Wizard Wednesday Episode 14 Transcription

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WW Ep. 14


Elf: [00:00:00] Thank you all for joining

Bear Snake. Welcome.

Dotta: Just really, I'm really solemn right now.

Elf: Yeah.

Dotta: Yep. Just, uh, I'm just trying to kind of fine peace a little bit. I

Elf: know, I know. It's a, it's a heavy day. The team at Dialectic did us dirty.

I'm sorry. I'm trying not to laugh.

Dotta: It's not, it's not funny.

Elf: It's, it's not funny.

Dotta: Stop laughing.

Elf: It's, yeah, it's, uh, it's a very serious day. Um, just a few more moments.

Dotta: Okay.[00:01:00]

Elf: Okay. Witches and wizards, you know what day it is? It's wizard Wednesday, November 3rd, 2021. And it's time for our cult meeting. This is Elf and only Elf channeling in from the quantum shadow. Yes, the quantum shadow, my friends. And it is through this darkness that I seek, my beloved comrade, the orange fuzzy who just this morning.

Steps to the flame. Hashtag. Pray for Doda, my fellow, which is in wizards. May his soul be lost. Wait a second. What is that?

Dotta: Do you hear that? Is that the sound of a heart? Is that you?

Elf: I'm back everybody. It's Oh my. [00:02:00]

Dotta: I made it through. Are you okay?

Elf: He has wings. He has a halo. You majestic. Fuzzy wizard. You look at you.

Dotta: I lost my ag. I lost my familiar, but I came back with this sick harp. Looks rare. Looks rare. Really good at playing it too. You learned something. The flame.

Elf: Dialectic, what have you, what have you done to, to our beloved donut.

Dotta: They gave me mad skills is what happened. I'd rather have a harp than an egg any day.

Elf: Yeah. Uh, so donut's back, everybody. He is an angel now. We can either pray for him or pray to him. Take your pick. But Doda has come back from the flame. He is no longer lost in the quantum shadow. [00:03:00] Welcome back, Doda. Oh, thank you. Um, if

Dotta: you, what was it like? I just wanna know what was it like? Oh, you know, you're just like encompassed by this warm sensation and levitation and a feeling of total serenity and security and warmth.

It was definitely warm. Definitely warm. Yeah.

Elf: If, if, if you guys didn't see the Dota burn this morning in the Discord, it was an event for the ages and, um, I'm pretty sure that Chuck K and a few others recorded it. So if you missed it, you'll be able to see it. Um, you know, it, it was amazing because the team at Dialectic really poured on the, the theatrics with a very heartwarming EU eulogy.

And then, and Tom, oh, sorry, go ahead. And some great artwork

Dotta: from Oz, which was just incredible. [00:04:00] My new head. Yes. Yes. I didn't even ask, I just said it. Hopefully they don't

Elf: mind. No. Oz did some amazing artwork for it. Oh, so good. Tom did some amazing commentary. I had tears in my eyes. I don't know if they were from sadness or from laughing, but it was certainly a morning of mixed emotions.

Dotta: I'm pretty sure Tom was the voice I heard on the other side of the flame. Yeah.

Elf: Tom, you're in a speaker right now. It's that loud. My voice is, I'm the, I'm one of four children, so my voice is loud enough

Dotta: to, to reach the other astral planes. Well, you know, you said a few minutes ago in the burn channel you said, elf, you're like the devil.

Um, Mendota is like the savior, and I think, uh, if that's true, you're Tom the Baptist this week. The Baptist. Oh, that's great.

Elf: Yeah. So fitting. Um, well,

Dotta: today is allegorical Christmas then. All right, wizards. I just want everyone to really pause for a second and let that soak in. All right. Because Methodist, [00:05:00] the, I don't know where, what, who he, who his allegorical match would be, but screw it.

He's the new guy. And, um, some sort of like, you know, vessel for the prophet or something. I mean, like you're the creator of the thing, dude, uh, Doda and like, so that makes you metaphorical God of this universe. And the Dota NFT is like, You know, you're only begotten N F T and it gave given to the world Sacrificed and boom, immortalized.

Elf: Amazing. Oh man. Oh man. Yeah. This is a lot. I, I, I wanna know Ithas or, or anyone from the team at Dialectic is here, cuz I, I would love to hear Yeah. Your take on all this. Um, so

Dotta: yeah, I know that they were around. It's, I, they might might be a little late, I'm not sure. But yeah, they're great. The, the whole team there is really fantastic.

We've had a good chance to interact with them and, you know, Memphis's in particular, he's written some really interesting [00:06:00] contracts. We'll talk more about at the right time. But yeah, they're, they're

Elf: great. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Today was an amazing morning. I, I was not expecting that. Um, and I just woke up and, and Dota said, oh my God.

Check the burn chat. And we jumped in and it, the spectacle was incredible. Uh, so well done, everybody, you know, and, and through that, it just, the whole burn has been so much fun. Um, on, uh, all hall, all, hello, Eve Halloween Last Sunday, I, I was glued to my screen the entire day, watching the whole thing. Uh, so many wizards participated.


Dotta: there are so many like unsung heroes, you know, as much as El and I are up here on stage, there are so many people who had a hand in making that, that, uh, this whole process is a success. So I think one in particular, um, is of course nicu who's helped me a ton on the development. Um, like [00:07:00] we wouldn't have made, I don't think, the Halloween deadline without him.

And then another, um, huge contribution was around Chuck. Ah, Chuck was just killing it with, he built the burn bot, um, which we were all able to follow in the discord, and then turned around on a dime and upgraded it to tweeted all out to Twitter. So I, I don't know if you noticed, but this morning, uh, we've been tweeting out all the live burns as well as like all the old burns on Twitter.

And that's like almost all Chuck. I mean, there's some other folks involved and we'll give them shout outs too, but I particularly wanna call out those two for just their

Elf: contributions. Absolutely. Yeah. The burn bot was such a, it was such a great feature that I didn't. Really expect, um, but it was like core to the whole event.

Yeah. Yeah. Like just watching the Burn Bot was so much fun. And

Dotta: adding on to that also, you know, s PZ has his, uh, the bot for the Memorials, which has Art by Oz of course. Um, hopefully I'm not missing anyone there in terms of contributions there, but [00:08:00] it's just been, yeah. So, so good to see everyone there. Oh, Dr.

