone who, who, who bought a warrior already.

And what we did there was, it wasn't even about who meant it, it was literally just whoever was holding warriors in that moment. Um, we've also had, there's a lot of details. We've also had people using, um, NFT X, which is, uh, you know, a a, it's a basically a, like a tool for being able to buy and sell floor, uh, tokens or warriors and wizards very easily.

Typically, we haven't included, um, N F T X holders in the airdrop, but this time we decided to, we probably will again, uh, we will for the, uh, for the comic book at least. Um, and so, uh, but what you ba and then, and then we even had a few left over. We actually had enough left over to give every wizard holder, regardless of whether you had lore or not.

Just if you were a wizard holder, we had enough to send you at least one warrior, you know? Um, and you know, people can say, oh, maybe that didn't reward big holders of wizards or whatever, but for this drop, it worked. [00:39:00] So what this actually means is if you actually had a wizard. And you were, uh, you wrote lore, uh, before the original snapshot, then you would've been airdropped a, uh, or you could have got a free warrior basically during the free mint phase, uh, back when we were minting, right?

So you have one wizard with lore, you get one free, uh, a warrior, and then through this airdrop that we did this weekend, because you had that free warrior, we actually air dropped you a second. Free warrior, um, where we paid the gas. And then because you had a wizard that had lore already, uh, you also got another warrior for having a, uh, for holding a wizard.

So actually, if you had, had a wizard, if you're just a very small holder, right, you were one small holder that you had one wizard that had lore back before the original snapshot, you would've actually got three free, uh, warriors. Um, and so that actually helped kind of, you know, this idea of like, [00:40:00] let's say, you know, supporting the little guy and helping him kind of, uh, get these free warriors.

And then also at the same time, if you bought a bunch of warriors, as many people did, um, you know, the large holders were also rewarded with one warrior for every warrior that they already had. And so it, I, I felt like it was a nice balance between rewarding basically larger holders, um, and also smaller holders.

And, and you know, um, another thing that I found is we've, we've. Part of the point of why we even wanted to do Warriors in the first place was to provide a lower price point entry into the cult and even have the ability to have like, um, uh, like a gifting culture, right? So we've seen this quite a lot of times.

Um, like I think, you know, retired yield farmer has given away a warrior. Um, I've seen, well, oh man, I should have written a list. I've seen at least three or four people are, I've heard, I've given, uh, you know, I think jitsu gave away a lawyer to one of his friends. And I think if you find that you sort of.

[00:41:00] Have warriors, maybe more warriors than you need. I think really like, you know, it's your token. Do whatever you want, right? Like hold it, sell it, you know, write lower about it. But one of the options that I wanna plant in your mind is this idea of like, bringing new people into the cult, right? Like, you have someone who's maybe, um, you know, into, not quite into NFTs, but they're interested or someone who's like, you know, into video games or someone who's into creating art, right?

Like, I would definitely consider that if you find that you have warriors, uh, to spare, consider even gifting them, right? You know, uh, because I think that it's, it's really only through kind of growing the cult with like, like-minded creative people who are gonna be around a long time and like, who you like spending time with.

That's how we are gonna like, grow this community, uh, with like people that we want to like, be around and, and hang out with. So, so yeah. So that's the Warrior Airdrop, the comic airdrop. Um, That's coming up. So, uh, there's a few things you should know about all this. [00:42:00] So one, we're gonna do a snapshot on Friday at, uh, noon, uh, Pacific.

And, uh, we're going to give one comic, uh, n f t to every, um, to every wallet. And so people are saying to me, well dodo, like, uh, what aren't people just gonna split their wallets? And well like, maybe go ahead, like, it's fine. But this time what we're gonna do is one per wallet. Um, and we'll also include NFT X this time.

And what we're gonna do is we are gonna airdrop to you sometime when gas is low. So let's say probably over the weekend, um, we are going to airdrop to you a token, um, which will be. Um, basically a cover variant that is only available to people who are in this airdrop. So that's holders already. Um, we really want the point of the comic, right, is to get the comic into people's hands.

And so, especially with the physical version, um, [00:43:00] we're printing 225,000 copies. We're gonna be handing them out at the party. We're gonna be handing them out at at comic cons. Um, and, uh, we, I I, it's funny, in this digital world, it's almost like the physical version is more special. And so we are, um, we're actually going to embargo, like, we're gonna hold on to the, uh, the full reading, the full digital version of the comic until people are able to physically see it at N F T nyc.

So you're gonna get your token for the comic,

use it to read the comic online.

