Wizard Wednesday Episode 36 Transcription

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Wizard Wednesday Episode 36


Elf: [00:00:00] It's Wednesday, we are wizards. It's time for our weekly cult meeting, wizard Wednesday, channeling in from the quantum Downs. This is Elf and Doda. Hello. And we are just exclamation point magic. Um, Donna, I hear you have some ideas about what it means to be a warrior.

Dotta: Oh yeah, yeah, absolutely. Okay. So I watched The Lion King, uh, with my kids this weekend, and I was, it, it was just so relevant for what we're doing with the Warriors.

So, um, grab a cup of coffee, settle down, snuggle in. I'm gonna talk to you a little bit about, uh, the Lion King and, uh, what it means to be a warrior. Okay. So I wanna preface this with just the fact that I know that it's like kind of easy to dismiss the Lion King as sort of like a children's story, right?

Um, but at the same time, I think everybody who's listening is probably seen it. And I [00:01:00] think that the Lion King like lasts as, um, as a story because there are just some very old like archetypical ideas there that are worth looking at. So, dude, I'm just gonna,

Elf: I'm just gonna tell you right now, lion King is probably my favorite Disney movie.

So, so you're okay? Perfect. You're in good territory.

Dotta: Well, great. I mean, keep your mic on and pipe on. Let pipe in as you sort of like Okay. You know, have ideas as we talk through it. Yeah. Okay. I have, I haven't talked through this with LF yet. Um, oh, and, and, and, uh, bear Snake, he's, uh, I don't know, where did you say you guys, I don't think he's here today.

Oh, bear Snake

Elf: is, is, uh, wheeling and dealing in, uh, Alchemist Archipelago right now, but we'll, we'll touch on that later. Okay. Okay.

Dotta: Perfect. Perfect. Um, okay. Yeah. So. I especially wanna look at the progression of like, Simba becoming a warrior. So, okay, so, so you have Simba, right? He's

Two Crows: this young, carefree lion, cub,

Dotta: but he lives in this dangerous world, and he's also kind of overconfident because his father Mufasa is like always protecting him.

[00:02:00] So as he's protecting from the dangers of the Savannah, right, getting lost, uh, there are hyenas that wanna attack him. And like, of course there's his jealous murderous uncle scar. Um, and so of course, as you know, like scar, he coordinates like a will to be stampede. Mufasa is killed. And Simba, he runs away into the desert.

And out in the desert is where he meets, uh, Timon pba, right? So Timon pba, they have a lot of really great qualities. Um, they take him under his wing. They, they really act as like sort of parrots, right? They feed him, they protect him, they accept him, and, and they don't care about his past. Um, and they teach him to loosen up and not care about himself so seriously, or like take himself so seriously.

But like, I think that Timon and PBA actually kind of mislead him a little bit. In insofar as like what they teach him is a bit of like self-focused nihilism, right? So like, like haku matata, it means no worries. And, and so the good part is that means like, don't worry about your past, don't worry about your problems.

But it also means like, don't worry about anyone else either. Um, and I, you know, Haku, [00:03:00] matata, whatever

Elf: happens, it's, it's a problem free philosophy. Okay, go ahead. Yeah, no,

Dotta: exactly. And there's like nothing, you know, something happens problem free, there's nothing you can do about it. And, and, and so like for all the good of like Timon and Puma, I think that's the part that is like, uh, that's their flaw.

That's their biggest flaw, right? Like, they accept anyone, but at the same time, they also like, don't really care about anyone else in insofar as they feel like they can't do anything about it. And, uh, Simba kind of feels like a problem with that as the movie kind of progresses or as you the play, right As he grows.

He, you find he wants like roughhouse, right? He wants to stalk, he want prey, he wants to hunt. Um, he kind of like feels that he has this strength that's going unused. You know, he wants to roam the territory. He doesn't wanna stay in one place. He's full of strength and energy and he's just like, longing for more, right?

Uh, but they have everything that they need in Paradise. Um, in PBA and Timon, they kind of look at 'em and they're like, I don't know what your problem is, right? Like, we have everything that we need. [00:04:00] Okay? So flashback to the Pride lands, right? Scar has just destroyed the environment. They're overhunting, there's no food.

And so Nala, who's also now grown up, She's forced to hunt outside of her normal territory just to find something to eat and has fate has it. Um, she finds PBA as her prey, right? She's chasing pba. She's about to eat 'em. And at the last minute, Simba intervenes and he tackles her, actually. She tackles him.

And, and like, really interestingly, this is the first time in the movie that we see Simba like using his strength to protect his friends. And I think that's like a really important idea here. And, and Nala, she sees Simba and then she recognizes him, and then she realizes he's alive. And this part like really gets to me, right?

Because at first she's happy, but then she's mad. She's actually mad at Simba. And she asked him, she's like, why didn't you come back? We needed you. And, and, and, and even then, he doesn't really get it right. Like he's lived with Timon and PBA for too long, and he just asks her like, why would I go back? Like, why, why would I go back and leave Paradise?

You know? [00:05:00] Why should I go back? I'm comfortable here. We swim, we rest all day. We have all the bugs we can eat. Besides, what different could I make? And man, I think that is just our own attitude sometimes, right? We might just say like, I'm fine, I'm doing great. I'm in paradise. I've got what I need, and like, what difference could I make anyway?

I'm just one man, you know? And, and, and we all know deep down that that viewpoint like isn't true, right? Like when we're looking at the out, when not on the outside looking, looking in, and you look at Simba, it's like so clear how he could help. But, you know, sometimes I think when we are Simba, when we are the Simba, like we have blinders on and we don't wanna see it, right?

So, okay, so Simba, I, I totally

Elf: agree with everything. Yeah, go ahead. I just wanna say, so far your analysis is spot on and um, yeah, I can see where you're going, but continue.

Dotta: Yeah. So he's defiant, right? And, and, and you know what he says to Nala? He's like, you're beginning to sound like my father. And she says, well, at least one of us does.

And, and this [00:06:00] idea of like the fathers of the past and like living up to the fathers of the past is so important in the story of the warrior. And like, forgive me for using masculine pronouns too, because I think, I mean, I think the father, uh, father warrior is archetype, is classically masculine, but I don't at all mean that only men are warriors, right?

Like hardly Nala and the lion Ss and our own mothers are all warriors. And so I'm gonna refer to the archetypical father, but don't misunderstand me and think that, I mean, only males can play this role. Like of course women who play this role, uh, but so like unconsciously sin, but he just feels like in his, in his bones, right?

That he's built to do more than just resting paradise. Uh, but like unconsciously, he has this kind of like broken worldview of like, you know, self pleasing hakuna matata, right? And so when Nala shows up, he's confronted with this obligation to help his family. And you can just tell he is a man in conflict, right?

He feels lost. He needs guidance. He's looking for meaning. And, uh, I just think that's so good. It's, uh, it's [00:07:00] just such a good story cuz it's like, we know this is true in our own lives, right? Like, you can have everything. You're full of food, you're full of leisure. You sit and you watch Netflix for eight hours straight.