Slurp did the music for Yeah. Um, for this, and I know that TV has been around helping with code, um, and some of the art from Bread and just, uh, I, I'm sure I'm missing some people, but just so many wizards came together to, to really like make that this whole event

Elf: so special. Agreed. Agreed. Yeah. And what's fun is like it's, I don't even think it's halfway over yet.

I think only like a little over 400 flames have been used.

Dotta: Mm. There are a lot of, uh,

Elf: rares left, right? Yes, there certainly are. Yep. So yeah, the burn, the burning continues fun's not over yet. Um, so yeah, just thanks everybody. It's been so much fun. I've been loving every minute of it. Uh, bear. Nick, did you wanna say anything about the burn?

Dotta: Well, uh, I do have to say [00:09:00] I am a bit of a pyro in real life. Um, and so just watching it, watching it from our side was a really special thing. And, uh, I don't think anyone in the space is doing anything like this. I mean, we haven't even run the numbers yet, but the amount of wizards that were burned, we actually had like an internal, um, sort of bet that, um, about how many wizards would be burned.

Um, I won not to, not to sort of brag or anything, but Yep. Um, yeah, I bet I got, I was actually pretty, I was actually pretty 24 hours. And you were really close. Yeah, I said, I think I said three 50 or 3 75 or something. I thought you said two 50. Yeah. Yeah. You. No, no, I said three 50. You said 3 75 and it was like three 80 ish.

Mm-hmm. Like you were, you totally won that. Yeah. Can I get like a buck or something or a sandwich? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Send you a Pope or something. Yeah. Perfect. It

Elf: was awesome. Awesome. Yeah. And then Zelo, so at, at the [00:10:00] beginning of this, I don't know if anyone heard, but you said you were working on a Pope for it, you and Bread?

Dotta: Yeah, I posted the artwork. Um, I'm not too technical on the software side, so it would have to be uploaded by bread and then they already have

Elf: experience on this side. Very cool. Pretty

Dotta: nice. Yeah. Cuz we've done so we, we can have that set up for you. Um, you guys are the best, me and o were thinking that perhaps we leave open, uh, a 24 hour thread, a small window for people to rewatch the burn and then they can claim it afterwards.

Yeah. Yeah. That sounds great.

Elf: That's nice of you. Mm-hmm. Wow. Super cool.

Dotta: The burn was, that's amazing. The burn was so great. Um, like, just so you guys know, for like, I was personally thinking, you know, and I have 'em told like, whenever to do it, I'll wait until gas is lower to do it. But like, it was just so exciting seeing everybody take through the burn and watching whole experience that's like, I was like, I need to, like, I jumped straight on it to a day one, even though I, I was expecting to wait until gas shows out, but it was just too fun of [00:11:00] experience to, to hold out for.

Yeah. Oh, that's great. Yeah. I can't wait till gas is a lot cheaper, but it's still so fun. Can we get, can we get loudness up here real fast?

Elf: Yes. Lockness, I guess just because I

Dotta: full, I think, I think she needs, she, she needs a minute for to talk to us. Yeah. Where is she? I agree.

Elf: Oh, there she is. Oh yeah.

Dotta: Yeah.

Of course. Yeah. And she, the the oracle. The Oracle herself. The oracle was killing it. Yeah. Managing the live stream that day. I know that like, yeah, a lot of us, we were just sitting at our computer, but like, I just sat here, my office chair on Sunday we're like nine hours straight. Like, I don't even think I got up for any

Elf: reason.

It was amazing. Yeah,

Dotta: it was great. I love how the very first bird that we had was actually tiv and Tiv got the tulip on grave. It was so, it was such a great first bird. That was so epic. Hey you. Yeah. Lock. [00:12:00] Yeah. Lock, lock. Tell us, tell us about it. Tell us, Hey, luck. I absolutely love the energy of the community in that space and I'm so happy we got to host like a live burning event and I'm so happy to see folks like Tom and other folks.

Host their own burns. Like, this is insane. Who knew we had so many pyros?

Elf: Yeah. And I just wanna say tiv, your P F P just looks so elegant right now. That single little tulip sitting there, it's gorgeous. Yes.

Dotta: What are the chances that that's like the first burn that one comes out? Well, what's interesting too is it wasn't actually the very first burn of the whole right night.

I, I think somebody else had burned, you know, a few more prior, interesting thing about the burns is actually Elf and I had seen the artwork, but I don't think of the final version. [00:13:00] Any of the other team members had even seen, um, a lot of the, the, like, final, final version. So it was. Even a surprise for some of our team teammates.

Elf: Yep. Uh, cool. So, um, what I thought I would do now is just sort of go over some of the lore of these new undead beings that have come to the universe. I brief, I briefly went over it during the burn event to those who were there, but we might have new people here. So I'll just recap a little bit of that lore

Dotta: and the, there is a post that's live on the website.

I'll drop the link in the secret tower. Yes. Um, that has, do you mind Tia?

Elf: Yeah. Go


Dotta: it. So, okay. Yeah. And so there are links to the, uh, to the various groups that I gonna talk

Elf: about. Yes. Yes. Because a lot of people were asking like, um, like what ultra rares are out right now, thi [00:14:00] this, this will sh, this post will show you what ultra rares are out.

It'll show you links to the undesirables. Um, it'll show you links to the different character classes. So, yeah. So I just wanted to briefly go over who these new characters are. Um, and so at the top of this list, we've got the Lites. Uh, the lites are sort of at the top of this hierarchy. They're the aristocracy of the undead or the gentry of the nightmare dominion.

Um, these lites, they take great pride in their noble titles. Uh, so if you notice they have titles like Duke Despot, Baron Marquee, um, these are the power hungry, uh, Sort of leaders of the, of the undead world. Um, they generally keep and maintain their power through political intrigue and corruption. But if that does not suffice, then they send [00:15:00] out their armies of our next character class.

The rates and the rates are sort of the cursive warriors of the undead armies. Um, in this collection we see the captains, the knights, the deacons, and the DeVos. Um, and, uh, I imagine that at in the future, the warriors have forgotten ruins, um, will, uh, have conflicts with these rates. And thus far, none of the warriors know of any method for killing these rates.

