Wizard Wednesday Episode 11 Transcription

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WW Ep. 11


Elf: [00:00:00] Welcome everybody. You know what day it is. I'm seeing a lot of familiar faces in here. We'll get started in a few minutes. Just waiting on Mr. Dota. Welcome everybody. Bear Snake. I'm gonna let you up at as a speaker. What's up Bear Snake?

Dotta: What's up? Free?

Elf: There's Doda. Let me invite him

Dotta: up.

Elf: Okay, we got Magus the one who rings. We got Dr. Sch Slrp. We got Edward, we got Chuck K, we got Whiz Ramirez. We got Zla. Soul. What's up guys? Dota, are you? Oh, are you all right? Dotas connected. Hey, if anybody

Dotta: wants to hop on stage. Feel free to raise your hand.

Elf: Yep. Yep. [00:01:00] Always want to hear you guys'.

Questions? Comments?

Dotta: Where's Lochness? Lochness here. Uh, I'm sure

Elf: she'll show up soon. I see Crypto Ticky Techie. I see Paul. Welcome everybody. Glad you guys are showing up. It's gonna be a big show today. Lots of exciting news.

Dotas tapping away on his mechanical keyboard. I got the classiest one.

Cult Member: People pay,

Dotta: people pay big money for those. For that sound, by the way. Yeah. Yeah. There's, yeah. But it, all these different switches like Cherry or


Elf: it seems to be only like the hackers who appreciate those keyboards. Oh,

Dotta: it's like, yeah.

Elf: Lochness requested or subtleties. Welcome, Lochness. Good to see ya. Hi, [00:02:00] Lochness. Hello, fellow wizards. Hello. Hello. All right, we'll wait one more minute. We'll start at two, let people file in. Good to see everybody. It's an exciting day.

Dotta: One more minute. No music this week.

Elf: Uh, no, but I do have one cheesy ass sound effect that I'm going to play at an opportune moment. One of the things I realize actually

Dotta: is like if we put these on YouTube and you use music, I might like complain. We might get to have

Elf: to get rolling. Right. Well that's why I only play it at the beginning because we usually cut out these like beginnings where we're just sort of, you know, improv.

Um, okay. Mag Devin, I just invited you up. Welcome to Hi. I see the Void Disciple in here. Um, [00:03:00] I see. Oh, okay. It's uh, two o'clock. You ready to get started Doto? I'm ready. All right everybody. It's Wednesday, October 13th, the year of our Lord 2021, and it's time for our cult meeting, a k a Wizard Fricking Wednesday.

This is Elf. And Dota channeling in from the quantum down.

Okay. That was my cheesy sound effect. Okay. Yeah, of course. Okay. A certain, A certain mighty crypto juggernaut has seen the cult and has given the nod to the almighty incantation. We like the wizards. The cult has rejoiced new wizard Apprentices have joined the fray, and the Oracles at Dune Analytics have shown us that the exclamation point floor has hit an all time high Doda.

What can you say [00:04:00] about this mighty crypto juggernaut, Coinbase? Ooh. We

Dotta: are super excited to be a featured creator for Coinbase. I really wanna give a shout out actually to the, like, Coinbase employees, uh, who are also wizards. You know, they've decided to remain anonymous and that's fine. We'll let them do it.

But yeah, there is, um, at least one, probably more. Uh, in fact, I know there's more than one Coinbase employees who are also wizards. And so yeah, I want to give a shout out to them anonymously for, uh, reaching out and, um, Yeah, I'm very, very excited about Coinbase. I know that there's, um, you know, maybe a little bit of skepticism that people have.

Cause they're like, oh, how's Coinbase gonna do it? You know, maybe we can get into that a little bit,

Elf: but, uh, yeah, I, yeah, I just wanna give a shout out. Um, I, well, okay. I wanna give a shout out to Doda and Bear Snake. They've been mostly handling this Coinbase deal. I've been like CC'd on the emails, but I haven't really done much.

It's mostly been Dota and Bear snakes, so, and [00:05:00] yeah, from what I can tell, the Coinbase team is awesome.

Dotta: Yeah. Like, likewise. Yeah. So the, you know, we can't speak at all, um, to kind of their plans, the implementation, how it'll work, like how it all goes down, the whitelisting, any of this. Like, we don't really actually have any sort of privileged permission.

There's not really a lot we could say. Even if we did. Well, what I can tell you is that like, Um, abstractly. Well, well concretely, I can tell you the people that we've talked to there, um, that we've interacted with are just fantastic. Um, they really get NFTs, they get crypto, they get like what we're trying to do, and I'm like very optimistic.

I think that like, so open C is, is like obviously like credit recorder was where is due. Opens C is really like built this industry and has done a good job. But on the other hand, it's good that they're getting some competition. You know, we saw this with our community, especially last two weeks with these glitch wizards.

Right. So we talked about this last Wizard Wednesday, the glitch Wizards. Are these like, [00:06:00] it's not the Wizards problem, it's the, these orders that a lot of other projects are seeing where, you know, it'll pin the order to the floor for weeks at a time. It'll affected us for like 10 days straight. The floor was pinned to like somewhere around like 0.42.

And so, you know, not that there's no outside forces, but all that to say is that like having an open seat competitor is gonna be so like good for the space in general. Yep. The

Elf: other, oh, go ahead. Yeah, well, I was just gonna quickly say, um, the, the, the most exciting thing about me about this to me is, um, so like all of the Wi the Wizard, the whole Wizard Secondary Market is gonna be available on Coinbase, from what I can tell.

And Coinbase has a customer base of 60 million people,

Dotta: 68 to be exact, 68

Elf: million people. That's 68 new million people that are gonna be exposed to the Wizards. Compare that to like, opens Sea, which is great, but o I think opens [00:07:00] Sea only, only has like, what, like 200,000? A hundred thousand. So

Dotta: yeah, there's probably 500.

It would be like a generous interpretation of C. And also, uh, I would also like to clarify that we. You know, you said, oh, you know, the wizards will be on Coinbase. I, we can't make really any specific claims about what Coinbase really want to do. We're like, we, we actually don't know. And uh, you know, I want to hedge that a little bit, but Yeah, presumably, like we can presume that likes, for example, if they're putting us on the homepage and presumably if they're starting an entity platform, that seems like it's very likely though, you know, that speculation.

Right? Yeah. And just what's Just in general, oh, sorry. Go ahead. Go ahead. Keep going. Oh, but what's great in general Yeah. Is exactly that, is that they have such, you know, some, again, this is speculation. Some people have said, oh, well, are you gonna have to K Y C? And I saw this going around tweets, which is like, some people were saying, uh, you know, there's a tweet of a journalist, I can look it up where he said, no, [00:08:00] no, Coinbase said you won't have the KYC for these, for their initial launch.

