Mount Kageyama

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A tall mountain located in the northern mountain range bordering the Bamboo Forests. Mount Kageyama is located opposite of Mount Kirama across the river that feeds from the north down into the Lake of Lanterns. Mt. Kageyama is the Yin to balance the Yang of Mt. Kirama.

For centuries or more the summit of Mt. Kageyama contained a Temple (The Temple of the Abyss) upon it’s summit, which was protected by an order of monks and priests. The core of this temple contains the entrance to the subterranean passages (Seishin Kairo (精神回廊) - "Spirit Corridors”) that connect to the spirit dominions. Nobody knows how deep or extensively these passages run, but it's believed that the original Fey settlers of Yureinoichi traveled all the way from The Fey on an exploration expedition and returned to the surface here to found a new Fey colony after many years of travel. These passages truly lead to the underworld of the runiverse, and the constant appearance of spirits and souls from the passages suggests that they are connected to entrances in the far southern wastelands of the Runiverse.

The Yureikin shepherded lost souls and spirits down into this passage and also tended to the needs and request of spirits living within the underground. They perform rites and make offerings to these spirits to keep them placated and prevented them from trying to break free back to the surface.

The delicate balance of the mountain was thrown off kilter when the temple was attacked by Ghost Eater Setsuko of the Citadel and her gang. The battle left the temple is ruins, nearly all the monks and temple protectors slain, and the sacred flame that burnt within the temple and kept the entities of the spirit corridors at bay was extinguished when Hedge Wizard Aiko of the Tower decided to immolate herself rather than let dark shadow magic corrupt Mega, her extremely powerful flesh eating plant. The flame was extinguished and Aiko was transformed into Ethereal Spectre Aiko of the Hell Chamber.

Now, the soul of Aiko alone stands as the primary guardian of Mt. Kageyama and the Spirit Corridors. So far, Aiko has prevented spirits from escaping forth into Yureinochi en masse, but at times the spirits evade her or perhaps the despondency of her new form of existence causes her to become remiss and uninterested in her duties. This has placed Yureinochi and the Bamboo Forests as a whole at greater risk of dark incursions. Mt. Kageyama is now a very dark and dangerous place.

Atsuko Cutter of the Wood, captain of the Seishin no Senshi has had to open the borders of Yureinochi to foreigners in order to recruit adventure seekers to help keep the lands safe while she tries to rebuild her order of forest guardians. However, not all of these newcomers have pure intentions.