Collective Legendarium
The Forgotten Runes project revolves around the idea of a Collective Legendarium. The following quote summarizes the thought process around the Legendarium:
Lord of the Rings is locked away and guarded under an estate, and the Fellowship has left Middle Earth.
JK Rowling's quill has run dry. The marketing tactics are in place and in torchlit tunnels, an endless trove of goblins push revenue into her vault at Gringott's, and any new writing may upset this flow of money, so her book is closed.
Mickey Mouse has become Moloch. He is devouring, desiring and destroying any book they can get their hands on. Disney has become a dragon that gathers every prince and princess, and hides them away in a tower. This dragon sits on a large pile of gold in front of the doors to a library of intellectual property rights, whose books are all closed!
Today, a new book opens! It is owned by the living! It is a book that is open and cannot be shut! It is a book owned by a smart contract that allows any person to scribe, so long as they hold a wizard.