The party at NFT NYC the same day that everyone who gets a physical version, not everyone, but like the same day that the, the, the first physical version's dropped. We are planning on, I know that not everyone can make it to NFT nyc. We're planning on trying to come up with a way to like at least have an interest list of like, people that want us to mail a physical version.[00:44:00]

There's not really any crazy tokens where you need to like burn the token or whatever. Like just put, give us your address, we'll mail you a copy. Um, you know, maybe it'll be capped if there's like too big of a demand, but that's the, the first pass. Okay. But one of the things you need to know about as a collector of these N F T tokens is that we are doing a partnership with a significant crypto brand.

I'm not sure if I can announce it yet, um, for this comic. And part of that is that we are going to, um, there are, um, five other comic variants. And again, in the same way that the point of the physical comic is to get. The comics in people's hands, right? It's not trying to be this like, you know, we only print a thousand and now they're all worth, you know, $200 each or whatever.

No, we want like your kids to have a copy that they can read on Saturday and if it gets ripped, you're like not that worried about it. In the same way that we're trying to like get distribution for the comic, we're doing the same thing with the [00:45:00] Comic NFTs for this first edition. So we're doing a partnership with this large crypto brand and the, um, the, the five cover variants, um, uh, we'll have a nearly unlimited supply is what I'm saying.

So the comic, so, so the comic that you will be airdropped as a holder will not be available to them, but the, the comic itself will be able to be minted of these other five variants within the somewhat unlimited supply. And so I just wanna like kind of like throw that out there because um, you know, it might affect sort of like, uh, how many you decide to collect on secondary to know that the supply might be quite large for the first version of the comic that we're doing with this partnership with a brand.

So, does that make sense? Uh, if not, I'll explain in a blog post and or in the secret tower. So all that to say, the point of the comic is to get these stories out and we are like so excited for re one to see it, read it. I think it's really high end. The [00:46:00] artist, uh, that we had on it is incredibly good. And um, yeah, it's gonna be fun.

Um, okay, so, so it's been announced, uh, the Party, Oliver Tree. Oliver Tree is our special musical guest. He will be, uh, as the, uh, gig is Chad. So you should come to New York.

Elf: Yeah. Yeah. It's from what I understand, I mean, we've been talking about the theatrics of this party and, uh, if you guys don't know who Oliver Tre is, um, theatrics is, uh, it runs in his blood, it appears.

Uh, and I, I think it was actually even his idea to dress up as the Gigis Chad for this performance. Um, and he is kind of a Gigis Chad himself. Um, The last music video I saw of him. He's pretty ripped, so I think it's gonna work out pretty well. But yeah, I, uh, [00:47:00] it's, it's gonna be epic. I mean, I think there, I don't know how much I'm supposed to say, but I think they're even like building like a replica of the Gate to the seventh realm.

Um, maybe I'm spilling too much, but, uh, it's, yeah, it's Oliver Tree as the gig is Chad, that is our, um, our musical guest.

Hi, Laura Punk. Hello. Hi. How are you all doing? Happy Wednesday.

Dotta: Happy Wednesday.

Elf: Uh, I just wanted to give a shout out to Two Crows, um, because two Crows has just launched. His key collection and I am a greedy guts and I bought the one of one key and it came in the post today. Whoa. Cause it's Wizard Wednesday.

Yeah. So I've got this thing here and I know we're not like on video, [00:48:00] but if you guys want I could unbox it. Yes. Oh yeah. Put it inboxing video please. Please.

Madotsuki: Unbox.

Elf: Do you want me to do it now or do you want me to like, wait, uh,

Madotsuki: wait. I would say, wait,

Dotta: can you post a picture? Can I post a picture? Go ahead.


Elf: I can post a picture, but I have to open it and it's locked up tighter than motherfucking Fort Knox. Oh,

Madotsuki: so I've got this. Well, it

Elf: is, it is a gold key to the seventh realm. Yeah. It is a gold key to the seventh realm. And if you go to my open c uh, at lo punk dot East, or just search for behold the field, you can see it came with this really cool n ft that looks like a playing card.

Uh, and two Crows and his wife have like a jewelry making company. So right now you can kind of hear me ripping [00:49:00] this box. And so I've got, I got some bubble wrap here and I've got this tiny little green box and I've got a leather pouch that says Huckleberry because the actual name of their company is Huckleberry.

And I'm opening the box and there's another green box inside the box. So I've got double box

Jitcy: going on. What's in the

Dotta: box?

Elf: Well, I'm opening it up and I've got a cross. Not, not a key is two crows here. I think I've got the wrong thing. Oh no. Oh, gross. Wow.

Dotta: We all wanted a video. The Discord all wants a video too.