And like, are you happy? And no, like, you, you feel like restless. You feel like, ah, I should be doing something right? Like, you think that you'll be happy with rest, but you, but you deep down, you know, like rest is not the thing that you need, you know? So, okay, so Simba, he's like out thinking it over. He is like, ah, you know, Nala showed up and Rafi, uh, Rafiki, she comes up and, and she says to him, your father is alive.

And he's like, no, no, no. Like, my father is dead. And she says, no, no, I'll show 'em to you. I think

Elf: Rafiki is a boy. He looks into the, sure, okay, sure. So, and also I just wanna throw in, uh, Rafiki is a wizard in, in this story by the way.

Dotta: Totally. We're the, we're the wizard. She

Elf: comes,

Dotta: she comes and she shows him and, and, and he looks in the pond and he sees his reflection.

Right? And what does he [00:08:00] see? It's not like a young cub anymore. He's this like strong, full name lion. So, So I have a son, um, and he's like, he's growing up. He's, he's, he's taller than I am now. And we have a really good relationship. Like we wrestled when he was younger and like, uh, as as he grows bigger, he's like always testing me, right?

So like his favorite way is, um, arm wrestling. And so we'll, like arm wrestle all the time. And, and I'm like 40 almost. And he's a kid, so he loses easily, like by a lot. Um, and he's, he's growing all the time and every couple weeks, you know, we'll be at a restaurant or whatever and he'll just like look over at me and he'll be like, I bet I can beat you this time.

Uh, you know, I'm bigger than before. And so we'll arm wrestle or whatever, and he loses and it's fun. Um, and so my dad, his, his grandfather was over a few weeks ago and we were all talking about this and my son said to me, he's like, oh dad, I wanna see you wrestle granddad. And my dad and I both looked at each other and we're like, no, no, no, no, no.

And like my dad and I didn't wanna [00:09:00] arm wrestle each other. And I've thought about that a lot because, you know, you think like, well, yeah, you know, you're grown, he's grown. Maybe can test him. But I think like when you're young, it's kind of annoying that your dad can beat you in an arm wrestl, because like he represents, re represents like the world to you, right?

And you wanna throw all your energy towards being strong and like, you really wanna beat your dad and like be, and then, then that means that you are strong, right? But as you get older, like the, you find that like, the fact that your dad can beat you in arm wrestling is like comforting. Um, like it means that your dad is there and like can protect you from the world.

And so like the day that you beat your dad in arm wrestling, like symbolically means like that's the day that you have to face the world on your own. And in fact, it even means that you have to protect him and everyone around you. Now, you know, you are the strong one. You have to take your place as someone who's responsible for those around you and, and, and like, just like your father did before you, just like your mother did before you and their fathers, and mothers before them, right?

So I actually don't think that [00:10:00] I could beat my dad arm wrestling right now, and I'm glad for that. And, and I also know that like, um, you know, not everyone listening had a father that kind of played that role for them. But you know, as for Simba, right? Like his, his father is gone. So he looks in the pond, he sees his reflection, he sees a lion, and he looks like his father.

And his father appears in the clouds and says, you've forgotten who you are. And so you have forgotten me. And I think that it's like in that moment that Simba realizes that like now it's his job to be the protector. He can make the difference and that the people around him need his help. And so he returns to pride, rock, fight, scar, and he wins.

Right? But I think what's really important too, is to look at, is that it's not just Simba alone, right? Like don't get like not Nala and the lioness, they stayed the whole time. They stayed together, they stayed and protected the Cubs. Uh, I mean it's the women in this story really that kept the community intact.

They are warriors themselves. They served for years and they're braver than Simba in many ways. I [00:11:00] mean, maybe Simba had a larger physical stature, but like Nala fought for her community for a lot longer. Um, and I think that mothers like don't get enough credit necessarily for their like warrior-like qualities, right?

Uh, but at the same time, like everyone knows that you don't get between a mama bear and her cups. So, okay, so simple returns, right? He uses his strength to drive off the exploiters. He protects the pride. He restores order, uh, he protects the environment, the community flourishes and he finds meaning. And, and why is, it's not because he rested in the jungle.

And took his ease. It's because he used his strength for a force of good. And so to me that, that captures the key idea of what it means to be a warrior, which is this, to be strong and help those around you. It's, it's not enough to like make life-changing wealth and live a life of leisure. You won't be happy with that anyway.

Somebody has to help. And that warrior is you. So, yeah. Solid

Elf: bro. Say about that.

Two Crows: Solid.

Elf: Yep. [00:12:00] Yep. I, uh, I have not arm wrestled my dad in a while. Um, but I think next time I go I'm gonna have to test him cause, uh, okay. I don't know. I, I, I feel like I need to take my rightful place on Pride

Two Crows: Rock. Yep. You need to know.

You need

Elf: to know. You gotta know. Yeah. No, that's great. And I think that's super accurate. Um, I, and I just, I have to throw in that like, yeah. Rafiki is, is the wizard in, in this, in this archetypal story. Um, you know, the, it's, it's just, it's such a great, um, it's such a great pairing, uh, the Wizard and the Warrior, the might and the magic, the sword, and the sorcery.

Um, and yeah, I mean, you know, I, I, I, I could segue into like some, you know, what I've been thinking about the Warriors, what I've been observing so far. Um, [00:13:00] you know, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm thinking a lot about the warriors entering the universe, and I, I'm really drawn to this idea that not only do they bring this complimentary, uh, harmony to the universe, but they also potentially do the opposite.

Um, meaning they can potentially bring discord and dissonance and conflict. Um, and, uh, where there's conflict, there's story, and where there's story, there's lore. Um, you know, so, so if, if there's one thing I want this project to do, it's. Like, like all good art, I want it to reflect what's happening in the real world.

You know, the, the universe is not, um, quote a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away. That's not what the universe is. The universe is actually a, a reflection of our

Dotta: world. Um,

Elf: in fact, maybe it is our world. In fact, [00:14:00] maybe it portends our future world. Um, in fact, I actually believe that the universe is a real place.

And by that I mean as the metaverse blends with the meat verse on some sort of quantum oral boros, we are, we are literally our wizards. And our wizards are us. Um, and so what I'm saying is that by bringing warriors into the universe, let's just look at what is already happening on the current plane of reality that we are intersecting with.

Um, so for one in the secret tower discord, There's this huge influx of newcomers, and they're, and they're bringing all kinds of big warrior energy. They're asking questions, they're demanding answers. They're kind of causing a ruckus. And it's great. And the wizards who are already here, like, like the old and wisened, Uverse elders, that they are, they've, they've been graciously mentoring these young [00:15:00] wizards about the ways of our world.

And so, and so I encourage everybody to just lean into the archetype, lean into the role play, because at some point, maybe it's not even a role play, it's real. Um, you know, so, so I'm, I'm imagining, you know, alliances with these warriors because they bring this new complimentary thing to the universe. But, but I'm also imagining conflict.

