Wizard Wednesday Episode 61 Transcription

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Wizard Wednesday Ep.61 - October 26, 2022


Elf: [00:00:00] Its Wednesday, we're wizards and this is the day we like to call Wizard Wednesday. Channeling in with quantum style through the quantum downs. This is Elf and Dota, Mr. Bear and we have a cobalt on stage. Who? Who's that? What up everybody? It's we roll right into the next one. Yeah. Hello Speaking. We doing?

I was gonna, I wasn't able to make, I thought I wasn't be able to make it cuz I'm like out at a wedding right now. But I'm like, you know what? I have not missed a single damn Wednesday my entire time here. Screw that. Sitting in a car, I'm gonna be here for, I refuse. That's it. I refuse. So here we are. Wow.

That's right. That's commitment. That's it. I think that Jon's philosophy as well.

Bearsnake: Yeah, that mean that means a lot. Gypsy would mean way more if the actual wedding was happening right [00:01:00] now and you, and you bailed.

Elf: Yeah. I don't think Doda has missed one either yet. Right. We just have like a standoff here to see who has to

Dotta: miss one at this point. Yeah. One of us has to get super sick,

Elf: so we'll see who wins. I've, uh, I've missed I think four. Um, wow. But yeah, that's never missed one. Doda says that's a lot. It's a lot. Um, I, I wanna briefly just touch on that song I was just playing.

Um, do Doda You gave me a song a few days ago. Yes. And I lost it, but I found something equivalent, which is like, it was not Yeah. You know, and we've done this before, but what I wanna say is like, like Jan Terry is this, uh, really just underrated artist. Um, you know, I, I just shared the video in the secret tower, and you look at the video and you look at her and you think, what, what is this person doing creating music?

Why are they. Even trying, you know, I mean, [00:02:00] you could argue that they don't, they're not necessarily talented, but yet they're doing it anyway. And for, for all the quote unquote lack of talent. Um, she, she's actually a really compelling musician. And this, this is, uh, this is the kind of, um, I guess. Uh, spirit that we want to foster in the universe, which is like, you don't need to have skill or quote unquote talent.

All you need to do is speak your truth with your unique voice and you can make magic. Um, I don't know. Do, do you wanna speak to that? That's

Dotta: great. I love it. I love it. Uh, I will also share my, my submission for Halloween, uh, which is a band that we've played before on Wizard Wednesday, the shacks. Yeah. Um, and it is a similar idea, which is like, basically it's these like three young girls who, [00:03:00] uh, musically are, uh, almost talentless, but somehow it comes together in this like magical earnest way that you just like can't stop listening to it.

And I think that there's like probably a lot of creation. That can happen because people get too focused on, uh, the technical right? It's this idea that you like, spend a lot of time practicing, like whatever Bach, etudes, that like you. What comes out is soulless on the other end when you really just need to like sit down and create.


Elf: love it. Yep. Absolutely. Yeah. There's, there are so many artists out there who the establishment might point at them and say, that's a person with no skill or talent, and yet they create some of the most amazing, beautiful, raw, truthful, compelling work in existence. And I think everybody here, whether they consider themselves an artist or not, has the potential, has the [00:04:00] capacity to make, uh, artwork like that.

Um, you know, that's what Forgotten Ruins is about. That's what, that's what putting your ruin on the door is about. Um, everybody has a unique room and everybody can put a unique mark on the world. Um, and. These, uh, these wizards will help you find that. Hopefully I have a recording of Elf whenever someone asks me like, what's this project all about?

I just play for 10 minutes straight. All of my like, favorite elf quotes around that idea, ideology. And then they're just like, oh, okay. I get it. Amazing, amazing. Um, can you share that? Yeah. So we, we've got a big show today. Um, we were actually, we just got out of a big spaces with Des uh, promoting the Halloween event.

Um, so I didn't, I actually didn't prepare as much for this particular show. Um, But, uh, yeah, we, we can talk a little more about the Halloween event. If you have any questions, please, [00:05:00] uh, come up, uh, request a speak. You can also put your questions in the secret tower. Um, I, I might wanna talk a little bit, uh, about some more today.

Um, but, uh, yeah, I don't know. Doda, do you have anything off the top that you wanna talk about? Well, let's see. I can talk

Dotta: a little bit about Halloween, so, you know, maybe everyone here already knows, but let's talk about it just in case, because there's probably some new folks listening in. And then we can make sure that all the information is out there to people come and asking questions.

So, um, the Halloween event will start on, uh, Friday at 10:00 AM Pacific. Um, and so, Uh, well you can get there by coming to our website and we'll have a link to it. Um, there, we'll share the link in our discord. Um, one of the fun things that is changed is souls will get an automatic three treats. So that's an automatic three nightmare EMPS boxes.

So [00:06:00] before it was only two, we looked at the numbers and we thought, you know what, we can swing it. So, um, the total supply of treats is going to be, uh, 23,100. So that's 23 100. Um, and uh, so souls get three beasts, get 10 wizards have an 80% chance of a treat. Warriors and all partner collections have a 50 50 chance.

Um, one of the things that's important for the partner collections to know is that, uh, the partners get a thousand token knocks, right? So if you're a cool cat, for example, a thousand cool cats can come and knock, and half of them will get, um, a, a treat roughly, and half of them will get a trick. And so that's how we're able to kind of keep the supply, uh, capped.

So it's first come, first served, just like real trick or treat. When the bowl is out of candy, we'll turn off the lights. So, um, yeah, when you get your, your in boxes, [00:07:00] you can choose to open them right away and see what's inside. Or you can, uh, save it, savor it, uh, trade it, get more, or just, uh, hang onto it.

So I, I think that's all the mechanics I wanted to say. I think another thing is, um, uh, We, we do use Delegate Cash. Maybe I could talk a little bit about Delegate Cash, which is, um, uh, so Delegate Cash is a website that you can go to and you specify, you take your cold wallet, right? So let's say you have your vault, which has your like, you know, super rare wizards in it.

And then what you do is you go to like, let's say your meta mask and you create a new account and you, uh, you, you go to delegate and you say, I want my new Hot Wallet account to be, um, like credited as if it owns my other NFTs. Like it can claim my airdrops on my behalf, is what you're saying. And so Delegate Cash doesn't have any control over your, uh, wizards.

It doesn't have any control over your tokens or anything. It's [00:08:00] literally just like you're registering on chain your approval that, um, we can give your new address, uh, the airdrop tokens. Now you don't have to use this. Uh, obviously, like if you're listening to this, you know us, you know. Url, you're, there's no risk to using your kind of hot wallet when you're connecting to our website.

Uh, but that said, it's good hygiene. The more people that use delegate cash, the more people will support it and the safer everyone will be. So yeah, you can, you can use delegate cash if you want.

Elf: Yep. Um, and I, and I just want to repeat something I said on the diesel spaces a while ago, which is, you know, what's, what's the purpose of these treats?

