Wizard Wednesday Episode 40 Transcription

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Wizard Wednesday Episode 40


Elf: [00:00:00] Hello.

Chaos Mage Marcelyn: Hello, we

Dotta: are Wizards and it is Wednesday and welcome to this week's Wizard Wednesday. I'm your host Doda, and I'm up here with, let's see, I'm gonna add Gel Door from Sonic. El should be around for too long, uh, but he's not feeling too well today, so we'll see. We'll see if he makes it up here. Hey Nate.

What's up? Hey. Hey. How are you doing?

Elf: How are

Chaos Mage Marcelyn: you doing?

Cult Member: So, I'm certainly doing good. It's, it's been a while.

Elf: I know.

Dotta: It is great to have you up here. And, uh, let's see. We'll bring up Jisu on stage. Hello? Um, cool. All right, so hold on. I think, uh, LF is telling me he might have created a second invite, a second wizard Wednesday.

So maybe we give people a second to, uh, to roll in here. Hello? Okay, so [00:01:00] this weekend, something. Uh, serendipitous happened both myself and Jtk without calling each other independently installed, uh, or tried to install above ground pools at our houses. Uh, so, so I live in the woods in Texas, and, uh, we, so we like cleared out an area.

I got a chainsaw, I got a wood chipper. My new hobby is like cutting down trees and then putting 'em in through a wood chipper. That's like my new personality. And so we, like, we cut down trees, we like tried to level it as best we could, but I did not do a good job. So it's a little bit bulge on the, on the downhill side, but we got it set up and the kids like, love it.

It's very country. Uh, but it's our country. And so yeah, the kids will spin theirs. But So jitsi, you did the same thing too, right? So you, you also what a sweet,

Chaos Mage Marcelyn: nice, fun story. Mine didn't go

Dotta: like that.

Chaos Mage Marcelyn: It [00:02:00] was a nightmare. Um, you know, I'm pretty naive and just kinda like go with the wind type of person in general, but I'm like, yeah, let's get a pool.

How car can a beat? What's the maintenance of it? Who cares, right? Like, let's just do it live. And then proceeded to figure out that I bought one of the biggest above ground pools and we tried to fill it and I'm filling it in one of my pipes burst. Oh no, I don't know if this is happening. And so I go down, I'm like, why is this filling up?

This taking way too long? Like, I get it, it's a lot of water, but it's taking way too long. So I go and look down on my basement. My exact words were, holy shit, because my half my basement had been flooded. And I'm like, no, no, no, no, no, this can't be happening. So I stopped the pipe and then try, you know, after all that, end of the day, what are you

Bearsnake: gonna do?

Just let it be

Chaos Mage Marcelyn: flooded or dry out. Hopefully. I'm like, I'll go find another water source. So I go to my sink and I'm like, all right, I have to MacGyver this and like set it up to where I can fill up the pool with this now. So I do it, set it up, and we're good to go. And then that breaks as well. And so at this point I'm just kind of like over it and then we have to add it on.

Like, you have to have chemicals, you have to have a cover and all these expenses are adding [00:03:00] up. And it was just a nightmare to say the least. I wasn't hap I'm happy now cuz I have a pool when it's super hot. But was it fun to set up? No. Well, we're

Dotta: trying to, means we're trying to do a salt pool too, but apparently it's like, it's not that it doesn't have chlorination, right.

It's like, it like separates the salt from the sodium chloride or whatever separates like the chlorine. Yeah. It's a, it's a process. So. Hi lf. Hi Bear Snake.

Chaos Mage Marcelyn: Hey, what did I

Elf: did? I stumble into the wrong spaces. I thought this was a wizard. Not talk about your pool.

Chaos Mage Marcelyn: No, this

Bearsnake: is, this is actually pool. Pool. Just next the pool to be outside.

Not in your basement.

Dotta: Right, right, exactly. Some money on pool liners just built the basement. Yeah.

Chaos Mage Marcelyn: I guess we should talk about, huh?

Dotta: So elf, you're, you made it. I know that you, you, I think there's something that [00:04:00] really drew you in with this week, right? Was just the amazing cult content. And so, yeah. I'm sorry that you're not feeling

Elf: well. Hopefully you can No, let's, uh, move through it. Yeah. I don't know how long I'm gonna stay on.

I I've got the covid. Um, but I, uh, I just wanted to come on because the cult content this week has just been amazing. It's been giving me life so many good pieces I'm seeing and I, I just had to come on and, um, acknowledge all of it. Um, so yeah, I mean, I would love to just go over a few pieces that really stood out to me, unless you got something else you wanna start with.

No, no,

Dotta: please do. But make it quick. Cause you're like, yeah, you sound so sick. I'm working

Bearsnake: on a

Dotta: potion for you. Yeah, exactly.

Cult Member #3: As soon,

Bearsnake: as soon as my alchemy has, has, has when

Cult Member #3: its course.

Elf: Okay, awesome. Um, alright, well [00:05:00] I'll, I'll, I don't know if I can do it quick, but I'll, I'll try. Um, you know, first I just wanna, uh, mention the, that amazing gold key that two crows is making.

Holy shit. I, I know we've talked about it before, but I think it's like actually available now. Is is that right? Is that

Bearsnake: what I'm saying? Yeah, yeah. He's, he's sell, I think he made 21 of them. And I will say I, I met him and another wizard, uh, for the first time not to be named, I don't think. And I hold it in my holy slowly.

It's amazing. Really. I mean, that's what. Two Crows has a background in, in, in being a jeweler. So, uh, highly recommend if anyone likes rocking the Bling. This is the first real wizard, i r l

Elf: Wizard Bling. Yeah, it's amazing. Um, yeah, always got good stuff out of two crows. And then, uh, I, I love the little illustration that Tad major did of his rainbow cobalt flying on a [00:06:00] broom.

It's just such a nice illustration. The colors are great, the style is great. I just love it so much. Um, and then speaking of Tad, he also did this awesome animation of, um, his Wizard Bullock, uh, doing like some kind of fire spell, and he's like transmuting from his soul form to his, his living form. Um, and then speaking of that, uh, Let's see, creative Method Studios.

I haven't, I haven't seen their work before, but they did another amazing animation of, I think the same wizard. Um, I'm not sure, but it's got a, it's got a, a chaos or a, um, a chime in it. And so I, I, I, I love seeing these mashups of several characters together. Um, and then retired Yield Farmer has this new illustration of, [00:07:00] um, of a Wizard with a Fox.

And I can't help but think this wizard is gonna be somehow paired with, uh, the seven Tailed kite, which I think retired yield farmer also owns. It's just such a beautiful illustration and I hope that someday retired yield farmer comes on Wizard Wednesday and tells us his grand plan for all of these character designs that he is doing.

Cause they're just stunning. Um, and then, uh, my friends dot East, uh, did this awesome little cg um, like low poly animation, uh, that it's sort of reminiscent of like the Pixar opening, but it's, it's a wizard instead of like a, a lamp. So good. It's so good. It's so cute. Um, and then, uh, and then Give, Ahoo found this amazing illustrator who I, again, I've never seen before, but this style is [00:08:00] just stunning.

Um, I, I just love it so much. It's, uh, Alistair of the Step on his owl. Familiar. Um, and yeah, my God, I hope, I hope to see a lot more of work from this artist. It's just so beautiful. Um, and then, uh, uh, Sammy Kitty with more ceramics, uh, looks like she's doing some, uh, some warrior's weapons, which is super cool.

Dotta: Um, is that the, is that the clay one?

Cult Member #3: Yeah,

Bearsnake: yeah, yeah. Right on the wheel. Love the wheel. Gotta love the clay wheel.

Elf: Yep. And then, uh, uh, this another new artist Matt Miller, who's doing a commission for one of one, uh, the chaos Chime era. Um, just gorgeous. I love the colors, I love the style. Uh, it's just like a, a re-imagining of, of the chaos chime.