Uh, next on the list, we have the zombies. The zombies are sort of the mindless, rotting wanderers that are sort of anchored to the earthly plane. They're not dead, they're not alive, but they are forever hungry. And their endless journey basically has no meaning unless you consider the search for dev to devour living flesh meaning, [00:16:00] um, next on the list is the revance.

The revance are similar to zombies. They're reanimated corpses, but they, they seem to have a little more awareness. The mi, the zombies are totally mindless. The nce have a little more, um, sentience. Uh, some consider, uh, the nce as nothing more than a lit underclass. Uh, so it's, it seems like maybe it's possible for a ENT to someday become a lit.

Um, and these are beings who are enslaved to their own vices. They have a gluttony for blood and flesh. Okay. But speaking of that, blood lust, um, th this hunger, uh, is prevalent. Is prevalent in the zombies and the nce, but it is nothing compared to the hunger and blood lust of the ghouls. The ghouls are totally, utterly consumed by this.

[00:17:00] They are beings of unparalleled debauchery. They engorged themselves with reckless abandon, drunk on impropriety and wants and ways. They are so vulgar and so disgusting that they are not even fit to inhabit Goblin town. Uh, and so many of them are exiled to nasty town. Uh, then we have the specs. Uh, the spectors are souls who, um, Sort of wander the earthly plane.

Uh, but they can also occupy more amorphous dimensions, other spiritual planes. Um, so they sort of come and go as they please materializing wherever they wish. And they are generally made of spiritual substances like shade, ectoplasm, and Ether. Next are the Fanta Chasms. They are like the specs, [00:18:00] but they totally live on the immaterial plane.

They are, they seem to be creatures of the void itself, and they are totally unconcerned and disconnected from the affairs of the living. And then finally we have the Poltergeist. I like to call these the ghosts in the shell. They are beings that seem to live in the machine realm. Uh, technology is often plagued by these Poltergeist where, um, a glitch is often referred to as kissed by a Poltergeist.

Um, so those are the main character classes in the the Souls Collection. Uh, we also saw some trans mutations of the familiars. So if a wizard with a familiar step to the flame, so must the familiar. And so we've seen basically three forms of the familiars. We saw the ghost form, uh, the skeleton form and the [00:19:00] zombie form.

Uh, we also saw a new roon come to the Roone reverse, and that is the soul Roone. Um, we also saw a bunch of just fun things like the eggs, for example. They hatched into three different, uh, creatures. So we saw baby cocks, we saw dragon hatchlings, and we even saw a platypus or two. And then of course, finally there are the undesirables, um, which there's still a burning question if those, if these things are actually undesirable or not.

So we saw coffins, piles of ashes, flowers on graves, and even a few jelly donuts. They're valuable. What's that?

Dotta: Okay. They are the ultras.

Elf: Yeah. Oh, the altars. And they don't wanna

Dotta: show their hands, but I'm not part of the team. I'm just insane.

Elf: True. He is. Uh, yes. And Tom's right. Yes. Finally, [00:20:00] last but not least, of course, the Ultra Rares. Uh, and we've seen a few of those come out as well. We've seen the Grim Reaper, the Glitch Poltergeist Toru, the video Ghost, Marie Lao Ghoul of In Insatiable Blood Lust and Bloody Mary.

I think that's the only ones that have been revealed so far. There may be more. Um, but anyway, I've talked to Lock Doda or questions from, from anyone.

Dotta: Hey guys, go with questions. So my question is, where do the skeletons fall into the

Elf: scheme of things? Ah, excellent. My, uh, my hunter turned

Dotta: into a hunter skeleton, so I'm guessing some animated,

Elf: yeah. Great. Yep. Yeah, so there's definitely some skeletons. Um, you know, there were, there were skeletons in the Wizard collection, so I, you know, I think the skeletons can sort of occupy both, both realms.

They're very, they're very earthly beings, you know, they're just made of bones and there's, there's some sort of magic that has reanimated them. Um, you know, a lot of the wizards just have like a skull counterpart. [00:21:00] Um, so, you know, it's up, it's up to you to like, sort of write the lore on those characters.

You know, and, and that said, it's really up to you to write lore on any of these characters. Like just because I delivered all of this lore on who the lites are, who the zombies are, it does not mean your wizard has to be exactly that the lore is in your hands and you do not have to conform to what every, anything I just said.

So that's very important. So, so

Dotta: are you saying that my char Lord with the melted ice cream is not an ultra rare? Yeah. Just to be clear,

Elf: Laura, not floor,

Dotta: but I mean, I think the char, I think Charlo, Charlo is like a definitive wizard in terms of like, it's probably one of like 30 wizards that I could think of off the top of my head in terms of like telling their stories.

So I don't think that there's no, we don't need to tolerate maybe isn't

Elf: like, Well, no. Here, you know what, here's what I would say. Here's what [00:22:00] I would say. He's not an quote unquote ultra rayer, but he is legendary because, ooh, I have remembered the story of your tar Lord ever since you tweeted about it on Twitter about how he cannot lick his ice cream cone cuz it keeps melting.

He's legendary status. Um, I I

Dotta: I do have to ask though, was the melted ice cream art, uh, you know, made for charlon or was that always

Elf: gonna be melted? To be totally honest with you, your story is what inspired that melted ice cream. Oh yeah. That's awesome.

Dotta: Yeah. Um, and also just take, take my time up here to say this is my first time ho on the speaker.

And I wanna just tell you guys, this is an awesome

Elf: project. You guys are awesome. Well, I'm so glad to hear the voice of Char Lord himself. Yeah. And

Dotta: also, I was talking to Dota earlier, um, I, I work for a company just recently started, uh, Stardust and I don't, I'm not trying to do a whole pitch here, but I was telling him that we, uh, do crypto video games.

So if you guys ever need extra like consulting or advisors, like we have a whole slew of [00:23:00] advisors. We're, we're taking on a lot of new

Elf: people, uh, digging games, crypto games, basically. Very cool. Thanks Charlo. I'd be happy to help. Thanks. Yeah, thanks.