And, and, and let me just underlie, underline this. Hopefully this conflict is healthy and fun. Uh, but, but good, healthy, fun. Good. Healthy conflict means adventure. Um, because again, the world is full of conflict. The world is full of adventure, and sometimes, sometimes you just need a warrior to tank up and resolve it.

You need a warrior to just kick out all the hyenas. Um, and so, so, you know, and another thing I I noticed on, on Twitter the other day was like we tweeted, um, well, for one thing, the Warriors can't use magic. And the replies to [00:16:00] that were great. Um, you know, we, we saw replies that said things like, uh, well, you know, the, the wizards could put ruins on the Warrior's weapons, or the, the wizards could en chance swords, or the wizards can just, you know, magic charge a sword.

Um, and then Ficans hilariously said, uh, like the warriors don't need magic, because even wizards will find it hard to control magic when they get a mace to the face. Um, and then jerky this someone named Jerky who I, who I'm, I think is new, said something hilarious where he said, what if, and I'm just spitballing here.

They cut off the wizard's arms and waved them around, would that work? And so, and so the point I'm making is like, even these comments show exactly what I'm talking about. We see teamwork and we see conflict, we see harmony, and we, we see discord. And so all of this is driving the story and the lore, and it's making the world feel bigger and more complex and more real.[00:17:00]

And so this is exactly what I want the Warriors to bring, and, and I'm already seeing it happening. So yeah, it

Dotta: reminds me of like the, um, like the wrench attack of cryptography, right? So like cryptography and like private keys are also their own sort of form of magic. And, um, no one can kind of like. Break the cryptography to have you hand over your private keys, but really all you need is someone to show up at your house with a wrench to just like convince you to give them your keys.

Right. And so that, that's exactly right. Yeah. We always see this trade

Elf: off. Yep. Yep. Um, awesome. Well, we've got a lot of updates we can go over today. Um, yeah. Does anyone

Dotta: wanna come on stage? So, you know, we don't have bear, I don't know if Locke is gonna come up. We don't have a special guest, so I think there's also a room if any folks, uh, wanna come up and like make some comments.

If anyone wants to talk about what it means to be a warrior for them, uh, I think we'll probably have room for that today. Um, so yeah, feel free to raise your hand and come up on stage. [00:18:00]

Elf: Yep, yep. All right. We got, we got a lot of people coming up. All right. Let's see. Hold on.

Dotta: Um,

Elf: uh, Tom. Hello? Yeah.

Two Crows: What's up man?

How you doing?

Dotta: Hey, hey. Uh,

Two Crows: yeah, just wanted to, uh, have a, uh, if anyone

Dotta: had

Two Crows: plans on going to N F T nyc. Let's, uh, let's make a little subgroup wrap on that. Oh, yeah. There's already a subgroup, Tom

Dotta: under the secret tower. There's a thread called

Two Crows: NFT n

Dotta: yc. Oh, wow. Okay. There.

Elf: It's,

Dotta: what's up guys? I have a couple questions

Two Crows: about you, wizards,

Dotta: about the forgotten

Elf: ruins. Yeah. What's up? Hey. All right. So I'm pretty

Dotta: new to this space, and not going lie, I kind [00:19:00] of fell in love with it because it reminded me of the old school rooms scape. I don't know if you guys know about that game. Yeah.

Elf: Oh yeah, sure. All

Dotta: right. So, um, I pretty much fell in love with this project. Um, I joined it a couple days ago, except I'm not, Too familiar

Elf: with how you guys are doing it, if you guys are still doing like regular other projects,

Dotta: you know, uh, white list

Elf: to, you know, to mint. Or if you don't,

Dotta: you know, uh, what are the processes of, you know, getting, being on that white list?

You know, how can I get more involved with the community? Because sometimes I'd be chatting on the, on the chat. I don't, I don't get, I guess since I knew not really a lot of people, you know, talk to me, but I don't know. Sure, yeah, we could talk about this, you know, it's fine enough time for us to talk a little bit about Warrior's Minting.

So I'll just do it real briefly. So there is a, um, well there's a pinned message. Okay. So, so one, one thing is, is the Wizards collection's already minted out. You can buy those on open sea and secondary. So we've been going, since June of last year, [00:20:00] we're doing a Warrior's Drop on, uh, May 11th. So that's actually exactly two weeks from today.

Um, the, there, there is an allow list. Um, which you can find in the pinned message, in the secret tower in our discord, explains kind of all the details. There's also a blog post that outlines all the details. The short version is, is, um, you should register with premit. You can find the link there, um, and just connect your Twitter discord, um, and wallet.

And then you'll be entered into the allow list. The, but one thing to know is that the first phase is a true reverse Dutch auction, which means everyone pays the same price. Unlike other Dutch auctions where if you buy early, you just pay more than everyone else. In our Dutch auction, you will get a refund, um, down to the lowest price.

So everyone who participates in the Dutch auction as well as everyone who participates in the allow list phase all get the same price. So it's, it's convenient to to, to get into the allow list because you have a bit, uh, you have 24 [00:21:00] hours to mint one at that price, but you can also buy in the Dutch auction and, and get the exact same price as the allow list, uh, regardless.

So that's, that, that's the short version. And so that, um, we'll announce those raffle winners, uh, around May 9th. This

Elf: information is on our website, by the way. Yeah,

Dotta: I'm about to take a look at it right now. I'm sorry I'm a little, I was a little bit ignorant to that, but I'm, I'm definitely out. There's a lot of, there's a lot of information there too.

We don't mind talking about it. And there's a lot of like little details too, but those are the high level things. If you just know two things, it's. One, register with Premit if you want. Allow List two. Everyone gets the same price. Yep. Awesome. Thank you so much for your

Elf: time, bro. Appreciate it. For real.

Dotta: Absolutely. Yeah. Thank you. Glad to have you. Always

Elf: have a good one. Um, bam. Bam. Did you wanna say something?

Dotta: I did wanna say something. What's up? Hey buddy. Hey. Um, so I have been a halfway scribe for, Maybe a month now, actually. Um, but I did [00:22:00] wanna announce that we did find our dream scribe. Uh, we actually met many, many potential super awesome and capable, qualified scribes.

Um, but we did select our very favorite, which is Reptar. And if you guys are not a part of the House of Wizards channel, go on in there because he will be there to listen to all your problems. I mean, we will still be there as well, but he's just gonna sort of help us stay, you know, stay grounded, make sure we're hearing all of your feedback, as well as helping us get our shit together so that we can keep pushing forward with the House of Wizards and create amazing things together as a community.

So everyone, please welcome Reptar. Thank you. Welcome

Elf: Reptar. This.

Dotta: Yeah, while we're on that for the, um, like House of Wizards Forgotten Council Dao, um, the, what the progress is is that, you know, they have, we [00:23:00] have funds from babies, we have funds from Beasts, so the council is very well funded. However, um, we're basically working on, uh, establishing like formal legal registration, um, uh, like a formal organization in, uh, it's most likely gonna end up in the Cayman Islands.

