Wizard Wednesday Episode 15 Transcription

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Wizard Wednesday Ep.15


Cult Member: [00:00:00] I gotta get this up. Now

Elf: we're, uh, listening to the rhymes of the infamous

Cult Member: 1.22. 1.22 for a Dream Master. Okay. Twin of the Iconic one who raises

Elf: That's right. Iconic. Indeed. Uh, it is November 10th, 2021. Get your wands, get your popcorn and pull up a chair because it's hermetic hump day. No, no, it's, it's magical midweek.

No, it's not that either. It's the diabolical day after Tuesday. No, no, it's not that. What day is it? It's

Dotta: Wizard Wednesday.

Cult Member: That's right.

Elf: And it's elf End channeling in from [00:01:00] the quantum downs. Welcome everybody. Bear. Nick, how you doing? Did you ever get a McRib?

Poppy the Kobold: Uh,

Elf: I have not tasted the McRib yet. Uh, I just have not, I

Dotta: don't have my priorities together, to be honest.

Elf: That's all right. Um, cool. Well, I, I feel like I'm going to talk my ass off today cause I have, I have just so many things to talk about. Um, but yeah, I just, you know, I don't know if you guys heard it, but that uh, intro music was obviously from the illustrious mags was ear. Um, I might use that for every.

Intro music for Wizard Wednesday. I didn't even ask. Magus was here for permission, so I hope he's cool with it. Um, but ring once for permission. What's that? I said ring once for permission. Yeah, exactly. Um, [00:02:00] but yeah, I thought I'd start out with a really big shout out, um, to the Drop Magazine if you guys saw that.

They, uh, they do a full N F T magazine and, um, the last issue, I think it's issue number six, they did, uh, it was devoted to the Forgotten Ruins, wizards Cult Dota and I did a little interview inside it. Um, I bought a copy myself and Osma bro did an amazing cover for it. Uh, the, the cover is so beautiful that I think I'm gonna have to hire him to redraw our book of floor cover.

Um, yes. Amazing. Really put me to shame. Um, but yeah. Donna, what'd you, what did you, did you see the, the, the, the, um, the drop? Did you look inside?

Dotta: I love, yeah, I love it. It was gorgeous. It was really, really fun to see it laid out like that. And yeah, we'll have to, I don't know, promote that more. It was really, really fun to get that [00:03:00] interview and to talk to them.

And we,

Elf: I think the magazine's really cool. Yeah. Yeah. Super cool. Um, and then, I don't know, I don't know if you guys saw, but I gave an interview to, um, this little podcast called Crypto Gaming Institute yesterday. Um, and that was really fun. Um, I'm not gonna speak too much about it cause you guys should go listen to it, but, uh, we talked a lot about, uh, the metaverse.

And the Wizard's Place in the Metaverse. Um, and you can find it on my personal Twitter at LJ Troll. Um, this guy named Ben is the one who runs, runs the Thing, and it's super cool. So check that out. And then, uh, another shout out I just wanted to give is I've been seeing these amazing manga panels that Chuck K and Crypto Kel and, uh, this manga artist, I think his name is Yuto Yanagi.

I don't know if I'm saying that right. Uh, but [00:04:00] my God, these panels are just amazing. Super professional. Yeah.

Dotta: I want like a whole book. I want

Elf: I'm entire book of that. Yes, please. It's, it's so good. I, the, the ink work is just shockingly good.

Um, cool. Okay, let's see, what else do I have? Um,

Dota, you got, do you got anything? Lemme, I'm trying, I'm looking through my list.

Dotta: We have so many things to cover today. So, so I mean, maybe operationally, I asked in the secret tower, uh, I said, Hey folks, what do you wanna hear about us from Wizard Wednesday today? And we got a bunch of good responses. So let me, uh, do a rapid fire answer of a bunch of these while you queue up to, to share a little bit more about the lore.

Yep. Um, so I'm just going through here. If anybody has any questions, drop it in the Secret Tower two or like, feel free to come up on stage too. So, uh, some of the folks said, okay, what do you wanna hear about Wizard Wednesday? Well, one said when trailer, [00:05:00] the answer is the current, uh, uh, schedule says the trailer should be somewhere in January.

Um, someone says Donut Dow. Where we're at, I'm not really sure. I don't really have a good mechanism for what the donut Dow should be. We should talk about it more. Uh, game developer partnership update. We. Met with them yesterday. We've been talking to them pretty much every day. Um, I, we have basically verbal agreement on like all of the big terms.

We have verbal agreement on all of the finer terms. Um, and we're still in like the last round in terms of, um, just getting the lawyers to put everything in black and white and then like have a signed deal. I mean, I don't like our go, like we, we really, really want to have that deal signed before Thanksgiving and like ac I mean even sooner, hopefully, and then be able to announce that, but, you know, give us a soft, soft date on that.

That's what we're hoping. Um, affinity stats. Where are we at? I'm going to do it. I think, you know, it [00:06:00] might be a good idea for me to just double check temperature, check in the discord to make sure everybody wants it, but it seems like there's nobody who really doesn't want that. Um, you can see what it's gonna be like in the souls, um, implementation on opens sea, which is, um, really affinity on open sea.

I'll, I'll try to talk too much about this in a second, but Affinity on Open Sea is this idea of like the top line affinity that makes it easier for new people to understand. I mean, I do, there is, the affinity data is actually richer than what can be understood in open sea, but I think for now, if we can just get like, you know, oh, this is a three of five, or this is a four out of four and like the top affinity is like forest or something.

I think that gets us 80% of the way there of how it's being used operationally for trading today. Mm-hmm. Um, and so yeah, we'll get that going. Um, so, so I'll pause there. I, there's

Elf: a, there's a bunch more. I, I was just gonna say something about the affinities is it, it's kind of a double-edged sword. You know, on the one hand I think it, like an, an [00:07:00] argue, an argument could be made that it, like overcomplicates our tokens, like most tokens don't have that many like properties.

And so I think a lot of people might have a hard time trading and like discerning value if they have to. Like, they're looking at rarity traits and, and affinities and, and all that crap. But the flip side is, I like how complicated our tokens are because I don't necessarily want people trading on these standard rarity metrics.

To me, our tokens are about lore and they're about being complex. They're about, they're, they're not about, they're not, it's not just another crypto token that you plug into a spreadsheet and you trade on that. It's, it's so much more complex than that. So, so, yeah. So, you know, ifi affinities are super interesting.

Dotta: Yeah, and I hope that the, um, that getting it on open sea, even in the implied version, just helps people trade on stuff they're trading on anyway. But it's easier cuz you can see like, oh, like what are the five of five, like affinities [00:08:00] and you can just filter straight on open sea. So. Yep. Okay. Merch drop.

