Wizard Wednesday Episode 25 Transcription

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Wizard Wednesday Ep. 25


Elf: [00:00:00] It is that time everybody. It's Wednesday. We are wizards, so let's have ourselves a cult meeting channeling in from the quantum downs. It is Elf and Dota for this wizard Wednesday. Uh, bear Snic. Are you here too? I

Dotta: see him here.

Elf: I there.

Bearsnake: He's, I am in full form, full form. Little tired, I'm not gonna lie, but I'm ready

Dotta: for wizard.

Elf: Half, half, half snake.

Dotta: Um, that's a lot. That's a lot of

Elf: the mathematical anomaly. So on the light of the third day, I looked to the yeast and Doda had put my soul on a pony. But not only that, we have ponies covered in Ectoplasm, ectoplasmic, slime donuts, riding ponies and ponies in coffins. Doda, what do you think of the souls on ponies?[00:01:00]


Dotta: they are just adorable. You know, one of the things I think is so funny is that you and I will put little Easter eggs in, uh, and the cult finds them like immediately. Like I was hoping that like the undesirable ponies would be like a surprise, you know, people discover tomorrow or something. And it was like within the first two minutes of people were like, oh, we gotta

Elf: try this slime.

I know. Yeah. I noticed that as well. It, like, all of it was discovered right away. Yeah. But, but yeah, I, uh, I had so much fun making those, um, because number one, I, I just love the souls collection so much. The, the more I look at it, the more I love it. Um, you know, it's, it's given us this whole new cast of characters.

That just expand the world. And then I, I just think they're really good looking characters if I do say so myself. [00:02:00] Um, I, I, I tried to limit the palette so that it's mostly focused on purples and greens, um, which I felt were really ghostly colors. And so that's one reason I think they feel very coherent.

Um, but then, yeah, seeing them ride the ponies is, it's just got this whole new effect that's really fun. It's, it's, it's really great seeing a skeleton or a ghoul or a lit riding a pony. Um, and then, yeah, and then we were like, after we got all the main soul characters writing, we were like, oh shit, what do we do with the undesirables?

Um, and so we just started brainstorming really fun things to do. Um, and so, yeah, I love the, uh, the little field of flowers that they're in. I love the coffins. That's hilarious. Um, the orbs are super cool. Um, you know, and this is just what I love about this project, just coming up with these really fun, creative things.

Giving them new functions, giving them new life, um, [00:03:00] and just seeing new ways to use these things just all the time. It's so much fun.

Dotta: Yeah. And, uh, it's also good to be able to have just like another moment where we can kind of explore, um, you know, what it, what the undesirables mean. Like I think the orbs, for example, the spirit orbs are a good example of, like, you, you, you're able to use the spirit orb and it really lights up your pony.

And that just like hints towards all this future potential to those souls.

Elf: For sure. Yep, yep, yep. That's what's fun about this space is just, it's just, it's constantly innovating, constantly growing, constantly being added to. I love it. Um, so yeah. And just, uh, okay. So on another note, shifting gears, um, I'm sure most of you saw, we tweeted today that we were, there's an article in Vogue business about, uh, burning, burning mechanisms.

Yeah. It's fun. Yeah. It's really cool that they asked [00:04:00] us of all people to explain burn mechanisms, um, cuz like, clearly Vogue wants to use a burn mechanism for something totally different. And so I love that they came to us though to get just like a unique perspective on what burning tokens can be. Um, but yeah, I enjoyed, uh, talking to that writer.

Um, what'd you think about? So

Dotta: we, yeah, it was Megan, uh, and she, she was really sharp and, you know, um, had a lot of really interesting questions. I think it was actually bam, bam that introed us to her. Yeah. Um, it was,


Bearsnake: was so shout out to Awesome. Thank you. Shout out to Band man. And then also fun, A fun little, uh, anecdote is, I was not on the interview, so I'm being quoted.

I think she put do's words in my mouth, which really uncomfortable. It feels like I'm chewing teeth. Cause No, no, he just has a, he has a way, he has way better, uh, time with words, but, uh, that was doda. It was not the

Elf: bear. That's fine.

Dotta: Yeah. We speak as [00:05:00] a, we speak as a unit. Um, but I think, yeah, there are so many interesting ideas in, in the burning space.

I think, you know, one of the ideas that she brought up that I thought was interesting outta that conversation is she was like, oh, have you heard about, uh, you know, uh, meta Burkins? And I, you know, I hadn't, um, but uh, my wife knew right away like what Birken bags were. And um, and she was saying, oh yeah, like Burkin is suing meta burkins over, um, Over, like basically infringing the design of their bags.

And she was like, could they, could they get them all off the market by buying them all up and then just like burning them? And I was like, well, kind of right? Like anyone in crypto hears that immediately and you're like, well, Technically yes, but practically no. Because as soon as you start buying them up, all of the people who own them already are going to like, think of them as even more valuable before, and they're gonna make you pay, um, an arm and a leg, and you might not even be able to afford buying them all.

And so, One of the things that I suggested [00:06:00] is, um, if Birken wanted to kind of issue, like if Birken wanted to get meta Burkins off the market, what they should do is they should issue their own, you know, official birken bag NFTs and then require that someone burn a meta burkin to get one or provide an incentive for burning a meta burkin.

And that's a way you can kind of judo move and take your competitor off the market while then providing something that's even more valuable. But she said, no, they're probably not gonna do that pro, they're probably just gonna sue them. So, you know,

Elf: that's, that's such a legacy way to do it. Yeah. Um, yeah, it was, yeah, it was very cool.

So yeah, I, I don't know if you guys have noticed, but I started a press channel in our Discord where I'm, I'm keeping all the articles I can find about Forgotten ruins. So, Um, it'll be a nice little archive if you wanna share articles with newcomers or whoever. It'll all be in that press channel. Um, so yeah, I put the Vogue article there just this morning.

Um, okay. [00:07:00] Another cool thing that's happened lately is the Book of Lore survey that we put out. Um, awesome job guys. We got so many responses on that. Um, I'm so glad we did it. You guys really put a lot of thought and effort into this. Um, it's, uh, the results are still coming in, so we're not, I'm not gonna fully divulge all of our learnings just yet because I still want any late comers to have a chance to fill out the, the re the survey.

Um, but, but I'll tell you my first impressions so far, um, they're, they're more or less what I expected, which is a good thing. Um, And I think like one of the biggest reasons we're doing this survey, uh, is to answer this question, which is, uh, should we implement an archive or erase feature, uh, for current wizard owners in the book of Lori?[00:08:00]

Um, that is, if you buy a wizard with previous lore, what options should you have in dealing with that lore? This, this is a question that we think about a lot, um, and I, I think I've seen a lot of chatter in the cult dealing with this question. So, you know, it's, it's something that we're, you know, we're, we're addressing.

Um, the survey is, is a, um, part of the way we're dealing with it. Um, and, uh, and, and, and so personally, one question that really stood out to me in the entire survey was, It was just, uh, about ranking your primary reasons for creating lore. Um, I, I, I personally just wanted to know like, what's the biggest reason you create lore?