It's got crystals growing out of it. It's just amazing. I love it so much. [00:09:00] And then, um, and then Oz is doing this like amazing, like mashup of 10 months of, of artwork that he's done. Oz might be one of the most prolific artists in the entire community. It's, it's amazing seeing all of his pieces together like this.

It's, it's just, we're, we're so fortunate to have someone like Oz in our community. Um, so thank you for that. Oz. Um, and then artsy, uh, finished, um, the triple Crown cock illustration from Daniella. Um, And, uh, I, again, this style as well. I just love it. This style looks like there needs to be a whole book made with just monsters drawn in this style.

I, I would bear, I know you're like talking to publishers, we've gotta get some of these illustrations in the book.

Bearsnake: They will, they [00:10:00] will be in the book and we will be talking to all the individual artists just to make sure and token holders that, uh, they are all about it. But

Cult Member #3: yes, absolutely.

Elf: For sure. Um, and then, and then, uh, Artis Rock, uh, who's doing a series of fake universe ads, did this ridiculous mint, uh, ad.

I, I love that they rendered and they made some, like actual mints. They actually look kind of tasty. Yeah. Yeah. Um, and then, uh, forgotten spells, which is, uh, a very mysterious Twitter account that we know a little bit about, but not much. Um, did just an awesome en chanter lobo of the dunes transforming into a werewolf.

Just an amazing piece of animation. Um, but yeah, I think that's about it, you know, and, and I I also just quickly wanted to throw in, um, I'm, I'm [00:11:00] sure that every time we do this we miss a lot of pieces of art. So if anyone makes cult content, just make sure to tag forgotten ruins so we see it. Cause sometimes I see things that aren't even tagging us and so like, they're really awesome things.

Um, so I don't wanna miss any of the good stuff. So make sure to tag us

Dotta: stuff.

Bearsnake: Oh, go ahead. Oh, go ahead. No, I was just gonna say C Mike Draw, um, has been doing some really cool pieces as well. Yes. Which I just like, I'm such a fan of his work, so, so clean

Dotta: and agreed. T NYC poster competition. We didn't even touch on any of those, which we'll maybe we'll do next week after we've been a bit more organized.

But the one by pba eth, which is where he like, did the time lapse and 3D modeled the whole thing and then like traced over and did the comic rendition. It was like, I love it so much. It's absurd.

Bearsnake: Was it was, I don't know how like he or she were saying, like they don't know how to draw at all, so they just [00:12:00] did it in 3D first and seems.

So backwards to me. But yeah, the end result is incredible.

Dotta: It's

Elf: incredible. I love it. Yeah. I've been seeing a lot of, um, great pieces from that poster commission. Tanya Del Rio did another one, one that I just loved. There's been so many. Yeah. We'll have to talk about the posters next week when it's, when the.

Contest is in actually something,

Bearsnake: um, I know we didn't talk about this, but, uh, b beforehand, but I had a meeting this morning with someone that was like one of the first team members at Riot Games, if anyone, uh, knows that League Legends and, you know, just a, a fantastic game studio. Um, and a lot about, a lot about how they started that company and how they really, they, they, the reason they got to where they were was because they really just doubled down on the community and the small group that were playing their games in the beginning.

And [00:13:00] he was drawing all these parallels between what he's seeing going on in the cult and with Riot. And it just, it just made me so, uh, inspired to see someone that had built something as Epic as. As Riot games comparing us to them. And I don't know, it's just like all this cold content every single week.

It's just so impressive. And the builders and the creators that we have is, I mean, we literally say it every week, but it's just astonishing. Ev like ev every week it just gets better and better.

Elf: I haven't actually heard this conversation. What else did he tell you? That is, no, sorry.

Bearsnake: Secret. I can't talk about it.

Dotta: I'm kidding. No joking.

Bearsnake: No, it was, we, we were just talking about community. We were talking about Web three. Um, he has, he left Riot, um, with another, uh, coworker from Riot and started a new company and they're really just looking at what's, what's out [00:14:00] there, right? Like who's building, who's, who's doing things different, who's digging when everybody's zagging and.

Um, you know, it just, it, it, it just, it's nice when you, cause there's like two types of people. There's the, the, the type of person that needs, um, to be told something is cool or something is worthwhile. And then there's, there's people that just believe and have a vision and are patient and stick to the plan.

And, um, and so, yeah, I mean, like, making these parallels between one of the biggest gaming companies in the world and Magic Machine was just, you know, it's, it's, it's always nice to have outside people who aren't even in the cult. Um, make those kinds of comparisons.

Dotta: Yeah. It's always like hard to see the future, but it starts like this.

When it, when it succeeds, it starts small like this, it's like small but intense fire. Yeah, exactly.

Um, so we've got a couple things to cover today. So we have got [00:15:00] the, uh, so, uh, Jor from by Sonic is here to kind of talk about the game. We can kind of ask questions, um, about that so far we also have, um, DWO proposals. So I think Cyber Waffle, hen Boy and Derek the spk are all, uh, maybe gonna talk about some of their proposals to the dao.

Um, you know, we can talk about some N F T nyc, we can talk more about, uh, you know, there's a whole variety of different things, but maybe we could turn over to Jel Do for a little bit to talk a little bit about the game.

Cult Member: Yeah. Uh, that sounds great. So over the last couple months, we've really ramped up the team.

So we have over 30 people now. Uh, tons of pixel artists, level designers and programmers. And we're really now, I would say in full production. So what we have, what we've kind of built up to this point is we have basically a massive world where you can jump into it and see, you can jump into the Faye, you can actually jump into the Faye with other people, [00:16:00] walk around with other people and talk together.

Um, you can visit a lot of the landmarks that are sort of, that we all kind of heard about for a long time, like the Al Abla and everything like that, that basically everybody has sort of seen in the maps and heard about for months and months. You can jump in there and actually see them and walk around with friends.

Um, we, we, we have like everything from basically the desert to the beach, to the snowcap mountains. Um, we have the swamps. We have a day, night cycle going. So we really have this kind of massive world built out, um, and the ability for people to jump in and play an online multiplayer and everything. So we have a lot of the infrastructure.

To build on, to support basically a bunch of people playing at the same time and to support some of the upcoming events that, uh, we've been teasing but haven't really announced yet. So, uh, the frogs are croaking in the universe and I think pretty soon we're gonna have something to share with you guys, [00:17:00] and I hope that, um, Pretty soon, basically everybody will be able to see sort of what I'm seeing right now and get a chance to walk around the Fay with their friends

Bearsnake: and Jor Geor, correct me if I'm wrong, but this first v1, if you wanna call it that people are gonna be able to enter as their wizard.

Isn't that right?

Cult Member: Yeah. So people are going to be able to jump into this and uh, they're going to basically get a robe that is the color of their wizard and they're gonna get the head of their wizard and they can cycle between wizards and their wallets. So you can kind of appear as yourself and walk around as yourself and the game.

Bearsnake: It will, will, will non wizard holders, uh, and warrior holders be able to play as like default characters. Uh,

Cult Member: Yeah. So if you, yeah, so if you don't, if you don't own a wizard, you'll be able to jump into the game and play, like walk around and hang out with other wizards. Um, but you'll appear basically as a robed, [00:18:00] a hooded, robed, hooded figure.

Um, and everybody else will appear as basically their, their N f T wizard with the face of their N f T wizard.

Bearsnake: Can I, I just, I just wanna say, and I know it's kind of annoying, but it is what it is. Like we get to see stuff before everybody. Um, but Jill dor and the team, uh, was it last Friday we had our, we had our weekly catch up and, um, Holy schmoley.

Like the, we were watching in real time, Jor and some of the other, uh, by team walking around while they're talking to us, chatting in the chat bubbles. And it just, everything started to sort of come into place in my head. And, and I think this is where all the hard work that, that, that y'all are doing on the bionics side, everybody's gonna be so excited to see it.

I think it's a big step forward for, for, for everyone.