Has anything changed here? Uh, I would, nothing's changed in that. Like it's still coming. We're working on it. Um, you know, just so everyone is like, prepped. So when we sent out the form being like, who wants merch? We got about 180 responses to that form. Um, I would say out of that, maybe 30 year, year-ish, people said, oh, the price is too high.

Or, I don't know the exact number, but like, so we really only got like basic, you know, a firm commitment, not even firm, but like, like a serious commitment from like 150 people. So we ordered about 200 boxes. Um, and so I think that the, so this first edition box is gonna be like 200 orders. I think that'll be like, Enough, but maybe it'll be a little bit too few.

So we're already kind of starting in on like, you know, second edition or whatever. Part of the promise of the first edition was just that they'd be a single run. And so we're already starting on the second run just in case we're like [00:09:00] vastly underestimating the number of people that wanna buy it. And so what we'll do there really is like, we'll start at the form and give the people who like in order, who are on that form kind of the first priority.

And if they don't like buy within whatever the first week or something, then um, people who are like next on the list can, can kind of order. So, um, I guess we could pass that form around again and we'll have someone drop it in Discord just to make sure, you know, cause we don't even have like 200 people who said that they want it already.

So, uh, but we've grown a little bit since then, so it's probably good for people to like drop in again. But yeah, uh, the emerge is like, For sure happening. You know, maybe we've gone around about like, maybe we should have just done hats and then like could have shipped them out. But no, we wanted to like go over and above with the details.

Um, and so it's, the box is nice. Like everything is really nice and I'm very excited to get that out. Everyone's doing a really good job here. It's just taking us a little bit of time, but it's

Elf: coming out. Yeah. And, uh, one quick thing on the animated thing. Um, you, you touched on it. [00:10:00] Uh, we will be sharing, uh, preview stuff of that very soon.

Um, so that means character designs, uh, backgrounds. Um, the animat will be done on Friday. Um, if you don't know what an animat is, it's basically just taking all the storyboards and then cutting them into a video so that we get the timing down. Um, but yeah, we'll be sharing character designs and backgrounds I think very soon.

Uh, you know, I, it, it is gonna be tricky cause one of my, I guess, questions or concerns is like when we share a character design of a wizard, is that gonna cause FOMO into that wizard? I don't know.

Dotta: Um,

Elf: and Don, I can hear your keyboard.

Dotta: Um, yeah, it's actually a

Elf: Rubik's. Oh

Dotta: yeah.

Elf: Awesome. Um, yeah, so I, you know, I don't know if [00:11:00] it's gonna cause, cause a run on this wizard.

I, you know, I can say that most of the wizards I'm, that are, that are gonna appear in the trailer are straight up wizards that I have no idea who, who owns them. They, they were just like the, the best wizard for that particular scene. Um, so I'm not trying to play favorites, you know, nothing like that. You know, it's just something that, that we're gonna run into every time we see a wizard in these larger media expressions.

So, you know, we'll see how it goes. Um, but that you can look forward to that in the next like week or so. Uh, Doda, did you wanna say anything about that?

Dotta: Yeah, it's interesting. It's one of the things we thought about, which is like, oh, we have a script that identifies like 10 wizards. Like, I hope nobody buys up all 10 of those wizards, like the script, like leaks or something.

And then they front run wizards in the script, but, you know, I don't know. Yeah. Well if it's not, if it's not listed, it can't be bought. Right.

Elf: So that's, and, and we even had to like go over like, uh, I don't know, like a legal just talk with Yeah. Or whatever with the people who Yeah, I was saying don't let your animators [00:12:00] buy these

Dotta: wizards, which of course, like they've never would do consciously, but it's just a new field where it's never been, uh, it never been an issue before.

Right. You know, you could never buy a character. Right. Um, okay. Someone else about land drops. There's no real specifics there other than like, you know, as soon as we kind of get the game deal nailed down with our developer, like we'll start to have more details there I think. Like, we want to sell land in the universe and.

Um, we'll take care of wizards in the process though. I haven't, we haven't determined exactly what that is, but, um, yeah, that's coming. Someone else also asks about warriors, and I think the Warriors are a little bit different than land. Uh, it just depends. Like we really, really wanna do warriors. We talk about this all the time, which is like, you know, brain and bran, swords and sorcery, light and magic wizards and warriors, they go together and we, they exist in the same world.

Um, you know, I don't know if I could talk about this, but we've done some drafts of [00:13:00] the artwork and they are just sick. I love it. Like, we're so excited to bring them into the world, but that of course, we're like not oblivious to kind of technomics in general. And we want to just make sure that like, um, you know, like gas and market conditions and community desire and there's all these like considerations.

Beyond just like we want these characters, these tokens to exist. And so we're just trying to be really thoughtful, not rush it. I think, I think the game gives us kind of the catalyst that we've talked about that it might make sense for warriors to drop, right? Like maybe there's some degree of like, um, yeah, just growth in NFTs.

Like not saying that we would, that we are dropping warriors on Coinbase nft, but you might imagine a case where Coinbase NFT brings a lot of new people into the NFT space, and so then maybe it makes sense to do Warriors. We're very excited about it. We have big plans. We wanna do it. It's like coming someday, [00:14:00] but like we won't do it when it's too early, is the idea.

Elf: Yeah, it's, it's, it's interesting because one way that I I distinguish us from other N F T projects is, you know, like apes and penguins and whoever else, you know, they are building a culture a, uh, a niche culture that is like an elite inner circle. Um, And that, and that's great, and it's serving them well.

That's a, that's a really cool structure. I think one of our biggest in differentiators is we are building a world with several subcultures in it. Um, and so to make our world bigger, we need more characters. Um, because it, it's about the lord. It's not about the floor. Uh, a world has all kinds of, of, of people in it.

And so it, it, it just makes sense for us to, um, do warriors and, you know, maybe another one in the next year. Um, and, [00:15:00] and, and like Doda said, we're, we're doing it carefully. We're doing it with token omics in mind. It'll never be rushed or without reason. But, you know, if, if you gotta, if you're building the world, you've, you've gotta have a lot of people in it.

So, We're putting the

Dotta: cult in culture. Yeah.

Elf: There,

Dotta: someone else asked what's the age range? The cartoon, like the show with Tim Mouse is gonna be aimed at, you know, one of the things that, um, Tim Mouse talks about this idea of like, adult animation. Uh, El has talked about like, oh, it's geared towards adults.