Dotta: Awesome. Thank you. Thank you. I just also wanted to say, you know, when it comes to like labels and legendary and ultra rare, you know, and I think we're already sort of seeing it with the coffin being sold yesterday, I think, I think you guys are gonna define what, what, what's like rare and what's valuable and, and all that stuff.

I think like, you know, I think, yeah, we, we may have labeled some things undesirable, but I think from the beginning we never thought that those were gonna be actually undesirable. And I think a lot of us thought that like, undesirables may be the most valuable thing. In the collection, so just put it out there.

Sure. I love the gentle. I didn't think that. I think they're undesirable. Nobody should want them. Whoa. Wow.

Elf: Who's, who's putting the PSYOPs

Dotta: out? Here's trying, I just wanna say something changed [00:24:00] when you walk through the fire. Something changed with U Dota.

Yeah. Well, he doesn't even have a God complex anymore, like he is, metaphorically speaking.

Elf: It's

Dotta: just, just how I am. That said, I may or may not have put some offers into person Jelly Donuts. Yeah. I want jelly donuts. Please. If you don't want your jelly donuts, feel free to please. Zero E I'll take it. Yeah.

Right. Yeah. Likewise. I'm right after Madam.

Elf: Well, I, I'll, okay, I'll, I'll say this now. There is a special jelly donut that I don't think has been revealed yet. Uh

Dotta: oh. Is it, is it ER's? Orange Marmalade? Who's convinced

Elf: was Dotas? I'm, I'm not, I'll say nothing more than that.

Dotta: I was expecting Dota to turn to a fuzzy donut.

I'll be honest.

Elf: That would've been cute. Yeah, it was on the table. [00:25:00] Uh, cool. Um, yeah, any other questions, comments about souls? Anything else? Um, cuz there wa was one other thing I wanted to mention. Actually, let me, let's do some shoutouts real quick. Um, first I just wanted to say, uh, a wild bam bam dot eth. I hope you're in the, the audience.

Uh, she did an amazing, uh, costume of her wizard over the weekend. Uh, it was complete with her little fox familiar and her mushroom. So wild. Bam. Bam. Well done. I know, I think she was in her earlier, but I don't know if she's here

Dotta: anymore. Was she the one at the At the A club. At the A party? Yes. I heard there were a couple folks who had wizard costumes for Halloween, but she, hers was the only one I'd seen, so.

Right. If you know, if you or someone you know had a wizard costume, you should tell us by the end of the day, was there an, [00:26:00] is there a N F T NYC wizard?

Elf: Anything? We did not attend this year, but hopefully next year we just, yes,

Dotta: so, so engaged with souls. I mean, I think all of the things being equal, I probably wouldn't plan our big N F T event right.

Over the biggest N F T conference, but, you know,

Elf: whatever. Yep, yep. But next year, next year, Michelle. Yeah. Um, okay. I also want to give shout out. Of course, as always, Magus was here. Um, okay. He's done a million amazing things this week, obviously, as always. But I, the one thing I want to call out is the, uh, the rap song he did.

It is off the chain. Literally it's off the blockchain.

Dotta: Oh. I don't actually know if that was you singing me fuzzier or if you like hired someone to do it. Like, I just was like very curious. The mystery continues.

Elf: Yeah. Same [00:27:00] question that I have. I is maybe mes Wasier is like a whole team of people. Like, it's it's like a whole production.

Oh yeah.

Dotta: It's probably like a whole company. It's a V for vendetta. It's like the, the everywhere there's mags is everywhere. He's, it's gotta, mags was your llc. This guy has, has a freaking. Video game. He's got like 40 different art things. Like I just make a couple shit posts and I have three people helping me out almost full-time right now.

Just a shit post for free. Cause that's what I wanna tell my parents when I see them for the holidays. Like I grew up to, to ship post for free. Uh, but yeah, more, more on and more on West and, uh, Politan are, uh, partners in crime. So, uh, it is not just me behind

Elf: the ship posts. Well, I was really enjoying the, the, the beef that you were having with mags was here this week.

Like I fake beef [00:28:00] obviously, but, but it also made me wonder if like, oh, maybe Tom is actually Magus Wasier. Uh, I

Dotta: wish I I can, I said no. I can promise you absolutely not. He's, he's, he's next level. I'm not there yet.

Elf: Okay. Okay. But

Dotta: yeah, exactly. Magus wa magus wasier, like Tom just posted his. Name, weight, birthday, and personal address in the discord.

And Mag Wesier hasn't spoken a single word in, so there's a little bit of a different

Elf: approach. Yeah, yeah. Birth weight. Yeah. Next level doxing. Yeah. I was, I was, I was wanting to open this Wizard Wednesday with that song, but it was too somber of a day to do it, so maybe next week for sure. But if you guys haven't heard that song, it's, it's like, it's a good song.

It flaps, it's just, it's really

Dotta: good. Yeah. Thanks. Thanks Mag.

Elf: Devin? Yeah. Um, and [00:29:00] then someone asked,

Dotta: someone asked, oh, go ahead. No, go ahead. No, you go ahead. Someone asked if you can write Lore for Forgotten Soul. And the answer is yes, soon, not this second. We're working on it. We're trying to make a bunch of improvements in the book of lore.

You know, as much as we're happy with how it is, we see things that could be better. You know, some folks have had trouble with formatting, people wanna do editing. We wanna be able to write lore for souls and maybe even warriors someday in the future. And so, yeah, we're working on that. We should have souls editing.

Um, you know, and oh, and the other thing is around like goodies, right? Like, are there gonna be goodies for souls in terms of like being able to download a zip that has all the different layers? Mm-hmm. And the answer there is also, yes. Um, and you just have like, just give us like, I don't know, I don't know exact date, like a few weeks or whatever, but we're working on that

Elf: for sure.

Yeah. Yeah. I mean that, that kind of speaks to, um, now that we're done with souls, I think like Dota and I are gonna just take a minute to do some house cleaning, update the book of lore. Polish the website a [00:30:00] bit more, get the discord in order, just little things here and there that have sort of just been on the back burner.

Um, so you know, if hope, yeah, we'll we'll get to that in the next few weeks. Um, but yeah, cause I know that you guys DM me a lot, like just making suggestions and stuff and I haven't been able to get to al almost none of them. Uh, so now I'm hope, I'm hoping that we're definitely gonna have time to do that.