Cult Member: Yeah. I, I think it will be cool for people to be able to like jump into the, jump into the Fay and explore all these areas and [00:19:00] see all these big kind of landmarks and everything like that for the first time. So that's coming up soon and you know, uh, hopefully we'll be able to announce, uh, what's happening with that.

Um, but I think, I think it will be cool for people that have been in the cult all this time, just sort of be able to actually enter the universe and walk around and talk together and hang out. Um, In parallel, kind of, we're building basically this big world. We're doing a lot of the groundwork, right? For the full game.

Um, so we want to get people kind of in the world as soon as possible, be able to explore all these landmarks. But in parallel with all that, we're, we're going and, and doing things like working on the battler that kind of, we announced the game with a long, long time ago. So we're working on the, this four V four, uh, multi term, uh, uh, realtime turn base multiplayer game where you can fight people and you can battle monsters and everything like that.

Um, we're working on the gathering and crafting systems and everything. And we're, we're [00:20:00] also, we're also, it's, it's a, it's a game where you kill monsters and get loot. So we're, we're having to go through and build basically all the armors and all of the weapons. Um, and I, we teased some of this to, we, we teased some of this I think on, on our Twitter a couple weeks ago.

One thing that's kind of, One thing that you don't really think of is when you're building kind of AOR game, you have to go in there and for every armor, for every leather, for every band bandana that you have in the game, you have to do theor animations for every single one of those items, even the weapon attacks and everything.

So we have, we have those, the plate mill armor, and we, we have to reanimate it for the horse riding, the dancing, the walking, the eating, the combat animations. So we have, we have hundreds and hundreds of animations at this point, even just for a couple sets of armor. And we're sort of plowing full steam ahead on being able to have a game where there's all these different armor options I, clothing options.

So you can really customize your character, um, exactly how you [00:21:00] want to, how you want to, we're, we're going through this process of uprising, the N f T wizards. So we actually have, especially have all of the heads done in first pass, um, for that. And that's the thing that's gonna let everybody appear as their wizard in the game.

Something that might be cool about that is it's gonna introduce some new animation, so you'll have the wizard head. Right. Um, but the wizard head will also have idols with secondary animation on the hair and everything like that. Um, and you know, I think we wanna share those animations too for anybody that wants to be able to use them or play around with them.

Um, amazing. But yeah, just a lot, a lot of stuff going on. Um, and I think, I think it's gonna be exciting for people to be able to enter the universe and explore it and hang out with friends.

Dotta: Yes. Every time. Yeah. Every time I hear from Elf after he, he, he. Talks to your el, to your art team. He just [00:22:00] loves, loves the art, has nothing but good thing to say.

Everything from kind of like the concept artists all the way down to the implementations, it's just like looking so beautiful. I can't wait for people to see it. Um, you know, there were some questions in the chat that people were saying like, well, when, you know, we're gonna do heads and robes and people are saying, are we going to get the bodies for the wizards?

And, and the answer is yes. And it just that like in, you know, because like Jah was saying, when it is pixel art, um, every piece of like clothing has to also be animated through all of the, um, like all of the emotes and the actions and swinging swords and, you know, all these things have to be animated per piece of clothing.

And so it just takes a bit of time. But yes, it's not gonna just be robes forever. This is just for kind of the, the early play testing this, this summer. I got a

Chaos Mage Marcelyn: quick question, and this might be a

Dotta: little bit too late to ask it, I guess, so don't,

Chaos Mage Marcelyn: don't feel pressured to ask, but is there anything you thought about like the, an endgame, scalability type of play?

You know what I mean? Like [00:23:00] I, my brain just instantly goes to when you play through the game and you're socializing all these things and you get towards the end level, blah, blah, blah.

Bearsnake: Like, like scalability

Dotta: and like pad bag does this pretty well where you have like a map system

Chaos Mage Marcelyn: I'd like you to play and like, it's only as hard as you ever wanna make it, but it can be as hard as hell if you want to as well.

So I was just curious if that's being thought of, if not, cool, but just curious.

Cult Member: Yeah, I think there's actually, uh, there's actually a couple things that kind of are, are relevant for that. So one right's gonna be p p um, so you know, we're gonna have four V four PVP in the, in the term base, in the, in the real time term base battler.

Um, and then that means, right, that we're gonna have a way to do ranked, ranked matchmaking and everything like that where you can fight basically. So, so there's gonna be, there's gonna be hopefully right, really competitive tournaments and everything that. That people host and put on and set events around.

And I think that will be something that will just keep going, right? Like there's always going to be somebody that's better, that you're gonna try to beat. There's always gonna be that building up a [00:24:00] team to compete in one of those tournaments. And there's also just the end game of the cities themselves.

So there's the personal progression that you have as a player. So there's, you know, levels. You go from level one to 50 and you go out and you get gear and it takes a long time to craft really cool gear and all that. So there's that kind of core progression. But then there's also the cities. And the cities are tied to the player progression.

So the plots that people are gonna be able to purchase and build on, really they're kind of the core economic engine of the game. So you build forges on those plots, uh, you build major halls on those plots, and that's really where people have to go to be able to craft better and better items. Um, so you're gonna have this communal thing.

Where you have a very long progression of people playing the game, battling monsters, getting resources, gathering, and then building, building these bigger and bigger player cities that enable better and better items to get crafted. And that's, that's kind of really one of the things that [00:25:00] I'm most excited about, is to see whether the city building with player plots to see how that pans out and how that works in the end game.

Dotta: Oh, I love that. That's, that's

Chaos Mage Marcelyn: awesome.

Elf: Yeah. I wanted to throw, throw in. Um, so, well, first of all, j the, the, the map that you guys have, um, this, this first, like version one, it's not you, you won't be able to traverse the entire map, right?

Cult Member: You won't be able to traverse the entire map, but we will have, we'll have basically, I would say a substantial portion of the known map available to walk around in, uh, where you could sort of jump into it and walk, like, walk, you know, starting in the fey, like walk all the way to the grassland, walk all the way through the thorn.

Um, and then for other areas, like for the desert, um, we're going to basically have a section that's built [00:26:00] out with a set piece that you can jump to. So you won't be able, you won't be able, when we launch this to walk from the Faye all the way to, all the way to, uh, to the, the, the sand and visit the obl.

You'll kind of go to, you'll open up your map basically, and you'll be able to teleport right to the que. So. Gotcha. There's a, there's a really big area built out in the world where you can walk around from point A to point B without teleporting. Um, But then for, we wanted to have basically a piece of almost every biome in there.

Um, so like snowcap mountains and the, and uh, and the swamp and the shadow waste and, and the, the, the, the, the vampire mist and some of the areas and some of the set pieces will kind of just be like, uh, small area that you can jump to, but you won't be able to, to sort of explore there without jumping to it.

Elf: Got it. Um, well, yeah, so, uh, um, speaking of the map, I, I think I told, I mentioned a week or [00:27:00] two ago that I was expanding the, the current one that's released. Um, and, and, and that is done. Uh, the map is expanded. It's not the full map yet, but it's greatly expanded. Um, and I actually just handed it to the by, uh, art team just this morning.

Um, he said, yay. Lovely. Um, but, but, but yeah. How will, uh, I guess the question is like, how will, uh, we reveal this to you guys? Um, so I think in a few ways, um, number one, uh, we are printing this map in the comic. Uh, number two, it's gonna be printed on the floor at the party at, um, in nyc. And then I, I think after those two things, um, we'll just put it on our website.

Um, so yeah, so the full map is there. And, and, and, and another reason I wanna mention this now, um, cuz we have gel do on, is, uh, you know, one thing I realized when I was making this map [00:28:00] is that there's just so, so many landmarks. The map is just huge. There's a lot of details, and I named a lot of this stuff myself, but there's a lot of like, mountain ranges and forests and waterways that are not named.

And I'm, I I, I imagine that like, as people are playing the game and as communities are being formed, like you guys can name these things yourself and then those names will end up on the map or, or honestly, if you want feel the need to rename anything that's on the map, um, you know, the universe is a living, breathing.