Um, and that's great. That means like you'll be able to use presumably like meta mask if you want to be, uh, an o like do it in a decentralized way. But in the case that, let's say that they did require or can wec down the road, the great benefit of that is that like when you k YC on Coinbase to buy regular tokens, like you can essentially use your credit card to buy Bitcoin.

And so you can only assume that that might be in the works for Coinbase. And that's like a massive, massive number of people, um, gonna be coming into the space. So it's just so, so exciting. Yeah. And, and just to, just to like underline that, I think there's, there's definitely more sort of details and fun stuff that we'll be able to talk about in the coming weeks.

And so, you know, obviously we're, again, we're, we're, we're so excited to be sort of involved in the family over there, uh, in a number of different ways. So there's definitely more information. So I know people will have questions, we'll have some answers today, some answers we won't have today. But they [00:09:00] are forthcoming and, uh, definitely feel like, um, and maybe I'm a bit biased, but feel like be they care about community, um, they also care about a lot of other things, but I think, um, having them hug us in, um, I think we, we feel really good about it, you know, and it, and it feels that they really are touching and caring on all the things that are gonna make this thing, um, you know, successful.

Yeah. Yep. There's a bunch of speakers you came up. Does anybody have any like, I dunno, comments or questions? I mean, we can't answer questions about Coinbase, but you know, happy to talk. Saw him, came up here, saw me myself, and I

Cult Member: hello's up guys,

Elf: how are you? Hello. Hey,

Cult Member: I'm great. How are you doing Wizard Gang.

I love it. I love the project I've been in, you know, since the beginning and I think you may be aware and, um, yeah, appreciate it. The Coinbase, no question. I think that this is good for the space for all the reasons that you [00:10:00] just said and congratulations for being on the, you know, whatever that was exactly like a teaser homepage because look, that means that, um, the project was catchy to whoever was preparing that.

And I think that's gonna be the same when, when, you know, 60 million people are exposed is, you know, the people like the Wizards. What's not to like? Um, I have a question. I know there was a lot of work that went into preparing like the, the rotating, uh, 3D wizard heads. Yeah. And I was actually kind of thinking that was gonna be N F T and I, I guess you have to download this and.

Um, kind of put it together and then there's like the full walk cycle. So can you just talk a little bit more about that and cuz I haven't done Yeah, yeah. You know, I haven't done anything to down, I have, you know, I don't know, 10 wizards, so I haven't [00:11:00] downloaded that stuff for, for all the wizards it takes a little time.

So I just, before I do that, I wanna make sure I understand what's going on, if you don't mind

Dotta: addressing. Yeah, I'm happy to talk about this. So, okay, so the way that we think about like Forgotten Women's Wizards is like, there's the Wizard N F T, which sort of, um, like makes you the owner and even really you get to like be the Wizard character.

Um, you know, we've talked about this when you own sort of your, your wizard n f t, you. Have like rights to that character. Um, and in all, there's a lot of different derivative arts that come from that. And so the, when we talk about kind of the on chain, uh, like provenance of the wizards, really the, like the name, the traits, um, and the pixels are all on chain for that kind of original, like, let's call it the three quarters view, 50 by 50 nft.

Um, on top of that, like, because Forgotten Rouge is so character driven that [00:12:00] you want kind of a representation, think of the NFT as like the soul, uh, of your character and the, the, there are these other representations that you can get access to, um, when you sort of are the owner of that soul. Um, and so.

The, the turnarounds and the walk cycles are part of that. So like, you know, for example, maybe you and I were chatting to get today in, uh, the Discord, which is like the, the turnarounds on the walk cycles. They're not actually stored on chain, like the original kind of N F T images yet. Maybe we add them, but they're really just one representation of your wizard.

And so saying like, you know, we, we thought about making the walk cycles their own N F T, but then we realized, oh, well what does that mean if you like separate the walk cycle from the actual like wizard? Like that doesn't make any sense at all. And so you can kind of think of like the, the N F T will give you the right to present using those walk cycles in various metaverses.

So we've been talking to [00:13:00] a couple, we're working on our own. Um, and the idea is like right now we're making those assets available for people who just wanna play around. But like, as we kind of ship in these other metaverses, you won't have to download anything. You'll just like connect. Connect your wallet, pick your wizard, and now you can look, walk around as your wizard.

That this is just an intermediate step, like to that, to that process. Yeah.

Elf: And I, I told Doda, I wouldn't say this today, but I'm gonna say it anyway. I we're, I'm hoping that well, we're planning on dropping NFTs that will be associated with your wizard. Um, they would be determined by, um, well, okay. I'm not supposed to say too much.

Just write your wizard in the book of lore and Yeah, we, we, we, we introduced the con was the hub for this community. Yeah. Yeah. There, there's a concept called proof of lore. I think magus was your term that, but we love it and it's, it's a legit, um, feature I guess, of this whole project, proof of lore. [00:14:00] Um, basically put your wizard in the, in the book of lore and you get whitelisted for extra goodies.

Let's just put it that way. And, and we've, we've already done it. Like the, the sacred flame, like the first like hundred entries in the book of Lord got a sacred Flame. Um, we intend to keep that practice alive. Okay. I

Cult Member: appreciate it. Yeah. Is that ha answer? Yeah, it does. You know, and to, to be honest, like I look, I buy and, and sell NFTs and try to profit, uh, doing that occasionally, but this particular project I just like the Wizards so much and I liked the, from day one, the way they were minted and just the mystery and just all this stuff that like, I honestly don't care about the valuation or anything.

Like, I just think it's cool and I'm just, I'm like along for the ride and I think people who are more artistic and creative than myself are are leading that and I'm just like with it, you know? So as for the [00:15:00] rest, definitely I'm gonna get to like, getting into the book of lore and, and. Transcribing some, some lore in there and, and all this to participate and contribute, and I'm fired up on this flame, you know?

No, no pun hearing, but so if you could, yeah, if you could, if you could, uh, uh, just explain a little bit. I don't know, it's, I know it's kind of, I guess, oh yeah. Keep an kind of mysterious, but if you guys want to talk a little bit more about that. Is this the right, uh, time or,

Dotta: yeah. Yeah.

Elf: Well, let's, let's, let's tie, you touched on a lot of things that I wanna, um, touch on later in this thing, but let's, let's wrap up the Coinbase talk first, because I, I think we might have some questions about Coinbase, or,

Dotta: or should we just, we can talk all around.

Yeah, let's talk, let's for sure. Talk flames at, at some point soon. Yep. Yep. Hi guys. Um, hi. Just wanna say, yeah, it's more of a comment than, than in question. I stumbled upon you guys maybe about a couple of weeks ago, and I just wanna say, you're doing an amazing job. I, [00:16:00] I've fallen in love with this sort of, uh, Wizard Wednesday and, and being able to have your own wizard on, on the N F T market and touching upon Coinbase.

