Wizard Wednesday Episode 62 Transcription

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Wizard Wednesday Ep. 62 - November 2, 2022


Elf: [00:00:00] It is Wednesday. We're wizards and we're putting our ruins on the door. We explore the mystical impulse through art and tech, and the universe grows exponentially. But let us pause in the middle and come together to observe the holiest of Days. Wizard Wednesday. I elf come to you through the quantum downs, but I do not come alone.

I come as three because one corrupts two divides, but three is balance. Joining me today in this balance is. Donna. There we go. That's what I'm talking about.

Bearsnake: Let's go

Elf: that finally, you guys give an enthusiastic intro. I've been, [00:01:00] I've been begging for this for about 60 plus Wizard Wednesdays.

Um, no, I just, I, I, I've been looking for a way to work that phrase in, um, one corrupts, two divides, but three is balanced. Do you guys know where that's from?

Good fellows. No, no. Well, clearly you have not been watching Rings of power. Uh, it's pretty much the only good line that Grio has in the whole show. Um,

Dotta: it's no,

Bearsnake: I even watched

Elf: that show and I totally, yeah, no, no, it's great because, um, she, uh, you know, they're, they're talking about like the, like the elves are gonna make some rings of power, and they're like, how many should we make?

And she just drops this, this banger. She says, one corrupts, two divides, but three is balanced. And as soon as I heard that, I was like, oh my God. That perfectly describes me, bear and, and Dota at Magic Machine because like if it was just one of us, it wouldn't work. Um, if [00:02:00] it was two of us, we'd be divided the whole time.

But all three of us, we balance each other out so well. So we each need some rings of power, I think.

Bearsnake: I love that we have to have two crows forged.

Dotta: Yeah, exactly.

Elf: Oh, by the way, we're

Bearsnake: absolutely doing

Elf: that. Totally.

Dotta: Two

Elf: crows. Yeah. Pick up your phone. Yeah, yeah. It's great. Um, okay. Yeah, so today is a huge show, to be honest.

Um, I just have lots of random ass shit that I want to touch on. Um, the, the big thing would being like a, uh, just a recap of the Halloween event. Um, we've got a lot of questions regarding that. I wanna talk about tricks, I wanna talk about treats, um, just observations on what made it fun. Um, if anyone in the audience wants, wants to come up and give comments, things they liked and things, things they didn't like, um, please come up.

Um, but, but before we get into all that, I just wanna go over a [00:03:00] few updates. Um, big one being, and this is actually kind of, kind of, um, uh, connected to the Halloween is you all saw that the walk cycles for the Warriors and the souls, uh, are done. Um, however I say done really, I think just the soul collection is done.

Um, the Warrior walks there. We need to just work out some of the little bugs and kinks in that, that, uh, collection. It's, it's absolutely enormous. Dodo. What'd you calculate? Like 5,000 frames are in that whole collection. Oh, man.

Dotta: Shout out to Cosmo. Yeah, there were like, uh, I, I don't have the number in front of me, so I believe it was 5,196 frames just in the Warriors alone.

Uh, uh, it is just an enormous, an enormous amount of work. And so, yeah, Cosmo, uh, huge shout out to you for being able to like get all that done

Elf: in time. That was just [00:04:00] really incredible. Yes. Yes. Don't get me wrong, it was a hercule undertaking. Um, but there are still some things we need to work out in it, so we, we might delay Totally releasing that cycle set.

Did you, sorry, Doda, did you wanna say something? I just said yes. Yeah, yeah. So, but yeah, so that, that's the update on the walk cycles. We can probably release souls pretty soon, but, but Warriors might take just a little bit longer just to get it. Perfect. Um, regardless though, I think, uh, it worked pretty well in the, uh, the, the Halloween event, which we'll get into later.

Um, and then just a couple cult questions that I want to go over. Uh, so, uh, waterer was asking about the Universe Land Sale, just any updates we can give on that. Um, I don't know. Do, do you wanna say anything about that or bear? Um, well, on the

Dotta: souls walk cycles, uh, the, uh, They are already published in, [00:05:00] in terms of the api.

Okay. So I think, you know, we'll do more kind of as a team to package those up, to make them a little bit easier to use. But I think that like the, uh, for now, if you, if you wanna use the api, they're there.

Elf: Sweet. Yeah. Yeah. We should, we should package it up a little more nicely and, and communicate how to get them better.


Dotta: And I wanna give just a huge shout out on ha uh, on Halloween to, uh, the team. So, you know, everyone here did just such a good job of putting that together. It was incredibly complex. Um, you know, the imp the like, part of the complexity there was just integrating with all the different partner collections, right?

Everything from punks to Moon Birds, all these other collections, and making sure all of their weird formats loaded and connected properly. And I just, my hats off, uh, to the Magic Machine team. So not only the art by Cosmo, um, and Elf, of course. And, uh, the marketing effort that was put out by, uh, bear Snake and Nalgene and Lochness really brought [00:06:00] everyone in.

And, um, and then especially, um, like the, the, the, the dev team, um, did an incredible job. So like, uh, NIS e actually wrote, um, 95% of all the contracts and the solidity code there. So like, let it be known throughout the universe that Nis e is like, yeah, a, a, a solidity. Uh, wizard. Wizard. Yeah. Incredibly, incredibly talented.

You know, for, for actually for, um, deploying all of the contracts that we need for the Halloween event, we launched 13 contracts in 52 transactions, and Nisi wrote the deployment script for that, and it worked the first time. I couldn't believe it. It was so intricate. And so, and like, you can't change the smart contracts, um, alongside with that, yeah, the one who rings Shaw did incredible work in the, um, like making the front end work and getting all the animations just right.

Um, and then Jitsu of course was just here the whole time helping everyone along the way and helping with community, so, [00:07:00] and all the new people that were coming in. So yeah, just really, really incredibly thankful for our team and, and it was a huge effort and

Elf: a huge success. I was gonna wait to, uh, gush over our team when we pivot to the caliber conversation, but I don't blame you because they did do awesome and, um, we cannot, we do enough about how good they did.

Dotta: Sure.

Elf: Bear, do you wanna gush about the team? Yeah,

Bearsnake: always. I mean, I think we might have talked a little bit about this last week, but, um, you know, I mean, we're a startup, right? And, and if there's anyone in the audience that has been a part of a company that started with a very small group of people and then, you know, has grown over time, uh, it's not easy to scale.

Like I always say, like it, you know, it, it, it's a lot easier to come up with an idea and do it with one or two or three people, but to like, turn that into scaling into like an actual company where there's, you know, 10 plus people, it's just not easy. That's always been the hardest thing for me in, in my past endeavors.

