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(11 intermediate revisions by 2 users not shown)
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rect 2191 1653 2275 1701 [[Mt Kirama|Mt Kirama]]
rect 150 696 344 864 [[The Great Blue Water|The Great Blue Water]]
rect 532 1002 680 1100 [[The Court of Chaos Magic|The Court of Chaos Magic]]
rect 510 1154 624 1228 [[Purple Wizard Pavilion|Purple Wizard Pavilion]]
rect 436 1234 536 1280 [[Donut Atoll|Donut Atoll]]
rect 632 1228 730 1296 [[Merlin's Tower|Merlin's Tower]]
rect 834 1130 976 1188 [[The Salt|The Salt]]
rect 1020 1206 1152 1286 [[The Corperation HQ|The Corperation HQ]]
rect 1178 1258 1272 1346 [[Aldo's Isle|Aldo's Isle]]
rect 788 820 978 976 [[The Alchemist's Archipelego|The Alchemist's Archipelego]]
rect 1034 730 1174 792 [[Cumberland|Cumberland]]
rect 914 656 1002 720 [[The Windfields|The Windfields]]
rect 1216 640 1302 708 [[Brown Hat Delta|Brown Hat Delta]]
rect 1148 576 1264 634 [[The Watermill|The Watermill]]
rect 1040 544 1146 600 [[Duckwood|Duckwood]]
rect 598 484 820 540 [[Buffkin Plains|Buffkin Plains]]
rect 570 564 666 654 [[Drok's Hollow|Drok's Hollow]]
rect 832 442 950 510 [[Honor Mountain|Honor Mountain]]
rect 1170 440 1280 520 [[Duck Alliance Headquarters|Duck Alliance Headquarters]]
poly 886 361 896 415 1118 339 1076 293 1057 291 [[The Highlands|The Highlands]]
rect 1098 252 1204 312 [[Penguin Capital|Penguin Capital]]
rect 1216 326 1326 384 [[Hot Springs|Hot Springs]]
rect 1280 156 1378 232 [[The Fjords|The Fjords]]
poly 1387 259 1335 440 1409 459 1433 229 1392 229 [[The Expanse|The Expanse]]
rect 1460 168 1580 222 [[Ice Mage Bay|Ice Mage Bay]]
rect 1634 136 1720 208 [[The Fey|The Fey]]
rect 1700 240 1768 288 [[Crystal Caves|Crystal Caves]]
rect 1828 314 1914 374 [[Skeleton Mines|Skeleton Mines]]
rect 1852 514 1990 596 [[White Wizard Tower|White Wizard Tower]]
rect 1718 604 1822 648 [[The Atelier|The Atelier]]
rect 1364 610 1484 658 [[Rabbit Lake|Rabbit Lake]]
rect 1496 646 1678 692 [[The Emerald Forest|The Emerald Forest]]
rect 1764 704 1854 770 [[Elysian Gates|Elysian Gates]]
rect 2124 602 2186 670 [[Avalon|Avalon]]
poly 1981 626 1959 664 2162 740 2179 698 2175 696 [[Elysian Fields|Elysian Fields]]
rect 2278 572 2462 638 [[Peryton Wood|Peryton Wood]]
rect 1876 780 1986 846 [[Cuckoo Land and the Psychic Leap|Cuckoo Land and the Psychic Leap]]
rect 1714 782 1810 834 [[The Infinity Veil|The Infinity Veil]]
rect 1578 788 1692 862 [[Blue Wizard Bastion|Blue Wizard Bastion]]
rect 1712 866 1776 898 [[The Fey|The Fey]]
rect 1654 906 1756 956 [[Cabinet of Curiosities|Cabinet of Curiosities]]
rect 1670 968 1776 1012 [[The Carnival Pass|The Carnival Pass]]
rect 1508 996 1634 1054 [[Hedge Wizard Wood|Hedge Wizard Wood]]
rect 1780 996 1876 1040 [[Frog Master Marsh|Frog Master Marsh]]
rect 1878 864 2022 908 [[Hue Master's Pass|Hue Master's Pass]]
rect 1946 912 2070 944 [[The Toadstools|The Toadstools]]
rect 1904 944 2028 994 [[Vampyre Mist|Vampyre Mist]]
