Wizard Wednesday Episode 33 Transcription

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Wizard Wednesday Ep 33


Elf: [00:00:00] It's Wednesday, we are wizards and it is time for a weekly cult meeting. Wizard Wednesday. Hello. Channeling in from the quantum Downs. This is Elf. Hey Joda. And. Lochness and I see Tad major is up on the stage. Hey Tad. Hey Tad. Hey Kevin, to you straight from the technical welcome. Awesome.

Dotta: Today we're gonna settle once and for all.

Who has the more silky, smooth voice?

Elf: El Ordo. How is it even a debate? That's what I don't understand.

Dotta: I don't, I know. I, I was short Was you? But then I, I had a pretty good showing,

Elf: so I was a little shocked. I gotta say,

um, I guess I'll just have to try to be Oh, you want extra Soaky? No, you ended up winning here. Oh, I ended [00:01:00] up winning. Okay, great. Fair square. You were leading for a while. Yeah. Um, alright, well we have a really interesting, amazing show, uh, today. Um, oh, there's Bear Snake. Um, and, uh, Hey bear, what's up? Oh, he is connecting.

Okay. Just keep going. Uh, so yeah, we, uh, obviously we have a very special guest, uh, Christian Nan. Uh, we will intro him in the second half of the show today. Uh, but first we just want to get some updates and house cleaning out of the way. Um, so we wanna just talk about the Warrior Honoraries. We wanna talk about the Beasts, which is launching in six days.

Um, but first, real quick, I, I just wanted to quickly say, uh, we've got some really awesome merch, uh, in the work. [00:02:00] Some new shirt, designs, jackets, hoodies. Um, bear and Lochness have been, uh, really working on this a lot. And, um, they're, they're just looking great. So Bear Lochness, do you wanna say anything about those?

Yeah, I'm really excited for this round of merch. This will obviously be a carte merch. Um, it won't be like the merch we did last time in terms of like this special box. Um, although of course we make everything special, so keep that in mind. Special, but no box. Um, but yeah, it's uh, you'll be able to order them one at a time, um, and they'll be evergreen.

Yeah. Um, and that's, I think that's all we have just about the, uh, the merch. Oh, bears, bears getting kicked off and now he is coming back. Um, yeah. And then, so let's talk about, uh, the Beasts. [00:03:00] Um, so yeah, Dota, we, there's a lot of like technicalities and mechanics involved. Um, we've got. First, the, the gate for the Beast needs to be opened.

How do we open the gate? Doda? Ooh.

Dotta: So opening the gate is going to require group participation. So, uh, without revealing too many of the secrets, uh, you know, if you have a wizard with a key, you'll probably be happy. So, uh, but you know, a key alone is not necessarily going to be, uh, all it takes to open the gate to the seventh realm.

So, um, yeah, I would say that you wanna wanna be thinking about someone that you might be trusting as a partner to open the gate. But once the gate is open, then. The Beasts will be released. So we talked about this before. Season one is going to have seven beasts. We are for sure going to do more seasons, probably after Warriors.

Um, but, uh, [00:04:00] season one will have seven auctions. They're gonna be, um, it'll be, uh, an auction that runs for about 24 hours. Um, and, uh, at the end of that auction, then there is going to be Beast Spawn.

Elf: So, yep. And, and yeah, so, so, you know, the, the, you know, this auction may be seen as sort of a Whales game. Um, but that does not mean that the rest of community, the rest of the community cannot participate.

So whenever a beast is, uh, done auctioning, um, it will release Spawn. And I th I think each Beast release about 250 Spawn. Is that right?

Dotta: Uh, so I, each beast will released about 40 spawn.

Elf: Oh, I mean, oh, 250 total, right?

Dotta: Or, yeah. Yeah. They'll be, or they'll roughly be between 250 and 300 spawn total, right? Yeah.

Um, within this first season. Yeah. Yeah. And so for every beast after the auction is done, There'll be effectively an [00:05:00] airdrop of, um, 42 different spawn. Now, uh, who gets those spawn and how do we do it fairly? Um, so what happens is, is you can check in and those 42 spawn go to the holder of 42 different random wizards, right?

So there's 10,000 wizards. 42 of those people will randomly receive, uh, this spawn. But there's a twist, which is, it's doesn't get airdropped to your wall automatically. You actually have to claim it. And then the natural question is, well, what if someone, uh, earns the spawn and then they don't claim it?

The spawn claiming list rotates every day, every 24 hours. So that means if you didn't happen to win the spawn one day, uh, if there is some spawn that is not left, uh, that is unclaimed, then you can come back and check the next day. Um, and we'll just repeat that process with a new set of, of wizards every day until, uh, until the last.

Beautiful, cute little spawn has

Elf: been [00:06:00] claimed. Yep. So you gotta be vigilant, you gotta pay attention. This is not a passive event. Um, you wanna be very engaged with, uh, when the gate to the seventh realm opens. Um, but

Dotta: it should be really fun. The, the Beasts and the Beast Spa are really incredible, and they're like, you know, one of the reasons is one of the questions we've had, we've talked about is like, oh, maybe there should be like thousands and thousands and thousands of spawn, but, you know, I think we want to be able to tell stories about these creatures and they're, uh, well, maybe you could talk a little bit about like, the utility in story for

Elf: these elf.

Yeah. So, so, you know, as with all of our characters, the, the utility is always evolving and, and being added to, but, you know, and the beast will have their own like mechanics in utility. But, but to me, the most important thing is actually the, uh, Of course the, the lore in the world building potential of these beasts.

Um, these beasts are highly unique. They're highly rare. They're highly legendary. They are [00:07:00] one of ones handcrafted with no generator involved. Um, and even the spawn, they're also handcrafted. There's no generator with them. Um, however, they do have a very subtle rarity hierarchy. Um, so, but, but regardless of the, uh, legend stats of these cre uh, or regardless, the legend stats of these creatures is, um, is, is off the charts.

It's, uh, you know, it's, it's, it's immeasurable, it's timeless. Um, you know, you think about stories of beasts all throughout history, all throughout literature. Um, you know, en entire quests are often centered around legendary beasts. Whether, whether heroes are trying to find them, slay them, befriend them. Um, beasts often guard priceless treasures.