And so, [00:08:00] um, it, it's, it, it's always just so, um, Refreshing to see how well everybody is, how good everybody is on their own. But then to see them come together like Voltron, it's just, it doesn't, this doesn't happen often. It's, it's usually way messier and way uglier on the inside and, and it just, it just is working so well.

And, and I think not only does it speak to everybody's sort of specific skill sets, um, in their respective areas, but it also speaks a lot about like personality and, um, sort of genuine love for what we're doing. Cause everybody cares. It's hard to find people who care and, and it's just like both sides of the coin, everybody.

It's just, um, feel so lucky to be working with everyone.

Elf: For sure. Um, yeah, I'll say more, but I just, I just wanna get over some, get through some cold questions real quick. Uh, updates on land sale, Beardo, do you guys have any updates on that? Um,

Dotta: so [00:09:00] we meet with, uh, the by Sonic team on a regular basis. I think that like the land sale is still kind of pending, like we'll give you plenty of heads up when was actually time to do it.

You know, we really haven't even established, um, necessarily the order of operations between when the game launches and when the land sale launches, right? I mean, for us, we like the idea that you can play the game at least a little bit before we drop the land. And so, um, you know, you will have plenty of warning.

It's not going, it's not likely to be something that we just sort of like spring on you. Um, the market is, well, you know, the market does feel like it's warming or at least thawing a little bit. We'll see if it's a bear marking rally or not. But, um, I think just really like, you know, I'll say this every time it comes up, which is something like, um, Well, it is just best for everyone for the sale to go very well, right?

Like it's not just best for us. It's like, it just feels like as much as everyone here wants to play the game and we like love the cult and the stories, I think that [00:10:00] we'll have to have a certain like faction of kind of momentum players taking part in the land sale to kind of set the pace and set the floor price for the plots of land, which then kind of like incentivizes and like drives the whole economy.

And so like if we launched, if we were to launch right now and then like for whatever reason not sell out, it just is this massive headwind, um, for the project, whether we like it or not. Right? Though we can say the game is really fun all day, but like if it only sells half, then all of a sudden like crypto will just sort of ignore it.

So we're basically just waiting for the weather to kind of warm up and um, you know, we have plenty of runway. We're like developing all the time. We're working a lot on the battler system or at least like talking through it. I mean, everything's getting worked on too, but like, um, yeah, we've played some, some demos and we have some thoughts and, and our team is.

Really closely engaged to make that super fun and, and by Sonic's really talented And yeah, it's beautiful and fun and you just have to wait.

Elf: The, the best place to get updates on that game is just their, the Twitter account. It's, uh, it's at, for, it's [00:11:00] at Univer game. Well, and Mattos here. Matto, I mean, oh, Matto.


Dotta: Matt's here. I way I'm taking your question really, so. Yeah, yeah, no

Madotsuki: problem. I wasn't up on stage for it, but, um, yeah, I mean, you kind of pretty much covered it. It's being like, held off. I will say that there are, like, we do have like plans that are in the works for like the roadmap, like internally for, um, when we plan on doing more information about what we're gonna be releasing.

Um, we do plan on having, um, at least, um, another, uh, kind of play session for, um, for, for holders to participate in, hopefully before the end of the year. Um, I will try to give more updates on it as they go. Um, they're just really trying to like fine tune, like the battling system and stuff, so that way it feels like it's in a good state to kind of like show off.

It's not gonna be like a fully developed thing because, you know, it's still constantly in development, but just something that I would like. You know, players can kind of get a feel for how that game loop works and also be able to share, like, you know, on Twitter and stuff for all the people to garner up some of that, [00:12:00] um, you know, some of that hype for the game that's coming soon.

So definitely, there's definitely gonna be more soon, more news before the end of the year about the land sale. Um, but just keep an eye on our Twitter and Discord for more news.

Bearsnake: Great. Well said, well said.

Elf: Um, let's see. And then, uh, there, okay, there's lots of questions about the trick or treats. We'll, we'll get to that in a minute.

Um, I'm seeing questions about, uh, updates on 3d. Um, yeah, so it 3D is, is well into production. Just tons of progress being made every week. Um, it's one of the things that I think our whole team at Magic Machine is super excited about. Um, Woz has been digging around in the company Dropbox and just playing with all the 3D assets.

Um, he's probably gonna release some, just tests pretty soon, just things that he's been playing around with. Um, you know, I, I think we'll [00:13:00] certainly have a lot more to say in, in, in the coming months, weeks, or months. Um, but yeah, I mean, all I can say right now is it's definitely coming along and it's, it's one of the things we are most excited about.

I don't know if Bear Dodo you wanna say anything?

Bearsnake: Yeah, yeah. I just wanted to say, and I, I'm not sure if we said this before, but you know, I feel like we kind of operate like Pixar in that Pixar will make a movie and then they'll screen it internally to the whole studio of all the employees. And if like one of the acts isn't working, like, let's say like the whole, like third act of the movie isn't working the way everybody wants it to, they'll literally just stop.

They'll push the release date and they'll just redo it. And so I think th that's sort of our take on, on everything that we touch. Um, and 3D is no different. We went down a really long road, um, with an outside studio actually. Um, and we like spent a fair amount of money like doing 3d and [00:14:00] at the end of it, it was like, you know what, it's not good enough.

And, and I was like, we're just gonna do it ourselves. And we're like, alright, let's go. And so I, you know, it, it may take longer, but, um, I just love that we don't care about, um, sort of like all the details of like, okay, this is better for us from, from like a business perspective to like just push it out.

Like it has to hit this quality bar. Um, and so yeah, like these models, I'm like, I'm shaking. I love them so much. The whole team Molly, with, with all of the concept art and frog eater, it's just so top-notch. Y'all are gonna love it.

Dotta: Yeah, the design that we had before, it was just like extremely painful to discard it, but like we just, we just couldn't do it and we wasted too much money on it.

And, but like, it still 100% the right choice because the models that we have now will, you know, last a hundred years. And [00:15:00] so I think that I'm very excited to drop it. I think another problem that we're maybe having is like, it's not a problem, but like now we're just thinking about how do we want to release them, right?

Do we just like, sort of drop screenshots in a T pose and it's like, well no, we spent all this like love and care in it. Um, like we need to release something that looks good. So yeah,

Elf: they're the only, the only quote problem there is like choosing which idea out of like 10 awesome ideas to land on. Yeah, it's not a problem.

Dotta: It's just like, it just takes time and money to like do that.

Elf: So, yeah. But we've got, we've got a lot of plans for 3D and excited to talk more about that as it, uh, progresses. Um, two little fun questions I saw. So Tanya asked, uh, what costumes did we wear? Um, I'll start. I wore none because I was working on forgotten ruins all weekend.

Donna Bear? Yeah, same.

Bearsnake: Uh, ditto.