Why do you do it? What's the biggest motivation for doing it? Um, and according to the survey thus far, the number one reason is simply that you enjoy the act of creation. And I think that's fantastic. That would've been my top reason. I think that is the best reason to create [00:09:00] anything is you simply enjoy it.

Um, and so I'm really glad that, that, uh, that answer is like at the top of the list. Um, Because I think like that's, that's the kind of spirit we need to propel this project to the Citadel. Uh, you know, they say that community is everything in the N F T space, and I think the best way to build a community is to galvanize it around a passionate purpose.

Um, and then what else is great is the number two reason, which again, I think is, is this, this is the perfect number two reason, uh, is because you enjoy, uh, the collaborative, legendary, you enjoy building the world. I'm so glad that that is the number two reason, because that's the whole mission of this project.

Um, so, so anyway, the survey's going really great. I, I'm not gonna say too much more because I don't wanna sway the opinions of anyone who hasn't filled it out yet. Um, so if you haven't done so, [00:10:00] please go to the announcements channel in our discord. Uh, there's still time to fill it out. Um, dot or bear, do you wanna say anything about it?

It's interesting when

Dotta: you say, uh, this idea of like, should we have an archive or a race feature? Um, you said this is something we think about a lot. This is like a very, um, gentle way of, of putting it. So one of the things about EL and I is that we are very like, open with one another about our opinions

Elf: and we're both

Dotta: very like, passionate.

And so, um, yeah, so like, I think I've said this before, you know, there are times where we'll get into like near fist fights, over sort of like, should there be bubbles of like beer, like over the pixels of like a, a tankered or something, you know, like, and we'll like have these huge arguments or whatever.

And, and part of the reason why, you know, uh, uh, El and I will probably be together forever is because we can actually have these like knockout drag out debates and we feel so [00:11:00] differently about it in the beginning. And then like we generally come to some like agreement, but then also we're like happy to kind of like.

Like, not, not even, not even forgiven. Forget so much as just like work through it forward and like seeing the other person's perspective. It's like grow together actually is how

Elf: I think it. Yeah. Um, yeah, for for sure. I mean, well for my part, like whenever we have these arguments, I don't take any of it personally.

Like, it never offends me personally because I, cause I know that we both want the same thing, which is the success of the project. And I've, oh, sorry. Yeah, go ahead. Go ahead. Uh,

Dotta: I've, I've read that like, um, Uh, like Pin and teller, like don't like each other. Um, or that like, like Jamie and Adam from like, MythBuster, same thing.

Like they just can't stand each other. And I'm, and I'm, and they create these like really wonderful things as like a pair, even though they're so different. And I'm, I'm

Elf: thankful that we're not like that. Like actually, yeah. No, we do not dislike that. Not be like, [00:12:00] it's not animosity. Yeah. Yeah.

Dotta: But I do think of those like creative pairs where it's, it's because of that kind of like, Uh, yeah.

Two different ways of viewing the world that like come together to create something magical.

Elf: For sure. Yeah. Yep, yep. And, you know, and that, and that's again, another part of the reason of the, of this survey is cuz you know, we, we, it's, it's one thing, you know, for each of us have our opinions, but we, we really, what's more important is what does the cult think?

What do you guys want? Um, and so this, this survey really helped clarify a lot of that. Um, so anyway, I think we'll, we'll dive more into it next week once all the results are in and, you know, there's a lot to go through. Um, I dunno, bear, did you have anything you wanna say?

Dotta: No,

Bearsnake: I mean, I just, I'm pretty, I'm, uh, you know, I stand in, in between you guys from, from stopping the fist fights, but, um, you know, yeah, like

Cult Member: the middle, like the middle child.

I'm the middle child.

Bearsnake: I'm the middle child. Yeah. Um, which is, which has always been my role, like in [00:13:00] life. Um, I, I rarely get like super outta about something. Um, but no, I think this is it. It's, I I, I know that you guys have, have said this, but for everyone listening, it has been a, like a, a long debate in conversation and I think, I think to myself like, are we getting overly philosophical?

Are we complicating it? And I always end up coming back to the point of, of the answer is no, because I think it takes that kinda dialogue. Um, you have to go really, really deep to find, sometimes to find the, the simplest answers and solutions. Um, and so I'm, yeah, I'm excited. The data is really interesting.

Elf: Yep. It's very cool. Yeah. I wanna do more of these surveys cuz I, I just love hearing you guys' input. Um, so Bear Snake, I uh, I noticed a slight echo on your, your voice and it, are you in your office now? Is that, is that where the echo's coming from? [00:14:00] Tell us, do you wanna tell us about your office?

Bearsnake: Yeah. Yeah.

All right. So I mean, it's kind of. Maybe the Magic Machine, uh, wizard, real life place. The first place is gonna be materialized, but yeah, I, I am in Los Angeles, uh, as well as as el for the time being. And we, we kind of have like our first sort of real i r l place. I go here every single day. It's empty, hence the echoing.

Um, I'm not, no, I'm not in the bathroom. On was a Wednesday. I'm just in my empty office. Um, but yeah, it's, it's a, it's really cool. It's, it's, it's on the west side of Los Angeles, not too far from the ocean. Um, elf came and, and gave a visit yesterday, which was great. Um, and, uh, you know, I hate being the guy who's always like, uh, teasing things.

I'm not giving details, but I will do it because I think, um, not only will it be an office, but I think there, [00:15:00] there'll be an opportunity for us to build this out, um, into a place where anyone can come in and sort of, uh, you know, we're talking about doing a popup, a wizard popup shop here in Los Angeles, uh, you know, in the early summer, late spring.

And I'm so stoked. I'm just like looking at bare walls and, uh, imagining what could, what could be. So, um, hopefully if you guys, uh, are in, in the Los Angeles area in the coming months, we'll be able to invite you in and. Um, there'd be some cool stuff to see.

Elf: Yep, yep. I saw his face yesterday. It's a, it's an awesome little space.

Bear Snake has some really cool plans on how to, um, dress it all up. Um, and he, I, he already had like four different projects laid out on the table that he is pursuing. Um, and you know, bear Snake is the kind of guy who will just like, make phone calls to various people all day and just [00:16:00] make amazing shit happen.

Like lately he's just been DMing Dota and I saying, I, I've got a call with Sono so-and-so I just set up a, a deal with so-and-so and it's just like dot and I are just like, oh my God. Like neither of of us never would've been able to make these things happen. Yeah.


Dotta: great. And so, yeah, one of the things we like, if as we

Elf: sort of have more like.

Oh, I think you cut out. Dota fell out the outta that place there.

Dotta: Oh,

Bearsnake: Doda, you, you cut

Elf: out? Yeah. What'd you say? You think he's gone? He's, he's either

Bearsnake: messing with us or he, his internet's going

Dotta: out. Yeah, sorry. Uh, there, I was just saying though, like, so one of the things we're working on right now is like new Wizard merch and you could imagine a scenario where in a year from now you could go visit, uh, bear Snakes Wizard Cave and uh, pick up some wizard [00:17:00] marks.