Dotta: Can I give a, just give a quick shout out. Yeah. I give you a shout out to McDonald's, McRib nft

Ed by Wizard, weren't they? Yeah. Right. Yeah. We're not getting paid enough for that. I just, I, um, I was such a fan when I was a child. I'm getting paid zero money for this. I just want you guys to know, I am just shocked that more people aren't talking about the mc, McRib NFT right now. That's, is that gonna be one of the undesirable Did you, did you pull, go to the air [00:31:00] McRib and undesirable?

We should have. We, we shoulda, yeah. Now available at McDonald's Jelly Donuts. Yeah. Oh, no. Well, well, no one made it when our kids get a Wizard toy in their Happy Meal. Yeah,

Elf: definitely. Why did you

Dotta: mention it? Because like, it's. 30 minutes past midnight at my time zone. And I'm unable to get any McDonald's now.


Elf: sorry. They, they're,

Dotta: cause they're locked down. We have, uh, locked down in Russia. So, uh, thank you for nothing. Now

Elf: I crave McDonald's. Uh, you're gonna have to wait eight hours. No, I've got to

Dotta: wait like couple of days I guess

Elf: because it's logged down. Oh, uhoh. Sorry man. Um, Ali Cho, you came up to speak?


Dotta: she's [00:32:00] still connecting. It doesn't say she's

Elf: the speaker yet. Um, okay. Hello. It looks, it looks like she can speak. Oh. At least on my end. It looks like that.

Um, all right, well,

Dotta: let's see what, well, we were talking about Laura, do you wanna talk a little bit about the lore? Yeah. Now in terms of, I wanna introduce, uh, food Deliver to the Forgotten Visit Forgotten Club because apparently like you need

Elf: that a lot. Food delivery or food creation spells. Ah, yeah. Yeah.

Dotta: Like that sounds really handy. Like Yeah. Something which can conjure you food. Yeah. Something. I'm really motivated to do that now. Something tell people don't want, I walk into Go Town to get a Go Burger. They'd rather just get it ordered.[00:33:00]

Elf: Yeah. I've been using DoorDash a lot during this whole lockdown thing.

Dotta: W what is, like, what's the krabby patty of the Wizard Universe? It's the jelly donut, isn't it? The jelly donut hunt. I know. Well, well that's for breakfast everyone. Come on. What do we have for dinner,

Elf: breakfast, lunch, and dinner, homie.

Dotta: I wanna, I wanna see Tom, I wanna see Tom do some kind of like cooking wizard cooking video.

Elf: Oh, yes.

Dotta: Tom makes som many jelly donuts. We'll buy you a fry. But there, there were, there were receipts from Harry Potter and from, from, uh, game of Throne universities. I guess that we can probably make something up for the Wizards too, including the neural network, generated pictures

Elf: of them.


Dotta: mean, you want, you want, uh, cooking videos? Just, just let us know. And, uh, we [00:34:00] will be the meme factory for the Wizards. Um, okay. At the perfect. More on discord. So, uh,

Elf: cooking

Dotta: videos, just tell us what equipment. Yeah, tell us what equipment you need. We already have your address. Yep. Total request slide Carson daily.

Let's do it. Both of them.

Elf: Yeah.

Dotta: It'll be definitely easier for me and Tom, because we both have dots. We can cook dodos. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. Dotto, like, I'm gonna buy, uh, blow torsion. So how to cook, cook, uh, melted ice cream. You love it? Oh, yes. Yeah. What is that dessert? Yeah, like baked Alaska. It's a wire taste.

Hey, are we not gonna talk about the watermarks on the donuts? I mean, I keep saying they're ultra rares and like why is, why is no one else is excited? I mean, because I'm excited. I'm more excited than anyone about anything, so get it. But why is no one else? Like more excited about this. I know. I [00:35:00] love 'em.

I love 'em. So that was, yeah. One of the ideas that we had kind of early on was like, we were like, oh, what are we gonna do about backgrounds? Are we gonna add new backgrounds? Are we gonna like, are we gonna, you know, add new colors? And then we, yeah. We kind of had this idea of like, what if there's just a really super subtle, uh, image in the background, like a skull or something?

And so then Alf even took that and came up with the four different backgrounds. So I noticed some folks dragging up the set, the brightness. Alpha, alpha, lake, alpha, alpha lake. There's only four.

Elf: I think I remember one Snow

Dotta: being the first one to post about it. He

Elf: does really good research. Mm-hmm. Yeah. No, it was, it was do's idea to hide those things in the background.

Um, but it's, It's, uh, it's not just the donuts, Tom, it's um, it's, it's elsewhere in the collection, just fyi. But, but yeah, they're, uh, well, I, I don't wanna spill too much, Lauren. What about what they're all about, but I, have I been [00:36:00] missing '

Dotta: em in other Yeah, they're obscured by, like wizards and stuff, or about the souls and like the, and like a lot of the other ones.

But they're there. You can kind of see 'em, they, you can see them most on the undesirables cuz undesirables don't take up as much space. Oh. Well that's why no one was excited because I'm an

Elf: idiot. Like

Dotta: I thought they were donut donuts. Grow. Sell your donuts quick.

Elf: Yeah. Yeah. It's sold to me. Um, awesome. So let's see, uh, bears, Nick, you said something earlier.

Umm, McRib. He said one of the, no, that was what derailed the entire wizard incident before that. No, you were, you were talking about like how, how the community defines legendary and ultra rare

Dotta: and Oh yeah. I just think it has to do with like, and maybe it's my personality and me and Tom were definitely on the same wavelength.

Um, but like the things that [00:37:00] people throw away are usually the things that I admire the most. And so like, um, I, I, I think these undesirables, I think some of them are the most desirable. And, and I think of course, of course you are because you are aru it, you are very, very supposed to be very ecological and sustainability thinking person, ex.

That's right. Exactly. I am my wizard. I'm my wizard. Am I, uh, and uh, yeah, I just think it's, I think that's what's so cool about this space is. You know, we can put whatever labels we want on any of these things. At the end of the day, like collectively, the community will decide what is huh? What is valuable.