rect 1976 998 2090 1064 [[Vampyre Castle|Vampyre Castle]]
rect 1872 1060 1968 1104 [[The Thorn|The Thorn]]
rect 1390 756 1546 794 [[Valley of the Gnosstics|Valley of the Gnosstics]]
rect 1302 756 1390 800 [[The Sacred Pillars|The Sacred Pillars]]
rect 1176 806 1264 854 [[The Weird House|The Weird House]]
rect 1184 860 1280 898 [[The Secret Tower|The Secret Tower]]
rect 1396 828 1456 858 [[Bear Cave|Bear Cave]]
rect 1456 794 1578 830 [[Gate to the Seventh Realm|Gate to the Seventh Realm]]
rect 1352 866 1490 888 [[Dream Master Lake|Dream Master Lake]]
rect 1284 886 1362 910 [[Starbridge|Starbridge]]
rect 1276 914 1346 950 [[Skylord Rookery|Skylord Rookery]]
rect 1264 954 1370 1016 [[Blacksand|Blacksand]]
rect 1386 940 1468 988 [[Fur Gnome Wold|Fur Gnome Wold]]
rect 1350 1026 1428 1092 [[Kobold's Crossroad|Kobold's Crossroad]]
rect 1266 1056 1330 1112 [[Omega Oxbow|Omega Oxbow]]
rect 1124 1000 1224 1096 [[Red Wizard Capital|Red Wizard Capital]]
rect 1148 1116 1246 1202 [[Calista's Citadel|Calista's Citadel]]
rect 1316 1152 1442 1234 [[Alessar's Keep|Alessar's Keep]]
rect 1590 1150 1682 1224 [[Kelpie's Bay|Kelpie's Bay]]
rect 1372 1278 1468 1328 [[Asmodeus's Surf|Asmodeus's Surf]]
poly 1551 867 1478 922 1502 973 1632 916 1603 873 1560 867 [[The Wild|The Wild]]
rect 1538 1244 1680 1300 [[Chronomancer's Riviera|Chronomancer's Riviera]]
rect 1496 1320 1620 1372 [[Chronomancer's Citadel|Chronomancer's Citadel]]
rect 1656 1302 1762 1352 [[Yellow Wizard Haven|Yellow Wizard Haven]]
rect 1638 1366 1738 1400 [[Atlanta's Pool|Atlanta's Pool]]
rect 1312 1434 1422 1514 [[Green Wizard City|Green Wizard City]]
rect 1656 1692 1744 1728 [[East Veild|East Veild]]
rect 1614 1570 1702 1630 [[Mandrake Vale|Mandrake Vale]]
rect 1466 1630 1556 1698 [[Banana Groves|Banana Groves]]
rect 1304 1742 1392 1802 [[Bugbear Boonies|Bugbear Boonies]]
rect 1498 1770 1628 1886 [[Summoner's Cove|Summoner's Cove]]
rect 1788 1606 2058 1712 [[The Baobabs|The Baobabs]]
poly 1782 1725 1760 1762 1905 1816 1918 1763 [[The Veld|The Veld]]
rect 1966 1754 2050 1800 [[West Veld|West Veld]]
rect 1978 1854 2084 1920 [[Hall of Cats|Hall of Cats]]
rect 1772 1928 1902 2030 [[Wolf Dungeon|Wolf Dungeon]]
rect 2240 1908 2386 1992 [[Kaiju Bay|Kaiju Bay]]
rect 2222 1720 2376 1782 [[Lake of Lanterns|Lake of Lanterns]]
rect 2094 1560 2200 1628 [[The Cock's Comb Ridge|The Cock's Comb Ridge]]
poly 1869 1486 1835 1522 1862 1559 2013 1518 1986 1456 [[The Sand|The Sand]]
rect 1812 1354 1908 1406 [[Muscle Mountain|Muscle Mountain]]
rect 1912 1356 1990 1440 [[Great Owl Obelisk|Great Owl Obelisk]]
rect 2042 1400 2142 1472 [[Zaros Oasis|Zaros Oasis]]
rect 2258 1340 2340 1412 [[Peyote Button Runes|Peyote Button Runes]]
rect 2312 1424 2440 1480 [[Ascension Key Caves|Ascension Key Caves]]
rect 2254 1508 2374 1572 [[Manticore Valley|Manticore Valley]]
rect 2426 1508 2538 1582 [[Mount Titan|Mount Titan]]
rect 2402 1590 2490 1624 [[Salt Flats|Salt Flats]]