Ever-changing world. Um, so I guess the point is like, even though I'm gonna release the map with names on it, I, you know, I imagine that boundaries and names and things can shift.

Dotta: Mm-hmm.

Bearsnake: Something, something that I wanted to ask, just because I know, I don't think a lot of people on here probably know this.

Uh, you know, you've created a really cool way to traverse the area that you've [00:29:00] built out and then jump to these, these different locations. Um, if someone were to say, just to give them my, the, the, the code idea of like, scale, someone were to like, walk from one corner of the map to the other, how long would

Dotta: it take them?

Cult Member: So the, when we get to the full map, it will take quite a long time if you're not using like, fast travel and stuff like that. Um, like, like how long? How long? I think, I think it probably would take like almost an hour. Um, wow. Sorry. Working, but don't, don't worry. In, in the, in the version that we're, uh, that we're kind of launching with, there's gonna be fast travel and stuff like that.

And, uh, you won't have to, you won't have to walk, uh, an hour to where you go.

Bearsnake: It's awesome. It's, it's so, the game is going to be so expansive. And of course, like you said, we'll be rolling it out slowly, but I just wanna give everybody like the full picture here. This. And it's such a [00:30:00] huge world. Like, like part of me also like in, in like where I come from, a lot of people make comparisons.

Like if you're pitching a TV show or film, it's like, you know, it's this movie meets this movie. Um, and I think, you know, of all, like you're, you're building this game. You see you and these 30 people are spending time building the game. Like are, like what are the, some of the comparisons, um, that you can give for games that already exist and are known that you feel like have like major elements that, that the River Reverse game will have?

Cult Member: Yeah, I mean a lot of, a lot of the inspiration is coming from games like Ultima Online and EverQuest in world Aircraft especially. Especially like, you know, the early versions of EverQuest. Obvious, obviously EverQuest has been around for quite a while now, like over 20 years. Um, but kinda like classic EverQuest and classic World Warcraft.

So, you know, this, this kind of inspiration is reflecting a lot of things. So Ultima Online was a game where [00:31:00] you could, it had non instance housing. It's one of the only massively multiplayer online games to ever have non housing. So that means that you can go into the world that everybody else is in, right?

And you can put a house down there and everybody else can go up to that house. Um, and you know that with the tie into the plots, that was a really big deal for us. You know, we, uh, you know, we wanted basically something where you own a piece of the world, whether it's a house, a homestead, or a city or a village that other people can see in the world and come up to not like you kind of.

Go and you see this sort of housing block and you click on it and you go to like, you know, apartment number 437, right? Like instant housing. So, so that's one of the biggest inspirations where you have, you have non-I housing in the world. When you buy a plot, you're gonna be able to go there. Everybody else is gonna be able to go there and see it.

Um, also the city building really kind of has taken a lot of [00:32:00] inspiration from online. That was a game where players got together and they built cities, you know, for economic purposes for their guilds, places just to hang out. And we're really hoping, you know, with the culture and the cult, that Cobalts are gonna build a city, um, that other guilds are gonna build cities.

And that, that's gonna be a really big part of this too. And, you know, for the battler, a lot of inspiration coming from EverQuest. So we really want this. Core experience where you can build characters that are archetypically, kind of like a healer or a damage dealer, um, a tank and go and grind through dungeons and get, get epic glute and everything like that.

So I think those elements, if you're somebody that played out of these games, you really see a lot that resonates, resonates with that Great

Bearsnake: answer. Love it. Hey, real

Chaos Mage Marcelyn: quick, uh,

Bearsnake: um, Maddow's asking our Dungeons [00:33:00] and Party Quest plan to be instant.

Cult Member: Yes, Dungeons. Dungeons are planned to be instant. Um, but the Overworld is non instance.

So you can imagine that in the Overworld you can run into other people that are going into the same dungeon as you, but when you're in the actual dungeon, that will be instance to your party. Gotcha.

Bearsnake: Tabitha's asking, will there be a marsh and will I have a gingerbread house?

Elf: There,

Cult Member: there, there, there will be a swamp.

And it will be available in this initial release we're doing. There you go. And we do, we don't, we don't quite have a swamp shack, but we do have a tiki hut. Maybe

Bearsnake: you can, maybe you can uh, maybe you can ask some of those artists to build a gingerbread house. Yeah. No, I think that would be

Cult Member #3: cool. I think that would be cool.

Hi d

Dotta: y l. You came up on stage. Did you have a question?

Elf: What's up to

Chaos Mage Marcelyn: now? Hi to now. What's up Was it's wan now, but it's all, Hey, how [00:34:00] you guys

Dotta: doing? Thanks.

Elf: We're

Chaos Mage Marcelyn: good. How you doing? Hey, I'm doing great. Just getting off work. Uh, I was just interested, you said this men is live. Uh, how much is the mint and how are you minting?

And just gimme a quick blow rundown on

Dotta: this. My first time hearing about this project. Oh, oh yeah, sure. Go for it. Okay, so the, um, so we are going to delay the land sale for this game. So this game, uh, you know, we've still got a Warriors Mint, which is open. Uh, the Warriors are minting for 0.6 right now. The, but the land for the universe, the, the Universe game will be free to play.

Um, and you can play as your character, as your Wizard of Warrior if you have them. Um, and then the land will, we, so the land sale was scheduled for this month in June, and we're gonna be delaying it. Um, we don't really exactly have a, a, a good time for when we're gonna turn it back on. Um, but that doesn't delay kind of the development of the game, right?

We're still gonna, [00:35:00] like, really, one of the things that we wanna make sure is that everyone knows that this game is fun first, right? Where a lot of other projects are kind of, they just drop the tokens, you don't have any stats or they add stats just to kind of get this, like trading market or like, uh, for the tokens.

What we are doing is. We're actually just selling the tokens that are gonna be playable as they're playable. And then, um, sell them like, and we're building the game in the meantime. So, yeah. So just hang tight in terms of the Mint for the Universe Land sale. You the, you'll actually be able to play it before you'll be able to mint, which is fun.

Chaos Mage Marcelyn: That's what's up, man. I gotta get my eth up if I'm gonna cop one of these, but I'll keep an eye on you guys for sure. All right, cool.

Elf: Cool. Appreciate I just, um, I wanna, uh, call out. I see a celebrity in our audience. Chris, the creator of Neon Cat is here. I was on a spaces with him a few months ago. Um, welcome Chris.

I'm a big fan of Neil and Ka. Yeah, of course. Yeah, that's right.

Dotta: [00:36:00] That's a meme at this point. Yeah. Yep,

Cult Member #3: yep.

Dotta: Um, cool. Well, if we don't have any other, uh, game questions or, I don't know, gel revision, anything else you wanted to touch on, or, or if not, we could talk about some of the Dow proposals.

Cult Member: No, I'm, I'm all good.

Dotta: Thank you so much for coming. Uh, it's gonna be so fun.

Elf: Yeah. I'm just gonna go ahead and say again, I know Donna noticed this, but I love talking to the art team at Bionic. They always do such quality work and they're just really bringing a lot to the universe and it's, it's one of, it's one of the, um, highlights of my week for sure.

Dotta: Um, so Cyber Waffle, hen Boyd and Derek, the Spinks, if you're here in the audience, uh, request to speak and I'll let you up.


Bearsnake: I'm just gonna go ahead and say it. You sound terrible. I hope you get this voice. Yeah, you sound

Dotta: awful. It's like painful listening to you, even though I love having you there. [00:37:00] I'm watching Josh the horse this week.

Bearsnake: He's, oh,

Chaos Mage Marcelyn: how's

Dotta: Josh doing? He's wonderful. He's really, he's getting used to being blind.

This is like his second year of being blind, so it's a lot easier for him to kind of like know how to get around and he's really calmed down and yeah. Hello. Wander over there. And

Cult Member #2: Hello? Hi, you can you hear me? Hi, cyber Waffle. Hello. Hello, hello. Hear you just fine. Hi. Yeah, thank you for, can you hear me?