And I think that's true, but like, I have a 13 year old and a 10 year old. Um, uh, uh, like, and like Bear Snake also has like, uh, kids in the same age range. And I think like, I wanna be able to enjoy the show with our kids, but you know, maybe it might have some cursing or something or some violence. Like, it's not necessarily like a child's cartoon, but I also don't expect it to be like so out of reach that I couldn't watch it with my like, you know, preteens.

Elf: Yep. I think, yeah. Yep. [00:16:00] That's totally fair. I don't know what that rating would be like. Is it, what's that rating? Like PG 13 or something? I don't even, do they even still use those ratings? Yeah.

Dotta: I don't even

Elf: know. Yeah. Um,

Dotta: um,

Elf: oh, go ahead. Oh, I, well I was just gonna move on to, uh, Ferra, unless you had something else.

Dotta: One last thing, which is just, um, beyond super alert in terms of discord security. Oh, right. We, like, every single day I'm getting, um, like spam, like there's new scams and they get more creative, right? Like a new one now is they go to the mods and claim like a regular member is like scamming them. And so then the mods ban a normal, like innocent person.

And so then in like the fray of kind of working out what happened, they sort of like take over, um, you know, the discord and it's happened to people, it happened to 10. Uh, 10, 10 TF [00:17:00] tk. I don't know how, how to say it. It happened to like, I don't know if it's the exact same thing, but it happened to like Cji Kings.

It's just like we gotta be on our alert. All of our mods, we've done like a discord security review. All of our mods are kind of like aware of the protocol. Just like be super, super careful and let us know if you see anything. And um, you know, hopefully that won't happen to us. I can tell you, I mean, you know, you guys are in the discord, so I think, you know, but like, we are not, there's not like some surprise drop that's gonna ha that's gonna happen that we're just gonna like all of a sudden be like, oh, today it's, you know, it's Thursday, there's a new drop, here's the code.

Like, go and get it. Like if we, if you didn't hear it, our, from our voice, like that's not happening. That would be a, a hack probably. So that's not happening in November. There's no like drop that you need to mint and pay in November. Um, at the very least. So be careful of scammers is what I'm

Elf: saying. Yep.

For sure. Um, cool. So I [00:18:00] invited Mr. Tom Sferra up himself.

Dotta: Um, Tom, Tom,

Elf: we, we watched your, uh, burn stream and uh, oh, how crazy was it that you pulled Nosferatu?

Cult Member: Oh no. Uh, it's indescribable. I mean, like, you can go, you can go watch the stream. We're trying to like clip it up into a more digestible highlight reel.

But I mean, either way you can see it on the stream. Like I lost for words out of body experience. It's just so cool. Cause we spent like literally two nights with just trying to hang out with people in the discord, make the craziest meme of memes that we could, and then we put that in the lore and we literally burned a witch at the stake and then we got a immortal result.

Like it was just, it was too, too rad. It was

Elf: so, it was

Dotta: crazy. Like your, what's. Yeah. What's crazy to you is that like, you know, I think we've talked about this before, that basically the super, when we talk about how the order matters, [00:19:00] that's like part of like the, the equation of the super rares. And so like, nobody burned like for almost that whole day, right?

It was like hours and hours and hours where like anybody could have burned and like came in and, and, and would've had that same result. Like the person that burned, you know, someone had burned before you, whatever. Wow. And so that's like, so just crazy that like, yeah, you went through that big production and then I, I was watching it with my wife to it, and it was so interesting because it was like the first time I'd seen you speechless where it was like, ah, he usually has like so much to say, oh yeah.

Like talk and talk and talking. And then like in that moment it was just like, uh, I could, I, like, I literally was like so happy

Elf: when I

Cult Member: saw that. That's awesome. It's actually funny because we, uh, we like kept the party going in a, in a private discord. Me and me and Jonna James. Um, And we were theorizing for a good like 20 minutes if you guys did that on purpose.

So that I would get No, no. And we're like, we, well, yeah, we like [00:20:00] went through the game theory and we're like, duty. They couldn't have done it. And it was just like, that made it even crazier.

Dotta: Yeah. Because we, you know, like, yeah. There, well, I, I think this is known for example, that like the Poltergeist also the person who pulled the Poltergeist is also like a personality.

And there was, they, like, there was even kind of a question which was like, oh, did you do it on purpose? And the answer is like, no. And in fact, like you said, when you think about the game theory, like we can't, so for example, um, we wanted to make sure that all of the super rares are included, right? Like, there, there are a certain number of super rares, which we've said is more than 10.

It's a, it's, it's a, it's a bit more than 10. Um, and the. And we wanna make sure that all 1,112 flames like that, all the super rares show up. If all the flames are burned, all the super rares show up. And so we can't control who burns like, who burns. [00:21:00] And so, yeah, I guess as I just kind of alluded to earlier, when we talk about the order kind of mattering, that's, that's one of the factors involved there.

And so, um, you know, I, in hindsight what's funny is I expected that people would kind of accuse us of sort of like, I don't know, cheating down or something. But like, one of the things I realized of why kind of public cryptographic commitments in terms of these sorts of things are important is because it's actually the, the accusation I've recognized now post burn is accusations of favoritism, which is like, oh, did you purposely give, you know, Tom has been your, like, number one evangelist.

He's been like preaching the glories of wizards. He does this big thing and then pulls a superhero. Like what are the odds? But the fact of the matter is, he's like, nobody burned before you for like eight hours. Or maybe six hours. I don't know the exact number. And so, yeah, I, I wish that I'd done cryptographic commitments, but then on the other hand, I can't reveal that commitment until all of the flames are used and they might not ever be used.

So I [00:22:00] just couldn't think of one a time Anyway, we didn't cheat the game and I'm, so, I was just, so, which is part of why I was just so genuinely thrilled to see you have it, cuz it was just like the, the odds fell into your favor and we lo just love it so much.

Cult Member: Thank you so much. Yeah, I mean, like, uh, I, it's hard to tell because I'm such a, such a clown and I, like you said, I almost never run out of things to say.

Um, but I, I mean everything, I mean basically everything that I say in my videos, like I, and I mean like, I'm not a millionaire guys. Like I'm, you know, I quit my job recently. Uh, but I mean, if I, if I strike out in a year, I'm screwed and I'm going hard on Wizards because it's not about just the fact that you guys are a great team.

And just because I like the nfps and because I think we're in a big cycle for crypto, et cetera, it's because I can actually have a role in it being successful. So all the money that I pour into Wizards, which is a lot, like I said, for me, like as percentage of net worth, I [00:23:00] am not messing around. Um, uh, but yeah, I'm betting on myself, I'm betting on the community and great, great wizards like me was here and, and, uh, I'm, you know, snobbing a ton of people by not naming more names, but either way, everyone involved, uh, is what I'm betting on every time I buy another wizard, um, I'm betting on all you.