Elf: Although Matto, did you wear a costume? I know we were really

Dotta: boring. No,

Madotsuki: I was [00:16:00] actually sick all day on Halloween. And then, uh, day after I was finishing, I'm still finishing up some of the, the universe, um, campfire lore contest that we did. So busy weekend for me too, and then sick on Halloween day.

So didn't even get to leave down. I did,

Bearsnake: I did go to the, I did go to the Dead Fellows, uh, event, um, in downtown LA with Tanya and Jitsu and a bunch of people. Um, jitsu was not in costume, but Tanya had a fantastic one on, uh, birds. The Cosmos had a fantastic one on. It was, yeah. People were showing up. Lizard style.

Elf: Yep. Yeah, I, I, I was just reminded I actually wore my flesh costume. That's, uh, that's what I wore. Um, thanks. Isn't that such a nice phrase? Flash costume. Uhhuh. Yeah. Um, okay. And then similarly, similarly, slim, uh, asked, what superpower would you choose if you could choose one? Um, again, I will start, [00:17:00] uh, I'm not, I, I'm not gonna choose the typical flying or invisibility.

I'm gonna choose immortality. Um, okay. Do to bear what the, choose really? Yep. I would

Bearsnake: doda what do you want?

Dotta: I, I, I think I love the idea of flying, but I might trade it for, uh, like godlike charisma.

Bearsnake: You

Elf: already have that in spades.

Bearsnake: God, like charisma. That one superpower.

Dotta: Yeah.

Elf: Hilarious. From the guy who refuses to show his face.

Oh, man. Um, okay. Bear, what are you doing? Bear?

Bearsnake: You're up now. God. Uh, geez. Flying's cool. Invisibility is really cool. Um, I, I don't wanna be able [00:18:00] to run as fast as the

Elf: flash. Oh, okay. Like so

Bearsnake: fast that like I can break into other dimensions. I can like go steal a pizza,

Dotta: no one. That sounds really cool. And you'd burn those calories off really

Elf: fast.

Yeah, I

Bearsnake: look really good.

Elf: Oh, that's, that's great. I, I love that you don't want to use your powers to like save people from burning buildings. We just wanna steal pizza. I want a pizza man. For sure. Okay. Right on. Um, okay. Yeah, I think that's all. Oh, one, one final question before we get into Halloween. Uh, Papa Foster asked, uh, about Wiki lore updates on the map.

Um, yeah, so the next, honestly, like, like month or two, this is where I really wanna shift. My main focus is just like filling out a lot of the lore in the Wiki. Um, and really just other places, I mean, you know, I've also been trying to work it a little bit more into Wizard Wednesday. In fact, today I wanna [00:19:00] talk about the green hats.

Um, so yeah, it's just, yeah. Oh, and then plus I've been like working with the comic guy and Derek on the scripts. Um, so yeah, Laura's just gonna be a major focus of mine in the next few months. Uh, so that's what I would say about that. Um, I don't know if Bardot you wanna say anything on that?

Okay, cool. Let's talk about Halloween. Um, man, what a great event. Twitter was fucking amazing for like three days. Uh, and not just in the cult, but like people outside of the cult showing off their tricks, showing off their treats. Um, yeah, I've got a thousand things to say, but I don't know. I guess, Barry, do you wanna start with this,

Dotta: please?

No, go

Elf: ahead. Yeah. Okay, great. Sure. Yeah. Um, so yeah, I mean, we can talk about like what the treats are for in a minute, but I, I just wanna make some observations just on the whole event before that, which is, [00:20:00] um, you know, number one, I'm really happy that Bread friend is really getting the attention that he deserves.

Um, mm-hmm. When I drew that little guy, I was like, why the fuck am I putting this in the collection? And, um, you know, I'll say one inspiration for me was. Probably the funniest nursery rhyme ever, which is the ginger brand, gingerbread man nursery rhyme. Um, and just real quick, sing it for us. Sing Well, I'm, it's, it's not really a song, but I will recount the nursery rhyme.

It's basically a story of this like little shithead, gingerbread man who goes around just like provoking everyone and talking shit. And then in the end, uh, he gets eaten and like, that's it. And, and uh, it's, it's, it's hilarious though cuz just, he, he just like, he just, he just talks shit the whole time. And then in this like dais X machina ending, he gets eaten by a fox.

So, you know, I, I think the, the bread, the bread friend is sort of like a cousin of the gingerbread man. [00:21:00] Hopefully he does not meet such an ending though. Um, but then what else is, can we, can we make, can we make a

Dotta: squishy

Elf: bread friend? Um, I think that would be a question for yourself. Bear, can, can you get someone to make it for us?

Bearsnake: Yes, I'll answer my own questions. We

Elf: friend? Yes. Okay, sweet. Um, no, and then just real quick, another fun thing about that is like, this is also a throwback to the original N F T collection. Dota and I tried to do before we realized there's another Toast NF N F T collection out there. Um, so that's fun. Uh, but anyway, so, so Bread Friend is out there.

Another thing I'm loving is seeing everyone like, uh, be inspired by the, the dolls that are in the collection. And now I'm seeing everybody like doll themself. So fun. Um, which is such a fun meme going around the cult right now. Um, you know, I I also just like, one thing we didn't anticipate is I, is, I love the screen shots that everybody is [00:22:00] showing where they, like, they get their whole crew, um, into the, into the, the little game.

And then they all face the camera and they take a photo of like the whole crew. Um, You know, that is, that is like such an important trope in RPGs, which is like building a party to Quest. And I saw everyone just sort of naturally doing that and like sharing, uh, the, the group photos of their collections.

Um, and then there was also other like really fun forms of role playing. Like, um, like the Color Master who is a I I, I'm pretty sure he is like the Beast master of the Gigas Chad. He did this really great screen grab of Gigas Chad trying to intimidate Bear Snake. Um, you know, I saw a lot of other people taking photos of their wizards, like hanging out with.

Um, the founder Wizards. So it's just, you know, really fun role playing was happening. Um,

Dotta: yeah. Did anybody find the, uh, dodo wizard, uh, hidden [00:23:00] in the Halloween scene? I didn't, I didn't see even one screenshot of someone who found the, the dodo wizard, so that'll remain a mystery.

Elf: Yeah, I I think you hid yourself too well.

Did it? I suppose I did. Yeah. Yeah, cuz I couldn't even find it. Um, Yeah, those, those are just a few. Well, yeah, those are a few just like social observations, obviously. I loved seeing the partner collections post their tricks, but I'll stop there for a minute. Do you guys

Dotta: wanna,

Elf: um,

Dotta: gimme trick? Well, yeah, I mean, I think that I really loved everyone show, like uploading their tricks.

Like the animated GIF was so fun. I don't know, like, I love it. I love it when on the days when you win Twitter and like your entire feed is just forgotten ruins. It's just like the best feeling.