I'm a heavily, I heavily use Coinbase. I'm not so much on the open sea market, but I'm so, so thrilled that you'll hopefully, fingers crossed, be able to, to go onto that sort of platform. And as you said, it'll be a huge bolster for you guys, and I, I support you through and through all the way, and I can't wait to be able to get my hands on, on my own little mi wizard.

Thank you. Thanks so much. Yeah, glad welcome man. No, I appreciate you guys. You've been doing such a great thing in this space and you know, for the time that I've been involved with you guys, I think it's such a loving, great community and there's so many wholesome ideas to be able to, to progress, to be able to, to, I think, you know, do something amazing.

Elf: Thank you. Yeah. I mean, one thing [00:17:00] Hammer just said about. Like, you like to trade NFTs, but with wizards, you're, you just love to hold it and really dive into the cult. And I, another coin that I think Magus was your to termed is, uh, uh, lore not floor.

Dotta: And, um, yeah.

Elf: And you know, and like I, you know, I, I think the beauty of that is we, we've got all these cult members who are very passionate and creative and, and they're writing lore and they're making artwork and like just their own actions are bringing up the, the popularity of the entire project.

So even if you don't wanna write lore and make art, everybody else who is, is like just bringing up every wizard with them. You know, a rising tide lifts all boats basically.

Dotta: Well, and I think that they like play, it speaks to what we're trying to do here, which is around this idea of like building a world.

That is like stories that get created and shared for a hundred years, [00:18:00] right? We're in the tradition of Tolkin and Lord of the Rings. We're in the tradition of, um, Harry Potter series. Where's this idea that you, you have these characters that you can like, learn about and tell stories about, and that there will be games and shows and comic books and novels written and, but what's different here is it's a universe of characters owned by all of us, um, that, like, even our kids will know about Forgotten ruins, but, um, it'll be through just like this, um, this widespread of, uh, of lore and art and stories, but that can be built on as the years go by.

So I, I think, I really truly think we're part of something special, and I'm really excited to be building all of it with you.

Elf: Yep, me too, man. I can't wait. It's gonna be so cool. Thank you so much. Um, any other Coinbase questions or, or anything? Ze lasso. What's up man? Hey. Um,

Dotta: alright, so this is my first N F T project and I don't know, I've never been a part of a [00:19:00] project where I see it seems like Coinbase will be like an entry point for like whales and whatnot.

So what do you think will happen to the project and community once like whales start to accumulate? Oh, I think that it's gonna also be equally an entry point for people who, um, like for people who don't know how to buy NFTs, right? Um, like Coinbase is sort of the first place that I send people to, like buy Bitcoin or that to, to buy Ethereum.

And I mean, it's even what I use to onboard an offboard. And so I, yeah, I don't, you know, it's not that like there won't be big holders, but I'll tell you what I feel like if you look at kind of the people who we have that are big holders now, They're like friend, not foe, I suppose. Like you look and we have like Matt and Giro and you know, um, well I should be able to rattle them off more quickly, but like, you can look at the top holder's list.

We don't need to go through 'em, but, and, and what you realize is actually these, you know, Dom holds a hundred wizards and there's like, uh, like [00:20:00] they're the people that hold over a hundred wizards. It's not really so much cuz they're looking to flip. Like, um, you look at the top holder, uh, like he didn't sell any of his wizards in this like last, like the floor doubled, then he's like still holding the same number, you know, and it's, it's, um, I don't think that it's because like it's not purely financial.

I think that our biggest holders are also like, um, in some sense of like significant, well they're in every sense, like significant kind of like contributors to the community in their own way. And almost all of them like, like wizards specifically rather than kind of, Just flipping it for a financial product.

So I'm not so worried about it. Like if, if, if a whale sort of like came in, someone who came in and said, oh, I wanna buy a hundred wizards. I, I don't think, I think we've kind of outgrown where someone would come in and buy up like a thousand wizards. Maybe. I'm naive about

Elf: that, but I, I, I think of Coinbase actually as like the beginner's entry point Yeah.

Into crypto. That's, that's where I started. Started. [00:21:00] Yeah. Coinbase is like the most user-friendly crypto exchange. They even have that education program where they teach people about, Tokens and you know, maybe they'll teach people about NFTs. I'm sure they will. Um, so yeah, I see it as an entry point for like beginners who would just buy like one or two wizards.

Yeah. I

Dotta: feel like we're well beyond that point of like an I P O where they can just come in and buy up the whole community basically. So it is a little more comfortable that we're further into the project. And I think it also, it also speaks to like what, like the, the things that come right. Like the other, you know, we've talked about warriors in the past.

Like, I think what it does is it sets us up to grow in, in a more organic way. And, and I agree with Dota and alf, I actually think it's the reverse. I think it's anyone who felt like they couldn't even figure out how to buy an N F T or it, it was just too confusing. Like all of a sudden the

Sorcerer Milo: interface just feels like it's more palatable and,

Dotta: um, and I [00:22:00] think I'd rather have more people in.

Buying NFTs in general, like out just outside of Wizards than have, like, these have crazy high prices. I, I want, I want more people being touched by NFTs and digital assets. Yeah. If Coinbase has custodial NFTs, you know? Mm-hmm. I like, I think it's, you know, I think that there's like kind of a question around like, decentralization there that's like interesting.

I think that Coinbase is going to let people like, take their custodial NFTs and put them into their, like, self-study like you can already do with your tokens. So under that kind of assumption, um, you know, custodial NFTs actually is like incredibly convenient. Um, and so like that's a web app that sort of feels natural to kind of people who haven't really used crypto.

It's a lot of steps to buy something on opens sea to say the least. Mm-hmm. Um, and so I'm ho Yeah, I think that's really my hope is it's not, it's, it's less about like, oh, there's gonna be big whales who buy everything up and then like [00:23:00] forgo forego the community and more about like, Actually there's a lot of people who are not as technical yet, but like would still be valuable, like people in our community who will be able to to, to buy and get it their first nft.

That's what I'm hoping.

Cult Member: Yeah. Yeah. I would also say that we gotta be honest about the fact that this combination of like meta mask and open sea, like leaves a lot to be desired. I mean, yeah, a lot of people got ripped off cuz of, I feel like things that meta mask could have done better, um, to protect people.

And then open sea, you know, they're still like for the amount of. Transactions they're doing, they're way understaffed. And I don't know if they're, you know, their support is, I have a, right now an N F T that's stuck, like it's a sandbox land that on chain, it's, the transaction is completed. Mm-hmm. But it's, it's, you know, it's like they, there's no support like, getting back to me cuz I, I, I even hit [00:24:00] up sandbox and they like helped me and they were like, no, this is a, uh, this is a open seat issue.

So it's like, you know, on chain it's, it's ha it's taken place and open seat. It's stuck and, you know, I can understand it taking a week or, or so, but like, come on. So this kind of stuff. So I think this is gonna be disrupted. I think Coinbase is, may or May, may not be ultimately, you know, the, the go-to platform, but certainly is gonna onboard a lot of people.