Elf: So that'd be really fun. Yep, yep, yep. Exactly. Um, Yeah. So, yeah. And it's, it, yeah, it's great. So Benic is, is pursuing a lot of paths. Um, you know, we've talked about the IP slash franchise path. Um, you know, that path is like the, the tracks are greased on that path, and I think there's gonna be a lot of really cool stuff coming up in the next few months.

Um, but, you know, thi thi this is kind of a good segue to a thing. I wanna, I want to talk about, um, I wanna talk about history repeating itself and, uh, this pattern that I'm noticing, um, it's kind of related to what Bearn is doing. So, you know, we are. We're, we're talking to legacy industry players all day, every day.

Just various people. Um, and from some of them we are encountering resistance. And by that I mean like this irrational, [00:18:00] misguided hatred of NFTs. You know, this, this sentiment is something I think we all have seen. Um, and it's crazy. I, I it's, I I think it's like bordering on mass psychosis. Um, you know, we, we got shut down.

Go ahead. Yeah, go ahead. Well, no, I was just gonna say, like, I, I don't, I think we can share actually, cuz we

Dotta: haven't shared, we haven't shared who we were working with for like, the d and d stuff. But the one example that came up today is, so we've been working with a company, um, who we won't name, uh, cuz it's not, you know, but they, we've been working with them to develop a d and d campaign.

You know, bear has really been going round and about with them for like a couple of months and, um, they seem like really capable, really exciting. Um, but, you know, and so we signed the deal with them. We like negotiated everything we add, every lawyers look over everything, we get everything signed. And they said, Hey guys, like we are so sorry they sent us email today.

But, uh, [00:19:00] as soon as we started staffing, all of our staff found out that you were an N F T project and they refused to work on it because, uh, they, because they, because you, they don't wanna be associated with NFTs. And so we can't do it anymore. Like, we're sorry we would do it, but our employees like revolted basically.

And we're just like, are you

Elf: kidding me? Like we have, like, we have

Dotta: a group of whatever, a hundred people that wanna like play d and d in this universe with you, and you guys are d and d experts and like you're shutting us down just because like, We have NFTs. It just felt like we were so frustrated cuz we've been working on deal for months

Bearsnake: and like, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's in, it's, it's, it's just like coming from an informed standpoint.

You know? I think it, it's like, uh, we, we were DMing uh, when, when I got this email from them and it was like, we're really sorry and all this stuff and you know, they, they explained why they can't do it. Um, and. And then, and then, and then El started taking [00:20:00] these screen grabs from the internet of like how the Internet's gonna fail and email's gonna fail.

And cars and cars are never gonna work. And it's always gonna be horse and carriage and electricity is the devil. And. And, and it's just, I think the idea of like human nature is people, people tend to not feel comfortable with things that they, uh, don't fully understand. And, um, and, and it's, it's unfortunate because I think there's a lot of really amazing things.

I saw a tweet the other day about, um, and I'll probably butcher it, but it was something to the effect of, Um, you know, okay, I'm not gonna support my favorite artist using the blockchain. I'll support them on Spotify where they get 0 cent every time I listen to a song and they make $4 when I buy a t-shirt and, and go like so on and so forth.

Just basically like, you know, I mean, I, I was, I think all of us in our own regard, the [00:21:00] three of us were, have all been starving artists at some point, and we felt the heat. I lived, I worked at a, I was a sandwich artist at Subway and lived off of like, you know, lunch meats with no bread. And, um, and like to, to dismiss a new model where you can really be an independent artist and make money and it just seems crazy to me.

Dotta: Yeah, it's weird because like this hate didn't, like we didn't have the same hate with like apps or something, right?

Elf: Like yeah, I mean like, I guess

Dotta: like people. Didn't, people were thought the, like, email was weird, but there wasn't like this vitriol over email or there wasn't this like same like, oh, I'll never, I'll never use a company because they like have an iPhone app or something.

And so

Elf: I, I, I'm cur, I still haven't quite,

Dotta: quite cracked that nut of like what people hate about NFTs because for me it just feels like our generation's renaissance, right? We've been creating art for free on Tumblr and Instagram and

Elf: Pinterest [00:22:00] for years,

Dotta: and you have these incredibly talented people who have like really terrible business models, like 99 designs where you have to do all this like spec work and compete, like it's the Hunger Games for your artwork.

And then now we have this case where people love the art and want to pay, and it's just like so, so villainized

Elf: and I, I just, I haven't quite got my head around to, to me it's, it's like a perfect storm of a combination of things. Um, you know, and, and I, I could rent about each one of those things and how I think they're all like, misguided and nonsense.

But, you know, the, the, the, the history repeating itself thing that I, that I wanted to mention, this, this pattern is I'm seeing the exact parallel, uh, with, uh, the.com bubble. Um, and so, so, you know, here, here's what I mean. So probably most of you know the story of the.com bubble. Um, but if you don't, the, the short version is something like [00:23:00] this.

Um, so this new thing called the internet appeared in the early nineties. Um, and it was actually older than that, but the thing that sort of brought it to the average consumer was the creation of the, this internet browser called Mosaic. Um, and then shortly after that, a browser called Netscape became very popular and Netscape just sort of took over.

Um, and then Netscape, the, the company went public and it had this massive valuation. And so that started this absolute frenzy of capital flowing into the space. Um, and investors were throwing money@anythingwitha.com in the name. Um, and so what was essentially happening was nobody really understood what the core tech was.

Nobody under really understood what the internet did. They just, uh, knew that it was this like, They, that it was something they should be speculating on. Um, and that it, it, it had a potential to make a [00:24:00] ton of money. Um, and so, and so, a lot of money just got thrown at this empty, vaporware. Um, and then the bubble crashed in 2001.

Uh, but then you fast forward 10 years and the internet is the most world changing technology in existence with many of those companies that started the bubble still existing today. Um, and they're the largest companies in human history like Apple, Amazon, Microsoft, et cetera. Um, and so, so the pattern though is like the, the, the folly at that time was when people conflated the companies with the technology itself.

They conflated it as the same thing and they thought, oh, all these internet companies failed. So that must mean the internet itself is bad. It just, it must be a fad. Um, and so of course that's, that's not true. That's, that was utterly misguided. And, and I think that's what's happening now is everybody is seeing these like empty N F T projects that have, that have [00:25:00] no real value.

They're all, you know, they're all just like rugs or they're made by shady people. A lot of these devs are anonymous. Um, and so they're thinking, oh, well, all these N F T projects are ripoffs. So that must mean that N F T tech is also a ripoff. Um, you know, I, I think that's one part of it, but, but it is interesting how that pattern is like almost exactly, uh, one-to-one with what happened in in the.com, uh, bubble, you know, and, and, and I think furthermore, I think, yeah, maybe this NFT pebble bubble will pop.

