Discord Bots
The Discord has a variety of bots. To use them, join the #wiz-bots channel in Discord
For example, let's use Adept Carly of the Wood (32) who's id number is 32. To make her say GM, type:
!gm and the wizard id number like this:
!gm 32
And you'll get this:

All Commands
Here are all the commands currently available:
!gm wizid (An image of your Wizard saying GM)
!pic wizid (Original Wizard NFT artwork)
!mug wizid (Mugshot of wizard with randomized background and frame)
!walk wizid (Animated Wizard walk cycle)
!fam wizid (Animated Wizard and familiar walk cycle right)
!famr wizid (Animated Wizard and familiar walk cycle left)
!walkfam wizid (Animated familiar walk cycle)
!mount wizid ponyid (Mount a wizard on a Pony)
!rip wizid (In memorandum)
!lore wizid (Link to wizard lore)
!flame (Sacred Flame info)
!d20 (Roll 20 sided dice)
!dice (Roll any-sided dice)
!ponywalk ponyid (show a pony walking)
!ponyride wizid ponyid (see a wiz riding a pony)
!sponyride soulid ponyid (see a soul riding a pony)
!say wizid any phrase (see Wizard saying something)