They devastate entire sit cities. They pulver the mightiest warriors, or they perplex the most cunning wizards. [00:08:00] Um, they can be friend or foe, good or evil, uh, but most often they defy cataract categorization. Um, Because they're their, their own unique, unpredictable thing. Um, so beast mythology is it's global, it's pan cultural.

It's, um, and yet it, it, it lives deep within the human psyche, epitomizing our hopes and fears and dreams. Um, and so, you know, as you can see, the, the, each beast has profound lore and world building potentials. So, you know, the, the forgotten ruins beasts in their spawn. What they, what's what's gonna be I think really fun is each of them will come with pre-written lore.

Um, but don't worry, this, this pre lore will be minimal. It'll be fairly generalized. And if you own one of these creatures, you'll still be allowed to add on to their story. Um, so if, if [00:09:00] you're the caretaker of one of these extraordinary creatures, As their lore master, uh, you'll be in this really unique position to level up these beings that are already legends in their own right.

Um, so, you know, these, these are, these are very different from all of our other character drops. Um, they just add a lot more variety and richness to the world that we're building.

Dotta: People are also asking for the unlocking ceremony if souls are supported. And the answer is yes. Uh, that if you have a soul with a key, uh, you know, the souls are the souls of wizards, and so they count just as well.

Elf: Yep, yep. And I don't know if we're supposed to say this, but if you help open the gate, then you will also get a mystery, uh, surprise nft if you participate in that. So yeah, the b it's, uh, the beast again, they launch in six days. The gate will open. I mean, I hope it opens. You know, one funny thing we talk [00:10:00] about is like, What if nobody ever opens the gate?

What if it takes like days to get it open? But then he also,

Dotta: I think it'll open.

Bearsnake: Yeah, we have a little, we have a little running, uh, be about when, how long it's

Dotta: gonna take for the guitar. Yeah, I think it'll only take like 20 minutes.

Elf: Yeah. Cool. Um, anything else on Beasts,

Doda Bear? Nope. I'm good on Beasts, so

Dotta: I'm very, very excited to, to release

Elf: them. Sweet. Um, and then let's talk about the, the Warriors Honoraries real quick. So, um, we uh, we have the little nomination contest going. Um, it looks like we've got our list of finalists. Um, I thought that list was great. Um, I think every person on that list deserves to be there.

Um, I'll also say there's like a lot of people who I was sad that were not on the list, but. You know, the, [00:11:00] the, that's just, you know, that's the way it is there. There's so many great wizards in the cult. Um, and, you know, maybe next time. Um, but, you know, I, I, I think the list was great. Um, but then, uh, yeah, so then after, after we, uh, we get the short, the finalists, um, I wanna talk a little bit about the warrior Customs that we'll be making.

Um, so we're gonna release a little guide, uh, on what to expect when you, uh, are, when you receive a warrior honorary. Um, maybe I can talk a little

Dotta: bit. Yeah, yeah, go for it. Talk a little bit about like the, the, the contest too, I think. Sure. That is that. Um, so I think there's two phases. The first phase, well, what this basically is born out of is this idea that like there are basically different roles for doing Honoraries, right?

Back in the early days. The original kind of reason that we did Honoraries in the first version of the Forgotten Foods Wizards Cult was basically to get our name on the map, right? It's a bit [00:12:00] of a hack at that stage, which is like, you know, you create, um, an honorary for D's for example, and then, um, you know, DE's probably like the project anyway, but it certainly helped, uh, get us kind of on his radar and that's like, helped the project quite immensely.

And so I think all of the honoraries that we sort of did, um, well maybe not all, but a good portion of the honors we did in the beginning. It was something like, you know, reaching out to people that we like, respected their tweets and opinions and, and, and, and, and then we get them to kind of like augment the project.

And then we also did kind of honoraries in the beginning, which was just like whoever was here, right? Like Nikita was here and he got this like gold Skelly, which he like still has to his profile pick Gremlin was here. Um, and he kind of had the idea for the fur. And it was literally just like if you were in the Discord and you were chatting with us, we're just like, who wants an honorary?

Yeah. And then like three year four people were like, Ooh, I would love it. Here's my idea. And like, we, we just made it. Right. Um, and so, you know, I, part of what we wanna do is as we grow one, you know, there's problems with giving it to [00:13:00] Honoraries, right? Like maybe the person that you, um, the person that you targeted to give an honorary does something that you don't really like.

Okay. For example, I don't think I've ever said this publicly. Um, when El and I were trying to, um, To when we were drafting up a list of influencers for the original, like project back in like May or June of last year. Um, I told him, I was like, I had a white whale in my mind and it was this person that was like, was like the ultimate influencer.

I was like, my number one goal is to get this person to, um, to, to accept an honorary from us. And I was like, every, every single person that I targeted was like trying to get this person, uh, to take an honorary from us. And you who that person was? It was Beanie. Yeah. That was my like, oh boy, number one oh boy, dream influencer for an honorary for the Warriors collection.

And so like, so you know, lessons learned, I suppose of like, you know, uh, of [00:14:00] like, you know, you can pick someone for an honorary and then sort of turns out a little bit later on that like you regret that choice. So, um, So, you know, we don't wanna, and then we had the whole conversation about like, you know, other, you know, celebs for doing honoraries, whatever, either here nor there.

The, the contest was basically born out of like, how do we keep that like small town feel of like, hey, everybody who's here, who wants an honorary, how can we make that fair? And so then it's hard cuz you have 10 people who get voted in and then not everyone gets voted in. And there's a lot of good people who should get honoraries who like didn't make the popularity contest.

But I think that's what we're coming from is like trying to let it be a community decision on like something that, you know, supports the people that are here. Um, yeah. So the first contest, actually, I, I feel that the results are pretty fair. I know that there's some questions around like, can you submit twice?

Do people cheat? Were all the people on this list that shouldn't have been. Um, you know, we can probably even publish the data from the first survey and it [00:15:00] feels like totally like the nominations originally. And then we did a voting that was like, maybe not as scientific as it could be. And so then we're doing another round where it's like a lot more like lockdown.

Um, so I feel really good about like, kind of the fairness of the results that are coming through. So I just wanna like, I dunno, address that before

Elf: we get further. Yeah. You know, I'll, I'll just add on, I, I, one of my favorite things about the Honoraries is it speaks to the collaborative legendary. A a lot of really fun ideas came out of the requests.