Yes, yes, yes. Loud and clear. No, tha thank you very much. Great. Thank you very much for having me guys. And, uh, hello. It's, uh, of course it's really cool to, uh, be on Wizard Wednesday, kind of like, uh, like a first time kind of thing, but yeah. Uh, I'm gonna, I'm gonna just tell you a little bit about the book proposal and if you want to jump in anybody feel free, you know, just to ask me some questions.

But I felt like I should maybe explain [00:38:00] sort of how I joined the cult because to a certain extent, that's also part of the. The book. So, um, lemme tell you, I, I received The Forgotten Soul, uh, as a gift last year, uh, from someone in the cult. Uh, so yes, it, it was really just through kindness, uh, that I was able to join.

And, um, I didn't ask for it either. It was just this person read some of the work that I did and they really liked my writing. And they said that Forgotten Ruins is, is the best project for NFTs and storytelling. And then I should check that out and uh, really just be part of it. And, um, I love that. So, yeah, I've kind of just been living in the sense of, uh, suspended disbelief about that cuz it's was, it was like one of the most amazing gifts I've ever received.

Um, still wrapping my head around that really. And, um, yeah, so it's all been [00:39:00] amazing. Uh, and, uh, yeah, so, um, for me, like being in the s uh, ecosystem is kind of like buying a economy class ticket and the aerospace comes up to you and says, excuse me, sir, would you like to be upgraded to first class? So, yeah, for me, uh, being in the cults like absolutely amazing.

And I'm from South Africa and, um, it was so amazing because just, uh, per chance, uh, through social media, I was able to meet another, uh, person in the cult who's also South African. Uh, so it was really like a very serendipitous kind of, uh, thing. And we ended up working together and collaborating on a, on a work-related project.

So it was really, really cool. And um, so anyway, as far as I know, we are the only two South Africans in the cult, but if there are more, please, uh, hit me up. Um, but anyway, [00:40:00] so I'm just happy to be here. I love that. Um, so do you mind if I, uh, continue or do you have any questions?

Dotta: No, no, this is great. So, okay, so maybe we could set some context for folks.

So there is the House of Wizard Dow, which, um, oh, some people have some questions. How's the paperwork going? The paperwork going is like fine, like all paperwork does, it's just, is taking time. Um, and so I think that like before the House of Wizards is able to actually. Um, issue any eth we have to, we still have to get our, like docs in a row legally.

Um, and that's like continuing to be in progress. That said, we didn't necessarily want to kind of like, uh, delay a long time to get proposals going. So I think, so yours and a couple of other folks who will be coming up, we'll talk about these proposals. Um, and, uh, yeah, and the proposal will be basically for funding for a book, which you can talk about.

And I think the context is, uh, well, someone can correct me on the mechanics, but basically [00:41:00] we'll have folks talk about the proposals. We'll post about it in the discourse, discourse, not discord. People can comment on it and then we will vote, um, as a community, um, on sort of where we want to send this funding.

And so I love this idea of a, of a book. So, yeah, so feel free to kinda share your

Cult Member #2: idea. Lemme, lemme be very clear about that. Uh, yes, this is about the black letter of the. Proposal for a 300 plus page novel, uh, fantasy novel based around, uh, lit LaMi of the Nightmare Paradise. Essentially how she was brought to the sacred flame and transmuted.

And, um, I felt that it, uh, was quite a compelling story. And, um, so I, I, I basically pitched this idea to, uh, this friend of mine who gifted me the wizard, and I noticed that a lot of law entries were focused on, uh, just writing about that particular wizard that the law entry was for. And I thought maybe it would be interesting if there was a [00:42:00] longer story that.

Had multiple wizards involved. Um, so yeah, basically that's on this level. You know, that's kind of what the book is for me. It's kind of like a, on a personal level, like a thank you, you know, to, uh, for, for the gift. Uh, but at the same time, uh, I have some other goals for, for the book. Uh, first of all, I will a hundred percent make sure that is a, uh, palatable read, written in earnest.

I, um, I don't, uh, think I'm, I'm the best writer in the world, but I have some experience with it and I've helped people to, to, uh, bring books mostly in the legal academic world, um, into, into being, if I can put it that way. Um, so yeah, that's my, my background is in, um, IP law. So, uh, I'm very interested in this whole concept of decentralized well building and, um, IP creation that's owned [00:43:00] by the same people that are actively the audience and also contributing toward it.

It's just, it's a modern day Marvel, really. Um, so yes, I can also tell you that the particular vibe that I'm going for with, with the story is, um, how can I put this? I, I wanna summon my wizard. And it just so happens that that wizard is a sort of power-hungry, lawful evil lich, okay. Kind of like a villain character, kind of a skeletal aesthetic, if you will.

And, um, so this, the idea is that, uh, the witch laia of the hills is transmuted into this lich who's. Sort of hell bent on controlling magic almost to a legal degree. And, uh, she finds the supreme Court of [00:44:00] the lit, uh, which I think is, uh, something, uh, that, uh, could be built in the universe game as Jor was mentioning earlier.

Uh, you know, you guys would like to see guilds together and yes, I'd like to see the cobalts. I'd like to see the, um, what is it, the order of the eternal rose. I'd like to see the murder guild. I'd like to see them all, but I want to have some representation for the souls. Right? Yeah. Uh, so for me, yeah, I've liked particular the liters cuz there's a lot of hierarchy to them.

And, uh, so yeah, I'd like to have this as a role playing device in the, in the, in the universe, but potentially also, It could serve as a place where people could walk and visit and, uh, read sort of the legal, uh, documentation of the game, like the end user license agreement. I thought that would be kind of fun.

Uh, well, yeah, it's fun for me. [00:45:00] I'm, uh, I'm a legal nerd. Um, but anyway, um, yeah, so I think that's, that's about it. Part of the proposal is also that I would like to provide art for key chapters, and I do have an artist who I know, uh, in real life and I onboarded them into the world of crypto and NFTs, and I send them a baby wizard and I introduced them to the, to the Wizard Cult as well.

Uh, so I thought that was, uh, a good way to, to, uh, you know, get people involved. But, uh,

Elf: yeah,

Chaos Mage Marcelyn: I love it.

Elf: This. Yeah, no, it sounds ambitious. It sounds creative. I love the Lites. Um, and I'm glad you've got an artist involved. Uh, I it sounds like the, the lore is going in a fascinating direction. Um, I'm, [00:46:00] I'm really excited about this and, and I, I love how like the scale of of of what you're trying to build, it sounds like a pretty serious thing.

Cult Member #2: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Um, I'd like to just add one more thing, and this is community involvement. And, um, I actually started taking the project more seriously around February and I decided to become more actively involved with the community. And I started reaching out to people to sort of understand, uh, what are some of the projects and some work that they've been doing around their own wizards.

And, um, I found someone who actually, um, wrote like, uh, children's songs. That they, uh, you know, sang to their kids. So I was like, wow, that's, that's quite unique. Uh, so I thought to myself, uh, because this was something that came from the community, how can I incorporate that? And so I asked them, do you mind if I use that in the book?

Because there's [00:47:00] a part in, uh, the book early on where the, one of the characters walks past a group of children and they're singing. And I was struggling to really write the song. And so I thought, how bitter would it be if, you know, I reached out? And I was just lucky, really, to find someone who had already been doing that.

And, um, yeah, so like, I, I really wanted to also not just do that, but combine it with the idea of magic and, uh, how music, uh, is incorporated with magic. So, uh, for example, when a song gets stuck in your head, You call that an earworm? I don't know if you knew that. Yes, Uhhuh. But, uh, right. So like there's this idea that there are wizards that are able to cast the earworm spell and make music more popular.

So it's this, uh, really is kind of, yeah, like, so it's like it influences the music industry of the universe. And, uh, I love [00:48:00] the, like that. Yeah, no, that's, it's just a little example. But anyway.