And I don't mean from a monetary perspective, I mean from like a story and just like, Hey, I want, I want that to be in my wallet because it's, it's freaking cool, you know? And so I just think, yes, I think that that's, I think its, by the way, my friend Viju Viju, who initially introduced me to Wizards, he's working on something mm-hmm.[00:38:00]

With his graph Collective Discord. And, uh, I believe that, uh, he's working on utilizing the flames somehow and building other quote undesirables into the Oh, interesting. His project. So very cool. Kinda undesirables

Elf: at all. Yeah. Yeah. So, so bear it just, um, it, it made me. Think about, um, you, you know, I, I'm always like trying to think about how, what's the difference between a non fungible token and a standard crypto token?

What's the difference between a wizard and a dogecoin and like, you know what I see a lot in the NFT space is people still trade NFTs. Like they would, any token, they plot the, the rarities on a spreadsheet and they don't even care what the picture is. And they just say, is it rare or not? Does it have these properties or doesn't it?

And that's how they trade it. And [00:39:00] that's how they define value and. To me that just really, um, shortchanges the potential for NFTs. Um, cuz these are not just Dogecoin, they're not bitcoins. They are, they have a whole new feature that I don't think a lot of projects are properly leveraging. Um, and so what I mean is, Like, for example, uh, when you burned a wizard, it was automatically inscribed into the book of lore that this token was burned.

Okay, this is super relevant. When I first started talking with Dota about brainstorming this project, one thing, uh, w we wanted to do these characters because we wanted them to go on journeys. Okay? What do I mean by that? One of the most interesting things about the blockchain is that it keeps a transaction history of every token recorded forever.[00:40:00]

Um, and so, and so, yeah, the, the, every, every token goes on a journey, but like, nobody cares about the journey of an individual dogecoin. Nobody cares about what wallet it has been in and what wallet's in. Now, that's not the point of a Dogecoin, and that, and that's fine, like keep that with a standard crypto token, but an N F T.

If you could sum, I, I thought, you know, if you can imagine each of these tokens, literally, like personifying them and imagining their transactional records as an epic history akin to a book of lore, then I think that's where the value of these NFTs lies. And so, I mean, these things are truly alive. They truly go on journeys and they truly accumulate history.

And so that burning is just one part of their history. You know, I, I think eventually I would love to see if the book of Lo like actually kept track of the transaction history of every token, where this wizard has been, where it's going, where it's at now, what happened when it was in this particular wallet.[00:41:00]

Um, you know, if, if, if, if you compare this to like that scene in Game of Thrones when the Night King was bearing down on Bran and the most valuable thing at stake was the recorded history of humanity, which was inside brand's head. That was the biggest threat. The biggest threat was the Knight King was going to erase the history of all of humanity because what what is humanity without its history?

This is why humans record things in diaries. They have history books, they have photographs, they have newspapers. It's what defines us. And so it's, it's this immutable history that makes us who we are. That makes us wiser, that makes us non fungible. And so it's the job of the wizards, um, to, to, to not forget the ruins, to not to make the rest of the world, not forget the ruins.

That's why the wizards inscribe their marks onto the blockchain. It's, it's why they, they put their roon on humanity's door. [00:42:00] Um, and so that's, you know, that's sort of what Bear Snakey made me think about when you were saying that the community defines like what these tokens are. You know, it's, it's one thing for us to like plot them in rarity and say, this is an ultra rare and this is not, but it's more about the community, like taking that N F T and putting it into legendary status like Char Lord did with with his ice cream cone.

That is a legendary wizard. And if you looked at it on a simple like rarity chart, then you would think, oh, it's nothing special. But, but he made it a legendary wizard because of that awesome story

I think about.

Dotta: You're welcome. Yeah. Yeah. Those locker, I think about the, go ahead, sorry. The, like the future kind of of the, no, no, no. Sorry. You go ahead. You go ahead ze. So sorry. No, those laundry room speeches really get me wired up. I just would like to touch back on, um, The collector's journey. Uh, I watched this podcast where NFT Coin Artist, she works in the Red Light District on [00:43:00] decent land.

She's helping to render that experience, but she talks about in the future when NFTs are having this track and traceable, um, you know, you're able to look at these online and there'll be an event where you can lend your N F T to like in gamer for an important event and say that gamer uses your item to win the tournament and then returns it to you.

How much is the value? Yes. So this is totally where NFTs are headed

Elf: right now. Yeah, exactly. Exactly. Yes. It's the history that's so crucial to all of it.

Dotta: Yeah. And when I think about like the project and where we're going and what we're working on, uh, you know, like of course we sort of have these like. Big tent pole projects, right? So we have the, the trailer, which, you know, which we have the deal with Tip Mouse to lead into the show, which gives us sort of this like a, a a lot more developed lore developed into like a show which will give this like common thread.

And then we also have this, uh, [00:44:00] you know, we're working to develop a game, which is this like, big project, but I think like in the space between one of those things actually happen, um, we wanna be able to build more tools that, that, uh, build on this idea of like the individuality of the tokens and build storytelling tools onto the tokens.

Like more than really any other project does. Like, you know, I feel that some of the other projects, you know, some projects don't bother with Laura at all. Or some projects, you know, sort of have lower words. Like, oh, you can, you know, It, it's maybe like somewhat superficial. And I feel that, like if I think about the N F T token aspect of Forgotten Ruins, a big part of it that I want to be is around like exploring what does it mean to like, tell a story around, um, a character in a way that's augmented by the blockchain in a way that you can kind of like track that ownership over years in time.

And, and I want us to build tools that make that easier. And so we've tried little things. You know, we have the, the Book of law of course. And we've [00:45:00] tried, you know, things like building out the character sheet lock is put together, which is amazing. And I think, you know, we wanna think about more tools that we can do there.

So I would love to do, for example, you know, let's say. Like a wizard prop, uh, uh, like store where you can kind of build tokens or other props around your, for your wizard or, or, um, which is something that like, um, Genta has already started helping with. Or there's other quests like Meos has started building or that also we, Jews also building that like use the flames.