Elf: Yep. Yep. And then, and then Bear, I know you had like a big rant about just like collaborating with these other projects.

Dotta: Yeah, I

Bearsnake: actually got into [00:24:00] a public fight with that guy chilling the villain about it, like inadvertently. Anyway, I'll save that story for another time. I think now just especially during like sort of the bearish sentiment, um, this idea of like being, um, Uh, competitive with other projects I think is just like the antithesis of what should be happening.

I think, I think collaboration in like an emerging market like this where there's builders and there's projects sort of heads down doing their own thing. I think to lift their heads up and to sort of join forces when they can with other projects and, and collaborate, uh, whether that's like pointing communities to one another or doing a project together and building together, I just think that is like, there's exponential growth in sort of holding hands.

Um, and I think Halloween was, was our first attempt at doing that in a lot [00:25:00] of ways. Um, and it was just really exciting to see some of these projects sort of. Max out their, um, you know, their tokens for those partner community projects. It's, I, I mean, DELP, I know you're talking about the network effect, but it speaks to that, right?

The, the network effect. It just goes that much faster and that much, uh, further when, when we are working together and, uh, I love to see it and we're gonna

Dotta: do more of it. Yeah, and I don't have the exact numbers, but I think there was something like, um, 500 new people who got like boxes or treats that don't hold any of our other, like, character tokens.

And I mean, you know, maybe that's sort of, uh, low in kind of web two terms. So that's quite a lot, you know, given that we only have maybe 4,000 holders, that's quite a big percentage increase. So, um, it's really exciting to kind of just see new folks. To me it just felt like everybody noticed us, right? Like now everyone at NFTs knows who we are.

They're like, I'd go into channels where maybe [00:26:00] people weren't as familiar with forgotten ruins and now they are. And that's a good feeling.

Bearsnake: And also shout out to the cult for, for giving such a warm welcome to people coming in. Yes. Um, that's such a big part of it, right? Is a random person finds out about the project that come in, they ask questions, and you know, first impressions are a big deal.

And, and y'all were, were sweethearts, so thank you.

Elf: Yep. Yeah, it's all about the network effect. Um, and, and it's all about, uh, just building a fun experience. I mean, I, I think like really that's one of the most important, important features of any N F T project just build for fun. It's really that simple. Um, you know, especially like this, this is your, your, your armor against the bear market, um, you know, in entertainment historically, has always done really well in down economies.

And, you know, everybody's been having fun with art gobblers. Like that's the latest thing. Um, you know, my my observation is just like, this is like serious bull market energy in a bear market. And it's, yeah, [00:27:00] it's happening in NFTs, it's not happening in defi. It's not happening in like, Anything else? E equity markets like, like NFTs are the only place that like real fun is, is being had.

Um, and I

Dotta: super loved what, uh, bridge said, uh, like just before the of or Yeah. He, he said one of the things I love like forgotten ruins is cuz they promise NFTs and deliver magic. And I was like, uh

Elf: oh, that's

Bearsnake: good. Yeah. That's really

Elf: good. I like that. Yeah, that's really good. Um, so yeah, so let's talk about the tricks and the treats.

Um, let's, let's start with treats actually. Um, and, and so again, like, like, you know, as, as we've been saying, the, the biggest quote unquote utility is just, uh, the, the lore implications behind these. Um, and, and I'm already seeing it happen on Twitter. Um, uh, you know, like I, here, here's a funny example. I saw somebody like asking like, how do I cook these eggs?

And then somebody else replied, did you consult the book of eggs? Um, you know, shit like that. Like, I just, I love that. I, I, and again, I, I love the, [00:28:00] like, the lore that's being built around the doll collection. Um, I'm seeing people like, play with the cards. Um, there's a lot of speculation about the eggs. Um, just like there, there's just so much storytelling utility from all these, these items.

And what I love also is that they're, they're, they're like a, they're, they're, um, the barrier to entry is very low for these. They're, they're, you know, they're not expensive. Um, they're, they're easy to trade. Um, And so, you know, it's not really like a, like a quote financial token. It's more just like something fun to play with.

And I, and I love that. Um, so, so yeah, I mean, like the lore is really the, the, the real utility now as far as any mechanical utility. Um, you know, I wanna be careful about saying anything specific right now. Um, you know, because it, it, it happened with the Beast Gate like, like a few months ago. Um, you know, we said the Beast Gate is opening and then everybody speculated on Wizards holding keys.

And like, luckily, [00:29:00] you know, that played out. We, we made it work. But, but like, if, if I, if I say anything now, it's, it's not something that is definitely going to happen set in stone. It's, these are just like ideas that are, that are like, been floating around Magic Machine. Um, you know, I I I, I would say that a lot of the, the mechanic utility is sort of apparent in what these things are.

I mean, the eggs like, Obviously, I think you all can imagine what the eggs would do. Um, you know, that's pretty self-explanatory. The, the, the books might be used. Um, I mean, I don't know, sort of like the, the na the title of the book can say, sort of, uh, suggest what it might be used for. Um, there's a lot of alchemy ingredients you could imagine, like a, uh, some sort of crafting scenario with, with those things.

Um, you know, there's a fishing pole. You could, you could imagine what that would be used for in the future. Um, there's a lot of food items, um, you know, you could imagine feeding those to [00:30:00] ponies or bees or as buff items in battle. Um, these are just sort of ideas that, that could totally happen in the future.

Um, I don't know. Dodo, do you wanna say anything about future utility?

Dotta: Um, Yeah, well, I think, yeah, because everyone are such crazy DJs. The second we like give a hint of alpha, they like spike on the marketplace. So like, you know, be warned, we don't have like super concrete plans or concrete timelines, um, that said like, you know, us, we're like, we don't like to put things out there and never use them, but there's so many different items within that collection.

It's gonna take time before we actually integrate them. So, um, so, but yes, I think like, like you said, the uses are somewhat apparent and we'll try to use them as we kind of build things out. Right. And so, um, we talked about this last week, which is we've got characters in the universe. We've got, uh, written stories.

Through the book of law, we've got, you know, [00:31:00] commissioned still images, um, and now we've got these items. And so we've got all this sort of like boilerplate for our universe and we have stories around the world and we're telling, we've got a map comic book, we've got a map, we've got a map, but we don't really have anywhere where you can like, Walk around as your character.

One of the things people talk about from the Halloween event is like, oh, I wish I could just go back in and just walk around. And that was like the world's simplest situation, right? Like you're just walking to the left and the right, like a platform where you couldn't even jump. Um, but it was so fun to like be your wizard or your, or your whole crew roll up to the N Mary M store.

It was like incredibly fun, even for me, um, to see your character in, in that environment. And so I think that's really the sort of things that we wanna like work on. Um, this year is less around like expanding the characters and more around expanding, um, the, the, the world. But then like the interaction, like the interactivity.

