Stumpy Goat Herder

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Stumpy Goat Herder
Stumpy Goat Herder (Basic) by Bkk_Bros

Stumpy Goat Herder is a card in the Runes Trading Card Game with a Potency of 3


These compact dogs assist their shepherd owners in the domestication of wild goats, specifically the Null Goat. They are bred to blend in with the herd and have superior night vision to assist in wrangling wandering goats during the night, and enjoy nipping goats’ heels to keep them in line. Their short stature gives them extra stability on steep mountain inclines and their stocky build and thick coats are resistant to inclement mountain weather. “Magic won’t budge a Null Goat, but a nip in the heels oughta do the trick!”

— Tania Del Rio