It's, it's, it's really amazing. And so, yeah, just bringing up full circle Noo thing to happen when I've had that much conviction, like, uh, man, if, if I knew how to cry, it would've happened on camera.

Dotta: Well, you'll get that cat soon.

Elf: So that's what it's

Cult Member: all about really.

Dotta: Right? Yeah. Um, well, you know what, oh, sorry, go ahead. Oh, go ahead. One of the things that you and I have been talking about in the dms, Tom, that we can open it up here. Um, and I'm curious to hear what the wizards say. You know, it's a relatively small group here.

It's about, I think there's maybe six or seven of us right now. One of the things that that, that Tom and I were discussing was this idea around, [00:24:00] um, folks who collect a bunch of wizards but then have more, they hold more wizards cuz they love wizards, but they hold more wizards than they can write lore for.

And we've been scheming, and Tom's had some really interesting ideas in terms of like, is there a way, we've talked a lot about a way to have people earn a wizard through like writing lore. And I think one of the ways is just like doing wizard commissions, but almost is there a way that we can do something with smart contracts and wizards?

Is there a thing that might exist that's almost like a. I hesitate to say, but like, like an option, which is sort of like, or you could like allure like loan to lore or something like this where the idea is like, is it possible to construct a smart contract such that I could loan you a wizard? You could write lore for that wizard, um, and kind of be that wizard in the way that like any other participant does, but with like much less money upfront.

Um, and then as [00:25:00] you're kind of telling that story, is there a way that sort of the original owner and the person, the storyteller, can kind of be incentivized in the same direction with on the up any upside that ends up happening? So I think, like, I definitely don't want to over financialize wizards, but on the other hand, I think as we do see our floor price, realize it's not lost on me that like if we say wizards are for everyone, but then wizards have a 10 each floor or something, that just would mean like, well, wizards are just for like really rich people and so how can we involve.

You know, but then on the other hand, like, we're not trying to drive the floor price down necessarily. Um, so it's just how do we kind of like, I think smart contracts with NFTs with, uh, this idea of like financially incentivized storytelling, maybe something like that provides new opportunities for structure where you can like, like, I don't know, loan to lore is this like concept we're exploring.

So if you're, if you're understanding these kinds of mechanisms, if you have some ideas, if you're in the coding guild, um, we should like have some more [00:26:00] conversations about that. I mean, uh, yeah. So this just some ideas we're thinking about. Do you wanna add anything to that, Tom? So while you're here,

Cult Member: Yeah, so I, I think that you perfectly captured, um, kind of the dilemma.

And just to give you kind of a more personal example, again, I've got, I've got 33 wizards. Uh, every single one was like handpicked, not just because I needed a head, but I just got, I was like, that's a cool wizard, and I can see a story being written for them. And then I've got all these friends who are amazing at memes and stuff.

Um, but you know, they didn't just get like a crap ton of money from an e n s airdrop or something, right? So they don't, they aren't in the position to just be like, yeah, Tom, I believe in these pixels as much as you do. I'll eat five grand into this thing. Like, but I, but I want them to be wizards with me.

And so I'm like, how do I get them involved if they either don't have enough money or they don't have enough time to get involved, whatever. And so, and again, wizards are for everyone, but, um, the only reason I'm in web three is because I realize that [00:27:00] like, It sounds dirty, but kind of money makes everything the world in, in the world like turn.

Um, but the cool thing is I think if you, if we reframe it as value is what makes the world turn, then we can use those kind of human in human incentives, uh, like dopamine receptors of like, Ooh, I like doing this and I get rewarded for doing it, so I'll do more of that. Um, and that does unfortunately mostly come from money.

So if we, if we reframe it as a value, then having the prospective wizard or talent like locked up some of their, that they have collateral. I the wizard, geez fucking

Elf: kid, sorry.

Cult Member: Um, running up to my office note my wife's off the parent teacher conference. Um, if they lock up some eth Ethan, they actually have skin in the game.

Uh, and so they care as much as, I mean, the reason I care about making my law is because. [00:28:00] Again, there's financial incentive, there's, there's value to it. Um, it's, it's what I care about because that's where I put my money. Um, and vice versa. Uh, so if I could get other people to experience that without taking, you know, a massive financial risk of $5,000, then they win.

I win and everyone wins because, uh, even the people who can't currently afford a floor, uh, wizard, they can get involved and, and lower to lower to own type deal that you were talking about, uh, their way into owning the wizard. So, uh, yeah, the floor can still be, be pushed up on purpose, which then flywheel because you want the floor to go up, so you make better lore so the whole world expands.

Dotta: Yep, exactly. And I think that's what we wanna incentivize the most, which is like, for me, You know, again, we, we, it's not that we don't, like, we understand, we [00:29:00] wanna be careful about the floor dynamics, but I also wanna be careful about over-emphasizing them. It's like we have folks like yourself who have, you know, a few dozen or more wizards.

There's just not enough time in the day to really, like, tell lore about that one character, really be that character. And so is there a mechanism where you can kind of have your cake and eat it too? And I think, you know, we're exploring a lot of firsts here, um, both in like decentralized storytelling and incentive systems.

And it seems like there's a smart contract possibility here, uh, that could make, like, we could win in all of these ways. So I'm drafting up some docs trying to think through what those would be, and I think, yeah, I'm very curious to hear other

Elf: people's thoughts there.

Cult Member: And centralized storytelling is, uh, thank you for pointing that one out.

Dota like, I mean, of course you, you knew it and you thought of it, but I, I forgot to mention that, but that. That probably is more important than anything, any of these other reasons to me. Right? Like whether I wanna hook a buddy up to be able to work for equity in a wizard or [00:30:00] someone else writes it. Um, I want to expand the universe of people who are willing to write it and, and write it from a sense of ownership instead of a sense of commission.

Yeah. I love that people are doing commissions. Yep. But the commissions are gonna be crazy if it's from someone who's like, oh, I am this wizard potentially forever. So that decentralization of that story is, is huge for me.

Elf: I totally agree.

Dotta: Hi Nikita. Hey guys.

Cult Member: Hey Nikita. Give us the imposter. Thanks. Why you,

Elf: thanks.

I'm sorry guys for my monotone

Dotta: voice. Um, I'm a bit stuck right now. Um, but yeah, I just wanted to say, uh, huge lover wizards. I, everything guys are doing is, you know, absolutely crazy. And, um,

Elf: all the people that you kind of came into the community, it's like a testament to you guys to everything that

Dotta: you made.