But I think, you know, fast forward five years and uh, you know, the core tech will remain. And, you know, some of the, a few companies, um, such as Magic Machine, uh, that started now will endure to uh, world domination. So, sorry, sorry. D and D should have worked with us.

Bearsnake: Well, let's just be clear. It's not Wizards of the coast.

It's a no no, it's a third, it's a third party. [00:26:00] It's a third party company that does like custom campaigns. But with that said, we will try to hurry up and find someone else that, um, can sort of help us. It's a shame cause LF had some elph, you had a, you had a really good creative conversation with them too,

Elf: didn't you?

Yeah, one of the creators was super awesome. I don't know if she's part of the team that revolted. I don't think she was, cuz when I talked to her, she was cool. Um, but you know, you know, and I'll also say, I know for a fact that other NFT projects obviously are going through the exact same thing we are. Um, so, you know, it's not just us.

This is like an industry wide thing, but we're doing, we're putting in the work

Dotta: though. Like, so for example, uh, we have now Jean who's working for us and he's doing a great job. And really what I like his purview is I've set him up to say like, let's reach out to every artist who has like posted something online and is doing something interesting and like ask them to do wizard commissions and [00:27:00] like yeah.

You know, let's say. Half, probably more than half that find out that we're NFTs say no. But there's still a whole other half of people who say yes. And we're like getting in contact with those people and we're like getting commissions made for those people. And you know, we're paying market rates to those people, right?

We're like helping support them and we love their artwork. So I think that's really how we kind of like move the conversation forward is by being the good example, so to speak. Or just really like appreciating the art for like, its inherent like beauty and, and value. Yeah. And paying the artist for that value.

And then like, we are the counter example, or, or maybe like the, at least a spearhead.

Elf: Mm-hmm. Yeah. I, I don't, I don't wanna give the impression that everyone we're talking to is giving us the cold shoulder. Honestly, like 80 to 90% of it has been going really well. Um, yeah, and, and, and I also think like as we pivot more towards like more [00:28:00] legacy expressions, like the animation and the comic and all that stuff, then I think we're gonna really easily overcome this resistance.

Dotta: I'm so excited. Sorry, go ahead.

Bearsnake: Uh, I just wanted to say real fast, you mentioned the trailer. I just wanna say we just got a new cut of like, it's like in between animat and full animation from Tip Mouse. And my Lord is so flipping awesome. I like, I can't, I'm, I'm going to chain myself to my desk in the, uh, wizard Cave here on the west side and just like, just watch the comments and I just can't wait.

I'm so

Dotta: excited to show. So the trailer isn't complete yet. We're still in production. Um, the plan for releasing it is to release it right around the time of Warriors. That would be the current plan. Um, and so one of the things people have asked is like, when land sale, when Warriors, um, and I think. [00:29:00] There's a little, people are also asking, oh, like when is Coinbase, n f t?

And I think all these dates are still a little bit infl. We're trying to kind of remain flexible. Um, but I can tell you that we've started kind of internal production on Warriors. We talk about it every day. Um, and then also the land sale. I, we should get Jer up here to talk about, um, uh, the, the game more frequently.

But the game is like fully kind of underway. Like we're in development and, uh, he's shared, uh, a couple of like, well, well, this week we shared, um, the, uh, interior scene, which is like so fun. And they have a handful of others, uh, that, that I just love. And, uh, so the game is underway as well. Let's see. We have a hand raised

Elf: up here.

Arch Mer. Hello. I was, uh, I was listening to you guys talking about,

Dotta: uh, history earlier.

Elf: About how history repeats itself and I was driving, I wanted to interrupt you guys and say that history, [00:30:00] it doesn't repeat itself, but, but it rhymes. Yeah, it rhymes. Yep. Yep. For sure.

Bearsnake: Yep. I like that a lot. You're, that's, that's, yep.

That's a good one. I wanna steal that.

Elf: Yeah, no, it's, it's definitely rhyming with the.com bubble, you know, and, and, and all tech goes through this, this, this, uh, this, this same pattern. I mean, Like bears. Nick was saying earlier, like, I, there's this magazine cover from 1889 and it's literally depicting electricity itself as like this, like spider demonn.

People were terrified of electricity. Um, so yeah, you know, it's, it's a hump. We'll get over it, but, uh, it's a little

Dotta: frustrating.

Bearsnake: Yeah. Ken Dota, I know you just sort of, um, talked about these things that are coming up. Can, are we, should we talk about just like a lot of these things are not happening like in a year.

They're happening much closer than that, but although we don't have like, specific dates, [00:31:00] maybe we wanna give a little clue into just, you know, I mean this is happening over the next like 3, 4, 3, 4, 5 months at the most, which is, that's right. Which is really exciting. It's all gonna sort of roll out on top of each other.

Sort of balance so that it all works in like harmoniously with, with all the different

Dotta: things that are happening. So with, um, bionic and the Land Sale, one of the kind of like anchor pieces that we've sort of decided is. We want to make sure that on the day that you buy your land, you can, at the very least, like walk around on it and sort of see the, the core, the core V1 tiles of the land that you have.

Now, is that game as like multiplayer as Web three World? Maybe not. Does it have like voice chat? Like, probably not. Right, but does, can you build your house on it that day? No. Like, it's not gonna have kind of the full like crafting and sort of social and questing experience on day one, but like the idea is that it's not just that you're kind of like buying a token [00:32:00] that has like a little picture of some generic ca like slice of cake of land.

Um, that, but that you actually can kind of just like walk around, look around, see what you got, kick the tires a little bit. Um, that's it. That also means that we have to have the tiles built out for that degree of, uh, of the land. Um, and so, and make sure that the game works and that we have at least like the first connections and all of these things.

So, um, you know, we're not, I know that we could sell the tokens now, but we're kind of like, you know, I wouldn't say we're slow rolling it so much it as just like, we want it to be a little bit playable by the time we do the drop. So right now the schedule would be something like March, but it, you know, might be April.

It's, you know, programming takes time.

Elf: Yep. Yep. Um, cool. Uh, so retired yield Farmer sent me a question earlier this morning. [00:33:00] Um, and it, it really, uh, It sent my mind wandering. Um, so I, I could do a big rant on that unless we have something. Love it. Okay. So

Dotta: the magic system is something that, like, I have been wanting to sit down with you and talk through and for

Elf: ages, so let's, let's, yeah.

Yeah. So, yeah, he's, he's asked, well, let me just, I'll, I'll, I'll read his question verbatim. Um, and, okay, so he says, Uh, can you share how magic works for the Wizards? I assume, uh, the type is tied to their roons, but trying to figure out where it comes from. Is it like chakra? Does it actually come from the roons?

Do items slash roons amplify what is naturally created? Um, yeah, that's his basic question. Yeah, I think he's just sort of like asking about like, yeah, what's the magic system? Where does it come from? Is there like a science to it? And, uh, yeah, this is a, this is [00:34:00] a great question. Um, and of course I'm not gonna give a straight answer, but, but in a way I will.

