Wizard Wednesday Episode 29 Transcription

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Wizard Wednesday Episode 29


Elf: [00:00:00] There Snake.

Bearsnake: Where's dotta? I'm, I'm pretty sure he's, he's great dancing right now. Yeah. You know what he's, he's with his piece of cardboard. He's breaking it down. He's popping a. Hold. Hold on when he's done. Hold on.

Elf: Alright. Do you, you, you have your fun bouncing your booty. We'll go ahead and start Wizard Wednesday. We'll go ahead and get started because it is Wednesday. We are wizards and it's time for our weekly cult meeting, AKA Wizard Wednesday and damn it, we are just exclamation point magic. Now our cult is only about nine months old, uh, but it is already very, very rich in tradition, and I'm seeing these new in-group cult signifiers pop up every day.

And as indicated by the intro [00:01:00] music, my new favorite, although I think it's actually several weeks old, is a dance move called the Empty Shake. Doda Bear. Are you guys familiar with the Shake? I'm doing it right now.

Bearsnake: I love it.

Elf: It's so, I laugh every time. It's so good. It's so good. It, it really hit me hard today when I was reading the comments on the 3D wizard and, uh, TV said, um, make him empty shake. Uh, and I think that's really just the most brilliant reason to make 10,000 3D wizards, um, is just so they can all do the empty shake.

Um, I've decided that all of the rigs, when they're done, they will come with, uh, an empty shake animation. Um, nice. When that happens, I want to see an absolute deluge of py shakes all across Twitter in the most obnoxious way, fat, uh, possible with, uh, the hashtag py shake. Um, I also want [00:02:00] to see what's that.

We'll need

Dotta: like a battle simulator. Uh, the ultimate battle simulator, which is like oh thousand

Elf: Wizard. Yeah, no, I wanna see, I wanna see all of us. I l at NFT N yc doing the MP Shake on the dance floor. And then I wanna see somebody, uh, submit a promo proposal to the House of Wizards to pay do Dota, to do the Epy shake.

And I'm talking, paint himself green. Do a full empty, wear an epy mask if you want, but, uh, I don't know, like empty shake in the street. Py, shake in the coffee, shoppy shake on top of a mountain, like wherever.

Bearsnake: You just, that's the, that's, you just dropped a serious challenge on,

Dotta: I'm gonna be expensive orphans.

Elf: Okay. Yeah, it's, uh, it's good stuff. I, I think it's [00:03:00] Nagas Wasier who made it, but I honestly don't know. Um, I'm sure. Yeah. But yeah, it's like we've got our own dance though, is the thing, so that's, that's amazing. But yeah, we have a really big show today. We've got, we probably have more things than we have time to talk about.

Um, I want to give an update on Beasts. I want to talk about the book of lore. Uh, Merlin has submitted this. You guys saw the amazing trailer where they Oh my God. Yeah. They, they built the entire universe in Minecraft mind. Blowingly good. Um, we want to talk about the House of Wizards, um, and tons of other things.

Um, So what if we just start with the Beasts update? Yeah. Don't bear the least. Yeah. So, yeah, so I've been drawing beasts. It's, it's something that, it's, I've, I've had the most fun with this. I haven't had this much fun since I drew the Wizards. Um, it's something that I've been begging the team to let me do for months.

[00:04:00] Um, and so I just wanna talk about sort of the aesthetic behind them. Um, the beasts are much larger. Sprites, they are on, uh, 1 75 square pixel box. Um, for context, the wizards on are on a 50 by 50 pixel box. Um, so that's about three x the resolution of the wizards. One reason I wanted to make them look this way is because the beasts are, they're all one of ones, uh, there's no generator involved.

Um, and so I wanted them to be obviously handcrafted and extremely unique. Um, the color palette is also richer in these beasts narratively. They pull from a huge range of lore throughout history across the world. Um, from all time periods from ancient to straight up contemporary. And so of course this idea of mixing pop culture, meme culture, and ancient mythology [00:05:00] is a part of what, uh, forgotten Ruins is all about.

Um, Because as I've said before, today's pop culture is tomorrow's mythology. Today's urban legend is tomorrow's folklore. Today's meme is tomorrow's cultural tradition. Um, and so when we look at it this, this way, we realize that time is not an arrow, but a wheel. Uh, so the beast lore is very rich. It's full of icons and icon of class alike.

Um, and then Dota, do you wanna talk about the minting experience for these.

Dotta: Not yet,

Bearsnake: but I was gonna say if you, yeah, if you're not gonna talk abouting, I just wanna say Alf shared some, some, some beasts with Doda and I and like, they're like paintings. They're so gorgeous and I just like constantly in awe el like the skill and the craftsmanship is just on just the next level.

It's so great. I'm excited

Elf: for everybody to see it. Awesome. Yeah. Thanks. [00:06:00] Yeah, I think, I think, I think you guys were both, were like, wait, are these in the same world when you first saw it? But then, um, but then you heard my explanation and I think you got accustomed to it. Um, yeah. I mean they, they, they do look very different from our, from the wizards and, uh, the souls and the ponies cause they're just three extra resolution.

Um, Yeah, they

Dotta: look different, but, but, but they work. And I, this is something that I've always talked about, I've talked about this for years, which is that like, you know, when El and I collaborate on something, um, you'll send over some new artwork. This has happened for 10 years. You'll send over some new artwork.

Well, you talk about something, you send over the artwork. And when I see it, I'm kind of like, like not ready for it. Almost like I look at it, I'm like, it's so good. But it's like, Really pushing my boundaries. And then like, I'll sleep on it and the next day I'll be like, I think I like it. And then like, I'll, like, a couple days later I'll be like, this is incredible.

[00:07:00] Like, how come I didn't like this at first? And I like, I sort of like ease into it and something. And I think that actually that same thing happened with Beast, which is like, when I first saw it, I was like, they're, maybe they're too different. And then like the next morning you're just like, no, these are, these are incredible.