Um, we'll announce like, official, official, everythings so, like, it's not in pa black and white yet, but I, I don't mind telling you that What, what it's looking like it'll shape out up is that the, the community that owns the forgotten rooms tokens will have power basically through, um, electing the forgotten council members.

So there's nine. Right now you can find, you know, uh, you can find that I'm sure we have it in the House of Wizards who they are. It's includes myself, zuki, bam, bam. Um, and yeah, you will be able to kind of vote for, uh, who is on that council if [00:24:00] you own tokens. And then as well as, um, you know, we'll put things up for community vote when, uh, in, in cases where it's something significant.

But at the same time, the organization will have the ability to, for example, you know, pay its own bills without having to require a community vote every single time. So you might wonder, wow, you guys have been talking about this for months and months. Like, why is that not set up yet? And the person responsible for getting it set up is me.

Um, and so if you're upset about it taking a long time, you can ask me and I will explain to you why it's taking a long time. We're working with lawyers, accountants, advisors. Um, we basically just wanna make sure everything's buttoned up, watertight. Um, and it's gonna be a very, very good structure for us once we get it.

Uh, Dialed in, but it's just taking a bit of time. Uh, so we should have, you know, we'll tell you as soon as it's ready, if it's not.

Elf: Yeah, I just wanna quickly say, if it's not clear to newcomers, what we're talking about right now is the doo

Dotta: Yeah. And, and just quickly, the doo basically exists so that we can [00:25:00] sort of further our IP and our community efforts to express ourselves in many different ways in expanding the universe.

So, um, super excited for this. We don't, just because we're waiting for the entity, we don't wanna just like stop all progress. So you will hear from us next week actually more on, um, how we can get some proposals started so that just, so even if we can't release the funding quite yet, we can sort of like get used to how the process works, work out any kinks, get your creative juices flowing so that when the money is ready to be dispersed legally, um, then we can just like, press the button and go.

So really looking forward to sharing that with you guys next week. Awesome.

Elf: Uh, Matto, you came

Dotta: up here.


Cult Member: what up? Yeah. So, um, just, just briefly, um, just, uh, to my point of it, um, we're gonna have like a, a discourse form set up for the Dow. It's like, currently right [00:26:00] now it's like rolled out, but we're kind of like, um, I'm ironing out through all the settings where, um, so there will be an actual form. So that way, um, we can have more, um, you know, long form discussions that, um, are easier to have than on Discord where, you know, you would've to thread it up.

And threads are easy to get lost and conversations get butted into. So, um, that should make your proposal process a lot easier. Um, once that rolls out, um, you will have the option to sign up with either your Discord account or just an email. Um, I'm trying to also get, um, Google authentication in Twitter as well, so there'll be multiple ways we can sign in, um, and yeah, um, to, uh, the, those forms.

Cause also we use for just, even if you just brainstorming ideas. Like even if you have like an idea for a proposal, what you don't quite have, you know, the basics now, you know, maybe you know what exactly like, you know, maybe how exactly you're gonna plan it out or how many people are willing to help. Um, you can use those forms as well to communicate with the larger community and see whatever you guys need.

So we wanna try to make this, you know, as [00:27:00] easily accessible as possible and, you know, open up the stage for everybody to bring up their ideas. Um, you know, those widgets are for everybody, soon. Warriors as well. Um, and, you know, we wanna make sure that everybody has a say in, in what we're doing here.

Elf: Great.

Great. Um, two crows. What's up man?

Dotta: Hey there.

Two Crows: Um, hey. Hey, our, uh, how you guys doing? I might be a little loopy. I had, uh, hand surgery, uh, earlier this morning, which went fantastic. Uh, but I'm still on pain meds, so, uh, I think I should sound okay. Uh, I wanted to say that, uh, blessed eth that was our first speaker today, uh, had mentioned something about the community and I just wanted to, to speak on that because I think I have a really great perspective.

Um, I'm. I'm kind of new. I, I had a merch box and I didn't mint my pony because I was not paying attention to being a, a wacko until, [00:28:00] until like, uh, December. And so I mint this pony and I do a deep dive. Uh, and, uh, just a, a quick little thing. I'm, uh, bear snake and I are, uh, I r l are super tight friends. So we go camping together and our sons play together, and I, and I know his wife and his whole gig, right?

So I had supported with a merch box, and so I had this merch box and, and they came over to dinner and, uh, he's like, Hey, have you looked in the merch box? And I'm like, no. Uh, and so I find the pony and I mint it, and then I do this deep dive because I, well, I either, I have two speeds. It's like I'm not doing something or I'm just a hundred miles per hour.

So I do a deep dive and I get super geeked out and, uh, And so I love it. I'm like, oh, sh you know, damn, I'm, I'm kind of late. I think the floor price was, was around I think two eighth or, or something. Uh, maybe two and a half. I don't really remember. Uh, so I go through and I search the entire, uh, Uh, wizard, uh, library, [00:29:00] right?

I go by heads, I mean, I'm talking about, I spend like two weeks and I, I dive through and I'm looking at like all the different, everything I learned, you know, affinities, I go nuts. And, uh, I found someone that I found two crows my PFP right now and my main guy, and it was owned by a community member. And I'm like, I explained to this whole story.

I mean, I, I bond to this character beyond all things in real life. I make things and, uh, horseshoe, all, every element of that p fp just screams to me, me, my nickname by my family is Birdman. Like, I just go, it goes on and on, literally every element of this thing. So I contact community member and I said, Hey, I don't know if you're into ponies, but I'd love to trade you this pony.

And I know that's probably a terrible I deal. I would never take that deal. Uh, two Crows was listed at 10 Ethereum and worth every pen. Um, and our every Ethereum. And, uh, and so [00:30:00] he goes, you know what? I, I believe what you're saying, you know, a lot of people come into this. I haven't, by the way, I'm not a verified wizard.

Uh, blessed eat like you at this point. Like, I'm just basically, you know, hoping people are taking at face value. And, uh, and the guy's super cool and he says, you know what? You sell that pony and just give me the Ethereum and I'll just give you whatever you sell the pony for and I'll give you two crows or, uh, artifice or corvin of the event horizon as his, uh, actual name.

And I go, wow, that's great. He goes, you know what? In fact, go ahead and sell it, uh, under the floor. So you can just really have a good shot at doing this. And what a, uh, his name is, uh, laterals. I might be mispronouncing his name, but that is my, that's my wizard father. That's my, that's my Colt father. So he does this, he does this for me, and it wor and my wife thinks I'm crazy, by the way, and I'm sitting at dinner and she's like, what is this pony you're talking about?

I don't even understand. And she's cooking dinner. And I'm like, it's a [00:31:00] pony.

Dotta: It's worth, it's worth, like,

Two Crows: at the time, like $15,000. And she's like, I, I have a lot of crazy ideas. So she's just like, kind of writes me off and she's cooking dinner, so I'm

Dotta: likes gonna. Trade me the pony for the wizard. And I'm like, oh, that sounds

Two Crows: fantastic.