But in the meantime, I think that probably the way we're trading NFTs now, Is gonna be a lot different a year from now. You know,

Dotta: I think, yeah, I think you're totally right. I, I think a lot of us have probably spent a lot of time on sort of budding technology platforms and, um, I remember when, you know, VR first came out, and I know this is very different, but the solutions tend to find themselves when there's that much friction.

And I think we all agree there's a lot of friction in the current process. So, so open, uh, Coinbase [00:25:00] is basically gand off, swooping in to save Rohan.

Elf: Yeah, it's not,

Dotta: it's not that they won't be without bumps with Coinbase. Right. I mean, they're, they're the only public company in crypto, and so it's like, um, I think they're gonna do a good job though. Of course, it's, they're gonna do it at a really big scale, and so it still be a certain way. And, but I think o on the whole, it's really good for our industry.

Cult Member: Yep. Yeah, I think, uh, everybody likes to be early. We don't like to feel early. It takes a while for things to build. And I think right now we're still very much in our infancy. It's hard to use this stuff and, um, that's gonna warrant in a new, a new era for people to come in. Yep. For

Elf: sure.

Dotta: Yep.

Cult Member: And I would also, let's move on.

I would just add before we move on, that, you know, there's a lot of projects right now that, um, are using some, I don't know, borderline or gray area technomics, that are very attractive in the [00:26:00] marketplace and it drives sales. Um, but, you know, Coinbase is not gonna lift stuff that is, you know, too much in the gray area.

So, um, they, they have that process. So if you remember, like with crypto, you know, it was like this big speculation game of like, You know what, who's gonna get listed next? And it drove like a lot of the market activity. And so I think this is gonna happen with NFTs, you know, who's gonna be listed on, on Coinbase is gonna be a topic of discussion and speculation.

And I think the projects that are running, uh, you know, clean program that have, are about the nft, are about the r are about the story and are less about creating, you know, borderline securities and this kinda stuff are more likely to be listed and those other ones are less

Dotta: likely, you know? Yeah. Yep. For sure.[00:27:00]

Elf: Um, cool guys, well, uh, hammer, you had also asked about the flames, Doda, do you wanna just give some details about the flames? Absolutely,

Dotta: absolutely. Yeah. Yeah. And I just wanna close the con Coinbase conversation, just saying like, I'm super excited about it. The people we've talked there are really good, like, You know, social media can be kind of hard on a big company, especially on like, individuals who are good within a big company.

And so, yeah, the team there has been excellent, you know, and in particular, kind of the, the folks who are wizards, uh, who also have kind of like been a part of the conversation have just been like, really good. So I, I guess I would just say it's like, I'm very, very optimistic about it. So. Okay. Let's talk

Elf: about the flames.

Wait, I think, I think o wanted to say something. Oh, did you have something, please?

Dotta: Yes. Hello?

Sorcerer Milo: No, no, I'm, uh, I, I think it's,

Dotta: it's pass. Okay. Alright. Cool. Okay, so let's talk the flame. So, um, yeah, so the, [00:28:00] um, uh, at, at a high level, the sacred flame is an N F T that was airdropped to the 1000 longest holders and the 100, uh, first people to write in the Book of lore.

The exact numbers are a little bit different than that, but basically, and, uh, what you can do with the flame is you can pair it with a wizard. And if you so choose you on, uh, all halve, you'll be able to burn both the token and burn a wizard, um, for a chance at a forgotten soul. Um, now of course, burning a wizard is dark magic, and so there's always gonna be a risk involved, and in fact, we've quantify those risks.

Your risk of getting an undesirable outcome is about one in 10. So about nine in 10 will receive, uh, a forgotten soul, uh, which is sort of a. Let's say a transmutation of your wizard into something that might be, uh, uh, uh, the same [00:29:00] weakened or maybe even a lot more powerful. Um, and whereas the undesirables, you may, uh, risk burning your wizard and, uh, be left with nearly nothing.

Uh, not precisely nothing. Everyone who burns a wizard will get an N F T in return, but whether or not you find it desirable, uh, that is left up to chance. So that's kind of the, the high level of, um, the, the, the forgotten soul's

Elf: flames. Yeah. Two, two things I would add to that is even though the burning starts on Halloween, there is no end to the burning.

So you can burn a month later if you have a flame. Um, and then also we do use the term undesirable. It's this one in 10, um, thing. The interesting thing about the undesirables though, is it's actually a more rare outcome. So, I have no idea what you guys are actually going to prefer in the end. Um, but that's, that's the way we're

Dotta: describing it at this point.

Sounds like everybody's a winner. [00:30:00]

Elf: I think so. Unless

Dotta: you get an undesirable Well, I mean, someone might like that. You know, I,

Sorcerer Milo: I think I

Dotta: will. Yeah. I actually do. I, I predict that what some may perceive as undesirable, some others will definitely deem

Elf: desirable, right? Yep. It's possible. Totally possible.

Dotta: Hey, people want sea hams.

Yeah. Cool. Uh, Margaret. Margaret and shrew me to the, uh, stage are, I don't know. Um, uh, hammer, did that answer your question about the flames? That was like somewhat high level. Um, if anybody has any questions about the flames, it's a good time. Happy to talk about it. Yep. Oh yeah. Some folks are asking, saying, burning time matters, right?

And the answer is yes. The burning order does matter. I'm not gonna give you any sort of priority on that, but, um, you know, one of the questions people ask in with regards to rarity, um, is also very interesting to think about this mechanic. Um, lemme talk, let's talk a little bit more mechanics here on [00:31:00] souls on.

Sure. Um, so the, uh, the burning order matters, um, you know, internally, uh, the, in terms of your rarity outcome, it also depends on sort of what your fellow wizards decide to burn. Let's say for example, you have, you know, um, a bell, um, how many bells are going to be in the forgotten souls collection? Well, I can't tell you because there are 10,000 wizards and there are 1,112 flames.

So maybe all of the bells will be gathered up and burned in some giant mega wazzer burning festival or, Like, or maybe only one person does. And so like you really can't know, um, what, what, what the rarity entirely is gonna be at the outset. I can't even tell you that because it depends on the wizards who burn, sort of both before you and after you.

Another thing to think of is, of course, that the, [00:32:00] um, uh, that when you burn, uh, both the flame is burned, so there's one fewer flame that exists in the market. Um, the other flames are rarer, I suppose. And also the, uh, the wizard is burned, so there are also fewer wizards as well. So, um, you know, you just sort of need to think through kind of how you, how you feel about burning a wizard, how you think about what your fellow wizards will do.

And that all plays into kind of the rarity of the system.

Okay, so we've got Margaret who come, came up here. We've got, uh, . We've got, uh, well en Chanter Orbis. Hello. Hello, please, happy to have you.