So I, I can't wait to share them.

Elf: Yeah. Yeah, they're super fun. Um, so yeah, bees are coming. Um, and yeah, Doda, we're, we're, you know, we're figuring out the minting process. Um, but I'll, I'll let Doda speak about that when the time, when he is ready. Um, bear, do you wanna give, uh, an update from the bear cave on the beach?

I know you're working. Update from the Bear Cave.

Bearsnake: Yeah. I feel like I need to have a, maybe I'll get, do a little pre-recorded jingle. Yeah, definitely. If we're gonna do a weekly banca update, I'll do that. Um, well, I am in the midst of wrestling Hollywood, in quotes. Um, you know, we're engaging with, you know, the traditional legacy media [00:08:00] model, which, you know, controls gate keeps TV and film.

You know, they just move at such a different. Pace, much slower pace. So I'm just, I'm, I'm sort of trying to think out of the box on how to do something that typically takes, um, way more time than we want it to take. So spending a lot of time doing that, it could be frustrating, but it can also be rewarding.

We're, we're meeting with some incredible people. Um, I actually tweeted out at a writer that, um, hopefully we're gonna get a meeting with his name's Cameron Squires. Uh, I don't know if I'm supposed to be doing this, but I'm doing it because if I can't talk about it with the cult, then who can I talk about it with?

Um, and I like, it's been, it's been a little difficult to get a meeting with him. Um, but I tweeted out Adam because I just kind of got sick of all of the, the gatekeeping. And so if you guys want to go give that Tweets of love or I don't even know. Don't give it love, it doesn't [00:09:00] matter. But I, I'm just like going, uh, the very untraditional route when I can to get in touch with the people that we really believe can, can sort of take the show to where we want him to go.

Um, and this guy's like, he's like, he's rewriting or he's writing the new Star Trek movie. He, he wrote on a bunch of different shows, including some Marvel TV shows. Anyway, it's like, you know, when, when you, when you aim really high, you know, there's a lot of, a lot of sort of jumps, a lot of hoops you have to jump through.

So I'm spending a lot of time in the barricade doing that. A lot of merch stuff that we should be able to share something soon. Um, that's, that's, that's kind of the bar cave update. Nothing, nothing too, too crazy this week.

Elf: Yeah. The, the, the sense I get from what you're going through is like, not, not to extrapolate this into a bigger thing, but you know, one of the dominant features of our age, especially in the last like five years, is just the breakdown of institutions from everything from like [00:10:00] the media to government, to to, to the entertainment industry and the entertainment industry has just turned into this.

This, uh, bloated, slow moving beast where creativity is the last thing on their mind, and profit is the first thing on their mind. And Yep. They're so slow moving because of that. And, um, you know, I, I think that, you know, our project is, uh, looking to disrupt that in so many ways. You know, we talk about it all the time, but, um, maybe this is a good segue into what Merlin's doing because, you know, magic Bear, bear Snake, and Magic Machine is like, You know, we're, we're, we spend a lot of time trying to move these mountains, um, in legacy media, but Merlin and his team are making mountains.

Um, so. If you can't move a mountain, just build it. Um, and [00:11:00] Merlin, you, I mean, it's, I, I saw the trailer today and it just blew my mind what you guys have done. So, um, would you like to tell us about your project?

Merlin: Yeah. Hey, everybody. Super excited to, uh, be part of the project and part of the community and, uh, realize origin and I.

Are super grateful to finally, uh, have a way to kind of give back and contribute, uh, this project. And, um, yeah, I don't even know where to start, but I, I, I told him today I feel like I'm doing two full-time jobs, two full-time startups. I haven't been sleeping and just been super excited to, uh, you know, I've been.

Sitting on this trailer and the world build for a while, and so I'm just happy to be able to release some of it out to the community.

Dotta: Can you give us some, some context, like for folks who maybe like, let's say someone doesn't even really know what Nft Worlds is, they don't really know how to use it, like, or what the plans are.

Could you just give like a, like a, like a high level intro of sort of the context.

Merlin: Yeah, so N F T Rules is kind of [00:12:00] my second favorite, uh, N F T project. And essentially what they did was they got a, a sort of blessing from Microsoft to use Minecraft as, um, uh, metaverse platform. And, you know, there's a lot of Metaverses out there like Sandbox and, you know, Facebook's doing one and um, you know, decent land, but they're all, but basically Minecraft has a 10 year head start, and so there's.

You know, 150 million Minecraft users out there monthly. Um, they have a ton of plugins and free, you know, stuff to, to use. And, uh, essentially they, they minted 10,000, uh, Minecraft worlds and they're layering on top of that, uh, essentially a token called the World Token and a bunch of other features as well to make it super easy.

Um, because as some of you have probably found out, trying to install Minecraft today is not the easiest to even install and use. And so they're making their own kind of client, uh, to make it super easy. Just, you know, click on a button and you're in. Um, and [00:13:00] so what we're doing, or what I, you know, me and realized wanted to do was essentially to, to build, or what we did was we hired a team called, um, team Visionary to basically build out this world and they, they were super fast.

I mean, there's these builders out there that. They've been doing this for 10 years, and so it took 'em about five weeks to do everything that you saw there, which is just, you know, mind blowing to me. And, uh, the three games that are in there were basically off the shelf games that we customized. So we have, you know, the pony race, we have the, uh, the park core, uh, course and the flight school right now.

And we're, you know, there's more on the roadmap, but I'm only gonna share so much of the roadmap for

Elf: now. What I really loved, and I, and I, and we spoke about this a few hours ago, is, um, how, like the secret tower itself, you guys, um, didn't. Feel the need necessarily to just do a one-to-one perfect repre representation clone of the secret tower on our website.

You guys brought your own style and [00:14:00] flair to it, um, and it just looks so good.