And so I would love to do more [00:32:00] around like being able to have maps where you can walk around and we'll do some of that in the universe game, of course. Um, but then being able to have a place to even use these items and be able to have games where you can come and play and use these items. And so, um, well, yeah, you'll just have to wait I

Elf: suppose.

People have been asking a lot about the vses. Um, you know, you can imagine maybe something's in that vase. The vses have titles that are specific to regions. You could imagine some sort of map related utility to that. Um, people, oh, oh, here, here's another mechanic. Actually, people were asking about the scroll mechanics.

Um, you know, we've said that these scrolls can be exchanged for a wizard warrior or a pony, um, donor. Do you have any comments on how exactly that works? I will set

Dotta: that up, uh, within the next week or so. Um, I think if you got a wizard scroll, just DM me and we can deal with that by hand. [00:33:00] Um, you know, one of the things that I was planning on doing was, um, pseudos Swap allows you to exchange NFTs, uh, for random NFT in, in a pool.

Um, and I was planning on just throwing them all in pseudo. Uh, but then I was, I just realized this morning I was talking to Owen that like, they don't support, um, 1150 fives yet, and the items are 1150 fives. And so, uh, yeah, we've gotta write a bit of code or at least just do it by hands. But yeah, just,

Elf: yeah, I think an o TC trade is, is honestly the simplest


Dotta: to get, it's probably the simplest thing.

Yeah. So just give us a

Elf: DM, I guess. Yep. I, I'm, yeah, I think O TC would be the best. Yep. Um, cool. And then, let's see. Yeah, I, I think that's actually it on the treats for now. Um, oh, one other fun thing about the treats and, and speaking of community is Goblin Town. Uh, W T F bought a, a bra, a jar of goblin brains [00:34:00] that was not instigated by us whatsoever.

Um, and then they started just doing other random forgotten rooms, tweets, um, But amazingly there's a, uh, there's honestly like an undercurrent of quantum synchronicity here because, um, I don't know, we might have an announcement of an upcoming game that might be connected somehow. I don't know if do to bear You wanna say anything?


Dotta: I mean, leave it at that. We're meeting with them tomorrow. We'll see how it goes. They're

Bearsnake: just, yeah, there's, yeah, there's quantum thinking,

Elf: but quantum, this isn't,

Bearsnake: that's all we can say. It's quantum. But this is what I will say, like, I'm not sure if people know how the, the 10 ktf sort of quote unquote collab or however you wanna define it, came about, but it came about completely organically. Um, and I think it was Locke who started like sparring back and forth with them and [00:35:00] it like led to us to the secret tower being in the middle of the map, you know, and us.

Being a part of their entire project. And, and we love, we love them so much. Uh, and they were, I think they were the first project to actually use all their allocated spots for Halloween. Um, but you know, I think some of the best things come organically and are sort of reversed engineered. Um, and so, yeah.

Uh, I think there's a lot of fun stuff maybe

Dotta: coming from over. Yeah. And just to be clear, we don't have like anything formal with them. We're not outing them, we're just saying we are working on stuff where we might involve

Elf: them. Well, okay. Yeah. And just to be even more clear, um, yeah, or to reiterate, you know, I'm just, I'm just making a hilarious observation that they bought Goblin brains and then they found Goblin 10 on our map.

Um, I wanna also reiterate that, uh, goblin Town was on the Univer map way before the Goblin Town WTF project was ever even born.

Bearsnake: So, well, that's what I, I, I took a snapshot of the map [00:36:00] and, and I was just like, Hey, we were here first, and, and then they replied with, uh, a funny message over Twitter. So again, yeah, they.

They're playful and I, I, their communities are so weird and awesome,

Madotsuki: so yeah, I like seeing you. I like seeing you gold them with like the kind of like the, the threat of like, like, you know, we want, we love golf and brain still, and then they replied back, oh, no.

Elf: Mm-hmm. And, and just to further iterate, I am not, also not claiming that Forgotten Ruins is the project who came up with the concept of Goblin Town.

Obviously that's been a meme in the crypto market forever. Um, you know, which, you know, it's like ev this is, this is what Forgotten Ruins is all about, is playing on these timeless archetypes that are derivatives of derivatives, of derivatives. Culture has memetic. So, you know. Anyway, um, I, I, I get, I think what I'm saying right now will make sense in the future, um, as we make more announcements of this, of this unannounced game.

Um, I mean, [00:37:00] yeah. In, in fact someone in the cult was asking about this unannounced game. Uh, Dota just to put a button on it. Is there anything else you wanna say about that? Yeah, I'll talk about it. So

Dotta: we'll release more details. Um, I'm working on the green paper right now. Um, the game will be, it's sort of like a, um, a massively multiplayer real time, uh, crypto version of like settlers of Catan, I guess.

Um, and so this would be sort of like, uh, you know, one of the things with settlers of Catan is that, um, you take, so, so the way the game works, it's a hex grid game and you can build settlements and roads and you harvest resources. Um, and, uh, you, uh, In the, in the tabletop game, you take turns, right? People roll dice and there's turns and go around the table.

In a crypto [00:38:00] version, it's all, uh, real time. So it's a lot more like, let's say a master chef contract or like yield farming or like goo frankly, where you kind of like earn resources continuously over time. And so there's not like turns, it's actually everyone's playing at the same time. And so, um, yeah, I will talk more about the details, the mechanics, the trade-offs, the uh, the benefits for beast holders, the PVP mechanic, and how, uh, warriors wizards and maybe even some of the treat items will play into the, the mechanics, um, uh, at a later date.

But it's gonna be quite fun.

Elf: I'm so, but there it's there. It's there. It's

Bearsnake: and r and, and lemme just say the art is looking quite spiffy as well. Yeah.

Dotta: It's looking good.

Elf: Yep. Um, okay. And then let's, uh, let's talk about the tricks for a second. Um, so, you know, this is one of my one, this was one of my questions in the very beginning, which was like, [00:39:00] what are people gonna like more?

The tricks are the treats. Um, you know, I, I saw someone in the secret tower the other day say, uh, something like, again, the undesirables are desirable. Um mm-hmm. Which is perfect cuz that was our last Halloween event. Uh, and so, yeah, I mean, beyond just being like, just really fun, funny things. Uh, Dota do the tricks, have any utilities,

Dotta: Yes.

So the tricks do have utilities. Okay, so this would be kind of a follow up to our, uh, discussion around dynamic NFTs. Okay? So if you've been following along, one of the things that we talked a lot about a few months ago was like, should NFTs ever change? Right? Like, um, forgotten Ruins was sort of founded on, um, the, like, let's say the, the, the, the principle of like this immutable living forever, NFTs, right?