And, and you know, she's like, okay, well just eat your dad. Right? So I'm like, I'm selling

Dotta: the pony right now, and I list the

Two Crows: pony. So I list the pony at the beginning of dinner by the, we haven't even finished dinner. And I get a notification that someone bought the pony. So I'm telling you, like in like, and this is the ma this i, I believe in like sim theory.

So wizards and sim wizards like this, like also screams to me. I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm on that kind of weird plane. And uh, I'm like, look at that magic. And, uh, she's like, I can't

Dotta: believe you. And she goes, oh my God, that was so much money. She goes, and I, and she goes, what are you gonna do with it? I said, I'm gonna buy this whi.

She goes, you're not gonna keep it. And I'm like, no, no,

Two Crows: you're crazy. I'm buying this wizard. So I buy the wizard. And then that's how two crows began. So one, there's a [00:32:00] community member right there out the gate that did me, the hugest solid thing. And I, I create many things and wizards. Has been one of my most favorite things I've ever done.

One, two, the community after that is one of the nicest communities, blessed to eat that I have ever. I've, I've played all MMOs Warcraft. I was a main tank and a progression guild. I've played Star Wars galaxies, galaxy Heroes, I lead guilds. I've been in many discords. I still play other video games and by far the nicest community I've ever seen in my 20 plus years of gaming.

And all of these communities that are similar is wizards by far, not even close. And so the members here are so nice. If you show a true, valid interest and the project, that's path, you know, we have the saying, you know, lore not floor. If you show any interest in, oh, what a cool, you don't have to write lore.

You could be like, I read your lore. That's really cool. But that goes so far. Or, you know, just being interested in the art or the [00:33:00] stories or Wizard Wednesdays. These are things that the community values. And if you show any glimpse of any of that during, at any moment, most community members that are a core part of this will embrace you with open arms.

So that, I just wanted to say about the community. It is absolutely wonderful. Um, I'm late to the game starting, and I think, I think I got my, I published my first lore. I'm not sure. I think I did art first, but, uh, anyways, I've just, I've been embraced with open arms by behaving in that way. And, uh, if you do have an interest in the community, like it is, it is one of the best communities that I have ever witnessed in pretty much all facets.

So I just, I just wanted to speak on that for any of the new people in the channel and bless. That was a really cool, uh, question you asked. And, and that's about it. Uh, two

Elf: Crows. Thank you. That was a hell of an endorsement. We're glad to

Dotta: have you, we're fortunate to have you as part of this community.

Elf: Yeah.

Yeah. Tu Crows has done some awesome [00:34:00] things, uh, that, that gold key that he made Yeah. A few weeks ago. I think about that all the

Dotta: time.

Two Crows: Yeah. Yeah. Uh, I, uh, yeah, so I'm a, I'm a, I'm a, so the artifice part, I'm a, I'm a fine jeweler. I've worked in fine jewelry for, I made my first piece 22 years ago and it was a horseshoe ring, which is what my grow is holding a magical horseshoe.

Um, and so I made that key cuz I can't help myself. And, uh, and I'm actually just finishing, uh, a two crows pendant that is exactly true to my pfp and I'll show everybody. Oh, cool. And, uh,

Dotta: I don't know if this is talking shop too much, but could you walk us through just like, briefly what it takes to actually like, do that key, do you like carve a mold out of clay or something?

Like how do you even get there?

Two Crows: So, sure. So I have this amazing, uh, production, uh, group that I work with. So we do two ways. Anything that is asymmetrical ends up being a hand carving, right? And anything that is symmetrical or is already [00:35:00] existing, like, uh, the, uh, wizard art, like the ruins art, like that key, I just take that key and run it through a CAD program, computer animated design, and then.

You know, mess with sizes and actually one of the, and do test things on it. So I, I printed a couple and, and then I got a really good one, and then I realized I passed the chain, which is usually, it's called a bale, not to be too technical, but the top of a pendant when there's a little loop on top of that, that the chain runs through, that's called bale.

Yep. Yep. Okay. So I don't like bales when you can avoid them. And the key was amazing cuz you can run the key, the chain right through the keyhole. Oh yeah. And, and eliminate the bail because I, my favorite thing, well I, I love, I love taking an N F T or something that everyone wants to bitch about and say, that doesn't exist.

What? It's just a jpeg Yeah. And I, I love to just tell people like, that f you and here's, and you're not even thinking about it. Right. Like, you were, you're, let me edu let me just throw this in your face. So here's [00:36:00] my jpeg and now it exists around my neck. Um, so I, I like that idea. Yeah. Um, and I love to break rules.

I love to learn rules and then snap 'em in half. Um, so that key, then I did that and that key, but when you wear a key through that, it flips back and forth. So then all of a sudden I was exposing the flat back of that because I just ran it off the original art. So I've actually since built the other side.

So it's also, so now it's like has the key on the other side too. And now it's a real key. It looks like a real, it looks like you just took a real key and threw it on a chain. And then I'm gonna mess around. This is, this will take me a bit, but I'm gonna see if I can make an actual lock, like the locks we just did, it actually has it working on that lock lock that is from that eight bit art that will crack that open, that will take me a little bit.

Um, but that I've, I've started messing with it. Um, amazing. And then the, uh, and then the crow or all of our wizards for that matter, like when I actually do this, I'll offer [00:37:00] to the community. My jewelry company is called Huckleberry Ltd. Big plug. And, uh, we, uh, we're really expensive. Like we, we don't mess around and we make like pretty much collector items and things.

When I do stuff for the cult, I'm gonna do it like we call cost plus, which is, uh, a jewelry term when we just do stuff and then just cover any of miscellaneous taxes or whatever. Um, so I don't actually, they won't go through my jewelry company cuz I can't do that. I'll be setting up, that's what part of, uh, this, uh, shop I'm creating will have stuff like that too.

Crows bazaar is to do that. And so anyway, so the, the, the, the wizard art is no different. I take that, I run it through CAD because I want an exact replication of the art that, that is that. Um, and then we're using enamel and it will have like, it will have like the little eight bit cubes on it and the whole thing.

So it will look exactly like it. I haven't, and then I'm making, there's two last thing I'll say is I'm figuring out how to do it with just the wizard and I'm figuring it out. Also [00:38:00] have to, how to do it in a, in a square where I can put the roon if people like that and they're familiar. So it's cuz I really like the idea.

I don't want to mess with the art. I love the art cuz I'm such a video game geek. Um, and it just speaks to me on a thousand different levels. So I love the, I love the art as it is, so I don't wanna mess with that. So I'm gonna, it'll be an actual, it'll be two versions on a square or your wizard just naked by himself holding his

Dotta: prop.

I'm sorry that you had hand surgery, but we need to get you on painkillers more often.

Two Crows: We

Dotta: can get some cannabis portions brewed up. Maybe. That was still, yeah, exactly. Yeah.

Two Crows: Yeah. Well, thank you for the painkiller

Dotta: endorsement. Yeah, bud. This. Wonderful, I love this idea so much. Yeah. I have a quick question too, Crow. Um,

Cult Member: I see you, you're planning on self selling jewelry. Um, would you happen to perhaps have the idea of, uh, maybe integrating NFTs with that somehow, [00:39:00] like, you know, maybe get like a nft like for, for, you know, uh, clarification that verification as you actually have it in real life.