Um, you know, you know, gremlin's fur. Comes to mind. I love it. The burns are some of my favorite characters and yeah. You know, it's a, it's a, that's a vital part of the universe now. Um, so anyway, so, yeah. Um, but, but yeah, I, I wanted to talk just briefly about what to expect and, and again, we're gonna release a guide, but, um, you know, the, the, the most important thing is like, don't look at this as a way to gain a priceless N F T that's gonna make you tons of [00:16:00] money.

That is not what this is about. This is about aesthetics. This is about lore. This is about story. Um, this is about world building. Um, and so, you know, you, you've gotta, first of all, you've gotta stay within the confines of like, the roers. Don't suggest something that's just totally out of this world.

Although that said the rumor versus vast and, and, and eclectic. So, you know, you might, we might be surprised at the ways we can make things fit. Um, also it's gotta like, you know, be doable in pixel art. It's gotta fit the form factor. Um, you know, and, and it, and it should be warrior-like, um, you know, but, but wha you know, that that concept is flexible.

So, um, we're not super rigid on that. Um, but then, yeah, and then, and then as far as like the, like, you know, the Warrior's gonna be made up of head, a body, a weapon and animal companion, Aroon and a shield. Those are [00:17:00] all the parts that make up the Warriors. Um, so you, you can play within, within those, within those traits.

Um, But like, you know, here, here's the thing that could happen. Like let's say you tell me you want, you want like an eagle warrior, and so I draw an eagle head and maybe someone else tells me unknowingly that they want a hawk warrior. I'll probably use the same head for both of those. Okay. And so then if two people get back, like their eagle warrior, don't be upset that like, oh wait, mine's not super rare or unique.

You know, these things are gonna happen again. It's not about rarity, it's about you getting story storytelling. Yes. You getting your own warrior that then you get to turn into a legend. Um, you know, the, the, the one thing that will be totally unique though is you'll get to name it and obviously the name that you give your warrior will not be duplicated anywhere else.

Um, so anyway. Yeah. And if folks have, and you

Dotta: know, for the people who aren't the [00:18:00] 10 people who made that list, I think if you have ideas of things you wanna see in Warriors, please Yeah. Uh, mention them in the secret

Elf: tower. Yep. Yep, yep. Um, cool. I guess that's all there is on that. Um, before we introduce our special guest, is there anything else?

Are there any updates from the Bear Cave? Um,

Bearsnake: I don't speak unless the music is


Elf: for. Okay. Hold on, hold on, hold on. And, and you know what, I've got a special intro that, um, is spiting with, with our DJ theme today. Okay. Uh, it's time for our weekly update, um, from the Bear Cave on the beach.

Bearsnake: Oh my Lord. Um, well, hi everyone. Uh, so yeah, two, I'll keep it short this week. Two. Things I wanted to talk about. One is, uh, we've, um, we're like in [00:19:00] full tilt on planning the party in New York for NFT nyc. I definitely recommend if, uh, you were on the fence about coming or not. I, in my biased opinion, um, I think you should definitely make the trip.

We're definitely gonna blow it out. We have some really great acts that we're talking to in terms of performances, but more importantly, um, you know, we'll be launching our comic book there. Uh, and, and I think the, the goal here is to like, recreate the ethos of what this project is about. Creativity, um, and surprise and delight and, and all the things that, that, that make this, uh, project and, and everybody in it so special.

So that's really exciting. We really wanna like, try to reflect, um, in a physical space what the universe is. So that'll be fun. Um, and secondly, uh, I don't even know if I should, if I should like bring it up, but I'm going to, cuz I'm like bursting with excitement. But it looks like we found. Our showrunner writer for the television show.

Oh yeah. Let me just say I don't like cussing, [00:20:00] but holy shit. Sure. Um, this guy, uh, is um, quite an impressive person and we're lucky to have him. I think any, any project, any huge director who, you know, can get anything made would be lucky to have him come aboard and help craft what the world looks like. Um, and, uh, and so it's just, I'm just super excited.

But of course we have to go through and like do like some, some paperwork and stuff, but, um, we're planning on announcing that, uh, In the next, I'd say month or so, month or so. So I think you guys would be really happy. And, and I think what, what's really special and Aldo got to talk to him. Was that yesterday or the day before?

Yeah. Yep. Yeah. And, and I think what's really cool is when someone who is completely removed from, like our ecosystem, speaks the same language as us. And so he was just going into all these things about how he thinks about, like writing [00:21:00] scripts, how he thinks about characters, how he thinks about the hero's journey.

Um, he, and, and what's cool, he, he also like speaks in. Um, references to, to other movies, um, whether they're like a hundred year old movies or they came out last month and so that was kinda neat. But El Jodi, you seem to, you, you seem to sort of be excited and, and feel like he's the right guy. Yeah, yeah.

Dotta: I'm like too excited to talk about it because it's like we can't quite announce it in.

Like, I think one of the way I walk away from that meeting being like, you know, people don't realize that we're actually going to make a show. I think that was what I walked with in that meeting, being like, oh, every project says, you know, they're gonna do a TV show and it ends up looking like, you know, a $300 web comic on YouTube or something.

And it's like, no, no, you don't understand. Like you, you we're making a show with people that you've heard of before. And so it's so exciting and you know, it's gonna take some time. But I just was on cloud nine after that call yesterday.

Elf: Yep. [00:22:00] Yep, yep. Yeah, I didn't know Barry, you were gonna mention this today, but I'll just throw my twos in.

This guy is an unbelievable talent. He's already got several, um, films and TV shows out there, uh, that are good. And, you know, it's not only that, but it's like, yeah, we, we talked about his creative process in our meeting yesterday, and he's perfect. He, he approaches creativity in a lot of, like, the way I do.

Um, I, I feel like I'm really gonna be able to communicate with this guy very easily. We're on the same wavelength. We think about creativity in the same way. He's gonna be able to write these scripts a million times better than I can. Um, and I'm, yeah. No, he's, he's perfect. He's just perfect.

Dotta: He's perfect.

He's perfect. He also hasn't signed yet, so I think we're jumping the gun a little, but we are so excited.

Bearsnake: Yeah. Sorry guys. Probably wasn't supposed to say anything, but now we're forced to do [00:23:00] it. Um, so I, I think, I don't know if you guys are ready, but I know that we've been keeping our, our special guest waiting a bet.

Maybe we, we jump in.