Elf: Welcome guys. Questions? Comments? Yeah. I just had a question,

Dotta: a very important

Elf: question regarding the background color. What happens to that with the, uh, Bernie? Oh, that is a good question and, um, yeah, [00:33:00] let's, okay, well obviously we're not gonna tell you, but, um, when, when even the background, when it passes through a flame, um, The background passes through the flame.

Yeah. Yeah. It gets, yeah, something happens. I'll just say that. Okay. Cause you know, I, I love the red background, so Yeah. I'd be, you know, it'd be a little, it'd be awesome to, to keep that red background.

Dotta: It'll go through a spectrum.

Elf: You get a

Dotta: fiery red background.

Elf: Yeah. I, yeah. You guys will see, you'll see. Um, that's all we can say.

Dotta: Yeah. You might wanna wait and see. Let someone else burn first.

Elf: Uh, Magus uh, Devin of the quantum down. What's up?

Dotta: Uh, yes. Um,

Cult Member: just really briefly, I forgot, I think we've touched on it, uh, the previous week, but, um, the, the Forgotten souls, will they be in the same collection on open sea as [00:34:00] the, as the wizards, or will they be in a separate collection?

Dotta: I think we're, our plan is there'll be a separate collection. Okay. There'll be a different contract, and I think our plan is a separate collection and, you know. Gotcha. Like, presumably we'll like link, we'll, you know, we'll link to them to our website to score even on opens. We'll try to cross-link them. Um, expect we'll get verified before too long.

But yeah. The, the idea, you know, I think the, the idea is that sort of maybe the final number of wizards is going to be something like, you know, um, the 10,000 minus those that are burned and then the souls will be their own collection.

Cult Member: Yep. Okay. That makes sense. Yep. Technically, technically I think Open Sea still lists, burn addressed, uh, items, so the wizard count actually going to change on the collection.

Dotta: Oh, good. Well, we'll, we'll have to ask Coinbase how they deal with it. Ummi,

Elf: what's up? Hey, how's it going guys? Hey. Hey.

Dotta: Good. How are you? Well, thank you. Uh, I was just wondering if there'd be a future utility with the

Sorcerer Milo: Sacred Flames if we didn't [00:35:00] use them.

Elf: You wanna answer that question?

Dotta: Oh, I'm dumb. So, okay.

This is like, I, I'm probably gonna need to write this down. So this maybe comes from, it was like, I don't know, a Wednesday night or something, um, maybe earlier. Where was it? This was like on the, like fifth or sixth. So this was a couple, like a week ago. Um, we were talking to Discord and, uh, somebody, somebody was kind of like, uh, you know, we, we were just like sitting around talking.

It was late, it was like 10 o'clock at night and somebody was like asking, oh, what are the rarities, what are the chances? What are the, like I had just finished working on the Forgotten Souls, uh, in the Flames contract. So I'm like completely in coder mode. And somebody was like, oh, what are the odds that we're gonna get undesirable?

Um, and, uh, and I was, and then someone else was [00:36:00] like, oh, well I assume the probabilities will be baked into the contract, right? Like, we'll just be able to look at the code. We'll just read the code and see the odds of, of getting an undesirable when you're burning. And I'm just like, okay. Like, as if I would make that sort of rookie move, you know, like I'm kind of being like, like, I'm gonna just put the probabilities right in the contract for everyone to see.

That's like, so obviously something I'm not gonna do. Um, so I'm very much like thinking about this fact of like the odds and the use. And I just written the contract saying that like, you know, I'm not gonna put these obvious things in the code. Um, and I'm saying like, oh, the rarity will depend on these other things.

And people are like, yeah, there's a ton of factors to play, which makes it really fun. And then I come out with. The good news is, is that the flames will be good for burning more than just wizards. That's what I said. And then the discord really responded quite bigly to that. And I thought, oh, no, what did I just say?

Uh, because in my mind I was making, [00:37:00] um, like a technical claim, which is the following, which is the, uh, burning souls contract. So one, the, the flames are a, um, e r c 1155 token that are burnable, which means you can burn that token anytime you choose. And anybody can write a contract that can accept that token.

It doesn't have to be me, it can be anybody. Um, and also when I'm writing the Forgotten Souls contract, I am coding it so that other projects could, in theory, accept a flame, uh, and return a forgotten soul. Now, We don't have any other specific plans. We haven't really talked about it. We don't have anything on the calendar.

It might never ever happen, but you will see when I deploy the code, a public fact that the forgotten souls and the flames [00:38:00] could technically be used for something else. But that said, I, what happened that night was I made, I was trying to make a technical claim and I, what I did is I made like a lore and a mechanic's claim, which was dumb.

So I guess to answer your question is maybe technically possible, but we have no plans for any future utility besides burning souls. Anything to add to

Elf: that el? I would say if you have a flame, use it to burn a wizard, cuz we have no plans to use it for anything else. If you just wanna hold onto it because you think it's a neat relic to have.

Then just keep it for that reason, but don't keep it because you think we're gonna use it for something else in the future.

Dotta: That's it.

Elf: Uh, Margaret, what's up?

Dotta: Hi, everybody. Uh, nice to see you. Um, nice to see you. I, yeah, I [00:39:00] good to see you. I cool. I just wanted to make, uh, a comment that, you know, in terms of Laura, I'm really excited about what Laura people are going to make about the flame, um, and their wizards. Um, yep. Because, you know, there could be wizards that voluntarily go to the flame.

There could be wizards that are involuntarily thrown right into

Elf: the flame.

Sorcerer Milo: There could be

Dotta: lore, uh, from the souls. Who, who were burned. Um, and so I just wanted to put out a call. Um, I'm very interested in writing poems around the, the Sacred Flame and the Burn Mechanic. Uh, so if anybody is interested in that, uh, please bring your most creative ideas to me, uh, because I just think all of these new mechanics, they're, they're useful in terms of deflationary aspect and you know, kind of a new gambling aspect to the project.

But really with a project like this, it's the [00:40:00] Laura that's gonna make it interesting. And, and so yeah, I'm just really looking forward to what people come up with. Yes, I saw people in Discord say, ah, I wanna write some lore, but I don't have, uh, any good ideas on what to say or how to do it. I would say reach out to Margaret.

She, um, you know, there are several people, of course, who do commissions, which you can find on our commission page. But, you know, first up, reach out to Margaret, she can help you, uh, develop the lore for your character and the, um, Uh, also something to know about the lore with, um, with the burning is a couple of things.

Before you burn your wizard, you can write lore. So for example, if you have a story of how your wizard was thrown involuntarily, um, then you need to write that actually before you burn, because after you burn your wizard, that wizard token is burned, which means you will no longer be able to write lore about that wizard when you burn, the process of burning will automatically write an [00:41:00] entry, an ending to your wizard story in the book of lore.

Um, and you will be able to write lore about your, uh, soul after they've been burned. But of course, if you have a pile of dust, what lore can be written about a pile of dust?