Elf: No, that's perfect. That's exactly how I think of magic and, and magic in the real world. It's, uh, I mean, it's like art is truly spellbinding.

It's, um, you know, any kind of art, anything that incorporates aesthetics, it, it literally en chance you. Um, that's

Dotta: great. Cool. Speaking of children's songs, all right, so for the rest of Wizard Wednesday, the schedule looks something like this, I believe. Uh, that we will close with Sharon sharing us another story.

And I believe she has a song. She posted the lyrics in the secret tower. So Sharon, if you're here and you wanna request to come up on stage, I think we have time, uh, we have Stepping back one from that, I believe, uh, no demons is going to read for chaos, ma uh, Marline of the anti Feum. Uh, so if you want to come up nether demons, uh, and then we also have, [00:49:00] so, well, let's see.

Derek, Derek the spanks, you're up here. So how about we transition into your proposal and then we will go to nether demons and then, uh, if he comes up, and then we'll close with Sharon. How does that sound?

Cult Member #3: Yeah, sure. No problem. Um, so hi everyone. Uh, hello. This is gonna be kind of weird to start because I am also South African.

And I've also got a book proposal.

Dotta: Perfect. That's fine. Wait a minute. What's going South Africa? Yeah. What's going on

Bearsnake: here?

Cult Member #3: Um, yeah, I've got no idea how that happened. Uh, but yes, there's not only two South Africans around. Uh, there's a third. Um, I'll, I'll give you a very quick, uh, background, uh, to me. Uh, essentially, um, I'm, I'm pretty new to NFTs as well. Um, I've been working with [00:50:00] 1 0 1 of one, uh, dot works to, to write law for some of their, um, wizards.

And people may have seen some of those that I've been posting on Twitter with my, my Derek Dess handle. Uh, people might not have seen it. Uh, so, uh, you're welcome to go and check that out if people want to see, uh, writing that I've done, I've, I've written about. Uh, at this stage, close to 50 character law entries already.

Um, wow. So that's a lot. Yeah. So it's getting up to 50, not quite there yet, but, uh, I think it's in the region of 40, 42, something like that at this stage, with a few more to go. Um, but so essentially there were a couple of questions raised at one stage. So the first thing I wanted to clarify with that is, is obviously the book that I'm proposing is a completely separate entity to what I've been doing for one of one works, right.

Um, [00:51:00] so as a, as a concept for the book, some of the threads that I've started to tease out, uh, for some of the characters and storylines will be in the book. That's the idea, is to build it around some of the key concepts that I, I was coming up with, uh, for characters in the world and how they interact with the world.

And so of course there'll be some one of one characters in there, but not a huge percentage. I, that's not what I want. So I'm looking at major characters, right? So like, for example, I wrote The Sacred Key Master for them who is big in the animation it looks like, uh, and who's become quite a, already quite an iconic figure for, um, for the community.

Uh, we, we've got our wonderful hour long behold, my quantum style loop going on Twitter I saw. Um, so as well as bringing in some of [00:52:00] those big characters, um, I wanted to bring in characters from all across the community. Um, as you guys have always said, it's a community world build, right? And, and so I want there to be a, a back and forth discourse about this.

Um, obviously when it comes to writing a book, um, It's kind of like a, a gateway between the centralized, uh, world and the decentralized world, right? Because you're trying to, to draw a bunch of strands together into one story. So, uh, you know, you're kind of acting as kind of, uh, like a gatekeeper as the author.

Um, so the idea is that stories can be brought to the gate and I can, uh, look at the stories that people bring to the gate and say, okay, well look to, to fit it through the gate. I need to tweak it in this way or that way. [00:53:00] Would you be cool with that? And, uh, and then people can say yes or no. And, uh, you know, if, if they don't want their characters to change in any way and it can't fit into the story, then, you know, so be it.

Um, But if they're happy for there to be a bit of flexibility and a bit of discourse and back and forth that we can try to fit people's characters into the story in some way. Um, right. I think that would be really cool. And, um, so to that end, I've, I've already, uh, actually created a Google form that people can, uh, I'll put the link in the final proposal when it's going up and people can then go to that form.

And if they're interested in submitting a character, they can fill in that form. Um, it can have a book of law entry, which, which can be potentially built upon and discussed. And, uh, if they've got special requests for, you know, what they want their character's personality to be like, that kind of stuff, um, where they come from, [00:54:00] what's their background, um, or they might not have a book of law entry at all and they're like, well, here's the character.

Go for it. Go wild. Do what you want with it. Um, cool. I think by necessity it needs to be quite a flexible and fluid process. And I, I think the main thing is that it's transparent all the time. And that there's a, there's a discourse, right? It's a dialogue. It's not just, um, taking characters and using them, because at the end of the day, it's the, it's the character IP that's, that's then going into the book.

And the idea is that it's beneficial for everyone, right? So the book promotes people's characters and the, the characters build the book. And, uh, I think it's a really cool, uh, synergy there. And, um, I think it's just, uh, so, so to come back to the, the concept for the book by bringing in, um, We, we want to bring people [00:55:00] into forgotten rooms, right?

That's, that's the point. It's to get people excited about it. It's to get, uh, get the world known, uh, to raise the profile of, of characters from that world. And so the idea is to bring, bring you into this world from the point of view of somebody from outside of the world. So the concept is centered around two main characters that are not actually NFT characters.

They're characters that I've created who do not exist as NFTs. Um, so the idea behind that is that, uh, there is a. City, um, surrounding the blue Sebastian called Luman, which is, um, you know, without going to huge amount, I know there's not a lot of time now, but the idea is that this, this city is, is being put under an [00:56:00] enchantment by a, uh, a conglomerate, uh, or, or a, um, a syndicate, uh, essentially a crime syndicate that is also in cahoots with a tech conglomerate.

And the idea behind this is that within this city, there's a lot of tech being, being produced and designed. And the crime syndicates want to have control of that technology. Uh, whoever's behind that crime syndicate, I'm not gonna say right now, um, but. There is, there are dark forces at work, right? That are trying to control the inhabitants of the city and to control the production of tech in the universe.

And so the people that live inside the city are not aware of magic. They're not aware of anything that's going on around them. This enchantment prevents them from seeing any magical things that are going on.

Dotta: And, and I think one of the things that I love about kinda like, um, process

Cult Member #3: is, [00:57:00] you know, in Harry Potter where, you know, magic just kind of flies by, by a MU's eyes and they just, they miss, uh, you know, you see it as some kind of weird everyday event or something.

Um, um, yeah, so essentially cool, um, the book's called the, the Shadow Key, or The Shadow Keys, and it, it revolves around a concept I came up with, um, when I was writing the story arc involving the Sacred Key Master Anddo. Uh, of the platonic shadow. So my idea was that there's a whole bunch of these keys to the seventh realm, uh, around, uh, keys to the gate of the seventh realm.

What are these keys? Why are there so many of them? There's loads of wizards that have them. Uh, so essentially, uh, in the past, voo has stolen the original key to the gates of the seventh realm [00:58:00] from the Sacred Key Master.

Dotta: Okay, well that's fine. We're running long

Cult Member: time anyway.

Dotta: So we will have proposals continued with Coffee with Magic Machine, uh, by JK and Locke.

Um, I don't know the schedule for that. They can post that in the secret tower. Um, but I love this idea so much of having. Uh, like multiple books with multiple perspectives, right? Even from how you hear the, like, cyber waffle versus Derek, describe how they think about their projects, right? Cyber waffle has, you know, this more like centralized vision for what it might be.

And then, uh, Derek is talking about like, including people from the cult. And I think they're like, really, one thing that I want, that I've wanted for a while, right, is this idea of like a longer narrative, um, through the, uh, of the lore of characters, right? Because we'll get some of that with the, uh, with the comic book.

We'll get some of that with the show, but those things take so long. And so I just love this idea of having longer form novels and some tools [00:59:00] to do in there. So we've only just got a few more minutes. You know, we're even actually pretty close to time, so we have got, uh, wonder, e aka another demons. Why don't you go through your lure and then we'll close with everyone's favorite storyteller, Sharon.