Um, okay, so. Let's see. How do I, how do I say this? Um, this question is actually a very core question to what the universe is about. Um, it's, uh, you know, this is something, this is, this is a riddle that the wizards of the, of the universe are trying to solve. Um, you know, this is something that you will see them asking about in the show, in the comic, in all these other media expressions.

This is like a very core question. Um, how did the magic come to this world? Why do we have it? Um, all that now, For me to answer that. Uh, you know, here's what, here's what I would say for like, first of all, keep in mind that I am constantly trying to make the universe parallel our world. [00:35:00] Um, and so I, I think the answer can largely be deducted from that.

Um, every wizard faction in the universe has a different answer and they have different theories. Um, so just as they are trying to figure it out, so are you, because you are the wizards. I mean that literally your answer will be indistinguishable from theirs. Okay. You are literally the meat space host of these wizards.

You hold them inside you. You are the avatar of these beings that live in the ethereal realm. And I mean this literally, you summoned a wizard and now it summons you. And so as the metaverse pervades the meat verse, as these two worlds will inevitably collide and become one, uh, the connection to the universe will be more and more blurred every day.

You are literally [00:36:00] your wizard. Um, you know, the, the universe is not some separate world, like middle Earth is a separate world. The universe coexist alongside us. People love Lord of the Rings and Game of Thrones because they have so much realism. But we are trying to do the inverse of that. We are trying to show how the magic of the universe is part of our real world, okay?

We are not exporting realism to a magical world. We are importing magic to our real world. Um, and so, you know, so, so spec like r y f, he, he also asks, does do, does the magic come from the roons? And do the roons amplify it? Um, okay, short answer, yes, but I say yes because the items in our meat space amplify our magic.

Okay? This amplification can be as practical as me wielding a paintbrush or a violin or a keyboard. Um, you know, these are [00:37:00] items that I use in the process, in the magical process of creation. Um, or it, an object can be like inspirational. It, it, it can be an object or a, a muse. Um, it can be an object of focus, like a crystal.

Anything that helps you, uh, get your head space, um, properly attuned to magic, to magic making. Um, in regards to the roons themselves, you know, as, as we've said, they are symbols for larger concepts. So the idea of a roon is really just a metaphor for everything we do. Every piece of art is a roon. The wizards are roons.

The answer to answer you straightforwardly, yes, they can amplify or even be the source of magic, but that exact science or that exact, exact system is yet to be discovered. Okay, let me, let me, let me elaborate on that. Um, okay. You mentioned chakra and I, and I assume you're referring to the magic system of Naruto.

Um, [00:38:00] Kishimoto, he devised this really awesome science behind the magic system. He uses it, he uses chakra and, and I love that. His magic system is very cool. Um, but our quote magic system is definitely not that structured at least yet. And why is that? Because. Because I, I think to answer a question like that is to try and condense all of humanity's magical practices into a concise chart.

And that's just not where we are right now. Um, this project is more about being in awe of the myriad ways that humanity has cr confronted the unknown from the dawn of humanity to the 21st century, we have used everything from stones to transistors to pry into the ethereal realm and discover what lies behind the veil.

This project is about that process and it is actively contributing into it. So I can't give you the answer because I'm [00:39:00] not the authority on where these questions will take humanity next. I certainly have my own personal ideas on where that journey will lead us. I have my own predictions, but I want to give room to the cult to push that joint journey forward in their own way.

Um, y you guys will show me as much as I will show you because I'm, I'm telling you this, this N f T project isn't just some video game. It's not just some closed off universe that exists in a cozy little bubble. This shit is carrying the torch of humanity back to Olympus, back to Mount Olympus. We are going deep.

We are going far. The wheel of culture is barreling through our cult, and we are shifting its path ever so slightly because that's what a wizard does.

And that's all I have to say about that. I, I got chills. I hope that [00:40:00] answers your question. Retired yield farmer. It's just, you know, it's, it's not just a nice, neat little system. It's, that's not what this is about. This is, this is about carrying a, an ancient, uh, journey forward. This is what humanity has always done, and we are contributing to that.

So there's no system because no culture in humanity has ever discovered the system. The, the, we're about the process. We're, we're about. We're just, you know, I, I think you get it. Or maybe, I don't know. Does that make sense?

Cult Member: It does

Dotta: to me. Some folks, some folks wanna come up on stage, ask some questions, add some comments. Feel free to

Elf: raise your hand. Yep. Yep, for sure. Um, and we also have a, uh, a lore reading, I think by s PZ today. Um, so yeah, we, we still have about 20 minutes left. Um, I've got questions. Yeah, go [00:41:00] for it. Okay, so

Dotta: we got some questions from the chat.

Uh, the first one comes from Snoop Dogg and says, Dota, what do you tools do you expect the game to have to enable making new wizards related objects to encourage people who have not created before to do it for the first time? There's a lot of layers to this. So there's everything from sort of like, um, structure within the gameplay, um, to, um, like all the way up to maybe even like writing lore, though.

I have to be careful about that. I'm not actually sure that we'll let just like anonymous players write in the book of lore, but maybe there's a spot for it. But let me answer it from the gameplay. So the kind of, in the game itself, there's uh, basically three main loops. There's like a resource gathering and, uh, Uh, loop, there's like a crafting loop and there's like a questing loop.

Um, and so within all of those areas, you'll be able to kind of customize your home, build items, you know, paint paintings and, and create new things. [00:42:00] And, um, I think that like how do we navigate this aspect of like, if you create, so one of the things from in the game is there will be stock player characters.

Um, so that means you don't need to own a wizard NFT to play the game. You can join the game, collect inventory, you can pick from sort of these stock set of characters. And one of the questions we'll have to think about is like, well, what happens when someone owns one of these stock characters? Wants to kind of like develop the, as like a new sort of like character of the universe.

How do we think about that as a community? Um, like I think really like, In the beginning, those tokens will not have sort of access to write into the book of lore. Um, maybe there's some sort of like, but you know, how do we think about that, right? You have this person who sort of wants to contribute, but maybe, um, aspires to hold a wizard, but doesn't yet.

So I, I think that's really an open question. Um, and I think another part around that really is this idea of like warriors [00:43:00] too. Is, is leaving an opportunity for like new people to come in. So, I dunno, I dunno if that answers your question. Feel free to add details in the chat. Um, let's see. We have another chat question from Oz about the pilot's music, but I'm not quite sure what that is.

Um, oh, chief says, any thoughts about if a, uh, Specific forgotten ruins marketplace would be valuable. And the answer is yes. So tv, our very own TV has been working on this. Um, and uh, it's pretty close actually. I don't know exactly the details. Um, but it, the idea here is that there will be almost like a, um, like an open sea alternative that ha is dedicated just for like forgotten ruins, uh, tokens.

And it'll have more information like affinity and any sort of stuff we want to add. And, um, we're still talking through, or he's still figuring out kind of the royalty situation. But instead of kind of some of the fees going to, uh, open sea as a platform fee, some [00:44:00] of the fees could go directly to the community through some sort of, uh, multisig, uh, dao slash council.