Elf: Did you just give away one of the undesirables? I'm just saying in theory. No, it's okay. Um, but no, Margaret brings up an interesting question because, um, we've got a, a storyboard, uh, that it's gonna, that's gonna be coming out about the burning.

Um, it's going to, it, it's, it's gonna serve as sort of like a preview, um, of, of what the burning is about. And like, like one of the things I was thinking about when I was writing the soul story is like, okay, are the wizards voluntarily burning themselves or are they being thrown onto the pie? What's, how's it gonna work out?

And, and I think ultimately in, in my story, I didn't really say one way or [00:42:00] another because I think every wizard owner is gonna have a different reason for burning their wizards. So it's an interest, it's an interesting question.

Dotta: Go ahead. I'll go. Yeah, that's really good to know that there's going to be some openness there. Um, and it's good to clarify that it's not like everybody who's burning is in the lore point of view, walking to a specific place and jumping into a specific fire at a specific place like these flames. This could happen in somebody's bedroom.

This could happen where somebody's walking on the road and gets overlaid by some highway men and chucked into the fire. So I'm really glad to see that those options are there. Um, yep. And I will take that on


Elf: Awesome.

Cult Member: Yeah, the, the way that I can think of it as this is like, kind of like a, like somewhat of maybe like a ceremonial kind of thing, and then like wizards can have the truth to do it themselves, or some of them may [00:43:00] be, you know, pushed into it by somebody who wants to see what the result is and such.

So it's kind of up to your own wizards interpretation, but kind of like these flames are in, in

Dotta: the world and

Cult Member: we can use them as they wish knowing what the results could possibly be. Yeah.

Elf: I,

Dotta: I almost see them as, as a way of a will to power. Um, I was, I've been looking into like aesthetic practices in the past and dude, there's some people that went to bizarre lengths to achieve like, you know, that higher aspect of perception and monks set themselves on fire into bed, dude, like this kind of shit is known.

Elf: Yeah. There's so much room for lore. Yep. Absolutely. Cool. Speaking of lo. Am I echoing? Speaking of lore, we can hear you. You're good?

Dotta: Yep. Thank you. Oh, okay. Yeah, we dropped a character sheet a little while ago, so if you are finding yourself having a little bit of challenge coming up with your character or your wizard, [00:44:00] the character behind your wizard, I'm gonna drop the link to the character sheet in the secret tower.

Elf: Yes. Lochness this great guy. Yeah. Lochness, I forgot you did that. I'm gonna put that in the blog post. Um, this is a good segue. So, yeah, so first of all, if you don't know, Lochness made this really cool. Um, it sort of looks like the a Dungeons and Dragons character sheet. Um, and it's just like, You know, it, it's, it's great for people who don't know how to like, start writing about their character.

Like, just fill out this sheet and it'll, it'll, it'll be a good, like, template for you to use. Um, so yeah, we'll definitely get that out there. That was Loch's idea. It's super cool. Um, but yeah, it's a good, it's a good segue to the next topic I wanted to talk touch on, which is we, um, just gave our website a big revamp.

Um, biggest reason being is like we knew this Coinbase news was coming down the pipe. Um, we knew that we would get a lot of new, uh, [00:45:00] people coming into the project. And so we wanted the website to look much more presentable than it was. We streamlined the information, we gave it a new coat of paint, we gave it a better font pairing.

Um, and Dota and I both wrote a bunch of new blog posts, um, more blog posts to come, uh, One of the blog posts that I wrote recently was, um, how to Access, access All the Wizard Goodies. Um, and so it teaches you how to get your turnarounds, the it teaches about the Good Morning Generator. Um, and then this morning I added to it.

Uh, so I wanna give a quick shout out to, um, uh, S P Z, um, SORC Ilia of the Faye, and then of course Oz Osma, bro. Yeah. Um, those two guys made this amazing new tool that you can use in our discord that will give you a portrait of your wizard on these awesome little [00:46:00] frames. Um, uh, it's, it's in, it's in the blog post how to do it, but basically you just type in exclamation point, mugshot and then your wizard number.

Um, it's just so freaking awesome. And what I love about it is like, I didn't make it. Dota didn't make it. Our cult members made it. Um, yeah. And so, yeah, so I, I expect there's gonna be a lot more wizard goodies in the future. Um, and so, and then, so circling back to what Lochness just said, I will also put this little d and d character sheet in that Wizard goody blog post.

Dotta: Um, and, and this

Elf: is a, oh, I was just gonna say, I think S PZ also wants to share some lore before we end today. But, uh, but yeah, go ahead, Doda. I was just

Dotta: gonna say it's a good time for Wizard Shoutouts. We need a bell. I need a bell for wizard shoutouts. We need Magus Wasier to ring the bell. Yeah. Magus wasier.

Unmute your microphone and get a bell. Just ring a bell

Elf: at,

Dotta: so first off, [00:47:00] I wanna shout out to Chuck for translating the blur brand new post that we wrote into Japanese. Thank you so much for that. It's a huge thing. Um, yeah. I think also shout out to me Wesier with a functioning cobalt game. Wow. I love it.


Elf: That was amazing. Yeah.

Dotta: I super, I like we need a 4 0 4 page and like, I mean, it was a little slow for me to load, so maybe we have to like refactor it a bit, but like, I love something like that for the 4 0 4 page. We should talk about it. Um, Yeah, you wanna do a couple of shout outs while we're here?

Elf: Sure. Yeah. Um, uh, user Twitter, user, uh, beer van Gear, uh, did this awesome. Or I think he commissioned a really great piece of artwork for his, uh, wizard Davos. Um, it looks like a Thundercats character to me, which was one of my favorite cartoons as as a kid. Um, and then, um, uh, Twitter user at Solo Keep, uh, Sage Solomon of the Keep did this awesome.

Like [00:48:00] basically these images, these psychedelic images of what his wizard would look like if he drank his psychedelic nectar. Um, and then Small Protect did a brilliant Legend of Zelda meme. Uh, it's dangerous to go alone. Take this. Uh, showing the Dota wizard giving a flame to another wizard. Switch

Dotta: on that, by the way.

I, well, I can't, I can't, I don't know if people wanna stay in dollar. What? But I heard at least three separate stories in our discord of a wizard giving another wizard their flame, which is like, incredible, right? Like, and this wasn't like even on just, you know, the day where the flames were like really cheap.

I mean, they never got so cheap, but like, this is like full on. Just like giving another wizard their flame, even when there's like a clear secondary market for it. I thought it was a real act of generosity. I mean, oh, it's, I don't wanna say who they were, but it was, I, I just, you just love to see that between the members of our cult.

Elf: Yeah, the, the flames are trading at like over one eth and people are just like giving them to other people. Amazing. It's [00:49:00] beautiful. Yeah. General listening. Yeah. It's so great. Um, and then, uh, the, the infamous mega Tumba Tumba, which I think is Ze Soul, um, made an awesome Mickey Mouse Sorcerer Apprentice Wizard Wednesday, or no, a a, a Wame meme, which was great.