We've stored the Wizards art on chain and they can never [00:40:00] change and they'll persist for as long as Ethereum exists,

Elf: rather. Well, sorry, I would actually say that's, that's debatable, but, but still continue.

Dotta: Sure. And the, uh, well, I'm just saying like it was founded in an era where there were many people who were collecting these NFTs Sure.

Cared about imu immutability a lot, right? Yep. That, like, that was the mindset of many people at that time. For sure. Yep. Agreed. Uh, and so there was like some ethos of that originally, but as we've kind of like grown as an industry and as a project, we sort of thought that like, well, these are digital objects and they shouldn't be static.

Um, I don't think that we'll ever like change the Wizard NFTs. Uh, well, we never will really do it without consent. And so, but the idea is that like we see people on Twitter, um, and, and, and the forgotten Roots community is like extremely creative, right? So, uh, let's take, uh, some other communities like maybe like moon [00:41:00] Birds or something.

Like people use their moon birds, P f P, and they don't really change it very much. People use their zuki pfp and they don't change it very much. Um, and so a lot of the websites, their websites now that track like the number of PFPs people are using from a particular project. And we always rank really low on those stats.

Why? Because like, because we. Um, customize and like we bedazzle our, uh, like PFPs, like way more than any other community. I mean, look at even other people in this space, right? Like Zuki is like an interpretation. Tony Del Rio, Chuck K Jitsu is like looking in the, uh, you know, looking in the window of like a, a door magnifying glass, all of these things.

Dr. Slurp has his, uh, like glitched out Cosmos wearing a wizard hat on a Toad. Oz has got a paper, like I could go on and on and on, right? Tad Major is using a baby wizard. Two Crows is using his jewelry. Uh, so like the, the community [00:42:00] like takes their P F P and then they like add their own design on top of it.

And so one of the things we thought a lot about is like, Is there a way that we can, uh, have those changes and then still show a hexagon on Twitter that's like verified by the forgotten ruins? Deployer. And the tricks are, you'll notice are actually part of what's called, um, a, a shapeshift collection. And so the plan is for these shapeshift collections is that you'll actually be able to like apply, um, like filters, equipment, um, like styles, maybe different props, maybe different interpretations.

Um, and you'll come to our website and you'll be able to, um, use tokens essentially. Like maybe there's, uh, a piece of candy from the collection that you can use to change the background color of your character. Or maybe there's one,

Elf: maybe the jar of rainbows changes colors, maybe the hue hat. [00:43:00] Maybe the spray can, maybe some of these treats are actually used in shape shifting.

Hmm. I don't know. Mm.

Dotta: And, you know, some of the things we've talked about even more are like, uh, hat colors, for example. Like the hat colors are actually right now all attached to, uh, specific wizzy heads. And then even some heads don't have a hat at all, or they're different colors. And so let's say that you wanted to, um, change your hat color.

Look, we're not going to change the rarity of the core wizard, right? Like whether a wizard has a purple hat or a green hat or whatever, that's always gonna stay the same when you look at the core collection on open seat. But you could imagine getting a hat change token, which then you can use to change the hat of your shapeshifter.

Um, and so again, this shapeshift collection is, um, it's wizard bound. I don't wanna say soul bound, but like basically you can't sell. Um, or trade the Shapeshifter token apart from [00:44:00] the, the owner. In fact, whoever owns the original Wizard Token automatically owns the shapeshift token. Um, and so you'll see right now that all of your shapeshift tokens, if you have one, um, has a trick on it, right?

And if you didn't get a trick, then you don't have a shapeshift token for your character just yet. Um, but what we'll basically be doing over the coming months, and it might take us a, a few months, bear with us, is. Basically building out an infrastructure where you could, you know why Sam paints a, a slice of pizza or maybe actually we have a slice of pizza in the trees.

Collection elf has a slice of pizza and you can kind of like change out the prop in your character or, uh, change the background and then crop it. Um, and then use that as your hex pfp on Twitter as like a verified token from the forgotten wounds deployer. So yeah. So the trick or treat was basically the proof of concept for the shapeshift system, which we hope to use, uh, more as a token driven, like my ification, customization of your P F P.

Elf: Yeah. So this, [00:45:00] you know, this is the follow up to the really controversial dynamic N F T conversation we had months ago. The voices of of opposition did not want us to change core NFTs because it would affect rarity metrics. Totally understandable. So this is our sort of solution to this, which is, it still doesn't change the core nft, but you can still customize your character, uh, sort of in a doppelganger like N F T that I'm imagining would show up in the book of lore, maybe as the primary image, because this is the one you're presenting as, um, it's an actual N F T token.

It's tied to the original N F T, but it's highly dynamic and customizable, and you will probably need, uh, tokens to make these changes. Um, and many of these tokens are sitting in the treat collection, um, right now. So yeah, this is just, uh, I, I think, uh, great solution to dynamic NFTs agree. [00:46:00] Uh, Matto, you got a

Dotta: question?

Madotsuki: No, I was gonna say, I actually was discussing this in, um, over weekend. That's what I thought you were doing. I saw that it was, they were like, essentially, Like, not really soul bound, but they were connected. I think the first thing I noticed is that, um, if you delegated a wallet, um, the tricks would actually spawn in the wallet that knocked, but because the wizards of warriors were not in that wallet, um, they would actually spawn in, they would actually mint in the holder's wallet.

So that was the first thing that I noticed. And then I noticed, obviously people were pointing out that, you know, you can't sell 'em or trade them. Um, and I did my own tasks to show that you can actually, you can trade them only after you've traded the original wizard or Warrior. Um, and they can only exclusively go to whatever wall destination wallet the Wizard Warrior's in.

So, um, with that I kind of thought like, you know, these are some kind of like a layer two on top of that, that original token. So like that's what's upgradeable. But the original token underneath is perfect, is, you know, completely untouched. And I kind of thought [00:47:00] like that the upgrade paths would be like related to what's under the original, similar to like, you know, soles where it's like.

One trait could only really turn into like a series of other traits rather than just kind of anything under your blue. But I don't know what you guys were replying. That's just kind of like what I was thinking and I'm just glad that I, it was, it kind of felt like we were on the same page with it. Cuz I think you guys dropped enough hints that you wanted to do that.

Um, that it was kind of apparent once I saw that we had that kind of, that wizard warrior bound token that was created from this event.

Dotta: Yeah. Um, well, yes, I think that, that, that you're, you're right, which is that we want to kind of link it to the underlying token. Um, and then I think for the near term, it will be basically allow listed from like, like we basically run because Okay, because the tokens are changing, there will be a central server which is hosted by Magic Machine, which hosts, hosts those image.