Elf: Um, I really,

Dotta: really like

Elf: the idea that, um, uh, doda

Dotta: you and Tom have

Elf: been talking about. Cuz for instance,

Dotta: for me, I love all my wizards. Like I picked, uh, every [00:31:00] single one of them after the mint. But, um, I've started writing, but obviously I won't be able to write, for instance, for a decent amount of them. So the dynamics that you guys are

Elf: talking about,

Dotta: I think, yeah, they're very cool.

Um, cool.

Elf: To, to me, the, the, how do you feel better, the, the flip side of this? And, and I, I'm not gonna pretend to know the answer, the best way to handle this, but I also want to, like, I also don't wanna incentivize like, hoarding of wizards. And look, if you own a lot of wizards, that's totally fine. I'm not trying to attack you at all.

Um, but you know, I, I, I, you know, I, I want as many people as possible to just have their own wizard and just take true ownership of it. But at the same time, yes, I also want every lizard Wi Wizard to have Laura written about it. Um, so yeah, I, I don't, you know, may maybe what you guys are talking about are like the best solution to this, this little issue.

Um, but, um, but yeah. I'll [00:32:00] Cool. Yeah. I wanted to say something else that, uh, Tom's Burn made me think of. Um, and it's about, it's about this notion of putting your mark on the world, putting your ruin on the door. Mm-hmm. Um, I'm. Long ago at the Be Well, a few months ago, Dota and I did a a, a Twitter spaces with ds.

Um, and I, and I made this, this rant about how, uh, wizards are artists and coders and writers and creative people, and, and that's totally true. I believe that 100% because, uh, artists and writers, they, they take base materials and they transmute them into beautiful things of power. But, but ever since I made that rant, I regretted leaving out one crucial thing, and that is you don't have to be.

An artist or a writer or a programmer or a musician to put your room on the door. Um, all you need is to [00:33:00] have a lust for life and the courage to speak your truth. And a prime example of this is when I was watching Tom Burn his wizard and, and his, his his moron global antics, um, and the memes that he's making, like if you guys look at Tom's book of lore entry, it's hilarious.

And it's just this. Crazy meme and there's nothing else like it in the book of Lord, at least that I've seen. Um, and you know, and you know, you look at it and you, you're not seeing somebody who draws well or somebody who writes beautifully written stories. Uh, but, but what I am seeing is, is the mind of a wizard that is wild and unique and weird and unusual and it just makes me smile and, and wonder what the hell is going on in this guy's head?

What, what kind of mark is this guy putting on the world? Um, and, and I don't know the answer, but I, but I ke but I wanna just keep looking at it cuz [00:34:00] I'm engaged and I know this guy is a wizard. His roon is unique and it's speaking the truth. Um, and so, I, I think like the cult is like large enough for all kinds of wizards.

You know, we want people like, um, like Crypto Kell who write really beautiful stories and, and o and Zla Soul, and Magus Devon, and artists like Bread, um, and, and Oz to, to make all these really beautiful like, quality professional pieces of work. Um, but I also think like wizards like Tom, who are just making like, just insane memes.

And then of course Magus Wasier who kind of does everything. Um, you know, if, if you wanna write in the book of lore and you don't consider yourself like a, a quote unquote writer or artist, just speak your truth, man. Just, just put your lore in the book of lore and it's gonna stand out. It's gonna be unique.

Um, uh, yeah, go ahead. [00:35:00]

Dotta: As I've been seeing, um, some of the other, like, let's say cults in crypto. So I think Temple Dow comes to mind, for example. So like, if you're not familiar with Temple Dow, they have this like an M fork that has this really elaborate sort of like initiation process, right? And you have to like join a voice chat and like sing a hymn walls.

Um, and you know, yeah. And like, you know, like k y c your grandmother and got some blood and it's like a

Cult Member: lot, I threw some subtle shade at them. I, I don't make a habit of like sh shit, sorry, uh, pooping on other projects in the space because, you know, web three wins, we all win. God, the the stuff that you have to do like is so anti to Web three principles and Des Nation, it actually makes me mad and I, I I kind of feel like they need to get put on Blast

Dotta: Fuck

Cult Member: your Wall Garden.


Elf: again. Yeah, no, it's fine. Yeah.

Dotta: And one of the things that I look at that, and I think like, oh wow. Like, they're like, they're like a cult cult. Like they're freaking me out. Like, uh, you know, and [00:36:00] how, and how they're kind of managing it. But what you actually see in the back channel is less about like, people who are like for real into it and they're more just like, yeah, I jumped through the hoops cuz I think it's gonna pump, but like, it's really annoying and I know they're gonna waste my time in a bunch of other ways down the road and that, and so like, yeah, it's almost like resented, uh, as a cult.

Um, and well I was thinking about like just what's maybe like the core of like, what does the Wizards cult require of you and, you know, I, this isn't like something that, you know, El and I necessarily like, have. You didn't really talked about too much, but one of the ideas I was like spinning on is almost, we don't require like initiation rights.

We don't require like, you know, the blood of your firstborn. Like we, like we don't require you to come in and like, give, you know, recite chance for something like this. Really what we just ask is like, that you create, right? That you create something oras like elf might say, like speaking your truth, [00:37:00] right?

It's, you don't, like, it's whether it's a piece of artwork or a poem or a song or a video, um, it's the wizard's cult. Like one of the essences in terms of what we're doing here is the just, you know, if we ask anything of you, um, it's just, you know, to create something authentic.

Elf: Yeah. You, you, I, in that podcast the other day, I was, I was talking about like the difference between NFTs and other crypto tokens and I was talking about specifically how ours is different from others and.

You know, our, our wizards, you know, I don't think they necessarily trade on rarity metrics. Um, Magus Wasser's wizard is not even a rare wizard. Like all the parts that make up Mauss, maga wasier wizard are pretty common. Um, but his wizard is legendary because of everything he's done with it. And I would rather take something that's legendary than something that's rare any day.

Um, you know, I think, I [00:38:00] think like that's the difference. And so, yeah, when you're speaking your truth, when you're creating, when you're, you're taking control of your token and you're making it more than what it was, than, than when you got it. Like, I, I think that's, that's what this cult is about.

Um, so yeah. Uh, But, but Doda, you know, I will say if we wanna, um, be a, a religious tax exempted organization, then we might have to start instituting these dogmatic practices. Right? We might need daily. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yep. So just keep that in mind daily for everyone.

Dotta: Daily

Elf: Donut. I, I, I, I told Doda that our, our biggest goal, our, our in game is, is not to become a company with a billion dollar valuation.

It's not to become the biggest metaverse, it's, it's to attain the tax exempt status. That's our, that's our final [00:39:00] goal.