Why are we distributing them? Um, you know, baseline, you can trade them just like you would any other token. Um, if, if you're more interested in trading and flipping fine, that's totally fine, you can do that. Um, but [00:09:00] for me, what's more interesting is the lore, uh, aspect of this, which is, um, you know, there, there's nearly 200 treats in this collection.

We will add more to it later. Um, but some of these treats are, uh, just standard food and candies like you would expect from, uh, from trick or treating, but some of them are a little bit more rare and seem to have, uh, larger story implications. Um, All of these tokens are meant to, uh, to facilitate lore, um, to world build.

Um, you know, I, I gave some examples last, uh, week and I gave some examples in the D spaces. But, you know, just to reiterate, um, you know, entire, entire franchises and, uh, stories are, are. Centered around like magical items. Um, you know, the, the Infinity Stones and the Marvel movies, you know, the entire film arc is around the infinity stones.

[00:10:00] Um, a a a silly one I realized, uh, just a few days ago was the red writer BB gun in the Christmas story. Um, that, that whole story is just about him wanting to get a red rat ride or BB gun and, and, you know, everything he does in that story is about that. Um, Dorothy's Ruby slippers are, are critical to her whole story arc.

Um, there's thousands of examples of this all throughout media. Uh, so hopefully these items will really, um, uh, get your creative juices flowing. Um, and that's, that's, that's my biggest hope for this

Dotta: item collection. Yeah. And lemme talk more about the. Uh, specifics and tokens too about the items I just remembered, which is okay.

When you come to the door and knock and you get your treats, you'll receive a box according to the number that of boxes you receive. And so the boxes are, uh, actually the boxes are actually e r c seven 20 ones. Um, and uh, so there will be a [00:11:00] collection on open sea, and you can, they will all have kind of the same image and metadata, but you can trade them there.

And, uh, you know, there's no time limit for opening boxes. Um, and then in terms of the items, the items are e r c 1150 fives. So there are about 200 items in this collection. Um, but there are a varying rarity. So for example, there are some items that are, you know, very, quite rare, maybe only, only seven of them.

Some items that are quite common, there are a few hundred, um, uh, but they're all 1150 fives. And so I think there's a lot of good qualities about that, right? It's easy to peruse the collection because there you don't see as many duplicates. Um, it doesn't feel as heavy in my mind anyway. Um, in terms of like, let's say the market for it, it's not like dropping, let's say 20,000 new character tokens, for example.

Um, and, uh, Yeah, so, so these items are, they range from sort of common to rare. Within them there [00:12:00] are, um, two free wizard tickets, and so you'll be able to exchange those, uh, one of those for a, a wizard, um, each one for a wizard. You, there will be, um, a number of, uh, free warrior tickets and there will be about 20, uh, free pony tickets.

So all of those things will be mixed in, um, you know, to the lucky opener of those boxes, you can redeem them for a free warrior pony or wizard. Um, and then to top it all off, We are working on a kind of on chain play to earn, uh, board game. I, I actually revealed in the D space, maybe by accident. I guess that it's this sort of like, um, let's say Wolf Game meets settlers of Catan, but set in the universe.

It's gonna be so fun. I love it. Um, and anyone who comes and knocks, uh, anyone who comes in knocks, particularly from partner collections, um, uh, will qualify for that airdrop. Um, what I mean by that is saying like, if you already own a Forgotten [00:13:00] Ruins token, you'll qualify for that airdrop just by holding.

You don't have to come and knock. Um, but as sort of like a little bit of a, a push for these partner communities, they can come and they can knock and they'll qualify for an airdrop for that play to earn game. Um, and the tricks themselves

Elf: are also

Dotta: tokens. The tricks are non-destructive. You'll find out when it happens, they are non-destructive.

Um, and they actually build a little piece of infrastructure we've been wanting to build for a while that we'll talk about more after it's revealed, uh, on Friday. So, yeah,

Elf: I think that's everything. Yeah. I, I also just wanna add one final thing on the treats, which is, even though at the moment they don't have any mechanical utility, um, they certainly could in the future, uh, because the universe is ever expanding, and so is our ecosystem the treats you're saying?

Yes. Yeah.

Dotta: Yeah, absolutely. So, well, we have so many [00:14:00] ideas. I think, well, really, I think the, the, the bottom line for now is like the treats. Have no utility beyond storytelling at this second. But, um, and there's a lot of items, right? There's 200 different items nearly. And so giving utility 200 different ways will take some time, right?

So for example, if something super rare pops into the market and you think, oh, I bet they're gonna use it for this. Like, I think, you know, you're, you're, you're gonna need to, you're gonna have to wait a bit before any of them have any sort of utility that said, yeah, like it seems very natural that as we kind of like build out more, um, on chain events and games and you know, like you saw with kind of the, the locks and flames and all these things, I think we will use items from this collection as we find we have need of them.

Elf: What up Mado?

I see you have your hand up. Maybe he's just saying hi. [00:15:00]

Bearsnake: It's an elongated. Hi. Hi.

Elf: Um, bear, you were actually saying something super interesting in the D space about, uh, uh, inviting other communities into this event and how it paralleled, uh, the studio that you and I used to work at.

Bearsnake: Yeah. Sorry, I've been, I'm just busy, um, uh, fighting it out with Slim in the secret tower right now. Yeah.

Lemme get back. Lemme get back on track. Um, yeah, I love you slim. Um, I, yeah, I think, you know, as, I don't know, I just, I don't wanna go on a whole long-winded thing, but, um, you know, for those of us who are maybe a little bit older, I'm not that old, but, um, you know, we've seen cycles come through, right? Like, uh, for me, the big cycles that I've seen, um, were like the democratization of content, right?

Through platforms like YouTube and [00:16:00] Vine, which r i p and. And Twitter and you know, these, like, you wanna call 'em almost like creator economies, right? Where like, if you are a content creator, you have the ability, um, to not only create and produce, but distribute and then even monetize. And so, you know, and I saw it in VR after that.

And, and so it's just like as, as, as this whole web, three NFT space, whatever you wanna call it, like matures, you can start to see these, these signals about how, you know, history repeats itself. Although it's, you know, maybe a little bit different every time. And like the ethos, you know, of the studio that El and I used to work at, um, and Doty even paid a little visit one time, is like, you know, there were these, the company actually started with like five or six of like the biggest YouTubers in the world at the time.

And they were like, you know what, like we're all doing our own thing. And they all actually happened to be in Los Angeles. And they're like, well, [00:17:00] why are we going at this alone? Like, we all love making videos on YouTube. Like, let's just start a company and like we can share production resources and we can, we can like cross pollinate our, our audiences and, and like turn it into a company that sold to Disney for, uh, a lot, a lot, a lot of money.

Um, but that's not what's interesting as the sale. What was interesting is like all this idea of like creators coming together, holding hands. In like a very non-competitive nature. In fact, it was, it was, the antithesis is this idea of like all, all ships, all tides, like rise boat, what's the term?

Elf: All a rising tide.