Elf: Yeah. So let's invite him. No, let's do it. Let's do it. Ok. Okay. I've, yeah. So speaking of perfect people to join our project, to join the cult, oh, hold on. Let me, let me make sure he's, uh, as invited as a speaker. Okay. There we go. Did, did I do it?

Dotta: I don't know. So, Kristen, you were, yeah, yeah, go

Elf: ahead.

Kristen. I know you're here. I'm, I'm trying to invite you. Um,

Dotta: there's a little button where you have to accept the request

Elf: is the Clus. Hold on, Kristen. Okay. Hey. Um, okay. So we have a very special guest today, a new cult member to initiate. You may know him as the pirate. We, John Feeney in our show, our flag means death.

You may know him from Game of Thrones, the most beloved character in the show. [00:24:00] Hoor. I am very excited to welcome to the cult, a man who has left his mark on the world by holding the door. Witches and wizards here to put his room on the door. Christian Nairn.

Cult Member: Hello? Hello there. What an intro. Thank you.

Elf: Hey

Dotta: guys, I've been listening to your DJ sets all day. Uh,

Elf: I'm so

Cult Member: sorry.

So no funky. Did you enjoy them?

Elf: Oh,

Dotta: yes, absolutely. Yeah, absolutely.

Elf: No, I, I, I love progressive trance and, and I was watching the video of you just like doing all the stuff, like, I don't know what any of those buttons are on the, on the, the turntables and all that, but it just looks like so much fun.

Cult Member: That makes service actually, it just, it's like, you know, it's like face roll, you know?

Just see what happens. Right, right. I think I've been lucky for tenure or 20 years now. I just seem to [00:25:00] be able to press the right buttons.

Elf: So, so Christian, you know, that actually leads me to the first question. Were you a DJ before you started acting, or, or like

Cult Member: what came first? I mean, my career started in music.

I, um, I studied acting on music in college and music was always my first love, um, ever since I was a kid. And, um, I pushed that forward first. And, um, yeah, it's just, I've never really followed a career path. Uh, I'm not that type of person. I'm a bit too haphazard and chaotic for that. Um, so I've just been tumbling down a rabbit hole, uh, my entire life and right.

I've been very lucky. I feel, I feel like I've been very lucky and yeah, I've started off being a dj, uh, at, at somehow I ended up being an actor. Um, strangely

Bearsnake: how did that, how did that happen? So you're like DJing and are you like, cause you like tour all [00:26:00] over the world and I know you have like Radio Thrones and, and all sorts of stuff that way predates any, any acting stuff, but like how did that transition

Cult Member: happen?

Oh wow. I mean, well there was actually another career before I was a dj. Um, I actually was a drag artist, believe anal. Um, so, all right, so that was the theatrical side of it. I had an agent through that. Um, and he always sort of, he always. It well, it occasionally put me forward for, for roles and things. I wasn't really that interested, honestly.

Uh, like I, I nearly didn't go to the Game of Thrones audition. This is one of the stories they tell conventions. Like, I was, I was, I was literally on the way to meet my friends for lunch and he, he said, I've got an audition for you. I need to be there in 15 minutes. And I was like, I'm kind of hungry and I kind of wanna meet my friends for those.

And I like, How close was I to like messing the opportunity of a lifetime? And it really was in the [00:27:00] balance, really in the balance. And it just goes to show that you always should kind of say yes to opportunities like that cuz I was so damn close to say no. Um, and since that day, actually, I really don't say no to very much.

Um Right. You said, you said yes to us. Yeah. How could I not, you know, also,

Bearsnake: I think we should, we should just really quickly on that note, cause uh, you were just such a gentleman and awesome person from like the first second we spoke. Oh. And you really were open to like jumping in and understanding what we're doing and, and I just want to give credit like two crows who's probably on here, who's a friend, um, and mm-hmm.

Uh, amazing guy. He actually made the introduction to Christian. And so shout out to two crows for that. I really appreciate it. Shout out to two

Elf: Crows.

Cult Member: Yeah. Yep. No worries. I mean, it's not, I mean, I'm not the most techn technologically savvy person in the world, but, um, everything else is very much in [00:28:00] my personal area and my personal wheelhouse.

I've, I've always been a fantasy geek. Um, it, it's just, it, it just speaks to me volumes. So I, I felt very, I felt very natural in that way.

Elf: Yeah. We, we felt the same way. We, we had heard that you were into the, the fantasy genre. We heard that you're into video games, um, and you, you just seemed like, like a perfect fit for us.

I mean, I, I've even been telling Nicole out the entire Game of Thrones cast, you would've been my first pick if, if I was allowed to pick anyone. And, um, we're, we're just so thrilled that you walked. Yeah. That you walked through the door for us. And you're also a big fan of animation, which, um, yeah, which, yeah, you're doing the narration for our, uh, upcoming animated trailer.

Cult Member: That's right. Which was awesome. I, I mean, blew me away. I don't know if the guys haven't seen it yet, have the, the, the rest of the cults. No, we have not released it. [00:29:00] You're gonna love it. It's so good. I mean, I, I, I got so excited and got goosebumps when I saw it, you know? Uh, you, you're gonna love it. No, that's, that's what really sold me.

I was just like, this is so cool. Uh, you, you're, yeah. I don't even know what to say. You've got a lot to look forward to, guys. It's so cool. Well, I'm, I'm

Elf: gonna ask you to share the, the little anecdote from our record sessions so that the last line in the trailer is, um, they're putting their roon on the door.

And when, when I asked you to read that, what did you

Cult Member: say? Skip doors. Honestly, it's like everything I do has a door in it, mom, honestly, I mean, I know doors as even as a normal human being, doors are hard to skip on an everyday basises, but it just seems to be when I've a microphone in front of me or a camera on me, there's a frigging door somewhere.

Sites interact with. Yeah. But, um, yeah, I, I, [00:30:00] I can't complain. The doors have been good to me.

Elf: Yeah, yeah, exactly. Um, and then, uh, but yeah, I mean, yeah, we, we, uh, you know, we're really trying to take this show to the next level. Um, you know, if, you know, I we're, you know, I, I'm hoping that you we're gonna get you to do a voice in the show, um, as one of the characters.

