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In the Runiverse

The Bloodfalls is located in the eastern part of the known Runiverse. It lies just east of Asphodel Meadows and just south of Torment Manor.

Spilling forth from Torment Manor, the Blood Falls are a dark red water which froth and churn into a horrid lake below. The horrifying prospect that the falls are indeed composed of blood is enough to keep most away, but some believe the red color is merely an illusion and trick of the light filtered through the misty atmosphere. The Blood Falls attract a special breed of ghoul from the boglands, and the notorious Ghoul of Infinite Bloodlust is believed to gorge here every night.

The Bloodfalls
The Bloodfalls

Forgotten Runiverse Game

The Bloodfalls is located at (x, y) in the game. To get there, head due east from the origin.