All boats. All ship. Yes.

Bearsnake: Thank you very much. Um, and it ships

Dotta: not boats.

Bearsnake: And, and anyway, I think this Halloween event is, is like our take on that. And it's not gonna be the, it's the first, but it's not gonna be the last. This idea of like inviting and creating watering holes and inviting other communities and projects [00:18:00] who we feel are, you know, building significant real businesses in here for the long run and inviting them to participate.

And I think there's something really special about that. And I would go as far to say as, I think it's actually necessary. There's so few projects and builders that are taking this seriously and have experience to actually create successful businesses that this like cross-collaboration of audience, um, I think is, it's exciting and, and I'm, I'm

Dotta: stoked

Elf: that we're doing it.

Yeah. It th yeah. Th this, this idea of creators collaborating. Uh, this is a pattern that you can observe everywhere, especially in the most, uh, successful cohorts that do this. Um, so, so yeah, at that studio, the, the channels that rose the most were the ones that cooperated with each other, and Wharton just, just siloed off and tried to do it all themselves.

You know, this, this idea of collaborative creation is, [00:19:00] is obviously alive and well within the universe because we are, after all, a collaborative, legendary. But this trick or treat event is reaching out. Side of the RNO verse, we're inviting the apes, the cats, the doodles, the moon birds, so many others. And you know, we, we see this, this collaboration as a strength, especially with this emergent tech, which is NFTs and blockchain.

Um, those who, who, those who collaborate, those who cooperate, uh, will survive the longest. And so, you know, just, just to put a, a cap on it, you know, bear and I saw this, this pattern, uh, of success in the studio we used to work at. I think you can see it, uh, uh, in so many other places. And so, yeah, we're trying to, uh, continue with that tradition in this, this particular event.

Um, Matto are you, I think you had a [00:20:00] question or something you wanted to say earlier. Are you able to talk? Yeah. He

Dotta: had some questions and it was, um, I don't, I think his space is weird, but he said, uh, well, you know, immediately if you get a trick or do you have to open the box? And he said, uh, and the answer to that is yes.

When you knock on the door, you can group, you can come in groups of 20, um, and then, uh, you will knock on the door, the Nightmare Amp will speak to you, and then you'll make a transaction. You'll make a transaction, which will then give you results. And then, uh, the Nightmare Amp will show you. He'll either show you your trick immediately or give you the box.

Um, and then he also asks, can you, can a group knock with multiple collections at once? And the answer is yes. Yeah. If you've got, you know, a couple of, uh, cool cats and a moon, bird and punk or whatever, you can come, uh, and use all of them together at once.

Elf: Um, yeah. Another question I'm seeing in the Discord is from Bill Gaines where he says, uh, this is where the Nightmare MP lives.

Right? And then [00:21:00] it's got an image of this, uh, restaurant called Danny's, uh, bill. No, that is not where the Nightmare MP Lives Water. Ridiculous question. Is that a competitor to make was ears? Yeah. Yeah. I, yeah. I can tell you this. I don't think, uh, mag was here is allowed in Danny's. Um, I think we know that.

Yeah. Um, uh, perhaps a little more of a serious question, but though I don't know if it's serious. Uh, Excel was asking, uh, are all the celestial sash wizards evil? Um, no. No. Um, and I could actually go on a big sort of philosophical rant on this, but, um, uh, you know, concepts of good and evil, uh, this is a.

Been in internal debate among philosophers for centuries. Uh, I'm gonna say that in the universe, good and evil is a relative concept, not an absolute concept. Uh, [00:22:00] so you know, if you are a celestial sash wizard owner, then it is up to you to decide, uh, where on this gray scale of good and evil your wizard lies.

Um, I'm gonna, I wanna talk about the blue hats, uh, maybe later on. But, uh, to answer the question directly, uh, it's up to the owner of that wizard to just say whether, say whether they're good or evil, you know, just, and just finally, like my own personal wizard, uh, the goat, um, his name is Evil Archist, black Goat of the Woods.

He's not actually evil. It's, uh, it is the trope of the black goat, uh, the, the scapegoat of being evil. Um, that is a label that everyone else has applied to him, but he's not actually evil. Um, I think Emma was asking me that the other day actually. Uh, but yeah, that, that's the, that's the answer to the question.

Um, I'm not seeing a lot of other [00:23:00] questions in the secret tower. Do you, do you see any donor bank? No, I think we're good. Yeah.

Dotta: If you have any questions, feel free to ask them.

Bearsnake: I will say about, about this whole evil thing. I, I really wanna see some evil, I feel like is walking the fine line here, but I think for any great storytelling vehicle you need.

You need the badie, you need the evil person. And, and, uh, I'm excited to find them, but I'm gonna push you on

Elf: that out. Well, I will push back and I will say, um, I think the greatest pieces of literature, film and tv, uh, even the quote unquote evil characters, um, it's really just a matter of in of interpretation.

I mean, classic examples. Yeah, Thanos, you know, a lot of people would say, oh, obviously evil, but dig around the internet and you will find some, uh, some very passionate defenses of what Thanos was doing. Um, other examples are pretty much every Miyazaki film, [00:24:00] there is no clearly good and evil characters.

They are all on a gray scale. Um, and that's why Miyazaki's animated films are far more interested in the Disney films where there's just an obvious, uh, one dimensional evil character, um, and an obviously good character. Um, game of Thrones, you know, every character there has like a shade of, of good and evil to them, and that's what makes them far more interesting.

Um, so, you know, those, those are just like examples off the top of my head. If you wanna uh, rebut that bear, I welcome you.

Bearsnake: Yeah, no, I mean, we should just arm wrestle over. It's easy. Yeah.

That'll solve I resort to violence.

Wait, am I, I The villain?

Elf: Villain

Bearsnake: pure evil.[00:25:00]

Elf: Uh, but no, it's, uh, you know, this is something like I, I could go on and on about. Um, but I,

Dotta: I think that evil exists. I think that evil exists. But the problem is, is that like to kind of make the case for evil, you have to go really dark really quickly. And I'm not really ready to go there right now. So

Bearsnake: think Well, I mean, yeah, and, and I, and I hear you Al I think, you know, I, you know, Thanos, what Thando's whole thing was, there's too many people, not enough resources.

I wanna collect all the infinity stones, snap my finger and kill half of, of every living creature in the universe. So that, The half that lives, you know, can live comfortably. And while I disagree with that sentiment, um, you know, I, yeah, everybody is, every opinion is gonna have people that, um, that, that, that like agree with that opinion, even if it's not in vogue at the moment.

And I [00:26:00] think something that's like pure evil in and out. Sure. Uh, I, I can see that. But, you know, I don't know. I just think it's like, you know, and maybe, maybe my son is just sick and twisted, but like he, he, he like loves the evil characters. Um, but like you said, like Darth, you know, it's like Darth Vader went through some stuff, you know, and there was a reason he became Darth Vader.