Lovely. Um, yeah. Yeah. And then, um, I, I actually, I, I, if you don't mind, I wanted to ask you, uh, uh, I'm sure you've met George R. Martin right? Many times, right? Yeah. He's, you know, his work obviously is such an influence on this project. He's, he's obviously just a master world builder. Um, yeah, yeah. I, I'm, I'm curious like how, you know, I'm, do you have, do you have any fun anecdotes or anything about George that you can share?

Cult Member: I mean, George himself is a fun anecdote. He is a really great guy. [00:31:00] I always go on very well with him. Um, I dunno if it's a beard thing, but we are always gray beard attraction, but we'd always gravitate, um, to each other. I think. Um, when we go to events like premiers and stuff, I, I don't think that's really, that's really George's, uh, natural habits, not, it's never really been mine.

Mm-hmm. I think we could sort of see that on each other. Cause it would be, this is a bit weird, um, and Right. It was sort of connected that way and it just reminded me, oh, I, I love it when you can see someone's intelligence, uh, when you're talking to them and when you talk to him, you can see this sparkle in his eyes.

And he, he just loves what he does. And I really admire people's passion when they wear on their sleeve, when they're gonna see their passion in their eyes. And it just reminds me of like a little evil Ewok, you know, it has this malevolent intelligence. And it's very funny, right? It's very funny. Um, he's a great guy.

I mean, [00:32:00] Yeah, I, yeah, no, he, anecdote wise, I mean, I've been on stage with him many times and had to confess that I haven't read the books. Um,

Bearsnake: no one's

Cult Member: time to finish them, so I mean, I really, right. That's a very controversial, I that's an open up box. I've,

Elf: I've not read the books either, but I think I've seen the entire series at least three times.

Cult Member: Um, I'm on two. I did the Pandemic. I did, I did the Pandemic, I did the initial watch, and then I did the Pandemic Watch.

Um, I, I'm gonna watch it again. I, I get too emotional because I see it on a different level. I see it on, I see my friends and I'm sort of looking at their performances and remembering them, leaving the show and remembering what a shitty day this was and how cold it was with my muddy. And also, yeah, just how this time me, it's not all turned out.

And I guess me very emotional. I, I'm always like, like [00:33:00] my mom comes into the room and say, why are you crying? I said, oh, it's, oh, nothing, nothing, nothing. Just, it's just very emotional for me to watch it. I can imagine.

Elf: It was, it was so many years of, of your life that you're devoted to that I I can totally

Cult Member: imagine.

Yeah. And it was rough. It was, I mean, of all the jobs, I mean, it was my first big accident job, but I've done plenty since and I've never, I haven't even close to done anything so intense, emotionally intense. Uh, it was, it was a, a ball breaker,

Elf: right? Yeah. Um, you're probably not allowed to say, I think there's like a game of throne spinoff coming out.

Are, are you gonna make an appearance in

Cult Member: that? Not unless there's a, like a back to the future, Sal DeLorean. Um, and I mean, I dunno how ho is gonna do time travel. Um, no, I dunno.[00:34:00]

Elf: It takes place over, it takes like thousands of years. Previous to, to the previous story, right?

Cult Member: Or Yeah, but I mean, I don't think, I mean there's, there's sort of creating a different character methods, but was, I'm a pretty unique looking guy and I think if I appeared and, and, and the, the, uh, what do you call them?

The tar own ri I think they would, right. That's, that's Hodor, I mean, right? Yeah, exactly. No tar. That's Hodor. What's he doing there? What's he doing? Right. What's he doing? Riding the Dragon. Right.

Elf: Awesome. Um, cool. And then, um, and then I also, I I've heard that you're into gaming, right?

Cult Member: Oh yeah. I mean, it, it's, I love all computer games.

I, I, I have, I mean, I favorite bad if I don't have all the systems, um, I, I never play any of them. That's the thing I always give them to my friends cuz I only play Warcraft. At the end of the day, [00:35:00] I only play Warcraft and I admire lots of other games. There's only two games that have ever sucked me in completely.

And one was Jet Set Radio feature on the Dreamcast. I don't know if anyone's ever played that. Mm-hmm. It was, it was like a graffiti game set in futuristic, Tokyo, uh, and it was the most incredible game with an incredible soundtrack. And then after that, I got straight into Warcraft and I played a lot of games on, on the side.

Most games have played on the side, but I always go back to Warcraft, uh, world Warcraft. Yeah, I know it's in a bit of indulge at the moment, and, but I still, I still love it. I just, I can't, it has me, it has me. And that's all to do with lore and, and world building. And it's the same, anything that has that depth of lore and characters.

It just, it gets me. Yep.

Elf: Absolutely. Hey,

Bearsnake: cia, Christian Uhhuh. What was the first console and game that you bought? Like, what was the [00:36:00] thing that, like you played a game, like played the first game that you were like, okay, this is, this is for me, like

Cult Member: the first, the first game I ever had was a battery operated, l e d standalone of Galaxian.

Um, and then the second one was probably my mom always wanted me to be, so you have to get a bit of education with this. So she wouldn't let me get in Aari console. So she got me like a terror, I think it was an Atari Excel or something. Is that, was that the computer version? Yeah. And it has like a cartridge slot in it as well, but it had a keyboard.

Um, And she's like, you gotta learn program. But the only thing I ever learned to program was like, um, like I could, I could like say hello, print it and sort of make it go up and down the screen. And basic, that's as far as my pro program and skills ever went. Um, skills that I, [00:37:00] but I started off with Atari.

I, I stayed with Atari for years until I really couldn't stay with him anymore. Right.

Elf: Yep. So, yeah. Yeah. I, uh, I, I think I, I think I had an Atari when I was a kid as well, and it, but Nintendo really changed the whole game with, uh, super Mario Brothers. And it was, it was, uh, it uh, it changed forever from there,

Bearsnake: um, for me.

Is that, that was your game. That was your game. Alf was like Nintendo.

Elf: Oh

Cult Member: yeah.

Really? Got me.

Elf: My, my favorite of all time though is Final Fantasy. I, I love all those games.

Cult Member: I've never played Final Fantasy. I, I'm really tempted to play the MM. Over, isn't it the 14? I'm not sure which one it is, but Right. Really tempted to play the mmo. I've heard a lot of people talking about it, of lit, so.

