Wizard Honoraries
Rogue Mage Andy (7)
Bunny Wizard Bernardo (8)
Prismatic Magi Braindraind (9)
Edge Arcanist Artchick (10)
Crow Master Claire Sliver (11)
The Wizard Empress (12)
3D Wizz DeeZe (13)
Cat Wizard El Crypto Ball (14)
Arcanist EyesTeethFlesh (15)
Supa Wizz 9272 (72)
Master Ape Gfunk (17)
Cartomancer Fiskantes (18)
Master of Spots Hunter (19)
Punk Rock Arcanist Joey (20)
Loop Master Loopify (21)
Necromancer ManuelDaMoon (22)
Alien Arcanist Marlo of the Cosmos (23)
Philosopher Nietzsche of the Mountain (24)
Necromancer Nikita (25)
Fortune Master Oxelrod (26)
Great Old One 0xmon (27)
The Great and Magical UserGnome (28)
Necromancer LeggoMyGreggo (29)
Great Old One Andolini (30)