Cult Member: Hey, you know what? And for plausible deniability, I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna take the fall as the fault. And honestly, like, well, I'm not even say discord as you. Why firewall that shit. All right.

Yeah. David Crash ain't got shit on me.

Dotta: Is no gonna be our icon. In that podcast you're doing. Elf. I really liked how you touched

Elf: upon how each wizard should have a little bit touch of humility to them, almost like a character arc built into the story. Yeah. Um, one of my, one of my favorite story, one of my favorite characters is Zuko from Avatar of the last Airbender.

I mean, he was born to Prince. He had everything he needed, but like his banishment, everything he went through to regain that stature is what we all really crave in his story. When we follow that, you know? Yeah. Yep, yep. It's all about the character art. Yeah. Struggles and conflict. A a, a perfect character with everything given to him and to them and all almighty powerful.

They're, they're boring. [00:40:00] They're boring characters. Um, it's, uh, it's sort of the difference between saman and Gandolph. Um, but not, not to go too deep into tolkin lore. Um, but speaking of lore, I think I did tease that we were gonna talk about some map lore. Um, so, so there, there's, I, there's kind of two components to this, this particular topic.

Um, so one thing is I am currently compiling a gigantic master Lord document. Uh, and the reason I'm doing this is, is for a few reasons. Okay? So first of all, Um, well, okay, so what it's gonna be is, is I'm gonna give like, descriptions to every single item, spell familiar head type, everything that's in the collection.

Um, and I know that long ago, a few months ago, I said I was not going to do that. Uh, and my reasons then were, um, number one, I did not want to put limitations on the imaginations of you all. Um, I didn't wanna [00:41:00] like, contradict anything that you were trying to write about, about your own wizard. Um, and then number two, Uh, is I was imagining like the show and the comics, uh, as those were being released, those would be far better vehicles for delivering this kind of in information in a more entertaining way rather than just like reading it from a simple dry blog post.

Um, but as this whole project has progressed, I'm realizing that, uh, many of you really want to know about all these things. Um, ZLA soul's been DMing me asking me a lot of, a lot about this stuff. Um, and secondly, um, it's, it's just like a good framework for a lot of you, uh, to write lore on top of. Um, and then also like the show and the comic and these other studios that we're talking to, they are asking for this information and, and if I don't give it to them, then they're just going to.

Uh, write their own stuff and then it's gonna, um, contradict, uh, the narrative that's already in the collection. So I'm already writing all this [00:42:00] stuff out and, um, I've decided that I'm gonna release it to you all. Um, so just, just a few examples is like, um, just like the simple mushrooms, there's, there's, there's a, a red and a green mushroom in the collection.

And like, you know, since I didn't write anything yet, the cool thing was like Magus, Devin of the quantum downs, uh, created the quantum mushroom. And so if, you know, if I had written something very specific about the green mushroom, we may have missed out on the quantum mushroom. So, you know, I, even though I'm writing all this stuff out, I'm still trying to keep it very broad and generalized so that there's enough room for you all to still create and, and extrapolate from, uh, this, this base layer of lore.

Um, But, uh, but yeah, I also, um, one of the studios asked for the map and I gave it to them and they said, their first question was, can you tell us about all these spaces, these places? And, um, so I, I handed them back a very detailed annotated map, [00:43:00] uh, that really described in depth more about what all these places are.

And I, and I've talked about some of them in past Wizard Wednesdays. But, um, I thought it would be interesting to sort of go over a, a little more detail in what I gave them. And, and, and again, eventually we will, I will put something like this on the website where hopefully you'll be able to click on a place and a little plop, a little popup will, will occur and you'll be able to read more about it.

Um, but you know, a couple things to know about this map is, You know, just like any map, when you're zoomed really far out, it's only labeling the major landmarks. But then as you zoom in, more and more landmarks pop up and get labeled. And so right now the current map is only labeling the, the major landmarks.

But yes, if you zoom in, you're gonna see a lot more stuff. Um, and so, yeah, and of course the map is gonna expand at some point as well. Um, so yeah. So let me, let me start with, let me, lemme just go over some of these things. Uh, you, you guys might find it [00:44:00] interesting. So lemme start in the south, uh, where the, uh, kroner Manz Riviera is and the sand.

Um, this is generally the, the, the whole desert region. It's generally arid in inhospitable. Um, it's a b bewildering place of mirages. Um, most wizards, if they want to traverse this land, they have to arm themselves with psychedelics like peyote. Um, Then of course we've got Krono, Manz Riviera, which we've talked about before.

It's ra, it's ruled generally by the Yellow hats. Um, they sort of party all night. It's sort of like an Ibiza or Las Vegas type place. They're generally very shallow and carefree. Um, oh, before I go further, one other thing about this map. Yeah. This is what I meant to say. Uh, the design of this map, there was a, it's very deliberate.

Okay. I put a lot of these things next to each other to sort of generate conflict. Um, so I put the Yellow Wizard Haven, a place of carefree, uh, youth [00:45:00] right next to the quantum shadow, one of the biggest threats in the whole world. That was done intentionally as, as, as sort of like a, a story driver. And then the only thing separating these, these two things is the Battle Ma Mountains.

Um, I put, uh, the Blue Wizard Wizard Bastion, which, which are a bunch of like academic, scientific, uh, wizards. I put them next to the Infinity Veil, the Dream Master Lake, and the Sacred Pillars, which are ju the exact opposite. Those are some of the most magical, powerful places in the whole map. So there's conflict there.

Uh, the Faye and the Thorn are two like sides of the fairy folk. They're right next to each other, so there's conflict there. Um, The res red wizard, capital and Ssars. K keep, these are two, um, oligarchic, uh, centers of commerce. They're connected by an oxbow. Rivers are generally seen as like cheap, um, methods for transporting goods, but a very awkward type of river is an oxbow.

It's not very efficient. So there's [00:46:00] conflict there. Um, you know, a lot, there's probably a lot of talk about straighten out, straightening out these oxbow or digging a canal in between it, but then you'd be damaging the history. Okay? So there, there, there's conflict there. Kepes Bay, another center of commerce, but all the ships that are bring all the merchant ships that come into it, they're constantly plagued by Kepes, who are these obnoxious water beasts who are constantly, um, uh, drowning the ships of commerce.

Uh, so, so again, you know, I, I built this map with a lot of, um, conflict in mind. Um, so yeah, so anyway, starting in the south, um, Yeah. After Krono mentors Riviera, we moved to Kepes Bay. Um, uh, yes, there's a lot of ports of maritime commerce. The supply chain is often plagued by, uh, kepes and pirate wizards. Um, okay.