There was a reason he went to the dark side. And once you like peel back those layers, you know, it's, you can sort of, everybody's a product of their environment. And so I'm not saying pure evil, but I think, you know, you can go through that arc. And someone can be evil, and then you can reveal how they came to be.

And maybe you have a little bit

Elf: more sort of sympathy. No, for sure. I, I, I think we're on the same page, to be honest. It's your, I mean, your son is right. Evil compel, evil characters are certainly compelling. Um, you know, they're, they're, they're, they're, they are the ones who generally introduce the [00:27:00] conflict and you don't have story if you don't have conflict.

Um, but, you know, I, I'm just like, I'm pushing for, uh, characters that are more on a gray scale of good and evil rather than just like, obviously one dimensional, uh, evil characters. Um, I j to me that's just far more interesting. Um, Jitsi, you said preach a minute ago. Do you want to add to this? No, I just think I agree with some of the things you were saying when it comes to, like, I, I think of Game of Thrones all the time and you can, like, you could be hard pressed to find what's right and wrong in some of Game of Thrones, right?

Because there's so many motivations that make so much sense when you start peeling back the layers like you all are talking about. And I find it really interesting when you can like, you get closer between that divide between like what is singularly evil versus like what's motivational evil. And it just like is such a good idea and I think it opens up a lot more conversation to like, have people have opinions on what is evil versus good, right?

And that's cool. Like that's awesome. It's not so just like a black and white. It's not a line there [00:28:00] anymore. It's what is evil, what is good? Let's talk about it. Let's define it right as we're doing right now. And I find that really exciting, really

Bearsnake: interesting. I think cobols are evil. I

Elf: mean, you're not wrong universally and absolute.

Dotta: Hey,

Elf: Matto, are you able to speak in? I think so. Are you able to hear me there? You made it. I was trying Blue Stack out and I guess I didn't get the microphone set up properly, so I'm back on my phone. Um, so yeah, just to, just to contribute a little bit to this, um, I think another good example, um, is the anime Hunter X Hunter.

I think that. Uh, if when you follow along that, that storyline, like the protagonist is kind of, sometimes the protagonist is a bit of a jerk and almost does things that you can, you can probably relate to like what a stereotypical antagonist like no evil person would do, but you still follow along your story.

And most of the like antagonists that he faces along that story, they feel like their own complete characters with their own motivations that are completely just in like, the way that they're doing it. Um, so it's like it's, [00:29:00] even though you're following this one protagonist, it's like pretty much every antagonist that you follow is along the way.

They don't feel as if they're inherently just evil. They just have motives that are against odds of what the protagonist is. And the protagonist is, you know, not the, not the most, you know, just person in the story either. So, Um, I think it's really interesting you build out that dynamic where you have the antagonist and protagonist, and neither of them are inherently good or evil.

There's just like this great oc, there's great space that you occupy and like, because you're following law protagonist, like you're kind of set to root for them. But you can also breaking bad, you can also relate, relate to what the opposite side is doing as well, you know? Yep, yep. Yeah, it's, it's just, it's far more compelling when you put them on a gray scale because.

It's, it's more of a reflection of real life. I think all of us have the capacity for good and evil, just it's, uh, depending on what's happening in our environments. Um, we all, we all can be driven to both [00:30:00] extremes. And so, you know, when you see characters on screen or in a book going through that, it's, uh, it's just, it's just more relatable as, as opposed to like just a classic Disney villain who's just evil because the story needed him to be evil.


Jitcy: flaws,

Elf: right? Like, they're super important. Like they, they make it, they're make it so that you can like, relate to them. Like being able to relate to, to characters throughout stories is like what makes stories, in my opinion, so beautiful at times. Yeah. Yeah.

Bearsnake: Uh, I just, I think I saw a question, uh, up in, that was posed a little while ago, but I don't think we talked about how the knocking at Halloween actually closes on Halloween.

Can we just, uh, talk, but I know it opens the Halloween Trick and Treat event starts at 10:00 AM Pacific time on Friday, but then it, it closes right? Doda?

Dotta: Yeah, it closes at midnight on October 31st. Um, yeah. It, it's supposed to close, [00:31:00] right? You know, right at the end of Halloween, we've had a few kind of like requests come in for like special situations.

So I would, uh, so T b d if there's any sort of like exemptions or like reopening, but yeah, try to get your, your mince in before then.

Elf: Yeah. Doda if, um, I, I have a question. If all the treats are not minted and Halloween closes, what happens to those leftover treats?

Dotta: Oh. Then you and me and and bear get to have an unwrapping

Elf: party. Oh, sweet.

Dotta: We'll, we'll decide what to do with it.

Elf: Yeah. Great. There are, there, there like some.

Jitcy: Um,

Bearsnake: a counter campaign for people not to knock on the door then yeah,

Dotta: I'm very curious to see like what kind of an engagement we get from other partner communities.

[00:32:00] Um, so, uh, yeah, it'll be very, it'll all be on chain. We'll be able to see kind of like which communities showed up in force and which community leaves some supply on minted. And I think, you know, if necessary, if for example, uh, we're getting good engagement from one community and, and not much from another, you know, maybe there's opportunities to rebalance there.

I'm not really sure. We have to decide what's fair. We'll see how it goes. I didn't think anybody would o unlock the gate either. So, you know, hopefully we, you know, people come and, and mint so.

Elf: Yeah. The, the gate unlock happened, what was it, like five minutes and the whole thing was over? Well, it was like

Bearsnake: nine, it was like 90 seconds.

Elf: Yeah. Yeah.

Bearsnake: I kinda wanna burn, burn the bear Snake wizard. I'll be honest. I mean, I would to get a flame.

Elf: Uh,

Dotta: Lius just suggested that we have a leaderboard per community. I

Elf: love that idea. That's a cool idea. Cosmo.

Dotta: We'll see if Cosmo can whip that up.

Elf: Yeah. Th this, this actually reminds me of something that [00:33:00] we, like, I think we observe every time we do an event, which is, Well, like one of the things we do that actually Doda you're really good at is just we do a different kind of token every single time.

You know, we do an ERC 7 25, we're an ERC 1125, we experiment with, uh, the cap and we ex experiment with a different mint. And we, like, we change up the mechanics every single time rather than just like try to repeat something, another project is done. And the beauty of this is it has a market effect on how the community responds.

It's like differences in, in, in token mechanics, uh, uh, results in differences in like social dynamics. Um, and you know, to me this is exactly the sort of thing that you should be doing on a, an emergent platform like NFTs and [00:34:00] blockchain, which is. For God's sakes. Don't just repeat something that somebody else has done cuz this is a, an amazing opportunity to do something new.

Um, and who knows what you're gonna discover when you try something new. Um, and, and I think, you know, we're already seeing that happen with, with this event. Um, it just, you know, it's like blockchain is all about incentive structures and how those incentive structures. Uh, affect social dynamics. And so, you know, at this moment there's infinite different ways to break down these in incentive structures and, and to build them.