Uh, so for example, Rather than using I P F S where every token, you know, the [00:48:00] whole collection basically is like one file. We have a dynamic API for these dynamic NFTs, and so we'll basically have quality control for which tokens we will sort of let into being able to be used there. And they can range from just like, changing the pixels to even, almost like filters, right?

Like, so imagine that you like flip, like a lot of people flip their token from like left to the right or something, right? And so you're still doing a transform of kind of the underlying, uh, token. But it, we could use it for other things too, right? You could imagine using it for, uh, a, a totally different like anime style version of your wizard or a 3D version, right?

Imagine once we have 3D published, you could actually like pose your 3d, uh, version and then like basically there's a little camera there to like take a picture and then set that as your snapshot version. So I think those are the things we're kind of like dreaming of in the future, you know? Um, you could even imagine cases where we've seen tokens, you know, We, we've seen like, uh, uh, Barron Court where they're like a different [00:49:00] familiar, right?

I mean, we haven't like all decided this as a group that we would want to do this, but you could imagine in theory, uh, what if you had that Barron Court familiar, and then you could sort of sub out like what your familiar is on kind of your, your Warrior token, for example. So yeah, I just really think the sky's the limit there, and I'm like very, very excited to, to play with it, though we still have, you know, we still need some time to actually build up that ui.

Elf: Yep. Yeah. I, you know, between Shapeshifting and 3D and uh, map building, you know, I was just thinking today like w we're about to like enter a phase and forgotten ruins. That's just gonna be fricking just like one of my favorites yet, honestly. Um, I know that like, we're just getting started as a very cliche phrase in the space, but it, it's just so true right now for us.

Um, there's so many things on the horizon that I'm so excited for. Uh, and yeah, I mean, I don't know. Bear Dodo, do you wanna comment on that? [00:50:00] I'm not excited at all. I'm super bored.

Dotta: Yeah. I'm just like stressing over how much coding we have to do, but I'm like loving

Elf: every minute of it, so,

Bearsnake: yeah. Yeah. I just want pizza.

Like I said earlier,

Dotta: you, we need to order you a pizza to the

Elf: bear cave. Um, okay, well, speaking of hat colors, I wanna talk a little bit about the green hats today. Um, unless, uh, and, and then I wanna go over some cult content. Um, please. Yeah. Okay, cool. So yeah, last week, uh, we talked about, um, the Red Hats, or sorry, previously we talked about the Red Hats.

Who are, uh, capitalistic oligarchs using magic? Uh, We're using the magic of finance to seize power. And then we talked about the blues, who believe power resides in knowledge, rationality, and technology. Uh, but today I wanna dive into the greens, um, the, uh, the green hats who, uh, power centers lie [00:51:00] in the equatorial jungles, um, on the map.

Um, and so the, the, the primary culture of the greens is that they live in harmony with nature. They do not try to dominate nature. Uh, their society blends in with it as much as possible. Um, I would imagine, uh, a lot of green hat, cities, uh, being, uh, very much solar punk in design. If you, if you're familiar with solar punk, um, you know, they essentially just, all of the, their power sources are, are, are the, are from the sun.

Um, And then their, uh, their magic, of course pulls, uh, from deep, deep within the earth. Um, and it's quite possible that these sources are far older than even the quantum shadow itself. Um, and so the, the greens, uh, you know, they, they pity the reds because what, what good are their evil financial markets and their [00:52:00] cosmopolitan cities, uh, in the face of a powerful earthquake or a hurricane?

Um, you know, what good are the blues libraries in the face of a, of an inferno? Uh, what technology can possibly be built that would counter the natural forces of an entire planet? Because in the end, nature is all that endures. Uh, the unstoppable forces of the natural world will. Always prevail. Um, you could even argue that the singularity itself is a natural event.

Um, and nature was here before the singularity, and it is here after the singularity. Um, and so to really understand the greens, um, there, there's a lot of tropes of this type throughout literature and film and media. Um, and with, with the reds and the blues, I started with like the good trope. Um, normally I start with the good guys, but with the greens, I wanna start with [00:53:00] like the quote evil trope because that's what makes this trope interesting.

Um, and it's interesting because in the natural world, Good and evil kind of don't really exist. The natural world basically transcends these human notions of good and evil. Um, you know, you can't really say nature is evil. What, what you can say is nature is harsh and brutal and just disconnected from the poultry concerns of humanity, but it's not evil.

Um, and so let me here. An example of this would be like Werner Herzog's film, the Grizzly Man. Um, spoiler alert. Uh, in the end, the guy gets eaten by the bear. Um, but you can't say that that bear is evil. You know, the bear is just doing what a bear does. Um, and, and, yeah, yeah, bear, anything you do bear is never evil.

You're just being a bear.

Dotta: You heard it here, folks,

Bearsnake: your children.

Dotta: Yeah. [00:54:00]

Elf: But, but yeah. And then, you know, this, this concept is, is really explored and one of my favorite books, uh, the Jungle Book, um, You know, the, the central protagonist Mogley, um, it's all about his, uh, his sort of him confronting what's called the Law of the Jungle, uh, which is, um, which is sort of epitomized by sheer Khan.

Um, you know, Sheikhan is just a tiger. He's not evil. He's just doing what a tiger does. Um, and it's, it's what what's really interesting about Mowgli's journey as he grapples with the law of j of the jungle, is that, um, he learns that since he's a human, this sort of puts him outside of the jurisdiction of this law because for one thing, he can wield fire.

And of course fire is a metaphor for human civilization. And when civilization is built, it destroys the jungle and all the animals in it. Um, but, but yeah, [00:55:00] it's, you know, so, so what's interesting is like when human beings i e the greens, when they try to sort of, Observe the law of the jungle, um, and sort of live in harmony with it.

Um, you know, a few other quote, evil examples of this are like Jurassic Park. Um, you know, clearly for all the humans involved, those dinosaurs were very bad. Um, but again, they're dinosaurs. They're just doing their, their natural thing. Um, another really cool example of this is that movie Into the Wild. Um, it's again sort of like another Mogley tale.

The guy in it, he just like, he tries to become one with nature and in the end nature. Destroys him. Um, and, and so yeah, I, you know, the, the bad, like the quote unquote evil examples of this trope are super, super fascinating because it really just in the end, it makes you question like, what is evil really?

Um, and then of course there's tons of like, really virtuous, good examples of this. Um, Lord of the Rings, for example, has many versions. Uh, the, the s [00:56:00] um, RGAs the Brown, uh, and to an extent, uh, the elves themselves. Um, these are all beings who are just really trying to live in harmony with nature and, uh, living in harmony with nature is like the highest good.

Um, other examples are like the Ewoks from Star Wars. Um, the Nave from James Cameron's avatar. Um, San from Princess Que. Um, so yeah, I, I, you know, it's, it's funny cuz like, I think if, if me personally, if I were to be in any of the wizard factions, I would maybe find myself very, with a lot of affinity for the greens.