And then moving further west, uh, we've got, uh, Calista Citadel, which is a cultural mecca, very cosmopolitan. [00:47:00] Um, moving further up there is the wild. Uh, this is a vast, untamed region full of wild beasts, uh, people, peoples wild peoples adventures. Uh, and then going north is the Northern Mountains a strange place, uh, full of contradictions.

So, yeah, like I said, it's dominated by the Blue hats, which are very science and tech oriented. But the region also has a lot of, uh, powerful magical points like the Sacred Pillars. Uh, the Weird House in Dream Master Lake, um, and then northeast. This is the psychic region, uh, home to the Infinity Veil, uh, the Kaku Land and Hume Master Pass.

Um, it is suspected that the white wizards are concentrated in this area. And then, um, the eastern region is the darker region, whereas there's the vampire myth, the thorn and the quantum shadow. Um, and let me talk about the quantum shadow for just a second. So, you know, this, this is where, okay, this is fun.

I think everyone in the, in the world [00:48:00] has a different interpretation of what the quantum shadow is. Um, some think it's, it, it's the greatest threat ever. Some think it's no big deal. Um, but it is definitely used as a scapegoat and a source of demagoguery by, uh, political ma manipulators. Um, it is a source of pro profound but unwieldy magic.

Okay? So, like I said, the wizards and, and, and the world, they're, they're all, they've all got different interpretations of it, but also like in the Wizard's cult, meaning you guys. You all have all different interpretations of it. I can assure you that as the um, de facto dungeon master, I guess I know exactly what the quantum shadow is and that will be revealed.

Someday. Uh, but just as the wizards in the lore world are, are trying to figure it out, you know, I think it's fun if like you guys try to figure out what the quantum shadow is, speculate on it, write in the book of lore, how does your wizard deal with it? How does your, um, [00:49:00] your, I, you know, I don't know your, your, your faction deal with it.

Uh, I I I think it's fun to like, sort of blur the line between the lower world and, and the real world. Cuz that's already what's happening. You guys are I identifying with your wizard nft? Um, and when the metaverse is, is completely, um, pervasive, then, then the, the blur will be erased and, uh, we will be truly living in the RO universe.

Um, so yeah. Any questions about that? That's, that's roughly what my map is, is saying. I, I still left a lot of details out, but um, yeah, I feel like I just talked a lot.

Dotta: I'm happy for it. I think people want to know the details. Yeah. And I think we're like really excited to kind of publish. Are you posting

Elf: that map? I will eventually, yes.

Dotta: Oh, the map. Well, the map is already on Twitter. Like it's the pin tweet on Twitter if you haven't seen the [00:50:00] map.

Elf: Yes. But it's not, it's not annotated.

Dotta: Oh, it's not annotated. Yeah. But we'll, we'll make like an annotated version.

Elf: Yeah. Right, right. Yep. Yep. But yeah, it'll, it'll be a part of this Master Lord doc. Um, like I said, I'm gonna write out what every item is, what every familiar is. Um, and you know, the caveat as always is even if I write something and it contradicts what you are writing about your wizard, that's totally fine.

Um, and I think we also have a lore share today. Um, let me see if he's in the chat. Uh, S P z while

Dotta: you're doing that Burn War Warble Gig, warble. Dego, I don't know how he says it. Warble to GOG donut donut. Just burned void disciples, agan of the catacombs, and returned with the golden lit zen of the Royal West.

Oh, the

Elf: golden lit. It's really nice.

Dotta: Oh,

Elf: sweet. It's really, really nice. Yeah. Sweet. Yeah. The lites are some of my favorite souls is, [00:51:00] is,

Dotta: uh, you know, someone ask s Spz, I believe told me this, where he was like, you know, we saw the, the, the Skellys come out, Skellys on the other side. And he said, you know, as, as he was going into the flame, he said, well, we've died once already.

And so the skellys they, they, they seem to be passing through pretty well so

Elf: far. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's, uh, oh, there's the source source Elias. Um, yeah, one thing to keep in mind about our collections is, um, you know, there there's gonna be a lot of overlap between, you know, there's skeletons in the Wizard Cult and there's skeletons and souls.

You're probably gonna see certain, um, features that. Hey, SORC. Elias. Elias. Hey guys. Um, hi. Yeah, I was just gonna wait, just say this one thing. There's probably gonna be a lot of overlap between the lo the Warriors and Wizards as well. Um, so, you know, it's, it's one reason for this is, you know, that's, [00:52:00] that's just how.

Cult's work and people are, are part, part of many things. And I imagine all of you will maybe like wanna play part wizard and part warrior in part soul. So anyway, look forward to that. Um, there's that, there's that piece that Oz

Dotta: did as well where that wizard was carrying what looked like a

Elf: melee weapon, the crystal staff, and it was doing like a melee move.

So I totally can see some wizards doing some hand to hand. Yeah. And I, I think Kel also wrote some war for his wizard, where one of his alchemists does hand to hand combat as well. Yep. There you go. Exactly. Yeah. Yeah. These divisions can be blurred. I have a, I have a wizard

Dotta: student to write War Lo for, he's Danny

Elf: the Janny.

He's, he has a broomstick and he is a battle major. He doesn't actually practice magic, he

Dotta: just, hes his, the wizard, but he just bashes crap

Elf: with his, with his, uh, with his broom. Yes. Amazing. That's hilarious. That's great. I love it. Uh, Soer, Elias, do you have lore for us [00:53:00] today?

Poppy the Kobold: Yeah, yeah, sure I do. And, um, I love all this talk of, Lord.

It's, it's so awesome. It's, it's one of the things that brought me into this project, really. In fact, I started writing lore for, when I was looking for my first wizard. I think I wrote probably three pieces for ones that I wanted, but never ended up getting. So, uh, and I've had the amazing, I've had the great fortune of, uh, you know, all this talk about the commission and stuff that you talked earlier.

I love it. Um, and I'm really, really grateful to be able to write some lore, uh, for, for those few that, that, you know, want to commission or get help. Um, and I've told many that, that I've asked too. It's like, don't worry, write, write your story or speak your truth as you say Alf, because there's no bad lure, right?

It's, it's your, it's your story. Um, Yep. Exactly. And, uh, so, so the one I was gonna read today, uh, is, is a commission that I did for warble, or what'd you say, Tom? Uh, and, uh, super happy to see the, uh, for zin as well. And I was, I was [00:54:00] so relieved to see him come out spectacularly on the other side of the flames.

Um, but what I wanted to read today was, it's, it's not in the book yet because it's actually lower for a soul. Um, and again, it's, it's for, uh, for my man warble and it's, he burnt this amazing, um, cobalt, um, in fact it was a cobalt, one of those, um, rainbow bodies or what are technical bodies? And he came out the other side looking so badass with the side, uh, the cobalt skull and this like rainbow skeleton body.