Uh, and so we'll, and then we'll close up from that. So go ahead. Another demon.

Chaos Mage Marcelyn: Okay. Thank you. Thank you so much. Yeah. So yeah, I'll be reading the Lore for Chaos, major Marline of the Antheia, and I posted a link to the, uh, kind of draft of it, which is currently on my website, um, which I'm kind of using as a way to draft out how I want these to flow before I write them to the book of lore.

And, uh, a Diamonds io is a place where others who have similar kind of desires to draft, but get some feedback can also post their lore. So I encourage you to check that out. So this is titled Demi number, question mark. Question mark. [01:00:00] The thick, almost tangible ultramarine haze shifted just enough to let Marcine make out the edge of some looming structure before her.

As she glided forward, other sharp edges began to become just barely visible in her peripheral vision. Each structure ooze with a rapidly evaporating green expungement that seemed condensed, almost curdled onto the rigid shapes from the chaotic haze that swirled around her. With a sudden big whoosh, an incandescent stream of chocolate green smoke burst from somewhere below her, gripping her tight and making her wakeful as her flesh singed with the knowledge of gravity.

In the next step, her foot exited the exhalation of smoke, followed by the rest of her and into a new dimension. She arrived. In that moment, the haze that she had been moving through for the last unknown amount of time seemed to rapidly retreat away and those sharp, sharp edges that she had struggled to resolve just moments before now.

Crisply presented themselves as a dense thicket of massive razor blades that protruded from the rumpled [01:01:00] gray ground all around her, and blocked out the sky above while the gooey green crud, she had seen all over these massive living murder trees no longer decorated. They're now steely surfaces. Marcine could feel down in the depths of her mirror, the air, the aura of chaos.

Chaos, magic, roiling off them, making for certain that wherever she happened to be, she was meant to be there. Uh, chaos. What were we supposed to grab here again? Marcine called out over the sound of the whooshing, that cons that continued to spill out behind her. Yeh, really Robert, a razor blade dimension.

What could you possibly need from here? She said, scrunching her face in confusion. Without a response, she inquired once more, turning and looking downward for her chaotic, familiar chaos. But instead of a frog shaped demonn, her eyes met a pockmarked circular opening in the ground that was actively ejecting a warm, transparent, gaseous substance.

Although the gas seemed to lack in any [01:02:00] visible as appearance, she could again feel the depth of chaos, magic that composed it. Uh, chaos. Repeated Marcine, a tinge of worry, cresting the confusion in her voice as she angled her head down to peer down the gassy pour, and then followed up with, um, I can't do this without you, dude.

Where the F did you go? As if in response, the ground beneath her began to warp, twisting, and bristling the blade trees and causing them to shear against each other to emit an eerie but mostly harmless screeching sound. Some of the smaller knifey trees and shrubs directly around her arms and legs swayed against her, causing her to feel a series of intense cutting sensations, but left her flesh.

Unperturbed, huh? Where do I know that feeling from? She wondered aloud, but before Marcine could really comprehend what was actually going on, the scissor wood in front of her moved with the ground to expose an opening between the bramble that reflected a dim, but noticeable light into the metallic tangle in which she stood beckoning [01:03:00] her.

Without much else to go on. She listened to her gut and followed a narrow pathway between the tall blades doing her best to avoid touching anything sharp. While the gouging sensation she felt when in contact with the blades wasn't altogether unpleasant, the feelings of nostalgia they evoked were more than a little bit unnerving for the fact that she couldn't exactly place their origin.

Each slice on her arm, leg, or face evoked a different shadowy dream of her and some other gob forsaken dimension doing or finding some ridiculous shit for Robert or one of the Anthes clients. While she clearly felt herself in these visions, they were unnerving because she couldn't remember having made them in the first place to, to feel nostalgic about in the first place.

How could one fondly reminisce over something that they didn't even do, or did she actually do all those things? What somehow lost the original memory she made about them? Somewhere along the way. Good thing. She had a strong and yet willful forgi. Strong and willful. Yet forgiving spirit for these mental states would surely [01:04:00] break a lesser creature.

All she could do was Al was what she always did, keep stepping through the doorways and gateways and pathways that found themselves opening up before her with one final step. The feelings of nostalgia ended abruptly as marcine emerged from the grove and into a meadow like space, surrounded by more blade trees and centered on a large wardy gray mound.

The open space also revealed a pair of fled gray mountains, some distance away, and an equally gray featureless sky above. She slowly stepped further into the open space, scanning her surroundings and spoke aloud again. Okay, am I supposed to know what to do now? I followed your path, but none of this makes any sense either in case someone or someone had been listening last time.

Again, as if in response, the ground warped beneath her. And the mountains she could see in the distance began to move slowly across the tops of the blade trees and with respect to one another, as if rotating about some unseen [01:05:00] axis at their base far away. As the twin peaks rotated, a clear white area covered with a fine network of green veins began to come into view.

Along one of the ranges, the white spot grew and bold, gentle. Finally, she realized she wasn't looking at a mountain range at all, but rather at a warty eye socket that held the massive pupil list eyeball of her chaotic, familiar staring blankly. Back at her chaos she shouted and delighted surprise, as she realized she had been adventuring across the back of a met massive metallic expression of her familiar.

All along Marlene came chaos as deep croak in response. The booming sounds stunning her into sudden awareness of her goal in coming here. What it was that she was sent here to retrieve for Robert, and then she started to feel the whole world turn upside down. Nothing was really moving around her at first, but she felt her star.

Star. She felt herself start to lighten and lift off the rumpled grace surface that made [01:06:00] up chaos, backside, and then she was good and truly falling upward. Now clear above the tips of the tallest blades, the glittering sparkles of splinters and shavings and shards of various sizes. Now falling alongside her faster and faster, she fell revealing more and more of her familiars full form.

In this dimension, a gigantic gray toad with deadly sharp features and a stub and stubby muscular limbs that bch with each slow and powerful contraction, propelling it forward and away from her into the weird grayness that made up the space around her. As chaos led further away. Marcine caught a glimpse of the true scope of the space she was now falling through, filled with a collection of razor sharp, galaxy sized swords drifting by each other in close proximity to one another.

So dense that no color, but a dull, shiny gray could be seen anywhere she looked. And yet the metallic structures and the space they occupied were so gargantuan that the space still felt empty and sparse in a contradictory way that she couldn't [01:07:00] bear to keep looking at without feeling gut-wrenching vertigo and nausea.

So she turned her attention to her immediate surroundings and the task at hand, seeking out one of the ging splinters, spiraling through space with her and carefully claiming it as her own. Her momentum was starting to reach a terrifying velocity, so she pulled the splinter in toward her chest and kept her focused tightly on it as she called out to her familiar.

Once more chaos. I got one of your splinters. Take me back to Robert now please. In her peripheral vision, Marcine caught the massive toad alter his trajectory with one gliding swoop of his strong limbs to start heading directly toward her quickly, closing the distance between them, his bulging eyes as empty as ever, but still intent on heating her call as the massive form loomed over her filling her field of view.

A deep rumble began to echo from within chaos belly. Then his mouth opened with a deafening

engulfing marcine in a sharp [01:08:00] forest, green flames as he swallowed her, her as he swallowed her hole and transported her Otherwhere else.

Elf: I love codes that have teleportation powers.

Chaos Mage Marcelyn: Sam here. I love portal magic.

Elf: Yeah. That's great. That's, that's, that's an amazing tow she's got there.

Chaos Mage Marcelyn: Amazing. Thank you so much. Thanks for the time.

Dotta: Hi Sharon.

Sharon: Hi, how are you?

Dotta: I'm great. How are you?

Sharon: Good. I hope everyone has time to stay for my story.

Elf: We, hold on Sharon, I just wanna say that, um, I wasn't gonna come on Wizard Wednesday today, but then I had two reasons. One, I wanted to shout out the cult content, and two, I wanted to stay for Sharon's story time, so, oh, thank you.


