Template:AthenaeumInfobox: Revision history

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Legend: (cur) = difference with latest revision, (prev) = difference with preceding revision, m = minor edit.

23 May 2023

  • curprev 01:0901:09, 23 May 2023Dotta talk contribs 408 bytes +3 No edit summary
  • curprev 01:0501:05, 23 May 2023Dotta talk contribs 405 bytes +405 Created page with "{{#cargo_query: tables=Athenaeum |fields=Athenaeum.idx, Athenaeum.name, CONCAT('https://www.forgottenrunes.com/api/art/treats/', Athenaeum.idx, '.png')=image |where=Athenaeum.idx='{{{1}}}' |limit=1 |format=template |template=AthenaeumInfoboxItem |named args=yes |more results text= }}<noinclude> Here's an example: <pre> {{AthenaeumInfobox|0}} </pre> Renders into: {{AthenaeumInfobox|0}} </noinclude>"