Yeah. Yeah. I'm sure it's only a lot of time. Um,

Elf: so what if, what if [00:38:00] we open it up to the cult? Does, uh, does anyone want to ask Christian a question? Let's, we've got a request from, uh, Connor. Um, what's up Connor? Uh, he's connecting. Okay. Yeah. If one, did he wanna One

Dotta: question. One question from the cult. Uh, someone asked to ask Christian, how do you define magic?

Elf: Oh, interesting. Oh, wow. I know. Getting

Dotta: philosophical. Yeah, I know.

Cult Member: Um, Wow. Well, in in this world. In this world, it's, I think it's probably things we can't explain yet. Uh, maybe sort of tied in a bit with Supernatural as well. Um, things that would've been magic a hundred years ago or a thousand years ago. We might have explained though, with technology, and I mean, it's like how Marvel explains it.

Like, like the, as guardian magic is, like, it's almost like a type of technology there. See, I really am a geek. Um, yeah. You know, it's [00:39:00] kind of like a crossover. I, I love the idea of combining magic and technology. Um, yeah. But for me, to me, it's something you can't quantify, you, you can't explain, um, bringing down unseen energies, um, influencing other people without a hammer.

Yep. Yeah. No,

Elf: you know. No. E e exactly. Yeah. I, there there's a really interesting connection between magic and technology and some technology is so advanced that it seems magical. Um, yeah. Um, Dr. Pavlovsky, I, I saw you up here and then we lost you. I didn't, I hope I didn't kick you off. Um, are, are there any other questions, uh, Dota that you're seeing in the Discord or anyone else in the audience's asking me?

Dotta: Hope The Dolphin wanted to know your favorite movie? Pretty much everybody is just asking about your lore really. Everyone's like, is he gonna write lore? Is he gonna write lore? Okay. And I'm [00:40:00] like, yes, yes. He, he, he wrote it. So, you know, we, we can save that for

Cult Member: when you're ready. It's very short. But anyway, um, I, my favorite movie is really boring.

Um, and sometimes people get it. Sometimes people don't get it. I really love Lost in Translation. Oh,

Elf: that's a great movie.

Bearsnake: Fantastic flick.

Cult Member: It's just, it's one of those movies. It reminds me so much of life on the road and sort of being in strange, like, places that are so alien to you and being disconnected from your own time zone.

Uh, the weird things that happen in hotels. It speaks to me that way. And just great performances from everybody in the movie. And it, it definitely spoke to me in a way.

Elf: For

Dotta: sure. And you also like, uh, certain animations, right? Like when we talked last time, you were saying that there was, uh, that you like watching like cave.

Elf: Oh yeah.

Cult Member: What are someone those, their favorite like animations? I love the Doto one. I love the Dragons blood. Dodo one of, of Lit, I like the dragon prints of, these are the recent [00:41:00] ones that I like. Um, I mean from back in the day, I loved Battle of the Planet. That was one of my favorite ones. GForce, that was my, probably my favorite one.

Um, and the Heman and she, even the Shira one, I mean, uh, yeah, he, Heman was amazing. The new Shira? Yes. Um, I don't, I'm not really sure what I feel about that. Um, and even the new Heman, obviously Kevin did a great job of fan service there, but. I just felt it missed a bit of the old Heman magic, although it's the closest, the closest a new one has been to recapturing the old Heman, but it's just still missed something.

I mean, I, I think I probably missed Heman cause he was dead for half spoilers. Um, but that was a bit weird. Um, but yeah, I, I watch cartoons all day, all night. Uh, it's, it's just, it's great escapism Thundercats [00:42:00] this.

Elf: No, I love Thundercats. To this day, you haven't, um, done any voices for any animation yet, have you?

Cult Member: I've thought a few voices for Warcraft, um, but I Oh, okay. Awesome. Um, I have not, no,

Elf: no. Okay. We hope to change that.

Cult Member: Yeah. You're, you're changing my, my, um, voice virginity in that respect. So sorry, Dr.

Elf: Popowski. Uh, Christian, I wanna know, uh, who's your favorite wizard of all Time

Cult Member: Hand? Yes. I don't have the think of it.

I do love Ragas, and that's kind of what my wizard made me think of a little. Um, I sort of, yep, maybe had him in my mind when I chose, chose my wizard, but, um, I, I love Ragas. I love how he is portrayed in the movie as being such a gentle soul. But, um, when he got, when, when, when Shit got down, he, um, [00:43:00] is not to be messed with.

You could see, um, I love rabbits, which is a weird thing to say. Not in any sort of way, but, um, I do, I do like rabbits.

Elf: Rabbits are great. Uh,

Cult Member: ze great. Rabbits have changed, by the way. How's it going? Sorry.

Elf: Um, yeah, I had a question for Christian. Um, uh, would you

Cult Member: say that

Bearsnake: like in the past, like when character building on some of these MMOs and

Elf: even just real life, do you akin more

Cult Member: to being a wizard or a warrior?

Oh my God, I'm definitely a magic user. I am not, I don't like getting down and dirty. I like to stand back and throw lightning bolts at people. Nice. That would definitely be me. Um,

Elf: and, and, and, and sick your magic rabbits on them.

Cult Member: Yeah. And also I tend to play characters that don't look at anything like me.

I'll play like a, a blood elf or I'll play like a goblin or you know, people are like, oh, I bet you plays like an or [00:44:00] tank. I'm like, I bet you don't. I bet you don't. Um, so, uh, yeah, I, I just like to do things that are. Uh, definitely magic beast. Um,

Elf: well, okay. Yeah. So Christian, we've got about 15 minutes left.

Um, uh, so yeah, everybody, Christian was kind enough to write some lore for his wizard. Um, you know, I just think it's awesome. Um, and so

Cult Member: excited that that's okay. Whatever you That's fine. We,

Bearsnake: yeah, we, we, we typically, at the end of every, every single wizard Wednesday, we have a couple people come up so you can kick off and, uh, I think we have some other people lined up that can follow up after.

Cult Member: Okay. You have behind, this is my first time, so if it's five, don't tell me, or else I'll probably, there's no cry. We'll be, we'll be gentle. Alright. I don't believe you for a, okay. Are you ready? [00:45:00] We're ready. Ready? Oh, okay. Right. The lo of conjure you say of the brambles and as rabbit signal. I called the rabbit signal by the way.

Um, the wizard we speak of is not easily find. You must venture deeper and farther off the well rather than the everyday path to find him, and then only if he wants to be found. Elise is a kindly man. He loves all animals and plants, but none more than his friend and familiar signal. A suspiciously large brown rabbit.