And so, you know, I, I, that, that's one of my favorite things about this space. I was just thinking that this

Dotta: morning I just like sat down to work and we've been working, you know, the whole team has been working so hard. Seven days a week, 14 hour days, just really crazy. And then I like sat down to work this morning and I just felt like so [00:35:00] elated and so like, thankful because it was so fun because it feels like, I still feel that Ethereum feels like, um, just this.

You know, we're discovering the west of this new financial infrastructure, right? Like, um, like we've started on the East coast and now we're heading towards California and like we're only halfway there. And like someday the entire continent will be explored and we'll look back and we'll tell our sons that like, you know, in, in 22 you could just like deploy any contract you wanted and have people come.

And it wasn't like it is now where it's all regulated in lockdown, right? And it just feels like there's so much opportunity, so much unexplored space, and there's basically just this world computer where you can program money and like Wall Street hasn't really figured it out yet. The regulators haven't really figured it out yet.

And like you could do whatever you want, uh, within reason. And I just was like, So incredibly like, grateful to be able to be like born at this [00:36:00] time and being able to like, explore this space. There's so much low hanging fruit, and I'm like, every day we, you know, el if you and I and, and the whole team really just have so many ideas of things we want to build and new collections want to create and new dynamics.

And so it's, yeah, I, I just like, I just feel like I'm overflowing with new ideas. I wanna try. I could never do the same thing

Elf: twice. Speaking of the blue water horizon, a ship has entered our harbor, opens sea. Welcome to Wizard Wednesday. Hello. Hey

Jitcy: there guys, uh, super, super pumped to, to join. I'm, uh, I'm will, uh, lead creator partnerships for open Sea.

I've, I've been following Wizard Wednesday myself and my personal account for a while, but, uh, I just realized open sea wasn't following forgotten ruins, which is a, a tragedy. I've just, uh, I've just fixed it. It's okay.

Elf: Amazing. Yeah. Oh yeah. Yeah. Welcome, welcome. I

Bearsnake: wanna, yeah, I wanna, I wanna give a shout out real quick, um, to Open [00:37:00] Sea and Will and the team over there.

Uh, they've just been fantastic and our one and only Lochness has, has been, you know, in, in communication with them. And, and you know, y'all, I think we, we like, uh, drenched you with accolades on, on our call the other day, but, um, really appreciate you doing everything you're doing. I know, I'm not sure if Doda or, or you noticed, but.

They've just been releasing all these really great new, um, just great new functionality on the platform and, and really appreciate it. And you guys have just, you guys, the way you're operating, it's not easy. You guys are the biggest marketplace you target on your back, obviously, but, uh, you'all are killing it.

Elf: Yeah.

Dotta: And I wanna give public praise to y'all as well because, um, you know, we have, uh, a top secret chat with some folks, with you guys where they like do such a good job at kind of like keeping us informed about what's going on and like helping us, uh, fix any bugs or problems and they're like incredibly responsive [00:38:00] and like very, very helpful.

So, yeah, so thank you know, I wanna echo that. It's like, I feel that, for example, you know, maybe six months ago Open Sea kind of had, um, was taking a lot of heat on Twitter and I think that like you guys have done such a great job at kind of like, uh, responding to the, the community and being really involved with creators like us.

And so really

Elf: thankful for that. Yeah,

Jitcy: I appreciate the, the kind words. I mean, I think we, we recognize like there's always, there's always room for improvement and I think, uh, yeah. You know, it's just, it's been, it's been fun for me and fun for us to, to engage more with the community, whether it's on Twitter or engage more with, with partners.

Like, like you guys, you know, be it, be it in in the group chat or in spaces like this or, you know, collaborating in, in some ways on the, the trick or treat event coming up, right? And so we're, you know, looking to do more of that and continuing to be, to be more active. So yeah, I certainly appreciate the kind where it's, uh, a lot more work to do.

But, uh, [00:39:00] it's, yeah, it's been really fun.

Elf: Yeah, do. And I were just talking about how, um, you know, this, this emergent tech is, is still so nascent. Um, there's just still so much an innovation and experimentation to be done. We are just right on the doorstep of what's possible. Um, and, and, you know, I think that's what, you know, keeps me going, gets me outta bed in the morning, just the, uh, the opportunities ahead of us.

Um, I think, uh, you know, open Sea has been, uh, a major pioneer in innovator in this space. Um, can you maybe speak to, uh, any developments you guys have or just, I don't know, anything that you're super excited about? Um, So

Jitcy: you're, you're, you're, I come in and you're asking me for

Elf: the alpha. That's,

Dotta: well, we just wanna hear what you're most interested in.

You know, you don't have to link anything. Yeah,

Jitcy: no. I mean, I wouldn't, [00:40:00] uh, I wouldn't, uh, expect anything, you know, otherwise I try to do the same myself. Um, yeah, I think like, what's on a high level, what's been, uh, you know, super exciting and sort of fun for us is like, you know, in, in some ways like the, the state of the world and, and the state of, uh, the state of the company right now, like, we've just been trying to focus on, on shipping new features for creators and for collectors.

Whether it's something like the Open Rarity program we just launched, or like the collection analytics tab, or our primary drops product, or, you know, a number of different things. Like we're just trying to be in high velocity. Shipping mode to improve the offering for creators and collectors. Like to your point about the space being sort of ripe for innovation and still early and most of the exciting stuff is on the horizon, I think we are, are fully aligned there.

Like [00:41:00] part of our job is to sort of, you know, in some ways I think part of our job as a large marketplace, as an early mover is to build the tools and the functionality that support and enable the, the creative people of the world to be able to do cool things in the space. And I think the other, the other thing that we have, you know, responsibility or at least we choose to take the responsibility on, is to help like magnify folks that are demonstrating new use cases with NFTs and, you know, innovating and like surfacing that sort of, Content.

Um, in, in this ecosystem, I think you may see us continue to play like a, a more prominent role over time when it comes to discovery and curation and, you know, especially as more new users pour into the space, like how do we highlight the quality teams building cool things for the long term, right? Like, there's a lot of noise and NFTs.

And so both in terms of what [00:42:00] we do from a social presence and what we do from a feature presence in terms of the tools and, and stuff we build on our marketplace, I think that's sort of like the overall orientation.

Bearsnake: That's awesome. You know, you know, um, you, uh, we're talking about this studio that we worked at years ago, um, that essentially was like an aggregator for YouTube channels.

And, and one of the things that, um, we thought was so cool is at the time they didn't really have like, um, Like a how to, how to YouTube, like how to, how to like use YouTube and be efficient and, and you know, how to make everything from like how to make a thumbnail to, you know, what are best practices. And we actually spent, I know I personally spent a lot of time like working with the YouTube team to help create something.

It ended up, I think they called it like the YouTube playbook or something. And it was like, it was basically just like best practices and, and, [00:43:00] and so we're starting to see a lot of the same, um, sort of themes pop up in the web three NFT space. And obviously, you know, as open to y'all are, you know, the main platform where people are, are buying and training and, and promoting.