Um, speaking of that, council, there's been some progress there. I mean, basically what we're trying to do is think about like, well, what is that best organization? How do you, or how do you like, stand that up? How do you make sure that it sort of has legitimacy within the community and can operate efficiently?

Um, we've made some progress on that and we'll have like more to share, uh, soon.

Elf: I think that's actually all

Dotta: the questions, uh, that I have. Let me jump to present. Can we,

Bearsnake: this is, we'll actually have a different topic, so we'll

Dotta: go for

Elf: it. I'm good.

Dotta: Yeah, go for it. Um,

Bearsnake: yeah, so I, something that I think, um, I wanted to mention is the comic book.

So I know we've talked about how it's in production and it's going really well. Um, we have some, we have really amazing artists. We have a couple artists actually working. Um, but I just wanted to throw out, we we're kind of going down an untraditional [00:45:00] model, um, and uh, in, in, in sort of in lieu of, of what's talking about, in terms of, you know, connecting to the meat space.

Um, and I know that we're always, we're always thinking and talking about how do we extend beyond just, just our core community? Cuz we, we really feel like there's, there's a lot for everyone here. Um, we're gonna be, uh, and I'm so stoked about this, we're gonna be printing. Hundreds of thousands of comic books for our first issue.

And they will be distributed for free, um, in a, in some really cool ways. Uh, and some events that both,

Cult Member: uh, you know, speak to the core

Bearsnake: comic book, uh, and sort of, um, nerd culture. Um, you know, there's, there's two in particular, one in California and then one in New York. Um, some call it Comic-Con. Uh, we're gonna be doing some stuff at both of [00:46:00] those, and then there's gonna be an event, uh, um, in a moment at, uh, N F T NYC where we're gonna be giving these Al And I just like the idea of like, I'm just imagining a crate of like hundreds of thousands of comics, like coming to the office.

And me just like peeling over, uh, out of, out of happiness, uh, I'm so excited. But the fact is like, I don't even know if anyone's ever done what we're, what we're planning to do, but the fact that we're, that we're printing like hundreds of thousands of poppies and giving them out for free, I'm just so excited.

And, and I think, I think people are gonna be really pleasantly surprised at not only to just the comic, but like the meaning behind it. And, and of course the, the way we always do, there's al there's gonna be some fun little, uh, sort of surprises along the way, um, with the book. So I just, that's something that, um, I know I've been spending a lot of time with, the whole team has been spending time on.

Um, [00:47:00] and so that's, that's something to keep a lookout for. I'm super stoked.

Dotta: Yeah. When we talk about these deals that bear snakes able to get that, uh, neither elf nor I were, it's along these lines. Um, and so for context for this, right? I'm sure you've seen a lot of other NFT projects are trying to build, like comic NFTs and like, you know, we support that.

That's interesting. It's cool. Comic books have a long history of like being collectible and like, of course that's a natural fit for NFTs. But, uh, by the same, uh, you know, well, I'll say by the same token, yeah, the, we didn't wanna turn these into tokens. We didn't want to turn these into, Um, kind of like this, again, like this insular, isolated, expensive, exclusive token that like only really, you know, only like a

Elf: small community could enjoy.

We're we're building a

Dotta: comic that we want kind of forgotten ruins to sort of cross the chasm into popular culture. And, and so we really feel like printing these comics [00:48:00] in a way that's accessible to a lot of people and just handing them out and then having some kind of call to actions there be like, look, here's how to get your first nft.

Do you like this comic? We have a really cool community. Come join it. So I, I can't be more excited.

Elf: Yep, yep, yep. That's the point of 200,000 copies or more is to get, get into the mainstream and, um, you know, I'm, I'm hoping, you know, I'm sure every wizard will also get a copy. Um, but, but yeah. This is, this is what the franchise push is all about.

It's getting that, that mainstream audience into forgotten ruins.

Dotta: Yeah. We try to figure a way that

Bearsnake: everyone can get them. Yeah, definitely. We'll make it, we'll make it, we'll make, definitely make it fluid for, for, for the cult. But, um, yeah, we also have like a, we're not ready to, to sort of announce it yet, but like we have a really, really awesome partner that's coming in with a comic book that will sort of tie in on sort of a, uh, a layered level.

So that'll be fun for you guys, uh, when we can sort of announce that.

Elf: [00:49:00] Um, real quick, if, if, sorry,

Dotta: include, oh, I wanted to include a wizards called Tract, but I thought that maybe it'd be a little much.

Elf: What do you mean a wizard? Called what? Yeah, like, you know, like, like, like, like a little, like a religious tract.

Dotta: Am I the only person that knows this term tract where it's like a little pamphlet that's like, you know, like, oh, would you like to know more about our cult?

Bearsnake: Oh,

Adept Jean: that's,

Bearsnake: Yeah. No, no. Like you mean like how like the Mormons always like, have books that they're like giving out and like they're

Dotta: Scientologists every religion does it.

Yeah. It's an effective

Elf: way. So yeah, no, I, no, I think we should do that, and I want it to be as creepy as possible. Please.

Dotta: I'm not sure I'm ready.

Elf: Tim Smith likes it.

Um, I, I just wanted to quickly say, if you are scheduled to read lore, then um, raise your hand and we'll bring you up. Um, so yeah, cause we have about 10 minutes left. Um, but yeah, [00:50:00] no, the, the comic is gonna be freaking awesome. Um, it's just gonna do so many things beyond just a comic, you know. Um, yeah. Uh, let's see, what else?

Okay. Uh, Soer Elias, A K s P Z. Is added as a speaker, our first lore reader for the day.

Cult Member: Hello Yoyo. Can you guys hear me? Hello? Can you hear me? Yep. Oh, cool. Okay. Yes, hi. Hey, sorry, my thing cut off there for a second. Um, great. So, uh, I have to apologize beforehand because I still, I'm a bit, uh, sick with the, with the good old Rona. Um, oh, sorry. So sorry if my voice is a bit scratchy. Um, I actually wanted to bring some of my own lore for once this time, but, uh, unfortunately my kids and I have been down, uh, for a couple [00:51:00] weeks.

Um, but what I do have is two lovely lore pieces that I've written, um, for two great, uh, other wizards in the community. Um, all. And, um, these are kind of fun. Uh, they're, they're slightly juxtaposed because, um, and slightly less sinister, I guess, than the ones I've read before. Uh, where one of these is kind of returning home and the other one is kind of leaving home.

Um, but what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna, I'm gonna drop this in the chat and the secret tower real quick for those that wanna read along. I know that can be nice for some. So there's the, there's the lore. Let me drop the wizard quick so somebody can see 'em. Okay. So there we go. So, so the first piece is, um, um, eggplant of the Sea Mag Magus Eggplant of the Sea.

I wrote this for Kmar. Um, all right, so here we go. I, I'm gonna start off with a prologue again here. Young of mind and wild of heart, as is the [00:52:00] way of youth. I had been caught up in the chase for the next coin, the next conquest, the greener pasture. So caught up in my own imaginations of advancement that as I ventured for yet another thrill, one more win, vying for change and novelty.