Um, So this is the, this is the lore for grave robbing cobalt poppy of the technical or nightmare, which I think is hilarious.

Elf: Awesome name.

Poppy the Kobold: Yeah. I love it. Um, and for the, as you know, I like to set up my, my Lores with a little intro. Um, and I spoke to Arad or Arader, I'm sorry if I'm mispronouncing that, uh, the owner of Master of Spots [00:55:00] because I thought, uh, his sort of perspective on Cobalt's perspective on Cobalts would be a cool sort of, um, uh, mood setter.

So here it goes. Chapter one for grave robbing cobalt poppy of the technical or Nightmare. Um, while not the most intelligent species of all the lands by a fair margin, I may add, your average cobalt still has an intrinsic way of resourcefulness about them and a deafness of skill and self-preservation not often found in other lesser species.

Interestingly, this does not extend to their ability to barter or a crew wealth, ideal marks for a table of cards, for instance. Or perhaps they simply have an entirely different system of valuation. Their heightened senses make them exceedingly difficult to corner their wiles and te uh, tendency towards tricks making them difficult to predict.

This may or may not be accredited to their relatively low intellect, but for the most part, they make for, for the most exquisite prey and present the most rewarding chase, pushing both hunter and hunted to their limits. It [00:56:00] is after all the fruit whose skin provides the most onerous obstacle, which offers up the sweetest of flesh.

The hunt by master of spots, hunter. Poppy had never been a good cobalt nor, uh, not like his brother Peppi, who could do no wrong. Where Peppi seemed to possess the Midas touch, finding luck at every turn. Poppy's tail was a sad string of one bad turn after another, which had ultimately led to his quite spectacular death.

Ironically, turning out to be the change in fortunes he had always sought in life, yet had never found the sacred flame, had not been meant for him. Of course, they'll find it, it find him. It had his attunement to all colors had con consistently been his most favorite trait. And while it had made him a pariah as a youth, his iridescent ability to mix, fade, blend, and otherwise blend light was what had granted him his final journey on behalf of a peculiar and penultimate client.

The details were fuzzy, apparently dying does that, but [00:57:00] Poppi remembered dancing, flames, moving shadows, and a high pitched scream. Be Ye fil. He exclaimed swinging his sight in a lazy ark towards the mal od zombie in his path. This bounty belongs to me, you pile of puss. He continued as the disgusting being stumbled aside, leaving his path open to the tomb ahead.

As crypts went, it was rather unremarkable, but if Poppy was good at one thing, it was following his nose and ears well what passed for nose and ears now towards the scent of treasure and what fortuitous run he had been blessed with after his accidental stumble through the fire and consequent eviction from the quantum shadow after shedding his own mortal self and being resurrected as something else.

His unique and multicolored bony form have become his new sigil of status and renowned. Reaching into his pouch, he withdrew a rancid strip of flesh and dangled it in front of sniff. His familiar had not fared as well in their metamorphosis. However, [00:58:00] poppy was not one to waste potential and had discovered that with the right condom motivation, his zombie rat could still sniff out nearly anything.

Go on sniffles, find what I seek, and this fabulous feast will be yours. He waved the putrid meat once more before stuffing it away, and watched the disgusting thing amble away, borrowing into the grave, channeling a trickle of magic to let the light bend ever so slightly around him. He sat down to relax and have a well-earned rest.

While his familiar did all the hard work, he had a very good feeling about the potential of this looting, perhaps even something worthy to present to the high Lites lost. As he was in these delightful thoughts, he was somewhat baffled by a sudden presence before him peering down as if they could penetrate his illusion.

Uh, yes. Here you are. Little cobalt came. The deep voice from beneath the deep dark hood. Oh yes. We can see you quite well despite your tricks. No need to stand. This will take but a moment scrambling. Nonetheless, poppy [00:59:00] stood and took two steps back. What devil re is this? He asked un steadily shaking his si menacingly Fred knot refracted one.

We are not here to do you harm. The figure said still motionless. We have been following you and my master sees great potential. Should you be willing to aid us in a few ma moments, your pet will return to you bearing a seemingly unremarkable bobble. All we ask is that you keep it safe for now, and when the time comes, you must bring it to a very specific place.

Fail to do so and you may find your future less fortunate. How do you know me as poppy? Looking around the mindless zombie nearby had lost interest and seemed not to notice the ethereal figure. My time here is short. You must make your choice. I can only advise. You do make the correct one for my master is as generous to those who obey as he is intolerant of those who do not.

With that, the figure popped out of existence in a shower of purple

Elf: sparks [01:00:00] startled Poppy

Poppy the Kobold: jumped back with a squeal as something nibbled at his skeletal toes. Snes, he cried out swatting at the damn thing. Looking indignant, his familiars bd eyes looked meaningfully towards his pouch. Something gleaming between his petrified jaws, ah, sorry.

Old chap. Something has me on edge here. A trade then he said as he took out the rancid. Treat again, sniff dropping what appeared to be a medallion absorbs into his outstretched hand, slightly larger than a typical coin. It was wrt from a dark metal engraved by a single roon on both sides. One showed infinity, the other omega.

Hmm. Most peculiar, he muttered stuffing it into his pouch, setting off after sniffles, who after quickly devouring a snack had run off again, his undead nose, catching a whiff of yet another prize. Yes, this is most certainly going to be a fine day. He thought as he followed his familiar, the thought of more loot, pushing the arcane encounter to the back of his mind.[01:01:00]

That's it.

Elf: Very cool. I like that you, uh, mentioned the high leches. Yeah. And, uh, his brother peppy. Um, the luck, the

Poppy the Kobold: lucky pep, the happy one. Yeah,

Elf: exactly. Yeah. One, one thing that I've noticed that's happening is you guys are like combining your wizards for, for, um, crossover lore. Um, do you own Peppi as well, or is it, is that, so is that someone else's

Poppy the Kobold: or, I do not own Peppi.

No. But I, I, I have written lore for another pep. Um, yeah. Yeah. Very cool.

Elf: Thank you. Sourcer Elias. Yeah. You got it. Thank you.

Dotta: That was wonderful. Yeah. I love it.

Elf: Um, we're a little over time, but if there's any other questions or comments, uh, I know we, we always call this thing an ama, but I don't know if we take enough questions to be called an ama.

Um, but if there's [01:02:00] nothing else, uh, this has been else and doda and

Dotta: embarrassment,

Elf: Andra Elias and s pz, go Love you.

Cult Member: Go hug your loved ones. I love you all. Bye.

Elf: All right. Channeling out from the quantum.