And then it would be cool as like a little, um, you know, wallet, uh, you know, wallet receipt or whatever.

Dotta: Sure.

Two Crows: You know, I'm totally open to it, you know, while I'm setting up the bazaar. I really don't want it to be a solo thing. So I've just been slowly working on these things cuz I'm a big doer and I don't like talking that much.

Or I, I love talking, I just don't like ta saying what I'm gonna do. Um, so I've been more like building all these things and, uh, I want the bazaar. I just think it's fun. One and two, I know we are, uh, TV has our amazing forgotten market, which I've bought and sold wizards on, um, which I absolutely love. Yeah, I wanna figure out a way that, you know, I like the idea of selling NFTs.

I love gaming, like I've said 10 times. Um, I like the idea of farming and building things in game. I've always, I did that. I was selling video game items when I was playing Star Wars galaxies, or Warcraft, like building [00:40:00] and selling accounts, uh, se like, uh, star Wars galaxies from my other fellow fans out there.

If there are any. Like, I sold and bought Crate Pearls, which were used for lightsabers and we had to do like bank wires in order to do it. Um, So I'm, I'm a super into that stuff, so I don't know. I wanna figure out how to make the bazaar. Um, I need to, you know, I wanted to make it more of a community thing, um, to a certain degree.

Um, I've collaborated with like, uh, the Alchemist, uh, my homie, um, that I met through the community we mess around about and he's gonna, I'm making some art that he's a potion, uh, dealer, dropping off stuff at the Bazaar. But I want the bazaar to be kind of more community oriented. So I haven't figured out exactly how to incorporate that.

I'm still kind of working through it. I was gonna talk to a few people, went further down the road I got, and I love there being an N F T functionality of it. Although I am for this stuff, I'm, the jewelry is making jewelry of what already is an nft. [00:41:00] But maybe there could be a functionality aspect where like you get a permanent discount at the bazaar or maybe, you know, whatever we can.

Figure out stuff like that. Um, so I'm not sure I'm open to it and I, I, I'm gonna open this topic up, you know, soon down the road with like various community members to figure out how we can make it a really fun thing.

Dotta: Yeah.

Cult Member: Yeah. I think it can, can even be as simple as just like, maybe like a, you know, a 3D turnaround of the, the jewelry piece itself or whatever, you know?

Or maybe, or maybe you can have like an know bespoke kind of like, um, commission piece of like, you know, maybe like some artwork of, you know, um, a wizard buying something from, from your shop.

Dotta: You know, stuff like that.

Two Crows: I, I love it all. I'm, I'm a, I'm open to all ideas, but, uh, yeah, that's it. I don't wanna take up too much time.

I always, uh, I wish Wizard Wednesday was two

Dotta: hours. Um, I actually

Two Crows: joking to my surgeon, I was like, can we hurry up? I have to get to Wizard Wednesday. And he's like, what

Dotta: the hell are you talking about?[00:42:00]

Elf: What? He doesn't know. I, I

Dotta: know.

Elf: Awesome. Um, thank you. Yeah. Yeah. Thanks. Um, I just want to give a quick little update that I meant to do last week. Um, but I promised him I would do it this week. Uh, our good friend Bonzo, who does the, uh, the Wizard News, um, YouTube show, um, he wanted me to put out a call to all the beast owners. Um, he wants to interview you for his show if you are interested in doing that.

Um, I think that would be great. I would love to see that. I know that, uh, Locke, I think you, you did an interview with Bonzo, right? Yep, sure did. Yeah. I still haven't watched that, but I want to. And then, um, bear Snake did an interview and I just wanna know, Bonzo, when are you gonna interview me? Interview me.

It's not like you guys, you guys don't hear enough from me every Wednesday. Scott's fired. Yeah. [00:43:00] But yeah, if you're a beast owner, definitely hit up Bonzo. He wants to, oh, there he is. Bonzo. Hey man, uh, let me also,

Dotta: Also we're at, I think Niki added beasts to the Book of Lore today and Beast Spawn. Uh, we should have that by, you know, if it doesn't work today, it should be worked by like this week.

Elf: Great. What's up, Bonzo,

Cult Member: mate? I don't know

Dotta: amount of

Cult Member: time you got for me, but, um, yeah, if you

Dotta: got some free time mate, we'll, uh, definitely sort something

Cult Member: out.

Elf: Okay. Yeah, sounds

Cult Member: good. Pencil

Dotta: something in coming up? I think we've got five of the beast owners lined up. Still a couple, um, waiting to hear from, but um, yeah, gonna be a very interesting few weeks

Cult Member: coming up.

Elf: Awesome. And you, you uh, you interviewed Merlin last week, right? Yeah, that

Cult Member: was by far.

Dotta: Oh mate, some of the quotes you can get outta that guy. Insane. Definitely, uh, very inspiring and makes you believe in the, uh, the cult even more.

Elf: Yep. Yep. [00:44:00] Awesome. Yeah. Yeah. If you guys haven't seen Benzo's YouTube channel yet, it's, it's definitely worth looking at.

It's always great content. Um, so yeah, give, give it a look. Um, another quick update I wanted to give is, um, so on open sea, uh, there's this new feature called like collections. Um, and so what it is like, okay, before collections, like, like we've got, okay, we've got wizards, we've got ponies, we've got souls, we've got the Sacred Flames, we've got, um, warriors coming up.

And like you would, you would have to just like find all of those separately. But now there's this new feature on Open Sea where you can go to a page, the Forgotten Rooms collection, and you can see all of our collections on one page. Um, and from what I've heard that this is not something that opens Sea will just do for anyone.

[00:45:00] Um, but they did it for us because they love us, but also because our new team member Cosmo, uh, basically made this happen for us. Um, DDIR, do you wanna say anything about that?

Dotta: Yeah, no, that's all. Yeah, I appreciate it. Open Sea is like down right now, so I'm trying to share the link and I can't get to it,

Elf: so.

Yeah. Yeah. But yeah. Yeah, so mostly thanks to Cosmo for setting that up for us. Um, you know, speaking of N F T collections, we are also live on, uh, Coinbase, N F T, which I think is still like an invite only platform or you have to like be accepted, but, but yeah, wizards are like one of the handful of collections that are on Coinbase NFT right now, so that's super cool.

Um, and then, uh, let's see. Oh, and, and then speaking of Cosmo, um, Cotton

Dotta: even market Forgotten. What's that? Market doesn't go down. Oh yeah, of course. Forgotten market. Yeah, forgotten market's up. So there you go. [00:46:00]

Elf: Yeah, yeah, yeah. No, exactly. I mean, yeah. Let's, let's be real though. If you're gonna buy a wizard, don't even buy it on sea or Coinbase buy it on the forgotten market.