A signal is his warning, his lookout, and occasionally his partner and magical deeds. Rumor has it that lace was not always arine wizard. Uh, and this can be seen on occasion, um, through failure and frustration with magic. His efforts tend to ignite what he's trying to men. And however, as [00:46:00] as, as mentioned, he's a kind man and it's very unlikely that he would unleash an infernal on you.

Um, in fact, most of his days to death are spent undoing the damage caused by others to his beloved nature. And if you're lucky, he might even heal you. Um, sometimes a little suspicious and people wary. It's best to state your intention and put your best foot forward as soon as possible. I should. You meet him.

There you go.

Elf: I love it. I can definitely see the, the raagas influence.

Cult Member: Yes, it's beautiful.

Elf: But, but I wanna know what, what does he do with the apple that he's holding? Is that just a snack for later?

Cult Member: It's a, it's jewelry, um, here. Right. I think actually I was gonna write that in actually. I think he might have a magical tree in, in back, which could possibly be the source of his power.

Um, excellent. [00:47:00] I mean, that could be like his manna. He needs to keep himself stocked up on apples. Yeah.

Elf: There you go. And, and then, and then what's, what's the, uh, significance of the name signal for the rabbit?

Cult Member: Well, rabbits are inherently, um, danger Warners or they're over, they, where they sort of hammer the ground and let people know that, that their, their warren buddies know so he can sense danger from miles around.

And so he's his signal. He's um, he's very perceptive of magical threats, everything, and, and maybe damage to the environment. He, and he can sort of alert you least to all that. Um, got it. So that's why it spells it's a practical name.

Elf: Excellent. I love it. I love it. Yeah. It's, yeah, I think, uh, I don't know. I, um, I mean, how amazing would it be if you could actually voice this character in, in the show?

I mean, that's, that's so much fun. [00:48:00]

Cult Member: I know my love. And he's got a beard. Gimme the rabbits.

Elf: Yeah.

Cult Member: I can make a very carrot, carrot chomping noise. Yeah.

Elf: You wanna do the voice of the wizard and the

Cult Member: rabbit? Oh yeah. I mean, I'm so the rabbit,

Bearsnake: rabbit talks. Yeah, I bet the rabbit. I bet the rabbit talks. I think we need you to be

Cult Member: talking animals. Well actually said suspiciously large rabbits was, I think that's kinda a loaded statement for the future.

Um, why is he so big? Um, I mean, he is really big. He's, he's a very large rabbit. I think when he hits the ground, anyone can hear. It's like thunder. Oh, nice. He might not actually be a rabbit. He might actually be like a rhino dress, dress

Elf: rhino. I love it. Just feed him enough apples. And I think I'll get there.


Cult Member: That's

Elf: so great. [00:49:00] Um, is there, is there any other, any other questions from people? Um,

Dotta: I, uh, no. The chats, the chats was mostly asking for the lore and we got it. We love it.

Bearsnake: Thank you. And also, the other thing that Chad is doing is like, every, every time you answer a question, they're like, that's the perfect answer.

And Oh, we love you every because we're watching, we're in discord watching the secret tower, so everybody's in there shedding away. So we're, we're so happy to have you, Christian, as part of what we're doing. Um, I'm very happy to be here. Yeah. And we're gonna do, there's, there's lots more to do together and, um, you know, we absolutely love you.

Elf: Yeah. I, I was, I was reading, I was, I was reading earlier, I think it was Dr. Pavlovsky in the chat, uh, earlier today. He was like, I think he said, I, I was kind of nervous about who this celebrity would be. Um, he, he, I think he [00:50:00] said like, actually, Dr. Popowski, do you wanna say what you were saying earlier? Was it even you?

Yeah, yeah, yeah. It was me. I, I was so hyped. Cause you sounded hyped when you, you were talking about Putin narrator was without saying his name. Uh, so I was scared of sitting myself for, for too much high. But when you, when you, uh, delivered on the name, I was so excited. Yeah. It was, was just perfect. You know.

Um, it's somebody that, that, you know, uh, would like the wizard, feel like a genuine, uh, person. Good recognizable, uh, voice, played a character in a, in a fantasy setting. You've got the game of trolls, prequels starting again, like, uh, soon, which will put it back on the map. Like it's just, yeah. Um, ideal.

Cult Member: Yeah.

Well, thank you. Yeah. And

Elf: it, it's, it, it, it's cuz it, yeah. It, it, it, you know, it can be a tricky thing bringing a celebrity into a brand or whatever, cuz sometimes it's, you know, not a great [00:51:00] fit. Sometimes it's just kind of awkward. But, but we all think like, you're, you're just perfect. Um, so,

Cult Member: you know, you're far too kind, but I really appreciate it, honestly.

Thank you. Yeah.

Elf: Um, okay. Tad, it looks like Tad has a, has a question or comment. Yeah. Um, what's up Tad? Hey, I actually wanted to, uh, just say Christian awesome to, uh, have you award. It's, it's so, so interesting to hear perspectives of people that are coming to this from such different places and, and backgrounds and, uh, as, uh, a fellow bearded man and someone that at some point in my past I had turned tables and did amateur DJing and then stumbled into healthcare.

And now I'm, I'm playing in, in Web three and Wizard Gland. Um, I appreciate someone that stumbles down a rabbit hole and, and looks for opportunities and see where you go. So I think just we're all so excited to, uh, you know, to have this, this kind of collaboration with you and, and to bring you in. Um, it's, it's really exciting for [00:52:00] all of us and, and very cool.

And, uh, I just think it speaks to what this cult is all about. Just, um, we've always strived to be, uh, a place that's inclusive and, uh, a place that allows space for, for everyone to come and join to, to bring whatever talents they have, whatever skills, whatever abilities. And, uh, it's just always been amazing to see how people have connected and, and how those things resonate.

And just how we can all kind of lift one another and further everyone's goals and kind of take, you know, we all, we all get further if we all work together. So, uh, it's just a really exciting time in the cult and, uh, super good, super cool and interesting to meet you. Uh, loved everything you said today. It was, it was really interesting and, and we look forward to everything we do.

You. Yeah. Super

Cult Member: cool. Nice to meet you too. Hopefully catch up sometime.