Um, I think it, it's, it's, it's really, it's smart of you guys to be, have an ear to the ground, have open lines of communication. So I think like together we're gonna define what are the best practices, you know, um, anyway, just like all these parallels just keep popping up in my brain.

Jitcy: Yeah. Was was, was that company like a Machinima or like a, something like that, that YouTube aggregator or a competitor of

Bearsnake: theirs?

Yeah, it was, yeah, it was like the, the, the biggest one of, of the mall was, was, was that one. So we had like 55,000 YouTube channels. But it was cool cause like we were, we had like a, it was, it was a lot, like, this lot of communication we have with you is like, we're, we're on the front, we're both on the front lines, but in very different ways.[00:44:00]

Um, and so what's good for us is probably good for you and vice versa.

Elf: Yeah. That, that's, that's interesting. Bear, like we are in a position where, Not only are we developing and pioneering content, but we're also kind of in a place where we develop the standards and practices themselves of the space, which is just sort of a, a meta position that we find ourselves in.

Um, that's, that's really cool. And I think, I think Open Sea is definitely a sort of leader in developing those standards and practices. Yeah. Maybe

Jitcy: I have a question for, for you all, if, if I may like curious, you know, how you think about the, the long-term in terms of new users coming into this space in a new audience with, with Forgotten Ruins.

Like how much are you focused on catering to. Your sort of existing audience and, and holders and participants, and then, you know, are you doing anything or, or [00:45:00] thinking about like, you know, what it means to bring new people into the ecosystem over time or preparing yourself for, for whenever the next bull run happens, or even in situations now, like where new users are sort of flooding into NFTs for something like the Reddit collection.

Like curious how you think about the now versus the, the future. Yeah. And how you spend your time and energy.

Elf: A hundred percent. So I think

Dotta: that like for us, the wizards are really the core, right? The wizards were the first collection. They're always gonna live on ETH L one, which is like the chain that punks are on.

And I think that like they live as like the. Kind of elite high-end collection. And then I think, um, you know, without going through every single collection down from there would be the Warriors collection, which we have, uh, released a few months ago, which is a little bit of like a lower priced, um, and higher supply collection where you still have a character that you can kind of like, um, uh, write lore about and like play in our video game, uh, about, and then, you know, But I think that [00:46:00] those two things are still sort of like, let's say, let's call them traditional sort of NFTs that exist within our community.

And then I think go, going out from there. This Halloween event, frankly, is really an event where we're trying to kind of attract other people within crypto Twitter, right? Folks who already own moon birds and cool cats and doodles, you know, trying to, to, to, to, to draw within the existing crypto community, um, who are on e l one to also like, participate in Forgotten Ruins.

But even all of those people, right? It's still a relatively small community. Um, you know, I think of course one of the things that you notice as soon as you try to bring any sort of, let's call them like normal, like non crypto people outside, um, into crypto on ET L one, they're like shocked that it'll cost $10 to make a transaction, right?

Every time. And it just like stings. And so I think moving on to different chains, you know, like Open Ssea has done of course is, is an important part of this. Um, so we're working on this like, uh, sort of. Play to earn crypto board game that should be out, um, in the next [00:47:00] couple of months. And we're, um, likely going to use something like Arbitra.

Uh, which I think, you know, the fact that Open Sea is there makes that choice a lot easier for us. Um, and so that makes the, it easier for other people to, to participate. And then similarly, we're working on, um, the Univer game. So the Univer game is, um, you know, it, it, it's built to be desktop first, but then like the, the goal would eventually be to even have it on mobile and that likewise will be running on an L two.

And really the goal there is to, is that the majority of the players, frankly, will be, um, people who, who aren't coming from crypto Twitter, but people who are joining, uh, from like a traditional gaming space, who then like setting up their first wallet there within that game. So I think those would be like different layers of, of folks that we're trying to kind of attract as, as we grow the project.

Elf: Well let me, let me add one more layer, which could actually be the biggest layer of them all, which is going beyond the crypto space. Just way beyond that into like the mainstream. And this, this is one of the biggest, uh, pushes that [00:48:00] Forgotten Rooms has been doing since its except, uh, inception, which is, uh, how do we get to just the mainstream audience, the, the, the fan, the audience who enjoys just the fantasy genre in general.

The, so far our solution has been let's print a physical comic and hand it out on the, uh, hand it out on the street, which we have done. Uh, let's engage with traditional animation studios and make content there. Um, you know, we want Forgotten Rooms to be a, uh, just a full entertainment franchise. Um, in fact, we have coined the phrase Speed running a franchise, uh, which we are, um, doing every day.

Uh, and what's great, the, the reason we're able to speed run it is because we have sort of decentralized multiple components of a franchise. Um, you know, the, the, the primary component being world building itself. Um, you know, you think about [00:49:00] fantasy worlds in the past, like the Star Wars Galaxy or Middle Earth.

Those were more or less created, uh, by one, like Creative Genius. But the universe is created by thousands of creators who not only, um, just have a creative stake in it, but they also have a, a literal ownership stake. A financial stake, because they actually own the characters that they're creating for.

And when you, when you put that in incentive structure into it, uh, your world building suddenly be is, is exponential. Um, you know, if you just look at the, our community, our Twitter timeline, our discord, our book of lore, uh, the creative output is just outstanding. Um, So, you know, this, this, this to me is, is what is gonna make forgotten ruins, uh, just thrive and come out on the top, on the top in the end.

Because, you know, as Doto was saying, we, we've got multiple levels of inclusion. [00:50:00] The core is the wizard. N f t working out from that is the souls, the ponies, and the warriors. Working out from that is these blockchain based games working out from that is these, uh, these mainstream big media expressions like the comic, the show, uh, and, and whatever else.

Um, so yeah, I mean, the, the Forgotten Ruins is an entire ecosystem. Uh, and, uh, it's just, uh, it's, it's the best job I've ever had.

Bearsnake: That's, uh, yeah, I mean, oh, go ahead open. Go ahead open. See,

Dotta: no, no, no,

Elf: no. This, I'm not here. Speak over y'all bear. Please take it away.

Bearsnake: One thing I want, this is off topic, but one thing, and I don't even know when you implemented it, But I, I bought, uh, I'm just like, I, I was telling the team I'm really impressed with like Dead Fellows and Betty and that whole crew.

I picked up a Dead Fellows this morning and you

Dotta: don't have to whisper it. You can say it at full volume.

Bearsnake: Oh, oh. I, I'm, I'm just trying to, the echo and the barricades quite [00:51:00] brutal. Um, uh, anyway, like when I was checking out, I saw that there's an option to use a credit card, and I thought, how great is that using a credit card to buy an nft?

Uh, so, um, so I thought that was really cool. But back to what, what El and Dota were saying, I think this idea of like big media expressions, like if we look down the line 3, 5, 10 years is okay. Yeah. You know, you're watching the Forgotten Ruins television show, or you're in your local comic book store and you're reading issue number, you know, 75 of, of the Forgotten Ruins comic book.