Um, this is just my personality, but, but yeah, it's, it's a pretty straightforward trope and yet it's extremely powerful and, um, there's a lot of just like really fascinating inherent conflict within like, the whole green philosophy. Um, that's really all I have to say about the greens today. I think next week I'm gonna go into the yellows.[00:57:00]

Um, love that. Yeah. Yeah. Uh, yeah, it's, it's funny, I, I think I saw Bill Gaines the other day saying something about like, there's nothing like weaker wrong about the greens. And like, I, I can see an argument being made for that. Um, it's just like the, the bad side is like often like green philosophy, just really discounts what it means to be a human.

But is that bad? You know, I don't know. It's, it's, it's up for the debate. I mean, that's, that's the way it is for all these hat colors. It's, it's, there's really no like way to perfectly define any of them. Um, and, and that's why it's good storytelling material because there's inherent conflict in all of them.

Um, okay. So yeah. And then, uh, let's go over some cult content. Um, I don't know, bear Dodo, did anything stand out to you this week? I've got a little list.

Dotta: One of the things that I thought was so cool was we, I'm sure you're gonna talk about all these projects, but we were working so hard on our [00:58:00] Halloween event and the cult themselves had three.

So Acid Eater and Bill Gaines had set up, uh, the costumes, which I incorrectly tweeted, sorry, as baby costumes, but is actually for, uh, wizards as well. Um, you know, I particularly loved the, uh, chimera costume. Ugh, just so adorable. Just, uh, kills me how cute it was and. Go ahead. We also had, uh, the Forgotten punk, uh, soul Burning Event, which is involved.

Right? And like we see this mechanic so often where it's like you just think, oh yeah, you just mint a summoning circle and then burn that summoning circle to mint a forgotten soul. It's like, no, these are things are not straightforward to do. And I was really impressed, um, with, uh, I know that t uh, SP Z was, uh, behind the smart contracts there.

And then, um, you know, the whole Forgotten Punks team. Uh, I love my forgotten punks. I think they're like so great. Um, [00:59:00] I, I, I don't think that I'm the highest forgotten souls, uh, soul punk holder. I think Merlin is number one. I, I, I was number two for a minute. I don't know if I stood. And then, uh, and then yeah, feckless has the heroes of cucumber, uh, CU Cumberland.

Platformer game, which is like a full on video game, uh, with a real contest in order to give away. Uh, I don't know what they gave away, but there was like N f t prizes if, if you won that game. So I thought that that game was like incredibly well done. Super fun.

Elf: The Bouncy Pumpkins. Speak to the contest a little bit if you'd like me to.

Okay. Yes. Oh, hey, you're here. Go for it. Hi. Hello. Um, yeah, so shucks Pumpkin Panic. The first game from Heroes of Cumberland, um, is now available to play. We launched it last weekend. Um, there are two contests currently running. Um, one is for first clears of the game cuz it's a fairly diff difficult game apparently.

Um, there have been two clears so [01:00:00] far. The first one by Doodler and the second by NightOwl Birdman, which was just this morning. So congratulations to the two of you. Um, the prizes for the first clear bit will be free. Heroes of Cumberland. Um, Then the second one is just a high score contest, um, that will be running until next Wizard Wednesday.

The current score to beat is I believe, 7,750 held by Delta Mouse in the 10th place position. And Doodler again is in the top spot with somewhere around 22,000 points. Um, but other than that, go, go to cucu do.com and there's a games tab. You can go play it and enjoy it. Who is

Dotta: the team behind the programming and like, and the art, uh, of this game?

Elf: Uh, me. You did the art and the programming. Yes, I did. What did you need to build

Dotta: a programming? Let's talk, let's nerd out for a second. What is it built on?

Elf: It's built on Godo, which I was recommended by Wazier, and it's a fantastic [01:01:00] program. Oh, he

Bearsnake: also amazing. Greg was also dressed up as a wizard for, uh, Halloween.

Elf: Yeah, it was, it was great to see And jitsu. That was awesome.

Dotta: You even had time to go to a Halloween party. It is incredible, incredible, incredible work. Good job.

Bearsnake: Yeah. Doda He

Elf: codes and

Bearsnake: he hangs out. I'm just saying.

Elf: I try to do both. Yeah. I just stay at home. Yep. A awesome factless. Yeah, just, yeah. The Colt has just been making amazing stuff lately.

Um, I, I wanna give a shout out to, uh, cosmic Birds who did a really nice kigami dice, um, of the, the D 20 die that, uh, sort of governs the randomness of the, uh, the universe. Um, and in fact, that was a contest that, uh, Matto, you won it right.

Madotsuki: Yes, I'm actually pretty surprised and pretty happy one. I will definitely take more, [01:02:00] more closeup pictures when it arrives.

Elf: Amazing. Yeah, it's, it's super cool. Um, and then, uh, and then, and then, yeah, uh, Baren Von Fancy sent me a really just beautiful ceramic sculpture of my wizard. Yep. There it is. Um, I thought it was Sammy Kitty at first, but it's, uh, it was Beon Baren von Fancy.

Um, damnit, I love it so much. Like I, it was one of these days I'm gonna retire and just like, make ceramics cuz it just looks so fun. Um, so thank you for that Baron. Um, and then, uh, Marco Fine has been just continuing making some really great illustrations of people's wizards. Uh, they did a really nice soul, uh, piece lately.

Um, I, I just, I love Mark fine's, uh, work. Just such good stuff. Um, and then, yeah, I just want a second. Dota acid eat costumes for all the wizards have been really great. Um, [01:03:00] and, uh, yeah, I, I think that's all I'm seeing on the timeline. I always hate that I, if I miss anyone's pulled content, but that's all I'm seeing for now.

Um, I, I, I guess that's it. Do we have

Dotta: anything else? I guess that's

Bearsnake: it. Did we, did we talk about forgotten punks and, and and what's going on with them?

Dotta: Uh,

Elf: yeah, with the, yeah, he just, he just went over it bear. Were you, were you not with Oh my

Dotta: God, sorry. Yeah. Were you eating pizza? Were you getting a pizza?

Bearsnake: Yes, the pizza just came.

Dotta: Were you

Elf: eating children, Barry?

Dotta: It's not wrongs, not

Elf: you A can't.

Um, well then, uh, I guess that's the end of Wizard Wednesday. Um, listen guys, we haven't done a lore reading in a while, so if you guys wanna read your lore, then just like DM us. I'm, you know, I [01:04:00] wanna, I wanna hear more cult content from the Book of Lore. Um, but that is it for, for today, channeling out from the quantum downs.

This has been El Mattis, Suki, Doda Bear Snake Spec List, and the entire cult a Forgotten Rooms Gian, everybody. Bye.