Elf: Yeah, yeah. Come to Christian Win. York City next show. Christian. Pardon? What's your next show? When is

Cult Member: your next show? Uh, my next show. Wow. You know, really, I [00:53:00] haven't actually really started to DJ again since the pandemic. Um, I'm, I'm working on tracks at the most.

Um, I have a new track coming out on the fifth of the fifth of um, what, what month is this?

Elf: April now.

Cult Member: Okay. Is May the 5th of May. What year is it? No, I'm like really? Yeah, sorry. 22. Yeah. Okay. I've got another track coming out. It's a remix of, uh, ferry Coron and Morgan Page, who I think Morgan Page is quite big in the States.

Um, I've got a remix of one of their tracks coming out called Winded. It's like on the 5th of May. Oh, it's really good. So that's the next thing. And then hopefully I'll start the DJ again after that. I'm, I'm not really gonna be doing the River Throne thing, um, probably anymore because, you know, I'm trying to get away from, I'm not, obviously I'm not trying to get away from Game Thrones cause it's awesome, but, Just kind of wanna be more, um, obviously Pirate show.

Maybe I could do wave of films. [00:54:00] That's terrible. That was a terrible joke. Chicken. Chicken. That was a joke.

Elf: No, I, uh, I, I haven't, I haven't seen, um, the, uh, our, our flag means death yet, but from, from the previews I've seen, it looks amazing. I, I love pirate movies and pirate shows. Um, do you wanna talk about that's

Cult Member: been, yeah, well, was just fine.

Right. That's, that's the most popular in the show in the US at the Mouse. Um, on it hasn't even had the rest of the world yet, really. Uh, only where HBO is present and we haven't even had it here. It's so weird publicized on something and none of my friends have seen it because it's not really right here unless you, you downloaded off the internet here.

But, um, yeah, it's just, you know, it's a super inclusive show. Everyone's represented it, but it's not. In your face. It's just mm-hmm. Because life at say was weird and mm-hmm. You had all walks of life there, and it didn't [00:55:00] matter what color, sexuality, whatever you were, you were all just through together in this boat.

Um, and I think people really appreciate that sort of the honesty of it and, uh, just it's, it's warm and it's funny and it's, you know, I didn't know how it was gonna be received, but the fandom, the fandom is taken off far quicker than the Game of Thrones fandom kicked off. Um, I I'm really, I'm really impressed.

I really, and people are loving it. It's really funny. If, if you like Taka, if you like ta, what sort of dry kiwi sort of humor you got, like what we did in shadows at the hum of the Wilder people or Flight of the Concords. You're gonna love it. It's so offbeat. Yeah.

Bearsnake: He's such a talent. He's got such a unique, like, unique way into comedy.

He's, he's a genius.

Cult Member: I mean, the only thing, the only way I would say you might be disappointed is if you're looking for a historically correct pirate show. If you're looking for gritty like [00:56:00] swashbuckling, you're probably looking at the wrong show. So,

Elf: well that, that's why I loved the Game of Thrones, cuz it was so historically accurate, so.

Mm-hmm. No,

Cult Member: I, no, I,

Elf: I it looks great. Um, NAX, uh, do you have a question or comment for Kristen? Yes. Hi. First of all, hi there. Thank you for being here, and it's really nice to have you here. Um, that was my question about how you define magic and, and you say you're a magic. Yeah. And you say you're a magic user, so I'm curious if you wanna talk about how you use magic in your life, or how you see it working in your life?

Cult Member: Well, you know, I, um, I, I'm, this is a hard question for me to answer actually. I don't mean hard because I don't wanna answer it. I, I just don't know how to put it correctly. Um, I am into, I'm, I'm not a religious person. I am, I am a, [00:57:00] I would say I'm a little bit spiritual in a weird sort of way. Um, I'm, I'm a very, I'm a very Celtic person.

I definitely am descended from DRDs. I know that's, I know that there's been too much in my life that's pointed me in that direction. Um, too, too many coincidences. And even the house I bought is, um, unknowingly right next door to the, a massive drood graveyard, which I didn't even know what bought the house.

Um, anyway, I just, If you come to a place like Ireland, um, and lots of places in like, places like Man Shasta and America, uh, you know, all, there's places where you can feel natural energy and it's tapping into that for me. Um, it's all about positivity and, you know, it's, it's using whether magic is real or not.

If you can convince yourself into your mindset, if you want, you can achieve what you want to achieve. Doesn't matter whether to me, whether it's magic or not. If I cast a spell and it just triggers an intention in [00:58:00] my head that becomes true because of positive thoughts. Does it matter whether it's real magic or not?

Um, magic can be defined in that way as well, I think. I mean, yep. It's doesn't matter to me whether it's real or not. If, if I want to cast a spell and it puts me on a certain path, that's all. That's all it is for me, really. Um, I would love lighting both to flat in my fingers, especially when I'm in like in, in the key for McDonald's drive through and stuff like that.

I mean, I, I would love magic to be in, in that sort a sort more literal way, but I haven't figured out how to do that yet. I, yeah, sort give myself a hernia trying to make it work. But, um, yeah, it's, but that's her sort of thing. It's, it's sort of, it's, it's, it's the mobilization of intention there. That's a good way to put it.

Mobilization of intention and bringing it into the real world.

Elf: Yep. Yep. You know what, actually, I think, uh, I think Alistair Crowley, the famous Wizard, [00:59:00] um, actually defined that ma magic in that way. The mobilization of your intention. Uh, something like that. Um, it's, it's a paraphrase. I, I think so. I think, I think so.

I think you may have just channeled Allister Crowley. But then again, you are Aru the

Cult Member: first time

Elf: rediscovered.

Dotta: Um, well I think that is a perfect way to close this

Elf: out, ex. Yes, that's what I was gonna say. We've, we've just hit time. Um, but Christian, that was an excellent answer. Um, excellent question. Na. Um, so yeah, thank you so much.

Um, it's, it's been great. It's been

Cult Member: fun. Yeah. Likewise guys. It's been nice to meet you all. It, it's so

Elf: nice to meet you and, um, I, uh, I look forward to other things we might work on in the future. Um, I'm gonna bring us out with, with the, uh, the progressive trans beasts of Christian. This has been elf, [01:00:00] the, the drag major ta, major Bear Snake, Dr.

Pop Laski Lochness Matrix, channeling out from the Quantum Downs gm, everybody.