Um, and then, uh, uh, hi Boyd, um, has been doing those amazing tavern scenes, which I just love every time, especially because they have, uh, Doda Jo and my portrait hanging in the tavern. Mm mm-hmm. Um, and then, uh, ticky techie dot eth did what I thought was a wooden wizard, but it's actually a plastic 3D printed wizard.

Dotta: Oh, I love it.

Elf: Yeah, that was great. Super. I, I think it's the first 3D printed wizard I've seen. Yep. Um, and then, um, Kyle Neil Palmer. Yeah. We did those awesome, uh, illustrations of the familiars. Yeah. Um, they looked like neo pets to [00:50:00] me, which I thought was perfect. Um, and I'm gonna use this as a very quick su segueway, um, to bring in Scientology because I don't know if you guys knew this, but I think Scientology like bot neo pets and like corrupted it.

But then the real segue I wanna make is I want to ask Doda a question. Oh, no. And I love asking Doda random questions that I haven't even prepared him for. So, Doda, um, the Church of Scientology is a tax exempt organization and they're extremely rich because of it. Do you think we could make our cult also tax exempt?

Dotta: Oh

Elf: man. I mean, if Scientology can do it, why can't we? Right?

Dotta: Yeah. Do we have, like, does Doah have a one phone call to make like, to the lawyers to

Sorcerer Milo: get

Dotta: some answers? Get like Yeah, get like a religious exemption. Exactly. I know we might need like, some more traditions.

Elf: Well, I mean, we certainly have a big cult.

It's [00:51:00] uh, yep. I mean, I, it's way cooler than Scientology, so I, you know, don't, I think you need to look into that. There's,

Dotta: there's church spaghetti Monster can get a religious exemption. I'm sure we can. Yeah.

Elf: There's actually per day,

Dotta: there's so many Easter eggs within the collection too that, that we could totally like pull some shit off like that.

Elf: Yeah. So, yeah. So thanks. Retired your yield farmer for giving me an idea of how to make us tax exempted. Um, cool. Okay, so, um, s pz, are you, are you in the chat?

Dotta: I don't, I'm not sure if I see you. I have him in the dms, but I don't know where he is. We have a weekly meeting. What's that ness? We have a weekly meeting.

Spz, I've got 'em in the chat. Let me see. Uh, are you ready to give your lawyer?

Well, maybe we just keep on moving on while we wait. Yeah,

Elf: yeah, yeah. I, so yeah. Uh, we'll, as we wait [00:52:00] for s Spz, another blog post that I'm in the process of writing is just a whole blog post talking about the idea of decentralized world building, um, the collaborative legendary, as I like to call it. Um, so he's coming up.

Oh, great. Yeah, just, just to put a button on that. Um, cuz I know a lot of, like our mods in our discord, the sages, they, they, they've had to like, answer this question a thousand times to newcomers. So I wanna be able to have a blog post that you can just share a link to and explain it. Um, but, uh, s pz are you, are you ready?

Am I, uh, can you guys hear me?

Sorcerer Milo: Yes.

Dotta: Yeah, you sound great. Oh,

Sorcerer Milo: fantastic. Okay, great. Hey guys.

Elf: Wow. Before

Dotta: you get in, I just wanna say great work on that portrait bot. Ah,

Elf: so amazing. Yes. Yes. The mugshot. Fun. So good. Yeah.

Sorcerer Milo: Yeah. Thanks guys. It's, I love a good opportunity to create something that, uh, that's useful for myself and everybody else.

So that was, uh, that was fun.

Elf: Thank you so [00:53:00] much. That's great. Yeah.

Sorcerer Milo: All right, cool. So, um,

Dotta: I was wondering, do we have time for two quick lores?

Elf: Maybe we got about 10 minutes. We can go over a little bit if you, if you need to. Yeah,

Sorcerer Milo: I just ask cuz I actually, I have two wizards or three wizards now, but I actually, the first wizard that I ever found, I wrote lore for before I even got a wizard, like probably two months ago.

Great. And, uh, you guys spoke about how, how great this community is and, and I actually tracked down the guy that owns it on the Discord, uh, and he gave it to me.

Elf: Wow. Wow. That's amazing. So,

Sorcerer Milo: so I was like, wow. Uh, that's ladder rattles by the way. I promised I would not shout 'em out, but I'm, I'm gonna do it anyways.

No, he's cool with it. So, um, should I just, uh, go ahead and start reading that one then? Maybe it's please. Yeah. It's quite quick.

Elf: La ladies and gentlemen. Sorcerer, ilias of the fray of the fay of the, of the fray.

Sorcerer Milo: Faye, I mean, right, right. So I'm gonna start with actually, uh, sh [00:54:00] um, what's his name? Um, Soer, um, Milo from the Abyss.

Great. So I got this, this is, this is the first wizard that I found and I just immediately vibed with him. So I just sat down and like wrote. Um, and I'm so happy to have him now that I'm gonna put this in the, in the book of lore. But, um, so I like to preface my, my lore with like a, like a prologue and maybe like a quote from within the same universe.

Kind of stolen that from some of my favorite authors. Uh, so that's where I'm gonna start. My low prologue. It is a well-known F. It is a well-known fact, or if nothing else, a widely shared belief that the eyes are the windows to the soul. Since the dawn of time, man has thus weighed, judged, and thereby taken measure of character based on the briefest of glances or deepest of stares.

A good man they would say has eyes from which projects an earnest depth of empathy and decency. While a man of questionable intent intentions, even one whose so could be said to be draped in the shroud of evil, should undoubtedly be betrayed by the twin fires subtly [00:55:00] shining from the depths of their dark eyes.

Further, there are those who would insist the most painless way to divine the cast from which his soul was forged. Whether one of purity and light, or of corruption and darkness lies simply in observing the face as a whole, the eyes to be sure, but also the lines worn from smiles of plenty, or frown from anguish and anger.

The twists of crow's feet from a lifetime of laughs, or the firm downcast lines of lips more attuned to discontent. Avoid disciple voor. Okay, so that's the intro. Milo's eyes had always been kind his cheeks, an intricate map of lines, Wellar from countless smiles and smirks the corners of his gentle eyes, webbed and wrinkled.

Most who had cast their glances on his amicable grandfatherly face would agree that these are the eyes of a kind man. This is the face of honesty and empathy. Of course, most who had the experience, a misfortune of locking eyes with Milo were now dead. Fluttering in and out of the dark corners of the shadowed room.

Fluffy was [00:56:00] busy inspecting and seeking out the occasional ill-fated insect. For small rodent, the small purple bat would make certain that there would be no unexpected visitors. This night, at least none left alive. He censored like a constant comfort in the back of his head, nestled against the subconscious.