Dotta: I hope they don't hear that. Whatever. Use forgotten

Elf: market. Yeah. Yeah. Ignore these other guys. Yeah. Um, but no, speaking of Cosmo, uh, Cosmo's just been doing some awesome stuff for us lately. He's, he's the one who animated that warrior, um, on our page. He's got a few other animations going. Um, and then he's actually like, not only is he an awesome animator, but he's helping us build out our, uh, like a, a page on our website, the, the Warrior's landing page.

Um, so that'll be coming soon as well. Um, daughter, do you wanna say anything about that? Cosmo's doing a great

Dotta: job. It's great because El and I argue about stuff. We're like, oh, the heading should be capitalized. No, they should be lowercase. And, you know, yeah. And then we waste time fighting about whether they should be capitalized or lowercase.

So then I'm just like, look, just tell Cosmo what to do and he'll do it and he won't argue [00:47:00] and I'll work on the car.

Elf: Well, the, the beauty is like the cos Cosmo serves as the tie, the tiebreaker, and he always seems to agree with me. So that's, that's why I love

Dotta: it. It it's perfect. Yeah. And, and he shot better design sense than I do.

So not only do I not have to do it, we do, we avoid the fight and avoid holding hands.

Elf: Um, and then another quick thing is that Dota and I did a, uh, spaces with, uh, the Nifty Island team yesterday. Um, which was really great. If you don't know who Nifty Island is, they're, they're building this really great 3D meta, um, and they've invited wizards to be, uh, I think it's like the second collection they've invited to, to, uh, be in this meta.

Dotta: Um, yeah, I think chain runners is their first, I think. I'm not sure.

Elf: Yeah. Yeah. And so you guys may have seen, uh, that screen grab of a warrior standing in like on an island. Um, you know, that was just like a quick test. [00:48:00] Um, you know, there, there that warrior still needs like some work, there's some like metallic surfaces on his helmet and stuff, but point being is like, yeah, 3D wizards and Warriors, uh, will be on Nifty Island.

Um, so that's very exciting. Uh, and then Tom, you asked about the party, um, asking about a, uh, a Discord channel devoted for that, which bam, BAAM says there is one, but, um, I just wanted to say. Yes. If you're not aware, if you're new, we are doing a party at, uh, N F T nyc. Um, so if you're gonna be at that event, stop by our party.

The, hopefully the venue is not too far from, uh, N F T N yc. Um, we've got a really great musical guest lined up. Uh, we'll announce that soon.

Dotta: And it should be We're I, we're aiming Okay. We're aiming not finalized for the 21st, the first day of the conference. We're trying to book it like towards the front of the [00:49:00] conference and not before.

Not after, not at the end. We're trying to aim it at the front, but we'll tell you when it's like confirmed. Confirmed. I know people are trying, starting to make plans, but the party's definitely happening. We're just picking the tape. Yeah. Lock. Did you wanna add anything? Yeah, super excited to bring the universe to fruition.

I r L at N F T N Y C. And yes, uh, to echo what Dota just said, it's, it'll be towards the beginning of the week, and as soon as we have everything locked down, you guys will know

Elf: you got Locke. Um, you've also been communicating a lot with the party planning committee, I guess. Um, you wanna give any tidbits on that, or you, or you wanna hold, hold that back.

Dotta: Oh, I'm holding a lot back. Just, just know that it'll be the universe come to life. And the goal is to make you feel like a child again,

Elf: or a wizard

Dotta: or a child wizard or a child at an eyes wide shot party. [00:50:00] Yeah. Yeah. So things will happen, you know, rituals and what have you, you know, it's, It's a cult gathering.

So Yeah. You know, come ready.

Elf: Yeah, come ready for sure.

Dotta: Yeah. It should be really fun.

Elf: Yeah. Yep. Um, yeah. And then actually Locke, did you wanna, you have a few other things you wanted to just touch on today, right? Yeah,

Dotta: so, um, I just wanna touch on the fact that we've connected with like so many communities for Warriors, uh, allow list, and it's been just amazing.

Um, hearing the response from Moon Birds doodles and um, like the APE list, like just the name drop a couple folks. Um, it's just been really nice to connect with, um, other leaders in the crypto community in the N F T space and to see everyone receive the Warrior so well, and the demand for the allow list is insane.

Yeah. To say [00:51:00]

Elf: the least. Yeah. Yeah. I think, uh, crypto Coven is on that list as well, right?

Dotta: Yeah. We have Crypto coven and um, also Zen Academy, which is a new, uh, project that we've engaged with, but definitely in alignment with a lot of our ethos in terms of education and, uh, magic you

Cult Member: could say.

Elf: Yep. Great.

Great. Um, yeah, then we have a, uh, we've got some new posters coming out for another poster campaign, I think that's gonna debut during N F T N Y C. Um, and then, yeah, we touched on this at the top of the hour with, uh, about there's no update from the bear cave on the beach today. Uh, bear is out on business in the Alchemist Archipelago.

Um, but I, I, I am gonna drop just a quick little idea. He threw out, and it's just a little idea, you know, but he, he, he's, I think his son has been [00:52:00] playing Eldon ring, um, and he is like, we just need to do the universe version of Eldon ring. And I said, sure, why not? Let's do that. Uh, you know, just a little idea.

But, uh, yeah, I mean, that game looks amazing to me. Um, like if and when I get to take a vacation, I might just hunker down and play that game for like two weeks.

Dotta: Um, so I wanna do, uh, I wanna do, uh, like a King's Quest version, like, uh, like a cobalt, cobalt quest. Do's great adventure. A point and click

Elf: adventure.

Fun, fun. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. There's, there's so many things to do. Um, Okay. Uh, I think we have another person who came up here. Thur, I can't see your full

Dotta: name. Um,

Elf: let's see. Oh, Milo of the Reach. Do you have a question?

I don't

Dotta: know if you can hear me [00:53:00]

Elf: give, who's coming up to Oh, and GI Ahoo. Yeah, GI Ahoo. It's coming up.

Dotta: Um, one of the things that, while we're bringing people up, I believe we have a special guest slated for Wizard Wednesday next week. Is it next week?

Elf: Yes, it is. Yeah. And is it who I think it is? It's

Dotta: who you think it is.

Oh. Who has not been named. And so, uh, you should come to Wizard Wednesday. If you come to Wizard Wednesdays you should for sure. Come next week. It'll be even better. Mm-hmm.

Elf: Yep. No, it's very exciting. Um, give a who, what's up man?

Cult Member: Hey, hows it going? How's it going guys? Hey. Um, so I had a quick question. Um, not, not to make things too serious or whatever, but it, it seems like, I mean, there's so much going on, it's so freaking exciting.

It seems like we're kind of at an inflection point, possibly, and like in the story of Forgotten Ruins, right? Like war, you know. Yeah. Beasts just came into the [00:54:00] arena, right? Like that's a humongous lore evolution. We have warriors coming the show. Like I feel like, um, I mean for, for really, you know, in a really, really great way, there's things that are coming that will kind of change the trajectory of this project and the community and the people.