Merlin: Yeah, it was kind of a, a collaboration. Uh, you know, we, I mentioned this, but we tried to do an exact clone. Of what was on the website in terms of the secret tower, and it just didn't look very good. And so, uh, you know, I was kind of creative directing the, the guys, um, on Team Visionary, and they kind of came up with the rock.

And then, you know, I had this idea to infuse it with the purple crystals, especially so at nighttime, uh, it looks pretty, pretty awesome. And so, yeah, I think that for each metaverse, um, and you know, we're, we're not the first ones to do this, but each metaverse has its own kind of flavor. Of what the characters look like, what the buildings look like.

Obviously Minecrafts is pretty blocky. Um, so I think that the wizards are gonna be interpreted for each, uh, metaverse that they go into. And the other thing I, I just wanted to mention that I will share from the roadmap. Is the, besides from, there's a lot of other stuff that that's coming. So every couple weeks we got something new to, to surprise you [00:15:00] guys with.

But one thing that I do want to do as a, as a core thing is basically build the universe in 3D as a community. And so what we're going to do next is basically assign plots of land to each wizard and, uh, soul holder. And so you'll be able to have build rights when you're in the game to kind of create whatever you want.

And then the, the second thing is, you know, NFT Worlds is trying to do a lot of play to earn, but that's can be a little complicated as you know, some people have seen with Axi Infinity. So I think that we're, we're gonna stick to in the beginning is create to earn. And what I mean is, Um, on, you know, there's 10,000 plots and you can build your own stuff.

But what we also wanna have is a marketplace where you can, um, uh, first of all build and sell creations that you have, whether that's like an A model or an an animal or a building, but also you can buy from other people. And we'll take a percentage of that and, uh, it's a small percentage. And give that the dow, the [00:16:00] rest will go to the creator.

Dotta: That's really cool.

Bearsnake: That's awesome. You're pushing boundaries and I love Minecraft just as a general platform and to have, have, have Merlin, have you like, lead the charge and like put all these bricks on your back to, to make something that is gonna, uh, sort of, sort of push forward what it means to, to build a Minecraft on that platform.

I, it's just so exciting and just in awe. Of the dedication, um, and time you're putting into it. So thank you so much.

Elf: Very cool. Yep. I I love it. Keep building Merlin and thank you so much for doing this. Yeah, thank you. Thank

Merlin: you. Yeah, absolutely. Happy to be here and happy to be part of this and thank you guys.

Elf: It's so great. Um, yeah, it's, uh, you know what, what's really cool is like Merlin is, is, and his team is building a version of the universe. Um, the, the, uh, the game that by Sonic and, and our team is working on as a version of the universe. [00:17:00] Um, you know, and then there's, there's versions of the universe, um, that are being built in the Book of lore and on Twitter.

And, you know, it, it, I was, I was thinking this morning about these archetypes and about, um, Just how we're all building this decentralized world together. Um, I was talking to this cult member the other day. Uh, they were telling me about some Lord, they were cooking up for their wizard. Uh, and as they were describing it, I, I realized there's been this peculiar pattern that I've seen.

Pervade across the community. Um, and, and just across all of the lore efforts. And it's, it's this pattern that everything is seeming to sink better than I expected, um, as, as if it's all being developed by the same hive mind. Um, because cuz one question we get. Asked a lot is, what about continuity? What if separate cult members create lore with [00:18:00] contradictory information about the the universe?

Um, and while that certainly does happen, although I don't think it's a huge problem for reasons I could go into, um, I, I've been seeing that more of it seems to be far more, uh, to have far more continuity than I would've. Expected. Um, this particular cult member was talking about, uh, the Keys and his, one of his wizards has a key, and he wanted to explain why so many wizards have the key of the seventh realm.

Um, and he, it had devised this narrative that they were all copies of the same key. And it's funny because that's exactly how I was thinking about the keys. Um, and I don't wanna go too deep into the lore that he's creating. I'll let him reveal it in his own book of law entry. Um, but, but the point that I'm making is I'm seeing all these separate minds arrive at similar lore, similar stories, and I think that's awesome.

Um, And, [00:19:00] you know, I, I think that this is happening for a few reasons. Um, one is when I was putting the collection together and naming things, I was deliberately trying to imply connections through the names of the objects and the names on the map and the recurring visual motifs. Um, and so that was sort of the beginning of a mental network.

Um, and then the generator that Dota built, uh, was able to take art direction through affinity. And so it assembled things in a more narrative prone way. Um, but perhaps even more important than all of that, which is I think there's a lot of like youngian archetypal patterns forming here. Um, It, it's like I've said before, if you just build, uh, with these archetypes, you've got your whole legendary laid out before you.

Um, and, and I see the cult leaning into these archetypes knowingly or unknowingly. Um, and, and it's all being chronicled in the book of law. Um, and, and then I [00:20:00] was thinking about like what's amazing is you've got thousands of years of magical books throughout history that, that dabbled in this territory.

Um, you've, you've got books like The Keys of Solomon, the Witches Hammer, the Tibetan Book of Dead, the Book of Shadows. All of these are books that attempt to analyze these archetypes and, and build a bridge into the ethereal realm. Um, and, and these are all just like attempts, uh, attempts by human beings to import magic into the I R L world.

Um, and, and the Forgotten Ruins Book of Lord goes beyond what these books did. I think I, I think it's more complex because these books are all anchored to a time and a place and a culture. But the Book of Lore is this hive Mind, global network, enlisting thousands of authors perspectives and styles. It's ever-changing, and at the same time, it's immutable.

And it's unique. It's, it's the first document of its kind and magical history. And so in [00:21:00] five, 10, a hundred, a thousand years, the book of law will be there echoing through the ages, and our future selves will look upon it and understand this timeless pursuit of these e esoteric archetypes and miraculously reconciling them into this open source omnibus.