And so I think that like, we're very, very early, I guess is what I'm saying in terms of like being able to story tell around a token, um, or really around the character using Technomics. And I think that those are all things we're really like pressing. Um, so I have thought on this while you were talking, and I dunno if you guys have talked about it before, but it'd be really cool in the Book of Lord to be able to do at a wizard and be able to have like a inter intertwining wizard relationship where, you know, I was cursed by this wizard being click on him and then go [00:46:00] see, you know, what his lore is

Elf: and, and yes.

So on and so forth. Love. I

Dotta: totally agree. Yeah. I was just talking to ni key about that. Exact feature like yesterday that like, almost like how when you at mentioned in, um, Twitter, like another user or in Discord Auto fills. I, well, I, I think we're planning on trying to add that in the book of Laura. You can at mention another wizard in your Lord.

That's a great idea.

Elf: Yep.

Dotta: I think, can we get movie phone bot?

I'm sorry. Can we get a Mr. Movie phone bot, like a bot that reads a Mr. Movie phone?

Oh, I don't know what this is, but I'm interested to learn more.

Elf: Nice. In the beginning,

Dotta: like one of those guys. Oh, oh yes. Lockness has been working on this. Yeah. Lochness has been working on this idea of like, uh, having, uh, like, like audio recordings of. The, of,

Elf: of the lore entries. Yeah. I, I don't know if we're supposed to say [00:47:00] this now, but one thing we also wanna do is, yeah, we wanna, we wanna make a YouTube video for every single book of lore entry and have this, this, this awesome AI voice that Lochness has been cultivating, read each entry.

We would love to do a visual component for it. Um, we, oh, by the way, we hired a new artist. I don't know, I, did I mention that in the last Wizard Wednesday? Yeah.

Dotta: I mentioned, yeah, you, you mentioned it, but is she here? I'm not sure

Elf: if she's here. Um, but yeah, I don't know. But yeah, she's, she's gonna help with this, this effort on, on top of many other things.

But yeah, we, you know, the book of lore is just crucial for us and we're, we're constantly gonna like, upgrade it and incentivize people writing it. And it's, it's the core of this whole project. Do you wanna say anything? Lochness? Sorry, I think I cut you off.

Dotta: No, it's all good. Uh, yeah, totally. We're working on having the book of Lord read aloud.

Just imagine you're [00:48:00] wizard by the fireplace in a nice warm, I just have that vision for, for the book of lore, and I feel like we need to have that moment for us wizards, so we're creating that

Elf: as we speak. Yep. Yep. Cool. Um, and I see wild bam bam is now in the audience. And I just wanna make sure, um, just wanted to tell you, I loved your, your Halloween costume.

I don't know if you heard it earlier, but I see you in the audience now. Um, uh, speaking of other shout outs, um, Ze Soul, you did this crazy Fortnite skin. To be honest, I don't even understand what it really was. Can you tell us


Dotta: that dude that was sick? Yeah. I don't know. They just had this new Fortnite skin in the item shop, and I like photoshopped him to look like my wizard.


Elf: Okay, okay.

Dotta: Yeah, he's holding frogs and I'm still looking for wag me, so he's like interrogating [00:49:00] frogs and shit. It just, it totally fit my vibe right

Elf: now. Yeah. Right on. Yeah. Speaking of Wag me, um, has anyone heard or seen from him?

Dotta: Oh, man. Um, there's been a lot of dead ends, but I feel like this is a story that's unfolding as it's happening.

So I'm covering all bases and if anything were to pop up, we'll be the first to know.

Elf: Yeah. Yeah. If, um,

Dotta: also on writing lore, I've, I've been seeing some, some new community efforts to like, help collaborate one another to like write stories and plan out characters. So Hightech, for example, um, has been working on like a mural, like a mural, like whiteboard.

To be able to like, uh, almost like visually construct the backstory. It's, I think it's like somewhat early, very interesting. So yeah, if you wanna collaborate with Hightech on, uh, the like mural board and plot out your backstory, uh, reach out.

Elf: Yep. Super cool. He's talking about it in the secret tower. Yeah.

Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Yeah,

Dotta: we're gonna create a [00:50:00] dedicated space for like the art and lore. I know we have a combined art and lore channel as we speak, but as Elf mentioned, we're gonna be doing some housekeeping on like the discord and what have you. And part of that is just supporting the Wizards creative efforts and writing law, and also creating derivative artwork, so.

Elf: Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Yep. Um, yeah, uh, just a way in from the ship post

Dotta: front. I just wanted everyone to know that, uh, you know, pursuant to this call, we will be forming a Dow to acquire all the jelly donuts and we will be collateralizing in Fractionalizing The Jelly Post. Be a new currency for the Metaverse. Oh.

And then the Forgotten Ruins cult is going to organize as 5 0 1 . And we are going to make a religion dow that is tax exempt and everyone

Elf: will flow into all of crypto making it a

Dotta: religion.

Elf: Uh, so you're, you're at the ground level, so congratulations folks.

Dotta: I feel like you think saw really someone small post saw, like [00:51:00] saw I think really small, the Wizard's prayer.

I saw the Wizard's prayer going around. I don't know where that's, I think it was probably Magus Wayer. I don't know if you're joking about that jelly donut thing, but like we should talk to this, talk about it cuz I have some

Elf: ideas to make this actually happen. It's an interesting idea. Hey guys,

Dotta: thanks for the shout out.

Thanks for the shout out on my costume, but I just wanted to offer a little alpha for the Wizards only. Yeah, why Son is not lust. You guys stop looking for him. He's the last, he's in the shop. He's planning his next move. And yes, things are going to unfold. And especially if you're in New York. And now, if you, if any of you say this in the chat, I will kill you and I will never give you alpha again right after this.

What the fuck? Oh wow. Tomorrow. Tomorrow. If you're in New York, do not take your eyes off of [00:52:00] that discord. That's all. Ooh, I was catching a plane out there. Fuck. My last day of work was like a couple days ago. I'm out there. Oh my God. Yeah. I thought it was too cold to go to to nyc. It was too cold. It looks like there's gonna be some wizards on a red eye.

Elf: Bam. Bam. It's,

Dotta: it's not like that. I mean, it's fine. As long as there are some people in New York, everybody will benefit and it's all good. But should stop looking for a wag song. That's all I have to say.