I'm curious, like, do you have any kind of like thoughts or feelings or emotions or just observations about kind of where we are in our story? Um, kind of like what's happened so far, where we're at now, and then maybe what's to come any kind of anything that you guys are like, thinking about and holding dear as we kind of like venture into this new uncharted territory?

Um, and, you know, I don't know, just like that,

Elf: Yeah, for sure. I have a thousand thoughts on that topic. I, I, I figured you would. Yeah. Yeah. I, I mean, for, for me, like part of it was just about like, you know, when I talked about the Warriors coming into the universe today and how, you know, I think it's gonna be equally harmonious and discordant and we should just embrace all of it.

[00:55:00] Um, you know, that, you know, that's just a small piece really. Um, you know, we talked months ago about the three different paths that forgotten rooms will take in 2022. You know, one was the N F T path one's, the Technomics path, and one is just like the IP franchise path. We're, we're pursuing all of those simultaneously and we're making tons of progress on all of them.

I mean, I don't know, maybe, maybe next week or the week after I can go into detail about that, that sort of progress. But I don't know. Doda, did you wanna say something?

Dotta: Yeah, I think there's like two parts. One part is sort of like the narrative and story of like what is kind of the narrative of the ru deverse.

And I think that like as we've kind of had more time for production, we'll have more time to release those stories out. So for example, the first comic will be coming out this summer. We are getting better as a crew and getting more organized and producing those. And hopefully we'll be able to do the, like, subsequent issues faster.

And I think that the, the comic book is an opportunity for us to like share [00:56:00] more of the world and the story in a way that's like faster than a show. Um, at the same time, yeah, we are like, You know, hope, like we will be kind of announcing, um, a third sort of, let's say, partner in the show, um, development along with, so it'll be like Us Tip Mouse and this third partner which will be announcing and then, um, really we'll, what we'll be doing is, is putting together like a treatment, which is sort of like a pitch for a show to then go and pitch that to streamers and try to get the show picked up.

And so like, okay, the timeline on that is somewhat long, right? Like it still takes 18 months, two years before that shows up on your television. But at the same time, I feel like that's gonna be a very good way to kind of like, progress the story of the universe forward, but it's also like very far out there.

And then, so, so these will be like the things about, around like the stories and we'll, as we release new tokens and these ideas that we have to kind of like digest. On the other end, I think we also have this idea of like [00:57:00] digesting just new people coming into the community. It's very funny, like I'm very fickle on my own side, which is like, let's say maybe even 30 days ago, I'm looking at the Discord and like, it feels like family and I love everyone who's there.

But then at the same point feeling like, ah, did we stagnate? Like why is nobody new joining? Like why, why is it the same people? And like, you know, we, we, we, we, we, we ship and it's, but it's all, we weren't seeing necessarily the same like growth that we wanted. And I feel like the community wanted that too, which is like, we know that what we're doing is good work.

We are all the new people in, so then we start warriors and it is just full flood of new people coming into the Discord. For example, like I felt a little bit unsettled to be honest, over kind of like the state of the secret tower since last wizard Wednesday when we announced the Warriors drop. Like it's just been so many new people.

And so like, I think that like, It's real. Like I felt even maybe not fear, but like a little caution around wanting to make sure that we can kind of keep that like eternal big family [00:58:00] Christmas party vibe in the discord. And so I think that like, I don't wanna lose that when we get warriors, right? Like we still have to be able to keep kind of, um, that like warmness in that community feel like as long as possible.

Um, and I think that we'll be able to do that for, we will, we,

Elf: I'm not worried about it at all.

Cult Member: No, I mean, I think like, I mean, it's a, it's a totally good thing to worry about, right? But I think that the cult has, is built in a way where it's just kind of not possible. And, and it's interesting that you say that.

I mean, I, I work at like, um, I'm like a software engineer. I work at tech startups that go through hyper-growth and stuff and Right. And you see a lot of parallels between, um, like the tech industry and how crypto projects can kind of just blow up. And, and like, one of the hardest, hardest things about running any organization is scaling organizationally with humans, right?

They're very, very complex beings that are very nuanced. And to get people to kind of move in the same direction and have a good time and stay together and you know, is like, is literally impossible. No one's figured it out. But, um, [00:59:00] but you can tell when. Organizations are culturally scalable and which ones aren't.

And you see a lot of these projects that kind of, you know, it's like you see a lot of parallels. The, the hype growth brings in new people before they've been able to establish a foundation, a cultural foundation. Um, and, and you see the results of that. Um, the cult has not, has taken, you know, it's patented lo out floor approach and just continue to build, build, build, um, not only tech, not only a story, but a culture and a, and a and a, and a cult following.

And so I think, I think we're pretty well prepared for that stuff. So, um, so yeah, uh, I, you know, I mean, you, you, you worry about that and that's what allow, it brings you to the solution. But, but now we're, we're gonna be fine.

Dotta: Yep. Yeah, I think a big part of it is around like, Try, just try to, one of the things I've always tried to do since the beginning is like, articulate our principles.

Uh, right. You know, like when, and, and, and when someone says something, latching onto it. Right. I think it was Mags Wasier that [01:00:00] summarized this idea of Laura not floor, and that we were maybe fumbling around it, um, early on, but it was summarized so succinctly. And then that becomes something that we can all say to each other.

Right? And so then when the secret tower starts talking about, you know, over-emphasizing price over what we're building, everyone has that on their mind, like, lo not floor. And so I think that's part of it for me, which is around, you know, we can't tell people how to act, but we can try to sort of like infuse the community with a certain spirit so that even when like, I'm not in the discord or alpha's not in the discord, that spirit still remains and we can kind of like keep the integrity of what we're trying to do.

Elf: Yep. Speaking of, Lord, do we have a lo read today? Ooh. I don't know. I If you're scheduled to read, Lord, then uh, put it in a request. Um, Otherwise, I, I was, uh, you know, and I, I could talk about this for like another 30 minutes, but I, I think there is, for me, there's something to the idea that we are building a community around [01:01:00] universal archetypes.

And so yeah, subconsciously everybody sort of has this mutual understanding of what we are, whether they know it or not. Um, and I, I just think there really is something to that. Um, everybody sort of understands these archetypes and that alone brings a certain coherence to what we're doing. Um, but anyway, I, I, I could talk about that over there.

Yeah, totally.

Dotta: I'm with you. Yeah. Um,

Elf: damn. Do, are we not gonna have our lower person

Dotta: today? I, I guess not If anybody wants to read. Laura, you have 60 seconds before we start signing off. I

Cult Member: mean, we kinda two, two crows. Like, we kinda have the story from two crows, which like, true, I mean, basically if you swap in like, you know, a wizard for him.

I mean it's basically, I

Two Crows: I

Elf: agree. I was gonna say that was, that was some seriously two crows. Laura, today. Let's, let's, let's, let's say two crows was the lore master for today,

Dotta: right? [01:02:00]

Elf: All right, everybody. Um, well this has been

Dotta: Elk

Two Crows: and Lockness

Elf: lochness, two crows matsui, bam, bam. Channeling out from the quantum down.

Good night everybody.