The discord disagrees with me. I'm the only one that wanted a live audio.

Elf: Oh man, I am so sorry. Yeah, so I don't know what's going on with [00:50:00] this. Um, but I'm not a Christian.

I'm sorry. Anyway, I do apologize. Um, no, it's the cue to the wrong gate to across. That's the

Jitcy: one. Well, this is the

Elf: one for the angel because you guys have got the, the angel, uh

Dotta: oh. Or

Elf: the Ezekiel style angel with the, with the eyes. So, but anyway, uh, apologies for the confusion and I will step back down.

Dotta: Thank you for sharing this moment for us. Yeah. We're, we love two crows and we love you. So I think this is all wonderful.

Elf: We, we get to look forward to the real unboxing later.

Dotta: Yeah, well, I'll let you know now.

Jitcy: Might be a good segue into something that I wanna talk about for a second, um, which is

Dotta: being a Christian.


Elf: no. Uh,

Jitcy: one of the things that I'm trying to do when we're having one of the streams, actually after this Wizard Wednesday, is the forgotten stream. And this is like a good example of something I'm putting a type form together that people can fill out. And so we can like host these small experiences happening, um, you know, anywhere from what we just heard along with like, you know, a writer session or you know, art workshop, whatever we want it to be.

Um, hoping we can get more on that stream going and so more information soon, but we'll be playing with Magic Machine, like, we'll playing a game at, starting at six o'clock after this Wizard Wednesday. And we also have it set up for like a balder gate run through. It's basically d and d through a particular game.

Um, and also one shot d and d campaigns. Um, so more information later, but it's one thing I'm trying to activate for sure is more of those instances being able to get video and seeing it happen in real

Elf: time. Cool. Th there. Yeah, there's, there's a, uh, a game that we're gonna play later today. Jitsu will post about in the discord.[00:52:00]

Um, I saw two crows pop up and then, and then he left. Um, two crows. We need you to explain yourself, but, um, hi Boyd. Uh, you come up as well. Do you have something to say? Yes. A segue into what jitsu just said. Um, my name is Hen Boyd and, um, I am currently, uh, have, have a proposal with House of Wizards to. Uh, a part-time video editor for our Monday Magic Memos.

We're doing a show each week, we're, our goal is to post on Mondays, uh, basically to summarize all the cult content that has happened during that week. Uh, we were gonna post our second episode on Monday, but we've run some technical difficulties. We're gonna get that straightened out and we're gonna put another episode out there.

But I just wanted to, uh, put an invite to all the cult members out there in, uh, what, whatever you're doing for the cult, the get up with me or Mr. Brown or Slim. We want to know what you're doing and what you're building. If you're a member of the, the [00:53:00] Cobalt Guild, or if you're a member of the, um, Uh, anything your specific big guilds or, um, artwork that you're doing, we want to know, uh, to keep track of all that so we can report that on our show.

It's about 15 to 30 minutes. Um, we've hired the, the guy who's gonna do the video editing, uh, so we're, we're full up and running, but I just wanted to put a little plug out there for that. Uh, we'll be tweeting about it and, uh, everything, but that's all I had today. Awesome. That sounds wonderful. Yes, that does sound wonderful.

Um, and also I wanna, um, say thanks to him, Boyd. I, I think, uh, I think you were one of the ones who actually gave away, uh, one of the, the airdrop warriors that you got. I, I think you were the one of the first people I saw who did that. Um, so that's, that's freaking awesome, man. Thank you so much. Um, two crows.

Uh, man, I really want to hear what this, uh, confusion and mixup [00:54:00] was about.

Dotta: I think he said it in Discord that his other client got, you know, just an order got got

Elf: swapped. Oh, they switched. That's fine. It seems simple. Simple enough.

Dotta: Simple mistake.

Elf: It's, it's an honest mistake.

Dotta: Yeah, that's an honest mistake.

It's fine. Another client's gonna,

Madotsuki: another client's gonna be opened up the gate to the

Elf: seventh

Madotsuki: Rome by accident. Yeah. And unleash unspeakable.

Dotta: Yeah. Yo, I, I'm like, I got a flop sweat from hearing that. I was like, no,

it's fine. So, uh, yeah, I, uh, I sent my assistant that I actually share with my wife, who's not part of the Joy company, down to ship, and she went to ship what is a Xanax cross? So it's like Xanax bars and a cross to

Elf: a That sounds awesome.

Dotta: It's pretty awesome. And so it was, by the way, it's to a client that already ordered one and wanted a second one to hang on the [00:55:00] chain.

So now I have to call her and let her know that she now has a key that she won't know what the fuck that goes to.