And, and then you actually find your way back

Elf: to.

Bear, we lost you. We lost you as you're trying to find your way,

Bearsnake: um, exists in the world. Um, there we go. Sorry. Um, no, the idea is like you find out about it through these big media expressions like TV and, and comics, and then you end up finding a way back to an [00:52:00] on chain interaction where you can then own a character from that world.

And I think, you know, wizards sit at the top of course, but you know, who knows? Maybe there's, uh, you know, we love this idea of having like different tiers of being able to enter and not everybody can afford, uh, a couple hundred dollars or a couple thousand dollars. Um, for a character token. You know, you watch a show and you come back and maybe you buy a character token that is more affordable to, you know, the, a regular person.

And so I think that's where ultimately we see this happening is like this virtuous cycle. Um, as, as sort of we grow and, and we're hoping other projects do the same.

Elf: Yeah, that's,

Jitcy: it's, it's super cool. And I mean, the, the sort of multi-tiered, multi-tiered journey or ways you can engage, it makes a lot of sense to me.

Like I, I grew up as a big magic, the gathering player and, and big gamer and my professional background before joining Open see, [00:53:00] uh, is, is in gaming. And so, you know, that's like one very obvious touch point for me. But I think it always, like, uh, yeah, I think the, the different ways in which you can sort of participate, like to the extent that you want to or choose to.

Uh, and I think it opens up a lot of opportunity for, you know, number one to like be inclusive as a, as a brand and as an entity. And then number two, you know, find different things that that resonate with, you know, different people. And so I think that's, uh, Yeah, I think that makes a ton of sense and it's, it's very cool to hear more about, um, yeah, sort of the, the, the broader, the broader ecosystem.

I'm, I'm a souls guy by the way, but, um, nice, nice. Yeah. Uh, and, and lastly, like on the, on the credit card thing? Yeah, it's, it's kind of funny. It's been a pretty, pretty like stealthy, like quiet rollout on that, you know, over the course of the last few months. And it hasn't been something we really like trumpeted too much, but, um, we are seeing like steadily [00:54:00] increased sort of adoption and use of that functionality, which, you know, is just a, it's a nice to have.

And again, I think, um, when you think about new users kind of coming in, you know, maybe buying their first wizard or their first something else, like, you know, maybe, maybe like the core collection is, you know, maybe a little bit more. In tune with an eth ETH native audience. But you know, I, I've used it here or there when I don't have the ETH in my wallet when I'm not as liquid as I could be or you know, it's certainly a more attractive option for someone who's getting started for the first time.

So yeah. Anyways, just a little bit on that.

Elf: Stepping stones, I tell the team all the time, like it's has to start small and you can go into something big. Right. But for some people it is just some simple functionality that you mentioned. And then next thing you know, they're like full-blown fans. Right. And they're part of like CT and everything else.

Yeah, a hundred percent.

Dotta: Well, we only have about five minutes. We haven't covered any cult content. And we didn't really even talk about the lore of the blue hat, so I don't know if you wanna do that next week or how we wanna No, there's a couple of [00:55:00] lores, uh, a couple of cult contents we do

Elf: need to address.

No, I, I think it's okay if we go a little bit over. I, I wanna get the blue hat lore in just real quick because I think it's actually super relevant to this conversation. Um, you know, we, we, we talk about NFTs being, uh, media and there's a big focus on the art and the aesthetic of NFTs. You know, I think, I think.

You know, right now there, there's sort of like a push and a pull between, uh, the tech and the art of NFTs and which one's more important. Um, and, you know, I, I think they're both equally important. Um, and so this is actually a really good segue into, uh, the blue hat faction within the universe, um, and what they are all about.

Um, open sea's, uh, logo color is blue. Perhaps there's some quantum synchronicity here. Um, so let me just, I just, I just wanna dive into this, uh, just real quick. Um, [00:56:00] You know, last week we talked about the red hats and how they are, uh, financially driven. They use their magic pri primarily for financial gain.

Um, they are oligarchs and crony capitalists. Uh, they have seized massive amounts of power because they found that money has an enormous influence on their allies and their enemies. Um, you know, and this is a, a thing that you can see in real life. Um, But, uh, but the Red Hat's financial power is by no means dominant in the universe.

Uh, there are seven other hat colors and they have their own ideas about power. So today, let's look at the blue hats. Um, they are mostly concentrated in regions, in and around the Blue Wizard Bastion. Um, the blues are mostly scholarly, academic, and [00:57:00] very learned. Uh, they boast some of the most impressive libraries in the universe.

Um, the halls of the Bastion, uh, contains some of the most well respected philosophers, teachers and scholars in the land. Um, and science, which is often seen as the ma uh, opposite of magic is extremely well developed here. Um, Science is empirical, predictable, and methodic. Uh, these are qualities not often attributed to magic, which is unpredictable, emotional, and intuitive.

Um, so, you know, you can read books on magic, but unless you feel it, you cannot practice it. Um, and so, you know, th this is, this is where we see, uh, what's so impressive about the blues, which is they are engaging in the seemingly impossible task of [00:58:00] merging science and magic. Um, because though they are scientific academics, they are also powerful wizards with, uh, with an intuition in the magical arts.

Um, So, you know, one result of this, uh, preoccupation with science is this has led the blues to a, uh, a real fascination with technology and machines. Um, because after all, what is a machine, it's a, uh, it's predictable, it's reliable, it's utilitarian. And a good machine is often the fruit of rigorous scientific inquiry.

Um, so. The Blue Wizards have, uh, dabbled in creating, uh, magic machines, if you will, um, which is, which is a, uh, a device that is meant to leverage the strengths of science and magic, tech and art, uh, intellect and emotion, uh, the brain and the [00:59:00] heart. Um, so the blues would say to the Red Hats, uh, what is money?

What is, is, is finance in the face of such a machine? Um, what are these shallow financial, uh, pursuits when all the world's learning is at your fingertips? Uh, the civilized world, after all, is dependent on technology, and indeed, the most powerful societies are those who leverage it the most, uh, for the blues.

Knowledge is power. Um, so, you know, just like the reds last week, we could, we could see virtuous and strong examples of that archetype in media as well as the weak and evil examples, um, relative evil. Um, there, there are, there are good examples, uh, and, and bad examples in the blues as well. So, you know, good examples would be like Hermione Granger from Harry Potter, um, Tony Stark and Bruce Banner, [01:00:00] professor X, you know, these are all characters who have utilized their, their superior intellect, um, as, as, as a strength and usually leveraged it in technology.

Um, you know, evil examples are just, you know, the, the obvious evil genius trope, uh, of which there are numerous examples. Uh, Dr. Doom, Lex Luther, the Ridler, um, you know, just anyone who uses superior intellect and, uh, uses it to leverage technology. Um, So, you know, I, that's, that's really all I have to say about the blues.