And I'm just, I'm just, I'm just so amazed at, at the efforts I'm seeing all of, from all of, from all of you, from the whole cult. It's, it's really making this decentralized, world building effort. Work. It's working better than I would've imagined. And it's, again, it's just the beginning and I can't wait to see where this goes.

Dotta: One of the interesting things about, um, like, uh, young Young's writings as, uh, some of his, I think it's his like later work, he has writings about, um, the origins of science through Alchemy. Yep. And it's this idea [00:22:00] that kind of. Um, within these like, Uh, like magical search for like generating gold, um, through magic, actually that science developed from that process of like trying to, you know, basically turn, lead into gold.

Yep. Through all of these like magical means is like how you, um, invent this new creation. And so it's sort of like out of this collective unconscious of these, let's say like illogical or like mystical, like powers, Comes like one of the most powerful things that we have as an A tool set, which is science.

And so this, this, this idea of the tension between like magic and technology or magic being technology, um, is just so deep.

Elf: Yep. Yep. Exactly. Yeah, I was, I was reading this, uh, this scientific explanation for, uh, why people tend to go a little bit crazier during full moons. Um, wow. And there's like, [00:23:00] actually statistics to back it up.

Like, like crime is a little bit higher during full moons, really. Uh, yeah. People are a little more restless. Um, and, you know, naturally people want to ascribe magical properties to that, but, This, this explanation I read was like, was like, it explained it through terms of evolution and how our, like animal ancestors, you know, there was more light during full moon nights.

And so naturally with more light you can exploit that to either hunt more or, um, gather more food or, um, you know, you, you just take advantage of that extra light. And so for. Millions of years, all life has just been slightly more awake during full moons because there's more light. Um, you know, I think even like a lot of agricultural practices are built around the, the full moon.

And so you, you take advantage of that light and you harvest and you farm more. So naturally we're just a little bit more wake [00:24:00] one night of the month and therefore we're gonna get up to things like causing crime and um, whatever else. But, uh, But yeah, it's, it's, it's really interesting in, uh, analyzing that that intersection between science and magic and how it's kind of all the same thing.

Um, But yeah. Anyway, I don't think I realized

Dotta: until this year that, um, that the cycles of the moon were global. Like I think that, I just always thought that they were like time zones, but no, everyone in the world sort of has the exact same phases of the moon, which makes sense, but I just never thought about it

Elf: until recently.

Yeah. Um, but, uh, yeah. So we have a few other things. Uh, the floor, Dow and then, uh, house of Wizards. Do you want to hit on one of those? Yeah,

Dotta: absolutely. Okay, so let's talk a little bit about Florida. Um, so, so, so there's a really interesting project this week. Um, uh, block MoCo has also been in, uh, involved in it too.

Um, I, I know you're here. If you wanna come up and talk about it, you're [00:25:00] welcome to. I'll let you request, um, but I'll talk a little bit about it. So, uh, it's a, it's a bit defi, uh, related and it's wizard related. And I think I wanna open by saying like, This project isn't by me. Um, it's not by the magic machine team.

We didn't build, we don't endorse it. Um, in so far as like, I'm not recommending investment advice for this, but I also think it's really cool and super interesting. Okay. So, um, the context for Florida, um, I'm sure many of you have seen, uh, the NFT X Vault. Um, and if you haven't really thought much about it, I can explain what it is.

What they basically do, um, with NFT X is you deposit. One Forgotten Ruins Wizard, n f t, and they return back to you an e r c 20 token, which I'll call Dollar Wizard. Um, and so if you deposit one Wizard nft, you get $1 wizard and then you can actually trade that Dollar Wizard token, um, on sushi swap for like e for example.

So this is [00:26:00] actually a way that um, just we, you know, we use it in our community, uh, uh, quite a lot where. Um, you could actually buy a fractional or a, a fractional claim on a wizard. It's not quite a fractionalized N f t, but it's basically a protocol that, like if you wanted to buy half a wizard or if someone wanted, um, price exposure to the wizard's floor price, for example, you can buy this dollar sign wizard token, like you might buy any other token.

Um, On Unis Swap or Sushi Swap. And again, I wanna be clear that this isn't something that was like created by the Magic Machine team. I, you know, we really are mostly more concerned about this idea of like building the collaborative legendary and telling stories about wizards and writing the lore and the show.

Uh, but this is like a financialized aspect that applies to a lot of different NFTs that is, you know, used by Wizards. So, so this idea, so this Dollar Sign, wizard Token exists and, um, and. There is, uh, a problem though, which is you have to have someone [00:27:00] actually deposit wizards into the NFT X Vault and generate these wizard tokens, otherwise the prices get off.

Um, so the price of this Wizard Token, they're like, well, how do they make it match the floor price of a wizard? And what happens is sometimes you'll, you may have noticed that the prices get out of sync. Um, you know, you may, maybe the price on NFT X is. Um, let's say two ETH for a wizard and then the floor price for what you can get on opens Sea is one and a half eth, right?

So it's cheaper on opens sea. So what you can actually do is you can buy that wizard on opens sea, deposit it into NFT X, and then sell that token for two eth and then you get a half eth profit. Does that make sense? So that's how the NFT X vault works. Um, that's something that's been a part of our community for quite a long time, since they sent it out.

Um, what Florida does is, is, um, if you're familiar with the Olympus protocol, um, kind of the key innovation of the Olympus protocol was, uh, what they, [00:28:00] what they realized is that the protocol itself needed to own its own liquidity. And so what that means is that, um, you know, the protocol, what happens is typically, um, A protocol requires people to come and, um, provide liquidity so that way you can trade against them.

So in this case, NFT X needs someone to provide both wizards and eth, but what happens if the people who are providing, uh, each half of that scale move out? Then, you know, it's basically disruptive to the project. So at a high level, Florida is actually an Olympus do fork. It is designed for buying up the, uh, or like providing liquidity.