Elf: Like, he's How do you know so much about Wagni song and nobody else does. I just know everything. Wow.

Wow. I'm a livid

Dotta: seen bam, bam and wag son in

Elf: the same room. Is is Bam Baam actually a wag son? We don't. We are all wag son. Yeah.

Dotta: You're speaking our language.[00:53:00]

Elf: Awesome. Well, I'm glad you came up to tell us that. Uh, and uh, yeah. And thank you for dressing as your wizard. Uh. Loved it.

Dotta: Oh, speaking of dressing as Wizard, um, do we have any news on the, the merch basket?

Elf: Ooh, good question. Bear Snake. I can tell you that Bear Snake did show me some, uh, some, I guess you could call 'em samples.

Dotta: I may or may not have been wearing one yesterday just to test it out. Yep. Um, no, it's definitely coming close. Uh, you know, when we do something, we want to do it right. You guys know that at this point we're not just gonna rush something out. We could go really busted. Teasing, make a t-shirt in, in a day.

Of course. But we wanna make it special. So, uh, keep your pants on and your shirt's on, [00:54:00] and then you'll be able to put a sweatshirt on

Elf: soon. No shirt, no

Dotta: service. Yeah, just like, just like be, just leave room under the tree. You know what I'm saying? Yeah. Yeah, for sure. Yeah. Fine tuning all the things.

Elf: Yeah.

Yeah. Lochness has been working on that a lot as well. Um, yeah. And in fact we're, I think Lochness, aren't you gonna take some photos? Like some, some, I think Lochness is gonna take some selfies of herself wearing these things and that's the, the model shots that we're gonna use.

Dotta: Yeah. I was probably gonna break my KYC as soon as I got my merge.


get outta here. Don't do it Lock. Don't do it. Lock. Hey, do you remember when you guys sent that? You sent that like survey asking if we wanted marriage and at what price point, blah, blah, blah, or like a box. Right. And it was interesting because I wish I had a note section. It's not that I [00:55:00] wouldn't spend that money, I just wouldn't necessarily wanna spend that money without knowing what might be inside.

That's all. Yeah, I think that like when we ran that survey, I overshot on price and also even in terms of feasibility of what we could fit in there, right? Like, you know, like it is my dream for example to have like, you know, custom inscribed tungsten, 20 sided dice or something, you know? And then it's like, oh, donut, that's like impossible that we can't, they're heavy and expensive, you know, each one costs like a hundred dollars, so nobody wants that.

I mean, maybe people want it, but like it doesn't work for a merch box. So one is, I think I kind of overshot in terms of price. Two, I thought everyone would want to pay in crypto and not fiat. And actually the feedback we got was like pretty much everybody wanted to pay in fiat. And then three, I think that we like mysteries and secrets, but then like part of the problem is, is that [00:56:00] if you have a high price, And then say, oh, there's a secret thing inside.

Then people expect like a pony inside and a tungsten inscribed 20 sided dice. And so like I think what we'll probably do is. The price will come down from what we originally said, which was high. It was like, I think we said like, oh, would you pay $500 or something? I think the price is coming down.

Correct me if I'm wrong. Bear snake. And then I think the other thing is we're gonna just like tell you like this is exactly what's in the box. Like I don't think that like it when, especially when something so high price, I actually don't think there's a lot of benefit to being like, oh, plus extra secrets.

Huh. Cuz then people think it's a pony or whatever. And so the, there's no ponies inside. We'll just wait what

Elf: in the box and the exact price. And you can decide, I, I know you didn't tell me we we'd missed pony

Dotta: idea. No, no, no. Ordered the ponies, they're literally grazing in my front yard right now. What are you talking about Uhoh?

Yeah. We just literally need to finalize the box, like the ship box.

Elf: I

Dotta: already, I just figured out how to ship a goddamn pony and you're telling well you don't want [00:57:00] ponies. We even customize the box.

No. So wild. We'll I, I think, I think, um, You know, we're, we were thinking about, at one point there was like the list of things that we want in the box. Were like crude, like 20 different things and we're like, we're not doing, we're not putting 20 things in this box. It's just, it, it just got a little outta control.

So more, more news. The price will be, will be, um, we think pretty reasonable for all the stuff that we're putting in. And, and yeah, it'll, it, it more news to come in the next week or two.

Yep. Awesome. Sounds great. Yeah. I know you guys are working on it for, for quite a while and you guys wanna make sure that's done right, just kind of like, you know, want us more update.

Elf: Yep. Ab totally fair. Yep. Cause I'm pretty excited

Dotta: about it. Just wanna

Elf: see. Very cool. Um, cool. So we have two minutes left and [00:58:00] I, I don't think we did a Laura reading today.

What I would've loved is for the dialectic team to read that eulogy that they read during the Dota burn. That was amazing. Uh, but yeah, like I said, hopefully we'll get it in a YouTube video so everybody can watch it. And, uh, the burning continues. So, you know, like I, like we said, there's only been, I think, like 400 flames.

There's still like 600 left. Um, so yeah, tune into our discord. Our burn chat burning is happening all the time. There's a burn bot in there. There's a lot of souls to be revealed. There's some ultra rares, there's, there's jelly donuts, there's undesirables, all kinds of secrets yet to be revealed in the flame.

I hope I

Dotta: missed it. Like, congrats to, uh, for getting through the flame.

Elf: Yep, yep, indeed.

Very cool. Uh, well everybody, thank you for joining. [00:59:00] This has been Elf and

Dotta: Dota and Lochness. And Bear Z

Elf: Lasso and char Lord bam, bam. Mag Devon, Tom

Dotta: to Tom, the Baptist. I'll speak for what ear too. And was ear.

Elf: Yes. Mags was the, the Crip bat. I don't, I don't know how to say Cr. C C Y R. Bat Sr. Sears. There you go, seer.

Excellent. Uh, everybody

Dotta: pause. Dr. Slip, sir. Sweet Bread. Chuck Ke. Yes.

Elf: Everybody signing up. Thank

Dotta: you for the space guys.

Elf: Bye. Channeling up from the Quantum Shadow

Dotta: Happy Dough today.[01:00:00] [01:01:00] [01:02:00] [01:03:00] [01:04:00]