Imagining his familiars joy should anyone deserve them Here Milo allowed himself a faw chuckle and turned back to the center of the cold room once again, scrutinizing the altar. He was ordinary enough with the reminiscent, um, more reminiscent of a stone slab than something arcane aside, perhaps from the small revance carved out of the surface and the worn symbols barely noticeable running along its sides.

However, the naked body strapped down and stretched taut against the fritted stone was anything but ordinary. As he slowly approached his kindly eyes running up and down the large figure, he abs absent Minorly channeled the room of Mars. The crimson shaped flaring to life immediately casting the broom in a hellish light with his favorite death Spell now an [00:57:00] incantation away.

Sor Milo from the abyss. Slowly stroke towards the altar, still smiling to himself. End.

Elf: Awesome. That was great.

Dotta: Yeah.

Sorcerer Milo: All right, cool. Uh, so that, that was my, that was my first, that was the first one that I wrote. Uh, so I'm just gonna jump quickly ahead to, to sourcer, uh, Elias of the Fay. Uh, and I'm kind of, I, I, I'd like to bring my, my stories together, uh, for my wizards and, um, I would encourage anybody who wants to, to join in or, or do the same, to, to, to reach out.

I'm looking at the chat. Sorry, laterals. All right. Source your lives of the Faye. Again, I'm gonna start with the sort of, uh, introduction type thing, right? So prologue. Having had the great misfortune of spending what surely must be an eternity on the company of the gin by return to the mundane world with all its trappings, the hubub and hustle of material needs and [00:58:00] wants seems tinged by frivolity and introspection.

And while this somewhat superficial state of existence can in many ways feel rote and predictable, there still exists an intangible element of entropy, of the unexpected, of a certain excitement of the unknown. Thus, I have come to believe it surely must be a curse to pass each day as though reading from matone, well-known every passing moment spent expecting the next, knowing the shape it will take, the form it shall follow, the sensation it will stir, and yet forced to make certain to be sure that yes, indeed things have come to pass as expected.

Add in, perhaps add naum, musings, unclears, origin, unknown.

Dotta: The forest was silent,

Sorcerer Milo: too. Silent high above the waxing moon. Safe in its eternal vigil, perched among the stars, shown down through the occasional break in the verdant canopy. No predator, eyes of glow and belly empty was on the hunt. No praise scurrying from cover [00:59:00] to cover.

The softly illuminating clouds of fluorescent insects were nowhere to be seen, nor thek normally unable to withstand such a glorious feast upon which to gorge themselves to census mundane, the world was indeed empty of life. Abandoned Barron. Elias was shackled by no such with strengths, his eyes and ears telling a different tale.

Nope, the Faye were not gone, nor had they ever been. He could feel their ethereal presence. They were. However, perhaps for the first time in an age experiencing something novel, the Fay were afraid. He had known of course that this day would eventually come. This time passed. However, the cosmos is, continues.

Its heavenly dance. Mountains rose proud to ultimately succumb to inevitable erosion. Oceans, greedily consumed ever moving outwards, listlessly entire peoples, along with their gods came and went. Ancient endings, new beginnings as it always had been. Indulgence. Elias Muse Riley [01:00:00] was a distraction he had enjoyed for far too long and one he could no longer afford.

Shaking loose is splendid and colorful cloak and letting it play lazily in the sudden breeze. He raised his arms high, as if in supplication to the heavens. As his crystal ball manifested in his outstretched hand, covered in a fine mist, he drew deep on his squint. Essential affinity for magic. Out from the tall trunks, dark wings flapping silently, twin eyes glowing like embers, his eternal familiar approached lazily.

The time has come. My friend, he exclaimed and Oh, dallying. Now you old rat. The fate of the Faye nay, the fate of the world depends on us.

Elf: I love it, man. I, I love how you, your wizard is like using his, his magical item and his, um, familiar and I love how he calls his familiar. You old

Dotta: rat. It's a very elegant riding style man.

God, thank

Elf: you. Totally. Thank you. Yeah. Wow. [01:01:00] Yes. Very sophisticated riding style. Absolutely.

Sorcerer Milo: Appreciate it. Sorry if it's a bit stumbling. It's, uh, it's nearly midnight here in the cold, uh, Scandinavian North.

Elf: Oh wow. So you really are out in the fey. Yep. Awesome. Very cool. Thank you Soer Ilias. That was great.

Um, thank you. Um, very cool. Okay, so we have like maybe two minutes left. Do we have any other, other, uh, questions, comments, uh, comments on sorcerer, alia's lore?

Dotta: No. I have some comments on the Coinbase thing. Last thing, I, my girlfriend is starting to get it. When I sold Pazo, dude, she lost her shit. So I think it's starting to, it's starting to get through, so, man, that didn't, that made be

Elf: bullish, so, yeah.

Wait, was she, was she upset? You sold him or? Yeah. She was like,

Dotta: what the fuck? Yeah, she was, I told her, I told her I love her. I love [01:02:00] her.

Elf: Yeah. Well, um, I mean, Pezo was a, was a great wizard. He was in a lot of good memes. I re I re I'll miss him too. I, I don't know who has him now. Well, I, I wanted

Dotta: to get a tablet to start doing like digital art to take on for like world building and whatnot.

Um, we're trying to put together a server to, uh, to like anybody in the community that wanted to like, pitch in on it once you got the blog

Elf: post. Gotcha. Okay. Right on. Right on. Um, well Pedro, we'll be good. We also did a blog

Dotta: post. We also did a blog post on our principles. Um, so I think these things are really like almost cliches to everyone who's, who's been around and been around for a while.

Um, but, you know, hopefully we can kind of codify 'em, write them down, pick out these ideas that kind of define our community and if you guys have ideas for principles that should be on there that aren't, um, you know, we can, we can talk about it and add them, but yeah, the four principles I have, there are wizards are for everyone.[01:03:00]

Like Wizard by wizard, lower not floor and hours over official. And so, you know, I'm happy to talk about those things, but I think we're bit out of time today maybe.

Elf: Yeah, no, no, that, that deserves a f a full wizard Wednesday, so let's not throw it in at the last minute. Um, but yeah, it's, it's definitely a great post.

Um, absolutely. Yeah.

Dotta: So I think, you know, if there are any that you guys feel that I'm missing, let's talk about 'em in Discord, cuz I'm sure that this is just the beginning of, of these kinds of ideas.

Elf: Great. Okay, everybody. Well if that's all the questions and comments, uh, this has been Elf

Dotta: and Dota and

Elf: Bear, snake and Lochness, n o n and Magus.

Devon and Sorc, Elis and everybody in the cult

Dotta: except Masier. Vitalic

Elf: Vitalic. Don't blow his cover. Totally. The one who rings is Vitalic. Butrin, [01:04:00] guys, uh, channeling out from the quantum down. Good night everybody. Good night everybody.

Dotta: Bye-bye.