For the floor price of various N F T projects. And so we've been fortunate enough, uh, to actually be, I believe the second project, the first one they did was punks, and then the second one, uh, was Wizards. And, um, yeah, block MoCo, um, is one of the, uh, members of our community who is involved in Florida and also voted.[00:29:00]

To have them, uh, support wizards as part of the protocol. So it's a bit tricky to explain this via voice. Happy to type it out more in, in the chat, but I think it's a very interesting project. Um, you know, I don't know what, I'm not recommending a financial return either way of if you should buy those bonds or not.

But what's happening right now is you can actually buy, if you deposit the Wizard Token into Florida, And you commit to locking those funds for five days, then they issue you the floor token at a discount. So will that be profitable for you? I don't know, but it's a cool project and it's a valuable service to the community, so it's

Elf: worth looking at.

It's very cool. Bear, did you understand all of that?

Bearsnake: Uh, I just fell asleep. We're someone talking? I'm just kidding. I'm kidding, I'm kidding. It's, it's actually incredible. It made some of it, I, I understand. The basic premise. That's, that's, that's, that's what I'll say.

Elf: I know. Is it like, I'm so glad Dota understands this stuff [00:30:00] because, um, I just don't have time for it.

Dotta: Oh God. It's fine.

Elf: Yeah. No, a again, like it, like all three of us. Like we each are in our own roles in Magic Machine and like, like Barry does a lot that I also just do not want to do. Um, and so like we each like have our own thing and I'm so glad none of it overlaps.

Dotta: That makes

Bearsnake: the stool strong. I'll tell

Elf: you that.

Yeah. Um, hi Boyd. I noticed you came up. Did you have a question? Comment. Hey, how's it going guys? I'm, um, live here from Mexico. Hey, uh, I've got a couple questions, um, that, um, it's been stewing on my mind for a couple weeks. Um, first off, um, still realize Origin and Merlin and Bill Gaines and Acid Eater. I just wanna know like what's their motivation for doing so much?

Uh, for this community. I mean, I just feel like the [00:31:00] generosity has just been unreal and I've never seen it in any project I've ever been in. And I just wanted to see if they've got any comments about that and like, like, like what's, what's the, what's the goal? Because I'm gonna tell you what, I'm just in line with everything that they're doing and, um, especially derivative art and derivative projects and, uh, it's just, it, it's so inspiring.

So that's, that's all I gotta say today. Good question. It's very inspiring. I often have that same question myself. Um. Merlin or Bill Gaines or anybody wanna come up and answer? Uh,

Merlin: yeah, I can, I can give my version. This is Merlin. Uh, so when you, when you ask that question, I think about that survey that you guys sent out where it's, you had, like, why, why is it A, B, C, D?

And it's, it's really all of the above, you know? Uh, I think for me, probably the biggest thing is it's fun. Like, I've been having so much fun with this project, uh, you know, just in the chat in the community. And then it's more fun because you get [00:32:00] to kind of surprise other people with, with cool stuff and just, you know, blow people's minds, which is just, I don't know, having, having fun with other people.

There's nothing like that. And. And then just the creative process. I mean, lore, uh, is, is obviously one kind of creation and commissioning art is another kind. But for me, like my personal thing is creating digital products and, and things like this. So I was telling realize that this is the best thing I've ever create.

I mean, in ter this is the thing that I'm most excited about, that I've ever created. And, uh, so yeah, all the above. But yeah, adding value to the, um, To the, to the whole collection, uh, creating a platform for, for all of us to kind of create the universe in a, in, in one version of the metaverse. Um,

Elf: all of the above.

Excellent answer. Uh,

Dotta: yeah, an acid eater in the discord says, uh, we don't have a mic set up, but we do it for the cult, and that's pretty much it. This community has inspired me more than anything before. And when something inspires me, inspires me like that, the only thing I feel like I can do is give back.

Elf: That's so great. [00:33:00] Oh, it's

Bearsnake: amazing. It's amazing.

Elf: Thank you all so much, guys. Um, just that it was just a question I had on my mind. I was like, you know what? I, I feel like we're all on the same page as far as. Directing positive energy to the cult. And, uh, just guessing, y'all just reaffirmed my assumptions.

Thank you. Yeah, I mean, if I could add like a final reason in there, and, you know, maybe this is just me, but I do feel like it's this, like grand mission, like it's situated in history. It's, it's like we're, we're, we're carrying the torch from these, from these ancient traditions. Um, And I just think it's, you know, I, I think there's, there's a historical component to it that it's just this, this, this sort of, uh, trailblazing and this, um, this, uh, oral, uh, written tradition.

Um, yeah, I don't know. It's, uh, I, I think we've got a really important mission here, and I, I'm so glad that [00:34:00] everybody, I think everybody understands it and everyone's excited to do it. Um, Okay. Uh, what about, uh, house of Wizards? Should we, uh, talk about that? Yeah, of course, of

Dotta: course. Yeah. So, Well, one thing is, uh, remember to vote if you haven't so far.

Um, so we sent, uh, out a link, I think in announcements, uh, for the snapshot voting. Um, but I think, yeah, so you have until, um, I think tomorrow before that vote closes. Um, I think maybe I just wanna talk about the. The, the Dow a little bit. Um, so there, you know, there's some things we can talk about for mechanics, but I think really one of the things we want to kind of do is clarify a little bit about like what the role of this, uh, house of Wizards is and just make sure that like people feel like, you know, it's well understood.

So I think the main thing is that like we for sure don't want this organization to detract, [00:35:00] um, from anything that's already being done, right? So if you're already, um, If you're already creating artwork on your own, you should still keep doing that. Um, and I think if people want to operate without the House of Wizards, you're super welcome to do that.

I think the really, mostly what the organization was, was kind of. Uh, as envisioned is really to be a tool for all of the wizards in the community. You know, there's some folks who can afford to create derivative art of their wizard, and some people have like the time and the art skills, and there are other people that don't.