rect 1750 1142 1862 1214 [[Goblin Town|Goblin Town]]
rect 1714 1244 1814 1294 [[BattleMage Mountains|BattleMage Mountains]]
rect 1870 1264 1972 1318 [[The Cave of the Platonic Shadow|The Cave of the Platonic Shadow]]
rect 1974 1242 2068 1284 [[Valley of the Void Disciple|Valley of the Void Disciple]]
poly 1938 1177 1884 1205 1883 1243 1914 1243 2138 1130 2106 1108 [[The Quantum Shadow|The Quantum Shadow]]
rect 2100 1078 2178 1114 [[Solomon's Tomb|Solomon's Tomb]]
rect 2158 1000 2216 1050 [[Mount Umbra|Mount Umbra]]
rect 2214 932 2290 978 [[Asphodel Meadows|Asphodel Meadows]]
rect 2250 990 2358 1030 [[Eternal Echo Cavern|Eternal Echo Cavern]]
rect 2208 1080 2292 1126 [[Black Mountains|Black Mountains]]
rect 2228 1134 2330 1182 [[Ghoulish Boglands|Ghoulish Boglands]]
rect 2316 928 2390 972 [[Bloodfalls|Bloodfalls]]
rect 2410 892 2522 956 [[Torment Manor|Torment Manor]]
circle 3043 903 47 [[Egg Island|Egg Island]]
rect 2672 1012 2782 1068 [[Goat Grasslands|Goat Grasslands]]
rect 2784 1014 2902 1098 [[Lenora's Lighthouse|Lenora's Lighthouse]]
rect 2484 1062 2564 1152 [[Forest of the Imps|Forest of the Imps]]
rect 2668 1104 2786 1206 [[The Unicorn Gardens|The Unicorn Gardens]]
rect 2544 1206 2666 1254 [[Chroma Crystal Row|Chroma Crystal Row]]
rect 2590 1320 2648 1374 [[Cactus Patch|Cactus Patch]]
rect 2662 1312 2772 1372 [[Hatcyon Sanctum|Hatcyon Sanctum]]
rect 2634 1418 2726 1496 [[Obsidian City|Obsidian City]]
rect 2806 1368 2900 1440 [[Raptor Caye|Raptor Caye]]
rect 2712 1656 2782 1736 [[Fort Turtle|Fort Turtle]]
rect 2758 1740 2868 1786 [[Hydromancer Reef|Hydromancer Reef]]
rect 2894 1738 3034 1824 [[Starfall Stronghold|Starfall Stronghold]]
rect 2788 1886 2890 1932 [[MimicWood|MimicWood]]
rect 2566 1894 2688 1976 [[Charybdis Sea|Charybdis Sea]]
rect 2662 1986 2762 2074 [[Forgotten Puppet's Theater|Forgotten Puppet's Theater]]
rect 2080 1982 2186 2036 [[Shapeshifter Wood|Shapeshifter Wood]]
rect 1932 2084 2080 2136 [[Raccoon Mountains|Raccoon Mountains]]
rect 2188 2258 2324 2300 [[Troll Mountains|Troll Mountains]]
rect 2236 2304 2366 2384 [[The Hall of the Mountain King|The Hall of the Mountain King]]
rect 1868 2272 1972 2366 [[World Shaper Spire|World Shaper Spire]]
rect 2062 2366 2174 2468 [[Redhorn Wood|Redhorn Wood]]
rect 1648 2640 1794 2754 [[The Tower at the End of the World|The Tower at the End of the World]]
circle 1574 2558 38 [[The Hole|The Hole]]
rect 1198 2266 1336 2368 [[Fetid Fire Canyons|Fetid Fire Canyons]]
poly 1692 2537 1670 2595 1721 2616 1900 2576 1864 2518 [[The Ice Abyss|The Ice Abyss]]
poly 1451 2144 1429 2179 1612 2236 1631 2199 [[Elder Moors|Elder Moors]]
rect 1610 2246 1722 2322 [[Gorgon City|Gorgon City]]
rect 1634 2330 1738 2392 [[Brigand's Pass|Brigand's Pass]]
rect 1238 2116 1358 2228 [[The Dark Sentinel|The Dark Sentinel]]
rect 862 1708 1024 1778 [[The Brine|The Brine]]
rect 470 1820 590 1910 [[The Spike|The Spike]]
rect 530 1916 644 1958 [[The Waste|The Waste]]
rect 538 1978 674 2022 [[Bubonic Beaches|Bubonic Beaches]]
