Hue Master's Pass

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Hue Master's Pass as depicted in the Forgotten Runes Wizard's Cult Trailer (2022)

In the Runiverse

Though the Hue Master's Pass location on the map is between the Fey and Cuckoo Land, this bridge can actually appear anywhere in the Runiverse. An unpredictable structure whose very presence seems to come and go with weather conditions. On warm, sunny days, when the clouds and humidity are just so, the Bridge is strong and stable, allowing almost anyone to cross with ease. But at other times, at night or dry wind blows the bridge is weak and tennous, or completely non-existent. Constructed by an ancient Hue Master architect ages ago, this bridge often materializes in other parts of the Runiverse, weather permitting. It often appears strongest when connecting to disparate regions in political or cultural conflict.

Hue Master's Pass
Hue Master's Pass

Forgotten Runiverse Game

Hue Master's Pass is located at (x, y) in the game. To get there, head due north from the origin.