And so really just the idea is like being a piece of infrastructure. That, um, like can help support people when they want to create derivative of art. So I think that's really like the main idea of like what we're trying to do. Um, and I think we're definitely figuring out as a group kind of, um, all of the different ways, like how do we communicate how the funds are spent, how do we sort of, how do we kind of thread the needle between, um, you know, [00:36:00] complete decentralization where every time you vote.

Everyone has to make an on chain transaction, which is like very cumbersome and heavy, right? To complete centralization where it's just, you know, a magic machine deciding how to spend money, which you know, is fine cuz we're benevolent, but at the same time it's like not very like, uh, democratic. So I think what this organization is doing is, you know, we've got these nine folks who are at the moment kind of volunteering their time to help organize, help spend these funds in a way that's like helpful for the community.

So yeah, I think. And we're trying to kind of be super transparent about it and, and develop those processes as we go. So, um, yeah, we've got a couple of council members up on here. Bam, bam, you're here. I dunno if you guys want to add anything to that. Hi.

Merlin: Hey. So

Elf: yeah, I think I really appreciate everything that, um, all the input that people have been giving so far.

Um, yeah, like Dota said, I think this is all meant to be for us to, you know, have [00:37:00] something additive to our community, right? It's like all the stuff that happened so far is like, Pretty incredible that it already has, but this hopefully unlocks us to do even more. We don't want it to be super bureaucratic, and that's why there are some of these, you know, like ministries and stuff like that in place.

Um, but I think really, like we're just aimed at trying to like, expand the universe and how can we, how can we do that together? So, um, appreciate you guys giving all of your opinions on, um, On the House of Wizard's channel. So let's keep doing that. And then if people wanna volunteer to take charge for certain things, I think that's really how we're gonna be able to like 10 x our powers.

Because we're only, well, even though we're nine people, like we, we are a big cult, right? And there's a lot of things we wanna do, and I think a lot of people are super understanding that some stuff is just gonna take time. And you're right. Like right now it is more centralized while we're just setting things up.

But we do wanna shape it with you. Um, one thing I did want to [00:38:00] share is just about like voting cadence in general. Um, one thing that we talked about is we don't want people to have voting fatigue, so if there's any, um, misunderstanding about how the art proposals will work, it's not like we have to vote on every single project.

If it's like a really big project that has like a ton of ETH being spent, then potentially yes. But um, that's sort of why the ministries exist and that's sort of why. There's only one ministry for now, but there will be others as we go. So, but in terms of voting, we wanna make sure that it's easy for us all.

So, uh, something that we're talking about right now is having voting happen basically on a monthly cadence. So whatever proposals. Uh, wanna come forward and whatever things we wanna vote on, we'll do it sort of at the top of each month so that we know, like, okay, gotta pay our rent. And then we also gotta vote for whatever we're voting on, and every quarter will sort of be voting on, uh, What ministries get, how [00:39:00] much money.

Um, and then, uh, every month it's gonna be sort of like smaller items or different, um, sort of different initiatives to build out the organization more. So that's still, I know, pretty like vague, but we just thought this is one way that we can just as a community get used to voting and just so we all have like, A monthly cadence of like, thinking about this stuff as we go.

Um, so I'd love to hear your thoughts on all of this. Uh, just didn't wanna have like, vote here, vote there, like all the time. Um,

Merlin: yeah.

Dotta: Yeah. And I can talk a little bit about this. I think one of the things that's important to think about is like, why, uh, like why does this. Group have any legitimacy. And I think in the beginning it's sort of like, it doesn't, it has to be kind of, I, you know, really anyone.

Part of the great things about, about NFTs and about crypto culture is that anyone is allowed to use to [00:40:00] do anything, um, with the tokens that abide by the rules on the blockchain. And so in this case, what you have is, Basically nine people who decided to come together and group on a multisig, which is a wallet.

And then you have someone else, um, who, and other people who are giving money to that multisig. And so, you know, it's perfectly acceptable for anyone who. Who's listening in to sort of start a multisig and then, um, seek out funding by whatever means you choose, right? And so in this case, what we have is a group of nine people who've said, Hey, we're going to group together and we're gonna try to organize, you know, growing the F R W C brand, like growing the universe, being able to help people create and.

Uh, and trying to be transparent and accountable to the community in doing so. And so that said, we definitely see that this, that this council could, um, like grow in sort of its resources over the longer [00:41:00] term. And so the way that we've been thinking about it is we have, like, the, the, for the Forgotten council is signs, uh, the multisig on the, let's call like the bigger wallet, right?

And then. So that way we don't have to have everyone voting all the time. Especially like, let's say we're doing smaller art commissions that are a few hundred dollars, right? We should be able to delegate as a community to just say like, okay, we trust, you know, Chuck, to make that decision. Um, like we've seen the stuff that he like.

Proves approves and organizes. We're gonna give him, you know, some limited number of dollars, right? Like $20,000. We know that we can trust him with that and we're gonna see how he spends it and it'll basically be at someone's discretion, like at that level, like one or two people can just kind of choose to and, and I think a lot of times with these organizations, It comes off as like being prestigious, but in reality it's actually quite a lot of janitorial work.

Um, it's quite a lot of hours, quite a lot of like organization for essentially volunteer. And so I think one of the things we're thinking about is that the big. [00:42:00] Wallet is managed by the Forgotten Council. But then smaller DAOs can have a purpose that they want to organize and then propose that they should get that, those funds.

So the first one that we've talked about is the Ministry of Art, right? And the idea is like, uh, you know, I don't know the exact, remember what we said, like give them 10 eth. As a budget and say, Hey, you can spend that 10 e on really whatever you want. We set up a form, people can apply. Um, we'll send out a url.

So anyone who's listening in, if you want this ministry to pay for your commercial, uh, for your commission, they'll do it. Um, but if you're saying like, oh, I think we should do a web comic, I think we should do billboards, I think we should do, you know, um, like some other, there should be a commission where someone like collects art to try to make money for the Dow.