I had not noticed the ancient figure beside the road until we were nearly upon him. Ho old man. I hailed him as I came to a halt, smiling down at his grizzled face. The hour grows late, yet here you sit chant you find sucker before nightfall. I still remember to this very day the cast of his eyes as he met my eager gaze.

They seemed to bore into my soul. And yet silent, he remained chagrin. I barreled on Have you grown roots that your rump is now attached to that stump. At this, my companions, sick offense, one and all. Snickered and giggled. Maru, however, failed and he merely shrugged and stood careful of tearing down the [00:53:00] fence, my child A four.

You comprehend why you were raised to begin with. He finally said, voice strong as a sturdy sapling. With that, he sat back down his dismissal. Obvious. What heraldry is this suit yourself? I said, sourly as I urged my mount forward in our wake remained in the old man. His neural fingers wrapped around his staff.

His eyes shining with earnest experience with parting words. I would never forget that was from the Journal. Folly of Youth by Eggplant. And the story continues. The voyage across the salt had taken it longer than expected. The seas is seemingly unwilling to relinquish the hold she had held over him for near a decade, eager to keep him tight to her bosom.

Her deep bosom. Her seduction will lull in caress of Brian and bounty. It may just be imagination, but there was a maternal quality to the sensation and why not the vast briny expanse had lulled them to sleep countless times, witnessed his [00:54:00] greatest victories and stood vigil of his metamorphosis from boisterous boyhood to a man of discipline and steely will.

However steadfast he now remained in his new chosen path. His taste for conquest had turned from sated to indifferent to an unfamiliar sense of shame. How ironic that the only, that only once your belly was full to bursting or all your aspirations met with plenty despair. Only then could one feel futility and true emptiness.

Captain Giro had, of course, also been reluctant to let his once overly ambitious, recalcitrant, and insatiable first mate go. But once decided his will was indomitable and the captain had grudgingly with typical disgruntled and sour demeanor, accepted his request to return home. The change in him felt profound, all the more so for the suddenness of its merciless strike.

And yet here on the docks where his journey into the unknown had begun, everything else seemed the same. His cape flapping in the Stiff Breeze [00:55:00] book of Magic tucked under one arm, eggplant set out to retrace his steps to reclaim what he had for the temporary lure of greatness beyond the next rise to freely given up.

Surely my eyes betray me. A voice shouted nearby, accompanied by the slap of feet. After traversing the docks into the town proper, the cobbled streets familiar in ways that guided his feet. Subconsciously he had exited to the west and was deep in thought as he was suddenly tackled to the ground. Ah, he exclaimed his magic instinctively rushing to his fingertips, his alignment with air.

Such a boon on the seas when the winds were unfavorable, causing enough of a stir to Russell leaves and scatter birds. It's really you. Eggy came the trilling laughter rolling. Clear the incantation dying on his lips. His jaw dropped as he got a good look at his assailant. Little purple. Is that really you?

He exclaimed taken aback at the figure before him, stranger and yet familiar when he had set [00:56:00] out with everything to gain and seemingly nothing to lose and how wronged he had been then his little sister had been. But a we spud, let me have a look at you exclaimed, rushing forward. You'll have to catch me first.

Mom and dad will be so delighted she's squealed and split for the forest path up ahead. You're not going to believe what they've done with your room. And with that, she was off leaving eggplant with no choice. But the following her wake to continue tracing his errand steps one at a time. All

Dotta: right.

Elf: Excuse me. I love, I love that we finally get a story about the, uh, the ogen wizards. Yeah, they're good. Parenthesis, the eggplant wizard. Yeah. Um, so yeah, I'm glad we finally got one. That's, that's one of my favorite wizards. Uh, and, um, I will not, I did not steal that from Nintendo. It's, uh, it's the Ogen, it's the Ogen Wizard, not the eggplant Wizard.

Nice. Okay. Okay,

Dotta: great. Um, [00:57:00]

Cult Member: fantastic. Uh, it was great. Uh, Kmar has been, been, uh, he's a fantastic wizard and I was, I was very happy to write that for him. Uh, and so here's the next one. This is for a guy called Maze, uh, in the chat. And the wizard and, uh, question is actually in the book of Lore. Uh, the one I just read for you is actually gonna change a bit.

We're gonna be doing a, a revamp with some cool, uh, graphics, but, so this one is for, um, fun amp called Diviner Peso of the Dunes Prologue. This collection of scientific experiments are intended as a starting point for those as committed as I to unravel the mysteries of the phenomenon most wizards have come to take for granted.

The familiar bond has been studied at length, I may add by scholars, alchemists and Thurs alike. And yet the nature of this elusive sacrament remains largely a mystery even in this modern age, ancient relics and tos. Now well [00:58:00] protected and jealously guarded by the blues seem as varied as they're confounding.

And should you be dedicated to study these papers and depth, you certainly will gain valuable insights. Though I far as seems with most knowledge as the final page is turned, you may find that the more you know, the less you understand. However, one thing unifies all theorizing on the nature of the bond.

Once forged, only death may break it. Though some conjecture would indicate that even then the connection remains. And both familiar and wizard must enter the bond willingly. I have found obscure references to a bond being transferred, but at this point I have concluded it. Mere fantasy taken from a forward of the nature of the familiar bond by an anonymous scholar.

Story continues waking before Dawn had, its had its advantages. In addition to the obvious disadvantages of a heavy head sore back in watery eyes. This early the sky barely shown a hint of [00:59:00] purple, had yet to banish the night and reveal the unrelenting heat from its ever burning eye. The sands blessedly, cool underfoot, the air crisp and refreshing, trotting along towards the well.

Pezo allowed himself a moment to enjoy the calm and tranquility, an illusion he knew would quickly enough be dispelled by bickering and bouts of laughter and equal measure. It's not that he didn't love his three sisters, he dearly did. They were simply much more cunning and had the unnerving tendency to somehow always get the better of him out maneuvering him at every turn.

Then it happened every morning when his mother's shouting began. It was squarely directed his way, but pezo, the only man of the house, had gladly accepted the role of peacemaker and diffuser nimbly, navigating the tumultuous currents of sibling rivalry in womanly Giles, weaving the unwilling threads of his volatile family into harmonious tapestry, lowering the bucket into the damp darkness below.

He again heard the soft sound of [01:00:00] wings, furling and feathers settling. The unusual fledgling had suddenly appeared a Fortnite ago and had since Unfailingly joined him on his morning ritual. Perched quietly in the palm tree above him, initially had been confronted and unwilling to share these fleeting and intimate moments of calm, and had done his best to scare the intruder away.

However, the large owl would simply tilts head questioningly and stare down at him with those enormous luminescent eyes. Grudgingly, he had come to accept its presence. Those feelings of privacy invaded instead stirring up a deep sensation of companionship and familiarity. Not to mention the fact that the strange raptor that very much like himself was entirely out of its element.