Um, next week I want to talk about the Yellow Hats, but, um, but yeah, I just thought it was super relevant, uh, for, for everything we've been talking about today. Um, even Sobi, uh, asked us in the D space, what does Magic Machine mean? Why did we choose that as the name for our company? And I think, uh, it just, it's, it's just the perfect, um, dichotomy for what we're trying to do.

And really just the N F T space in general. [01:01:00] New, uh,

Dotta: forge just happened a cobalt with a golden chainsaw.

Elf: It's really

Bearsnake: No. What?

Elf: Yeah.

Dotta: Yeah. I don't know who forged it.

Bearsnake: Oh, lightning spell. Are you kidding

Dotta: me?

Elf: Yeah. Speaking of Magic machine, a golden chainsaw with a lightning spell. I mean, and it's blue. Are you kidding me?

Quantum synchronicity everywhere. People,

I gotta,

Jitcy: I gotta join Wizard Wednesdays

Elf: more often. Yeah. It's truly magical. I, I, I gotta say,

Dotta: So I've got a couple pieces of cult content I want to share.

Elf: Uh, yes.

Dotta: So one would be the graph by v mark. So this goes under the domain name, cabinet of curiosities, xyz. And there's a, uh, lobe, [01:02:00] which I believe if I'm, uh, is, uh, uh, a pun on both lower and orb.

And it's this basically magic ball, this like WebGL graph that looks just like you're looking at a constellation of stars. But when you zoom in, uh, you actually can see that it is, it's a graph of the lore. Uh, uh, in the book of lore. And so what it's actually, what they've done here is they've created a, like an interactive graph where you can see the characters that are connected together by their lore.

And so one of the central, uh, one of the central wizards I see here actually is the, um, the sacred key Master has quite a lot of other, uh, wizards that references. Laura. This is incredible. I never would've thought to do this and I love it so much. I love it so much that I was like sitting here thinking like, if we should embed this in, uh, the official website.

So yeah. Great work. V mark. I really, really love this. Um, Another one that we want to talk about is Sp Z sent me a back channel and [01:03:00] he said that, uh, on all Hallows Eve, we will initiate the great summoning for forgotten punks. Uh, so if you are unfamiliar, forgotten punks is, uh, forgive the term derivative, uh, collection that mashes up, uh, punks and, uh, forgotten ruins, wizards, and Spz says On, on Halloween, uh, there'll be the great summoning for forgotten punks.

There will be spells and soul punks are coming. So I don't know what that means, but Soul Punks is very tempting. I think they teased out a, uh, like a zombie, uh, yeah, like a zombie forgotten punk earlier this week. So keep a look out.

Bearsnake: Love the forgotten punks. Love the forgotten punks.

Elf: Yep. Our, uh, our community continues to put their room on the door.

Um, Uh, Tony Del Rio. The latest ink tober piece I've seen is day 25. Um, it's got, uh, the [01:04:00] infamous one who rings presiding over three other wizards. Um, just, just an amazing piece. Uh, this is probably the best October, uh, series I've ever seen in my entire life, and I'm not even kidding. Um, I

Dotta: was going to ask, but apparently Tanya is going to, uh, uh, issue a coloring book.

Elf: Which is just incredible. I, oh

Bearsnake: gosh, Tanya, if you need any help, please call me. I want to help you. If you need

Dotta: help, yeah, we can make this happen. And there are people in my house that will color all these pictures. So

Bearsnake: I actually just thought of a really good idea. Tanya D or I'll DM you, I'll DM you.

Elf: Um, speaking of other great cult content, um, Maui, who has just been really, who has been doing some great stuff, uh, she did a really nice piece with both of both of her wizards.

Um, what's really fun about this is she says that, uh, celebrating Halloween is not [01:05:00] common in her country, uh, but she's, uh, still allowed to do it, uh, through forgotten rooms. And she made a really nice, uh, sort of trick or treat piece. Uh, With her wizards. Um, so that's fantastic. Um, we've seen a lot of amazing jack-o-lanterns recently.

Uh, critical is an amazing Jack-o-lantern artist. Um, so many great pumpkins I've seen come from critical. Yeah. Uh, did we talk

Bearsnake: about Marco Fine.

Elf: Marco Fine. Has been doing some amazing wizards. Um, yeah. Yeah. We, I mean, yeah, we've talked about Marco fine, I think the last two Wizard Wednesdays. But Marco Fine has continued making excellent cult content.

Uh, speaking of always great cult content. Artsy and Daniela Elra with an amazing illustration of the nightmare. M uh, just in time for the trick or treat event we've got coming up. [01:06:00] Um, what else do we have? Uh, I'm sharing all these in

Dotta: the space. If you're just sitting here listening, check the pin

Elf: tweets.

Yep. I'm seeing a nice piece from Basha who's just got a, a great little, uh, gift, uh, pixel film. Uh, a favorite medium of mine. Um, let's see, what else am I missing? Uh, that, I think that's all on the timeline for now.

Dotta: We did a storyboard this week, which I loved. I mean, props to, uh, the artist who created that.

Uh, I believe it was

Elf: August. August, yeah. So good. Oh, uh, got a tattoo. This is maybe the. Yeah. Third or fourth tech, uh, rid tattoo. I've seen more than

Dotta: that, but yeah.

Elf: That's great. Yeah. Be a beautiful, uh, illuminati, his head. Um, certainly loaded with quantum style. Well done Brett. I love it. Paid for by the cult.

Dotta: I sent him payment for it earlier [01:07:00] this week, so yeah, just let that be known. The cult pays for all, uh, recognizably forgotten ruins Tattoos.

Elf: Yeah, true. That, true that Forgotten Ruins is putting its mark on its cult members. Um, Jimmy Jag dot eth has a really nice piece of his two wizards, uh, playing chess in a library.

Just a beautiful watercolor it looks like. Um, Oz did a really nice pixel piece of his warrior, uh, slaying, uh, a dragon slash raptor. Super nice piece. Um, I wanna get to the lore someday of wide, uh, dinosaurs are in the universe. Um, there's some really fun lore behind that. Um, yeah, I, I, yeah, I think that's it.

But think that's good for now. Yep. Yeah. Um, but yeah, open seat. Sorry. Uh, that, that we went on a huge lure tangent. Um, but again, thank you so much for joining us. [01:08:00] No,

Jitcy: listen, I'm, I'm so happy to, to be sort of listening in and participating. I didn't wanna disrupt things too much, but yeah, we, we love, we love the wizards over here.

You guys are, are fantastic. So thank you so much for, for letting us join in.

Elf: Of course. Anytime. You're welcome back. Anytime. Thank you. Um, cool. I think we're almost outta time. Matto. Bear. Doda. Anyone else? See you Friday.

Bearsnake: Yeah. Let's, uh, let's, let's everybody prepare themselves, get that costume on.

Elf: This has been, uh, El Doda Open Sea, mad Suki Bear Snake, and the entire cult of forgotten putting their on the door.

And don't forget to knock gn, everybody.