Sharon: we have time. [01:09:00] All right. Well, this story is the second in the series that I'm writing for young children. Each of my bedtime stories has one or more familiars from other Wizards, bedtime stories with Gallia and Lizo real friends. Inside of the pouch, litho could barely hear the stick being dragged as it formed a trench into the dirt.

He mouthed the words gallier recited as she walked, rise up high from earth to sky. Protect all that. Dwell on the inside. When the end of the trench met the beginning, Gallia headed towards the shade, shade of the large oak tree opening her pouch. A head popped out. Hello, Lizelle. Hello, right back at you. I am so hungry.

Where's the bugs? [01:10:00] Picking up her bullfrog. Gallia said. See that marshy area over there? I'm sure it's full of slimy, crawly things. Sit me down. Please sit me down. My tummy is rumbling. Gallia set litho on the ground. He stretched out his front legs as far as they would go, and then he did the same with each of his back legs.

Woo, that feels so good. After a long nap, litho faced the marsh. Took one hop forward, turned around and winked, and then continued on his way as he danced and sang. Boom, boom, boom. Sl squish

feet, they are a tree. Boom, boom, boom, boom. Bugs [01:11:00] are yummy. Boom, boom, boom. Bugs are sweet, tasty, tasty, tasty trees. Don't you bring back any of those nasty crawly things. Gallia called after him. Lizzo kept hopping forward until he disappeared into some tall weeds. Gallia went over to a glassless area and began to move rocks into a circle.

A half hour later, she headed to the fire pit with her arms full of wood. When she heard, oh, oh girl, Gallia dropped the wood and ran her face, became red in her eyes, scanning from left to right, litho, litho, where are you reaching the weeds? She stopped and listened. The only sound was her heart pounding.

Even the songbirds were nowhere to be [01:12:00] seen. Litho. Litho, she shouted. Gallia carefully walked through some tall grass and called again for her front. Let, where are you? She went a few more steps deeper into the marsh and found some open water. A red hawk was sitting on top of a log that was halfway stuck in the mud.

The bird was hunched over, staring downward. It was here she saw Lial curled up underneath it. Only his eyes were sticking out of the water. Noticing Gallia let's eyeballs got bigger. Gallia quickly raised her left hand and blurted out, raise up water. A single wave rose up above the hawk. The bird turned its head at Gallia and glared.

Gallia leaned [01:13:00] forward and moved her hand higher. The wave rose up too. Let know what a piercing scream. The hawk flew away. Gallier released her hand and called out litho. Everything is okay. You can come out now. I made the hawk leave the bullfrog, lifted his head out of the water and looked around. Are you sure it's okay?

Yes, I am sorry that happened to you. The hawk must have been in here somewhere before I cast my protection. Spell He left and he won't be able to cut back in. Litho slowly climbed out while checking his surroundings. He sat on top of the log for a moment and then hopped over to Gallia. Are you okay? Yes.

Good thing I am fast. I was almost a snack. What [01:14:00] happened? I was sitting by the water and a muskrat appeared. He said, hello, friend, welcome. He asked if I knew the best place for catching bugs. I told him I didn't. He said I should sit on that log. I thanked him and jumped over. When I went to ask his name, I couldn't find him.

I saw a large shadow and I realized the hawk was coming at me. I hopped into the water and I yelled for you. I am so thankful I heard you and I could get here to help. I thought it was weird. The Muskrat left because his said we were gonna be friends. I think he wanted me to sit there on purpose. I agree, replied Gallia.

She picked up litho until they were [01:15:00] face-to-face. Several tears escaped from his eyes. I promised to always take good care of you. Litho. You're gonna stay close to me tonight. You can eat whatever bugs you find hiding under rocks and the wood pile as I build a campfire. Okay, I would like that. Later. When the cricket started to sing their night song, Gallia snapped her fingers at the wood and rec reside, twist, and turn until rings are formed.

The smoke rose up and made whispery circles that floated in all directions. Litho spied him moth flying towards the campfire. When it went through the center of a smoke ring his tongue zapped it. Ooh, one of my favorite games. Bullseye Bugs. Have fun tonight. You Silly Frog. [01:16:00] Gallia replied, why opening her bedroom and sitting down.

After a while, Lita went over and snuggled next to her. Gallia. How can you tell if someone is a real friend or not? That's a good question. Lizo, sometimes it's hard to tell. The muskrat you talked to today was a fake friend. He only wanted to get you into trouble. He didn't really wanna help you. Why would he do that?

We will probably never know. Maybe he didn't want to share the marsh with anyone. Maybe he just wanted to see you get eaten. Let real friends try to find ways to take care of you, to get you outta trouble, to cheer you up or make you happy. You told me Midas is your friend. How do you know he's a [01:17:00] real friend?

Hmm. Let me think. I, I know when I have asked Midas for help, it makes me feel happy to see that golden tooth hopping over. When my brothers and sisters moved away, I was sad. Midas came over to see how I was. He made jokes to make me laugh. When he did that, it made me feel special. That's because Midas is a real friend.

He's there for you in good times and bad Lizzo. What if sometimes Midas is too busy to help when you ask him? He will tell me and I will understand because he hopes me at other times. What about bloody? Oh, I don't know. Everybody's afraid of bloody. He's a red frog who's born [01:18:00] with fangs and he sucks the blood of his prey.

Pray. Are you afraid of bloody ask Gallia? No. No, I'm not. Why? Bloody saved my life. Once I almost got eaten by a black water snake bloody attacked it bit it. With his fang, he noticed I was upset and he invited me to sit with him at the end of his pond. After that, whenever I hopped by his pond, I waved.

Sometimes I stopped for a visit. We have things that are the same, like we both get our feelings hurt easily. Would you say bloody is a real friend? Hmm. Yes I would. I get it. Everybody should not be judgy because you might be wrong about somebody. [01:19:00] Liz though. You don't get to decide how others feel, but you can improve on how you feel and how you act.

Go to your all like real friends. Yes, I totally agree. Luo, did you know that you can tell if someone is smart? Because it takes brain power. It takes thought and effort to give compliments and be nice. It takes no brain power. To hurt somebody's feelings. Ooh, I am super smart. Yes, you are. And so are you.

It's time for me to go to sleep. Goodnight Liz. Goodnight Gallia. He replied, is he hot to the front of her bed? Roll and watch. The smoke rings always quiet [01:20:00] until softly. Boom, boom, boom, boom.

They are treat.

Thanks for listening. Oh, wow,

Elf: man. Sharon, I wish you could see the expressions on all of our faces because we're all, I'm sure, just glowing. I know. I am. My,

Dotta: my heart is full. Oh wow. Sweet.

Sharon: Thank you. Did you sing along?

Elf: Yes. Yeah. A lot of people in the Discord were singing along. Actually,

I think you almost cured my covid. Um, oh,

Sharon: that's, that's a lovely thought. Absolutely.

Dotta: Send you some good magic.

Elf: I, I actually have one question. Um, you said other wizards, familiars were in this story. Can you, can you tell us who those wizards are?

Sharon: Um, you know, I [01:21:00] didn't say last time and there were seven wizards in the last one.

Um, I'll tell you what, I'll let them post in the Discord if they wanna reveal who Familiars are and who they are. There was two, there were two

Elf: wizards. Okay. Got it. That sounds great. I, I just, I just love, like you had a little like message in there. I mean, litho is just such a full character. Um, And I love when he talks.

I I I love that you're using other people's characters. It's just like, like Gallia story time is just averse treasure. Well, thank you. Thank you so much.

Dotta: Well, that, that was Wizard Wednesday folks, thank you so much for coming. Thank you to Sharon and thank you to another demons and thank you to everyone who came up to give proposals today.

Um, [01:22:00] this has been, uh, Jonah and El and Sharon and Nether Demonn and Derek and Tanya Del Rio and Bear Snake signing off. Have a great wizard

Elf: Wednesday everybody. Good night.