rect 680 1906 762 2034 [[Dread Tower|Dread Tower]]
rect 746 2068 840 2120 [[Nasty Town|Nasty Town]]
rect 870 2074 948 2118 [[The Slime Pits|The Slime Pits]]
rect 720 2174 820 2266 [[The Witch's Finger|The Witch's Finger]]
poly 854 2127 842 2141 1163 2315 1176 2276 881 2124 871 2123 [[The Nightmare Dominion|The Nightmare Dominion]]
rect 170 1392 288 1478 [[Red Navy Port|Red Navy Port]]
rect 218 1608 382 1746 [[Brimstone Havens|Brimstone Havens]]
rect 2216 1814 2330 1889 [[Spirit Villa|Spirit Villa]]
rect 2394 1806 2518 1850 [[Bamboo Forests|Bamboo Forests]]
#<!-- Created by Online Image Map Editor (http://www.maschek.hu/imagemap/index) -->

Revision as of 16:57, 23 October 2024

Mt KiramaThe Great Blue WaterThe Court of Chaos MagicPurple Wizard PavilionDonut AtollMerlin's TowerThe SaltThe Corperation HQAldo's IsleThe Alchemist's ArchipelegoCumberlandThe WindfieldsBrown Hat DeltaThe WatermillDuckwoodBuffkin PlainsDrok's HollowHonor MountainDuck Alliance HeadquartersThe HighlandsPenguin CapitalHot SpringsThe FjordsThe ExpanseIce Mage BayThe FeyCrystal CavesSkeleton MinesWhite Wizard TowerThe AtelierRabbit LakeThe Emerald ForestElysian GatesAvalonElysian FieldsPeryton WoodCuckoo Land and the Psychic LeapThe Infinity VeilBlue Wizard BastionThe FeyCabinet of CuriositiesThe Carnival PassHedge Wizard WoodFrog Master MarshHue Master's PassThe ToadstoolsVampyre MistVampyre CastleThe ThornValley of the GnossticsThe Sacred PillarsThe Weird HouseThe Secret TowerBear CaveGate to the Seventh RealmDream Master LakeStarbridgeSkylord RookeryBlacksandFur Gnome WoldKobold's CrossroadOmega OxbowRed Wizard CapitalCalista's CitadelAlessar's KeepKelpie's BayAsmodeus's SurfThe WildChronomancer's RivieraChronomancer's CitadelYellow Wizard HavenAtlanta's PoolGreen Wizard CityEast VeildMandrake ValeBanana GrovesBugbear BooniesSummoner's CoveThe BaobabsThe VeldWest VeldHall of CatsWolf DungeonKaiju BayLake of LanternsThe Cock's Comb RidgeThe SandMuscle MountainGreat Owl ObeliskZaros OasisPeyote Button RunesAscension Key CavesManticore ValleyMount TitanSalt FlatsGoblin TownBattleMage MountainsThe Cave of the Platonic ShadowValley of the Void DiscipleThe Quantum ShadowSolomon's TombMount UmbraAsphodel MeadowsEternal Echo CavernBlack MountainsGhoulish BoglandsBloodfallsTorment ManorEgg IslandGoat GrasslandsLenora's LighthouseForest of the ImpsThe Unicorn GardensChroma Crystal RowCactus PatchHatcyon SanctumObsidian CityRaptor CayeFort TurtleHydromancer ReefStarfall StrongholdMimicWoodCharybdis SeaForgotten Puppet's TheaterShapeshifter WoodRaccoon MountainsTroll MountainsThe Hall of the Mountain KingWorld Shaper SpireRedhorn WoodThe Tower at the End of the WorldThe HoleFetid Fire CanyonsThe Ice AbyssElder MoorsGorgon CityBrigand's PassThe Dark SentinelThe BrineThe SpikeThe WasteBubonic BeachesDread TowerNasty TownThe Slime PitsThe Witch's FingerThe Nightmare DominionRed Navy PortBrimstone HavensSpirit VillaBamboo Forests