Like we say, like that's great, you should totally do that. But I think what's important is like if you have this idea, it also needs to be paired with someone who's actually gonna execute it. And so like maybe it does make sense for someone to, [00:43:00] you know, like flip NFTs on behalf of the Dow and you need 10 to do that.

Make a proposal, submit it, and you know, and then we'll kind of decide as a community to fund it. Um, and so this Ministry of art is really just supposed to be a tool for getting commission commission's created in the near term, but then of course, we'll wanna support other things as we grow.

Elf: I, I just got one thing to say and, um, I don't know, you guys are so docile and kind of like cool and calm, collective, the devs, um, that I just think this is absolutely amazing that we have got this dow and.

Funded so well. Like I've never seen anything like this in my life and I just think like, we've got something really special here. And, um, it's magic. And, uh, I really appreciate everybody that's donating their time and energy and money and everything for this because, um, it's just something I've never seen before and I think it's gonna, this is the start of something amazing.

Bearsnake: I totally agree. I concur. It's, it's, it's [00:44:00] really something. It's something special. Thank you for

Elf: saying that. I, I agree too. I'm so impressed with the House of Wizards. Um, oh, realize, realize Origin came up. Hello? Oh, Toro, the video ghost. That was actually an accident, but I just wanted to, uh, echo what Merlin said.

I just wanted to echo what Merlin said that, um, this is the most fun we've been having as, uh, Uh, adults kind of playing in a kid's world and, uh, we've, we've got to, uh, get out of our seriousness of our daily lives. And so we've been really happy just adding value to the community and trying to, uh, participate like this project wants us to do.

So we're just happy to be here. That's it. Thanks. We're happy

Dotta: we're here too.

Bearsnake: Yeah. Glad someone else feels like a kid in a candy shop too. I mean, that's, yeah, that's worth like going to the office or every single day. It's like, it's such a blessing. I can't, I can't even believe we get to do this every day.

It's [00:45:00] the, it's

Dotta: incredible. Yeah, so much of this project for me is like chasing after that feeling. I felt when I was young and I like opened my first pack of magic cards or like, yes, get a new box. Or like I was like playing muds online with my friends. Or we do like a land party playing like Warcraft two.

Like it's, I just such good memories and I feel like we're able to recreate a lot of

Elf: those things. It, it, it really is. It, it's something that I go back and forth with. Like, like for example, we're, we're, we're always brainstorming like, what's our next like merch item? And I'm always trying to do these like callbacks to the eighties and nineties, which was like my childhood.

And then I'm like, wait, why am I, why do I constantly have to hit this nostalgia key? Why don't I do something for a, the young audience today? But then I realize, wait, I don't think our audience is actually young. I think they're, they're all my age and they love the nostalgia, so,

Dotta: Yeah, I don't, and and for me it's like less about [00:46:00] like nostalgia for those artifacts and more about just like rediscovering that feeling of like

Elf: delight.

But like, like Bear Snake, you had, you made that illustration of that wizard playing like an n e s video game. Yeah. Um. And, you know, you could have easily put like, made it like a PlayStation five, but um, it's like, it was like an old eight bit game and I think it was more powerful.

Bearsnake: Yeah, I mean, I, yeah, I mean, just to echo what everybody's saying, it's like I remember having Atari, I remember getting my first n e s and just playing until my eyes bled because it was just magic in a box.

I didn't even understand how it worked, but it, I knew, it made me feel away and, um, And I think if we can build something that just captures just a fraction of that, um, and have, and have people in the cult add their piece to it, [00:47:00] then all of a sudden, you know, we're getting to, we're getting to vicariously live through ourselves and our wizards.

Um, I mean, I think that's a, you know, you hear Nft NFTs talk about, um, community and the project and what it means and spreading love and, and, and I love the positivity. But like, you know, so I forget who it was, but someone was talking, I think it was like poopy from doodles. Um, was saying like, talking about community is almost a cop out at this point because it's easy to talk about community, um, and sort of like shape it with your words, um, into what it represents.

But like, the doors are open. The, the cold is, is creating, like, I like if you talk about community, like we truly have what I think. We've built like a version of, of what's so special about Web three and about, and about what's going on, on sort of this playing field. Um, it's, it's really, really

Elf: unique. Yeah.[00:48:00]

Yeah. No, it's, it's, it goes back to the beginning, likes things like the epy shake, like. I, I love that magic machine did not create the empty, empty shake the cult did. And the cult creates so many great things that we do. Not more they, they do more than we do. Yeah. Yep. Um, and that's, that's, that's what community's about.

Um, Speaking of something we

Dotta: are doing though, did you want to touch on 3D wizards? Uh, I, I realized we actually didn't even talk

Elf: about that a little bit. Oh, yeah. Yeah. I, I actually wanna say a few things about 3D wizards and, and sort of a segue from what we were just talking about, the whole nostalgia thing.

Um, and I'm just curious, dm me with your answer for this, but one, one thing I wanted to do was make them in the style of like, PlayStation one final fantasy, seven characters like the super low poly blocky characters. Um, I love that style, but I think that's probably my, just pure nostalgia speaking. I. And then Dota was like, no, that's like hell as the epitome of bad 3d.

Why would we do that? [00:49:00] Yeah. And, and so I don't know, like, I don't know how the rest of the cult would react if we, if we dropped 3D wizards in that style. Um, I'm sure someone love it and someone hate it. Um, I bear, I think your son, your son was like, or maybe donut, it was yours. They were like, no way. Do not do that.

Yeah. My son

Bearsnake: was, my son was, uh, my son likes the style that you went with. Okay. Um, I also think, like, like you said, like some people are gonna like some things and some people aren't. The beauty is, is like, we'll, we're gonna drop these, these 3D wizards and it doesn't mean we can't do other 3D wizards.