Indeed, an oddity out here in the Unforgivingly dry desert, he knew that other imps existed. Of course they did, but far away in the forest stood north. However, Pezo had never laid eyes on anyone outside his own family with the same verdant, skin, wide mouth and horned skull. [01:01:00] We don't really belong out here.

He thought himself as he studied his reflection and the bucket slowly being raised up to bring the ladle to his parched lips. Are you thirsty? Strange one. He asked once his thirst was quenched, he had taken to speaking to the owl. Yet much like his initial outbursts of Shu, his attempts at coaxing to reply from the thing had all gone unanswered.

Which is why as he lowered the second bucket down, he was wholly unprepared for the strong voice suddenly exploding in his head. Yes indeed I am. Very much so. The voice said as he fell to his knees, hands over his ears, the splash of the bucket far below went unnoticed. As Pezo looked up his eyes locking on the twin orbs of gold.

You, you speak, he croaked getting to his feet. Of course I do. And as I said, I am quite thirsty. Rather rude. Don't you think to drop that bucket came the voice again and he realized to his wonder that the bird speak had not moved. [01:02:00] But never you mind young pezo for the time to leave has come. You're leaving now.

He asked an unpled, no, we are leaving now. The al punctuated spreading its wings slowly and Pezo would never realize just how big the thing was. Until now. I don't understand. W where will we go besides my mother and my sisters require my presence. Here's that, that the tavern opens in a few hours. Pezo had no intention of going anywhere.

The sands and his family were home. Your mother knew the cost when the bargain was struck. We have held up our end and I have come to claim my price. You pezo. I had hoped you had manifested by now, but no matter this may hurt just a bit my child. Since the bond must be transferred, the bird continued wings spread even wider eyes akin to brilliant stars, glowing, brighter, and brighter.

It started as a ringing in his ears, his skin tingling as it often did before the [01:03:00] seasonal storms hit the earth, moving beneath his feet as though riddled with serpents until his vision narrowed to those two distant singularities, bright as distant stars, until they too were gone.

That's it.

Elf: Very cool. Very great thanks. And that, that was the, I think that that might've been the first imp story we had we've ever had as well. Oh, sweet. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's, it's fun. Cause like the, the cobalts are so, um, prominent, but rarely do the imps, uh, get the spotlight. And I've always wondered if there's a, uh, if there's, um, antagonism between these two cohorts or are they friends or, uh, you know, I don't know.

Dotta: Who knows?

Cult Member: Yeah. Thanks. Anyways.

Elf: Thank you. S pz, uh, smarter Child. Do you have lore for us?

Adept Jean: Hey, what's up? What's fam? Hello? Hey. Yeah, yeah, I do, I do have a lore for you [01:04:00] guys, but I don't know how to follow that though.

Elf: Oh, don't worry about that. Every, everybody's lore is, is uh, it's their own thing. So as long as you're, as long as you're speaking your truth and you stay original to who you are, then it's gonna be great.

For sure.

Adept Jean: Yeah. I wrote a lore for, uh, Hogan. Is that how you say it? Kin like the guy with the mask?

Elf: Uh, yes. Yes. I think this is the first time we've heard, uh, lore for that character as well. Yeah, I know who you're talking about. Yeah.

Adept Jean: Yeah. So, um, my, my wizards name is Ada Jean Leon of the Tower. So I've been collecting, well, I have two wizards and they're both of the tower.

So I plan to do like a lore series on describing like what the secret tower is. Very cool. Yeah. All right. So Gene Leon, trader Souls all his life, all that Gene Leon knew was the secret tower Gene. Leon's very firm memory was when he first found Misty, his [01:05:00] feline familiar waking him from the haziness of hunger and feeding him with a dead rat.

From that point onwards, it was always Gene, Leon and Misty against the hill. Growing up, gene Leon mostly kept to himself, stayed away from the other secret tower or orphans he treated and he stole his survive, same as everyone, but he always knew how to make a profit. By the age of 16, gene Leon has traded his way up, brought his first seller in the tower, while Julian revered in his accomplishment.

Misty was growing weaker throughout the years. In effort to seek remedy for Misty Gene Leon decides to scour the tower and find a cure for Misty. Once you never underestimate the secrets. Hiding within the tower for the tower has endless corridors and endless secrets. Yeah. So here I'm kind of alluding to, um, there are treasure [01:06:00] hunters that came to the tower at first and these treasure hunters just kind of got lost in a tower and never found their way out.

And like a community just started growing inside of the secret tower and they can't find an exit for the tower. Nice.

Elf: Nice.

Adept Jean: On the night of the 13th moon Gene Leon uncovers the skull mask from a dungeon on the mask. He finds this inscription a drop of blood for a window into the soul blood gene. Leon thought my blood in his mind.

Gene Leon knew the mask needed his blood on. Secrets. Something deep within him knew he needed to do this to save Misty gene. Leon slowly put on the mask, but nothing happens. He grabbed his pocket and slice his right, slides his right cheek with blood flowing down his face. The mask quickly reacted and then flew to Julian's [01:07:00] face and enveloped his skull.

Digging deep into his brain. For a moment, gene Leon saw the sky beyond the tower, something he thought he would never see. When Gene, gene, Leon Reg regains consciousness, he finds Misty on the ground. Lifeless. Besides Misty's gray fur, a white familiar resembling Misty's movements flowed and twirled in the air, gene Leon immediately recognized his lifelong friend.

The masses granted. Granted Gene Leon site to the world of souls.

Elf: I love it. Yep. That's super fun. That's, I I love, I really

Dotta: Go ahead. I really love the part which is, um, a drop of blood for a window into the soul that is like, so deeply true in many ways, right? That this idea that you, that you go out and you contend with the chaos of the universe, and like maybe you get beat up and so you lose some blood, but you learn something about [01:08:00] yourself.

I love that.

Adept Jean: Thank you. Yeah. Yeah. It kind of gives like a backstory to the Hogan head as well as, as to like, maybe they're different masks scattered through the universe and random people just, you know, find them and then they just get hooked onto different people because they spill blood on it. Wow.

Elf: Amazing, super fun. Awesome guys. Thank you so much. I love how you guys are just making this world bigger and bigger every day. That's, uh, that's the whole point of this project and um, I'm so glad you guys are enjoying it, cuz I certainly am. Uh, thank you. Thank you so much. We are, uh, we are over time. So Dota Bearn, do you have anything left?


Dotta: good. Take

Bearsnake: care of yourself. S Spz, drink water and get some sleep.

Cult Member: Thanks man.

Elf: We'll take Yeah, I, I heard big potion might have a cure for your [01:09:00] affliction, so, um, perfect. O Other people say big, big potion is evil, so I don't know man. Be sure to get a triple

Dotta: dose.

Cult Member: Thanks.

Bearsnake: Okay,

Elf: week, this has been Elf Doda, bear Snake, SORC Elias, smarter Child channeling out from the Quantum Downs.

Good night everybody. Oh yeah.