I feel so terrible. So, uh, yeah, my you're fine. That's, uh, easy to fix. Easy to fix. Yeah.

Jitcy: Well, it was entertaining,

Dotta: that's for sure. It was entertaining. I'll, I'll give us

Elf: that. And lo punk is, is being especially sweet and nice and, uh,

Dotta: so, uh, yeah, that's, that's what

Madotsuki: happens.

Dotta: Good stuff. Cool. So let's see. So we have, uh, like a lore reader.

So one 800 Defi is reading, uh, lore for their wizard. So, uh, one 800 Defi. If you are here, request to come up on stage and we'll bring you up and you can you tell your lawyer

Elf: in. Uh, in the meantime, I've got a few pieces of cult content that I just, I have to shout out. Um, great. [00:56:00] So, you know, I'm just looking through our timeline.

Um, and uh, the first piece that really stands out to me is, was, uh, posted by Aris at Chaotic Good. And it's this amazing illustration of one of the Inkling Spawn, uh, by Althea Wong. Um, I love seeing Beasts spawn artwork, especially the inklings. They're one of my favorites. It's, uh, such a beautiful piece, really nice colors, really nice composition, and, uh, the inkling looks mischievous as hell.

Um, and then, uh, p v a, um, did another awesome illustration. This is the second piece I've seen from pva. Just a really cool style, a really like gritty style. I, I imagine p v a used the same technique of like building a scene in 3D first and then, and then rendering it. Um, and you know, it's, it's a technique I use a lot actually.

And, but [00:57:00] what's really cool about p v A style is, is, um, it's really hard to get, uh, CG artwork to, it's hard to get it, to get it looking organic and like hand drawn. Um, but, but P v A is really good at doing that. Um, so really nice piece. Um, and then, uh, um, block MoCo. Uh, submitted this really cool illustration of a warrior, uh, Layla Defeater of glory.

Um, just, just a beautiful illustration. I've got a

Dotta: of these up in the, uh, shared tweets, by the way. So if you're on Twitter spaces on your phone and you flip through the shared tweets of the this up, uh, up top, you should be able to see, you know, uh, a few of 'em. So you can see Blanca Mocos, uh, Lila Defeater of Gloria is up there.

Sorry, go ahead.

Elf: Yeah. Um, and then I, I gotta mention this amazing illustration for, uh, coffee with Magic Machine. Um, I [00:58:00] can't, who, who did the, this illustration? Jitsi, do you know? The, the Coffee with Magic machine invite illustration.

Jitcy: Yeah, it's cool. My mic's not going. Can you hear

Elf: me? Yep. Yep.

Jitcy: I'm pretty sure it was Astra remember correctly.

Um, I might be, maybe I'm getting that. No, it's, it's Astra. I'm pretty sure he, um, he fun work a lot of stuff with the semi supers. Uh, amazing. I mean it's just, you smile when you look at it, right?

Elf: It's great. Yeah, yeah, exactly. It's just so good. Um, I, I love this style. There's just so much personality to it and just like, I, I love the expressions on you and loch's faces.

It's just so funny. It's

Jitcy: so, I'm laughing when I saw the coffee cup in the foot. I just like, I dunno. I still woke up then saw and was just like laughing cuz I also had my coffee cup in my foot. Cause that's what I do,

Elf: so That's great. So good. Um, [00:59:00] And then, uh, and then I saw, I saw another, uh, ceramics piece by Sammy Kitty.

Um, it, it looks like it's almost finished. Um, just the next step is the glaze. But, uh, yeah, this is, I think this is the first like, um, fully 3D physical warrior I've seen, and it, and it's a horse head warrior, so that's, that's freaking awesome. Um, yeah, th those, those were the pieces that really stood out to me.

Um, this week. Oh, oh, artsy also, um, is, is, is got a post by, uh, Daniella Ra, uh, a warrior with a Jaguar. I, I just love this style so much. Super detailed, really beautiful. Um,

Dotta: well, I don't think one 800 defi is coming up to read their lore, so, uh, if anybody wants to come up on stage, feel free, or we have maybe a minute for their questions, if any.

Yeah. Or maybe we're done. Quest

Elf: last minute questions or comments?[01:00:00]

Um, if not, uh, don't worry. Wizard Wednesday is a never ending story and, uh, we'll return again next week. Anything else? Dota Matto jitsu. Nope. Love you crows. I hope you get that, that key sorted out. We'll

Dotta: see you next week. Same wizard channel. Same wizard time.

Elf: That's right. Uh, this has been Elf and do zuki jitsu.

Hi Boyd. Two Crows channeling out from the quantum downs, G everybody. Bye.