That's the for sure. That's the beauty. Like we can, we can do a thousand different versions, it doesn't matter. And then for sure, and then as a wizard holder, you can choose which one you like, you know? And so I think it's not like, it's not so black and white. Yep.

Elf: Agree. Um, yeah, and, and another thing I wanted to say about it is, um, yeah, it, it's, there's a personal like pet [00:50:00] peeve of mine that I see all across Twitter where other projects are, they show these 3D models and they're like, these are metaverse ready models.

And I look at 'em and they're like super high res, not rigged. They're, they're like a composite render. They're not a real time render. And I'm just like, no, those are not metaverse ready. That model will not run in a game engine, especially a web game engine. Mm-hmm. Um, and so I just wanna brag and say ours is actually metaverse ready.

Um, these are game engine ready assets. Um, I

Bearsnake: tweet, I tweeted, I've retweeted rwe and said something to the same effect. It's like, You know, I think understanding this is where like the depth of experience comes and, and you know, at the, at the, at the danger of, of inflating elf's ego too, too much. Um, you know, like he, he and Dota also with games, it's like, but from like a, like a art perspective, from a sculpting modeling perspective, [00:51:00] you know, these things need to be like, there's like technical specs that you need to recognize and adhere to.

For, for people to actually use them. And so like one of them is like, okay, you should be able to play with these on your phone if there's a right interface. And you, you just can't do certain things with certain models. And so we're trying to create and build in as much utility into these things so that you can actually use them.

And I think that's, that's the guiding force. Yep.

Elf: Yep. Um, Yeah. And I think we have a Lo Reed today from, let's see, what is their name? Um, so Celeste of the Anth. Yes. At Dragon Fetus Zero. Um, so if, if you're scheduled, uh, Celeste of Theum, um, just uh, put in a request and we will, uh, oh wait. Is that then, let's see.

Yes, there it is. There's Dragon Fetus. Dragon Fetus. Hello. [00:52:00] For Celeste of the Athen, which is number 1 8 81. Excellent. Um, I love that you have the back view of your wizard as your pvp. That's the first I've seen a back view being used. Yeah. I think I liked it stylistically just like this. Yeah, it's very cool.

Um, okay. Yeah, whenever you're ready. So, uh, Celeste was born to a working family in the heart of the Red Wizard. Capital always reminded and strong-willed. She learned at an early age that her words should easily storch others. So she held her tongue to contain the fire from Burning Hearts. And through her still, uh, with Enchantment was innate.

The intensity of her power kept her fearful for, uh, of herself and distant from others during her youth. Worsened yet by the death of her father, which made her swear off magic entirely as she was blamed, uh, herself for years on end. However, luck would not be on her side for that wish. As we all know, a wizard cannot, not so easily give up their [00:53:00] gift.

A dark entity saw this as an opportunity to gain a foothold into this world. Awaiting the perfect opportunity to take control of Celeste subtly using her magic without her awareness to eliminate any joy within her life. Her family quickly lost status among the other Red wizards, and her mother often left her at the Athe for free childcare.

Many years have passed and Celest to not shake her curiosity for books, finding them as one of the only escapes for the loneliness of being a non-Ag user who seemed to be surrounded by pain and suffocated by guilt. As she read this demonn that attached itself to her absorbed countless teachings from Masters seldom remembered who created Roons law and forgotten.

Until the fateful day came the eve of her father's commemoration, this is when the demonn chose to attack revealing its true form and its cultivated power. How be it when the demon came out of hiding many years of the secret knowledge Celeste absorbed and it buried within her [00:54:00] mind was now hers as well.

An intense battle raged on in a timeless space for many days, both unable to best the other. Celeste feeling more powerful than she has has ever felt in her life. Eventually found the answer to this riddle. Burn the demonn with the truth. Combating the cold lies that spread in her head now easily out matching her foe.

She was left with power, anger, and choice. Scatter the demon's intelligence into the void and give up her magic for good or let it win, allowing it to spread turmoil across the land while retaining the feeling of self-worth. She's so desperately searched for. Never fi uh, never holding anyone's belief above her own.

She constructed a third answer, not found in any of the stories from the athe out of pure revolt against the destiny others would set for her. She reclaimed her fate and title of Wizard in the aftermath of the battle as she was able to unap the demonn in her white rat curent to tell the truth.

Whenever she asks no longer fearful of her power, she says she only survived that day [00:55:00] because of her start heart, not because of her start heart, but because of hope. Hope that one day she would feel the self-love she thought died with her father. Celeste is now traveling the lands, helping others create new ways of battling the darkness.

Finding bitch of self-love along the way, but the demonn is inside the rat. Is the, is the rat demonn causing havoc now? Uh, I think it's more like it's trapped inside there. So she uses it? Yeah, she uses it, uh, as like a, uh, I guess like capturing the demon's power. That's great.

Dotta: I'd seen your artwork before, but I never noticed the demonn until you were

Elf: reading it.

Yeah, I know. I liked it. I also like that this is the first story I've heard of, um, of a, uh, a Wizard baby. Um, actually grown up. Yes. Yeah, yeah. Uh, an Orphan Wizard baby at that. I actually wrote that before the orphans came out, and so I was actually really happy when the orphans came out too. Yeah. Daughter, we need to figure out how to get the, the orphan babies [00:56:00] into their own book.

All right. All right. Uh, well, we have one minute left. Uh, thank you Dragon Fetus. That was great. Um, any other questions, comments? Today went fast. Gosh, it did. Yeah, it was a lot. Yep. I always feel like we need like an hour and a half, maybe two hours.

Um, okay. Well, uh, everybody, um, This has been, uh, elf Doda tv. Bam Bam. Bear Snake Secret. Merlin Dragon Fetus. And to my good friend Harlow. I'm still waiting on that drawing. Let's all Ipy shake out from the Quantum Downs

gn, everybody.[00:57:00]